Author Topic: please share your t3 experience  (Read 40224 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #50 on: October 22, 2014, 12:02:37 AM »
I just read the posts about 200mcg... everyone knows that I HATE a fear monger and try dispelling myths and bringing SENSE into our discussions. But who the fuck needs 200mcg of T3!?!?!? If you have absolutely no body fat on your body, then I'll eat my words. But if you're rocking nothing less than a shredded 6 pack without flexing and with no more than a bit of skin covering it, you need to reevaluate what you're doing.

who the fuck needs 3 grams of test?

this is a bodybuilding forum.
we push things to the extreme

i love testing sh*t so i pushed the t3 as high as i could tolerate without major muscle loss.

if you dont like it, its not your body.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #51 on: October 22, 2014, 12:20:40 AM »
nope... people always jump on the OMG THATS TOO MUCH bandwagon just because some bro on some forum told them t3 eats muscle...
try it yourself man, t3 is great  ;)

oh and look up buselmo (i think it was him) here on getbig... he was pretty knowledgable and high dosed t3 himself

the great buselmo was running 180mcg of T3, 320mcg of clen and 60mg of ephedrine stacked together  ;D

i actually think i saw him in a mall in kuala lumpur last august
didnt dare to ask if it was him as he was eating

mind you im living in europe and was in vacation
small world


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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #52 on: October 22, 2014, 08:50:26 PM »
wow if that's true that's... some heart quenching/twisting doses damn... I'm on 60mcg t3 and 100mcg clen right now... just playing around to see what it does if im eating higher amounts of food. Until I get a better understanding of how my body responds with the combo... Don't want to dip low cals + these drugs and then waste muscle like an idiot either...

So far I leaned out a tiny itsy bit... but I'm hating the lack of painful crazy pumps and veins that I'm normally used to :-/


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #53 on: October 23, 2014, 12:05:17 AM »
you can easily overeat even on huge dosages of t3...
its funny because you sweat like A MANIAC on 200mcg but the metabolism increase is not as huge as you would think. maybe increase by 400-500kcals burned.
200mcg pretty DNP-like though when it comes to sweating and flatness, imo even worse.

you dont seem to store glycogen from lots of carbs but the weight gain is still there if you overeat.
imo its especially the fats.
ive had refeeds on t3 where i ate strictly carbs and lots of them, had no weight gain or my weight was lower 2-3 days later.
when you overeat a lot of fat, the weight gain seems to stick.


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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #54 on: October 23, 2014, 12:11:22 AM »
t3 is a double edged sword for me.

it burns the fat, flattens me out... I wouldnt say eats muscle.

but the hunger cravings are so counter productive I have a hard time losing fat due all the binging.


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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2014, 02:46:36 AM »
who the fuck needs 3 grams of test?

this is a bodybuilding forum.
we push things to the extreme

i love testing sh*t so i pushed the t3 as high as i could tolerate without major muscle loss.

if you dont like it, its not your body.

I'm not your wife or your mother, so I can't tell you "you can't do that". But I can ask you if that's something you've critically reflected on and evaluated? I've taken larger doses too, but in my experience there was very little to gain when pushing the envelope.

Anabolics are pretty potent. I think it's a success when people can get by on lower doses, not when they can tolerate massive ones. I'm not a fear monger and I don't think the sides are too strenuous, but there is a small amount of cumulative damage that none of us can escape.

I just hope that what you're doing is more on the shorter-term than the longer-term. 200mcg of real T3 is a hefty dosage. 50-75mcg is a dosage that damn near anyone will see great results from. But as the dosage climbs, the returns begin to diminish quickly. I recall lots of your posts and you seem to have a firm grasp on what you're doing, but maybe lowering the T3 dose could be a consideration. Just my opinion. After having a few health scares and seeing a few that friends have had, I've made an effort to do things a bit more safely and my progress hasn't suffered at all.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #56 on: October 23, 2014, 02:56:29 AM »
I'm not your wife or your mother, so I can't tell you "you can't do that". But I can ask you if that's something you've critically reflected on and evaluated? I've taken larger doses too, but in my experience there was very little to gain when pushing the envelope.

Anabolics are pretty potent. I think it's a success when people can get by on lower doses, not when they can tolerate massive ones. I'm not a fear monger and I don't think the sides are too strenuous, but there is a small amount of cumulative damage that none of us can escape.

