Author Topic: Bit of help  (Read 4256 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Bit of help
« on: July 19, 2014, 04:51:05 AM »
Hey guys
Just some history first, I stuck with 250mg of testosterone a week for 6 months and then added in 400mg of boldenone late may. I recently added in trenbolone at 525mg a week and will be taking it for a total of 40 days before an important strength competition

I don't feel like I am getting on well with the tren at all, it is making me look really good but I can't eat as much food any more and I don't feel like it's helping all that much in the way of strength at all! I got more out of 250mg of test to be honest!

After the competition I have another competition in mid December and I just need some tips really. I don't think I want to take trenbolone at the moment, sure looking good is great but I think I would rather up my testosterone.

So I will be moving up to 500/600 testosterone/boldenone after this competition. I will want something before the competition as well. I was thinking either testosterone propionate, masteron propionate or NPP. So some help would be very thankful here!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2014, 09:41:38 AM »
the obvious answer is anadrol isnt it?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2014, 05:02:42 PM »
Hey guys
Just some history first, I stuck with 250mg of testosterone a week for 6 months and then added in 400mg of boldenone late may. I recently added in trenbolone at 525mg a week and will be taking it for a total of 40 days before an important strength competition

I don't feel like I am getting on well with the tren at all, it is making me look really good but I can't eat as much food any more and I don't feel like it's helping all that much in the way of strength at all! I got more out of 250mg of test to be honest!

After the competition I have another competition in mid December and I just need some tips really. I don't think I want to take trenbolone at the moment, sure looking good is great but I think I would rather up my testosterone.

So I will be moving up to 500/600 testosterone/boldenone after this competition. I will want something before the competition as well. I was thinking either testosterone propionate, masteron propionate or NPP. So some help would be very thankful here!

Are you trying to make a weight class?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2014, 06:15:45 PM »
go with npp dude not much if any water weight and will add more size for the comp


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2014, 08:09:53 PM »
I don't need to worry about my weight
I've never been in a situation where I accidentally got too big lol

Anadrol would be good, maybe. I was thinking of getting some superdrol as well
What would be a good dose of NPP, I've never taken nandrolone before


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2014, 01:32:26 AM »
I don't need to worry about my weight
I've never been in a situation where I accidentally got too big lol

Anadrol would be good, maybe. I was thinking of getting some superdrol as well
What would be a good dose of NPP, I've never taken nandrolone before

You have 40 days to get as big and strong as possible, and you don't have to worry about making weight. I would say just blow up with wet compounds and tons of food for a month, then up the tren and add in a hard androgen like halo about a week out...

So right now you're running:

250 test
400 eq
525 tren

Some common ones I've heard of guys using in powerlifting:

1000 test
500 eq

250 test
500 eq
350 tren
40-100 dbol / 100-200+ Anadrol

Test suspension / Halo

Another (Very well known Superheavy):

1000+ test
1000+ deca

100+ Anadrol

~Meet day
Test suspension / Cheque drops

I've seen:

1000 test
1000 deca

200 Anadrol
70mg Superdrol

~Meet day
Test suspension

I also know of a 1800lb+ total @ 220 that ran:

~10 weeks
250 test
500 tren
50 dbol

So...Thats basically natty lol..Powerlifters blast orals and push test suspension for meets, pretty much it. Then most I know don't even touch orals the rest of the season.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2014, 02:12:15 AM »
I think I'm going to go with:

Weeks 1-16:
500 testosterone
600 boldenone

Last 40 days
350mg testosterone prop
350mg nandrolone phenylprop

My coach says that I WILL go over my weight class with superdrol and recommends the superdrol weeks 8-12 so I'll probably go with that


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2014, 04:50:34 AM »
So how good are eq and superdrol for strength gain?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2014, 05:18:22 AM »
So how good are eq and superdrol for strength gain?

I've never felt that anything has given me shit in far of strength gains, apart from orals
They more help with getting you bigger faster and recovery in my opinion. So you have to train a lot harder and they enable you to recover from this.
Boldenone is going great so far!


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2014, 01:09:57 PM »
So how good are eq and superdrol for strength gain?

EQ is the most common anabolic base "cruise" compound for most guys I know...They run it or deca more or less year round because they are versatile, and mild. It's not used for it's strength increasing aspects that I know of, obviously most AAS will give you SOME strength increase..

Most guys I see using Superdrol are trying to stay within a weight class.

I think Superdrol is basically oral Masteron, which I'm pretty sure is a DHT compound so it doesn't aromatize, don't quote me on that. Getting huge and bloated/strong for a meet on Masteron is not common I know that.. I actually just talked to a guy who has run 500mg of masteron prop a week and he said 50mg of Superdrol got him bigger, and stronger, quicker. So in the real world it could act way different than Masteron.  

Like I said if weight class isn't an issue I would go with "the wetter the better" and get a huge as possible, if cardio is an issue (strongman) things are different. Deca, Anadrol, Dbol, High Test. Add in a hard androgen a week out for aggression, and peak strength.

