Author Topic: Who the fuck are people always talking to?  (Read 8269 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #75 on: February 27, 2014, 04:06:01 PM »
The look of shame is priceless.  Almost at a 1/2 pout.

Can't lie... this comment is hilarious.


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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #76 on: February 27, 2014, 04:43:36 PM »
yawn. another year 2000 pic from groink.

here is a more recent one:

I always look forward to reading Groink's posts. He's an elder stateman so I always tune in to what the older fellas on Getbig have to post. I have no axe to grind but how in the hell does this guy's mug shot get posted on this website?? What was the accusation of said crime for this mugshot?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #77 on: February 27, 2014, 07:09:52 PM »
When raising very small children, women need to talk a lot to explain the basics of life to the kids. Unfortunately, women bring this trait into adult life by spewing out infantile drivel the whole day long.

Men who talk a lot on the phone are just needy and mentally weak.



  • Getbig IV
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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #78 on: February 27, 2014, 09:45:25 PM »
Why must all great thread digress down the path of bullshit by phantom posters and selfie pics???

Some points:

I train with a 50 year old guy. Been married 27 years. He just got an iPhone 5s, first smart phone he's owned. I asked him today near the end of our workout if he felt it was "hardcore" of him to be texting while training?  He laughed, admitted his fault and pocketed the device. It then led to the real questions. How could a man and woman possibly live alongside one another this many years without the need for constant interaction and accountability that a cell phone brings with it?  He said, plainly, "well, we made plans and stuck to them. We went to work and didnt see each other until we got home. It was simple".  I then downloaded on him the nightmare that a cellphone and texting can bring to your typical relationship.  Especially one in its early days.

I know of one kid spending $90/mo on probation fees and $1300 on a class for anger management (yes in California) after he was arrested for slamming his girl friends phone on the ground and being arrested thereafter.  He'd read some lurid texts from some other shit for brains and spent the night in jail, then was arrested once more when he showed to court with her to face the charges, overlooking the court order to remain separate from his by then, reconnected girlfriend.  Your average teen or young adult does not have the skills within to manage life with these things.

I've had an iPhone for almost 2 years now and am about over it. The constant buzzing and vibrating is maddening. Yes, i know its all in the settings and I've changed some, but I'm still over it. The temptation to check emails when theres nothing I can do about the complications within them robs my days from simply relaxing.  Its become a glorified mp3 player in the gym really.

Talking on the phone is expected when I see women buried with their face in a text or gabbing away. They need that kind of thing to feel secure and enabled.  When I see men doing it, i see them, as other posters have said, as week and simple. I usually wont answer my phone in public unless i can sit down somewhere or lean up against a wall and only then, in absolute emergencies.  I work in a place where men frequent and its all too often, low and behold, they get a call from you know who, just checking up on them and their whereabouts.  Im forced to think, how many more times a day they must get the same call?

I have one friend who is very intellectual and travels a lot. Been all over the world and makes money doing it.  Refuses to get a cell phone and says he likely never will.  Yes, he's employed most the year and makes plenty of money to live on and saves some.  Life, can be lived without the cell.


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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #79 on: February 27, 2014, 10:08:18 PM »
Neither do I .....being you dont have a better build than I do.  :)

You can talk all the disrespectful shit you want...I have seen your pics onstage..and I have seen your recent pics.

You are nothing special....the way you would think YOU are mr Arizona....LOL

then if your "Build" lol is better , prove it, step on stage against me and the other competitors in july. you got 16 weeks to diet plenty of time. ill be in the heavyweight class, right where you would be as well. so put up or shut up

i suspect youll do the latter


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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #80 on: February 27, 2014, 10:08:41 PM »
then if your "Build" lol is better , prove it, step on stage against me and the other competitors in july. you got 16 weeks to diet plenty of time. ill be in the heavyweight class, right where you would be as well. so put up or shut up

i suspect youll do the latter
Give him your drug connection if you want him to be on a level playing field.


