Author Topic: Clomid gains  (Read 3234 times)


  • Getbig I
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Clomid gains
« on: August 11, 2014, 12:06:16 PM »
I am just curious because i heard some people take it as Testbooster, could there really be a difference between a natural athlete and a natural athlete who takes clomid to boost test???


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2014, 01:00:37 PM »
Anecdotally, I have heard stories that it can work. I had one friend that tried it and it didn't do shit. Of course, he was trying to "restart" after a period of TRT.


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2014, 03:09:33 PM »
Bro it raises natural test levels but that's it. You and your diet build muscle but clomid can assist if you do shit right with it. Some guys swear by it but most find it bunk. I tried years ago and didn't see much difference but I saw a bit of one.


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2014, 05:30:48 AM »
I am just curious because i heard some people take it as Testbooster, could there really be a difference between a natural athlete and a natural athlete who takes clomid to boost test???

Works great for slowing loss of gains, after water weight comes off I dont really lose any of the lean tissue ive built whilst taking clomid and I break for 2 - 3 months at a time, 3rd month off everything is where it starts snowballing.


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2014, 05:45:37 AM »
Works great for slowing loss of gains, after water weight comes off I dont really lose any of the lean tissue ive built whilst taking clomid and I break for 2 - 3 months at a time, 3rd month off everything is where it starts snowballing.

You totally stop lifting weights after a cycle? That's crazy! I definately like to take a few days off due to all the dietingbut no matter what there is always another vshow around the corner so most everybody isn't taking a few months off! I take just maybe a week off at most and am on all my PCT gear and I find it hard to get back in that rythym of training. My intensity deifinately goes down when I go off cycle at least for the first few weeks then I gradually get nmore agression and have the will to workout all the time.

ask George farah if you are not making a living off the sport definately reconsider your steroid usage. if your just a average gymrat it's a good idea to taper down and eventually off and go into your PCT supplements wich do work well if you get the real deal stuff and there is no real reason to go off HGH so you can always have HGH in your stack if you can afford it.


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2014, 05:55:14 PM »
You totally stop lifting weights after a cycle? That's crazy! I definately like to take a few days off due to all the dietingbut no matter what there is always another vshow around the corner so most everybody isn't taking a few months off! I take just maybe a week off at most and am on all my PCT gear and I find it hard to get back in that rythym of training. My intensity deifinately goes down when I go off cycle at least for the first few weeks then I gradually get nmore agression and have the will to workout all the time.

ask George farah if you are not making a living off the sport definately reconsider your steroid usage. if your just a average gymrat it's a good idea to taper down and eventually off and go into your PCT supplements wich do work well if you get the real deal stuff and there is no real reason to go off HGH so you can always have HGH in your stack if you can afford it.

I don't think he meant to imply that he stops lifting weights.  Think he was talking about how the clomid keeps him going for 1-2 months, but the third month is where he hits the wall. 


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2014, 05:27:02 AM »
You totally stop lifting weights after a cycle? That's crazy! I definately like to take a few days off due to all the dietingbut no matter what there is always another vshow around the corner so most everybody isn't taking a few months off! I take just maybe a week off at most and am on all my PCT gear and I find it hard to get back in that rythym of training. My intensity deifinately goes down when I go off cycle at least for the first few weeks then I gradually get nmore agression and have the will to workout all the time.

ask George farah if you are not making a living off the sport definately reconsider your steroid usage. if your just a average gymrat it's a good idea to taper down and eventually off and go into your PCT supplements wich do work well if you get the real deal stuff and there is no real reason to go off HGH so you can always have HGH in your stack if you can afford it.

I think you misread my post, i just take breaks from gear upto 4 - 5 months sometimes, not weights lol. and use clomid for 3 weeks after esters clear, 3rd month is where I notice lean mass starting to deteriorate.

And just to add my current pct consists of 3 weeks at trt dose 2 weeks cold turkey 3 weeks on clomid ran 50/25/25 and ill spend an extra 2 weeks completely off before starting another cycle as a sort of pseudo natty testboosted bridge for peace of mind with bloods and to have a break from hcg just incase it can cause desensitisation over long periods of time. This will be the shortest amount of time between cycles ive ever done, just as an experiment.

I will be competing in the future but I intend on running this way for the next year-ish up until im ready to have a kid just so I know im capable of coming off totally for as long as needed.


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2014, 05:46:22 AM »
I think you misread my post, i just take breaks from gear upto 4 - 5 months sometimes, not weights lol. and use clomid for 3 weeks after esters clear, 3rd month is where I notice lean mass starting to deteriorate.

I do the same thing. It's been awhile since I have ran a REAL cycle involving multiple compounds but I would run my HCG,Nolva,clomid,DHEA and usually some kind of creatine monohydrate or just a good protein powder and I really seem to like clomid . Clomid seems to definately make your balls come back to life and they are not so tight. You actually have hanging nutts once again after using clomid just 50mg a day for a month.

 I do get somewhat of a testosterone boost and it does help get my energy back up to get back into the gym but at the end of the day I just think clomid just is not strong enough of a compound to build muscle on and you will peak real fast on clomid and then you kind of just level off. there is no getting around it and I don't think it is wise to use absurd amounts of clomid.

Your best bet is to keep using the clomid till you stop gaining then just change up your serms, maybe use some aromasin or try some new peptides they have on the market that will not fuck with your libido or have any sexual side effects. Thats all you can pretty much do. That is the shitty part of coming off of gear but eventually it does get better. I am glad you do take breaks I think it is important to not run gear all year, taking breaks or running gear in cycles is a safer way to go especially for guys like me and many others why don;t make a dime off the sport and do this for fun and experiemtnwith steroids because we love seeing what compounds really work like the write-ups say they work.


