Author Topic: Hillary Clinton: Corruption, Deception, Lies, Scandals, and Promises Broken  (Read 21438 times)

Soul Crusher

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where was the outrage when Colin Powell was doing it when he was Secretary of State.mmmm

LOL - false you liberal cultist - the law was not in place when he was there 1) and 2) he had 2 separate emails. 

Now go get your shine box libfag


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LOL - false you liberal cultist - the law was not in place when he was there 1) and 2) he had 2 separate emails. 

Now go get your shine box libfag

she has two emails too moron,inform yourself shit for brains lol

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she has two emails too moron,inform yourself shit for brains lol

No she didn't - read the NYT article


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On Tuesday, Marie Harf, a deputy State Department spokeswoman, said that the department has "no indication that Secretary Clinton used her personal email account for anything but unclassified purposes."        just like powell did

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Posted on March 3, 2015 at 7:51:28 PM EST by E. Pluribus Unum

The White House today repeatedly declined to say whether it was appropriate for Hillary Clinton to use solely her personal email account while serving as secretary of state.

"Very specific guidance has been given to agencies all across the government, which is specifically that employees in the Obama administration should use their official e-mail accounts when they're conducting official government business," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters at a livelier-than-usual press briefing.

In an exchange with ABC News, Earnest would not say whether or not Clinton violated that policy or broke the law by using only her personal account.

"I was not in a position to review Secretary Clinton's personal email. That was the responsibility of Secretary Clinton and her team," Earnest said. "They say that they turned over thousands of pages and thousands of emails ... and that is entirely consistent with the requirements of the Federal Records Act."

Earnest added that he could not say whether the White House was aware that Clinton was not conducting her business on an official email account.

"When there are situations in which personal email is used to conduct official U.S. business, those emails are official government records and should be turned over to the State Department, which is what I understand Secretary Clinton's team has done," he said.

Earnest said he did not know if any other Cabinet secretaries are using only their personal email accounts and referred reporters to the individual agencies.

Soul Crusher

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On January 13, 2009, Hillary Clinton attended her first confirmation hearing as a Secretary of State nominee. The same day, with Bush officials still under fire for using private email accounts to circumvent public records laws, someone registered, a domain that now appears to be at the center of a scandal. "Mrs. Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department," The New York Times reported in a story published late Monday. "Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act."

This was willful, flagrant disregard for public records rules.

What made her confident that she would get away with it?

Many of those emails "would not have been located in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, subpoenas or other document searches," Politico reported.

These revelations reflect poorly on Clinton and her excessively loyal aides. And they suggest that many in the Obama Administration, where her behavior was widely known to be verboten, did nothing upon getting official business emailed to them from Clinton's personal account. She was allowed to break the rules for years, much as Karl Rove was permitted to do so by his bosses in the Bush Administration.

What made her confident that she would get away with it? Perhaps she figured that if Sandy Berger could pilfer the National Archives and escape with probation, she could surely hide a few years worth of emails without any repercussions.

For those who've forgotten that jaw-dropping story:

According to reports from the Inspector General of the National Archives and the staff of the House of Representatives' Government Operations Committee, Mr. Berger, while acting as former President Clinton's designated representative to the commission investigating the attacks of September 11, 2001, illegally took confidential documents from the Archives on more than one occasion. He folded documents in his clothes, snuck them out of the Archives building, and stashed them under a construction trailer nearby until he could return, retrieve them, and later cut them up. After he was caught, he lied to the investigators and tried to shift blame to Archive employees.

Contrary to his initial denials and later excuses, Berger clearly intended from the outset to remove sensitive material from the Archives. He used the pretext of making and receiving private phone calls to get time alone with confidential material, although rules governing access dictated that someone from the Archives staff must be present. He took bathroom breaks every half-hour to provide further opportunity to remove and conceal documents... What could have been important enough for Berger to take the risks he did?

