Author Topic: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye  (Read 14672 times)


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Re: John Ellis Bush
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2015, 10:29:36 AM »
In Jeb Bush's foreign policy speech, George W. Bush goes missing
By Cathleen Decker

There was a man missing from Jeb Bush’s foreign policy speech Tuesday night at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library -- the man who started the war in Iraq that Bush essentially blamed on those who inherited it, namely President Obama and his first secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The missing man was Jeb Bush’s older brother, former President George W. Bush, whose role went unspoken.

Jeb Bush castigated Obama and Clinton for their handling of Iraq, and specifically for getting American troops out -- a move that was as wildly popular at the time as George W. Bush’s war was unpopular.

The difficulty in ignoring history means you end up with logic like this:

"Who can seriously argue that America and our friends are safer today than in 2009, when the President and Secretary Clinton -- the storied 'team of rivals' -- took office?" Bush asked. "So eager to be the history-makers, they failed to be the peacemakers.  It was a case of blind haste to get out, and to call the tragic consequences somebody else’s problem.  Rushing away from danger can be every bit as unwise as rushing into danger, and the costs have been grievous."

And if it appeared that Bush was going to detail who rushed "into danger," he did not. He simply said: "All of that is in the past; it cannot be undone."

He veered close to a discussion of his brother’s role elsewhere in the speech -- or so it seemed for a moment.

"No leader or policymaker involved will claim to have gotten everything right in the region, Iraq especially," he said. Then, too, the subject could have turned to George W. Bush and how this Bush might differ from the last. But there would be no discussion of how the war began, or why; Bush skipped to criticizing Obama’s decision to pull Americans out of Iraq after a surge of troops sought to take control of the country. He described the "premature withdrawal" -- not the decision to wage war -- as "the fatal error."

He suggested a wholesale assault on Iraq and Syria to curb what he described as a "pandemic" spread of radicalism that has drawn recruits from around the world. Included in his proposals was the overthrow of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, but Bush warned: "We have to make sure that his regime is not replaced by something as bad or worse. The last thing we need in Syria is a repeat of Libya, with its planless aftermath, where the end of a dictatorship was only the beginning of more terrorist violence, including the death of four Americans in Benghazi."

Unmentioned were the implications of knocking off the strongman who led Iraq, whose absence -- along with the absence of the Iraqi army, dispersed by the Bush administration -- contributed to the rise of the terrorists Jeb Bush deplored.

The notable omissions in a speech meant to stake out his approach to world issues spoke to a difficulty at the heart of Jeb Bush’s campaign: He can’t really mention the role of his brother, whose foreign policy moves remain unpopular even as he has benefited, as all presidents do, from a certain post-presidency boost in popularity. And to dump on him would seem disloyal. But when George Bush goes missing, it only seems to highlight the past in bright neon and beg for some accounting of how the future under Jeb would be better.

Both he and Clinton are burdened, to some extent, by family connections as they seek the White House. But while Clinton’s political skills pale in comparison to her husband Bill’s, she has an edge: Bill Clinton left the country under an ethical stain but with a booming economy. George Bush left under criticism for an unpopular war, and with a cratering economy.

The latest Bush on the stage seemed to suggest that America as a whole is leaning in the direction of George W. Bush’s foreign policy, but that appears to be an iffy proposition. Americans overall remain concerned about threats from Islamic terrorists but worried about greater U.S. involvement overseas, especially those that require in-country forces. The coffins returning home are not a distant memory.

Some polling suggests that Bush’s real audience is members of his own party, more than anyone else. Pew surveys in 2013 and 2014 found a huge surge in the percentage of Republicans who felt the U.S. exerted little authority overseas. Among Democrats and independents, there was only about a third of the hawkish movement found among Republicans.

On Tuesday, Bush seemed to acknowledge American reluctance to become more assertive, as he invoked the spirit of Ronald Reagan in suggesting that America would get over it.

"Weariness with conflict ran pretty deep back then, along with despair of ever getting past it," he said in a passage that, curiously, credited Reagan with the fall of the Berlin Wall, which came down during his father’s presidency. "But then along came one formidable figure, who would not accept that way of thinking, and he was the one who mattered the most."