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2014, 08:22:00 AM »
I do the same thing. It's been awhile since I have ran a REAL cycle involving multiple compounds but I would run my HCG,Nolva,clomid,DHEA and usually some kind of creatine monohydrate or just a good protein powder and I really seem to like clomid . Clomid seems to definately make your balls come back to life and they are not so tight. You actually have hanging nutts once again after using clomid just 50mg a day for a month.

 I do get somewhat of a testosterone boost and it does help get my energy back up to get back into the gym but at the end of the day I just think clomid just is not strong enough of a compound to build muscle on and you will peak real fast on clomid and then you kind of just level off. there is no getting around it and I don't think it is wise to use absurd amounts of clomid.

Your best bet is to keep using the clomid till you stop gaining then just change up your serms, maybe use some aromasin or try some new peptides they have on the market that will not fuck with your libido or have any sexual side effects. Thats all you can pretty much do. That is the shitty part of coming off of gear but eventually it does get better. I am glad you do take breaks I think it is important to not run gear all year, taking breaks or running gear in cycles is a safer way to go especially for guys like me and many others why don;t make a dime off the sport and do this for fun and experiemtnwith steroids because we love seeing what compounds really work like the write-ups say they work.

I find aslong as you run hcg throughout cycle and time clomid properly theres 0 shut down. I dont get a crash and i've never experienced testicular atrophy, by the end of the first week of 50mg my hormones are raging and I cut it down to 25mg for the next 2 weeks, by the end of clomid use my hpta is restored and sex drive is through the roof for aslong as I feel like staying off pretty much.


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2014, 12:14:15 PM »
I find aslong as you run hcg throughout cycle and time clomid properly theres 0 shut down. I dont get a crash and i've never experienced testicular atrophy, by the end of the first week of 50mg my hormones are raging and I cut it down to 25mg for the next 2 weeks, by the end of clomid use my hpta is restored and sex drive is through the roof for aslong as I feel like staying off pretty much.

there are so many reviews when it comes to running HCG throughout a cycle. I was told not to do it because it fucks with your gains however I have used HCG before at least once a week during a cycle and it seemed fine. I didn't notice a loss in gains.


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2014, 10:53:44 PM »
@whitewidow:  when you use dhea in your pct, how exactly do you use it?  dose and length of use to be specific.  Thanks.


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2014, 02:33:31 AM »
I get leanner fast on clomid but i don't get any mass as i do with low dose testosterone.
I don't use it because makes me edgy and agressive, with trouble sleeping. Doesn't happen when on low dose test.


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2014, 02:47:38 AM »
@whitewidow:  when you use dhea in your pct, how exactly do you use it?  dose and length of use to be specific.  Thanks.

I finish up my HCG . I take a shot with my last injection just 1,500 Iu's and I only do at most 2 more HCg shots of 1,500IU's. Then I start a few anchileries(serms). I like using Nolvadex at 40-60mg wich is on the high side and I also keep letro on hand 2.5mg per ml. I start my DHEA right after I come of cycle. DHEA is way underated-IMO. I use the MRM Brand DHEA 50mg capsules-90 caps per sealed bottle it's HPLC tested for potency and purity.

I use the 40-60mg of nolva daily and I use 100mg of DHEA daily, I honestly drop the nolvadex after a few weeks but stay on the DHEA for quite a long time. I keep letrozole on hand because you can get estrogen side effects from DHEA.  DHEA is produced in the adrenal glands from pregnenolone and converts into testosterone,estrone and estradiol.

I tend to have pretty good luck and great gains off of using 100mg DHEA daily. I use it till I am ready for my next cycle so sometimes I am on DHEA for a few months daily and I also am taking doses of letrozole a few times a week at 2.5mg per dose. If I am out of letro I take 40-60mg of nolva EOD or just twice a week. I think taking 100mg of DHEA is the low point. I think guys don;t use enough DHEA and that's why they don't get any gains or they buy a crappy brand. even high grade DHEA from whole foods is like 10$ for the 50mg strength.

I bought my DHEA 50mg strength /90 caps at whole foods but they sell the same stuff on .  When I stack the DHEA with Nolva and letro. I do stack the DHEA with nolva for a few weeks then letro for a few weeks and kind of go back and forth with the serms but i always incorporate a serm or AI.  

I tend to #1 keep my gains from the cycle and I stay agressive and can push my workouts into high intesnity training. I don;t deal with any lethargy like i used to when I would come off a cycle.

I have also just done a natural cycle of DHEA and Nolvadex and I swear I got huge off taking both products. I definately got leaner, my workouts were way more intense, my appetite was up. I seemed to keep decent size and overall mass on DHEA and Nolva or a AI like letro. It works for me maybe that's because I gave it a chance, alot of people give up on DHEA stacked with a serm because they of course don;t get rapid steroid gains but it is definately better then using any othet OTC products I can think of. some creatines and glutamine peptides are decent and you can throw those in as well but I belieive in getting your nutrients from whole food meals. shakes are ok if your in a super rush.

abny other questions or if I missed something you wanted to know Pm me or post up the question. Thumbs up for DHEA and nolva or stacked with a AI-IMO.I have not had one negative side effect. I have heard about all the side effects DHEA can cause but never had dealt with any. I have definately had side effects from AAS though


  • Getbig I
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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2014, 11:59:35 AM »
I thought i give it a shot, on clomid since 10 days, have not been gaining any significant weight but i kinda look/feel fuller


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Re: Clomid gains
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2014, 04:38:21 PM »
I thought i give it a shot, on clomid since 10 days, have not been gaining any significant weight but i kinda look/feel fuller

I took clomid four about 6 weeks at 25mg Monday Wednesday and Friday.. I gained no more then 5 to 7 pounds (mostly water) and strength definitely went up.. Was using it as a restart