You're right, (almost) nobody cares, so I believe in some gov intervention. Again, I hate to say this as a liberal, but I refuse to look away from this growing problem.
Last week someone came with an interesting thought:
well, but what youre talking about is limiting immigration,i think this is the main issue.
the problem, the govt will never ever intervene unless they must be afraid of being not re elected.
as long they can get away with the imigration policy for both and all political spetrums profit, they will do it.
but if we think about how many ppl live in tokio or those huge chinese cities, or mexico city, we dont give a shit, it doesnt affect us directly.
it affects indirectly, when such plces econimy fails,our elite takes advantage of that and inports cheap labour force.
its a wroldwide issue, ppl following the money.
add cheap transport and open borders to that and boom, the european cities look,well, as they do currently.
there is never easy black and white solution in politics