Author Topic: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.  (Read 11915 times)

Radical Plato

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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #150 on: January 15, 2014, 02:28:43 PM »
I just realized how telling this answer is. I asked if you hate cops, guns, and dogs, how would you suggest you protect yourself from criminals...

And you answered revolution and speaking out against cops. Lol.

So all cops are bad and we need protection from them by civil disobedience... and ignore real criminals. Maybe if your like a lizard and close your eyes they won't see you either.

Fucking. Priceless.
You live in fantasy land.  The cops DO IGNORE REAL criminals.  They are busy arresting drug users, fathers who don't pay child support, people driving 5 miles over the speed limit etc.  Organised crime and the Police work together.  If you think the Police actually do anything to prevent crime or actually serve a function in society other than to protect the rich and the elites and maintain the obscene inequality you are more deluded than even I imagined.  The average citizen is more likely to be killed by a cop than a criminal, more likely to experience harassment by a cop than a criminal, more likely to have their life negatively impacted by a cop than a criminal.  COPS are criminals, highly organised ones.  COPS are the REAL criminals.

Thick Nick

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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #151 on: January 15, 2014, 02:32:41 PM »
You live in fantasy land.  The cops DO IGNORE REAL criminals.  They are busy arresting drug users, fathers who don't pay child support, people driving 5 miles over the speed limit etc.  Organised crime and the Police work together.  If you think the Police actually do anything to prevent crime or actually serve a function in society other than to protect the rich and the elites and maintain the obscene inequality you are more deluded than even I imagined.  The average citizen is more likely to be killed by a cop than a criminal, more likely to experience harassment by a cop than a criminal, more likely to have their life negatively impacted by a cop than a criminal.  COPS are criminals, highly organised ones.  COPS are the REAL criminals.

I can no longer, in the name of sanity, respond to you. I officially feel bad for you going through life like this. I hope you never encounter a real criminal and it shatters your little fantasy world. Good luck out there against the cops.


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #152 on: January 15, 2014, 02:36:00 PM »
I find it intersting that GB's resident cop haters haven't mentioned once Thomas' violent past, which, fortunately the jurors got to hear at the trial.

Included in the sworn testimony was an incident wherein Thomas struck his grandfather over the head with a fireplace poker, nearly choked his mother to death, and continually harassed a women working at a fruit stand over the course of three years. It's no suprise that the jury wasn't out very long.

Had this mentally ill psychopath been allowed to walk away from the police and then attacked one of your elderly or female relatives you likely would have had a different take on this whole unfortunate situation.

Laughable officer, just laughable.

So if I was driving while drunk 2 years ago, some random porker can just walk up to me today and arrest me for DUI?



Radical Plato

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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #153 on: January 15, 2014, 02:39:25 PM »
Lol. Silver spoon? My dad was shot 3 times when I was a kid and we lost everything. He also did time for organized crime. I moved away from the city to avoid the same life he gave me and my sister, so I could give a better one to my kids. Please silver spoon.

I will blame his fucking family. Fuck them for sticking their hand out now. The cops lost their jobs for not protecting the guy. They protected themselves first... And paid for it with their jobs and their reputations.

That makes his family no less pathetic and disgusting.
Now everything is becoming clearer, YOU HATE YOUR FATHER and resent his criminal history so you overcompensated and become a self righteous do-gooder who hates even the remotest hint of criminality and wants to punish them severely for even the smallest of infractions.  You now hate your own existence because you had a shitty upbringing and resent that you didn't get a leg up in life and how difficult it was to overcome such shitty beginnings.  So because you found a way to overcome a dysfunctional childhood you believe everyone else should also.  OK Got it.


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #154 on: January 15, 2014, 02:42:49 PM »
Laughable officer, just laughable.

So if I was driving while drunk 2 years ago, some random porker can just walk up to me today and arrest me for DUI?
Probably one of those Einsteins that favour 'Zero Tolerance' initiatives.

Radical Plato

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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #155 on: January 15, 2014, 02:43:16 PM »
I can no longer, in the name of sanity, respond to you. I officially feel bad for you going through life like this. I hope you never encounter a real criminal and it shatters your little fantasy world. Good luck out there against the cops.
I spent my teen years around hard core organised criminals, some of the nicest people I ever met, I have been burgled three times, once had three home invaders and once had a biker try to kill me.  Police on the other hand have made my life miserable on far more occasions.  They are the REAL criminals.


