Author Topic: Hillary Clinton: Corruption, Deception, Lies, Scandals, and Promises Broken  (Read 22266 times)


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Before our resident libs tell us this is a non story.....

Its strictly against regs according to government rules. Private email can be easily hacked and you can imagin the rest. The real thing here is what I've been saying all along...the idea of hil is better then hil her self. She's just unlikeable. People like Bill...I like Bill....people liked their wallets in the late 90's.  Hil is not Bill. There's a good article in politico about if she doesn't run.

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Revelation About Hillary Clinton Emails Catches Democrats Off Guard




Hillary Rodham Clinton at an event for Emily's List in Washington on Tuesday. Credit Jabin Botsford/The New York Times 

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WASHINGTON — The revelation that Hillary Rodham Clinton conducted government business entirely on a private email account as secretary of state has blindsided the Democratic establishment.

It was a bracing reminder of the risks entailed in the party’s all-but-all-in bet on Mrs. Clinton so early in the presidential nominating process. And it left Democrats contemplating the prospect of yet another long cycle of dramatic Clinton flare-ups — the type that President Obama obliquely campaigned against in 2008.

The report on Mrs. Clinton’s emails, published by The New York Times late Monday night, left many Democrats privately expressing wonder as late as Wednesday morning that Mrs. Clinton and her aides had not anticipated the political problems that this could create.

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Hillary Rodham Clinton had no government email address.

Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking RulesMARCH 2, 2015

In a testament to Mrs. Clinton’s political strength — and underscoring the scarcity of other potential White House hopefuls — senior Democrats spoke in her defense without fully explaining why she had avoided using a government account during her four-year tenure in the Obama administration.

“I don’t think there’s any ill intent in this,” Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, said Tuesday. “I just don’t know how the State Department functions with regard to this.”

An array of leading Democrats echoed Ms. Feinstein’s view, defending Mrs. Clinton broadly while sidestepping questions about transparency and ethics. Some even went to great lengths to dismiss the report.

“People have different ways of communicating,” said Senator Benjamin L. Cardin, Democrat of Maryland. “I have a granddaughter who does nothing but text. You’ll never find a letter written with her. So everybody’s different.”

The chorus of confident, if less-than-fully briefed, supporters was perhaps the most vivid illustration yet that, unlike when Mrs. Clinton ran eight years ago, Democratic officials are overwhelmingly supportive of her, invested in her success and unwilling to offer even mild public criticism.

Indeed, even from the safety of anonymity, Democrats quickly shifted on Tuesday from the basic facts about Mrs. Clinton’s email practices to grousing over the initial lack of an aggressive response by her advisers and her allies.

That seemingly flat-footed reaction, several Democratic strategists said, illustrated how Mrs. Clinton’s decision to delay a formal start to her campaign had left her vulnerable. She has waited until recent weeks to begin hiring staff and creating the sort of sprawling infrastructure a presidential bid demands. She also only recently hired researchers to start reviewing her paper trail from the State Department, the Clinton Foundation and the past two years as a private citizen, to identify potential trouble spots that might need to be addressed later in the campaign.

The allied groups that are devoted to defending her, meanwhile, are mostly constrained to following her lead. Mrs. Clinton’s aides did not alert officials with the Democratic National Committee or outside liberal groups such as American Bridge that the Times article was coming, according to Democrats briefed on the matter, leaving her would-be defenders scrambling and hastily searching for similar transgressions by Republicans that could at least muddy the issue.

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The episode also crystallized the difficulty Democrats are experiencing at a time when Mr. Obama is still the head of the party, but Mrs. Clinton, an undeclared candidate with no campaign apparatus, is the one being scrutinized by the news media and attacked by Republicans.

“Our nominee is not going to be named Barack Obama, and we better get prepared for that and do it fast,” said Bill Carrick, a veteran Democratic strategist. Part of the problem, Mr. Carrick noted, is that Mr. Obama created a parallel political infrastructure outside the Democratic National Committee.

“That’s fine when you have a president in the White House to respond to things on daily basis,” he said. “But that’s not going to work in terms of the campaign coming up. And it has started — there’s no way of getting around that. The Republicans are out there trash-talking her.”

Edward G. Rendell, a former Pennsylvania governor and chairman of the Democratic National Committee during the 2000 election, said Mrs. Clinton needed a more robust political organization to defend her.

“I assume when there’s a campaign, there will be a better effort,” he said. “I assume this will get rectified.”

Some Democrats expressed confidence that the email issue would eventually melt away like the season’s snow. It is “a chattering class issue that means nothing for her long-term prospects to win the election,” said Steve Elmendorf, a longtime Washington strategist and lobbyist.

Still, several Democratic operatives, including some former aides to Mr. Obama, privately expressed amazement about what they called an unforced error — one that played into Republican depictions of the Clintons as secretive.