I just hope that what you're doing is more on the shorter-term than the longer-term. 200mcg of real T3 is a hefty dosage. 50-75mcg is a dosage that damn near anyone will see great results from. But as the dosage climbs, the returns begin to diminish quickly. I recall lots of your posts and you seem to have a firm grasp on what you're doing, but maybe lowering the T3 dose could be a consideration. Just my opinion. After having a few health scares and seeing a few that friends have had, I've made an effort to do things a bit more safely and my progress hasn't suffered at all.

i understand what youre saying. i like to evaluate stuff myself.
for me that includes testing very high dosages aswell.

actually after trying out on different stuff id say 150mcg is a good dosage when cutting on >1g AAS.
200mcg makes daily tasks a chore because of the sweating. 150mcg gives near same results but the sweating is definitely less pronounced.
i agree on the fact that 50mcg is enough to get great results while dieting. i mean it more than replaces natural thyroid output and holds metabolism steadily high on a deficit.
100mcg gives great metabolism increase, 150mcg even more so. of couse 200mcg is more again, but here the sides overshadow the benefits imo.

my conclusion is that 150mcg is a great middleway in terms of benefits/sides.

another thing i noticed is that dehydration becomes a problem on 200mcg.
my thirst definitely correlates with t3 dosage.
on a higher dosage i usually drink 5-6l a day.

one day i drank only about 2l because i was busy and late at night my legs started cramping up badly.
felt like i was dying.
ESFs thyrotoxicosis story came to mind. was a really bad feeling to cramp up every time you move.
it really felt like paralysis.
but i kept chugging water and popped some multivitamins. the next day i chugged like 2 gallons and it got much better, the day after that i was completely fine again.

so yeah i realized that this stuff is nothing to play with.
for me this is part of the game. you have to make mistakes to learn and become smarter.
i learned from that.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #57 on: October 23, 2014, 11:13:51 AM »
It's best to avoid.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #58 on: October 23, 2014, 12:23:51 PM »
It's best to avoid.

its best to avoid the whole BB lifestyle including lifting heavy weights, drugs, overeating, contest prep, etc when it comes to health


  • Getbig V
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #59 on: October 23, 2014, 11:35:27 PM »
my experience...

ran t3 at 200+ mcg/day for 9 months... thinking it was t4.

started at about 10% at 230/235.

bodyfat dropped to 8% after a few weeks, then 6% and finally settled at 5% after about 8 weeks and remained at 5% for the remaineder (until I was admitted to the hospital. lol)

bodyweight dropped steadily 10lbs, then 5, then 10, then 8.... whatever, I forget the exact numbers.

all in all, I went from the 230's down to the 170's in 9 months, and after the first 2 months, my bodyfat remained the same (5%), so the rest of the 7 months, all the weight I lost was catabolized muscle.

felt like shit for the last 7 months as well... weak and tired. I'd get home, sit down on the couch with my food and fall asleep sitting up before I took the first bite.

was taking in 4-6k kcals as well, and running test, tren and for a few months towards the end anadrol at 150-250mg/day.

eating shitty food.. ice cream, doughnuts, pizza, hotdogs.. everything I could that was high kcal because I couldn't figure out why I was dropping weight so quickly.

I ended up in the hospital with Thyrotoxic Periodic Partial Paralysis with CK levels in the 1200-1500 range. woke up unable to move my legs and most my torso. after being on a bed in the ER, they finally realized my potassium was 2.1 (I believe.. it was just above 2... could've been 2.2) and they freaked out and said I may be put on a ventilator because my diaphragm may stop working and I'd stop breathing on my own.... so, after an hour of blowing (or sucking? I forget) on a plastic breathing test thing, they gave me 2 tablets of potassium.

15mins later, I noticed my foot was moving. (like how you move your foot in bed when you're bored... since I'd been in that bed for about 12hrs at the time)... then the nurse noticed it and asked if I could walk... so I tried and holy shit, I could walk... not steadily, but I could walk and move.

they kept me that night (Friday), and Saturday, and finally I checked myself out against medical advice sunday night. after a chest xray, 4 or 5 CT scans from my neck to my pelvis, as well as a spinal tap. (hoooooooooly fuck. do NOT EVER get a spinal tap unless you're absolutely SURE you need it. you'll have a migraine for 10days afterwards and your neck/back/head will feel like it's made from Styrofoam and brittle as fuck.)...

