Author Topic: Trolls Hound Robbin Williams Daughter- She quits Twitter & Instgram for good  (Read 9151 times)

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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Firstly can you show me in this thread or anywhere else when I have EVER said you had a twitter account or made any comment regarding anything you have done or not done on twitter? You are confusing me with loco.

Loco stated TA "Is one of those trolls" to a general point.

I replied back saying "confirmed legit" to MOS as I do believe you to be "one of those trolls", i.e. you are the type of poster/troll in my opinion (based on my dealings with you in the past and your post history) who crosses the line and puts the foot in at other peoples misfortune and expense in time of need or tragedy making entirely nasty and malicious comments and I 100% stand by those comments which I know to be fact.  

If you somehow interpreted that to mean I or Loco (although I won't speak for him) accused you of attacking Robbin Williams daughter on twitter then that is your fault and your own misconception and misunderstanding not mine. You are the one who has a sick twisted mind my friend and needs help not me.

My second point is this. You said, please see bolded.

You go on to state that you are giving me a choice if I want to have our PM communications published or not, yet you go ahead and publish them anyway without my consent or waiting for my answer to give you consent or not. Did it occur to you that possibly I may have not those pm's to be published because they could potentially be hurtful to Bikinislut.

Furthermore as you very well know publishing pm's without consent is a breach of forums rules.

Now as it happens I was actually going to give you my consent to publish pm's RELATING to this discussion anyway. However, you go on to publish personal pm's about other matters that are not pertinent to this discussion including "phone conversations with Bigmc", my conversations about JOsh etc I will be reviewing if I feel I want further action to be take against for this breach ( I don't think I do to be honest but may reconsider). Regardless, you have shot yourself entirely in the foot here because it demonstrates yet again that you are an individual who lacks respect or empathy for other peoples feelings, personal info or considerations and actually proved the point I was making by publishing pm's without my consent.

Thirdly, all other PM's regarding training/diet/steroid/Josh/Bigmc phone conversations are irrelevant to this discussion and clutter this thread so I suggest you delete them. I am only interested in the below pm and your reply for the purposes of this exchange.

I start of the above pm to you which is genuine by stating "I am going to tell you ONCE AND FOR ALL" because at that time in various threads AS WELL AS OTHER PM WHICH YOU HAVE NOT PUBLISHED, you repeatedly kept making fun of Bikinislut's cancer, saying it was all a lie designed to get sympathy and money from me, calling her a goldigger and a whore and making other nasty comments WHILE SHE WAS ACTUALLY IN BED IN HOSPITAL, having surgery for cancer and would lurk the board on her phone and read such comments. I spoke to her many times on the phone, I have all the skype conversations, whatsapp conversations, records about how distasteful and disgusting your comments were. Why do you think I send you the above pm asking you as politely and firmly as possible to stop with your tirades. Did I just randomly pull that out of my ass, is that what you really think here? I also had access to the Bikinislut account and have all the pm's. You are a nasty piece of work my friend.

Furthermore, you go on in the below pm to state (see bolded) and acknowledge of your wrong doing and state and I quote "Once again I am very sorry for my actions" and "I feel awful about some of the posts in that thread", clearly admitting what you did was wrong. So again I stand 100% by my comments that you have proved to be in the past a vicious troll who attacks people and makes distasteful and disgusting comments about people at time of need or tragedy,(in this case about Bikini's cancer while she was in hospital) so as you can see I am not lying and only speaking the truth here my friend and entirely justified to say what I am because those were your actions which you fully admitted to in the pm you sent me below.

What I will say in your defense is at least you apologized in the end and I accepted you apology.


Here is the pm I sent you accepting your apology.


You sir are an absolute liar. You flat out called her a lying gold digging whore, WHO'S NEVER HAD CANCER, who was using that as an excuse to get money from me and that she was scum and YOU WISHED SHE ACTUALLY GOT AND DIED FROM CANCER while she was ACTUALLY IN HOSPITAL WITH CANCER crying her eyes out reading your comments. I will try and find those quotes if possible but some of those threads were so bad they actually may have gotten deleted. In any case if possible I will ask if deleted threads can be un deleted because I know everything is stored on the system.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.

