Author Topic: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop  (Read 2344 times)

Dos Equis

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Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« on: August 14, 2014, 11:39:59 AM »
Chutzpah.  Things like this happen because the president has emboldened people to break the law.  Sad. 

Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop

By Valerie Cavazos.
CREATED Aug 10, 2014 - UPDATED: Aug 11, 2014

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Protesters swarmed a Tucson Police traffic stop Sunday after officers pulled over a man near 22nd Street and Columbus Boulevard.

According to Sgt. Chris Widmer with Tucson Police, officers pulled over a man for making an improper right turn at about 2:45 p.m. Sunday.

When officers approached the man, he identified himself as being in the country illegally. Widmer says he also did not have a driver's license.

Widmer says officers contacted Border Patrol as part of SB1070. Border Patrol agents arrived in an unmarked vehicle.

At that point, protesters started swarming the scene, and additional Tucson Police officers were called in for crowd control.

Two protesters went underneath a vehicle and refused to come out.

Border Patrol eventually got the two women protesters out from underneath the car. Widmer said no protesters were arrested.

Border Patrol is taking over the investigation of the driver.


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2014, 12:15:04 PM »
The driver ADMITTED he was illegal and the protesters still didnt care.

The protester in this case should all be charged. (Or deported, imo)


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2014, 01:13:21 PM »
Look at those disgusting fat cholas, likely illegal themselves and bloated up to 300lbs on the US taxpayers dime. I'm guessing those ones wouldn't fit under the patrol car

at this point there's nothing we can do, both parties sold out the country for this and its not politically correct to punish criminals anymore


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2014, 07:22:58 PM »
Is there anywhere for upstanding citizens to go? Where's the next great flight or colony, Mars?


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2014, 07:45:50 AM »
Is there anywhere for upstanding citizens to go? Where's the next great flight or colony, Mars?

Nope. America was the last great western nation with significant resistance to the liberal/socialism disease...but now its spreading all over even here   :-\


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2014, 08:49:04 AM »
It's not socialism that brings these people here. It's capitalism.


George Whorewell

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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2014, 07:14:00 PM »
It's not socialism that brings these people here. It's capitalism.

No, its socialism. Just like everything else in the United States, socialism masquerades as capitalism.  

How many of these people would bother entering the country if (a) the laws on the books were enforced, (b)  deportation was swift, (c) corrupt left wing "sanctuary cities" didn't provide illegals with blanket immunity and (d) there was no possibility of going on the dole.-- ie: No government assistance of any kind, period. No public school for their children, no hospital beds at the emergency room, no welfare, no food stamps, etc.  

Socialism is far and away the greatest incentive for illegals to enter the country. Not the 3 dollar an hour job picking lettuce.

George Whorewell

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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2014, 07:44:58 PM »
You're not too smart. The laws on the books are not enforced because the capitalists don't want them enforced. Dollars trump culture for the real capitalists. The few bucks it costs them to keep civil order through institutions like public schools, welfare, etc., are just the cost of doing business.

When unions, which are socialist in nature, were more dominant in this country, we had little to no illegal immigration and a white man could support his family on a 40 hour week. Then we let the capitalists take over and they brought in the illegals, broke the unions, etc. They are getting richer and richer and dopes like you are becoming a part of the permanent muddy underclass. Enjoy.

The scenario outlined in the first paragraph is not capitalism.

The second paragraph is historically inaccurate and replete with vague generalizations. What period of American history are you referring to when you say "we had little to no illegal immigration and a white man could support his family on 40 hours a week?" The early 1990's? The 1950's? Please explain. Better yet, name any period of American history where unions were "dominant" in comparison to the rest of the workforce. The idiotic assertion which follows in the next paragraph= "Then we let the capitalists take over and... " is also illogical and incomprehensible. Who is they?


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2014, 07:11:27 AM »
It is modern capitalism. You have to keep the peace. Who wants to step out of their Park Avenue apartment and be overwhelmed by beggars?

The 1940s and 50s were a great time in American history. america made things and exported to the world. Women stayed home and raised kids. The culture was not corrupt. Now international banks like Goldman Sachs  set national policy. They control both political parties and could care less about the average working man. They want to drive down wages so the American worker is on par with the average Cambodian. Why wouldn't they? That's capitalism after all.
"modern capitalism" lmfao you can try and twist it all you want a square peg dont fit in the circle hole


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2014, 11:20:58 PM »
Keep believing what you see on Fox News you simpleton. Maybe you'll figure it someday.
hahah yup you have it all figured out cholo..."modern capitalism" fucking shit man


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2014, 11:27:15 PM »
Keep believing what you see on Fox News you simpleton. Maybe you'll figure it someday.
define modern capitalism chole and while youre at it modern liberalism.