... oh, and a $160k medical bill. (thanks Manpower Research/MP Research... for your awesome peptides/research chems.. fucking piece of shit.)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #60 on: October 24, 2014, 12:56:51 AM »
my experience...

ran t3 at 200+ mcg/day for 9 months... thinking it was t4.

started at about 10% at 230/235.

bodyfat dropped to 8% after a few weeks, then 6% and finally settled at 5% after about 8 weeks and remained at 5% for the remaineder (until I was admitted to the hospital. lol)

bodyweight dropped steadily 10lbs, then 5, then 10, then 8.... whatever, I forget the exact numbers.

all in all, I went from the 230's down to the 170's in 9 months, and after the first 2 months, my bodyfat remained the same (5%), so the rest of the 7 months, all the weight I lost was catabolized muscle.

felt like shit for the last 7 months as well... weak and tired. I'd get home, sit down on the couch with my food and fall asleep sitting up before I took the first bite.

was taking in 4-6k kcals as well, and running test, tren and for a few months towards the end anadrol at 150-250mg/day.

eating shitty food.. ice cream, doughnuts, pizza, hotdogs.. everything I could that was high kcal because I couldn't figure out why I was dropping weight so quickly.

I ended up in the hospital with Thyrotoxic Periodic Partial Paralysis with CK levels in the 1200-1500 range. woke up unable to move my legs and most my torso. after being on a bed in the ER, they finally realized my potassium was 2.1 (I believe.. it was just above 2... could've been 2.2) and they freaked out and said I may be put on a ventilator because my diaphragm may stop working and I'd stop breathing on my own.... so, after an hour of blowing (or sucking? I forget) on a plastic breathing test thing, they gave me 2 tablets of potassium.

15mins later, I noticed my foot was moving. (like how you move your foot in bed when you're bored... since I'd been in that bed for about 12hrs at the time)... then the nurse noticed it and asked if I could walk... so I tried and holy shit, I could walk... not steadily, but I could walk and move.

they kept me that night (Friday), and Saturday, and finally I checked myself out against medical advice sunday night. after a chest xray, 4 or 5 CT scans from my neck to my pelvis, as well as a spinal tap. (hoooooooooly fuck. do NOT EVER get a spinal tap unless you're absolutely SURE you need it. you'll have a migraine for 10days afterwards and your neck/back/head will feel like it's made from Styrofoam and brittle as fuck.)...

... oh, and a $160k medical bill. (thanks Manpower Research/MP Research... for your awesome peptides/research chems.. fucking piece of shit.)

murica fuck yeah

you can buy a BRAND NEW AUDI RS7 with that money they charged you for a few scans


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #61 on: October 24, 2014, 07:42:42 AM »
murica fuck yeah

you can buy a BRAND NEW AUDI RS7 with that money they charged you for a few scans

id rather be alive and drive a fiat punto though :P

american healthcare system seems to be pretty fucked, but in the end that was just fair - i mean it was ESFs "own mistake" to take this substance.

WELL OBVIOUSLY it was MPresearchs fault, so no offense ESF. but you know, judging from a financial standpoint...

ive also gotten some "clen" from MPR that i still dont know what the fuck that was.
i took a 40mcg cap of "clen" and had the worst nausea of my life for days from that. i was shaking, felt nauseous, started vomiting about 30mins after taking it. had to lay in bed for about 6 hours before i was able to some kind of function again.

had a hangover for like 2 or 3 days. really weird sh*t. id love to know what ACTUALLY was inside of there because it was damn sure no clen.

i looked damn good though, it somehow dryed me out apparently lol. maybe it was a mixture of i dont know, thyroid hormones, diuretics and a huge dose of some kind of stimulant. wtf.
tossed that shit out right after that along with any other sh*t i got from that guy. had a feeling it was all fake/underdosed anyway.


  • Getbig V
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #62 on: October 25, 2014, 06:19:59 PM »
my source literally died (passed away) :( poor guy... never expected it to happen, it was a shocker.

So now I'm low on everything, dropped t3 to 20mcg... dropped clen. Stretching the vial I have. Had to order from a place that'll take 10 business days to come... And just as I was getting out of a bulk into this recomp... but oh well. Screw the gains, I'll make them back... poor guy died :(


  • Getbig II
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #63 on: October 26, 2014, 07:39:05 AM »
From Yours experience...

Have You need to add a lot of calories to Your daily intake if You add ~50mcg T3 and if You want continue build muscle tissues?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #64 on: October 26, 2014, 07:57:52 AM »
not really. the calorie increase from 50mcg is negligible.
 maybe substract some fat and add some carbs to avoid going flat if you add exogenous t3...

there are studies on carbohydrate overfeeding that show that t4 to t3 conversion increases a lot when a lot of carbohydrates are eaten (which equals a bulking scenario for us). i think they even stated the liothyronine equivalent and it was somewhere between 40 and 55 mcg or so.
so when you are bulking you actually ARE on 50mcg t3, just produced naturally.

i meant to quote that study a couple times but i cant for the life of mine find it again. i think that was just a side outcome and it was actually on something completely different.


