Author Topic: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays  (Read 1398 times)

Army of One

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Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« on: April 29, 2014, 11:42:28 AM »
Game, set and match  :o
1) Men aren't bahaving like men because women aren't behaving like ladies

The female dream is get some degree in a useless subject, sleep with alpha males until they hit thier 30's, then find some beta chump to support them until they get bored. Then they divorce said chump, legally kidnap his children and steal half his wealth.

Why should I settle down and marry that? No thanks. You now have competition, and you are losing out to video games and porn because you have become a horror story of entitlment, cruelty and desolation. Why should i have a relationship with some chick who can get my butt tossed into jail if i annoy her just by making an accusation of abuse?

2) You aren't entitled to our blood, sweat and work anymore. You are equal now get to stand up on the damn bus, you get to go down with the ship and pay for your own damned meals. You want chivalry? get back into the kitchen and look after my children. You want me to die for you, to bleed for you, to work for you? Too bad. You aren't worth it. You wanted eqality, you got it, and then some.You wanted to shatter gender roles? You got it. Now we have decided to shatter geneder roles too. That means men aren't going to "man up" if we don't feel like it. Got a problem with that? Too bad.

You told us you didn't need us now we are walking away. You won the war of the sexes and in doing so you made a desert and called it peace. Now we men have decided to show you why you do need men by simply doing nothing.

Bed. Made. Lie in it."

Frank Clairmonte

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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2014, 11:49:46 AM »
hard words bro, but when some clever whore decides to screw you up you will fall and lost everything.  :-\ ;D

Army of One

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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2014, 11:54:54 AM »
hard words bro, but when some clever whore decides to screw you up you will fall and lost everything.  :-\ ;D

Not if you kill her first


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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2014, 12:42:32 PM »
Game, set and match  :o
1) Men aren't bahaving like men because women aren't behaving like ladies

The female dream is get some degree in a useless subject, sleep with alpha males until they hit thier 30's, then find some beta chump to support them until they get bored. Then they divorce said chump, legally kidnap his children and steal half his wealth.

Why should I settle down and marry that? No thanks. You now have competition, and you are losing out to video games and porn because you have become a horror story of entitlment, cruelty and desolation. Why should i have a relationship with some chick who can get my butt tossed into jail if i annoy her just by making an accusation of abuse?

2) You aren't entitled to our blood, sweat and work anymore. You are equal now get to stand up on the damn bus, you get to go down with the ship and pay for your own damned meals. You want chivalry? get back into the kitchen and look after my children. You want me to die for you, to bleed for you, to work for you? Too bad. You aren't worth it. You wanted eqality, you got it, and then some.You wanted to shatter gender roles? You got it. Now we have decided to shatter geneder roles too. That means men aren't going to "man up" if we don't feel like it. Got a problem with that? Too bad.

You told us you didn't need us now we are walking away. You won the war of the sexes and in doing so you made a desert and called it peace. Now we men have decided to show you why you do need men by simply doing nothing.

Bed. Made. Lie in it."

This kind of talk is too real for the world we live in today.  Too much logic.  Too much common sense.  Too much truth being told here.

Right and wrong have no place in this world.  Fairness has no place in this world.  Reality has no place in this world.

Now men (especially white men) are expected to just bend over and apologize to the rest of the world for succeeding, apologize for being strong, apologize for being a man.  Along with that, any of the groups that they have "victimized" are entitled to publicly crucify them and take their wealth, job, property, etc.  Only then will you be considered a good dog and be allowed to exist.


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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2014, 02:11:10 PM »
There are good ones, no doubt. Unfortunately - tides have turned in a way that much of that is true in many cases too. I'd say it simple - don't be a fool and don't fall for a parasite like that.
 I see morons very often, who are halfway in the butt of a whore and doesn't get even half of that in return. It's their own fault (but they spoil these females even more). I've had a few of these at extreme level. They were very surprised when I did not go all gaga on them (I have my own values and am pretty content with who I am, so no ass kissing from my side), first few times I thought I did something wrong (did not call every day, did not make "favors" and went out of my way to for ex. - drive them home from some place when there's no necessity, etc.. These were grown up adult females, over 25 btw. Above 8/10.), later on I started to understant that they were just used to losers who loose their mind for the pussy and it's the "norm". No need to say that it didn't go anywhere and ended in some funny ways.
 Beauty and lack of wisdom/proper education/upbringing is a curse for most females, on the long run. It may be fun for some years, to be "on top", but there comes a day when young guys can't satisfy the "needs" anymore and older ones are too wise to fall for the old tricks.

el numero uno

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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2014, 02:19:11 PM »
Sounds like a response from an obese beta who can't get laid.


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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2014, 02:23:58 PM »
hard words bro, but when some clever whore decides to screw you up you will fall and lost everything.  :-\ ;D

if by 'hard', you actually mean, 'twoddle', then, yeah, you're right .


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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2014, 02:26:35 PM »
Game, set and match  :o
1) Men aren't bahaving like men because women aren't behaving like ladies

The female dream is get some degree in a useless subject, sleep with alpha males until they hit thier 30's, then find some beta chump to support them until they get bored. Then they divorce said chump, legally kidnap his children and steal half his wealth.

Why should I settle down and marry that? No thanks. You now have competition, and you are losing out to video games and porn because you have become a horror story of entitlment, cruelty and desolation. Why should i have a relationship with some chick who can get my butt tossed into jail if i annoy her just by making an accusation of abuse?

