Author Topic: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules  (Read 7800 times)


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2015, 06:31:47 PM »
Moron Republicans and morons in general don`t understand this and think it would be a good idea to not have net neutrality.  They want cable companies to have the ability to charge per website.

Really only a democrat simpleton (but I repeat myself) or a mindless Obama repeater would parrot these words without thought. You are a fool.

Thick Nick

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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #26 on: February 27, 2015, 04:40:36 AM »
So much misinformation about why Verizon, Comcast etc. fought this. Sorry TA you are wrong. I work in telecom. This is the real deal:

There is internet speed and throughput. Not just speed. Think of it like a highway.... Large lanes or small lanes, car traveling at certain speeds. Cars can travel the same speed but the bigger lanes will be less clogged with cars... Following this? Ok.

So now large telecoms have to ensure everyone has the same throughput... Larger traffic lanes. IE no favoritism to Netflix etc over some small business. That might sound great but it's not. Speed can still be sold by need or want.

So to make sure Netflix business does not falter they get more speed now (less theoughput).... More cost passed on to the consumers. Also, telecom has to supply the bigger throughput to the smaller businesses for free... They can't charge them for more throughput...and THEY (telecoms) will turn that cost into consumers as well to offset the free upgraded services.

Very simplified but this is what it really means.... Not half of what it is being portrayed as in the media or here... Lol.

So to summarize speed and throughput are different... Can't give any company an advantage so the cost will trickle down to the consumer...  Your $15. Netflix will soon be $35. Bottom line.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Sorry TA you are buying what is being reported on main stream media but is not honest. This is very bad for companies and consumers... Good for the government. By turning the Internet into a public utility they can now add regulations as they see fit. This was just getting thier foot in the door.


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2015, 04:49:07 AM »
So much misinformation about why Verizon, Comcast etc. fought this. Sorry TA you are wrong. I work in telecom. This is the real deal:

There is internet speed and throughput. Not just speed. Think of it like a highway.... Large lanes or small lanes, car traveling at certain speeds. Cars can travel the same speed but the bigger lanes will be less clogged with cars... Following this? Ok.

So now large telecoms have to ensure everyone has the same throughput... Larger traffic lanes. IE no favoritism to Netflix etc over some small business. That might sound great but it's not. Speed can still be sold by need or want.

So to make sure Netflix business does not falter they get more speed now (less theoughput).... More cost passed on to the consumers. Also, telecom has to supply the bigger throughout to the smaller businesses for free... They can't charge them for more throughput...and THEY will turn that cost into consumers as well.

So to summarize speed and throughput are different... Can't give any company an advantage so the cost will go down to the consumer... Bottom line.

Sorry TA you are buying what is being reported on main stream media but is not honest. This is very bad for companies and consumers... Good for the government. By seedling the Internet a public utility they can now add regulations as they see fit. This was just getting thier foot in the door.

So soon enough on a beautiful sunny day, as I'm jerking off to some female wrestling video a special unit of cops will barge in, strip search me, put my house upside down, take away my laptop and arrest me indefinitely without the possibility for a lawyer because I had something bad to say about the government.

this is why you need bear traps.

Thick Nick

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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2015, 04:55:47 AM »
So soon enough on a beautiful sunny day, as I'm jerking off to some female wrestling footage a special unit of cops will barge in, strip search me, put my house upside down, take away my laptop and arrest me indefinitely without the possibility for a lawyer because I had something bad to say about the government.

Making the Internet a public utility is bad... Real bad. I know first hand about what power the Public Utility Commishion has over other public utilities. The havoc this is going to wreak is unknown yet... For awhile. Sadly something like you posted above may be accurate. And it's funny how the liberals are all for this when you would think it should be the exact opposite...freedom of speech right? Wrong with a Dem pres. If Bush tried this... Holy shit. Such hypocrisy.


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #29 on: February 27, 2015, 05:36:22 AM »
Making the Internet a public utility is bad... Real bad. I know first hand about what power the Public Utility Commishion has over other public utilities. The havoc this is going to wreak is unknown yet... For awhile. Sadly something like you posted above may be accurate. And it's funny how the liberals are all for this when you would think it should be the exact opposite...freedom of speech right? Wrong with a Dem pres. If Bush tried this... Holy shit. Such hypocrisy.

and there was nary a peep from anyone anywhere...I am in shock. I thought Google and the other internet giants would launch a furious campaign to educate the public. Didn't happen  ???


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2015, 05:37:51 AM »
and there was nary a peep from anyone anywhere...I am in shock. I thought Google and the other internet giants would launch a furious campaign to educate the public. Didn't happen  ???

Why don't you people wake up. They want this to happend for a very good reason. you already know what it is, but I'm not going to say it.

