Author Topic: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?  (Read 34748 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #150 on: January 07, 2015, 12:20:03 PM »
I thought part of your argument about over policing had to do with drug use/sale by whites being higher yet blacks are incarcerated more.   I was pointing out that drug use wasn't really higher based on links your provided. And it was spin in the article.

This is what is was originally asking about:

Is there data on this that indicates this "design"?   If so why do you suppose it's this way?

It would seem to me an area with higher violent crime rates warrant more policing.

There are many neighborhoods I can walk around at night with little worry and there are neighborhoods I would never walk around at night in.

It seems to make better sense to focus police in areas with higher crimes rates. 

I  am  interested in yours or another view on this. 

I don't think I agree much with what you're saying, but I believe I could be just plain naive about it.  I live in the San Francisco Bay area and have spent plenty of time in  "minority neighborhoods" both affluent and poor, white, black, Hispanics and Asian. 

He's using the old blacks and whites are sentenced differently for the same crime argument.  It's a typical left wing talking point.  He never takes into consideration other factors like criminal history and being charged with multiple crimes at the same time.  He's just repeating what he heard. 


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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #151 on: January 07, 2015, 12:35:44 PM »
What's misleading was the article talking about the study.  the study is simple facts.

What's not a fact, based on the study provided, is this:

Multiple studies, some commissioned by government agencies, have concluded that whites are more likely to sell drugs and use drugs

i think, Andre, you are just trying to hold on the your belief rather than actually look at data.

"White must use & sell drugs more, Black are unfairly targeted"  right?

did you even look at the study?

no..not trying to hold on to beliefs....all studies say the same thing..that whites use, possess and sell more drugs on a daily basis than blacks...I make no other assertion....


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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #152 on: January 07, 2015, 12:37:03 PM »

no..not trying to hold on to beliefs....all studies say the same thing..that whites use, possess and sell more drugs on a daily basis than blacks...I make no other assertion....

As a percentage of the population?  Another question is the crime involved with drug use.  Are whites committing as many drug related offences as blacks? Provide these studies


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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #153 on: January 07, 2015, 12:39:09 PM »
Law enforcement and the penal system is a business.

it is a business in some places.....and also cops often have unwritten quotas to WHO are they going to arrest to fill such quotas???????????

Option D

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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #154 on: January 07, 2015, 01:15:14 PM »

 Bill Quigley Law Professor, Loyola University New Orleans, CCR Associate Legal Director
Email   Fourteen Examples of Racism in Criminal Justice System
Posted: 07/26/2010 7:45 am EDT Updated: 05/25/2011 5:10 pm EDT   Share Tweet Email

  The biggest crime in the U.S. criminal justice system is that it is a race-based institution where African-Americans are directly targeted and punished in a much more aggressive way than white people.

Saying the US criminal system is racist may be politically controversial in some circles. But the facts are overwhelming. No real debate about that. Below I set out numerous examples of these facts.

The question is - are these facts the mistakes of an otherwise good system, or are they evidence that the racist criminal justice system is working exactly as intended? Is the US criminal justice system operated to marginalize and control millions of African Americans?

Information on race is available for each step of the criminal justice system - from the use of drugs, police stops, arrests, getting out on bail, legal representation, jury selection, trial, sentencing, prison, parole and freedom. Look what these facts show.

One. The US has seen a surge in arrests and putting people in jail over the last four decades. Most of the reason is the war on drugs. Yet whites and blacks engage in drug offenses, possession and sales, at roughly comparable rates - according to a report on race and drug enforcement published by Human Rights Watch in May 2008. While African Americans comprise 13% of the US population and 14% of monthly drug users they are 37% of the people arrested for drug offenses - according to 2009 Congressional testimony by Marc Mauer of The Sentencing Project.

Two. The police stop blacks and Latinos at rates that are much higher than whites. In New York City, where people of color make up about half of the population, 80% of the NYPD stops were of blacks and Latinos. When whites were stopped, only 8% were frisked. When blacks and Latinos are stopped 85% were frisked according to information provided by the NYPD. The same is true most other places as well. In a California study, the ACLU found blacks are three times more likely to be stopped than whites.

Three. Since 1970, drug arrests have skyrocketed rising from 320,000 to close to 1.6 million according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice.
African Americans are arrested for drug offenses at rates 2 to 11 times higher than the rate for whites - according to a May 2009 report on disparity in drug arrests by Human Rights Watch.

