Author Topic: Strongman/powerlifting  (Read 3784 times)


  • Getbig II
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« on: October 13, 2014, 08:15:01 PM »
Hey fellas I'm new to this board but I have been around a bit. I'm working on setting up my next year competitions and I'm trying to workout my cycles.

25yr old
20% bf

I'm on self prescribed trt bc when I was 20yr old my natty test was 280-300ng/dl which was unacceptable for me. Started trt this year, ran about a gram of test for a total of 6 months this year and some orals. Spent some time down bc I thought I had a hernia but turns out my doc misdiagnosed me.

This year I'm really hoping to go places and considering that into my cycle planning. Max 3 competitions per year
Proposed cycle
Start with
1.5 grams test e pharm grade
600-800mg deca not pharm grade bc I can't find any dosed more than 100mg/ml
Probably drop to 250mg-500mg per wk after first competition ~20wks away
Dbol/anadrol usually 3 wks out of competitions
National competitions I will add tren about 4 weeks out with tne and halo 1-2 weeks out.

I'm also thinking of throwing in gh at a low dose during competition time and ramping up in off season when I'm on low dose test only so I can try and help my gains.
Really I'm going to try and find what kind of cruise dose I can use to still maintain/ build muscle with out just flat out over doing it.
If I was to estimate my cruising length this coming year I would say no more than 4 months
Money isn't a huge deal bc I work my ass off and have been pretty successful at a young age but I just can't find good HG sources and ugl I seem to be jinxed with lol

Let me know what you guys think all advice is appreciated and PM me anytime


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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2014, 09:54:44 PM »
You blew out your test level at 20 years old? when did you start using AAS? It almost seems you must have been using something else besides AAS to kill your Test levels that badly that young. I blew out my natural Test level naturally at 32 years old it was 278ng/dl but I blame it on pain killers because I ran pretty heavy cycles and I took like 4-5 months off and did the bloowork and they came back at 758ng/dl it was when I started using the painkillers when they really shot to shit!


  • Getbig II
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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2014, 11:13:15 PM »
I used a bit of anadrol when I was in high school but it was only 1 30 day cycles. I don't believe I have ever had a good test level. I was 6'7" tall my senior year and weighed 180 lol couldn't gain weight to save my life. Always played sports tho also

When I was 20 I ran a test and eq cycles and that's when I first had my levels checked bc I wanted a good baseline to recover to from there on out. Went to a bunch of doc and family doc and nobody would put me on trt or even attempt to help me. I tried some clomid cycles that some guys on line helped me with and the highest my levels ever got was 320ish.

Took a couple years and focused on my job and then started back a couple years ago and finally started competing. No worries man I don't give a fuck about my t level it's not like there is a cure lol


  • Getbig II
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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2014, 11:15:54 PM »
Oh and I haven't ever used recreational drugs besides juice either


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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2014, 01:58:33 AM »
Damn you were that tall and that skinny! You must have a healthy HGH level. I know it sucks when the doctors don't know you qualify for TRT. at that age 22 years old-23 years old you should be hitting at 225ng dl to 780ng dl. As somebody that young you should be hitting at least 500ng/dl you definately be on TRT. They tried to pull that shit with me. I tested at 758ng ng/dl then 6 years later after I was even clean on juice I tested at 278ngng/dl and I was clean off of AAS but I was taking xanax and oxycodone that I get prescribed and they still said I was in the normal range and I told them that was bullshit! My level was the lowest possible to still be normal but it had dropped almost 500ng/dl in 6 years when it should of only dropped 60ng/dl over that 6 years. The doctor did finally admit it did seem pretty low and he prescribed me the 10ml vial of Test cypionate 200mg per ml.

I'll probably be on TRt for life.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2014, 02:23:36 AM »
Yea no doubt, they basically said you are to young deal with it lol
The last thing you want to deal with in your 20's is low T believe that!
Yea I was a fucking bean poll lol

I figured I would go to a clinic and get trt but didnt want the hassle since I'm cruising and blasting all year right now


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2014, 02:58:23 AM »
I never found that steroids helped much with my strength as much as you'd expect
They help loads with recovery and protein synthesis though so I get bigger faster

So I run enough testosterone to grow or maintain my size (250mg) then a few ml of my favourite anabolic (800mg boldenone)
Near to comps I load of up orals and step up the anabolics for extra recovery so I added in 350mg of NPP 4and 10 days out 100mg of anadrol 50 days out.