Or perhaps she was thinking farther back to the time when paperwork subpoenaed during the Whitewater investigation mysteriously disappeared for two years:

After nearly two years of searches and subpoenas, the White House said this evening that it had unexpectedly discovered copies of missing documents from Hillary Rodham Clinton's law firm that describe her work for a failing savings and loan association in the 1980's. Federal and Congressional investigators have issued subpoenas for the documents since 1994, and the White House has said it did not have them. The originals disappeared from the Rose Law Firm, in which Mrs. Clinton was a partner, shortly before Mr. Clinton took office.

Where were the records finally found? In the third-floor private residence at the White House.

From that same story:

Investigators have also been trying to determine whether Mrs. Clinton sought to block Justice Department lawyers from examining files in Mr. Foster's office in the days after his death. White House aides searched the office and brought files to the Clintons' private residence before allowing investigators to look at them.

There was also last year's delay in releasing papers that the public was entitled to see: 

A trove of Clinton White House records long processed for release remains hidden from public view at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock — even though the legal basis initially used to withhold them expired more than a year ago. The papers contain confidential advice given to or sought by President Bill Clinton, including communications with then-first lady Hillary Clinton, and records about people considered for appointments to federal office.

One thing Hillary Clinton may have been hiding with her private email address was noted by John Cook a couple years ago when Sidney Blumenthal's email got hacked:

Blumenthal, a fierce Clinton partisan in the 1990s, was the orchestrator of a subterranean smear campaign against Obama during the Democratic primary and was specifically spiked by the White House as a potential staffer for Clinton when she became Secretary of State. And he was sending notes to Clinton at a private, non-governmental email address. Did Obama know Clinton was consulting with the guy who tried to kneecap him?

Blumenthal has long been a fomenter of dark whisper campaigns against Clinton enemies. He was famously accused in the 1990s by his former friend Christopher Hitchens of spreading the lie that Monica Lewinsky was a mere "stalker" who shouldn't be taken seriously. More recently, as Gawker reported, he was busy compiling scurrilous opposition research dossiers about Barack Obama's purported ties to unwholesome black preachers that ended up in Fox News chief Roger Ailes' inbox. That sort of behavior is, presumably, why the Obama White House put the kibosh on Clinton's attempt to hire Blumenthal at the State Department in 2009. But that apparently didn't stop Clinton from using him in an unofficial capacity.

There's no telling what other official or semi-official business Clinton conducted through the private email account that she seems to have begun using just before taking her cabinet job. The emails she has turned over were all chosen by Clinton and her aides, giving her an opportunity to hide whatever she wants hidden. But the episode already confirms what attentive observers have long known: If the Clintons return to the White House, we can expect more suspicious secrets, stonewalling, and opaqueness, much as we've seen in the past. Voters have been given ample warning.

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Hillary's email server traced to Internet service registered to NY home (she used pseudonym) ^ | 3/4 15 | STAFF
Posted on March 4, 2015 at 6:42:04 AM EST by Liz

The computer server transmitting and receiving Hillary Clinton's emails traced back to an Internet service registered to her family's home in Chappaqua, NY, according to Internet records reviewed by AP (Hillary emailed on a private account she used exclusively for official business as secretary of state).

More recently it was learned she used private email accounts exclusively....... and had more than one.

The highly unusual practice would have given Clinton impressive control over limiting access to her message archives. It distinguishes Clinton's secretive email practices as far more sophisticated than other politicians.

Clinton has not described her motivation for using a private email account -- hdr22(at) traced back to her private email server registered under an apparent pseudonym -- for official State Department business.

This afforded Clinton additional legal opportunities to block government or private subpoenas in criminal, administrative or civil cases because her lawyers could object in court before being forced to turn over any emails.

It was unclear whom Clinton hired to set up her private email server---AP traced it to a mysterious identity, Eric Hoteham. That name does not appear in public records databases, campaign contribution records or Internet background searches.

Hoteham was listed as the customer at Clinton's $1.7 million home on Old House Lane in Chappaqua in records registering the Internet address for her email server since August 2010.

