Author Topic: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas  (Read 13918 times)


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2014, 03:58:40 PM »
When Bill Clinton left office, the economy was strong, and we weren't involved in an active war.  We weren't great or in a perfect way, but American life was good.....unless you were a Rush Limbaugh sheep.....

In comes GW, and down goes the U.S.  Trying to avenge Daddy's Iraqi fuck up, under the lie of looking for those still to be found WMDs, George "War Criminal" Bush sent many American and Iraqi young men and women to an early grave.....for nothing  Our economy still has not recovered.....and never will, short of a major change to our broken system.

And to the original question?  My guess would be because he was too stupid to find the exit....

Ok deacon

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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2014, 04:06:05 PM »
lol at thinking a president is responsible for anything that happen when he s in power. He s just a representative, a marketer, spokeperson in a suit, nothing more.

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #27 on: December 26, 2014, 05:06:15 PM »
lol at thinking a president is responsible for anything that happen when he s in power. He s just a representative, a marketer, spokeperson in a suit, nothing more.

Sure, so the hundreds of millions to billions that corporations pay to elect them into office is just for fun.


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #28 on: December 26, 2014, 08:19:56 PM »
lmfao ok what did bush to do cause the collapse?
andre, you can chime in too. What did bush do to cause the collapse?

what could he have done to prevent it?

I was a Bush supporter which is why I don't criticize him as bad as others do....I thought he was an excellent leader right after 9/11 leading us into the war against Al Qaeda and the Taliban....In hindsight people say he should not have disbanded saddham's army and that's what lead to al Qaeda rising up..but I don't blame him for that because I'm sure that /Saddham's army may have risen up and made attempts to take the country back after we left....

The thing that Bush did that was disastrous was giving us three straight years of tax cuts that we didn't need which ended up pushing the deficit back up..the country was already prosperous after Clinton and the internet .com boom.....also he did something wonderful with the drug prescription bill for seniors......but that also pushed the deficit up even more....then on top of that, the two unfunded wars......and you can argue that the Iraqi war was unnecessary.....although I don't want to be hypocritical because I supported removing saddham and his sons......

so,,the two unfunded wars......the huge unfunded drug prescription bill for seniors.....and the three years of tax cuts we did not need....that bloated the deficit.....we spent two trillion dollars on those wars and are still spending and paying interest on those loans....We were already in full blown recession when Obama took office...and so was the entire world with the exception of china

also you can argue that the housing bubble with all the fraud and bad loans which triggered the recession were on his watch as well


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #29 on: December 26, 2014, 11:48:33 PM »
I live in waikiki five mins from the hotel they are staying at.

They don't seem too upset and I'm sure plenty of them are screwing each other's brains out right now.


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #30 on: December 27, 2014, 02:46:23 AM »
Low oil prices now, are the result of Saudi Arabia increasing their oil output. No other reason. Why they did it is simple. Earlier in the year they sold off their oil related shares of stock. Now, because of their actions, both the price of oil and oil related stocks have tanked. So they are buying up oil related stocks right now, and when they cut their oil production again, their oil and oil related stocks go up in price considerably, as in hundreds of billions of US dollars, over night. Win win situation for the Saudis, as it is totally under their control. Their timing is good for Obama, too. Lower gas prices make him look good. It pays for an American President to bow to the King of Saudi Arabia, if that President lacks any integrity and/or self respect.

US economy is extremely oil dependent. This has massive consequences: wars, corruption, supporting extremist regimes like the Saudi's, pollution, climate change etc. Gas guzzlin V8's come with a price....


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #31 on: December 27, 2014, 02:52:41 AM »
Interesting to read how draft dodger Bush jr was so considerate of American families at Xmas, yet he had no problem sending thousands of Americans to their deaths in pointless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. His great grand children too will still be paying for those wars by the way.

Killing Saddam and his sons could have been done by dropping 10 very large bombs in the right places. Yes I know, under US law apparently it's not allowed to kill a foreign head of state, but I'm sure there would have been a cunning way around that abstacle. By letting an ally drop the ordnance for example.


