Author Topic: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*  (Read 25576 times)


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Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« on: October 17, 2014, 10:59:57 AM »
Ran Test Prop and Mast P at 50mg EOD, Tren A 50mg EOD then upped it to 50mg ED. Only got trensomnia and night sweats the first 2 weeks and sort of got the flu for the first week because of the Test. I started to get gyno the last 2 weeks of the cycle even though I was taking letro at 2.5mg ED, so I think it was because I ran out of Prami the last 2 weeks. Also I started breaking out a little on my quads and some acne on face, but it's all going away now. I'm going to be cruising on Sust 250 or Test E at 250mg/week and trying to get under 10% BF. My bench went from 250 to 315, I don't max on squats or deadlifts due to the back pumps I would get. Squatting I went from 205x8 to 225x12-15 and did 4 sets of each on leg day. Deadlift I never got to do because the back pumps were very bad. So hopefully the gyno I got will eventually go away and I'll probably keep using the Letro and get some Prami until it does. My diet was almost all clean foods with caloric surplus the first 6 weeks and the last 2 weeks I just went all out to put on as much weight as possible and just did a dirty bulk, so the entire cycle was pretty much just a bulk, and I couldn't do any cardio because my ankles would hurt from running due to my weight gain, or I'd get super painful calve pumps that not even taurine could fix. I lifted 6 times a week and did heavy weight on my chest and back days, and did high volume for my arms, legs, and shoulders and took a rest day whenever I felt like it during the week. I'll list my split below. The first 3 pictures are the before, and the rest are the after.

(Lat Pulldown 5x12-15, One arm dumbbell row 4x12,10,8,8, Barbell underhand grip row 5x5 superset with 5x15 EZ bar curl, Wide grip rows 4x12,10,8,8 superset with cable one arm curls 4x12, Weighted pullups 4x8 with dropset and superset with seated dumbbel curls 4x10 dropset, Seated calve raise 4x12-15, Seated calve press 4x12-15)

(Incline dumbell press 4x12,10,8,8, Bench Press 5x5, Seated cable fly's 4x12-15 superset rope tricep pushdown 4x12, Incline dumbbel flies 3x10 superset skull crushers 3x10, 4x12 standing cable flies going up superset with weighed dips 4xfailure)

(4x15 Squats, Front Squats 4x12 superset with Lunges 4x20, Leg press 4x20, Leg Extensions 4x20 superset with Hamstring curls 4x15 and same calve workout as above)

(Behind the neck shoulder press 4x12,10,8,8, Dumbbell shoulder press 4x12, Plate raises 4x12 superset with barbell shrugs 4x20, Side dumbbell raises 4x20 superset with front cable raises 4x15, Cable crossovers 4x20 superset with Shrug machine 4x25)

(Barbell curls 4x10,10,8,8, superset with Skullcrushers 4x12, Machine curls 4x10 superset with Tricep pushdown 4x10, Incline curls 4x10 superset with kickbacks 4x10, Concentration curls 4x10 superset with one arm extensions 4x10 same calve workout)

(Same leg workout)


Stats Before
185 LBS

Stats After
215 LBS


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2014, 11:00:47 AM »
Other After Pics


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2014, 03:20:55 PM »
time to GETBIG!


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2014, 04:14:20 PM »
i was gonna say.. how are you my height and 215lbs in the first pix lol... when im way bigger at the same weight.. then i read before 185lbs lol.

Anyways good job :)

Also your split is exactly like mine man :D Good way to distribute the muscle groups imo.


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2014, 04:19:11 PM »
In the future add in taurine lots and lots of taurine for the back pumps. I know how much squatting and deadlifting sucks... with back pumps..........

My max DL is only 500lbs... (regular not the sumo crap) and squat is 385lbs fully seated bellow parallel... As far as legs go in my opinion, heavy enough but high rep and deep and occassional max low rep week will get you going. Going beyond 500lbs on deads for me has sucked... I haven't run a wet oral compound in a while but that's usually what makes me progress but it makes me look crap...


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2014, 06:05:52 PM »
In the future add in taurine lots and lots of taurine for the back pumps. I know how much squatting and deadlifting sucks... with back pumps..........

My max DL is only 500lbs... (regular not the sumo crap) and squat is 385lbs fully seated bellow parallel... As far as legs go in my opinion, heavy enough but high rep and deep and occassional max low rep week will get you going. Going beyond 500lbs on deads for me has sucked... I haven't run a wet oral compound in a while but that's usually what makes me progress but it makes me look crap...

Taurine doesn't work for me for some reason it's weird. Also the only thing I really hated was not being able to do cardio because of calve pumps


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2014, 11:10:45 AM »
When people say taurine doesn't work on them.. is probably because they don't take enough. Lots of water and lots of taurine, like candy. I buy taurine powder and mix it pre and intra shake.. 5g each... and then have 1g pills on hand... pop em and drink water until no more. And do it daily... only way.

I used to struggle with the pumps in the beginning then I started doing the above...