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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #81 on: February 27, 2014, 10:10:53 PM »
Give him your drug connection if you want him to be on a level playing field.

groink already knows how and where to get the drugs.

both recreational and anabolics


Roger Bacon

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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #83 on: February 27, 2014, 10:15:37 PM »
Give him your drug connection if you want him to be on a level playing field.

what are you talking about, gronk is natural ,  he doesnt need drugs nor a connection to them

he said so a himself a million times



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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #84 on: February 27, 2014, 10:17:58 PM »
what are you talking about, gronk is natural ,  he doesnt need drugs nor a connection to them

he said so a himself a million times

Then he can forget heavyweight or any other category that implies some level of appreciable muscular development


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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #85 on: February 27, 2014, 10:21:00 PM »
I always look forward to reading Groink's posts. He's an elder stateman so I always tune in to what the older fellas on Getbig have to post. I have no axe to grind but how in the hell does this guy's mug shot get posted on this website?? What was the accusation of said crime for this mugshot?

I believe he was caught in the same car as someone with drugs. Though do not quote me on this. I do know drugs were involved.


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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #86 on: February 27, 2014, 10:43:44 PM »
I avoid talking on the phone at all costs.

and if I do have to talk on the phone, I move far away from people so nobody can hear what I'm saying.

spending years in prison, having every single word you said on the phone recorded and listened to makes you a lil nervous with phones.

i'll usually text on a phone that's in no way connected to me or my name.... esp biz. never on a phone that has personal emails or fb or anything and soon as somebody says my name in a text, that phone is smashed, in a metal coffeecan, surrounded with magnets, soaking in acid, in a trash can in an apartment complex across town . lol.


  • Time Out
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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #87 on: February 27, 2014, 10:44:28 PM »
I avoid talking on the phone at all costs.

and if I do have to talk on the phone, I move far away from people so nobody can hear what I'm saying.

spending years in prison, having every single word you said on the phone recorded and listened to makes you a lil nervous with phones.

i'll usually text on a phone that's in no way connected to me or my name.... esp biz. never on a phone that has personal emails or fb or anything and soon as somebody says my name in a text, that phone is smashed, in a metal coffeecan, surrounded with magnets, soaking in acid, in a trash can in an apartment complex across town . lol.

Palpatine Q

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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #88 on: March 01, 2014, 09:02:49 AM »
then if your "Build" lol is better , prove it, step on stage against me and the other competitors in july. you got 16 weeks to diet plenty of time. ill be in the heavyweight class, right where you would be as well. so put up or shut up

i suspect youll do the latter

And what's your. Cycle going ?

No. Bullshit..serious question.  I am 5'11" 235 at around 8-9% .....and I'm on prohormones for the last 4 months.  I havent taken tren in 6 months.

Put me on a. Big boy cycle...then we'll talk.

Yes...I already know your genetics "suck" and I wouldnt blow up on a heavy cycles...because you don't like me the steroids wouldnt work....LOL

Funny how every competitor here gives me decent respect..except for act like your fkng Dorian Yates...ha ha


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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #89 on: March 01, 2014, 09:51:54 AM »
It's a sign of rampant insecurity and a genuine growing feeling of being disconnected with life and society in general. People are insecure and use "business on the phone" to project an aura of coolness. And being disconnected with society is a problem that compounds; the more disconnected you feel, the more you retract inwards to feel some connection to anything.

People have forgotten how to talk to people, so they chat on the phone at best, or at worst, text or email.

People are fearful of looking "uncool" out in public; how could they be so uncool as to not have someone who needs to talk to them immediately on a device. Therefore, people make busy work with the phones, in the hopes that all around them are impressed with their seemingly important goings-on on their phones.

Connecting with a phone prevents people from having to connect with random people on the street; that can be scary, and awkward, and different. You'll find most people just putt about on their phone to look too busy in a strange and unfamiliar setting with lots of people about...after all, god forbid the person next to them talk to them. They also wouldn't know how to approach the person next to them even if they wanted to; better to look busy than awkward.

I actually hate my phone. I have to have it for work. I use it as sparingly as possible.