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #156 on: January 15, 2014, 02:51:58 PM »
I spent my teen years around hard core organised criminals, some of the nicest people I ever met, I have been burgled three times, once had three home invaders and once had a biker try to kill me.  Police on the other hand have made my life miserable on far more occasions.  They are the REAL criminals.


Radical Plato

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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #157 on: January 15, 2014, 03:03:58 PM »
I was simply responding to Thick Nicks assumption that I had never been the victim of crime or criminals and that if I had I would think differently.  Thick Nicks entire posts are littered with ridiculous assumptions.  he assumed the victim was breaking the LAW when there was no proof, he assume the victim was on drugs when there was autopsy evidence that showed the victim had no DRUGS or alcohol in his system,.  He assumed the victim was a drug addict when again there was NO evidence, in fact the victim had NEVER failed a drug test in his life, he assumed the victims family didn't try and help their son when they clearly had, the victim was always welcome at home but his father said whenever his son went of the meds he took to the streets and no amount of convincing could bring him back.  Thick Nick is typical of a lot of people unfortunately who IGNORE evidence and simply make stuff up to suit their sick BIASES.  Such people cannot be swayed by reason or evidence, such things only annoy and aggravate them.


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #158 on: January 15, 2014, 03:50:42 PM »
Disgusting verdict.

a heartbreakingly sad story when it first broke. now made even worse since this ridiculous verdict. very sad. 

that jury needs to be took out and publicly flogged.. cunts


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #159 on: January 15, 2014, 04:28:42 PM »
Had this guy killed his grandfather, mother, or anyone else, everyone would be saying "There's never a cop when u need one."

I didn't know much about this case until this thread popped up but the more I read, it becomes clear that Thomas was a deranged, mentally ill individual who should have been institutionalized. I'm not saying it was his fault, because he was ill, but he ruined a lot of lives.

there is never a cop when you need one... never... Cops dont wake up in the morning hoping to save or improve someone else life... they have orders and quotas. Shit makes me sick.

There is no reason two cops couldnt subdue the guy, they beat the man to death... beat him to death. Do you know how crazy that is? to actually beat somebody to death?

most cops are illiterate sons of bitches the vast majority of them ( the foot soldiers), not one scientific, analytical mind that would contribute anything to society or mankind or else, they'd be doing something else. If that was your son being beaten to death because he was mentally ill you'd be singing a different tune. Dont be an ass, there is absolutely no justification on that video for beating the man to death.

Fuck every cop, their families and their loved ones.. I wish all of them the worst that life has to offer  >:(


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #160 on: January 15, 2014, 04:41:07 PM »
Law Enforcement Agencies all across the US are becoming increasingly militarized, where even small precincts have SWAT teams. In order to continually receive funding (from Federal and State) there must be proof of actual criminal activity. This is where the quotas come in.  Police Officers have now largely become "Revenue Collection Agents." There are THOUSANDS of on-the-book laws that someone can be arrested and imprisoned for.  "Don't break the law," is a common term used for defenders of police officers, but every American has broken multiple laws that if they had been caught, would have at least been arrested for.

Law Enforcement Academies are instilling within their recruits the ideology of "whatever it takes to get home alive." In fact, exigent circumstances and the phrase "I was in fear of my life" are thrown around so much because they so easily flout existing laws and operating procedures.....all this, while SWAT teams conduct no-knock raids of 10$ buy-in poker games and elderly marijuana growers in the dead of night. 

The Founding Fathers were so concerned about the military acting as a police force that they instilled the Third Amendment (due to the British quartering themselves colonists's homes). However, I am sure they never envisioned our current police force becoming the military.


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #161 on: January 15, 2014, 04:54:32 PM »
Laughable officer, just laughable.

So if I was driving while drunk 2 years ago, some random porker can just walk up to me today and arrest me for DUI?


i know one cop and at some party he got drunk and talked openly about things.

he said by the time they stop your car they have checked background, and if they see there was ever something, convicted or walked fee(they dont see that,they just see there was a case),they at highest alert.

i asked him are you mad.he said no,its either you or him.
i asked is there a rule when you can shoot?he said thats always up to the cop personal decision.

but yeah agree, restraining doesnt mean beating one to death.

but now with these backgrounds on grandfather story, seems like he was much like shitzo81, a backstabber bitch ,playing the innocent,while having bad intent.


