Author Topic: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada  (Read 32577 times)

tom joad

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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2006, 01:54:17 PM »
I just voted also, conservative........time for a change, I think.

fair enough.  any Canadian who is committed to Canada is alright in my book.

Jr. Yates

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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2006, 01:55:02 PM »
i don't know if im gonna vote yet...still debating.


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2006, 02:29:24 PM »
I don't agree with change for the sake of change.

In theory, you're right about minority governments in Canada.  But this time, which other party is going to prop up a Conservative minority?  The Liberals, NDP and BQ all strongly oppose the Conservatives on most major issues.  Other than a few initiatives to "clean up government,"  there will be little common ground between the governing Tories and the opposition parties . . . unless the Conservatives completely sell out to the Bloc Quebecois.   

I agree with you 100% Tom. The Liberals did get alot done with 12 years in office, and Martin's skill as finance minister put us at the top of the G7/G8 nations. They accomplished alot, balanced the budget and brought in record unprecedented surplusses. The challenge was their accomplishments weren't seen or felt by the common man on the street. Martin's minority government also did alot, and Jack Layton's 11th hr deal with Martin during the first non-confidence vote in Parliament made me proud to be a Canadian. I always thought of Layton as a blowhard opportunist, but I had so much respect and admiration for him that day... and Belinda Stronach's move I thought was just fabulous! But if Jack Layton thought Martin's social spending didn't go far enough, could he possibly think Harper is gonna do any better? When Layton got together with Harper & DuCeppe, I thought he made a deal with the devil that Canadians are going to be suffering for, for years to come. It was political grand standing and opportunism at it's worst.

If Harper wins a minority, he will have no choice but to partner up with DuCeppe and Lord help us then. If Harper wins a majority, he won't need any opposition members in Parliament, ...and Lord help us even more.

I can see why Gilles DuCeppe would want an election. With Quebecois seething over Gomery disclosures, he has nothing to lose and everything to gain... and all of them red Liberal seats. Federalists in Quebec have no where to turn but to Harper, ...either way Martin's Liberals lose, and we are another step closer to separation. I remember when Martin screwed Chretien at his famous crossing the Rubicon press conference speech. Looks like Chretien got the last laugh on Martin, and some of Chretien's long time members who could have won seats for the Liberals have since been ousted or squeezed out. Jean Augustine could have easily taken Etobicoke. With all the controversy I don't think Ignatieff is gonna do it. I wonder how Belinda Stronach is doing right now?  I do think Carolyn Parrish will keep her seat in Mississauga.  The only thing that'll save us now, is if everyone that was pissed off about having to go to the polls again votes for the one guy who didn't want this election. I doubt that's gonna happen though 'cause people have such short memories. Do you know that Jack Layton actually said in one of his stump speeches "I don't even know why Mr. Martin called this election anyway? "  ???  ::) The only good thing I have to say about Harper is... he ran a damned good campaign this time around, ...and bringing out the big guns with Bill Davis ...frikkin genius! Oh well, ...I'm off to vote.


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2006, 02:59:16 PM »
Typical Canadians, who can be boring, don't live in NYC for 15 years as I have.

I think some of you should visit Montreal & Toronto before you make any more silly comments.

There aren't many cities in the US as modern as either of those two, and the girls in Montreal can't be beat.

As far as going for life-saving surgery, you're only reading American based stories, which obviously involve bringing someone to an American hospital! Be more international and read foreign publications and you'll see the names of foreign hospitals, genius.

You have no clue-Microsoft recruits heavily in Canada. IMAX and Pam Anderson are Canadian..

Pam Anderson, miss tailer park trash, cocksucking, plastic tits whore. That tells you about Canada right there.
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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #54 on: January 23, 2006, 03:02:58 PM »
Tons of people come here to for life threatening surguries.  We have one of the best Children's Hospitals in Toronto.  Don't be so ignorant, I'm excepting the good points about the U.S.  You sound like you just ahve  a big mouth.