Bush’s father -- who presided over the far more popular invasion of Iraq in 1991, during which he left Saddam Hussein in control in part to maintain stability in the region -- was, like George W. Bush, an unspoken presence in Jeb Bush’s speech, and a familial complication of a different sort.

George H.W. Bush famously commanded his Iraq war in the template of allied cooperation that had marked past world wars. He worked with foreign leaders to craft a near-unanimous assault against Iraq; the international accord went a long way toward assuaging political criticism at home. It was a far more collegial approach, with little of the my-way-or-the-highway feel of George W. Bush’s. But on Tuesday night, the formidable alliances forged by his father were cast aside.

"We’re not part of the community of nations," Jeb Bush said. "We can’t lead from behind. We have to lead."


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Re: John Ellis Bush
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2015, 06:16:36 AM »
Remember... choices have consequences.  ::)


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Re: John Ellis Bush
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2015, 04:43:17 AM »
Jeb Bush criticized for saying ‘stuff happens’ while discussing school shootings
By Ed O'Keefe

President Obama and Democrats quickly condemned comments made Friday by Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, who said that there isn't always a useful government solution to mass shootings and other crises because "stuff happens."

Speaking at an event in Greenville, S.C., Bush's comment came in the midst of expansive answers about the Second Amendment and how people respond to school shootings.

"We're in a difficult time in our country and I don't think that more government is necessarily the answer to this," he said. "I think we need to reconnect ourselves with everybody else. It's just, it's very sad to see. But I resist the notion -- and I did, I had this, this challenge as governor, because we have, look, stuff happens, there's always a crisis and the impulse is always to do something and it's not necessarily the right thing to do."

Bush was speaking at a forum hosted by The Conservative Leadership Project, a group with ties to South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, who moderated the event. His comments came the day after a shooter at an Oregon community college killed nine before being killed by police. Several others are recovering from injuries.

When a reporter asked Bush whether the remark was a mistake, he replied: "No, it wasn’t a mistake, I said exactly what I said, explain to me what I said wrong."

"You said 'stuff happens,'" the  reporter said.

"Things happen all the time," Bush said. "Things -- is that better?"

He later elaborated: "Things happen all the time. A child drowns in a pool and the impulse is to pass a law that puts fencing around a pool... The cumulative effect of this is that in some cases, you don’t solve the problem by passing the law and you’re imposing on large numbers of people burdens that make it harder for our economy to grow, make it harder to protect liberty."

Bush also insisted his comments had "no connection to the Oregon issue at all."

At the White House minutes later, a reporter asked Obama what he thought of Bush's comments.

"I don't even think I have to react to that one," the president said. "I think the American people should hear that and make their own judgments based on the fact that every couple of months we have a mass shooting. And they can decide whether they consider that 'stuff happening.'"

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), chairman of the Democratic National Committee, also quickly responded via Twitter:  A message for Jeb Bush: 380 Americans have been killed in 294 mass shootings in 2015 alone. "Stuff" doesn't just "happen." Inaction happens.

In response, the Bush campaign accused Democrats of twisting the candidate's words.

"It is sad and beyond craven that liberal Democrats, aided and abetted by some in the national media, would dishonestly take Governor Bush’s comments out of context in a cheap attempt to advance their political agenda in the wake of a tragedy," spokeswoman Allie Brandenburger said. "Taking shameless advantage of a horrific tragedy is wrong and only serves to prey on people's emotions."

Bush has made similar comments in response to mass shootings before. Speaking to high school students in Miami on Sept. 1, a few days after a Virginia reporter was shot dead live on television, a student asked what Bush would do as president to address gun violence.

"Every time a tragedy takes place, the natural inclination is to do something," he told the student. "That’s what people generally want to do. ... Historically, when this happens, the 99.9 percent of cases using guns safe in terms, using them safely in terms of their private pursuits... their rights get stricter.

"We have a duty to make sure that our friends know what we care about them," he said. "We need to connect back with people before they tumble back."

Those comments echo something similar Bush said in 1999 as Florida governor in response to the shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado. He suggested that Florida families should sign a pledge to spend one hour a week "one-on-one" with each of their children in order to avoid such violence.


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Re: John Ellis Bush
« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2015, 06:35:44 AM »
If his brother was still POTUS, he would have kept us safe.