Radical Plato

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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #162 on: January 15, 2014, 07:25:08 PM »
One of the officers who murdered Kelly had a history of police brutality and falsifying charges.  Scumbag should have been thrown of the force years ago.



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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #163 on: January 16, 2014, 05:46:33 AM »


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #164 on: January 17, 2014, 04:41:32 AM »
Maybe this is the eqivelent to killing a squirrel and pinning it to a tree for the other squirrels to learn a lesson.

Radical Plato

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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #165 on: January 17, 2014, 04:52:43 AM »
Maybe this is the eqivelent to killing a squirrel and pinning it to a tree for the other squirrels to learn a lesson.
I always think that when a policemen gets fatally wounded.  Let that be a lesson to any sadistic do-gooders wanting to join the police force.


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #166 on: January 17, 2014, 04:59:55 AM »
I always think that when a policemen gets fatally wounded.  Let that be a lesson to any sadistic do-gooders wanting to join the police force.

nice unbiased point of view thats hard to argue with

everyone hates the police

but none of you bitches would last ten minutes in the job

that being said the beating of that guy was undefendable they should be prosecuted


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #167 on: January 17, 2014, 05:01:33 AM »
Maybe this is the eqivelent to killing a squirrel and pinning it to a tree for the other squirrels to learn a lesson.

Maybe you are a maggot and god will stomp you and your progeny into hell.   


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #168 on: January 17, 2014, 05:04:02 AM »
Maybe you are a maggot and god will stomp you and your progeny into hell.   

Wasnt siding with either side just throwing out an observation.

No such thing as god or hell. Ask Adonis.


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #169 on: January 17, 2014, 05:35:01 AM »
Wasnt siding with either side just throwing out an observation.

No such thing as god or hell. Ask Adonis.

Adonis?  Who gives a fuck what that twat thinks?


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #170 on: January 17, 2014, 06:10:58 AM »

everyone hates the police

but none of you bitches would last ten minutes in the job

Ha ha are you kidding?  Have you seen the cops nowadays?  Little petite women and short fat men.

Most getbiggers would be able to turn them upside down and empty their change out of their pockets, while they cried for help like weakling children.

Radical Plato

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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #171 on: January 17, 2014, 06:40:46 AM »
nice unbiased point of view thats hard to argue with

everyone hates the police

but none of you bitches would last ten minutes in the job

that being said the beating of that guy was undefendable they should be prosecuted
Why is it people are determined to sell the false idea that Policing is like the most dangerous job going around?  They aren't even in the TOP 10 of dangerous professions. The fact is, the average policeman wouldn't last 5 minutes in a truly dangerous profession like logging, mining or commercial fishing. If your average woman can do the job, then it isn't that hard.


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #172 on: January 17, 2014, 07:43:51 AM »
but none of you bitches would last ten minutes in the job



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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #173 on: January 17, 2014, 07:50:26 AM »
Ha ha are you kidding?  Have you seen the cops nowadays?  Little petite women and short fat men.

Most getbiggers would be able to turn them upside down and empty their change out of their pockets, while they cried for help like weakling children.

This. Very seldom do I see a cop that looks the way they should. If I where a cop I would be in amazing shape. My good friend is a cop and told me the following. He has always believed in one's own ability to defend with reasonable force and that the better condition you are in the less likely you will over react to a threat. In other words, the cops that can master self defense,grappling and other basic combat hand to hand are less likely to go for their batons,tazers and even side arm. So in an effort to encourage his fellow officers he walks around the department with a sign up clip board to get his fellow officers into additional self defense courses,trips to the weight room and an obstacle course that they can use. His general response that he get from his out of shape fellow officers is the usual respond......"why bother,we have our equipment on our belts, and the option to radio for backup and out man the situation". My friend said that if he did not love his job as much as he does he would quite and join the special forces where at least the men are motivated to be the best.....but also required to be or they are kicked out.


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Re: Cops who beat homeless man to death acquitted.
« Reply #174 on: January 17, 2014, 07:51:24 AM »
Ha ha are you kidding?  Have you seen the cops nowadays?  Little petite women and short fat men.

Most getbiggers would be able to turn them upside down and empty their change out of their pockets, while they cried for help like weakling children.
it dont matter they are amred to the teeth.

hows that saying.

the dogs will bark, the regiment parade will march on