Four. Once arrested, blacks are more likely to remain in prison awaiting trial than whites. For example, the New York state division of criminal justice did a 1995 review of disparities in processing felony arrests and found that in some parts of New York blacks are 33% more likely to be detained awaiting felony trials than whites facing felony trials.

Five. Once arrested, 80% of the people in the criminal justice system get a public defender for their lawyer. Race plays a big role here as well. Stop in any urban courtroom and look a the color of the people who are waiting for public defenders. Despite often heroic efforts by public defenders the system gives them much more work and much less money than the prosecution. The American Bar Association, not a radical bunch, reviewed the US public defender system in 2004 and concluded "All too often, defendants plead guilty, even if they are innocent, without really understanding their legal rights or what is occurring...The fundamental right to a lawyer that America assumes applies to everyone accused of criminal conduct effectively does not exist in practice for countless people across the US."

Six. African Americans are frequently illegally excluded from criminal jury service according to a June 2010 study released by the Equal Justice Initiative. For example in Houston County, Alabama, 8 out of 10 African Americans qualified for jury service have been struck by prosecutors from serving on death penalty cases.

Seven. Trials are rare. Only 3 to 5 percent of criminal cases go to trial - the rest are plea bargained. Most African Americans defendants never get a trial. Most plea bargains consist of promise of a longer sentence if a person exercises their constitutional right to trial. As a result, people caught up in the system, as the American Bar Association points out, plead guilty even when innocent. Why? As one young man told me recently, "Who wouldn't rather do three years for a crime they didn't commit than risk twenty-five years for a crime they didn't do?"

Eight. The U.S. Sentencing Commission reported in March 2010 that in the federal system black offenders receive sentences that are 10% longer than white offenders for the same crimes. Marc Mauer of the Sentencing Project reports African Americans are 21% more likely to receive mandatory minimum sentences than white defendants and 20% more like to be sentenced to prison than white drug defendants.

Nine. The longer the sentence, the more likely it is that non-white people will be the ones getting it. A July 2009 report by the Sentencing Project found that two-thirds of the people in the US with life sentences are non-white. In New York, it is 83%.

Ten. As a result, African Americans, who are 13% of the population and 14% of drug users, are not only 37% of the people arrested for drugs but 56% of the people in state prisons for drug offenses. Marc Mauer May 2009 Congressional Testimony for The Sentencing Project.

Eleven. The US Bureau of Justice Statistics concludes that the chance of a black male born in 2001 of going to jail is 32% or 1 in three. Latino males have a 17% chance and white males have a 6% chance. Thus black boys are five times and Latino boys nearly three times as likely as white boys to go to jail.

Twelve. So, while African American juvenile youth is but 16% of the population, they are 28% of juvenile arrests, 37% of the youth in juvenile jails and 58% of the youth sent to adult prisons. 2009 Criminal Justice Primer, The Sentencing Project.

Thirteen. Remember that the US leads the world in putting our own people into jail and prison. The New York Times reported in 2008 that the US has five percent of the world's population but a quarter of the world's prisoners, over 2.3 million people behind bars, dwarfing other nations. The US rate of incarceration is five to eight times higher than other highly developed countries and black males are the largest percentage of inmates according to ABC News.

Fourteen. Even when released from prison, race continues to dominate. A study by Professor Devah Pager of the University of Wisconsin found that 17% of white job applicants with criminal records received call backs from employers while only 5% of black job applicants with criminal records received call backs. Race is so prominent in that study that whites with criminal records actually received better treatment than blacks without criminal records!

So, what conclusions do these facts lead to? The criminal justice system, from start to finish, is seriously racist.

Professor Michelle Alexander concludes that it is no coincidence that the criminal justice system ramped up its processing of African Americans just as the Jim Crow laws enforced since the age of slavery ended. Her book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness sees these facts as evidence of the new way the US has decided to control African Americans - a racialized system of social control. The stigma of criminality functions in much the same way as Jim Crow - creating legal boundaries between them and us, allowing legal discrimination against them, removing the right to vote from millions, and essentially warehousing a disposable population of unwanted people. She calls it a new caste system.

Poor whites and people of other ethnicity are also subjected to this system of social control. Because if poor whites or others get out of line, they will be given the worst possible treatment, they will be treated just like poor blacks.

Other critics like Professor Dylan Rodriguez see the criminal justice system as a key part of what he calls the domestic war on the marginalized. Because of globalization, he argues in his book Forced Passages, there is an excess of people in the US and elsewhere. "These people", whether they are in Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib or US jails and prisons, are not productive, are not needed, are not wanted and are not really entitled to the same human rights as the productive ones. They must be controlled and dominated for the safety of the productive. They must be intimidated into accepting their inferiority or they must be removed from the society of the productive.

