Author Topic: Getting more conservative as I get older  (Read 1383 times)


  • Getbig V
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Getting more conservative as I get older
« on: March 01, 2015, 01:18:30 AM »
First off I am an atheist so I admit that will cause me to lean left on some issues. While I identify as Independent I always leaned heavily left but as I get older I'm starting to see how flawed the left is and that the right is a little better, not great but better.

I guess I wanted to make this post to see if other have similar experiences/feelings.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2015, 01:34:06 AM »
Here are my thoughts on political issues: 

Abortion:  all for it, I hate kids lol. Jk but seriously I think it should be legal. I know its a difficult thing for people who go through it but to me it's just an embryo. I don't view it as murder or anything. However if one is having abortions I think it's a good indicator of other problems in their lives. Also most anti abortion folks are like that because their religion tells them so.

Guns:  I like guns and support the 2nd amendment. Don't think we need automatic weapons but semi auto ar15 and such are ok. Make stiff penaltys for felons in possession and do thorough background checks. Keep guns in the hands of good people.  :)

Minorities/racism:  I went to a super liberal university and studied social sciences so I learned a ton about institutional racism and how everything is whitey's fault.  It may be true but so what. You can't just play victim your whole generation and wait for whitey to fix it. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. I think with institutional racism it is harder for blacks but they make it seem like it's twice as hard; I think it's more like 5% more difficult.  Indians are dark and look different but do very well in the U.S. despite racism.

Gay rights:  I support gays to be able to get married and live free. I believe most gays are born that way. However I get tired of so many being in your face about it.

Welfare:  I think welfare harms more people than it helps. Wasn't it Lincoln that said you should never do for a man what he could do for himself.

Healthcare:  I am pretty far left on this issue. I feel there should be a "free" (yeah I know nothing from the government is free) healthcare plan. You should also be able to pay for private insurance as well for faster service etc.  but I think a basic healthcare should be universal.

Taxes:  should be lower for everyone. Govt is out of control. But conservatives must remember the majority of govt spending is military. The best military in the world. So even if we gutted the social services and entitlements it would only take out a small chunk of the annual budget.  Govt needs to stop accruing more debt! 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2015, 01:44:09 AM »
Same story.  I was hard left growing up and through college but I eventually grew tired of the doctrinal dogmaticism of the left.  You question the party doctrine and youre called all sorts of horrible things.  Dissent is moral character flaw.  Its impossible to have a genuine debate in an intellectually hostile environment like that.

I also found the left to be as hypocritical as the right particularly when it comes to free speech.It's as much of a religious cults in some ways as the moonbat religious right In that respect. I imagine its a lot like the experience a former believer goes through when they realize what they believe doesnt make sense.  Childish idealism makes way for mature realism.

I guess the best description of my politics would be libertarian.  Small government. Low taxes. No race-based policies. Limited entitlements. Individual justice over social justice. Legalize and/or decriminalize drugs.  Evolution good, creationsim not good.  Separation between church and state. Pro-2nd amendment-reasonable gun laws. Minimal involvement in escapades abroad.


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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2015, 01:55:11 AM »
Here are my thoughts on political issues:  

Abortion:  all for it, I hate kids lol. Jk but seriously I think it should be legal. I know its a difficult thing for people who go through it but to me it's just an embryo. I don't view it as murder or anything. However if one is having abortions I think it's a good indicator of other problems in their lives. Also most anti abortion folks are like that because their religion tells them so.

Guns:  I like guns and support the 2nd amendment. Don't think we need automatic weapons but semi auto ar15 and such are ok. Make stiff penaltys for felons in possession and do thorough background checks. Keep guns in the hands of good people.  :)

Minorities/racism:  I went to a super liberal university and studied social sciences so I learned a ton about institutional racism and how everything is whitey's fault.  It may be true but so what. You can't just play victim your whole generation and wait for whitey to fix it. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. I think with institutional racism it is harder for blacks but they make it seem like it's twice as hard; I think it's more like 5% more difficult.  Indians are dark and look different but do very well in the U.S. despite racism.

Gay rights:  I support gays to be able to get married and live free. I believe most gays are born that way. However I get tired of so many being in your face about it.

Welfare:  I think welfare harms more people than it helps. Wasn't it Lincoln that said you should never do for a man what he could do for himself.

Healthcare:  I am pretty far left on this issue. I feel there should be a "free" (yeah I know nothing from the government is free) healthcare plan. You should also be able to pay for private insurance as well for faster service etc.  but I think a basic healthcare should be universal.