The Hoteham personality also is associated with a separate email server,, and a non-functioning website,, all linked to the same residential Internet account as Mrs. Clinton's email server. The former president's full name is William Jefferson Clinton.

Clinton's private email account surface March 2013 after Guccifer---a convicted Romanian hacker, published emails stolen from former White House adviser Sidney Blumenthal. The Internet domain was registered around the time of her secretary of state nomination.


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Hillary's email server traced to Internet service registered to NY home (she used pseudonym) ^ | 3/4 15 | STAFF
Posted on March 4, 2015 at 6:42:04 AM EST by Liz

The computer server transmitting and receiving Hillary Clinton's emails traced back to an Internet service registered to her family's home in Chappaqua, NY, according to Internet records reviewed by AP (Hillary emailed on a private account she used exclusively for official business as secretary of state).

More recently it was learned she used private email accounts exclusively....... and had more than one.

The highly unusual practice would have given Clinton impressive control over limiting access to her message archives. It distinguishes Clinton's secretive email practices as far more sophisticated than other politicians.

Clinton has not described her motivation for using a private email account -- hdr22(at) traced back to her private email server registered under an apparent pseudonym -- for official State Department business.

This afforded Clinton additional legal opportunities to block government or private subpoenas in criminal, administrative or civil cases because her lawyers could object in court before being forced to turn over any emails.

It was unclear whom Clinton hired to set up her private email server---AP traced it to a mysterious identity, Eric Hoteham. That name does not appear in public records databases, campaign contribution records or Internet background searches.

Hoteham was listed as the customer at Clinton's $1.7 million home on Old House Lane in Chappaqua in records registering the Internet address for her email server since August 2010.

The Hoteham personality also is associated with a separate email server,, and a non-functioning website,, all linked to the same residential Internet account as Mrs. Clinton's email server. The former president's full name is William Jefferson Clinton.

Clinton's private email account surface March 2013 after Guccifer---a convicted Romanian hacker, published emails stolen from former White House adviser Sidney Blumenthal. The Internet domain was registered around the time of her secretary of state nomination.

link please

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where did you get the cut up one you posted  :D

Soul Crusher

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where did you get the cut up one you posted  :D

Its the same FNG story.  Only members of a cult of personality like Obama drones and now Hillary drones could defend this criminality

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March 3, 2015 7:29 p.m. ET
 Hillary Clinton  hasn’t even begun her expected presidential candidacy, but already Americans are being reminded of the political entertainment they can expect. To wit, the normal rules of government ethics and transparency apply to everyone except Bill and Hillary.

Last week we learned that the Clinton Foundation had accepted donations from foreign governments despite having made a public display of not doing so. The Family Clinton had agreed not to accept such donations while Mrs. Clinton was serving as Secretary of State, with rare exceptions approved by State’s ethics shop.

But, lo, the foundation quietly began accepting such gifts from the likes of Qatar and Algeria after she left the State Department—though everyone in the world knew she was likely to run for President in 2016. The foundation didn’t announce the donations, which our Journal colleagues discovered in a search of the foundation’s online data base.

Opinion Journal Video

Best of the Web Today Columnist James Taranto on the news that Hillary Clinton used a personal email account to conduct State Department business. Photo credit: Getty Images.
Then Monday the  New York Times  reported that Mrs. Clinton used a personal email account for official business as Secretary of State, despite a federal transparency law that requires officials to maintain emails on government servers. A former long-time litigation director at the National Archives & Records Administration told the paper he could “recall no instance” when a high-ranking official had solely used a personal email address for government business.

Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill says this is no big deal because Team Clinton is following “the letter and the spirit of rules” and has turned over to State some 55,000 emails in response to a formal request. Put another way, Mrs. Clinton is controlling which emails are divulged, and everyone should trust her judgment. We doubt Congress’s Benghazi investigators will be reassured. You also have to wonder about the judgment of America’s top diplomat exposing her official business on personal email to cyber hacking from China or Iran.

