Author Topic: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea  (Read 6426 times)


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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2014, 01:05:58 PM »
Dick Cheney, Rand Paul spar over blame for Iraq crisis
By Benjy Sarlin

Senator Rand Paul and former Vice President Dick Cheney sparred over Iraq on Sunday in dueling TV appearances, with the Kentucky Republican blaming the Bush administration for the current crisis and Cheney accusing President Obama of inviting “another 9/11.”

Paul, who has long called for reducing American involvement in foreign conflicts, suggested in an appearance on NBC’s “Meet The Press” that Cheney lacked credibility in the debate. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed last week, the ex-vice president and daughter Liz Cheney wrote: “Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.”

“You know, were they right in their predictions? Were there weapons of mass destruction there? Was the war won in 2005, when many of those people said it was won?” Paul asked.

Paul said that he did not see recent insurgent gains as a failure of the Obama administration, but as one of a number of dire consequences of the second Iraq War.

“I don’t blame President Obama,” Paul said. “Has he really got the solution? Maybe there is no solution. But I do blame those who are for the Iraq War for emboldening Iran. These are the same people now who are petrified of what Iran may become, and I understand some of their worry.”

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a radical Sunni insurgency, has taken over large swaths of Iraq in recent weeks with much of the American-trained Iraqi military abandoning its posts in Sunni cities. In recent days, ISIS forces have reportedly seized border crossings with Syria and are threatening the country’s largest oil refineries. Shiite fighters have taken to the streets in Baghdad, pledging to repel any advance on the nation’s largest city and raising the specter of a broadening sectarian war in the region.

Paul did criticize the Obama administration for supplying aid to rebels in Syria engaged in a brutal civil war against dictator Bashar al-Assad, rebutting Republican and Democratic hawks who argue the White House should have backed moderate anti-Assad factions even earlier to foster an alternative to the radical Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“I personally believe [ISIS] would not be in Iraq and not be as powerful if we had not been supplying their allies in the war,” Paul said. Without American aid, he suggested that Assad might have “wiped these people out months ago.”

In a separate interview with CNN’s ”State of the Union,” Paul said countries like Iraq and Libya where the US had intervened militarily had become a “jihadist wonderland” and predicted the same fate for Syria if Assad fell.

Cheney, in an appearance on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopolous,” rebutted Paul’s charge that his previous failures to predict developments in Iraq and stabilize the country made his views less relevant.

“If we spend our time debating what happened 11 or 12 years ago we’re going to miss the threat that is growing,” Cheney said. “Rand Paul, with all due respect, is basically an isolationist. He doesn’t believe we ought to be involved with that part of the world.”

Cheney offered few specific prescriptions for how to handle the crisis in Iraq, instead accusing Obama of a broad failure to confront gathering threats in Pakistan, North Korea, Syria, and elsewhere.

“I think at this point there are no good easy answers in Iraq,” he said.


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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2014, 05:26:42 PM »
Dick Cheney's Op-Ed about the war in Iraq is full of lies
BY Linda Stasi

 Why can’t you ever find a cop when you need one?

Take, for example, one man who – were he in an opposing government, we would probably accuse of mass murderer – is on the loose in our country and on full display in Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal.

Vice President Dick Cheney, who should have been convicted of murder and crimes against humanity, remains, instead, as loose as his lips.

In fact, last week the shameless sociopath and his daughter, Liz, (who seemed to be there in name only) wrote an Op-Ed piece in the Journal, expressing his disgust at the way the current administration has handled his war.

Clearly unfazed that he and his unindicted coconspirator, George The Brain Dead, were responsible for the deaths of 4,500 American and at least 500,000 Iraqis (two-thirds of whom were women and children, according to The Lancet) in an illegal war that left 51,000 Americans wounded, Little Dick-of-Death, is still trying to shove his lies down our throats.

 Problem is, nobody but The Wall Street Journal seems to be opening wide and saying, “ahhh.”

It’s particularly interesting that Dickie’s Op-Ed appeared in the bible of finance, and yet there was no mention of the financial burden his 12-year war has put upon us taxpaying slobs.