Firstly can you show me in this thread or anywhere else when I have EVER said you had a twitter account or made any comment regarding anything you have done or not done on twitter? You are confusing me with loco.

Loco stated TA "Is one of those trolls" to a general point.

I replied back saying "confirmed legit" to MOS as I do believe you to be "one of those trolls", i.e. you are the type of poster/troll in my opinion (based on my dealings with you in the past and your post history) who crosses the line and puts the foot in at other peoples misfortune and expense in time of need or tragedy making entirely nasty and malicious comments and I 100% stand by those comments which I know to be fact.  

If you somehow interpreted that to mean I or Loco (although I won't speak for him) accused you of attacking Robbin Williams daughter on twitter then that is your fault and your own misconception and misunderstanding not mine. You are the one who has a sick twisted mind my friend and needs help not me.

My second point is this. You said, please see bolded.

You go on to state that you are giving me a choice if I want to have our PM communications published or not, yet you go ahead and publish them anyway without my consent or waiting for my answer to give you consent or not. Did it occur to you that possibly I may have not those pm's to be published because they could potentially be hurtful to Bikinislut.

Furthermore as you very well know publishing pm's without consent is a breach of forums rules.

Now as it happens I was actually going to give you my consent to publish pm's RELATING to this discussion anyway. However, you go on to publish personal pm's about other matters that are not pertinent to this discussion including "phone conversations with Bigmc", my conversations about JOsh etc I will be reviewing if I feel I want further action to be take against for this breach ( I don't think I do to be honest but may reconsider). Regardless, you have shot yourself entirely in the foot here because it demonstrates yet again that you are an individual who lacks respect or empathy for other peoples feelings, personal info or considerations and actually proved the point I was making by publishing pm's without my consent.

Thirdly, all other PM's regarding training/diet/steroid/Josh/Bigmc phone conversations are irrelevant to this discussion and clutter this thread so I suggest you delete them. I am only interested in the below pm and your reply for the purposes of this exchange.

I start of the above pm to you which is genuine by stating "I am going to tell you ONCE AND FOR ALL" because at that time in various threads AS WELL AS OTHER PM WHICH YOU HAVE NOT PUBLISHED, you repeatedly kept making fun of Bikinislut's cancer, saying it was all a lie designed to get sympathy and money from me, calling her a goldigger and a whore and making other nasty comments WHILE SHE WAS ACTUALLY IN BED IN HOSPITAL, having surgery for cancer and would lurk the board on her phone and read such comments. I spoke to her many times on the phone, I have all the skype conversations, whatsapp conversations, records about how distasteful and disgusting your comments were. Why do you think I send you the above pm asking you as politely and firmly as possible to stop with your tirades. Did I just randomly pull that out of my ass, is that what you really think here? I also had access to the Bikinislut account and have all the pm's. You are a nasty piece of work my friend.

Furthermore, you go on in the below pm to state (see bolded) and acknowledge of your wrong doing and state and I quote "Once again I am very sorry for my actions" and "I feel awful about some of the posts in that thread", clearly admitting what you did was wrong. So again I stand 100% by my comments that you have proved to be in the past a vicious troll who attacks people and makes distasteful and disgusting comments about people at time of need or tragedy,(in this case about Bikini's cancer while she was in hospital) so as you can see I am not lying and only speaking the truth here my friend and entirely justified to say what I am because those were your actions which you fully admitted to in the pm you sent me below.

What I will say in your defense is at least you apologized in the end and I accepted you apology.


Here is the pm I sent you accepting your apology.


You sir are an absolute liar. You flat out called her a lying gold digging whore, WHO'S NEVER HAD CANCER, who was using that as an excuse to get money from me and that she was scum and YOU WISHED SHE ACTUALLY GOT AND DIED FROM CANCER while she was ACTUALLY IN HOSPITAL WITH CANCER crying her eyes out reading your comments. I will try and find those quotes if possible but some of those threads were so bad they actually may have gotten deleted. In any case if possible I will ask if deleted threads can be un deleted because I know everything is stored on the system.