Pump, in America we have a 100% capitalistic economy. This includes healthcare. Healthcare makes a profit here. Doctors and nurses and related healthcare workers make a lot more money in the USA than in Canada. Hospitals have way more money to pump into technology, equipment, and manpower. Doctors and nurses leave Canada by the boatload to come to the states to MAKE REAL MONEY. You don't have a clue.
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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2006, 03:04:43 PM »
One last thing for the Americans:
How do you explain the obsenity of the numerous 3rd-world SLUMS in the US, especially in the northeast-Detroit, Compton, Newark, Baltimore, Philly, Los Angeles, etc.? Drive from modern Toronto over to Detroit if you really want to be depressed!

This doesn't even exist in Canada-Canadian "slums" are laughably clean-cut in comparison, hardly anything, because people have too much pride to ever let that happen.

The American slums are absurd-New Orleans is actually a blessing, now all those horrible 3rd world houses will be replaced with civilized housing that should've been done years ago.

Fuck your clueless. Lots of people in Canada still have no electricity and use outhouses.
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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2006, 03:04:56 PM »
Too bad your country is being over run by undesirables. People of European descent will soon be a minority. Your government is a joke. You have no history as a nation. Your flag dates from 1968 and means nothing. Your country has no foreign policy. Someday soon Canada will dissolve and just be assimilated in the USA.

The only thing I like about Canada are the pale white women who can't tan because it too damn cold!   >:(

French Canadian women..........nice.

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #57 on: January 23, 2006, 03:07:47 PM »
Unless somebody is severely mentally ill and thus cannot act in his or her own best interests, there is no reason for anybody to be living on the streets in Canada.  Food banks, free shelter etc. exist for those who are struggling with the basic necessities of life.

Its the same here in the states.
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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #58 on: January 23, 2006, 03:13:05 PM »
Look out the window-it's the US that has been mongrelized by any number of foreign illiterates!

Do your homework and you'll find that the immigrants entering Canada for the most part have something to offer, rather than coming in and immediately weighing down social welfare as seen in the US. There aren't the same racial problems because the work ethic is similar between foreign nationals and Canadian citizens.

Oh bullshit. Canada has so few people that every year 10% of Canada's population is allowed to immigrate. So you have 30 million people now. Thats 3 million third world people who will never be assimilated in the population as a whole enter Canada each year. These people start their own enclaves. The USA has 300 million people, has a higher birthrate. We will not be over run with muslim's and the likes. Your "friendly, mellow" country is just another word for having sackless leaders who are selling you out.
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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2006, 03:27:35 PM »
montreal must be a wonderful place to live


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #60 on: January 23, 2006, 08:36:16 PM »
the liberals were leading until the RCMP leaked that Gooddale would be investigated.  America is the greatest country in the world to live if you are rich.....  if you are poor you are SOL......  you are worth more locked up in a prison then on the street, because at least the state can use you for cheap labour instead of giving you food stamps and welfare.


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #61 on: January 23, 2006, 08:48:52 PM »
The only thing I like about Canada are the pale white women who can't tan because it too damn cold!
You'd be in heaven thanx to reverse discrimination. Plenty of white women with men of color there, as in Europe. You're ignorant on the weather, like most Americans. Weather's not much different than being in Chicago; most of the population there lives within 100 miles of the border. Actually i'd say the genetics & skin are generally superior in Canada, because there's not the mongrelism seen in the US.

Pam Anderson, miss tailer park trash, cocksucking, plastic tits whore. That tells you about Canada right there.
You idiot-she gained all those "traits" after living in wholesome LA.

Hate to rub it in but, as shown on 60 Minutes, the US will soon be relying on Canadian Tar Sand oil.. :-*


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #62 on: January 23, 2006, 08:58:20 PM »
The Liberals did get alot done with 12 years in office, and Martin's skill as finance minister put us at the top of the G7/G8 nations.

Calm down, you're showing clear Liberal bias in wanting the same party to remain in power indefinitely. In that long-winded dissertation that no one read, you neglected to mention that the Liberals have basically been in power more or less for decades already. That is not a healthy scenario for any country.