Estimates go as high as $6 trillion, even though the Bush administration had predicted the whole thing would cost between $100 and $200 billion, done, finished, the end.

That bit of over-budgeting comes to about $75,000 for every U.S. household.

Dick, formerly the CEO of Halliburton, also forgot to mention that a Halliburton subsidiary, KBR, reaped $39.5 billion from the war, according to the Financial Times.

In the Op-Ed, Cheney scoffs at the naiveté of President Obama for claiming in 2011, “The tide of war is receding.”

Apparently Dickie forgot about his boss’ famous “Mission Accomplished” speech just weeks after invading Iraq in 2003.

Cheney even criticized President Obama for taking a day off, saying, “Terrorists take control of more territory and resources than ever before in history, and (Obama) goes golfing.”

Meantime, No. 43 spent more than one year of his presidency at his ranch, often shooting doves (tragic irony noted).

But of all the lies in Cheney’s disgusting Op-Ed none is as insulting to the American people as this one: “Rarely has a U.S. President been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.”

This from the man who helped usher in one of the longest wars in U.S. history, based on the bald-faced lie that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction to destroy the United States.

Cheney should return to shooting just his friends in the heart, because the rest of us are already heartbroken by what he did.

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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2014, 06:06:50 PM »
Rand is on board 100% with the new FOX/GOP directive.

he's stopped talking about obamacare.
he's supporting amnesty.
he's attacking cheney/bush/obama for Iraq, painting it as an unjust war and folly of the Dems.

What a shame.  RINO Rand  :-[


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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #28 on: July 03, 2014, 05:47:06 AM »
Cheney’s Back, Blitzing Rivals and Drawing Scorn

As his heart failed a couple of summers after leaving office, former Vice President Dick Cheney slipped into a coma and, by his later account, spent weeks dreaming that he was in a countryside villa north of Rome, padding down a stone path every morning to pick up a newspaper or coffee.

Yet Mr. Cheney was never one to slip into quiet retirement in Italy or, for that matter, at his Wyoming ranch. Two years after a heart transplant reinvigorated him physically, he seems reinvigorated politically, too, as he takes on President Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bill Clinton, radical Islam, Senator Rand Paul, his own party — and history.

Frustrated by what he considers the president’s weakness as extremist groups seize wide portions of Iraq, Mr. Cheney, 73, has blitzed the airwaves in recent weeks and formed a new organization to promote American national security in a perilous time. He has drawn nothing but scorn from Democrats and even some Republicans who view his remonstrations as the height of hubris from someone they blame for many of the country’s difficulties. To them, he is a punch line.

But Mr. Cheney’s ability to command attention speaks to his distinctive place in the public arena. He is blunt, he is unapologetic and he is seemingly immune to the barbs aimed his way. He remains driven by the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and determined to guard the nation against the dangers he sees. If the rest of the world has moved on, he has not. “I’m not running for anything,” he told Charlie Rose in one of his multiple interviews of late. “I get to say exactly what I think.”

Some have no interest in listening. On MSNBC and on liberal op-ed pages and websites, his re-emergence has provided endless fodder for who-is-he-to-talk commentary. Some activists even argued he should be barred from television because they view him as discredited.

For a White House beleaguered on multiple fronts, the former vice president’s return is in fact a welcome opportunity to focus attention on decisions made by Mr. Cheney and President George W. Bush rather than defending Mr. Obama’s own handling of foreign policy, which most Americans disapprove of in polls.

“He’s like the A-Rod of politics,” said David Plouffe, the longtime Obama strategist, referring to Alex Rodriguez, the scandal-tarnished baseball star. “No one wants to hear from him, especially when he is trying to create an alternate reality to the one he is responsible for.”

Mr. Cheney thrust himself back into the debate with a Wall Street Journal op-ed on June 17 that was written with his daughter, Liz Cheney, assailing Mr. Obama’s foreign policy as Islamic militants carve a virtual state of their own in Syria and Iraq. “Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many,” they wrote.

The broadside prompted a variety of retorts. Mr. Clinton scoffed at Mr. Cheney for trying to blame Mr. Obama for “not cleaning up the mess that he made.” It was, Mr. Clinton said, “unseemly.” Mr. Cheney fired back with an allusion to Mr. Clinton’s sexual scandals. “If there’s somebody who knows something about unseemly, it’s Bill Clinton,” he said.