Prove your accusation.  You started this whole thing.  You are the problem here.  Nobody knew a thing about BS and her alleged cancer until you decided to violate her privacy and spill it.  She never said anything of the sort.

Oh and I never once wished her harm.  You like to lie, I get it.  We all get it.

Uncle Junior

  • Guest
I remain skeptical and unconvinced.

I don't care if you don't like me  or not Shockwave but the fact of the matter remains that while Bikini was in hospital crying her eyes out to me on the phone or skype and while disgusting comments were being made about her cancer not just but Adonis (although he was single handily the worst offender) I was the one paying for her meds, supporting her through her ordeal, trying to comfort her and telling her everything was going to be fine.

All I asked from you guys at the time and from Adonis especially  was a little bit of fucking respect and consideration both on the board and privately. They carried on repeatedly, accusing me of having nothing to do with her, her never having cancer, her being a gold digging whore  and all kinds of nasty and baseless attacks for no reason.

Getbig is supposed to be about the truth right? So let the truth be heard then.

I didn't want to bring all this up, I told Adonis to walk away but since its relevant to the topic of this thread and how Robbin Williams daughter got attacked by troll it reminded me of Bikini and what was done to here on our very own board, never mind fucking twitter.

These trolls who attack people who are ill or just died etc are the absolute utter scum of the earth. These anonymous internet warriors/trolls are weak minded, weak individuals in real life.

Real men help those in need and give a helping hand or support to those when they are down and out, not mercilessly attack them with vile comments.

Believe me now? Off course you going to say its NOT her or some usual bullshit along those lines.

Fucking pathetic. As if I would make this shit up, fucking retards.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.

I don't care if you don't like me  or not Shockwave but the fact of the matter remains that while Bikini was in hospital crying her eyes out to me on the phone or skype and while disgusting comments were being made about her cancer not just but Adonis (although he was single handily the worst offender) I was the one paying for her meds, supporting her through her ordeal, trying to comfort her and telling her everything was going to be fine.

All I asked from you guys at the time and from Adonis especially  was a little bit of fucking respect and consideration both on the board and privately. They carried on repeatedly, accusing me of having nothing to do with her, her never having cancer, her being a gold digging whore  and all kinds of nasty and baseless attacks for no reason.

Getbig is supposed to be about the truth right? So let the truth be heard then.

I didn't want to bring all this up, I told Adonis to walk away but since its relevant to the topic of this thread and how Robbin Williams daughter got attacked by troll it reminded me of Bikini and what was done to here on our very own board, never mind fucking twitter.

These trolls who attack people who are ill or just died etc are the absolute utter scum of the earth. These anonymous internet warriors/trolls are weak minded, weak individuals in real life.

Real men help those in need and give a helping hand or support to those when they are down and out, not mercilessly attack them with vile comments.

Believe me now? Off course you going to say its NOT her or some usual bullshit along those lines.

Fucking pathetic.

Again, prove your accusation, liar.

Furthermore, why are you violating BS privacy by posting things like this?  What are you trying to accomplish? 


  • Getbig V
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  • Big dude...all the way big dude.
Again, prove your accusation, liar.

Furthermore, why are you violating BS privacy by posting things like this?  What are you trying to accomplish?  

Unless I'm mistaken, junior cheated on her with her hookers - publicised it - and is responsible for her not posting here anyway.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6471

I don't care if you don't like me  or not Shockwave but the fact of the matter remains that while Bikini was in hospital crying her eyes out to me on the phone or skype and while disgusting comments were being made about her cancer not just but Adonis (although he was single handily the worst offender) I was the one paying for her meds, supporting her through her ordeal, trying to comfort her and telling her everything was going to be fine.

All I asked from you guys at the time and from Adonis especially  was a little bit of fucking respect and consideration both on the board and privately. They carried on repeatedly, accusing me of having nothing to do with her, her never having cancer, her being a gold digging whore  and all kinds of nasty and baseless attacks for no reason.

Getbig is supposed to be about the truth right? So let the truth be heard then.