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2014, 11:59:09 PM »
Nope. America was the last great western nation with significant resistance to the liberal/socialism disease...but now its spreading all over even here   :-\

America was founded upon liberalism. It has had an open border policy since its inception. Thats why we're mostly mutts - even white folk.

I don't agree with illegal immigration but to deny that capitalism is the driving force behind immigration is just retarded. Capitalism is all about the free market and in order to have a free market you need free movement of labor. This shit is economics 101.


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2014, 08:01:45 AM »
l'll make it real simple for you dumb ass. Modern capitalism = TARP. The banks and insurance companies fucked up and the government bailed them out with taxpayer money. Both parties overwhelmingly supported TARP because the people who benefited from TARP are the people who get them elected. Meanwhile, idiots like you still think the system is on the level.
hahah the govt helped create the situation in which tarp was needed by forcing their hand, is that modern capitalism as well or modern liberalism?

Look up whatever "libtard," or whatever you call them, congressperson and see where they get their campaign contributions from. Take Maxine Waters, ultra-liberal, right? The top 4 industries contributing to her campaign are:

1) Insurance
2) Securities and Investment
3) Real Estate
4) Commercial Banks

She also happens to be the ranking member of the Financial Services committee, which is one of the real big dog committees in Congress. Do you think she would be in this position if any of these groups felt even slightly jeopardized by her? You think when she sits down with these people they talk about all the nonsense conservative and liberal shit you obsess about on here? Nope. They laugh at people like you.
actually pretty much agree here but it sounds like your trying to squeeze something into a term that doesnt really fit. Both examples are more examples of corporatism than "modern capitlism" or "modern liberalism"


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2014, 10:23:23 AM »
Yeah, the government forced them into making billions of dollars in profits. I know guys at AIG who made enough in CDOs in 3 years to never have to work again. And before that they weren't doing shit. You think it was poor minorities who convinced Congress, et al., to lower lending requirements, etc.? LOL! It was the banks, mortgage companies, et al. Racial fairness, etc., was all a pretext that Rush and FOX news sold to the idiots.

Politicians like Maxine are actually loved by lobbyists because they have safe seats, the worst thing for a lobbyist is to spend time and money developing one and then have them get voted out.
LMFAO yea it had nothing to do with politicians pandering to the lowest common denominator right? the people who actually took the loans had no responsibility in it either eh?

so the govt creates an enviroment where they force the banks to lend to people and you blame the banks for lending to people?


you also didnt mention anything at about all your rantings about "modern capitalism" really being corporatism, wonder why....


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2014, 11:16:12 AM »
America was founded upon liberalism. It has had an open border policy since its inception. Thats why we're mostly mutts - even white folk.

I don't agree with illegal immigration but to deny that capitalism is the driving force behind immigration is just retarded. Capitalism is all about the free market and in order to have a free market you need free movement of labor. This shit is economics 101.

America was founded with an open border policy, when there weren't taxpayer funded social programs to be abused.

The illegals in Tucson and surrounding areas do not abide by any immigration laws on the books. They bankrupt social programs and openly promote "Brown Power" led by congressman Raul Grijalva.


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2014, 04:16:56 PM »
This is why you're clueless. Who do you think wanted the regulations loosened? The banks and mortgage companies lobbied for this and pushed it through. If you think the "government" can "force" the banks to do anything you're beyond help. Lobbyists write the laws and then give them to legislators. That's how laws come about and regulations get changed. It's a business to these people. They don't leave anything to chance. You think regular people who want sub-prime mortgages have lobbyists, trade organizations,  PACs, letc.? If the banks ever thought they would be exposed by lending to people with poor credit they never would have let it happen.
ahhh so the banks got the politicians to change the law to force them to lend to people not normally qualified all the time knowing that when it fell through the govt would be there to bail them out?

im guessing you think 9/11 was an inside job too? maybe they used holograms?


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Re: Protesters swarm Tucson Police traffic stop
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2014, 05:06:39 PM »
Isn't that exactly what happened?

I've spent over 20 years working in and around government and for lobbying shops. I'm trying to teach you how the process works but you're too dumb to listen. I'm out.
hahah ok boss