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Re: John Ellis Bush
« Reply #29 on: October 03, 2015, 07:29:59 AM »
When a reporter asked Bush whether the remark was a mistake, he replied: "No, it wasn’t a mistake, I said exactly what I said, explain to me what I said wrong."

"You said 'stuff happens,'" the  reporter said.

"Things happen all the time," Bush said. "Things -- is that better?"

I keep saying it, and nobody believes me - the man doesn't WANT to be president lol.

he served as governor, relaxed on a beach for years, maybe smoked a little reefer (huge fan as a youth) - then suddenly half the country recruits him for the most stressful job on earth.  The dude is set financially, he just wants to relax.

Hence a very smart man (jeb) saying from very Dubya like stuff.  It's like when you HAVE to do some interview but you kinda 'throw it'.   When you HAVE to go on a blind date and you don't dress up or be interesting.  Just going thru the motions.


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Re: John Ellis Bush
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2015, 08:24:59 AM »
I keep saying it, and nobody believes me - the man doesn't WANT to be president lol.

he served as governor, relaxed on a beach for years, maybe smoked a little reefer (huge fan as a youth) - then suddenly half the country recruits him for the most stressful job on earth.  The dude is set financially, he just wants to relax.

Hence a very smart man (jeb) saying from very Dubya like stuff.  It's like when you HAVE to do some interview but you kinda 'throw it'.   When you HAVE to go on a blind date and you don't dress up or be interesting.  Just going thru the motions.

It's possible, but this statement doesn't prove so.

He's correct really.

Finding one thing I agree with Jeb on makes me fearful, but he's 100 percent correct in this instance.


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Re: John Ellis Bush
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2016, 07:11:32 PM »
Jeb Bush drops out of 2016 presidential campaign
By Ed O'Keefe

 COLUMBIA, S.C. — Jeb Bush, who sought to join his father and brother in winning the White House, suspended his campaign for the presidency Saturday night after a long year-long slide in the polls and a disappointing showing in the South Carolina primary.

“I’m proud of the campaign we won to unify our country, and to advocate conservative solutions. . . . But the people of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken,” Bush said to a hotel ballroom full of staffers, donors and longtime friends, some of whom burst into tears. “Tonight I am suspending my campaign.”

“No!” someone shouted.

“Yeah,” he said before the room burst into applause.

“I congratulate my competitors that are remaining on the island.”

Bush pointedly did not name any of his Republican rivals during his short speech but said, “In this campaign, I have stood my ground, refusing to bend to the political winds.”

Bush’s decision followed a devastating loss in the Palmetto State, a state that handed both his father and brother crucial victories but that has shifted toward a much more strident form of Republicanism in the years since. Bush was also under intensifying pressure from party leaders to clear the field so they could coalesce around a challenger to Donald Trump.

The former Florida governor’s decision potentially frees tens of millions of dollars in financial support to other Republican presidential contenders. The most immediate beneficiary is expected to be Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who has ties to several of Bush’s top bundlers, many of whom have said that the senator is their second choice.

Bush’s departure also removes the most high-profile contender from the GOP’s “establishment” wing. While Bush has never lived or worked in Washington or held federal office, he was cast as a favorite of the party elite given his family lineage and close ties to many of the party’s most generous backers and senior leaders.

Bush’s decision ends a campaign that began with great confidence and anticipation. After almost a year of private deliberation with close aides, he first hinted at a presidential campaign shortly after Thanksgiving in 2014 and quickly built a team that included several aides from his two terms as Florida governor and other seasoned advisers.

The new Bush team trumpeted a “shock and awe” strategy that methodically amassed an unprecedented amount of money for his campaign and an allied super PAC. Bush’s super PAC, Right to Rise USA, raised $118 million in 2015 to spend mostly on advertising attacking other GOP candidates. Right to Rise had spent at least $95.7 million backing him through Friday.

The advertising strategy forced former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to accelerate his decision-making about another candidacy this year. But it did not deter potential rivals — most notably Rubio, a one-time Bush protégé who proved to be a more capable campaigner than his mentor.

Despite his commanding financial edge and early lead in polls, Bush was a technocrat in a world of noise. He obsessed over details of his exhaustive policy plans, but abhorred political stagecraft. He relished giving minutes-long answers to simple questions during intimate town hall meetings with voters but struggled to give succinct answers in televised debates watched by millions.