This domestic war relies on the same technology that the US uses internationally. More and more we see the militarization of this country's police. Likewise, the goals of the US justice system are the same as the US war on terror - domination and control by capture, immobilization, punishment and liquidation.

What to do?

Martin Luther King Jr., said we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values.
A radical approach to the US criminal justice system means we must go to the root of the problem. Not reform. Not better beds in better prisons. We are not called to only trim the leaves or prune the branches, but rip up this unjust system by its roots.

We are all entitled to safety. That is a human right everyone has a right to expect. But do we really think that continuing with a deeply racist system leading the world in incarcerating our children is making us safer?

It is time for every person interested in justice and safety to join in and dismantle this racist system. Should the US decriminalize drugs like marijuana? Should prisons be abolished? Should we expand the use of restorative justice? Can we create fair educational, medical and employment systems? All these questions and many more have to be seriously explored. Join a group like INCITE, Critical Resistance, the Center for Community Alternatives, Thousand Kites, or the California Prison Moratorium and work on it. As Professor Alexander says "Nothing short of a major social movement can dismantle this new caste system."

Soul Crusher

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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #155 on: January 07, 2015, 01:17:25 PM »
ummmm why else do you think crime rates have plummeted?   More blacks are in jail - not a surprise at all.

 Bill Quigley Law Professor, Loyola University New Orleans, CCR Associate Legal Director
Email   Fourteen Examples of Racism in Criminal Justice System
Posted: 07/26/2010 7:45 am EDT Updated: 05/25/2011 5:10 pm EDT   Share Tweet Email

  The biggest crime in the U.S. criminal justice system is that it is a race-based institution where African-Americans are directly targeted and punished in a much more aggressive way than white people.

Saying the US criminal system is racist may be politically controversial in some circles. But the facts are overwhelming. No real debate about that. Below I set out numerous examples of these facts.

The question is - are these facts the mistakes of an otherwise good system, or are they evidence that the racist criminal justice system is working exactly as intended? Is the US criminal justice system operated to marginalize and control millions of African Americans?

Information on race is available for each step of the criminal justice system - from the use of drugs, police stops, arrests, getting out on bail, legal representation, jury selection, trial, sentencing, prison, parole and freedom. Look what these facts show.

One. The US has seen a surge in arrests and putting people in jail over the last four decades. Most of the reason is the war on drugs. Yet whites and blacks engage in drug offenses, possession and sales, at roughly comparable rates - according to a report on race and drug enforcement published by Human Rights Watch in May 2008. While African Americans comprise 13% of the US population and 14% of monthly drug users they are 37% of the people arrested for drug offenses - according to 2009 Congressional testimony by Marc Mauer of The Sentencing Project.

Two. The police stop blacks and Latinos at rates that are much higher than whites. In New York City, where people of color make up about half of the population, 80% of the NYPD stops were of blacks and Latinos. When whites were stopped, only 8% were frisked. When blacks and Latinos are stopped 85% were frisked according to information provided by the NYPD. The same is true most other places as well. In a California study, the ACLU found blacks are three times more likely to be stopped than whites.

Three. Since 1970, drug arrests have skyrocketed rising from 320,000 to close to 1.6 million according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice.
African Americans are arrested for drug offenses at rates 2 to 11 times higher than the rate for whites - according to a May 2009 report on disparity in drug arrests by Human Rights Watch.

Four. Once arrested, blacks are more likely to remain in prison awaiting trial than whites. For example, the New York state division of criminal justice did a 1995 review of disparities in processing felony arrests and found that in some parts of New York blacks are 33% more likely to be detained awaiting felony trials than whites facing felony trials.

Five. Once arrested, 80% of the people in the criminal justice system get a public defender for their lawyer. Race plays a big role here as well. Stop in any urban courtroom and look a the color of the people who are waiting for public defenders. Despite often heroic efforts by public defenders the system gives them much more work and much less money than the prosecution. The American Bar Association, not a radical bunch, reviewed the US public defender system in 2004 and concluded "All too often, defendants plead guilty, even if they are innocent, without really understanding their legal rights or what is occurring...The fundamental right to a lawyer that America assumes applies to everyone accused of criminal conduct effectively does not exist in practice for countless people across the US."