Thick Nick

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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2015, 05:46:05 AM »
and there was nary a peep from anyone anywhere...I am in shock. I thought Google and the other internet giants would launch a furious campaign to educate the public. Didn't happen  ???

The pitchforks kept the companies from fighting out in the open... Think of Wallstreet.

The True Adonis

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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2015, 07:17:25 AM »
So much misinformation about why Verizon, Comcast etc. fought this. Sorry TA you are wrong. I work in telecom. This is the real deal:

There is internet speed and throughput. Not just speed. Think of it like a highway.... Large lanes or small lanes, car traveling at certain speeds. Cars can travel the same speed but the bigger lanes will be less clogged with cars... Following this? Ok.

So now large telecoms have to ensure everyone has the same throughput... Larger traffic lanes. IE no favoritism to Netflix etc over some small business. That might sound great but it's not. Speed can still be sold by need or want.

So to make sure Netflix business does not falter they get more speed now (less theoughput).... More cost passed on to the consumers. Also, telecom has to supply the bigger throughput to the smaller businesses for free... They can't charge them for more throughput...and THEY (telecoms) will turn that cost into consumers as well to offset the free upgraded services.

Very simplified but this is what it really means.... Not half of what it is being portrayed as in the media or here... Lol.

So to summarize speed and throughput are different... Can't give any company an advantage so the cost will trickle down to the consumer...  Your $15. Netflix will soon be $35. Bottom line.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Sorry TA you are buying what is being reported on main stream media but is not honest. This is very bad for companies and consumers... Good for the government. By turning the Internet into a public utility they can now add regulations as they see fit. This was just getting thier foot in the door.

The True Adonis

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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2015, 07:18:59 AM »
Google Fiber scoffs at the archaic ISP`s attempt at charging subscription packages for shitty internet service.

Soul Crusher

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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #34 on: February 27, 2015, 07:22:27 AM »
O-Kenya's promises on anything are worth bubkus to all but his cult of personality.   Make way for more taxes and costs and regulations. 


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #35 on: February 27, 2015, 07:25:33 AM »
- Pai and O'Rielly argue that since the current proposal is substantially different from the one that the public commented on over the summer, the chairman should break typical procedure to ensure the public can debate the issues.

On February 5, Wheeler released his final proposal to the five commissioners, which includes two other Democrats. He also released a fact sheet about what is in the proposal to media.

Pai has criticized Wheeler in at least four separate press releases prior to today's letter asking the chairman to release the 322-page proposal publicly ahead of the vote. Wheeler has declined, stating that he will not break long-standing FCC procedure. And now he says the time has come for the FCC to vote. -

So let's see:

1.  The current proposal is significantly different than what was shown to the public last summer.
2.  Release a "Net Neutrality For Dummies" guide to the media, and have them sell it to the public.  Also, create some shitty misleading youtube videos that the sheep will accept for fact (because they saw it on the internet, so it must be true).
3.  Keep your 322 page proposal under tight wraps, so nobody knows what the fuck is in it, or what effects it will actually have.  

WOW, this sounds like a great fucking idea.   ::)


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #36 on: February 27, 2015, 07:27:37 AM »
Anyone that heeds Adam's words is a fucking moron.  He's troll.  He doesn't believe what he's saying. This net neutrality puts the government over the internet whereas it wasn't over it before.  How is that possible?  The FCC.  They have their foot in the door and you know once the Government's foot is in the door of anything, they expand and become more bureaucratic. This is the beginning.  Adam, as usual, you're full of shit.


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2015, 07:31:40 AM »
- Pai and O'Rielly argue that since the current proposal is substantially different from the one that the public commented on over the summer, the chairman should break typical procedure to ensure the public can debate the issues.

On February 5, Wheeler released his final proposal to the five commissioners, which includes two other Democrats. He also released a fact sheet about what is in the proposal to media.

Pai has criticized Wheeler in at least four separate press releases prior to today's letter asking the chairman to release the 322-page proposal publicly ahead of the vote. Wheeler has declined, stating that he will not break long-standing FCC procedure. And now he says the time has come for the FCC to vote. -

So let's see:

1.  The current proposal is significantly different than what was shown to the public last summer.
2.  Release a "Net Neutrality For Dummies" guide to the media, and have them sell it to the public.  Also, create some shitty misleading youtube videos that the sheep will accept for fact (because they saw it on the internet, so it must be true).
3.  Keep your 322 page proposal under tight wraps, so nobody knows what the fuck is in it, or what effects it will actually have.  

WOW, this sounds like a great fucking idea.   ::)

Very true.  What the FCC say they intend to do in the short term speaks nothing of their long term plans nor does it describe the powers given to them as expressed in the unreleased 322 page proposal.