Bush began slipping in public opinion polls last spring. He slipped further after struggling over four days in May to answer questions about George W. Bush’s decision to launch the Iraq war, an ordeal that exposed him as unable and unwilling to answer a broader question on the minds of many voters: Why should Americans elect another president named Bush?

During a May 11 interview on the Fox News Channel, Jeb Bush said that, like his brother, he would have authorized military action against Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein even though government intelligence used at the time was later deemed deeply flawed. Opponents in both parties quickly pounced, saying they would not have authorized the war. Some also suggested that Jeb Bush did not fully appreciate lingering, widespread opposition to the war.

The interview prompted voters to press Bush to explain his answer. First, he said he had misunderstood the question. Then he denounced the public’s focus on hypothetical questions. During an especially hostile exchange caught on camera after a rally in Reno, Nev., Bush sparred with a college student over whether George W. Bush or President Obama was responsible for the rise of the Islamic State terror group. A day later, amid intense growing scrutiny, Bush conceded that “knowing what we know now,” he would not have authorized war in Iraq.

Questions about his family lingered throughout the campaign, but Bush insisted several times that a presidential campaign “can’t be about the past; it can’t be about my mom and dad, or my brother, who I love. It has to be about the ideas I believe in to move our country forward.”

Al Cardenas, a longtime Bush friend, said last summer that Bush’s lead had shrunk because media attention was too focused on Bush’s family history and not on his record as Florida governor. “It’s about Bush, not Jeb,” he said.

Once people learned more about his time as governor, Cardenas predicted, “then it will become more about Jeb, not Bush.”

In the end, though, Bush brought his family close to him. Former president George W. Bush joined his younger brother at a rally for him outside Charleston this past week, and his mother joined him on the trail for a final slog through South Carolina.

Bush also struggled to deal with Trump, who used television interviews, Twitter and campaign rallies to mock Bush in deeply personal terms. In a particularly stinging critique that stuck, Trump accused Bush — who lost 40 pounds before launching his bid and maintaining an aggressive campaign schedule — of being a “low-energy” candidate lacking the stamina and demeanor needed to defeat Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

Bush initially ignored Trump’s attacks, making him seem unaware of the quickly changing dynamics of the Republican Party. His muted response to Trump raised questions about whether a candidate who last ran for political office in 2002 was capable of operating in the modern political environment.

The mockery and personal nature of the attacks had roots in the often-tense relationship between Trump and the Bushes that dated to the late 1980s, when George H.W. Bush briefly considered picking the businessman as his 1988 vice-presidential running mate.

Several times, Jeb Bush complained about the increasingly fast-paced, media-driven, hostile nature of American politics. After struggling through the first few televised debates, Bush admitted that he needed to embrace a new strategy contradictory to his patrician upbringing.

“I’ve had 62 years of life that’s been jammed into my DNA that when somebody asks you a question, you’re supposed to answer it,” he told reporters after a campaign stop in Atlantic, Iowa, in November. He added that “I’m learning the new art of acknowledging the question, being respectful of the questioner, of course, and then answering what’s on my mind.”

Asked whether that was a change from his 1998 and 2002 campaigns for Florida governor, Bush said: “That’s a change from 1953, when I was a baby.”

Over the course of his campaign, Bush rejected the tactics of tea-party-backed lawmakers who had supported a shutdown of the federal government and opposed then-House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) and other leaders. He had been a strong supporter of educational reform adopted nationally, known as Common Core, and wrote a 300-page book outlining his views on comprehensive immigration reform — views that put him at odds with many Republicans.

Before launching the exploratory phase of his campaign, Bush said in December 2014 that the party nominee should be willing to “lose the primary to win the general without violating your principles.”

He vowed to campaign “joyfully,” saying that Republicans could only retake the White House if they reached out to voters who did not typically support conservatives. In the closing weeks of his campaign, he cast himself as a “steady hand” ready to be commander in chief.

“If you want a politician to just bob and weave, then I’m not your guy,” he told supporters Friday night in Central.