Continue reading the main storyContinue reading the main storyContinue reading the main story
Even some Republicans took aim at Mr. Cheney. Rather than blame Mr. Obama for the current mess in the Middle East, Mr. Paul, the Kentucky senator considering a run for the White House, said, “The same questions could be asked of those who supported the Iraq war.” Mr. Cheney called Mr. Paul “basically an isolationist” and said “that didn’t work in the 1930s; it sure as heck won’t work in the aftermath of 9/11.”

The back and forth highlights the tension inside a party where some want to move away from the hawkish internationalism championed by Mr. Cheney. “With his long track record of bad judgment, Cheney’s efforts to depict more prudent and thoughtful Republicans, such as Rand Paul, as isolationists is ridiculous,” said Richard Burt, a former diplomat for President Ronald Reagan and the elder President George Bush who has been advising Mr. Paul.

Still others in the party worry that Mr. Cheney crowds out the growth of a new generation. “One of the challenges of a Cheney re-emergence is the party does need new leaders, new voices, new visions on national security policy and overall foreign policy to emerge,” said Kevin Madden, a party strategist who advised Mitt Romney.

But Mr. Cheney still has a strong following in some corners of the Republican Party that are glad to have him making the case when others do not. “A good number of people have contacted me and said it’s great to see him out there,” said John McConnell, a former speechwriter for Mr. Cheney.

Bill Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, said Mr. Obama’s failures made Americans more receptive to hawkish arguments. “A lot of people will say: ‘Good points. Does it have to be Dick Cheney making them? He’s got so much baggage,’ ” Mr. Kristol said. “I always find that too clever by half. I think Dick Cheney is very popular among conservative Republicans.”

Mr. Cheney’s latest public foray, friends said, reflects a genuine dismay about the chaos rocking the Middle East. He and Liz Cheney, a former State Department official, returned from a March trip to the region expressing surprise at how much consternation they detected about what they see as America’s retreat.

In television interviews, Mr. Cheney acknowledged the Iraq war did not go as well as predicted but said he and Mr. Bush turned things around with a troop increase and alliances with Sunni tribes in 2007, leaving behind a relatively stable situation that in his view Mr. Obama then squandered.

The Cheneys in turn decided to form the Alliance for a Strong America and tapped Brian Jones, a former adviser to Senator John McCain, to help out. “The primary focus of the group will be to educate people of the dangers of an isolationist foreign policy, the type being advocated inside and outside the party,” Mr. Jones said.

The organization also provides a new public platform for Ms. Cheney after an abortive campaign for Senate, when Ms. Cheney spoke out against same-sex marriage. The Cheneys have tried to move beyond the subsequent family rupture that occurred: The vice president’s other daughter, Mary Cheney, who is married to another woman, publicly criticized her sister. Liz Cheney ultimately dropped out of the race, citing an unrelated family emergency.

It is not clear whether the sisters have made up. Asked about the foreign policy group, Mary Cheney demurred. “I’m not involved in his new organization,” she said by email, without elaborating.

Former Senator Alan K. Simpson, a longtime Cheney friend, said Mr. Cheney understood that speaking out on Iraq would draw fire from “the haters” who “love to demonize him.”

No matter, he said. “He’s got a skin that’s like a rhinoceros,” Mr. Simpson said. “When you have your skin ripped off as many times as I have and he has, it grows back double strength.”


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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2015, 10:55:23 AM »
The last throes of Dick Cheney
Review of "Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America," by Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney
By Carlos Lozada

EXCEPTIONAL: Why the World Needs a Powerful America
By Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney

Threshold Editions. 324 pp. $28.

It was a classic Washington split-screen moment.

On May 21, 2009, minutes apart and just a mile and a half away from each other, President Obama and former vice president Dick Cheney offered dueling visions of America’s war on terrorism — of Guantanamo and torture, of surveillance and civil liberties. Speaking at the National Archives, Obama decried the previous administration’s “hasty decisions” and said essential American values had been discarded “as luxuries that we could no longer afford.” Cheney, holding court at the hawkish American Enterprise Institute, defended “enhanced interrogations” as legal and valuable, and warned that “in the fight against terrorism, there is no middle ground, and half-measures keep you half-exposed.”

