Author Topic: When I see a juiced up guy in the streets, the first thing I thinks is - LOSER  (Read 6488 times)


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  • Getbig V
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If I saw you on the street I would bow to you say namaste then punch your head in.


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  • Getbig IV
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If I saw you on the street I would bow to you say namaste then punch your head in.


  • Getbig II
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If I saw you on the street I would bow to you say namaste then punch your head in.

Bro could you even reach high enough?


  • Getbig V
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How old are they?
Next question will be for dick pics. ::)


  • Getbig IV
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I have to agree. I just have no respect for the druggies. I consider them losers/cheaters/phonies. How can you respect someone who uses drugs to create a phony body and then lies to everyone about it?


  • Getbig V
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It's only if I see a noticeably juiced guy who still looks like a blob of shit and also has invisible lat syndrome, then I think they're a loser.
Reminds me of this:


  • Getbig III
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If a juiced guy is so not a blip on your or whatever female that might be humoring you that day's radar, then why post  a thread about it anonymously stud? I'd like to see what this level of alpha looks like.

gracie bjj

  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
i have alot of respect for guys juiced up and guys thaT R NATURAL that have great builds, it takes alot of hard work to look great regardless if a person is on the juice or natural, it takes hard work n good eating habits to look great regardless of a persons juiced or not


  • Getbig II
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If a juiced guy is so not a blip on your or whatever female that might be humoring you that day's radar, then why post  a thread about it anonymously stud? I'd like to see what this level of alpha looks like.

Another insecure midget juicer chimes in.


  • Getbig III
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i have alot of respect for guys juiced up and guys thaT R NATURAL that have great builds, it takes alot of hard work to look great regardless if a person is on the juice or natural, it takes hard work n good eating habits to look great regardless of a persons juiced or not



  • Getbig III
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Another insecure midget juicer chimes in.


I get it.

17yo old elliot rogers-esque poster here guys.


  • Getbig V
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Im ready to peel at any given moment. Who wants to go?


  • Getbig V
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I know I am his better.  I don't need juice.  It really makes him look little in my eyes.  I just can't help but see him as a second rate male.  An insecure loser who has resorted to juice to try to look manly.  A twink on drugs.

How about you guys?

I dunno about you, Laticia, but I hand them my business card and ask if their guy can beat my price on tren.  ;)

hope this helps.


  • Getbig V
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Everyones on designer steroids and pro-hormones these days anyways, even 16 year olds...
Im not anti-steroid by any means, though Ive never done them, but these youngsters on Superdrol and what not, is a F'in joke...

Palpatine Q

  • Getbig V
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I know a few guys that juice.

I've noticed one thing that they all have in common: when they are off steroids, they are depressed & sad

What's "off steroids" ?

no one

  • Getbig V
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I know I am his better.  I don't need juice.  It really makes him look little in my eyes.  I just can't help but see him as a second rate male.  An insecure loser who has resorted to juice to try to look manly.  A twink on drugs.

How about you guys?


steroids arent all glory bro.

natural guys gfs look at you and wonder what it would be like to be with a real man, who can make them feel safe and protected, all the while wanting to feel like they can be tossed around like a rag doll. its a female thing a nancyboy like you would never understand .

stick to holding her hand during dicaprio movies, son. stay clean. let the studs like myself handle this end of things.

no one

  • Getbig V
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  • have i hurt your feelings?
What's "off steroids" ?

lol right!?

pffft rookies.


  • Getbig V
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I know I am his better.  I don't need juice.  It really makes him look little in my eyes.  I just can't help but see him as a second rate male.  An insecure loser who has resorted to juice to try to look manly.  A twink on drugs.

How about you guys?
Dumb Hipster ::)

J/k, but seriously, reading your post, I can't help but think about an "athlete" that used to post here and died an early death.

Bertha Butt

  • Getbig III
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I know I am his better.  I don't need juice.  It really makes him look little in my eyes.  I just can't help but see him as a second rate male.  An insecure loser who has resorted to juice to try to look manly.  A twink on drugs.

How about you guys?

Care to post a pic of yourself? I'm very curious now about what you think would impress us girls.


  • Getbig V
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When I see a juiced up guy in the streets, the first thing I think is - "I bet I could destroy you from the back" and then they pass me and I check out their back, and it's usually huge and then I think, "Should I be checking out guys, and turning my head to look at their bums?"


  • Getbig III
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natural guys gfs look at you and wonder what it would be like to be with a real man, who can make them feel safe and protected, all the while wanting to feel like they can be tossed around like a rag doll. its a female thing a nancyboy like you would never understand .

Are you saying if you WEREN'T on steroids you couldn't protect a women or pick her up with ease?

Actually that's sorta pathetic.

no one

  • Getbig V
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  • have i hurt your feelings?
Are you saying if you WEREN'T on steroids you couldn't protect a women or pick her up with ease?

Actually that's sorta pathetic.

is comprehension a problem for you?

or did your gf bang some big muscley stud at some point causing you the pain we see here?

either way you suck.

thanks for coming out. nancy.


  • Getbig V
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ha ha like I said as long as it makes you feel better!!

But seriously, there is nothing funnier than seeing you little guys in your tank tops.  talk  about the fucking odd ones out.  Most people are laughing.  If only you could really see yourselves!

gracie bjj

  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
i THINK the saying of(THE BETTER BUILT U GET THE LESS U RUN AROUND TRYING TO PLAY THE MUSCLE GUY) is true for the most part, i workout in a super hardcore gym n even in mid summer most people(THE BETTER BUILT GUYS) got on some baGGY T-SHIRTS OR BAGGY SWEAT SHIRTS, dont get me wrong,theres nothing wrong with training in cutoffs n stuff n i do myself. its just something i noticed over the yrs being in really hardcore gyms, the better guys stay more covered up than the rest of members, i came to the conclusion that they go to the gym to train theres balls off n not stare at there muscles in the mirror, they usually do that after the workout in the posing room n they do that under the watchful eye of some other top guys who can give them some HONEST FEEDBACK on whats what, maybe they need more lower lats or upper pecs ect,that type of thing