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #32 on: December 27, 2014, 06:49:03 AM »
Low oil prices now, are the result of Saudi Arabia increasing their oil output. No other reason. Why they did it is simple. Earlier in the year they sold off their oil related shares of stock. Now, because of their actions, both the price of oil and oil related stocks have tanked. So they are buying up oil related stocks right now, and when they cut their oil production again, their oil and oil related stocks go up in price considerably, as in hundreds of billions of US dollars, over night. Win win situation for the Saudis, as it is totally under their control. Their timing is good for Obama, too. Lower gas prices make him look good. It pays for an American President to bow to the King of Saudi Arabia, if that President lacks any integrity and/or self respect.

Lol, not the case at all for many reasons!! I'll briefly go over one of the main reasons which boils down to market share. First, SA knows that it made the biggest mistake of it's existence in the 1980s when it cut back production as a result of a price decline. What those two reasons signify is that SA allowing a price drop can maintain its market share by just keeping production at the usual 30 million barrels a day and not taking a chance of decreasing output and risking an even steeper price drop that occurred in the 80's which would result in OPEC losing a large market share. 
Second, on top of not repeating mistakes that made it lose market share, there is ("was") a boom in "tight oil" production in Texas and North Dakota. letting prices ease it makes it harder (more expensive) on the US producers to extract oil from shale formations. Many smaller companies are starting to fold production. It's great for producers when oil is between $75-95 anything under hurts the bottom line and anything over causes the legislators to get involved.

Thinking it is good for a president to bow to a king is laughable as it shows no integrity or self respect. But it does show a beta kiss ass community organizer that has never been involved in running a business for profit.


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2014, 06:54:29 AM »
US economy is extremely oil dependent. This has massive consequences: wars, corruption, supporting extremist regimes like the Saudi's, pollution, climate change etc. Gas guzzlin V8's come with a price....

US has more reserves than any country on the planet. It's incredible the amount of oil we are beginning to contribute for ourselves but it is nowhere near the amount we demand, yet. Horizontal drilling and fracing are helping, Obama's policies are hindering the industry. But we should preserve nature and there are still many questions as to the chemicals companies are using in their fracing production.

Erik C

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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2014, 09:46:36 AM »
Lol, not the case at all for many reasons!! I'll briefly go over one of the main reasons which boils down to market share. First, SA knows that it made the biggest mistake of it's existence in the 1980s when it cut back production as a result of a price decline. What those two reasons signify is that SA allowing a price drop can maintain its market share by just keeping production at the usual 30 million barrels a day and not taking a chance of decreasing output and risking an even steeper price drop that occurred in the 80's which would result in OPEC losing a large market share. 
Second, on top of not repeating mistakes that made it lose market share, there is ("was") a boom in "tight oil" production in Texas and North Dakota. letting prices ease it makes it harder (more expensive) on the US producers to extract oil from shale formations. Many smaller companies are starting to fold production. It's great for producers when oil is between $75-95 anything under hurts the bottom line and anything over causes the legislators to get involved.

Thinking it is good for a president to bow to a king is laughable as it shows no integrity or self respect. But it does show a beta kiss ass community organizer that has never been involved in running a business for profit.

Saudi Arabia is expanding it's market share by buying shares in every oil (or energy) company on Earth, and at bargain prices right now. Owning of piece of every oil supply, expands their market share, and the oil supply under their control. When they again cut their oil supply, and that will happen sooner than later, the price of oil will rise again, and so will the prices of shares of stock in all the oil and energy related companies that they've been able to by up at cheap prices. It's a "no brainer." Oil and energy related stocks will be the big winners for investors in 2015.

I didn't say bowing to the king of SA was a good thing. Just good for Obama, as he has done everything to hinder energy production for the USA. He'll get paid later, by the Saudis and other middle eastern oil countries, for his help.


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2014, 11:07:27 AM »
???  Dude, once a president is 6 years into office, the state of the economy is THEIR credit, or their blame.

They have veto power (which he never chose to use on any spending in his presidency, rubber stamping them all)

Here are 5 pretty good reasons we can credit/blame bush for the collapse - Imagine the better shape 2008 would have been if Bush would have helped homeowners AND NOT THE BANKS.  Imagine if he regulated that bullshit house of cards that lehman and others were giving the financial world.  imagine if he had made the 2 wars smaller - OR ACCEPTED HELP FROM OTHER COUNTRIES (he wouldn't relinquish control).   See, the "saving banks, letting homeowners sink in an unregulated banking industry" alone should be enough for your to agree.