I didn't want to bring all this up, I told Adonis to walk away but since its relevant to the topic of this thread and how Robbin Williams daughter got attacked by troll it reminded me of Bikini and what was done to here on our very own board, never mind fucking twitter.

These trolls who attack people who are ill or just died etc are the absolute utter scum of the earth. These anonymous internet warriors/trolls are weak minded, weak individuals in real life.

Real men help those in need and give a helping hand or support to those when they are down and out, not mercilessly attack them with vile comments.

Believe me now? Off course you going to say its NOT her or some usual bullshit along those lines.

Fucking pathetic. As if I would make this shit up, fucking retards.

This. Scum of the earth.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2351
  • That'll do pig, that'll do

This is probably more appropriate chief, considering this is getbig after all.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
Then you keep on believing son.  :D


Hi Five to Uncle Junior......he bullshits......people believe.

You need to figure out what's true and what's exaggerated.

Bikinislut has kept in contact off the board with certain Getbig members......all of whom are pretty fucking awesome. She's even met some at shows and one at work. However she never hit on UJ.....she never talked to him off of PM's.......she never encouraged his psycho stalker can choose to believe it or not. The intelligent members know.

But I can't lie....he's one of the most entertaining posters currently.....along with True Grit and Bass Generator.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
Why not though?

I tend to think when you get lips like those and breasts like those you ARE a bit vapid.

All of that for a man? Or is it the money? If it's a guy with money I TOTALLY understand. Otherwise I don't get it.

If she looks in the mirror and thinks her lips look good she is stupid. Tell her bikinislut said so.

Do they feel funny when you kiss them?

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
Good to go as long as you make enough to wine, dine, buy me some jewellery and clothing.

I'm in Edmonton stud.....where are you?

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
I'm down. I just need to know a few be "safe"

Yearly Income
BodyFat Level
Facial Beauty on A Scale of 1-10 As Judged By My Female Peers
Cock Girth
Cock Length

And after that  we may be good to go.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.

 Yes we are obviously a great match. Maybe we are destined to be soulmates.

 I live in Northern Asia. I cannot say exactly where, because that's classified information. But i'm near a big city out here. Very nice town, wealthy area, strange and exotic culture.

Buying jewelry and clothes, that's not my thing, not gonna do that. Well..... maybe i'll do it if the sex is good enough. But i'm not into doing the sugar daddy thing too much.

 Wine and dine, tour the city, that's more what I like to do. And of course I pay for all that like a gentleman.

 Post a body pic and lets see what we're working with here. Don't worry, i'm not picky. If you look anything above a 3 i'll probably be good to go.  ;)


Refer to my first 10 posts. This could be a problem. But don't worry....I fuck like a bitch in heat.

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 11164
my god what a retarded thread.


  • Getbig V
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  • Decepticons! Scramble!

I don't care if you don't like me  or not Shockwave but the fact of the matter remains that while Bikini was in hospital crying her eyes out to me on the phone or skype and while disgusting comments were being made about her cancer not just but Adonis (although he was single handily the worst offender) I was the one paying for her meds, supporting her through her ordeal, trying to comfort her and telling her everything was going to be fine.

All I asked from you guys at the time and from Adonis especially  was a little bit of fucking respect and consideration both on the board and privately. They carried on repeatedly, accusing me of having nothing to do with her, her never having cancer, her being a gold digging whore  and all kinds of nasty and baseless attacks for no reason.

Getbig is supposed to be about the truth right? So let the truth be heard then.

I didn't want to bring all this up, I told Adonis to walk away but since its relevant to the topic of this thread and how Robbin Williams daughter got attacked by troll it reminded me of Bikini and what was done to here on our very own board, never mind fucking twitter.

These trolls who attack people who are ill or just died etc are the absolute utter scum of the earth. These anonymous internet warriors/trolls are weak minded, weak individuals in real life.

Real men help those in need and give a helping hand or support to those when they are down and out, not mercilessly attack them with vile comments.

Believe me now? Off course you going to say its NOT her or some usual bullshit along those lines.

Fucking pathetic. As if I would make this shit up, fucking retards.