For my next major strongman competition I think I will run 250/400/300/300 test/bold/deca/mast with 50mg anavar a day then double the nandrolone with NPP and double the mast 7 weeks out and add in some superdrol


  • Getbig II
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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2014, 01:46:21 PM »
So you are cruising at 250teste and 800mg of eq year around?
I wouldn't say the I get massively stronger off of gear alone but my per comp blast allows me to pr above my expected goals when I first decide to do that competition, but I'm also using moderately high volume with heavy ass weight. I'm really needing the most recovery I can get throughout the year without going over board

I personally love anavar for strength but you have to take alot for it to be worth it IMO 100mg per day. Test Eq and deca I see but y mast? Are you a lw competitior trying to make weight? I like your layout but I'm thinking adding some tren in about 10 days out and not using mast.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2014, 02:36:47 AM »
Yeah main thing is recovery from high volumes.
I like masteron, it makes my dick work well. I am a lighter lifter yeah. I do not like trenbolone at all but I like a harsher androgen in that stack. Upping the test only increases bloat and breast tissue so the masteron fits nicely


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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2014, 03:27:47 AM »
Hey fellas I'm new to this board but I have been around a bit. I'm working on setting up my next year competitions and I'm trying to workout my cycles.

25yr old
20% bf

I'm on self prescribed trt bc when I was 20yr old my natty test was 280-300ng/dl which was unacceptable for me. Started trt this year, ran about a gram of test for a total of 6 months this year and some orals. Spent some time down bc I thought I had a hernia but turns out my doc misdiagnosed me.

This year I'm really hoping to go places and considering that into my cycle planning. Max 3 competitions per year
Proposed cycle
Start with
1.5 grams test e pharm grade
600-800mg deca not pharm grade bc I can't find any dosed more than 100mg/ml
Probably drop to 250mg-500mg per wk after first competition ~20wks away
Dbol/anadrol usually 3 wks out of competitions
National competitions I will add tren about 4 weeks out with tne and halo 1-2 weeks out.

I'm also thinking of throwing in gh at a low dose during competition time and ramping up in off season when I'm on low dose test only so I can try and help my gains.
Really I'm going to try and find what kind of cruise dose I can use to still maintain/ build muscle with out just flat out over doing it.
If I was to estimate my cruising length this coming year I would say no more than 4 months
Money isn't a huge deal bc I work my ass off and have been pretty successful at a young age but I just can't find good HG sources and ugl I seem to be jinxed with lol

Let me know what you guys think all advice is appreciated and PM me anytime

I don;t think many of us are having luck finding some super high grade HGH! and don't waste the money unless you know for sure it is real deal 191-AA branch chained amino acid HGH.
It's not as easy as people say it is to find. You could also buy just one kit and do bloodwork and see where you test out at and fro m there you will know how legit your HGH is. I have seen some crazy low tests these days.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2014, 04:00:46 AM »
human grade hgh is holy water for bodybuild

actually numerous bodybuild litteraly suck dicks to get it
other allow rectal penetration

srs business


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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2014, 04:57:08 AM »
I never found that steroids helped much with my strength as much as you'd expect
They help loads with recovery and protein synthesis though so I get bigger faster

So I run enough testosterone to grow or maintain my size (250mg) then a few ml of my favourite anabolic (800mg boldenone)
Near to comps I load of up orals and step up the anabolics for extra recovery so I added in 350mg of NPP 4and 10 days out 100mg of anadrol 50 days out.

For my next major strongman competition I think I will run 250/400/300/300 test/bold/deca/mast with 50mg anavar a day then double the nandrolone with NPP and double the mast 7 weeks out and add in some superdrol

That sounds like a pretty decent stack. How much superdrol are you going to add in? I would try to taper up to 50mg before your comp that way your peaking on everything and peaking on 50mg of superdrol. Alot of people write off superdrol because it used to be a over the counter legal supplements but that original designer supplements superdrol is some strong fucking stuff! especially when sledge sold it in the powder form!