Six. African Americans are frequently illegally excluded from criminal jury service according to a June 2010 study released by the Equal Justice Initiative. For example in Houston County, Alabama, 8 out of 10 African Americans qualified for jury service have been struck by prosecutors from serving on death penalty cases.

Seven. Trials are rare. Only 3 to 5 percent of criminal cases go to trial - the rest are plea bargained. Most African Americans defendants never get a trial. Most plea bargains consist of promise of a longer sentence if a person exercises their constitutional right to trial. As a result, people caught up in the system, as the American Bar Association points out, plead guilty even when innocent. Why? As one young man told me recently, "Who wouldn't rather do three years for a crime they didn't commit than risk twenty-five years for a crime they didn't do?"

Eight. The U.S. Sentencing Commission reported in March 2010 that in the federal system black offenders receive sentences that are 10% longer than white offenders for the same crimes. Marc Mauer of the Sentencing Project reports African Americans are 21% more likely to receive mandatory minimum sentences than white defendants and 20% more like to be sentenced to prison than white drug defendants.

Nine. The longer the sentence, the more likely it is that non-white people will be the ones getting it. A July 2009 report by the Sentencing Project found that two-thirds of the people in the US with life sentences are non-white. In New York, it is 83%.

Ten. As a result, African Americans, who are 13% of the population and 14% of drug users, are not only 37% of the people arrested for drugs but 56% of the people in state prisons for drug offenses. Marc Mauer May 2009 Congressional Testimony for The Sentencing Project.

Eleven. The US Bureau of Justice Statistics concludes that the chance of a black male born in 2001 of going to jail is 32% or 1 in three. Latino males have a 17% chance and white males have a 6% chance. Thus black boys are five times and Latino boys nearly three times as likely as white boys to go to jail.

Twelve. So, while African American juvenile youth is but 16% of the population, they are 28% of juvenile arrests, 37% of the youth in juvenile jails and 58% of the youth sent to adult prisons. 2009 Criminal Justice Primer, The Sentencing Project.

Thirteen. Remember that the US leads the world in putting our own people into jail and prison. The New York Times reported in 2008 that the US has five percent of the world's population but a quarter of the world's prisoners, over 2.3 million people behind bars, dwarfing other nations. The US rate of incarceration is five to eight times higher than other highly developed countries and black males are the largest percentage of inmates according to ABC News.

Fourteen. Even when released from prison, race continues to dominate. A study by Professor Devah Pager of the University of Wisconsin found that 17% of white job applicants with criminal records received call backs from employers while only 5% of black job applicants with criminal records received call backs. Race is so prominent in that study that whites with criminal records actually received better treatment than blacks without criminal records!

So, what conclusions do these facts lead to? The criminal justice system, from start to finish, is seriously racist.

Professor Michelle Alexander concludes that it is no coincidence that the criminal justice system ramped up its processing of African Americans just as the Jim Crow laws enforced since the age of slavery ended. Her book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness sees these facts as evidence of the new way the US has decided to control African Americans - a racialized system of social control. The stigma of criminality functions in much the same way as Jim Crow - creating legal boundaries between them and us, allowing legal discrimination against them, removing the right to vote from millions, and essentially warehousing a disposable population of unwanted people. She calls it a new caste system.

Poor whites and people of other ethnicity are also subjected to this system of social control. Because if poor whites or others get out of line, they will be given the worst possible treatment, they will be treated just like poor blacks.

Other critics like Professor Dylan Rodriguez see the criminal justice system as a key part of what he calls the domestic war on the marginalized. Because of globalization, he argues in his book Forced Passages, there is an excess of people in the US and elsewhere. "These people", whether they are in Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib or US jails and prisons, are not productive, are not needed, are not wanted and are not really entitled to the same human rights as the productive ones. They must be controlled and dominated for the safety of the productive. They must be intimidated into accepting their inferiority or they must be removed from the society of the productive.

This domestic war relies on the same technology that the US uses internationally. More and more we see the militarization of this country's police. Likewise, the goals of the US justice system are the same as the US war on terror - domination and control by capture, immobilization, punishment and liquidation.

What to do?

Martin Luther King Jr., said we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values.
A radical approach to the US criminal justice system means we must go to the root of the problem. Not reform. Not better beds in better prisons. We are not called to only trim the leaves or prune the branches, but rip up this unjust system by its roots.

We are all entitled to safety. That is a human right everyone has a right to expect. But do we really think that continuing with a deeply racist system leading the world in incarcerating our children is making us safer?