The real story here is that none of this is a surprise. This is how the Clintons roll. They’re a political version of the old Peanuts cartoon character who was always surrounded by a cloud of dirt. Ethical shortcuts and controversies are standard operating procedure. A brief 1990s roll call: The Riadys, Johnny Chung, Travelgate, the vanishing Rose billing records, a killing in cattle futures, the Marc Rich pardon.

The Clintons and Democrats want Americans to forget all of that. But as the email and foundation discoveries show, the Clintons haven’t changed. They still think they can do what they please and get away with it.


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Hillary's email server traced to Internet service registered to NY home (she used pseudonym) ^ | 3/4 15 | STAFF
Posted on March 4, 2015 at 6:42:04 AM EST by Liz

The computer server transmitting and receiving Hillary Clinton's emails traced back to an Internet service registered to her family's home in Chappaqua, NY, according to Internet records reviewed by AP (Hillary emailed on a private account she used exclusively for official business as secretary of state).

More recently it was learned she used private email accounts exclusively....... and had more than one.

The highly unusual practice would have given Clinton impressive control over limiting access to her message archives. It distinguishes Clinton's secretive email practices as far more sophisticated than other politicians.

Clinton has not described her motivation for using a private email account -- hdr22(at) traced back to her private email server registered under an apparent pseudonym -- for official State Department business.

This afforded Clinton additional legal opportunities to block government or private subpoenas in criminal, administrative or civil cases because her lawyers could object in court before being forced to turn over any emails.

It was unclear whom Clinton hired to set up her private email server---AP traced it to a mysterious identity, Eric Hoteham. That name does not appear in public records databases, campaign contribution records or Internet background searches.

Hoteham was listed as the customer at Clinton's $1.7 million home on Old House Lane in Chappaqua in records registering the Internet address for her email server since August 2010.

The Hoteham personality also is associated with a separate email server,, and a non-functioning website,, all linked to the same residential Internet ac  count as Mrs. Clinton's email server. The former president's full name is William Jefferson Clinton.

Clinton's private email account surface March 2013 after Guccifer---a convicted Romanian hacker, published emails stolen from former White House adviser Sidney Blumenthal. The Internet domain was registered around the time of her secretary of state nomination.

full version without the repub hack job  :D :D

Associated Press
WASHINGTON –  The computer server that transmitted and received Hillary Clinton's emails -- on a private account she used exclusively for official business when she was secretary of state -- traced back to an Internet service registered to her family's home in Chappaqua, New York, according to Internet records reviewed by The Associated Press.

The highly unusual practice of a Cabinet-level official physically running her own email would have given Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, impressive control over limiting access to her message archives. It also would distinguish Clinton's secretive email practices as far more sophisticated than some politicians, including Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin, who were caught conducting official business using free email services operated by Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo Inc.

Most Internet users rely on professional outside companies, such as Google Inc. or their own employers, for the behind-the-scenes complexities of managing their email communications. Government employees generally use servers run by federal agencies where they work.

In most cases, individuals who operate their own email servers are technical experts or users so concerned about issues of privacy and surveillance they take matters into their own hands.

Clinton has not described her motivation for using a private email account -- hdr22(at), which traced back to her own private email server registered under an apparent pseudonym -- for official State Department business.

Operating her own server would have afforded Clinton additional legal opportunities to block government or private subpoenas in criminal, administrative or civil cases because her lawyers could object in court before being forced to turn over any emails. And since the Secret Service was guarding Clinton's home, an email server there would have been well protected from theft or a physical hacking.

But homebrew email servers are generally not as reliable, secure from hackers or protected from fires or floods as those in commercial data centers. Those professional facilities provide monitoring for viruses or hacking attempts, regulated temperatures, off-site backups, generators in case of power outages, fire-suppression systems and redundant communications lines.