Canada's stable, fairly boring politically except for the separatist lobby. A change of pace will be good for the country, given a minority government that will provide for balance and prevent extremist conservatist tendencies. Minority governments are often more productive and are relatively short-lived 1-2 years.

Too bad about Martin leaving though. Now the party can begin healing the divides and be in a better position for the next election.


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #63 on: January 23, 2006, 09:33:45 PM »

   Ahahahhahha, oh god.  Like the U.S has a better health care system than Canada.  NOT LIKELY.  My wife is a RN "nurse" hear in Canada and we know quit a bit about the American health care system.  It's actually really scary what goes on down there.   ::)


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #64 on: January 23, 2006, 10:24:09 PM »
the liberals were leading until the RCMP leaked that Gooddale would be investigated.  America is the greatest country in the world to live if you are rich.....  if you are poor you are SOL......  you are worth more locked up in a prison then on the street, because at least the state can use you for cheap labour instead of giving you food stamps and welfare.

And the only reason Goodale was being investigated, was because the Tory opposition requested it. The RCMP publicly stated they had no reason to suspect him of any malfeasance, and they didn't even have any evidence of such, however, when, a request is made for an investigation, they are required to comply. It was a very successful smear attempt which was the straw that broke the back of much Liberal voter support.

I can't believe Michael Ignatieff pulled it off. Who'd have thought? And Belinda Stronach was able to hang onto her seat, despite having crossed the floor, and despite the Conservatives attempting to smear her as well. They went after her first and she adamantly went on the air to vehemently deny any truth to the allegations and to emphatically swear she was not under investigation at all. I guess that's when they decided to make sure an RCMP investigation went underway before they smeared the next candidate.

Calm down, you're showing clear Liberal bias in wanting the same party to remain in power indefinitely. In that long-winded dissertation that no one read, you neglected to mention that the Liberals have basically been in power more or less for decades already. That is not a healthy scenario for any country.

Who ever denied I have a clear Liberal bias?  I admit it, ...I do. The only conservatives I have ever had a lick of respect for are Bill Davis, and Belinda Stronach. Now Belinda is a Liberal, ...and quite possibly the next leader of the Liberal party.

Canada's stable, fairly boring politically except for the separatist lobby. A change of pace will be good for the country, given a minority government that will provide for balance and prevent extremist conservatist tendencies. Especially so if the NDP make it to 43 seats. Minority governments are often more productive and are relatively short-lived 1-2 years.

This will be interesting indeed. Harper campaigned as a red Conservative promising to govern from the centre, so thankfully his victory is only a minority. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, ...they were predicting a Harper majority, and that is just an unfathomable thing. The last time the Conservatives had a majority, the next election, they won only 2 out of 308 seats

Too bad about Martin leaving though, he came across well. Now the party can begin healing the divides and be in a better position for the next election.

I agree, but it's for the best. His announcing it tonight is a good thing in that it allows candidates the time to become known because I believe we're going to have an election very, very soon. I predict getting things done will be a nightmare because Harper won't want to give DuCeppe an international platform, and DuCeppe doesn't want him making any inroads with Quebecois. He won't make any inroads in Montrealers cause they're all Liberal. Harper is too far to the right, and his ideology is too far removed from the Liberals or the NDP, and even the BQ on many issues. Furthermore, he has publicly stated he won't work with the BQ because they're not federalists. <shrug>. I predict the minute he goes after daycare, the opposition defeats the government, and the next election begins.

We're still as regional as ever tho. The vote still broke down the same rural voters went conservative, while urban and suburban votes went Liberal, with the NDP picking off Liberal voters. I also predict that Albertans will turn on him as soon as he sells out Alberta oil interests to the US.

So who will be the next Liberal leader, ...the Harvard intellectual, or the Billionaire's daughter?  Based on some of the Liberal acceptance speeches I heard tonight, the campaiging and posturing has already begun.  :D


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #65 on: January 24, 2006, 02:02:45 AM »
Stronach's so obviously an opportunist that I'm not sure that she can enlist sufficient support amongst voters.