I was in the second row at Cheney’s speech, and I recall the energy in the room as the former vice president approached the lectern. Only recently out of office, Cheney still mattered. He embodied a worldview that carried sway. In 2009, Obama v. Cheney was a heavyweight prizefight.

Six years later, Cheney is out with a new book on national security and is once again scheduled to deliver a speech at AEI, with Obama again as his foil. But it’s hard to muster the same excitement. It is far from clear that Cheney’s arguments, calcified in the intervening years, wield much influence anymore, even within his own party, or that they should. Rather than a slugfest, this feels like a swan song.

And it is a song he performs, in perfect Cheney pitch, with “Exceptional.” Co-written with his daughter Liz Cheney, the book is part history of America’s role in the world since World War II, part assault on Obama’s record on foreign and defense policy, and part relentlessly militaristic to-do list for the next commander in chief. “Our next president must be committed to restoring America’s power and strength,” the Cheneys write. “Our security and the survival of freedom depend on it.”

In the authors’ telling, America’s influence over world events has been almost entirely benevolent, as leaders from Roosevelt and Truman to Reagan and George W. Bush stared down tyrants and dispensed freedom and security. “We are, as a matter of empirical fact and undeniable history,” the Cheneys explain, “the greatest force for good the world has ever known.” From D-Day through the Cold War and into the age of terror, “security and freedom for millions of people around the globe have depended on America’s military, economic, political, and diplomatic might.”

Until 2009, that is. “President Obama has diminished American power and retreated from the field of battle, fueling rising threats against our nation,” the authors write. “He has pursued a foreign policy built on appeasing our adversaries, abandoning our allies, and apologizing for America.”

The Cheneys repeatedly accuse Obama and his administration of misleading the American public — particularly regarding the Iran nuclear deal and the Benghazi attack — subsuming foreign policy to domestic political considerations, underestimating the threat posed by the Islamic State and other terrorist groups, and ceding global initiative and influence to Moscow, Tehran and Beijing. More fundamentally, they contend, Obama simply does not get America. “The touchstone of his ideology — that America is to blame and her power must be restrained — requires a willful blindness about what America has done in the world,” the Cheneys write. “It is fundamentally counterfactual.”

All histories are selective histories, and in this respect “Exceptional” does not disappoint. The Vietnam War, for example, receives perfunctory treatment, perhaps because it doesn’t fit the story line of unambiguous American goodness. “The objective of preventing a Communist takeover of South Vietnam was a worthy one,” the Cheneys write. “There were many errors in the way America pursued this objective, about which much has been written elsewhere.” The main error they raise is the one hawks always raise: that in Vietnam, America did not fight to win.

On the Iraq war, “Exceptional” is entirely Cheneyesque — undoubting, unyielding and ultimately unconvincing. “U.S. troops . . . were, in fact, greeted as liberators,” they write, a defense of Vice President Cheney’s prediction on the eve of the invasion. While acknowledging that “we now know” Saddam Hussein did not possess stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, the authors argue that the Iraqi leader was still a threat to U.S. security, because Iraq was “the most likely nexus” between terrorists and the weapons they sought. And they emphasize all that America accomplished in Iraq, such as deposing a dictator and providing security for the people as they voted in their first free elections.

“Those who say the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a mistake are essentially saying we would be better off if Saddam Hussein were still in power,” they write. The Cheneys don’t question whether Americans would have supported the invasion solely because Iraq was a “likely nexus” for terrorism and because U.S. troops could bring freedom to a long-suffering people, rather than because of its supposed possession of weapons of mass destruction, affirmed by the vice president and so many other Bush administration officials.

The closest “Exceptional” comes to contrition concerns the execution of the war, not its rationale, but even then it stops short. “The war to liberate Iraq was indisputably difficult,” the authors write. “It included tragedy and challenges we did not foresee. Every war does, but these tragedies and challenges do not detract from the rightness of our cause.”

History is written by the victors, and also by those who convince themselves that they won.