A spokesman for Clinton did not respond to requests seeking comment from the AP on Tuesday. Clinton ignored the issue during a speech Tuesday night at the 30th anniversary gala of EMILY's List, which works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights.

It was unclear whom Clinton hired to set up or maintain her private email server, which the AP traced to a mysterious identity, Eric Hoteham. That name does not appear in public records databases, campaign contribution records or Internet background searches. Hoteham was listed as the customer at Clinton's $1.7 million home on Old House Lane in Chappaqua in records registering the Internet address for her email server since August 2010.

The Hoteham personality also is associated with a separate email server,, and a non-functioning website,, all linked to the same residential Internet account as Mrs. Clinton's email server. The former president's full name is William Jefferson Clinton.

In November 2012, without explanation, Clinton's private email account was reconfigured to use Google's servers as a backup in case her own personal email server failed, according to Internet records. That is significant because Clinton publicly supported Google's accusations in June 2011 that China's government had tried to break into the Google mail accounts of senior U.S. government officials. It was one of the first instances of a major American corporation openly accusing a foreign government of hacking.

Then, in July 2013, five months after she resigned as secretary of state, Clinton's private email server was reconfigured again to use a Denver-based commercial email provider, MX Logic, which is now owned by McAfee Inc., a top Internet security company.

The New York Times reported Monday that Clinton exclusively used a personal email account it did not specify to conduct State Department business. The disclosure raised questions about whether she took actions to preserve copies of her old work-related emails, as required by the Federal Records Act. A Clinton spokesman, Nick Merrill, told the newspaper that Clinton complied with the letter and spirit of the law because her advisers reviewed tens of thousands of pages of her personal emails to decide which ones to turn over to the State Department after the agency asked for them.

In theory but not in practice, Clinton's official emails would be accessible to anyone who requested copies under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. Under the law, citizens and foreigners can compel the government to turn over copies of federal records for zero or little cost. Since Clinton effectively retained control over emails in her private account even after she resigned in 2013, the government would have to negotiate with Clinton to turn over messages it can't already retrieve from the inboxes of federal employees she emailed.

The AP has waited more than a year under the open records law for the State Department to turn over some emails covering Clinton's tenure as the nation's top diplomat, although the agency has never suggested that it didn't possess all her emails.

Clinton's private email account surfaced publicly in March 2013 after a convicted Romanian hacker known as Guccifer published emails stolen from former White House adviser Sidney Blumenthal. The Internet domain was registered around the time of her secretary of state nomination.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the special House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks, said the committee learned last summer -- when agency documents were turned over to the committee -- that Clinton had used a private email account while secretary of state. More recently the committee learned that she used private email accounts exclusively and had more than one, Gowdy said.

President Barack Obama signed a bill last year that bans the use of private email accounts by government officials unless they retain copies of messages in their official account or forward copies to their government accounts within 20 days. The bill did not become law until more than one year after Clinton left the State Department.

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The law requiring archiving of govt e-mails went into full effect in 2009. HRC knowingly violated the law from the moment she took office at State. All of the nation's top diplomat's e-mails were then run through a privately owned service, on servers far less secure than the State Dept's. This exposed an immense amount of e-comms from & to the Secretary of State to hacking by … Russia, China, N.Korea and other nations that have corps of excellent hackers (as does the US). Exposing US national security to so much risk should disqualify HRC from ever holding govt office again. The greatest favor she could do the nation is not announce her candidacy, but retire quietly, and allow other Democrats to seek the nomination, others who have not endangered US national security … nor devoted so much energy to personal enrichment cashing in on access to power, or the promise thereof.

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Hillary’s email scandal gets worse and worse
Hotair ^  | 03/04/2015 | Noah Rothman

Posted on ‎3‎/‎4‎/‎2015‎ ‎9‎:‎39‎:‎04‎ ‎AM by SeekAndFind

In his latest piece, National Review’s Charles Cooke related a choice exchange he had with a former Clinton White House staffer who attempted to defend Hillary Clinton’s role in this latest scandal involving her determination to avoid using an official and secure email address, as is mandated by law.