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2014, 12:28:51 PM »
Thanks man I'll try that tomorrow before I go lift and see how it goes


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2014, 02:24:19 PM »
insane gains

tren is really amazing

if god lets me, i will try it some day


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2014, 08:23:11 PM »
The friend who schemed on me last time and ripped me off by overcharging me for the blend just ripped me off again. Told him I wanted Test E for a cruise and today I get to his house and he was like "Bro the guy messed up and sent me this" and throws a bottle of sust at me so it looks like I'll be cruising on sustanon 250 instead of Test E as I planned.


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2014, 08:43:25 PM »
When people say taurine doesn't work on them.. is probably because they don't take enough. Lots of water and lots of taurine, like candy. I buy taurine powder and mix it pre and intra shake.. 5g each... and then have 1g pills on hand... pop em and drink water until no more. And do it daily... only way.

I used to struggle with the pumps in the beginning then I started doing the above...
I stopped into this thread to see the transformation (as obviously none of this applies to females), but now you've piqued my interest: what purpose does the taurine serve? And what about it causes "pumps"? And why would you take it if it makes squats/cardio/everything feel terrible? Legit questions, because I'm a dork and this is interesting stuff.

phil mcgroin

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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2014, 04:51:27 AM »
Solid build


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2014, 07:35:12 AM »
I stopped into this thread to see the transformation (as obviously none of this applies to females), but now you've piqued my interest: what purpose does the taurine serve? And what about it causes "pumps"? And why would you take it if it makes squats/cardio/everything feel terrible? Legit questions, because I'm a dork and this is interesting stuff.

taurine doesn't cause the pumps, taurine gets rid of them


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2014, 03:31:38 AM »
How long did you run this for?
Mr. AZ 2003


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2014, 05:31:07 AM »
I'm not dissing your build but you should of gotten leaner naturally before you ran that kind of cutting stack. That's stack works best when your getting down to the 6% range. That's alot of injections. I think you should of used more long acting AAS till you got down in the 7% range then used the fast acting cutting drugs. hell you could of gotten down to 7% just using a little test and some EQ then ran that stack.


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2014, 06:03:59 PM »
I'm not dissing your build but you should of gotten leaner naturally before you ran that kind of cutting stack. That's stack works best when your getting down to the 6% range. That's alot of injections. I think you should of used more long acting AAS till you got down in the 7% range then used the fast acting cutting drugs. hell you could of gotten down to 7% just using a little test and some EQ then ran that stack.

Yep I don't take offense to it, and I know I should've cut down first. I'm cruising right now at 250mg/week of sustanon and eating around 900-1000 calories a day I think its called the galeneiko method I read on here so I'm also doing fasted training and cardio until I cut down to about 7-8% then starting up again. I made a mistake by running it now but my friend had some tren and asked me if i wanted to buy it and I said hell yea and ran it so it wasn't a good decision by me and I DEFINATELY could've made some way better gains if I was already lean.


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2014, 06:05:23 PM »
How long did you run this for?

8 weeks total


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2014, 06:21:04 PM »
Yep I don't take offense to it, and I know I should've cut down first. I'm cruising right now at 250mg/week of sustanon and eating around 900-1000 calories a day I think its called the galeneiko method I read on here so I'm also doing fasted training and cardio until I cut down to about 7-8% then starting up again. I made a mistake by running it now but my friend had some tren and asked me if i wanted to buy it and I said hell yea and ran it so it wasn't a good decision by me and I DEFINATELY could've made some way better gains if I was already lean.

I guess everyone is different but this don't work for me even on a gram of tren... I just waste muscle fast and faster... I'm a natural fat guy, my body just loves to keep fat lol.


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2014, 06:22:06 PM »
taurine doesn't cause the pumps, taurine gets rid of them



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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2014, 07:36:59 PM »
I guess everyone is different but this don't work for me even on a gram of tren... I just waste muscle fast and faster... I'm a natural fat guy, my body just loves to keep fat lol.

Yea I'm currently doing the galeneiko diet with the fasted training/cardio and eating 1000 or under calories a day while cruising on 250mg sust a week. I'm already seeing results and im 1 week into it. I wAs 215 2 weeks ago and now I'm 203.5lbs. Not sure if I should add some ephedrine or T3 in because sometimes the hunger cravings get to the point where im drinkjng a quart of black coffee just to make my appetite go away


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2014, 11:25:00 PM »
Yea I'm currently doing the galeneiko diet with the fasted training/cardio and eating 1000 or under calories a day while cruising on 250mg sust a week. I'm already seeing results and im 1 week into it. I wAs 215 2 weeks ago and now I'm 203.5lbs. Not sure if I should add some ephedrine or T3 in because sometimes the hunger cravings get to the point where im drinkjng a quart of black coffee just to make my appetite go away

I don;t know about that galeniko diet. To my knowledge galeniko blew a Kidney. 1,000 calories that's it? man I have tried every diet there is and I don;t know how your basing just getting 1,000 calories? Are you even counting macros or using a keto diet or just some bro science type shit? It's ok to try it out I have run them all. I ran the same fucking diet maybe worse! It was pretty much a starvation diet. same shit I fasted ate barely anything before I trained then ate a little too much after training.