Taxes:  should be lower for everyone. Govt is out of control. But conservatives must remember the majority of govt spending is military. The best military in the world. So even if we gutted the social services and entitlements it would only take out a small chunk of the annual budget.  Govt needs to stop accruing more debt!  

I would say we agree almost 100%.  I'm not sure on national healthcare.  I used to be for it but now I have doubts.  It costs so much money.  As far as the military goes, I don't see a problem making the military sleeker and more efficient.  We dont need bases all over the world.  One of the reason Europe has developed a large benefit states is because the presence of the US military has allowed them to use the money they would have spent on creating and maintaining a robust military on entitlements. We subsidize the European welfare states.


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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2015, 06:53:18 AM »
Here are my thoughts on political issues: 

Abortion:  all for it, I hate kids lol. Jk but seriously I think it should be legal. I know its a difficult thing for people who go through it but to me it's just an embryo. I don't view it as murder or anything. However if one is having abortions I think it's a good indicator of other problems in their lives. Also most anti abortion folks are like that because their religion tells them so.

Agree 100% here.  Excellent description.  I don't believe that a panel of MEN should be deciding the laws of which are used against a woman's body either.  

Guns:  I like guns and support the 2nd amendment. Don't think we need automatic weapons but semi auto ar15 and such are ok. Make stiff penaltys for felons in possession and do thorough background checks. Keep guns in the hands of good people.  :)

Agree.  While I don't think full automatic weapons should be available to the public, the semi auto versions of the models are ok.  I have stated in the past that stricter gun laws will not reduce crime because gun crimes often begin with a crime that involves obtaining the gun in the first place.  Instead of punishing the responsible people who own guns legally with stricter laws and enforcement, I say instead increase the punishment for those who use guns in illegal ways and with criminal intentions.

Minorities/racism:  I went to a super liberal university and studied social sciences so I learned a ton about institutional racism and how everything is whitey's fault.  It may be true but so what. You can't just play victim your whole generation and wait for whitey to fix it. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. I think with institutional racism it is harder for blacks but they make it seem like it's twice as hard; I think it's more like 5% more difficult.  Indians are dark and look different but do very well in the U.S. despite racism.

Whitey ain't fixing shit.  Ok?  Let's be clear on that.  Especially imaginary shit that didn't even originate with the white race in the first place.  All whitey is doing is tolerating this same old bullshit and excuses that certain races use to justify being lazy.  Think about it, if whitey is the suppressor of black rights for a hundred years, you think they are going to wake up one morning and correct everything?  No.  So instead of waiting for the oppressor to become the equalizer, why not better yourself to the point you don't need his help or approval to be equal.  If you are waiting on someone to "make" you equal,  chances are you won't ever feel equal if they do.

Gay rights:  I support gays to be able to get married and live free. I believe most gays are born that way. However I get tired of so many being in your face about it.

Agree.  I don't care who they marry.   It isn't like legalizing gay marriages is a mandate that forces straight people to participate in it.  It is amusing to see the narrow minded bigots rally their insecurities and xenophobia behind the thin veil of defense over a simple word.  If you get your panties twisted because they are calling it "marriage" then you really got bigger problems in your life than having to worry about what two queers are doing.  Of course the stupidity that rises out such debates about gay marriage leading to bestiality or pedophilia is laughable.  Talk about a low brain cell oxygen thief.  

Welfare:  I think welfare harms more people than it helps. Wasn't it Lincoln that said you should never do for a man what he could do for himself.

Agree 100% here.  I have stated on here many times that welfare should be a crutch, not a career.  I am in favor of a limited time span that it can be received.  4 years would be my guess.  That is enough time to go to college and get a degree.  Certain circumstances could be reviewed for additional time, but those circumstances should be strict when seeking approval.   I am in favor of drug tests for people who receive it and also feel that birth control should be mandatory while on it.  If you can't support yourself (economic hardship, laziness, life circumstances, etc..) then you don't have any business bringing a new kid into the world.  Common sense really.

Healthcare:  I am pretty far left on this issue. I feel there should be a "free" (yeah I know nothing from the government is free) healthcare plan. You should also be able to pay for private insurance as well for faster service etc.  but I think a basic healthcare should be universal.

I've already voiced my opinion on this too many times in the past.  The healthcare system does need to be overhauled.  But it should have started with where the problems actually lie - the insurance companies.  Fix the system for those that already have it and pay for it before throwing it to the masses to jump in only to experience the same problems and issues.
One thing I will say is that the best part of Obamacare is the elimination of pre existing condition restrictions.