“It’s ‘worth remembering,’ a former Clinton administration staffer assured me quickly on Twitter, ‘that Hillary didn’t have email until she was in her forties. She was clueless.’” Cooke wrote. “‘I just mean,’ he added, desperately, that “she’s no dummy — except possibly with computers — where she kinda is.’”

So the Democratic Party’s anointed 2016 nominee who, we are assured, possesses the intellect and the acumen of a transformative political figure born to shatter glass ceilings devolves into timid and irrational Neanderthal when confronted by technological marvels like electronic mail? It’s not especially convincing, but at least it is a defense.

As reporters go digging into this most recent Clinton controversy, however, it turns out that that the former secretary of state may have possessed a touch more technological prowess than her supporters initially led the public to believe. At least, those around her were savvy in their pursuit of a parallel email system that was apparently designed to evade federal oversight.

“Hillary Clinton created her own private email system that she exclusively used as secretary of state, ignoring ‘very specific guidance’ from the White House by not even creating, let alone using, a government email account,” The Daily Beast revealed on Wednesday citing a bombshell Associated Press investigation.

America’s gentle but technologically enfeebled grandmother-in-chief was, in fact, operating email servers and an internet domain that were run out of her family home in Chappaqua, New York. “The highly unusual practice of a Cabinet-level official physically running her own email would have given Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, impressive control over limiting access to her message archives,” The AP reported. “It also would distinguish Clinton’s secretive email practices as far more sophisticated than some politicians, including Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin, who were caught conducting official business using free email services operated by Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo Inc.”

This little trick was not only evasive and quite probably illegal, but also unique to Clinton. It is going to prove increasingly difficult for the former secretary’s defenders to back her behavior while preserving their own integrity. When figures like Karl Rove and Sarah Palin ran afoul of the press as a result of lost emails or the use of private accounts to conduct official business, the reaction from the political class was anything but muted.

Operating her own server would have afforded Clinton additional legal opportunities to block government or private subpoenas in criminal, administrative or civil cases because her lawyers could object in court before being forced to turn over any emails. And since the Secret Service was guarding Clinton’s home, an email server there would have been well protected from theft or a physical hacking.

But homemade email servers are generally not as reliable, secure from hackers or protected from fires or floods as those in commercial data centers. Those professional facilities provide monitoring for viruses or hacking attempts, regulated temperatures, off-site backups, generators in case of power outages, fire-suppression systems and redundant communications lines.

It was unclear whom Clinton hired to set up or maintain her private email server, which the AP traced to a mysterious identity, Eric Hoteham. That name does not appear in public records databases, campaign contribution records or Internet background searches. Hoteham was listed as the customer at Clinton’s $1.7 million home on Old House Lane in Chappaqua in records registering the Internet address for her email server since August 2010.

Hillary Clinton had to know that this would someday come to light. She must have been aware that her scandalous behavior would one day jeopardize her political future and, as a result, her political party’s viability. Moreover, as the AP reported, her use of unsecure email servers might have endangered American diplomatic security had she ever communicated anything of a sensitive nature via email, though we may never know if she did for sure. And the most charitable claim one could make in Clinton’s defense is that all of this was done merely to preserve Clinton’s sense of privilege and self-entitlement.

Relax, the Clinton camp assures the public. We have all of the former secretary’s emails on file, and they can be provided at your request. According to The New York Times, that’s simply not true.

In 2012, congressional investigators asked the State Department for a wide range of documents related to the attack on the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. The department eventually responded, furnishing House committees with thousands of documents.

But it turns out that that was not everything.

The State Department had not searched the email account of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton because she had maintained a private account, which shielded it from such searches, department officials acknowledged on Tuesday.