They also noted that the report on Mrs. Clinton’s emails surfaced because of a congressional investigation of an issue that has long dogged Mrs. Clinton: the deaths of four Americans, including the United States ambassador to Libya, in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.

New interest in Mrs. Clinton’s email practices, Democrats warned, could prompt congressional Republicans to expand their inquiries into Mrs. Clinton’s entire tenure as the nation’s chief diplomat.

Indeed, Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina and chairman of a special panel investigating the response to the Benghazi attack, indicated at a news conference on Tuesday that he might call Mrs. Clinton to testify. And Representative Jason Chaffetz, a Utah Republican who is chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said his group would work with Mr. Gowdy’s panel “to further explore Hillary Clinton’s use of personal emails while at the State Department.”

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(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the State Department seeking any and all communications – including emails – from then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her Chief of Staff Huma Abedin with Nagla Mahmoud, wife of ousted Egyptian president Mohammad Morsi, from January 21, 2009 to January 31, 2013 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00321)). This latest lawsuit will require the State Department to answer questions about and conduct thorough searches of Hillary Clinton’s newly discovered hidden email accounts. Judicial Watch also has nearly a dozen other active FOIA lawsuits that may require the State Department to search these email accounts. Huma Abedin is also alleged to have a secret account as well.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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she broke the law.   I see Jeb did this as well... critizied hilary for it, but 500,000 of his 3,000,000 emails as governor were on a private account also.  NEITHER of them should be eligible for president. 

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Associated Press Threatens Legal Action Over Request for Hillary Clinton Information


The Associated Press said Wednesday that it was considering legal action over unfulfilled Freedom of Information Act requests for government documents covering Hillary Rodham Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

In its requests, the AP asked for her full schedules and calendars and for details on the State Department’s decision to grant a special position to a longtime Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, among other documents. The oldest request, the news organization said, was made in March 2010.

“We believe it’s critically important that government officials and agencies be held accountable to the voters,” said AP’s general counsel, Karen Kaiser. “In this instance, we’ve exhausted our administrative remedies in pursuit of important documents and are considering legal action.”

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Hillary Clinton Asks State Dept. to Review Emails for Public ReleaseMARCH 5, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday in Washington. An aide set up and registered it to her New York home.

Membership in Clinton’s Email Domain Is Remembered as a Mark of StatusMARCH 4, 2015

Hillary Clinton, then the secretary of state, checking her BlackBerry in a military plane upon her departure from Malta, in the Mediterranean Sea, bound for Libya in 2011.

Political Calculus: Voters Unlikely to Care Much About the Hillary Clinton Email FurorMARCH 4, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton at an event for Emily's List in Washington on Tuesday.

Caught Off Guard by Disclosure of Emails, Democrats Rally to Clinton’s DefenseMARCH 4, 2015

The statement comes after the revelation this week that Mrs. Clinton used a personal email account for her government business, an unusual practice that some have suggested insulated her correspondence from the eyes of investigators and the public.

In 2012, when Congressional investigators sought documents related to the attack on the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, they were initially not supplied with emails from Mrs. Clinton’s private account. In 2013, Gawker submitted a Freedom of Information Act request seeking correspondence between Mrs. Clinton and a close adviser, Sidney Blumenthal. Though some of that correspondence had been made public already, the State Department told Gawker that it could find no records responsive to the request, Gawker reported.

The conservative group Citizens United is expecting a ruling this week on a lawsuit filed last year after the State Department would not disclose flight records showing who accompanied Mrs. Clinton on overseas trips.

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Clinton State Department Ousted Ambassador Using Private Email

11:06 AM, Mar 5, 2015 • By MARK HEMINGWAY

In 2012, U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration abruptly stepped down from his post. According to a Foreign Policy report by Josh Rogin (now a reporter for Bloomberg), Gration was the subject of a whithering evaluation from the State Department:

The impending release of a highly critical report by the State Department’s Inspector General’s office prompted the sudden resignation Friday of U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration, according to administration and congressional sources.

The report was described to The Cable by multiple people briefed on its contents as one of the worst reviews of an ambassador’s performance written by the IG’s staff in several years.

While Gration was fired for a myriad of reasons, one passage of the damning report leaps out in light of recent events:

Very soon after the Ambassador’s arrival in May 2011, he broadcast his lack of confidence in the information management staff. Because the information management office could not change the Department’s policy for handling Sensitive But Unclassified material, he assumed charge of the mission’s information management operations. He ordered a commercial Internet connection installed in his embassy office bathroom so he could work there on a laptop not connected to the Department email system. He drafted and distributed a mission policy authorizing himself and other mission personnel to use commercial email for daily communication of official government business. During the inspection, the Ambassador continued to use commercial email for official government business. The Department email system provides automatic security, record-keeping, and backup functions as required. The Ambassador’s requirements for use of commercial email in the office and his flouting of direct instructions to adhere to Department policy have placed the information management staff in a conundrum: balancing the desire to be responsive to their mission leader and the need to adhere to Department regulations and government information security standards.