Just my .02


  • Getbig IV
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  • getbigbrah
Re: Bit of help
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2014, 01:50:51 PM »

Most guys I see using Superdrol are trying to stay within a weight class.

what the fuck lol

superdrol is one of these compounds with the quickest weight gain

however compared to shit like dbol superdrol makes you fucking hard and dense. all the water goes into the muscle.

its like using anadrol at really low bodyfat, just that it works for fat people aswell. and better.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2014, 02:00:44 PM »
what the fuck lol

superdrol is one of these compounds with the quickest weight gain

however compared to shit like dbol superdrol makes you fucking hard and dense. all the water goes into the muscle.

its like using anadrol at really low bodyfat, just that it works for fat people aswell. and better.

Not at all, it's all about diet and other compounds you're running...I am currently running Test/Dbol/Arimidex to cut, I got 100 pills for free. And it's working great.

If you're on nothing and jump on a Superdrol only cycle and eat like a horse you will gain weight.

If you're already on relatively high Test and EQ and eating to stay in a weight class, adding Superdrol won't do anything drastic to your weight out of nowhere. Unless you eat for it. I know  a 181lb powerlifter that loves Superdrol, he gains maybe 5lbs in 3 weeks and continuously get stronger.

Superdrol is dry, it doesn't aromatize it won't just blow you up 20lbs for no reason lol...Are you eating Pizza for every meal?

Keep eating like you normally eat on 500 test / 500 eq and add in 200mg of Anadrol a day with no AI and see what happens  ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2014, 02:22:52 PM »
no shit, if you dont eat lots of calories and carbs you wont gain weight? breaking news right there.

superdrol = insane glycogen storage = insane weight gain with high carbs. much more and much better quality than dbol or highly aromatizing stuff.

obviously if you fucking eat 2000 kcals you wont EVER blow up no matter what you run.

if you use a compound as strong as superdrol i hope you better fucking know how to eat.

huge waste to run something as strong and toxic as superdrol for measly 5lbs. sure your buddy gained some strength. still a fucking waste to me. couldve done that with npp or tren or whatever.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2014, 02:52:03 PM »
EQ is the most common anabolic base "cruise" compound for most guys I know...They run it or deca more or less year round because they are versatile, and mild. It's not used for it's strength increasing aspects that I know of, obviously most AAS will give you SOME strength increase..

Most guys I see using Superdrol are trying to stay within a weight class.

I think Superdrol is basically oral Masteron, which I'm pretty sure is a DHT compound so it doesn't aromatize, don't quote me on that. Getting huge and bloated/strong for a meet on Masteron is not common I know that.. I actually just talked to a guy who has run 500mg of masteron prop a week and he said 50mg of Superdrol got him bigger, and stronger, quicker. So in the real world it could act way different than Masteron.  

Like I said if weight class isn't an issue I would go with "the wetter the better" and get a huge as possible, if cardio is an issue (strongman) things are different. Deca, Anadrol, Dbol, High Test. Add in a hard androgen a week out for aggression, and peak strength.

Just my .02

I trying to get my head around why people substitute boldenone with deca. Surely deca is vastly superior because of the increased joint collagen synthesis? It is also more anabolic at lower doses.

I'm thinking of running 500 test/500 deca along with some ghrp-6 and methyltrienolone.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2014, 02:59:29 PM »
no shit, if you dont eat lots of calories and carbs you wont gain weight? breaking news right there.

superdrol = insane glycogen storage = insane weight gain with high carbs. much more and much better quality than dbol or highly aromatizing stuff.

obviously if you fucking eat 2000 kcals you wont EVER blow up no matter what you run.

if you use a compound as strong as superdrol i hope you better fucking know how to eat.

huge waste to run something as strong and toxic as superdrol for measly 5lbs. sure your buddy gained some strength. still a fucking waste to me. couldve done that with npp or tren or whatever.

And? Anadrol is arguably the favorite bloat/size drug in powerlifting and there are guys who use it while prepping for bodybuilding/physique shows, it keeps you full, aggressive, and strong while eating 1,500 calories a day... It all comes down to what the individual likes using.

Why use Superdrol at all when you could use Masteron and NOT have your liver fall off in 3 weeks? Orals for immediate strength and aggression is why. Gain weight or not it has benefits for strength athletes.

Complex Carbs

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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2014, 03:47:47 PM »
Can this "temper" guy be barred from posting in this section?

All he talks about is hearsay stories he read somewhere, he himself has no experience with steroids and it's bloody obvious.

Topic starter, if you want strength, 500mg masteron/week + 30mg halotestin/day + 50mg ephedrine/day + 200-500mg test/week.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2014, 04:07:38 PM »
Can this "temper" guy be barred from posting in this section?

All he talks about is hearsay stories he read somewhere, he himself has no experience with steroids and it's bloody obvious.

Topic starter, if you want strength, 500mg masteron/week + 30mg halotestin/day + 50mg ephedrine/day + 200-500mg test/week.