I dont know shit about any of that. Because of YOU, and your tendancies, and your actions, I remain skeptical that bikinislut was ever an actual woman poster, and you posting a horror/sob story about asshole posters with zero evidence isn't going to change anything.

Im skeptical of pretty much anything youve touched or tried to be a part of.  Thats all your doing, with your constant wannabe trolling and 'mind games'. Its like the boy who cried wolf, you cant tell everyone a bunch of stories about having dozens of gimmick accts, being behind female posters, and making shit up to troll and then still expect people to believe you when youre suddenly serious.

Isn't gonna happen.

Uncle Junior

  • Guest
Some examples of "The Adonis Principles" in action.

Of course after he apologized (which you can clearly see in his pm to me in my above post), where he states  "I feel awful about some of those posts in that thread and should not have added any fuel to the fire" and "Once again, I am very sorry for my actions". He went on to delete the really nasty shit he wrote because he is a snake in the grass like that but I am glad he did for Bikini's sake so at least she didn't have to see it again.

So while my girlfriend was in hospital having surgery to have cancer tumors removed and lurking the board in between waiting times etc this is the stuff she was reading from your great champion.

1405     Getbig Main Boards / The Getbiggers Board - The Circus or the Zoo / Re: Uncle Junior--Like U But You Are a Joke    on: March 25, 2014, 04:53:08 PM

ismoseppo on March 25, 2014, 04:48:42 PM
side note--bs cried on here that her best friend got killed in a car crash--i asked him if that was legit in pm and got no answer--shes a real champ, faking car accidents,.........hmmmmmm we've seen that before

100% fact her best friend died in car crash, I saw the proofs

Adonis Replies back to Josh, bear in mind this is March 25th to above reply:

She also claims to be a cancer survivor.  Sometime people make that up as well.

I thought you said Adonis that no one knew about her cancer until I divulged this information, which one is it son? Get your story straight kid, you lie so much you can't even get your own fucking story straight. You wrote in the above quote "she also claims to be a cancer survivor" on the 25th of March, yet in this thread today you are quoted as saying and I quote.

Nobody knew a thing about BS and her alleged cancer until you decided to violate her privacy and spill it. She never said anything of the sort.

Do you see what an absolute liar and moron you are.

Next Example.

Getbig Main Boards / The Getbiggers Board - The Circus or the Zoo / Re: Uncle Junior--Like U But You Are a Joke    on: March 25, 2014, 05:07:50 PM

Uncle Junior on March 25, 2014, 04:58:26 PM
Let me get this straight you do not believe she is a cancer survivor and thinking she is lying? Am I understanding you correctly here?

Do you admit if you are wrong about that would be a pretty darn shitty thing to say!]

Genius responds to say.

I think she is full of shit and no, its not a shitty thing to say or think.  Why should I believe her?  What proof has she given to go on?  Furthermore, how is it shitty when she is a verified liar?

Side question:
Why don`t you live in something bigger than 675 square feet?  Huh

So let me get this straight, when someone has cancer and is in hospital they need to come and "prove to you" that they have it right? I told you to lay of her and she was sick you fucking cu-nt.

I retort back and via pm politely explaining the situation.

1401     Getbig Main Boards / The Getbiggers Board - The Circus or the Zoo / Re: Uncle Junior--Like U But You Are a Joke    on: March 25, 2014, 05:16:51 PM

Uncle Junior on March 25, 2014, 05:10:50 PM
Well let me tell you as a matter of 100% fact (which is indisputable) that I personally know you are completely wrong and if you had a shred of decency about you, you would not make fun about something like that.

But this cu-nt just can't help himself.

How is this making fun?  Have you never heard of people making up illnesses, even cancer, for personal gain?  Its quite common actually.  I am not making fun (even if I was, what would it matter), I am just questioning her truthfulness on the matter.  She is the type of person to make it up and you are the type of person to believe it.

Why are you so gullible at times?

So even if someone has cancer it wouldn't matter to you if you mad fun of them or not. Now do you understand why I stand by my comments 100% and think you are a cu nt and exactly the type of troll we are talking about in the topic of this thread.

Still guy doesn't get the hint.