I did lose some weight I won;t lie but how long can you pull that shitty diet off? Your better off just counting your macros and really eating clean and you might need to hit the gym 2 times a day plus do some sauna . You should lose weight just off a good macro diet and that's without your training then throw your training in and you should shred up unless you blew your hormone levels or are partying too much. You don;t need that much gear to get lean,basic Test E 500mg and maybe 600-800mg EQ and just workout hard and sauna it up. maybe increase your cardio. I didn't see any cardio on your list. most guys do at least 15-20 minutes of cardio after a training session or do it in the morning. 15-20 minutes is the lowest you might need 30 minutes. I'm in the same boat I'd love to run drugs like that but I'm maybe 10-12% BF no point. I'll get down to 6-7% with low drug use then run that stack plus HGH.


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2014, 10:44:35 AM »
I don;t know about that galeniko diet. To my knowledge galeniko blew a Kidney. 1,000 calories that's it? man I have tried every diet there is and I don;t know how your basing just getting 1,000 calories? Are you even counting macros or using a keto diet or just some bro science type shit? It's ok to try it out I have run them all. I ran the same fucking diet maybe worse! It was pretty much a starvation diet. same shit I fasted ate barely anything before I trained then ate a little too much after training.

I did lose some weight I won;t lie but how long can you pull that shitty diet off? Your better off just counting your macros and really eating clean and you might need to hit the gym 2 times a day plus do some sauna . You should lose weight just off a good macro diet and that's without your training then throw your training in and you should shred up unless you blew your hormone levels or are partying too much. You don;t need that much gear to get lean,basic Test E 500mg and maybe 600-800mg EQ and just workout hard and sauna it up. maybe increase your cardio. I didn't see any cardio on your list. most guys do at least 15-20 minutes of cardio after a training session or do it in the morning. 15-20 minutes is the lowest you might need 30 minutes. I'm in the same boat I'd love to run drugs like that but I'm maybe 10-12% BF no point. I'll get down to 6-7% with low drug use then run that stack plus HGH.

I mean my diet is like this. I wake up and have black coffee every morning and won't eat until I train and do cardio for 15 mins. After I'll eat some chicken with broccoli and a little bell pepper then won't again for another 3 hours and then I'll have that same meal again then 3-4 hours later I'll have a cup of Greek fat free yogurt with some blueberries and almonds and cinnamon then that's it. I do cardio every day for 15 minutes but ramping it up to 20-30 minutes now, and I don't think I want to run Test that high right now when I'm cruising since I usually run that amount for a cycle and My main priority right now is to drop my bf down to 8% or lower, and my diets going pretty good since I have 1 cheat meal once a week usually on saturday nights. I'm just gonna cruise right now and keep dieting and doing cardio/sauna until I get to 8% then I'll slowly up my calories back to maintenance level so I don't back any fat back on. I haven't used t3 or ephedrine yet, but If I feel like Im at a plateau I'll start using t3 at 25-50mcg a day until I get down to my preferred bodyfat level then start back up with tren and test. I'm not too familiar with EQ or anything like that, so I think I'll just be running primarily tren and test for all my cycles unless I decide to start competing which I doubt is going to happen.

Complex Carbs

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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2014, 12:16:28 PM »
You actually looked better in the before pictures.

Congratulations on this feat, all you have gained is water, fat and bit volume from a carb load.

You ran a re contest drug stack and this is the result?


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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2014, 11:26:36 AM »
You actually looked better in the before pictures.

Congratulations on this feat, all you have gained is water, fat and bit volume from a carb load.

You ran a re contest drug stack and this is the result?

Thanks man, and actually im not that fat anymore. I'm at the bodyfat I was at in the before pictures now after 2.5 weeks into my cut, so I look much bigger than I did at the end of my cycle now because of the loss of bodyfat so my abs are currently visible, more vascularity etc. And I did read your comment on another post aboht another member looking much better than me at TRT. Yes he most likely does, but he also has years and years of training on top of me since I'm 19 and have only been lifting since 14, with no knowledge on my diet etc. until I was about 17-18. So yes, he does look better, but also has many more years of training and a bunch of other factors.

Thong Maniac

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Re: Test P/Tren A/Mast P Cycle results *pics*
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2014, 11:58:25 AM »
Thanks man, and actually im not that fat anymore. I'm at the bodyfat I was at in the before pictures now after 2.5 weeks into my cut, so I look much bigger than I did at the end of my cycle now because of the loss of bodyfat so my abs are currently visible, more vascularity etc. And I did read your comment on another post aboht another member looking much better than me at TRT. Yes he most likely does, but he also has years and years of training on top of me since I'm 19 and have only been lifting since 14, with no knowledge on my diet etc. until I was about 17-18. So yes, he does look better, but also has many more years of training and a bunch of other factors.

Nice build man, esp at 19. However when i was 19 i was no where near mature or health conscious enough to play with AAS. how did u get into that so young?