1. Deregulated Wall Street: It was a great time to be a Wall Street executive during the Bush administration. Sweeping financial deregulation helped build the housing bubble and allowed financial institutions to pursue risky trades unchecked. In fact, Bush eliminated the rules that allowed Wall Street to cause the financial crash that plunged the nation into the Great Recession.
2. Cut Taxes For The Wealthy: The Bush tax cuts — over 50 percent of which benefited the richest 5 percent of American taxpayers — cost about $2.5 trillion over the decade after they were enacted. Ten years later, Bush’s tax cuts are still the main driving factor of the national debt:

3. Ran Up A Tab On Two Wars: The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the country trillions of dollars. Combined with Bush’s tax cuts, war spending was a main factor in blowing up the deficit and spending the surplus accumulated under Clinton. Lawmakers now use the deficit as an excuse for inaction.

4. Left Homeowners In A Lurch: While Bush was happy to help out the banks in the wake of the housing crisis, he did little to assist struggling homeowners. Hope For Homeowners, Bush’s proposal to assist those struggling with their mortgages, was a colossal failure; in its first six months, it helped just one homeowner renegotiate his mortgage. Many mortgage holders — 15.7 million or, one in three — are still underwater today.

5. Weakened Workers: Bush weakened worker safety regulations and collective bargaining rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Department of Labor throughout his time in office. Today, corporations are back to making record profits, while workers’ incomes are falling.

first let me link your progressive talking points...

Next "saving banks" was a shit sandwich that had to be eaten. You have no idea how bad the economy would have been had he not acted to bail out the banks. Whats funny is that obama actually signed the bill, bush just got it started.

1. LMFAO what bills did he pass that led to the economic collapse moron.
2. Tax cuts go towards overall debt which didnt have an effect on the shit storm that hit us.
3. Again this goes towards debt which didnt have an effect on the shit storn that hit us.
4. As stated this was a necissity and the economy would have been much worse if he didnt help pass this legislation even though obama signed it.
5. Really, weakening unions is what your standing by 240? and wouldnt record profits be on obamas watch according to your kindergarden logic?


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2014, 11:13:33 AM »
Lol, not the case at all for many reasons!! I'll briefly go over one of the main reasons which boils down to market share. First, SA knows that it made the biggest mistake of it's existence in the 1980s when it cut back production as a result of a price decline. What those two reasons signify is that SA allowing a price drop can maintain its market share by just keeping production at the usual 30 million barrels a day and not taking a chance of decreasing output and risking an even steeper price drop that occurred in the 80's which would result in OPEC losing a large market share. 
Second, on top of not repeating mistakes that made it lose market share, there is ("was") a boom in "tight oil" production in Texas and North Dakota. letting prices ease it makes it harder (more expensive) on the US producers to extract oil from shale formations. Many smaller companies are starting to fold production. It's great for producers when oil is between $75-95 anything under hurts the bottom line and anything over causes the legislators to get involved.

Thinking it is good for a president to bow to a king is laughable as it shows no integrity or self respect. But it does show a beta kiss ass community organizer that has never been involved in running a business for profit.

This is a pretty good synopsis. SA lost a good amount of market share in the 80's when they cut prices. They have decided to not and yes America will blink first. We are already seeing a pull back in CapEx by upstream companies. A number of projects have been put on hold as a result of the drop in oil prices. Winter often times makes it even more expensive for upstream companies as they are drilling through frozen ground so there will be a reduction in supply by us in the near future.

You have already seen a number of M&A activity and rumblings of others (Repsol/Talisman), Kinder will be targeting smaller MLPs to help keep their distributions going etc.

This will shake out the people who probably shouldnt be there or just got in and unfortunately havent achieved the efficiency need to sustain themselves with prices below $90 or so.


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2014, 11:22:36 AM »
Saudi Arabia is expanding it's market share by buying shares in every oil (or energy) company on Earth, and at bargain prices right now. Owning of piece of every oil supply, expands their market share, and the oil supply under their control. When they again cut their oil supply, and that will happen sooner than later, the price of oil will rise again, and so will the prices of shares of stock in all the oil and energy related companies that they've been able to by up at cheap prices. It's a "no brainer." Oil and energy related stocks will be the big winners for investors in 2015.

I didn't say bowing to the king of SA was a good thing. Just good for Obama, as he has done everything to hinder energy production for the USA. He'll get paid later, by the Saudis and other middle eastern oil countries, for his help.
what companies are they buying and under what entity are they buying them?

I watch a number of energy companies closely on a daily basis and I havent seen or heard of these in any of the positions being created in any of those I watch.