Getbig Main Boards / The Getbiggers Board - The Circus or the Zoo / Re: Uncle Junior--Like U But You Are a Joke    on: March 25, 2014, 05:38:45 PM

Uncle Junior on March 25, 2014, 05:34:21 PM
You are so fucking retarded its unbelievable.

I went to her.

I pursued her.

She didn't want anything to do with me at first (read the threads)

She has NEVER asked me for a goddamn dime or anything whatsoever.

I CHOOSE to do certain things cos I WANTED TO.

You are an idiot.

People don't use Getbig forum as some kinda goldding site, if she wanted to do that she would join a site like or something.

Have some intelligence about what you are saying.

I am done with you.

You cross the lined.


What are you going to do to me?   Huh

If you want to help someone out, you do so and you don`t come on here bragging about it.  You couldn`t get to mom`s attic fast enough to post how good of a Samaritan you were.  Do you think anyone on here cares?  They don`t.  You are our "ment" and all we are doing is "enjoying the ment".

I wanted to like you, but you have devolved.  I think that is the general feeling with everyone as well.

Getbig Main Boards / The Getbiggers Board - The Circus or the Zoo / Re: Uncle Junior--Like U But You Are a Joke    on: March 25, 2014, 05:42:34 PM

I would rather Pursue Tbombz than BS.  Srs.

In the meanwhile this was the reality of the situation.

This is why Adonis and trolls like him who cross the line are pure scum.

Uncle Junior

  • Guest
Now answer the question fuck face, why are you breaking forum rules and publishing private pm's when I explicitly told you in my pm (see bolded section) not to ever publish those pms.

Answer the question. I will seeking for you to go into time out unless I get a public apology.

Publishing pm's especially about a cancer survivor on a sensitive issue like this is beyond disgraceful.

Listen Adonis.

I am gonna tell you this once and once only my friend (I mean that respectfully).

This say 100% between us and I do not give you permission to post this pm (not that I think you would)

What you are saying is deeply hurtful and offensive to me about someone I truly care about.

Now listen up:

The fact is she has been in remission for sometime but recently (about 4 weeks ago) she has a flare up of the cancer and was in hospital and needed surgery.

I have seen her hospital records as well as spoken to her doctors and seen her and been for her to support her through the ordeal.

I have pictures of her in bed in hospital ok.

Fact is she couldn't even afford some of her meds.

Now thank fuck the biopsy results indicated that the cancer has not spread.

I am trying to be there for someone

a) I truly care about
b) has been through a heck of a lot

She like this board, it means a lot to her.

Imagine if you were sick and lonely how would you feel?

Now back the fuck off, I mean it, you are beginning to irritate me.

It fine to have fun and games but not about this shit, you are cross the line.

I am asking this from you man to man and as politely and respectfully as possible even though right now I am fuming.

I will take a moment to calm down before I say something I actually regret

I appreciate and thank you for your understanding and for what it is worth she seems to like you and always said positive things about you to me so don't be so hurtful man.

Thank You

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
Some examples of "The Adonis Principles" in action.

Of course after he apologized (which you can clearly see in his pm to me in my above post), where he states  "I feel awful about some of those posts in that thread and should not have added any fuel to the fire" and "Once again, I am very sorry for my actions". He went on to delete the really nasty shit he wrote because he is a snake in the grass like that but I am glad he did for Bikini's sake so at least she didn't have to see it again.

So while my girlfriend was in hospital having surgery to have cancer tumors removed and lurking the board in between waiting times etc this is the stuff she was reading from your great champion.

1405     Getbig Main Boards / The Getbiggers Board - The Circus or the Zoo / Re: Uncle Junior--Like U But You Are a Joke    on: March 25, 2014, 04:53:08 PM

100% fact her best friend died in car crash, I saw the proofs

Adonis Replies back to Josh, bear in mind this is March 25th to above reply:

I thought you said Adonis that no one knew about her cancer until I divulged this information, which one is it son? Get your story straight kid, you lie so much you can't even get your own fucking story straight. You wrote in the above quote "she also claims to be a cancer survivor" on the 25th of March, yet in this thread today you are quoted as saying and I quote.