That powder forum superdrol sledge sold tested out to be a hair over 99% pure! You could mix it with some olive oil and make it into a oral liquid and holy shit it was super strong! I saw guys who were not really that strong add 50 pounds to their bench press, guys who had more of a steroid backround didn;t quite gain that much strength but still even guys who were pretty peaked out could add about 8-10% to their max lifts.

You might  try to experiment with Upjohn Halo. Halo seems to work diffrent for everbody some get bad side effects and have to quite using it right away but some guys get some crazy ass gains! I was 25 years old the first time I tried Halo and I ran 50mg daily and got crazy strength gains and pumps. I just used a small 350mg dose of Test weekly and threw in 50mg of sinstrol on top of it for the first few weeks just to use up the last of the winstrol I had lying around. The majoroity of the cycle was just Test and halo.worked great,however this guy ran the same brand as i did and we took the same amount and he turned yekllow within 3 days and had to go to the ER but I think he had a drinking issue. We both worked out at the same gym and he bought the halo from the same guy! WE both got the exact same batch. So Halo is pretty strong depending on circumstances


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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2014, 05:01:41 AM »
human grade hgh is holy water for bodybuild

actually numerous bodybuild litteraly suck dicks to get it
other allow rectal penetration

srs business

 I rather sell party favors and pay for my HGH that way. I just make sure I don't let anybody get out of hand wich can happen very easily sometimes you have to pimpslap somebody to keep them in check.It's sad but what you wrote is true when you are talking about the bodybuilders who don;t have any self respect.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2014, 05:02:14 AM »
Yea I'm pretty confident in my gh but I will be doing the serum test as soon as it comes in.

Yea I kinda figured you would run the mast to help with the raised estrogen issues.

Halo is amazing but I won't run it for cycles just very short blasts hell sometimes just the day of competition


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Strongman/powerlifting
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2014, 02:01:04 AM »
That sounds like a pretty decent stack. How much superdrol are you going to add in? I would try to taper up to 50mg before your comp that way your peaking on everything and peaking on 50mg of superdrol. Alot of people write off superdrol because it used to be a over the counter legal supplements but that original designer supplements superdrol is some strong fucking stuff! especially when sledge sold it in the powder form!

That powder forum superdrol sledge sold tested out to be a hair over 99% pure! You could mix it with some olive oil and make it into a oral liquid and holy shit it was super strong! I saw guys who were not really that strong add 50 pounds to their bench press, guys who had more of a steroid backround didn;t quite gain that much strength but still even guys who were pretty peaked out could add about 8-10% to their max lifts.

You might  try to experiment with Upjohn Halo. Halo seems to work diffrent for everbody some get bad side effects and have to quite using it right away but some guys get some crazy ass gains! I was 25 years old the first time I tried Halo and I ran 50mg daily and got crazy strength gains and pumps. I just used a small 350mg dose of Test weekly and threw in 50mg of sinstrol on top of it for the first few weeks just to use up the last of the winstrol I had lying around. The majoroity of the cycle was just Test and halo.worked great,however this guy ran the same brand as i did and we took the same amount and he turned yekllow within 3 days and had to go to the ER but I think he had a drinking issue. We both worked out at the same gym and he bought the halo from the same guy! WE both got the exact same batch. So Halo is pretty strong depending on circumstances

I was thinking 20mg a day over 45 days. It's a pack of 90 10mg tablets. I bought 2 packs though so I'll see how it goes and could actually taper up if I wanted.
I deal with orals really well and have been on the anadrol at 100mg a day for 3 weeks now as well as 100mg of dbol pre workout with 10mg of superdrol (twice a week) and I had a two week gap before the anadrol and before that I had ran dianabol at 50mg for 4 weeks. I am still very hungry and my pee is fine.

I think 50mg of anavar for the whole 11 weeks and 45 days of superdrol would be good. If I have 180 tablets then over 6 weeks I could do 20/30/40/40/50/50 and I think that will be an insane cycle. But I also have another meet 13 weeks after that so I might want to stay healthy so I can keep training hard and hitting the orals for the entire 6 months and just do 20mg for 45 days for each meet