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #38 on: December 27, 2014, 11:52:48 AM »
When Bill Clinton left office, the economy was strong, and we weren't involved in an active war.  We weren't great or in a perfect way, but American life was good.....unless you were a Rush Limbaugh sheep.....

In comes GW, and down goes the U.S.  Trying to avenge Daddy's Iraqi fuck up, under the lie of looking for those still to be found WMDs, George "War Criminal" Bush sent many American and Iraqi young men and women to an early grave.....for nothing  Our economy still has not recovered.....and never will, short of a major change to our broken system.

And to the original question?  My guess would be because he was too stupid to find the exit....

Wrong on all points...

The economy was either in a recession or sliding into a recession as Bush took office (some peg the start at march 2000..others January 2001).   

We were involved in a war with Al Qaeda and like minded extremists when Bush took office....Khobar towers in 1996...Embassy bombings in Africa in 1998...USS Cole bombing in 2000.  Clinton and his administration didn't want to treat this war as a war, preferring to take to the naïve view that they were "criminal attacks" fact he did NOTHING in response to the Cole bombing.

There were WMD's in Iraq...Americans were injured by them during the Iraq war....just ask the New York Times. 

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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #39 on: December 27, 2014, 09:13:01 PM »
Next "saving banks" was a shit sandwich that had to be eaten. You have no idea how bad the economy would have been had he not acted to bail out the banks. Whats funny is that obama actually signed the bill, bush just got it started.

Sorry, I'll stop you right there.  No.  I disagree.   And a lot of republicans disagree with you too.

Bush gave the banks 7 years of minimal regulation - they were running all sorts of shady shit, letting people borrow more than they knew they could repay, selling all sorts of shady packages, moving debt so it never counted, etc.

THEN the banks decided they were too big to fail, and BUSH gave them hundreds of billion in bailouts.  Obama did a ONE TIME stim bill for what, 787 billion?  BUT BUT BUT as you'll recall from getbig, Bush issued over THREE TRILLION in bailouts during his terms.  Obama did the big one that everyone yelled about but bush gave MUCH MORE $$$, in smaller installments.

So I'm sorry you can't see this, I'm sorry you are the one person on getbig that still believes obama was born in hawaii too :(

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #40 on: December 27, 2014, 11:27:53 PM »
Regardless of what anyone thinks of Bush's politics, the dude was steady as a rock. Even though he's an obvious sociopath(as most successful politicians are) the guy seems like a loyal bloke to all his friends...


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #41 on: December 27, 2014, 11:34:29 PM »
Sorry, I'll stop you right there.  No.  I disagree.   And a lot of republicans disagree with you too.

Bush gave the banks 7 years of minimal regulation - they were running all sorts of shady shit, letting people borrow more than they knew they could repay, selling all sorts of shady packages, moving debt so it never counted, etc.

THEN the banks decided they were too big to fail, and BUSH gave them hundreds of billion in bailouts.  Obama did a ONE TIME stim bill for what, 787 billion?  BUT BUT BUT as you'll recall from getbig, Bush issued over THREE TRILLION in bailouts during his terms.  Obama did the big one that everyone yelled about but bush gave MUCH MORE $$$, in smaller installments.

So I'm sorry you can't see this, I'm sorry you are the one person on getbig that still believes obama was born in hawaii too :(

The government MADE MONEY on the "Bank bailouts"....the government lost it's the tune of 10 billion...bailing out GM.


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #42 on: December 28, 2014, 12:09:14 AM »
Sorry, I'll stop you right there.  No.  I disagree.   And a lot of republicans disagree with you too.

Bush gave the banks 7 years of minimal regulation - they were running all sorts of shady shit, letting people borrow more than they knew they could repay, selling all sorts of shady packages, moving debt so it never counted, etc.

THEN the banks decided they were too big to fail, and BUSH gave them hundreds of billion in bailouts.  Obama did a ONE TIME stim bill for what, 787 billion?  BUT BUT BUT as you'll recall from getbig, Bush issued over THREE TRILLION in bailouts during his terms.  Obama did the big one that everyone yelled about but bush gave MUCH MORE $$$, in smaller installments.

So I'm sorry you can't see this, I'm sorry you are the one person on getbig that still believes obama was born in hawaii too :(
so again I ask since you didnt answer or find a cut and paste, what regulation did bush do away with that led to the economic collapse?

so lets get you on the record here, the issue of the housing crisis started, developed and ended with bush in office?