Do you see what an absolute liar and moron you are.

Next Example.

Getbig Main Boards / The Getbiggers Board - The Circus or the Zoo / Re: Uncle Junior--Like U But You Are a Joke    on: March 25, 2014, 05:07:50 PM

Genius responds to say.

So let me get this straight, when someone has cancer and is in hospital they need to come and "prove to you" that they have it right? I told you to lay of her and she was sick you fucking cu-nt.

I retort back and via pm politely explaining the situation.

1401     Getbig Main Boards / The Getbiggers Board - The Circus or the Zoo / Re: Uncle Junior--Like U But You Are a Joke    on: March 25, 2014, 05:16:51 PM

But this cu-nt just can't help himself.

So even if someone has cancer it wouldn't matter to you if you mad fun of them or not. Now do you understand why I stand by my comments 100% and think you are a cu nt and exactly the type of troll we are talking about in the topic of this thread.

Still guy doesn't get the hint.

Getbig Main Boards / The Getbiggers Board - The Circus or the Zoo / Re: Uncle Junior--Like U But You Are a Joke    on: March 25, 2014, 05:38:45 PM


Getbig Main Boards / The Getbiggers Board - The Circus or the Zoo / Re: Uncle Junior--Like U But You Are a Joke    on: March 25, 2014, 05:42:34 PM

In the meanwhile this was the reality of the situation.

This is why Adonis and trolls like him who cross the line are pure scum.

You have just "proven" once again, how full of nonsense you are.  Never did I wish any harm to her, like you claimed.

I was questioning the whole story as, believe it or not, it is common for people to feign illness to get sympathy or monetary gain.  I still question the whole story.  I don`t believe you or her on anything.

Hope this helps.


The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
Now answer the question fuck face, why are you breaking forum rules and publishing private pm's when I explicitly told you in my pm (see bolded section) not to ever publish those pms.

Answer the question. I will seeking for you to go into time out unless I get a public apology.

Publishing pm's especially about a cancer survivor on a sensitive issue like this is beyond disgraceful.
Have fun with that, cupcake.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 6471
Shouldn't post PMs TA. PRIVATE info is didn't like it when your lady's PRIVATE info was posted.

Keep it cool and within the rules fellas.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
Shouldn't post PMs TA. PRIVATE info is didn't like it when your lady's PRIVATE info was posted.

Keep it cool and within the rules fellas.
He has been known to manufacture PM`s so I figured might as well get the truth out fully without any alteration.  He started this whole thing in this very thread.  He lied about twitter, he lied about me wishing harm on BS and I am sure he will lie again.  This is all Getbig related so its not going too far in my opinion.  I would never go beyond Getbig as its pointless to do so. 

Uncle Junior

  • Guest
He has been known to manufacture PM`s so I figured might as well get the truth out fully without any alteration.  He started this whole thing in this very thread.  He lied about twitter, he lied about me wishing harm on BS and I am sure he will lie again.  This is all Getbig related so its not going too far in my opinion.  I would never go beyond Getbig as its pointless to do so. 

You don't have the balls or the means my friend, little reality check for you.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
You don't have the balls or the means my friend, little reality check for you.
No, I just have more decency than you do.  Plus, I don`t care to make anyones life outside of Getbig anymore difficult. 

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
You don't have the balls or the means my friend, little reality check for you.
Also, I have better things to do.  So should you.

Uncle Junior

  • Guest
Have fun with that, cupcake.

I think it's clear to everyone you waived the white flag and tapped out my friend.

I rest my case, I never lied and my comments were 100% justified as everyone can see.

I told Adonis to run along earlier and not get into it with me, he became stubborn and silly got owned and is now dismissed.

You will always be out of your depth intellectually and in every respect against me my dear, you should concentrate on retards more in your league my sweets.

I will run circles around your mind until you are so dizzy that all that is left is a tsunami of shit.  

Now bout that cupcake.... how many calories in it:-*


Uncle Junior

  • Guest
Also, I have better things to do.  So should you.

No you don't and neither do I otherwise we wouldn't be here talking now would we.  :o