It is time for every person interested in justice and safety to join in and dismantle this racist system. Should the US decriminalize drugs like marijuana? Should prisons be abolished? Should we expand the use of restorative justice? Can we create fair educational, medical and employment systems? All these questions and many more have to be seriously explored. Join a group like INCITE, Critical Resistance, the Center for Community Alternatives, Thousand Kites, or the California Prison Moratorium and work on it. As Professor Alexander says "Nothing short of a major social movement can dismantle this new caste system."


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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #156 on: January 07, 2015, 01:22:08 PM »
Nothing you posted indicates anything, OptionD.  It's the same old argument that lacks the particulars of the criminals.   They are taking numbers and comparing them and drawing the conclusion the higher numbers for blacks is in and of itself proof of an unfair Justice system and its not. Essentially they are comparing apples and oranges.  It's dishonest and politically motivated.  

Option D

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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #157 on: January 07, 2015, 01:23:59 PM »
Nothing you posted indicates anything, OptionD.  It's the same old argument that lacks the particulars of the criminals.   They are taking numbers and comparing them and drawing the conclusion the higher numbers for blacks is in and of itself proof of an unfair Justice system and its not. Essentially they are comparing apples and oranges.  It's dishonest and politically motivated.  
Ohh ok.. i got you..

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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #158 on: January 07, 2015, 01:25:18 PM »
Ohh ok.. i got you..

Nice retort - bottom line is that more blacks in jail = less crime


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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #159 on: January 07, 2015, 01:26:11 PM »
You have to do a case by case break down to make an accurate comparison.   For example, the part about criminal records and job application is inherently flawed. You can't compared two people with criminal records unless you know what is on their actual criminal record.  The methodology is much to general to be accurate.  One might have a minimal criminal record with minor offenses and the other a more extensive record.  People like OptionD don't understand the nuance.

Option D

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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #160 on: January 07, 2015, 01:38:51 PM »
Nice retort - bottom line is that more blacks in jail = less crime
lol...youre so beneath our realm of adult debate its laughable and sad at the same time

As Far as archer, i can predict what his position on any given issue is based on a few factors. But atleast he attempts to be an adult.
His argument is basically "Yes blacks are targeted at a higher rate than whites for the same drug offenses but you have to look at some other shit"
Thats a better response (though its horseshit) than your looney shit

My favorite one is the crack vs coke jail time argument.

Under the current penalty structure, established during the so-called "crack epidemic" of the late 1980s, possession of crack can carry the same sentence as the possession of a quantity of cocaine that is 100 times larger. The Controlled Substances act established a minimum mandatory sentence of five years for a first-time trafficking offense involving over five grams of crack, as opposed to 500 grams of powder cocaine. The law imposed the same ratio for larger amounts: a minimum sentence of 10 years for amounts of crack over 50 grams, versus 5 kilograms of cocaine.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #161 on: January 07, 2015, 01:41:50 PM »
lol...youre so beneath our realm of adult debate its laughable and sad at the same time

As Far as archer, i can predict what his position on any given issue is based on a few factors. But atleast he attempts to be an adult.
His argument is basically "Yes blacks are targeted at a higher rate than whites for the same drug offenses but you have to look at some other shit"
Thats a better response (though its horseshit) than your looney shit

My favorite one is the crack vs coke jail time argument.

Under the current penalty structure, established during the so-called "crack epidemic" of the late 1980s, possession of crack can carry the same sentence as the possession of a quantity of cocaine that is 100 times larger. The Controlled Substances act established a minimum mandatory sentence of five years for a first-time trafficking offense involving over five grams of crack, as opposed to 500 grams of powder cocaine. The law imposed the same ratio for larger amounts: a minimum sentence of 10 years for amounts of crack over 50 grams, versus 5 kilograms of cocaine.

I would never use the word targeted because that would imply they hold no responsibility and their arrest is unfair. I can't make that judgement.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #162 on: January 07, 2015, 01:42:09 PM »
And the reason it has not changed is because it works.  Sorry - it is what it is.  More thugs and ghetto pos in jail = less crime

lol...youre so beneath our realm of adult debate its laughable and sad at the same time

As Far as archer, i can predict what his position on any given issue is based on a few factors. But atleast he attempts to be an adult.
His argument is basically "Yes blacks are targeted at a higher rate than whites for the same drug offenses but you have to look at some other shit"
Thats a better response (though its horseshit) than your looney shit

My favorite one is the crack vs coke jail time argument.