2) You aren't entitled to our blood, sweat and work anymore. You are equal now get to stand up on the damn bus, you get to go down with the ship and pay for your own damned meals. You want chivalry? get back into the kitchen and look after my children. You want me to die for you, to bleed for you, to work for you? Too bad. You aren't worth it. You wanted eqality, you got it, and then some.You wanted to shatter gender roles? You got it. Now we have decided to shatter geneder roles too. That means men aren't going to "man up" if we don't feel like it. Got a problem with that? Too bad.

You told us you didn't need us now we are walking away. You won the war of the sexes and in doing so you made a desert and called it peace. Now we men have decided to show you why you do need men by simply doing nothing.

Bed. Made. Lie in it."

Harsh, but to be honest, almost all of it echoes what I have thought.  Permission to share off board?

Army of One

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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2014, 02:28:04 PM »
Harsh, but to be honest, almost all of it echoes what I have thought.  Permission to share off board?

Isn't from me, from comment section on an article


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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2014, 02:31:28 PM »
Yeah, all these guys in skinny jeans with that stupid zyzz style hair will lead the way  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)


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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2014, 02:40:21 PM »
Just wanted to add that many women in 2014 are making more money than men.

On a different note I know a guys who got divorced. His wife got the mansion of a house. He also for some reason lost a town house they owned that they rented out for extra income. He lost his job but no changes to his child support were changed by the court. He lives on people couches and from flop apartment to flop apartment. She has had him arrested for late payment of child support and he can't get his tax refunds.  He constantly has a warrant for his arrest for late payments. His ex moved her boyfriend into the 5000 sq ft house.  Looking on her facebook he is lounging by the pool with a drink. Her ex can only look on at the  luxury house he use to live in and the luxury cars she drives while she demands unneeded money from him to break his spirit. I don't know how he continues to live.


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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2014, 02:42:23 PM »
Just wanted to add that many women in 2014 are making more money than men.

On a different note I know a guys who got divorced. His wife got the mansion of a house. He also for some reason lost a town house they owned that they rented out for extra income. He lost his job but no changes to his child support were changed by the court. He lives on people couches and from flop apartment to flop apartment. She has had him arrested for late payment of child support and he can't get his tax refunds.  He constantly has a warrant for his arrest for late payments. His ex moved her boyfriend into the 5000 sq ft house.  Looking on her facebook he is lounging by the pool with a drink. Her ex can only look on at the  luxury house he use to live in and the luxury cars she drives while she demands unneeded money from him to break his spirit. I don't know how he continues to live.
Thats what Hitmen are for.


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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2014, 02:50:32 PM »
Just wanted to add that many women in 2014 are making more money than men.

On a different note I know a guys who got divorced. His wife got the mansion of a house. He also for some reason lost a town house they owned that they rented out for extra income. He lost his job but no changes to his child support were changed by the court. He lives on people couches and from flop apartment to flop apartment. She has had him arrested for late payment of child support and he can't get his tax refunds.  He constantly has a warrant for his arrest for late payments. His ex moved her boyfriend into the 5000 sq ft house.  Looking on her facebook he is lounging by the pool with a drink. Her ex can only look on at the  luxury house he use to live in and the luxury cars she drives while she demands unneeded money from him to break his spirit. I don't know how he continues to live.

Sounds like he was the one with a pussy in that family. Someone who has balls would pretty much make sure (while still in marriage, as a "by product" of the daily relathionship) that even after divorce an ex wife would not even dare to think of such a humiliation. I mean - my wife (if I'd have one) would pretty much know that if she tries to fuck me up in a similar way - there will be serious consequences. And the fear factor would do the rest.
 Anyway, these kind of wars between two people who once "loved" each other are pretty horrible thing to go through for anyone..


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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2014, 02:58:14 PM »
Just wanted to add that many women in 2014 are making more money than men.

On a different note I know a guys who got divorced. His wife got the mansion of a house. He also for some reason lost a town house they owned that they rented out for extra income. He lost his job but no changes to his child support were changed by the court. He lives on people couches and from flop apartment to flop apartment. She has had him arrested for late payment of child support and he can't get his tax refunds.  He constantly has a warrant for his arrest for late payments. His ex moved her boyfriend into the 5000 sq ft house.  Looking on her facebook he is lounging by the pool with a drink. Her ex can only look on at the  luxury house he use to live in and the luxury cars she drives while she demands unneeded money from him to break his spirit. I don't know how he continues to live.

Murder suicide waiting to happen. Hopefully.

Mr Anabolic

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Re: Brutal comment on why young men arnt "Manning up"nowadays
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2014, 03:26:21 PM »
Just wanted to add that many women in 2014 are making more money than men.

On a different note I know a guys who got divorced. His wife got the mansion of a house. He also for some reason lost a town house they owned that they rented out for extra income. He lost his job but no changes to his child support were changed by the court. He lives on people couches and from flop apartment to flop apartment. She has had him arrested for late payment of child support and he can't get his tax refunds.  He constantly has a warrant for his arrest for late payments. His ex moved her boyfriend into the 5000 sq ft house.  Looking on her facebook he is lounging by the pool with a drink. Her ex can only look on at the  luxury house he use to live in and the luxury cars she drives while she demands unneeded money from him to break his spirit. I don't know how he continues to live.

Lots of horror stories out there like this. 

Funny how every man knows someone, a friend or a family member who got royally SCREWED in a divorce... yet, men are still getting married.  It boggles the mind.

Nice to see/read how lots of men are waking up here. 

Tell a friend, tell young male family members... please inform all of them about the legal/financial ramifications of marriage.  I've been preaching this stuff for years and years.