The Iraq experience adds an extra hurdle of credibility for the Cheneys’ warnings about Iran and the nuclear accord the United States and other powers recently reached with that country. “The Obama agreement will lead to a nuclear-armed Iran, a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, and more than likely, the first use of a nuclear weapon since Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” they write. Obama’s successor must junk the deal, they argue — just one of many items a new president must get to right away.

Their list is a throwback. It features a massive military buildup, including new missile-defense systems, more nuclear weapons and a force prepared to wage war in multiple geographic locations simultaneously. The Cheneys also call for the restoration of National Security Agency’s surveillance authorities, the return of “enhanced” interrogation of terrorism suspects, the deployment of thousands of military “advisors” to battle the Islamic State and a halt to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. They also advocate aggressive actions against rival nations, such as sending troops to NATO countries that border Russia, in order to “signal American determination.”

Otherwise, the authors write, militant Islam will spread across the globe; Iran and other countries will go nuclear; China will dominate Asia and target America; and Russia will overpower Europe, enslaving free nations and destroying NATO.

The Cheneys rarely grapple with counterarguments or inconvenient facts. They say that harsh interrogations “saved lives and prevented attacks” but ignore the Senate Intelligence Committee’s recent report, which after a five-year investigation concluded that such techniques did not work. (“Feinstein, Dianne” does not appear in the book’s index.) When they chastise Obama for setting a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, they forget that Bush did the same. They complain that President Dwight Eisenhower’s farewell speech on the military-industrial complex has been “distorted” and selectively quoted by critics of the military, and then proceed to do the same with Obama’s remarks on American exceptionalism.

At a time when the Republican presidential candidates offer get-tough bromides and obsess over the Mexican border, a thoughtful and reasoned critique of Obama’s foreign policy is needed. But “Exceptional” does not provide it. It is heavy on self-justifications and conservative talking points, light on self-awareness. “One might ask why the administration worked so hard to ignore evidence and peddle a false narrative about what happened,” the Cheneys write regarding Benghazi. It is a question that might be asked of other administrations during other crises, too.

The former vice president has not endorsed anyone in the 2016 Republican field, and none of the candidates seems particularly eager to claim him as a foreign policy adviser. It’s probably just as well. When American exceptionalism is conflated with militarism and jingoism, it leaves little room for the traditions of reinvention and self-assessment that make America’s exceptional nature come alive.

America is exceptional. Dick Cheney is, too.


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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #30 on: September 04, 2015, 10:59:44 AM »
Jeb claims the Iraqi War was actually a good deal.


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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #31 on: September 09, 2015, 05:07:34 AM »
Dick Cheney tries to fool the public again
By Dana Milbank

Early signs indicate Dick Cheney is leaning against the Iran nuclear deal.

“It is madness,” the former vice president announced Tuesday.

“The results may be catastrophic,” he inveighed.

“This deal gives Tehran the means to launch a nuclear attack on the U.S. homeland.”

“The Obama-Iran deal aids the efforts of America’s enemies.”

The deal “strengthens our adversaries, threatens our allies and puts our own security at risk.”

Cheney hyperbolized, hyperventilated and gave rein to hyperactive imagination — “desperation . . . cave . . . neutered” — and the audience at the normally sedate American Enterprise Institute was riled. When Michaela Anang, a student from Boston with the liberal group Code Pink attempted to heckle the “war criminal” Cheney, Marc Thiessen, the moderator (and online columnist for The Post), leaped up to block her, audience members shouted “get out of here!” at her, and one man, in jacket and tie, engaged her in a violent tug of war to confiscate her banner.

“Thank you very much,” Cheney said with a wry grin.

Supporters of the Iran deal are probably saying the same to Cheney. They are probably more grateful still that applauding Cheney from the front row were Paul D. Wolfowitz, a principal architect of the Iraq war, and Sen. Tom Cotton, (Ark.), author of the Senate Republicans’ letter to the ayatollahs attempting to kill the deal during negotiations. In the second row were former congresswoman Michele Bachmann and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the Cheney aide whose tenure led to a prison sentence.