If I sit next to you on a plane, I will actually smile at you. I will ask you how you're doing, followed by one or two conversation starter questions. If you don't want to talk, I'll get the hint by question number two and will shut up for the flight...I can look busy on my phone as well as you can. But you'd be surprised though, how many of these phone addicts are starved for real human attention. They'll gladly tell me their life story on a plane to help me pass a trip to Seattle. And when we get off, I'll say good-bye. And not 30 seconds later, they're back on their phones because no one new came along to talk to them.

It's so funny - rather than admit our vulnerabilities and desires to connect with people, we shy away like little teenagers who pretend like they're too cool for it all anyways. And these are adults I'm speaking about.

I can't figure out of society is alienating people as it spins out of control on this current course, or if people really want to be alienated out of some morbid desire for unhappiness and as a result, have created a society around them that enables this desire.

I do know this is not how we're supposed to live. This disconnection with people creates a pathological sense of apathy around the frailty of life and the precious gift of human connectivity...real, genuine, face-to-face connectivity. The kind that builds lasting friendships.

We're all in a lot of trouble if we don't start talking WITH each other, instead of AT each other. We need to INTERACT...not just post our shit on facebook so other people can post their shit.

This forum is just another tool used to undermine real connectivity. And I'm as guilty as the next guy, because I spend time on here doing what I preach against.

Physician, heal thyself!
yet here you are typing away, talking to strangers on the internets  :P


  • Getbig V
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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #90 on: March 01, 2014, 10:13:10 AM »
Almost anywhere I go people are always talking on their cell phones.  They'll be in grocery stores, at the mall, just walking their dog, whatever and always on their phone.  I look at situations like these as an opportunity to get away from the chatter but it seems that people just always have the need to talk to someone else.

Most folks aren't actually talking to anyone, they just want you to think that they are.

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #91 on: March 01, 2014, 10:54:38 AM »
Most folks aren't actually talking to anyone, they just want you to think that they are.

True. I used to see this homeless guy every morning on my way to work. He'd just be talking out loud to himself. Obvious crazy man. But today people would think he's normal just talking on his Bluetooth.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #92 on: March 01, 2014, 02:13:15 PM »
yet here you are typing away, talking to strangers on the internets  :P

Agreed. That's why I pointed out the incongruence in my post, as it relates to my opinion versus my behavior. Those of you familiar with signaling theory are laughing at me. But you're right to call it out. Why am I powerless to resist getbig? Why is this motley crew of unknown people so addictive?


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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #93 on: March 01, 2014, 02:19:42 PM »
I only talk on the cell while I'm driving.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #94 on: March 01, 2014, 05:32:39 PM »
I only talk on the cell while I'm driving.

That'll get you a ticket with a hefty fine in Oregon.

tom joad

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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #95 on: March 02, 2014, 05:04:16 AM »
I always look forward to reading Groink's posts. He's an elder stateman so I always tune in to what the older fellas on Getbig have to post. I have no axe to grind but how in the hell does this guy's mug shot get posted on this website?? What was the accusation of said crime for this mugshot?

that's gotta suck ... when say a family member or acquaintances (socially or work related) google your name and the image that pops up is a brutal mugshot.


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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #96 on: March 02, 2014, 05:30:32 AM »
That'll get you a ticket with a hefty fine in Oregon.

Police can talk on their CBs during high speed pursuits.  ???


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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #97 on: March 02, 2014, 05:38:11 AM »
that's gotta suck ... when say a family member or acquaintances (socially or work related) google your name and the image that pops up is a brutal mugshot.
lol that's another fucked thing about the US.

mugshots publicised openly on the web. are people really for this?

tom joad

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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #98 on: March 02, 2014, 02:24:26 PM »
lol that's another fucked thing about the US.

mugshots publicised openly on the web. are people really for this?

maybe it acts as a bit of a deterrent against fucking up legally?
how much shame would you feel if your kid was surfing the net and he/she googled his/her parents' names and a scary mugshot popped up?  that could scar a kid.
... not to mention the damage that could do to your professional life (career.)

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Re: Who the fuck are people always talking to?
« Reply #99 on: March 02, 2014, 02:38:50 PM »
They are talking to whores, getting lined up.