  • Getbig II
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #65 on: November 02, 2014, 04:18:33 AM »
I can use two products, T3 ( 25mcg/pill ) or T3+T4 ( 20mcg T3 + 100mcg T4/pill ). Big difference beetween it?

I mean for example

50mcg T3 vs. 40mcg T3 + 200mcg T4 ?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #66 on: November 02, 2014, 06:43:17 AM »
t4 is completely useless unless youre deficient or on GH


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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #67 on: November 03, 2014, 07:23:09 PM »
so far I found 40mcg-60mcg a sweet spot.. but definitely need eod tren/mast injection to get any muscle fullness/pumps... otherwise flat as paper lol...


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #68 on: November 04, 2014, 12:12:32 AM »
so far I found 40mcg-60mcg a sweet spot.. but definitely need eod tren/mast injection to get any muscle fullness/pumps... otherwise flat as paper lol...

tren is a lifesaver on t3
it ate all my fullness and pumps on test/npp (npp gives me strong pumps usually)...

on test/tren i still have good pumps and fullness after working out on 150mcg

that shows how fkin strong tren is again


  • Getbig II
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #69 on: November 04, 2014, 09:17:22 AM »
tren is a lifesaver on t3
it ate all my fullness and pumps on test/npp (npp gives me strong pumps usually)...

on test/tren i still have good pumps and fullness after working out on 150mcg

that shows how fkin strong tren is again

Me too, but i need huge amount of carbs cuz Tren + T3 "eat" them in fking awesome rate :-D


  • Getbig III
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #70 on: November 04, 2014, 12:04:58 PM »
Why would anyone use anything non pharma grade for drugs dosed in mcg?
Thats just asking for trouble.


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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #71 on: November 04, 2014, 01:28:05 PM »
Why would anyone use anything non pharma grade for drugs dosed in mcg?
Thats just asking for trouble.

because a lifetime supply of t3 powder is less than 200 bucks.


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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #72 on: November 04, 2014, 01:50:39 PM »
because a lifetime supply of t3 powder is less than 200 bucks.

Pharma grade liothyronine will not break the bank and there aint a price I put on my health.


  • Getbig V
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #73 on: November 04, 2014, 10:36:36 PM »
id rather be alive and drive a fiat punto though :P

american healthcare system seems to be pretty fucked, but in the end that was just fair - i mean it was ESFs "own mistake" to take this substance.

WELL OBVIOUSLY it was MPresearchs fault, so no offense ESF. but you know, judging from a financial standpoint...

ive also gotten some "clen" from MPR that i still dont know what the fuck that was.
i took a 40mcg cap of "clen" and had the worst nausea of my life for days from that. i was shaking, felt nauseous, started vomiting about 30mins after taking it. had to lay in bed for about 6 hours before i was able to some kind of function again.

had a hangover for like 2 or 3 days. really weird sh*t. id love to know what ACTUALLY was inside of there because it was damn sure no clen.

i looked damn good though, it somehow dryed me out apparently lol. maybe it was a mixture of i dont know, thyroid hormones, diuretics and a huge dose of some kind of stimulant. wtf.
tossed that shit out right after that along with any other sh*t i got from that guy. had a feeling it was all fake/underdosed anyway.

it's research stuff, that's clearly labled "not for human use" or whatever... so I doubt I'd have a case. besides, I'm not into ratting on people.

I'd rather repay the dude with $160k worth of compound fractures to his femur's, humerus', maybe destroy his knee & shoulder joints... oh, and how 'bout a 'lil jaw reconstruction?

I still have about 2 dozen bags of various products from him... most are stuff that came from batches of his "yellow caps" and I wouldn't trust to sell it to ppl. I had to do countless refunds on his Viagra when it went to the yellow caps.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: please share your t3 experience
« Reply #74 on: November 05, 2014, 12:06:06 AM »
it's research stuff, that's clearly labled "not for human use" or whatever... so I doubt I'd have a case. besides, I'm not into ratting on people.

I'd rather repay the dude with $160k worth of compound fractures to his femur's, humerus', maybe destroy his knee & shoulder joints... oh, and how 'bout a 'lil jaw reconstruction?

I still have about 2 dozen bags of various products from him... most are stuff that came from batches of his "yellow caps" and I wouldn't trust to sell it to ppl. I had to do countless refunds on his Viagra when it went to the yellow caps.

yeah i didnt mean you'd have a chance in court against him. i was just intending to say that well, you consumed something that you werent meant to consume so youd have to pay for the consequences

its really fucked up from MPR tho