Under the current penalty structure, established during the so-called "crack epidemic" of the late 1980s, possession of crack can carry the same sentence as the possession of a quantity of cocaine that is 100 times larger. The Controlled Substances act established a minimum mandatory sentence of five years for a first-time trafficking offense involving over five grams of crack, as opposed to 500 grams of powder cocaine. The law imposed the same ratio for larger amounts: a minimum sentence of 10 years for amounts of crack over 50 grams, versus 5 kilograms of cocaine.


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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #163 on: January 07, 2015, 02:01:51 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #164 on: January 07, 2015, 02:24:50 PM »

As a percentage of the population?  Another question is the crime involved with drug use.  Are whites committing as many drug related offences as blacks? Provide these studies

I already talked about the percentages and conceded that as a percentage of the population it is probably true that blacks use more drugs than terms of just sheer numbers, then whites use, possess and sell more on a daily basis...

In terms of whites committing more drug rellated offenses..hard to say but my guess would be no


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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #165 on: January 07, 2015, 02:26:17 PM »
Nice retort - bottom line is that more blacks in jail = less crime

I'm quite sure thats your twisted mind


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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #166 on: January 07, 2015, 02:28:12 PM »
I would never use the word targeted because that would imply they hold no responsibility and their arrest is unfair. I can't make that judgement.

They are targeted....why can't you understand that????


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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #167 on: January 07, 2015, 02:28:57 PM »
I already talked about the percentages and conceded that as a percentage of the population it is probably true that blacks use more drugs than terms of just sheer numbers, then whites use, possess and sell more on a daily basis...

In terms of whites committing more drug rellated offenses..hard to say but my guess would be no

Then whats your point?  It's percentage of the population not total numbers.  Where did you get your numbers, FBI? Notice no category for Hispanic or Middle Eastern?  

Where are your numbers for whites selling and possessing more drugs?  Whats the crime associated with white drug use?

They are targeted....why can't you understand that????

Why can't you understand that blacks commit more crime?  Cops go where the problem is.


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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #168 on: January 07, 2015, 02:30:38 PM »
Then whats your point?  It's percentage of the population not total numbers.  Where did you get your numbers, FBI? Notice no category for Hispanic or Middle Eastern?  

Where are your numbers for whites selling and possessing more drugs?  Whats the crime associated with white drug use?

I don't really ant to go on and on about matter what studies or statistics you are shown you will NEVER concede your point so lets move on


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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #169 on: January 07, 2015, 02:33:03 PM »

I don't really ant to go on and on about matter what studies or statistics you are shown you will NEVER concede your point so lets move on

You haven't shown anything.  You just repeat stuff you hear and read.  And the same could be said of you.  No matter the statistics and number of studies published you are still going to believe the victim narrative. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #170 on: January 07, 2015, 02:41:29 PM »
You haven't shown anything.  You just repeat stuff you hear and read.  And the same could be said of you.  No matter the statistics and number of studies published you are still going to believe the victim narrative. 

not true.....I conceded above that blacks use more drugs as a percentage of the pop and that whites probably do not commit more drug related offenses than blacks.....I concede when its seems that the theory has on the other hand.................... ....................


  • Getbig V
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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #171 on: January 07, 2015, 02:45:18 PM »
not true.....I conceded above that blacks use more drugs as a percentage of the pop and that whites probably do not commit more drug related offenses than blacks.....I concede when its seems that the theory has on the other hand.................... ....................

What's your point then?   Blacks commit more crime and on average live in more centralized communities than whites.  Cops go where the problems are. It seems like the mystery is solved.   


  • Getbig V
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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #172 on: January 07, 2015, 02:46:46 PM »

What's your point then?   Blacks commit more crime and on average live in more centralized communities than whites.  Cops go where the problems are. It seems like the mystery is solved.   

in your limited mind, yes


  • Getbig V
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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #173 on: January 07, 2015, 02:47:46 PM »
in your limited mind, yes

You haven't provided any evidence to the contrary.  Sorry but conspiracy theories and whining about being a victim are evidence.

Al Doggity

  • Getbig V
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Re: Black Brunch....hahhah have you guys heard about these retards yet?
« Reply #174 on: January 07, 2015, 03:54:31 PM »
You haven't shown anything.  You just repeat stuff you hear and read.  And the same could be said of you.  No matter the statistics and number of studies published you are still going to believe the victim narrative. 

 ::)If the statistics and studies are posted by you, then of course not!! You'll just make up whatever you want them to mean anyway. This thread should give you the perfect opportunity to explain how "this data is imprecise" means "this data is infallible" and then post 10 pages of unrelated text to "support" that.