I've met this guy in person with my good friend Howard. King is an asshole, real jerk.
King was guest poser at the NPC La that I judged.
He posted on the boards that Bix was being a stalker and that I was right there with him .
Ok, so Bix got a little carried with the pics and stuff but it wasn't anything that bad.
For whatever reason, Bix annoyed him by being a fan, so who knows what the deal was.
The thing is King was pretty cool when I met him and his woman Barbara during the contest weekend.
At the seminar, King got pissed we called him on his absurd claim, that he consumed 10,000 g of carbs a day while carbing up.
He was quite stubborn and refused to back off , he actually consumed that much daily in pie filling.
When I pointed out, it was = to 40,000 cal, he laughed at me and said ; " Well we can't all be rocket scientists like Howard " and rolled his eyes.
He knew I taught physics for a living and tried to use that to make fun of me. Hmmm, not sure why?
King seemed like a decent dude, but he seemed to take things way too personal from a couple of yahoos like Bix and I. We barely spoke to him and don't know him personally. I wish him well in bodybuilding and his personal life and have no ill will against King.
He just seemed a bit too defensive, but, then again, I really don't know the man.
King is a much better bodybuilder then I ever was or will be, so I respect him for that.