The leader who didn't change

Standing among the very few Liberals who bothered to come out to show their support for Paul Martin in his home riding last night, I couldn't help but think back to the last time I was in Montreal witnessing a little slice of political history. It was 10 months ago, and the Conservatives seemed to be falling apart at the seams. As the local media snorted contemptuously at the party's decision to hold its first national convention in a province where it was a non-factor, dissidents patrolled the convention floor's hallways campaigning against Stephen Harper while social conservatives handed out anti-Charter buttons. Deputy leader Peter MacKay was openly picking fights with Harper while his equally ambitious girlfriend, Belinda Stronach, threw a lavish party designed to upstage the rest of the weekend's events.

Through it all, Martin's cadre of advisors were having a good laugh. What they didn't realize was that the Tories had one big advantage: They were capable of learning from their mistakes. And that weekend was their turning point.

It started with pulling back from the brink midway through the convention -- everyone making nice while delegates voted for a moderate package of policies that helped the party shed its extremist tag. But it was what happened to their leader afterward that made the biggest difference.

Accused of running an unprofessional shop, he made wholesale changes to his office -- from firing his communications team to hiring a new chief of staff. Accused of being a poor team player, he learned to delegate. Accused of being too angry, he learned to smile. The ability to embrace change set Harper apart from his Liberal counterpart.

When he solemnly promised last election night to "do better" because Canadians "expect more from us," it was mistakenly assumed that Martin realized his own performance had been lacking. We now know it was just another veiled shot at his predecessor. Even having been reduced to a minority government, the Martinites had no concept that they'd had a middling first few months in office, that shallow rhetoric didn't amount to a coherent vision and that their party was suffering from years of internecine warfare that they'd initiated. In their fantasy-land version of events, Martin had heroically overcome Jean Chretien's sins.

Incredibly, the Martinites had an even more triumphalist reaction a year later, when their foundering government was rescued only by an unsavoury bit of floor-crossing. On the night their government held on by a tied vote in the House of Commons, they should have been contemplating how to turn things around. Instead, they threw themselves a raucous party at which the prime minister's chief of staff danced atop a table with Stronach herself.

And so the Martin Liberals came to this election exactly as they came to the last one -- with a lacklustre policy record and a campaign strategy that revolved entirely around demonizing Harper. When the new and improved Tory leader was unveiled, it became clear that only one party had been treading water.

It will be Martin's inner circle that will shoulder much of the blame for the Liberals' humbling fall from power. But that blame should be directed at the man who accepted their mediocrity.

After years of rallying around their leader, one gets the sense that even most Liberals now know that. Sure, there were the usual senior Martinites here last night going down with the ship. But the scene around him told a different story.

Even in Liberal-rich Montreal, there were more journalists in the room than supporters of the erstwhile PM. There was little sense of coming out to pay tribute to the guy who 90% of Liberals elected to the leadership; just a sense of grim resignation.

It was hard to blame them, considering how they'd been let down. Martin needn't have won, necessarily. But he could have at least done something other than stick with a 2004 strategy frozen in amber.


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #66 on: January 24, 2006, 04:57:27 AM »
You'd be in heaven thanx to reverse discrimination. Plenty of white women with men of color there, as in Europe. You're ignorant on the weather, like most Americans. Weather's not much different than being in Chicago; most of the population there lives within 100 miles of the border. Actually i'd say the genetics & skin are generally superior in Canada, because there's not the mongrelism seen in the US.
You idiot-she gained all those "traits" after living in wholesome LA.

Hate to rub it in but, as shown on 60 Minutes, the US will soon be relying on Canadian Tar Sand oil.. :-*

Yeah, sure she did. Her parents still live in a trailer in Vancouver somewhere. They were on one of those tabloid tv shows the other day.
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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #67 on: January 24, 2006, 04:59:19 AM »
You'd be in heaven thanx to reverse discrimination. Plenty of white women with men of color there, as in Europe. You're ignorant on the weather, like most Americans. Weather's not much different than being in Chicago; most of the population there lives within 100 miles of the border. Actually i'd say the genetics & skin are generally superior in Canada, because there's not the mongrelism seen in the US.
You idiot-she gained all those "traits" after living in wholesome LA.