With the news growing rapidly worse for Team Clinton, Media Matters for America founder and former pro-Hillary Super PAC board member David Brock appeared on MSNBC to douse the flames of controversy lapping at Clinton’s heels. In that effort, Brock spent most of his time attacking the “sloppy” reporting at The New York Times, the credulity of Times’ reporters, and even the hosts of the program of which he was a guest.

This is a scandal, and the Clinton camp’s determination to dig in and avoid contrition at all costs is only making it worse. What makes this truly damaging for Clinton is that the media does not have to translate this controversy to the public. Every American understands plainly what conditions might lead someone to conduct official business on a private email account that is free from oversight, and none of them are virtuous. The public understands intuitively the ramifications of this disreputable behavior, and Clinton’s defenders are only throwing gasoline on the fire by attacking the integrity of those responsible for investigating this episode.

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Boom - I hope the leftist commies run this corrupt hag

If they do, she will win.  Have you got a plan for the next eight years of your life or will you repeat the last eight with nonstop pathetic whining on the internet?

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is this another reliable source,like the one that said we were going to shoot down Israeli's planes

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LMFAO  Hilarity claiming to play by the rules.   FNG slob


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I had to post this as is from Ace of Spades:

With Hillary Imploding, Now Traveling to Caucus State Iowa Is... Al Gore


Oh, yes.

Okay this isn't really a real story (yet); more just people basically making things up because they need (as I need) something to post.

But it is worth asking: If Hillary goes down, who do they have?

Everyone forgets Joe Biden. Which is sort of proof that Joe Biden is not a winning ticket. Jim Webb is considered "too conservative," and also, who the hell is he? Martin O'Malley presided over the third worst Obamacare debacle (after No. 1. Obama and No. 2 the Love-Gov of Oregon).

Elizabeth Warren? Well, call me a racist, but I don't think the country is ready for an Indian President, so...

Hey, wait! She's not an Indian! She just lied! So who knows, maybe there's your damn nominee!

Or, of course: Albert Alphonse Gore.

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Hillary resembles Leona Hemlsley more and more. 

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House committee to subpoena e-mails from Clinton’s personal account


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Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton delivers dinner remarks at EMILY's List 30th Anniversary Gala in Washington on March 3. (Yuri Gripas/Reuters)

By Carol D. Leonnig March 4 at 1:57 PM    

A House investigative committee is preparing to send out subpoenas later today to gather a deeper look into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s nearly-exclusive use of personal e-mails to do her official business as the government’s top diplomat, according to people familiar with the probe.

The House Select Committee on Benghazi , which first discovered Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail based on a home server in its inquiry into the fatal terrorist attack on the State Department’s Benghazi consulate, is asking for all e-mails relating to the attack from all accounts and any other staff members’ personal accounts.

The subpoenas are expected to go out to the State Department later today. The move escalates the panel’s conflict with Clinton, and could complicate her expected run for president.

Numerous federal records and legal experts have questioned Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail for government business and whether it violated the Federal Records Act. Her practice was first reported by the New York Times on Monday.

Committee staff learned of the domain name in reviewing records they obtained this summer, according to one person familiar with deliberations. Staffers later discovered evidence suggesting that “at least a small group of Clinton staffers” were using personal e-mails,to conduct government work and correspond with the secretary, the person said.

Why Clinton’s private e-mail address is bad news(1:21)

Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail address that she used while secretary of state reinforces everything people don’t like about her, argues The Post’s Chris Cillizza, and is very dangerous to her presidential ambitions. (The Washington Post)

The White House on Tuesday said Clinton appeared to have operated in violation of “very specific guidance” from the West Wing that members of the Obama administration use government e-mail accounts to carry out official business.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said it would also look into what its chairman, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), said was a frequent violation of the law. Chaffetz said his inquiry would look at whether Clinton viewed classified or sensitive matieral on a personal account.

“Do you really believe that the secretary of state never reviewed classified information on her e-mail?” Chaffetz said.

A State Department spokeswoman said this week there was no indication Clinton used her private e-mail for classified information.

— Staff Writer Tom Hamburger contributed to this report.