Taxes:  should be lower for everyone. Govt is out of control. But conservatives must remember the majority of govt spending is military. The best military in the world. So even if we gutted the social services and entitlements it would only take out a small chunk of the annual budget.  Govt needs to stop accruing more debt! 

Don't get me started on this....

Good thread.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2015, 12:04:18 PM »
Abortion. I'm a guy so I can't get pregnant. Women should have the right to choose.

Never owned a gun. It's a shame when people use guns for illegal purposes. It is a tragedy when people commit homicide.

I am not a minority. I try not to think racist thoughts and to treat all people the same. Sometimes I think ill of other people.

Gay folks should have the same rights as anyone. It's seems counterproductive when some gay people flaunt their sexuality in public as is the case with some gay parades etc.

It seems as if some people have mastered working the system when it comes to welfare and social services. Able bodied people should work and not make collecting government handouts a career.

Healthcare is more important to me now that I am a senior citizen. When I was young, I didn't think much about healthcare. Fortunately, I have pretty good health. My wife has poor health. If it weren't for our healthcare coverage, her hospital stays would have wiped us out a long time ago. I wonder why doctor's in some European countries make much less than doctors do in the U.S. and why prescription drugs are cheaper elsewhere too.

Nobody likes to pay taxes. Most people like what taxes provide them in services and some simply take these services for granted. Don't you hate it when roads aren't maintained?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2015, 12:20:25 PM »
Abortion. I'm a guy so I can't get pregnant. Women should have the right to choose.

Never owned a gun. It's a shame when people use guns for illegal purposes. It is a tragedy when people commit homicide.

I am not a minority. I try not to think racist thoughts and to treat all people the same. Sometimes I think ill of other people.

Gay folks should have the same rights as anyone. It's seems counterproductive when some gay people flaunt their sexuality in public as is the case with some gay parades etc.

It seems as if some people have mastered working the system when it comes to welfare and social services. Able bodied people should work and not make collecting government handouts a career.

Healthcare is more important to me now that I am a senior citizen. When I was young, I didn't think much about healthcare. Fortunately, I have pretty good health. My wife has poor health. If it weren't for our healthcare coverage, her hospital stays would have wiped us out a long time ago. I wonder why doctor's in some European countries make much less than doctors do in the U.S. and why prescription drugs are cheaper elsewhere too.

Nobody likes to pay taxes. Most people like what taxes provide them in services and some simply take these services for granted. Don't you hate it when roads aren't maintained?

I dont think when someone complains about taxes they are talking about taxes allocated for road maintaned.   


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2015, 12:54:02 PM »
I dont think when someone complains about taxes they are talking about taxes allocated for road maintaned.   

Yeah with all the taxes we pay some of the roads are still shit. The government has just gotten too big. Originally govt was supposed to only do a few things like roads and military. Now... :-X


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2015, 02:28:48 PM »
Here are my thoughts on political issues: 

Abortion:  all for it, I hate kids lol. Jk but seriously I think it should be legal. I know its a difficult thing for people who go through it but to me it's just an embryo. I don't view it as murder or anything. However if one is having abortions I think it's a good indicator of other problems in their lives. Also most anti abortion folks are like that because their religion tells them so.

Guns:  I like guns and support the 2nd amendment. Don't think we need automatic weapons but semi auto ar15 and such are ok. Make stiff penaltys for felons in possession and do thorough background checks. Keep guns in the hands of good people.  :)

Minorities/racism:  I went to a super liberal university and studied social sciences so I learned a ton about institutional racism and how everything is whitey's fault.  It may be true but so what. You can't just play victim your whole generation and wait for whitey to fix it. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. I think with institutional racism it is harder for blacks but they make it seem like it's twice as hard; I think it's more like 5% more difficult.  Indians are dark and look different but do very well in the U.S. despite racism.

Gay rights:  I support gays to be able to get married and live free. I believe most gays are born that way. However I get tired of so many being in your face about it.

Welfare:  I think welfare harms more people than it helps. Wasn't it Lincoln that said you should never do for a man what he could do for himself.

Healthcare:  I am pretty far left on this issue. I feel there should be a "free" (yeah I know nothing from the government is free) healthcare plan. You should also be able to pay for private insurance as well for faster service etc.  but I think a basic healthcare should be universal.

Taxes:  should be lower for everyone. Govt is out of control. But conservatives must remember the majority of govt spending is military. The best military in the world. So even if we gutted the social services and entitlements it would only take out a small chunk of the annual budget.  Govt needs to stop accruing more debt! 