Hate to rub it in but, as shown on 60 Minutes, the US will soon be relying on Canadian Tar Sand oil.. :-*

Yeah, like Canada has relied on the USA for its security and defense since 1945. Sounds like a good deal for Canada to me.
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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #68 on: January 24, 2006, 05:01:28 AM »
I have alot of Canadian friends who now live in the U.S, and they love it.  I guess for now.  They all make more money then me, pay less taxes, and have a better standard of living.  Here in Canada, its hard to get ahead, because the more money you try to make, the more they punish u with a higher percentage of taxes.  

Pumphard, my wife is from Fort. St. John, BC. She loved Canada but she loves the USA more. She bristles at the thought of having to ever live in Canada again. A couple times I threatened to send her back. ;)
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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #69 on: January 24, 2006, 05:04:14 AM »

   Ahahahhahha, oh god.  Like the U.S has a better health care system than Canada.  NOT LIKELY.  My wife is a RN "nurse" hear in Canada and we know quit a bit about the American health care system.  It's actually really scary what goes on down there.   ::)

Yeah, you or her ever been down here to see it for youselves? I doubt it. Get a grip. Doctors and nurses leave Canada to come to the USA to work not vice-versa.
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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #70 on: January 24, 2006, 05:12:15 AM »
hhahahah four posts in a row...

that's a certified meltdown from bmacsys


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #71 on: January 24, 2006, 05:27:42 AM »

Because the healthcare is already paid for from taxation....i would've thought that was obvious, you are discussing nationalised healthcare afterall.....

....hypothetically, if people want to pay more taxes then i'm sure the government could set up its own chain of restaurants and offer 'free' food too, only it wouldnt be free would it?.....its paid for from taxation.

Waiting lists exist all over the world...including the US, if you dont have insurance but need a minor/non life threatening condition treated you will have to save the money, join a list, go without or appeal to the better nature of the directors at the hospital.
In europe its no different, if you want to pay for your treatment you can be seen in a private hospital immediately or you can go to a state hospital and join a waiting list (if there is one, its only certain operations that have high demand) threatening conditions are treated immediately whichever system you are under....



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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #72 on: January 24, 2006, 05:33:10 AM »
What cracks me up most about this thread is the fact that majority or Americans (and I don't mean all, but most) are 100% completely ignorant about Canada, so anyone in here posting their opinions or talking about the way government works or health care, and they are from the States, doesn't really mean shit to us Canadians, because we know you are talking out your asses. For the most part, get an American to show you where Canada is on the map, and they might as well be looking for the Congo. And God help you all if a cold snap hits the world, because aside from Russia, we'll be the only ones standing. Canadian winters make most Americans cry...while we're out in t-shirts shovelling our drive-ways.

In the end, there are pros and cons for Canada and the US...of course you will get your hard line supporters on both sides, but to talk trash about either country is just closed minded ignorance.

Oh, I will give this to Americans though...they have the HOTTEST college girls anywhere in the world!!!


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #73 on: January 24, 2006, 05:39:41 AM »
i'm please the eastern maritimes held liberal and BQ didnt do too bad(projected worse) either.  wait until halleburton trys to steal manitoba and alberta :) my cousin dick cheney is drooling over it.  yes, good looking rulers are much better than truckdrivers.   ::)


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Re: It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
« Reply #74 on: January 24, 2006, 05:57:09 AM »
Pump, in America we have a 100% capitalistic economy. This includes healthcare. Healthcare makes a profit here. Doctors and nurses and related healthcare workers make a lot more money in the USA than in Canada. Hospitals have way more money to pump into technology, equipment, and manpower. Doctors and nurses leave Canada by the boatload to come to the states to MAKE REAL MONEY. You don't have a clue.

our hospitals are funded heavily by our government, and we are also rated high amongst the world, you don't have a f****n clue.