In other words, State Department policy was very clear. Using a private email outside the State Department's secure system was completely unacceptable. If this applied to ambassadors, one would think it was sensible policy for the Secretary of State as well.

(h/t to @CuffyMeh)


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Hillary has asked the State Department to release her private emails.

So much for secrecy.

The ball is in Obama's court now.

(CNN)Hillary Clinton says she has asked the State Department to release emails she sent from the personal email address she used rather than the one provided by the agency.

"I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible," the former secretary of state said on her official Twitter account late Wednesday night.

Clinton is under the deepest scrutiny she's faced since leaving government amid revelations that she used private -- rather than official -- email during her tenure as Secretary of State.

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They can only release what she gave to them off her private server.   ;)

Hillary has asked the State Department to release her private emails.

So much for secrecy.

The ball is in Obama's court now.

(CNN)Hillary Clinton says she has asked the State Department to release emails she sent from the personal email address she used rather than the one provided by the agency.

"I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible," the former secretary of state said on her official Twitter account late Wednesday night.

Clinton is under the deepest scrutiny she's faced since leaving government amid revelations that she used private -- rather than official -- email during her tenure as Secretary of State.


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the repubs are trying another Benghazi,oh yeah how did that turn out.when you think they can't get no dumber the fuckers prove you wrong :D :D

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the repubs are trying another Benghazi,oh yeah how did that turn out.when you think they can't get no dumber the fuckers prove you wrong :D :D

NYT is running this story - not the gop - good try. 


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NYT is running this story - not the gop - good try. 

lol who's running with it

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lol hers was private not secret,come on you can do better than that

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lol hers was private not secret,come on you can do better than that


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this is why the repubs can't win a pres election they waste all their energy on fake scandals instead of finding a candidate that can compete. then when they lose we have to listen to repubs crying about main stream media and what  ever excuses they can think of.i swear the cycle of stupidity never ends  :D :D

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this is why the repubs can't win a pres election they waste all their energy on fake scandals instead of finding a candidate that can compete. then when they lose we have to listen to repubs crying about main stream media and what  ever excuses they can think of.i swear the cycle of stupidity never ends  :D :D

Be proud of Hillary - this is who you let represent you - a lying thief, grafter, c unt, pos etc.   


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Be proud of Hillary - this is who you let represent you - a lying thief, grafter, c unt, pos etc.   

and you keep looking for your fake scandal ;D

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They can only release what she gave to them off her private server.   ;)

exactly.  she spend the weekend deleting all the spicy shit... it'll be a non-story with all the boring emails we see.

I think she should be denied office for it.  But I was also pissed when Bush's white house lost 4 MILLION emails, and said they forgot to do an email backup on the white house server lol.... most bullshit excuse ever LOL... and some people were a-okay with that.  I would kick them all out of office. 

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Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, sat on the board of a self-described mining company that in 2012 received one of only two “gold exploitation permits” from the Haitian government—the first issued in over 50 years.

The tiny North Carolina company, VCS Mining, also included on its board Bill Clinton’s co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), former Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive.

The Rodham gold mine revelation is just one of dozens featured in a forthcoming bombshell investigative book by three-time New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer, according to a Thursday statement from publishing giant HarperCollins.  The publisher says the book, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, is the culmination of an exhaustive one-year deep dive investigation into the nexus between the Clintons’ $100+ million personal wealth, the Clinton Foundation, and the decisions Hillary made as Secretary of State that benefited foreign donors, governments, and companies.

VCS’s coveted gold mining exploitation permit was apparently such a sweetheart deal that it outraged the Haitian senate, since royalties to be paid to the Haitian government were only 2.5%, a sum mining experts say is at least half the standard rate. Moreover, the mining project in Morne Bossa came with a generous ability to renew the project for up to 25 years. Nevertheless, the fledgling company proudly touted its luck in landing the deal.

“This is one of two permits issued today, the first permit of their kind issued in over five decades,” reads the only press release under VCS’s “news” tab on its scant website.

Clinton Cash is said to contain “seismic” and “game-changing” revelations that far eclipse anything presently reported on the Clinton Foundation’s violation of its agreement not to accept foreign government money during Hillary’s tenure as secretary of state.

In 2011, Schweizer’s book Throw Them All Out exposed insider trading by members of Congress and became the subject of an award-winning CBS 60 Minutes story and “started the STOCK [Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge] Act stampede,” according to Slate.

“Bestselling author Peter Schweizer coins a new term to describe the unique way in which Bill and Hillary tend to mingle their political, personal and philanthropic interests: the ‘Clinton Blur,’” says HarperCollins editor Adam Bellow. “Schweizer’s scrupulously sourced and exhaustively  researched book raises serious questions about the sources of the Clintons’ sudden wealth, their ethical judgment, and Hillary’s fitness for high public office.”

The book is slated to hit bookshelves nationwide May 5th.