Surely, those who would like to see Congress undo the nuclear agreement can’t expect that rolling out Cheney is going to save the cause. When it comes to dire predictions based on scary intelligence, the former vice president wouldn’t seem to have the best track record.

Moments after Cheney’s speech came reports that the number of Senate Democrats supporting the Iran deal had climbed to 41 — more than enough to sustain a presidential veto of any congressional disapproval of the deal, and possibly enough to block such a disapproval resolution from clearing Congress. This came despite an all-out campaign by the once-feared American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its affiliates, which spent tens of millions of dollars to rally opposition; The Post called it the largest defeat for AIPAC in more than two decades. The deal’s survival also suggests Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s extraordinary meddling in American politics backfired.

A lecture on veracity and falsehood from the man who asserted before the Iraq invasion that Saddam Hussein had reconstituted nuclear weapons ? The man who said hitting Iraq would strike “a major blow right” at the base of the 9/11 terrorists? The man who claimed that Iraq had “long-established ties with al Qaeda” and that it was “pretty well confirmed” that 9/11 mastermind Mohamed Atta met with senior Iraqi intelligence officials?

Most everybody — including former president George W. Bush’s brother, presidential candidate Jeb Bush — has come to acknowledge that, given the absence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the United States should not have gone to war in 2003. But not Cheney. When Thiessen relayed a question to him about whether containment of Saddam would have been better than military action, Cheney said “I disagree.”

He unabashedly made allegations against Iran Tuesday that he once made against Iraq, citing evidence of “an agreement between the Iranian government and al Qaeda.” Echoing the old warnings about Iraq’s “mushroom cloud,” he noted that a nuclear Iran could kill 6 million Jews in a day. He acknowledged that intelligence failed to predict the North Korea nuclear test when he was in office — but only to argue that there should be “serious concern” about Obama’s claim that it would take Iran a year to produce nuclear weapons.

There should be concern about Obama’s claims — but there should be even more about Cheney’s. He said, for example, that the deal “threatens the security of Europe” without acknowledging that European powers negotiated it. Dropping his longstanding quest to expand executive power, he said Congress should have seized the authority to ratify the deal.

Cheney said it’s a “false choice” to claim the alternative to the deal is war. But he went on to say that unless Iran makes much deeper concessions, “they must understand that the United States stands ready to take military action . . . Iran will not be convinced to abandon its program peacefully unless it knows it will face military action if it refuses to do so.”

And this isn’t war? In the immortal words of George W. Bush: “You can’t get fooled again.”


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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #32 on: September 09, 2015, 06:33:50 AM »
People still support and defend this liar.

Victor VonDoom

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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #33 on: September 09, 2015, 08:30:28 AM »
Bah ha ha ha ha

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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #34 on: September 09, 2015, 09:08:37 AM »
FOX news' Chris Wallace owned the SHIT out of Cheney.

Cheney blamed Iran's mess on obama - then Wallace pointed out they had all these things when obama took office - and cheney just kept right on rambling his talking points.

Worst media owning I've seen in months.

Victor VonDoom

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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #35 on: September 09, 2015, 10:03:41 AM »
Dude is in total denial.  And what is his daughter doing there?  Bah!


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Re: Maybe listening to Dick Cheney on Iraq isn’t a good idea
« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2015, 12:59:35 PM »
Cost of Cheney's Lies about Iraq:
4,700: U.S. service personnel killed directly
35,000: Troops injured (not including PTSD)
655,000: Persons who have died in Iraq who would not have died without the invasion
2.8 million: Persons who remain either internally displaced or have fled the country
$2 trillion: Amount in war expenses spent by the U.S. Treasury Department
$490 billion: Amount in war benefits owed to war veterans
$7 trillion: Projected interest payments due by 2053 on money borrowed for war
$20 billion: Amount paid to KBR, contractor responsible for equipment and services.
$3 billion: Amount of KBR payments Pentagon auditors considered "questionable."
$60 billion: Amount paid for reconstruction - largely a waste due to corruption
Missing: $546 million in spare parts; 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47s
Missing: $6.6 billion sent by the planeload in cash and intended for Iraq's reconstruction after the start of the war
$75 billion: amount expected to go to American companies, largest of all Halliburton
0: Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction found

Ooops!  :-X