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2015, 07:33:46 AM »
Very true.  What the FCC say they intend to do in the short term speaks nothing of their long term plans nor does it describe the powers given to them as expressed in the unreleased 322 page proposal.

The 322 page proposal they said had to be passed before anyone could read it. 


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #39 on: February 27, 2015, 07:37:50 AM »
The 322 page proposal they said had to be passed before anyone could read it. 

That very one.  I can only assume there are descriptions of a lot of the other things the FCC can do.  There is a reason they didnt release it.


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #40 on: February 27, 2015, 07:51:21 AM »
Just another pretense to expand the Obama Empire's control and to extort more money from taxpayers to finance more wealth redistribution for Obama's Moocher Army.

Soul Crusher

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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #41 on: February 27, 2015, 07:52:15 AM »
The 322 page proposal they said had to be passed before anyone could read it. 

Give you a lot of credit bro - you don't follow the herd of Obama drones


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2015, 07:54:53 AM »


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2015, 07:58:15 AM »
Give you a lot of credit bro - you don't follow the herd of Obama drones

Bro, I like to troll you and Coach on Obama but in all honesty, I can't stand that evil #&@@(&$^*#.  He knows exactly what he's doing to this country.


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #44 on: February 27, 2015, 08:06:23 AM »

Thick Nick

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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #45 on: February 27, 2015, 09:34:27 AM »
Aside from all the non sense... What I posted above is true. We had a meeting about it today... And we are the construction branch of a huge telecom. It's going to affect how fiber optic service is distributed going forward. Outsiders think this is going to set up ala carte service for consumers etc... My company is not so sure. That's where we were headed, but now everything is in limbo.

See the plan was to compete with content providers, not just supply them the pipe. Apple, Netflix etc. send thier content on our fiber. But now we can't offer more content on OUR OWN fiber then our damn competitors. It's really going to hurt people's jobs and also the price of consumer products.

TA do some more research man... You are on the wrong side of this one and it's not Rep vs. Dem... It's more control vs more freedom.


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #46 on: February 27, 2015, 03:23:13 PM »
Aside from all the non sense... What I posted above is true. We had a meeting about it today... And we are the construction branch of a huge telecom. It's going to affect how fiber optic service is distributed going forward. Outsiders think this is going to set up ala carte service for consumers etc... My company is not so sure. That's where we were headed, but now everything is in limbo.

See the plan was to compete with content providers, not just supply them the pipe. Apple, Netflix etc. send thier content on our fiber. But now we can't offer more content on OUR OWN fiber then our damn competitors. It's really going to hurt people's jobs and also the price of consumer products.

TA do some more research man... You are on the wrong side of this one and it's not Rep vs. Dem... It's more control vs more freedom.

Amen to that

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #47 on: February 27, 2015, 03:26:32 PM »
So much misinformation about why Verizon, Comcast etc. fought this. Sorry TA you are wrong. I work in telecom. This is the real deal:

There is internet speed and throughput. Not just speed. Think of it like a highway.... Large lanes or small lanes, car traveling at certain speeds. Cars can travel the same speed but the bigger lanes will be less clogged with cars... Following this? Ok.

So now large telecoms have to ensure everyone has the same throughput... Larger traffic lanes. IE no favoritism to Netflix etc over some small business. That might sound great but it's not. Speed can still be sold by need or want.

So to make sure Netflix business does not falter they get more speed now (less theoughput).... More cost passed on to the consumers. Also, telecom has to supply the bigger throughput to the smaller businesses for free... They can't charge them for more throughput...and THEY (telecoms) will turn that cost into consumers as well to offset the free upgraded services.

Very simplified but this is what it really means.... Not half of what it is being portrayed as in the media or here... Lol.

So to summarize speed and throughput are different... Can't give any company an advantage so the cost will trickle down to the consumer...  Your $15. Netflix will soon be $35. Bottom line.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Sorry TA you are buying what is being reported on main stream media but is not honest. This is very bad for companies and consumers... Good for the government. By turning the Internet into a public utility they can now add regulations as they see fit. This was just getting thier foot in the door.

First of all.  Shitty cut and paste.  Second of all.  LOL at the fear of rates beign passed to consumers.  So much bullshit.  Just so fucking much bullshit.

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #48 on: February 27, 2015, 03:28:13 PM »
Bro, I like to troll you and Coach on Obama but in all honesty, I can't stand that evil #&@@(&$^*#.  He knows exactly what he's doing to this country.

Did anyone think a black man could lead a country when the majority of black men can't even lead their own families.


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Re: FCC approves new Internet neutrality rules
« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2015, 03:30:02 PM »
First of all.  Shitty cut and paste.  Second of all.  LOL at the fear of rates beign passed to consumers.  So much bullshit.  Just so fucking much bullshit.

Typical fear mongering.