Although DHT derivatives are meant to stimulate the CNS, I have not heard of masteron being particularly good for strength. Anavar is the best DHT derivative for this purpose.

I think the best strength cycle would be methytrienolone (or halotestin) as a preworkout, dimethylnandrolone (injectable), test, and ghrp-6 (ghrp-6 stimulates the CNS through some clandestine mechanism). Unfortunatley DMN is hard to get hold of (but it is meant to be insane).

If you really wanted to push the boat out you could also inject test and tren suspension. Ofc the above cycle would wreck your liver and be ludicrously expensive and complex, so I propose something simpler/more available (test/deca/mtren mentioned in the above post; which still wrecks your liver but is easier to manage/procure).


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2014, 06:36:45 PM »
Can this "temper" guy be barred from posting in this section?

All he talks about is hearsay stories he read somewhere, he himself has no experience with steroids and it's bloody obvious.

Topic starter, if you want strength, 500mg masteron/week + 30mg halotestin/day + 50mg ephedrine/day + 200-500mg test/week.

ROFL 200 test and 500 masteron...WOW. He should be an elite powerlifter in no time.  ::) Shut the fuck up.

I've explained my history, and I feel confident enough to advise the OP's question or I wouldn't have posted. And I laid out some actual cycles used by top level powerlifters whom I KNOW PERSONALLY. What is your history? Who even are you? You're just a 100% negative troll. You add absolutely nothing to any board on Getbig.

You seriously just recommended 200 test 500 Masteron and fucking ephedrine for a 12-16 week prep for a strength comp, do you even lift?

I'd bet you're a 150lb basement dweller and I will address you as such until proven otherwise.

See this is actual advice:

You have 40 days to get as big and strong as possible, and you don't have to worry about making weight. I would say just blow up with wet compounds and tons of food for a month, then up the tren and add in a hard androgen like halo about a week out...

So right now you're running:

250 test
400 eq
525 tren

Some common ones I've heard of guys using in powerlifting:

1000 test
500 eq

250 test
500 eq
350 tren
40-100 dbol / 100-200+ Anadrol

Test suspension / Halo

Another (Very well known Superheavy):

1000+ test
1000+ deca

100+ Anadrol

~Meet day
Test suspension / Cheque drops

I've seen:

1000 test
1000 deca

200 Anadrol
70mg Superdrol

~Meet day
Test suspension

I also know of a 1800lb+ total @ 220 that ran:

~10 weeks
250 test
500 tren
50 dbol

So...Thats basically natty lol..Powerlifters blast orals and push test suspension for meets, pretty much it. Then most I know don't even touch orals the rest of the season.


  • Competitors II
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2014, 11:55:56 PM »
Can this "temper" guy be barred from posting in this section?

All he talks about is hearsay stories he read somewhere, he himself has no experience with steroids and it's bloody obvious.

Topic starter, if you want strength, 500mg masteron/week + 30mg halotestin/day + 50mg ephedrine/day + 200-500mg test/week.

descent advise although I may add to taper up the Halo from 10mg up to 30mg if anyone is considering this.. If you never done legit halo 30mg of the bat will knock you on your ass first time using.


  • Competitors II
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2014, 11:58:59 PM »
You have 40 days to get as big and strong as possible, and you don't have to worry about making weight. I would say just blow up with wet compounds and tons of food for a month, then up the tren and add in a hard androgen like halo about a week out...

So right now you're running:

250 test
400 eq
525 tren

Some common ones I've heard of guys using in powerlifting:

1000 test
500 eq

250 test
500 eq
350 tren
40-100 dbol / 100-200+ Anadrol

Test suspension / Halo

Another (Very well known Superheavy):

1000+ test
1000+ deca

100+ Anadrol

~Meet day
Test suspension / Cheque drops

I've seen:

1000 test
1000 deca

200 Anadrol
70mg Superdrol

~Meet day
Test suspension

I also know of a 1800lb+ total @ 220 that ran:

~10 weeks
250 test
500 tren
50 dbol

So...Thats basically natty lol..Powerlifters blast orals and push test suspension for meets, pretty much it. Then most I know don't even touch orals the rest of the season.

70mg of superdol  :o :o :o  holy fuck. :D

Kim Jong Bob

  • Getbig V
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2014, 12:06:37 AM »
How much room do you have to gain  before you go over  your weightclass?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bit of help
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2014, 12:54:42 AM »
wtf, wow, this is nuts

I wouldn't believe the Iga nephropathy, that is almost certainly a coincidental finding.


  • Getbig IV
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  • getbigbrah
Re: Bit of help
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2014, 05:41:06 AM »
you gotta run the shit for quite some time for it to be that toxic though:
one guy ran it >4 weeks, one guy 8 weeks (at only 1 tab a day though lol)

blasting sdrol for 2-3 weeks should not be a problem

ive ran sdrol at 35-40mg a day for 2-3 weeks a couple times and had no ill effects, not even appetite loss or whatever

i do feel unwell on it. i dont know, just a bit weird.