“You can’t talk trash when you’re running for president. . . . You can’t focus-group things. You can’t be a poll-driven politician who runs away when things get tough,” he added in Spartanburg on Friday.

Bush knew this, he said, because “I’ve had a front-row seat watching history” made by his father, George H.W. Bush, and his brother, George W. Bush.

Ultimately, Jeb Bush’s quest to make presidential history failed.

As he departed the ballroom, Bush had tears in his eyes. On the rope line, he apologized to staffers and supporters but told one friend that they will now be able to have a beer together.

“Sorry, brother,” he told another.

Staffers and supporters stood stunned in the ballroom as he made the announcement, with only a handful aware of what he was about to say.

“This is a cycle that is bigger than all of us,” said Bush’s senior adviser, Sally Bradshaw, as she hugged her staff and Bush’s national finance chairman, Woody Johnson.

As he departed, Bush was asked by a reporter when he knew it was over. “This afternoon, this evening,” he said before turning to leave.

Several aides said that early exit-poll returns immediately showed that he was trailing by an insurmountable margin.

Before he announced the end of his campaign, several close friends from the Miami area sent him words of support, knowing that the end might be near.

“I pray for you to stay strong as you’ve been and you know how to be,” wrote his friend, Jorge Arrizurieta, who was still urging him to stay in the race.


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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2016, 07:19:03 PM »
No one on the campaign trail said it out loud, but being married to an immigrant from Guanajuato, Mexico didn't help in the current GOP climate. 

Columba met Jeb Bush in 1970 in León when she was 16 years old and he was 17. Bush was teaching English as a second language and assisting in the building of a school in the small nearby village of Ibarrilla as part of a class at Andover.

Gallo married Bush on February 23, 1974, in Austin, Texas at the chapel in the Catholic student center on the campus of the University of Texas. At the time of the wedding, she did not speak English and a part of the wedding ceremony was conducted in Spanish.

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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2016, 07:20:17 PM »
Although they're both gay, I can't help to think that Bay is the black version of TA. That being said they can both fight it out for Queen of the cut and paste.

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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2016, 11:43:33 PM »
Although they're both gay, I can't help to think that Bay is the black version of TA. That being said they can both fight it out for Queen of the cut and paste.

that's a messed up thing to say.


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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2016, 04:09:34 AM »
that's a messed up thing to say.

Do not mind him.  He is just butt hurt that his candidate had to drop out... and that's the best he could come up with to make himself feel better.  ;D

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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2016, 07:47:36 AM »
Do not mind him.  He is just butt hurt that his candidate had to drop out... and that's the best he could come up with to make himself feel better.  ;D

Not my candidate


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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2016, 07:56:00 AM »
Not my candidate
Coach, you won't say who your candidate is.

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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #38 on: February 21, 2016, 08:14:36 AM »
Coach, you won't say who your candidate is.


He's said he'll just support whichever republican emerges, right?

tom joad

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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2016, 11:00:33 AM »
Not my candidate

Coach, what's your take on the epic repudiation of all things Bush in the Republican primaries.

How delusional was Jeb to think that his campaign could have any legs?

The exclamation point has left the building.

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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2016, 11:25:44 AM »

He's said he'll just support whichever republican emerges, right?

I'd bet money that fundie Coach is all for fundie Cruz


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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #41 on: February 21, 2016, 05:03:45 PM »
I'd bet money that fundie Coach is all for fundie Cruz

If that's who he supports he should just say it. As much attention as he pays to politics I find it hard to believe that he has no top choice.

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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #42 on: February 21, 2016, 06:51:37 PM »
If that's who he supports he should just say it. As much attention as he pays to politics I find it hard to believe that he has no top choice.

Because I'm not sure yet. But you can bet it won't be a 74 year old communist or a lying liberal democrat that's on the brink of an indictment in the middle of an FBI investigation.

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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2016, 06:54:11 PM »
I'd bet money that fundie Coach is all for fundie Cruz

It's a strong possibility


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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #44 on: February 21, 2016, 07:29:24 PM »
It's a strong possibility

Oh no birther CTs about this one huh?   ::)

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Re: John Ellis Bush... Bye Bye
« Reply #45 on: February 21, 2016, 10:18:54 PM »
Because I'm not sure yet.


I love those voters that flip a coin in the voting booth haha.