You do remember that the republicans brought this to everyones attention prior to the housing crisis?

you do realize that the economy would have been a lot worse if the banks collapsed right?


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #43 on: December 28, 2014, 01:21:55 AM »
bush was cheneys mouthpiece a terrible one at that


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #44 on: December 28, 2014, 07:05:10 AM »
bush was cheneys mouthpiece a terrible one at that
if bush was choosen to be anyones "mouth piece" they did a shitty job of selecting one lol

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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #45 on: December 28, 2014, 07:50:34 AM »
???  Dude, once a president is 6 years into office, the state of the economy is THEIR credit, or their blame.

They have veto power (which he never chose to use on any spending in his presidency, rubber stamping them all)

Here are 5 pretty good reasons we can credit/blame bush for the collapse - Imagine the better shape 2008 would have been if Bush would have helped homeowners AND NOT THE BANKS.  Imagine if he regulated that bullshit house of cards that lehman and others were giving the financial world.  imagine if he had made the 2 wars smaller - OR ACCEPTED HELP FROM OTHER COUNTRIES (he wouldn't relinquish control).   See, the "saving banks, letting homeowners sink in an unregulated banking industry" alone should be enough for your to agree.

1. Deregulated Wall Street: It was a great time to be a Wall Street executive during the Bush administration. Sweeping financial deregulation helped build the housing bubble and allowed financial institutions to pursue risky trades unchecked. In fact, Bush eliminated the rules that allowed Wall Street to cause the financial crash that plunged the nation into the Great Recession.
2. Cut Taxes For The Wealthy: The Bush tax cuts — over 50 percent of which benefited the richest 5 percent of American taxpayers — cost about $2.5 trillion over the decade after they were enacted. Ten years later, Bush’s tax cuts are still the main driving factor of the national debt:

3. Ran Up A Tab On Two Wars: The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the country trillions of dollars. Combined with Bush’s tax cuts, war spending was a main factor in blowing up the deficit and spending the surplus accumulated under Clinton. Lawmakers now use the deficit as an excuse for inaction.

4. Left Homeowners In A Lurch: While Bush was happy to help out the banks in the wake of the housing crisis, he did little to assist struggling homeowners. Hope For Homeowners, Bush’s proposal to assist those struggling with their mortgages, was a colossal failure; in its first six months, it helped just one homeowner renegotiate his mortgage. Many mortgage holders — 15.7 million or, one in three — are still underwater today.

5. Weakened Workers: Bush weakened worker safety regulations and collective bargaining rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Department of Labor throughout his time in office. Today, corporations are back to making record profits, while workers’ incomes are falling.

Also changed the Bankruptcy laws in 2005 favoring corporations.


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #46 on: December 28, 2014, 08:27:28 AM »
When Bill Clinton left office, the economy was strong, and we weren't involved in an active war.  We weren't great or in a perfect way, but American life was good.....unless you were a Rush Limbaugh sheep.....

In comes GW, and down goes the U.S.  Trying to avenge Daddy's Iraqi fuck up, under the lie of looking for those still to be found WMDs, George "War Criminal" Bush sent many American and Iraqi young men and women to an early grave.....for nothing  Our economy still has not recovered.....and never will, short of a major change to our broken system.

And to the original question?  My guess would be because he was too stupid to find the exit....

Excellent points..


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #47 on: December 28, 2014, 08:52:43 AM »
depends on what you consider "hard data".

Bush didnt really do anything to sink the economy. There wasnt much anyone could do at that point in time to side step the impending shit storm.

Bush's actions after the collapse actually saved the economy a lot more pain and suffering.

what actions do you think obama has taken to take the DOW or SP to all time heights?
What actions do you think bush took to cut them?

You can get lost in the weeds when doing that.
The only objective thing to do is look at what actually happens under their watch.
Same with a head coach in any sport.


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #48 on: December 28, 2014, 08:54:06 AM »
It's still early in the 21st century but bushcheney are still holding the lead in the race for "Biggest mass murderers of the Century." 

Will they win the title? Stay tuned people...

C'mon now, get real.  ::)


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Re: Why George W. Bush Never Left The White House Until The Day After Christmas
« Reply #49 on: December 28, 2014, 08:54:38 AM »

Excellent points..

No...none of that is/was true.