With the welfare, I've often wondered if we shouldn't give more for a shorter period.  If we just give them barely enough to survive on, they won't be able to go to school, get an education, etc.

If we give them a 'decent' amount for a very limited time (maybe one time only) then I wonder if it would work better.  Of course, I don't know how to define 'decent' amount.


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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2015, 03:25:25 PM »
Fiscal conservative / pro-capitalist. Largely social libertarian.

Not against gay marriage. Not religious. Big on the constitution and individual freedoms.

Against gun control. Against big government other than a strong military / national defense and foreign policy - protect us from legit fraud and harm and protect our way of life via an aggressive foreign policy - pretty much nothing else.

Conflicted on abortion - tend to lean towards pro-choice legally, but am not a big fan of it morally - not something to celebrate or brag about or be proud of IMO. At the end of the day, I believe it is the woman's body. No doubt it should be allowed for rape, incest, women's health issues, etc.

Somewhat conflicted on drugs. I believe marijuana should be decriminalized. But you'll have a hard time convincing me that it would be a good idea to have heroin, PCP, crack, etc available OTC for idiots to be able to access so easily with the blessing of society at large.

Welfare programs in minimal amounts only for those who legitimately cannot care for themselves temporarily or permanently. None of this milking the system shit. Lower taxes. Little or no corporate tax. Reduce govt & regs, cut spending and borrowing, pay down the debt, de-politicize govt agencies, reinstate fiscal responsibility, eliminate corruption and crony capitalism as much as possible, etc.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2015, 10:34:33 PM »

With the welfare, I've often wondered if we shouldn't give more for a shorter period.  If we just give them barely enough to survive on, they won't be able to go to school, get an education, etc.

If we give them a 'decent' amount for a very limited time (maybe one time only) then I wonder if it would work better.  Of course, I don't know how to define 'decent' amount.

This is an interesting concept. Like you, I am not sure of the details of how this could work. It does make some sense though. Thing is, we don't generally cut people off completely now. I am not sure how that would work if we did.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2015, 11:03:51 PM »
Fiscal conservative / pro-capitalist. Largely social libertarian.

Not against gay marriage. Not religious. Big on the constitution and individual freedoms.

Against gun control. Against big government other than a strong military / national defense and foreign policy - protect us from legit fraud and harm and protect our way of life via an aggressive foreign policy - pretty much nothing else.

Conflicted on abortion - tend to lean towards pro-choice legally, but am not a big fan of it morally - not something to celebrate or brag about or be proud of IMO. At the end of the day, I believe it is the woman's body. No doubt it should be allowed for rape, incest, women's health issues, etc.

Somewhat conflicted on drugs. I believe marijuana should be decriminalized. But you'll have a hard time convincing me that it would be a good idea to have heroin, PCP, crack, etc available OTC for idiots to be able to access so easily with the blessing of society at large.

Welfare programs in minimal amounts only for those who legitimately cannot care for themselves temporarily or permanently. None of this milking the system shit. Lower taxes. Little or no corporate tax. Reduce govt & regs, cut spending and borrowing, pay down the debt, de-politicize govt agencies, reinstate fiscal responsibility, eliminate corruption and crony capitalism as much as possible, etc.
Corporate tax is interesting. Since corporations pass whatever taxes imposed on them on to the consumer, we consumers end up paying it anyway in the costs of goods.

In most cases, folks on public assistance are not getting rich. I suspect "welfare" is already pretty minimal. A few crafty people have figured out how to scam the system. This is really unfortunate. Without going into a long dissertation, I can say that I know both people who absolutely need the help of public assistance and those who are using the system at the expense of all the rest of us because they have figured out how to get away with this.

Being a senior citizen who basically paid his dues, I have a good retirement. Part of my income is derived from SSI. My benefit is based on the years I worked and paid into the system. I also benefit from Medicare which is not premium free and is not sufficient to cover all my medical expenses. I pay premiums to private medical insurance to fill the gap. The biggest part of my retirement income comes from PERS. I worked for nearly 30 years in public employment at a somewhat lower income then I might have earned in the private sector doing the same work. The trade off was that the retirement pension was good.

Some people who made other career choices which sometimes worked out and sometimes did not, chide those of us who are doing well as a result of our decision to have a career in public service. When I went to work as a public employee, I took a big cut in income. It was a cut I was willing to take because I wasn't doing so great at putting away money for my retirement. These are choices we make.

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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2015, 09:44:18 AM »
Here are my thoughts on political issues:  

Abortion:  all for it, I hate kids lol. Jk but seriously I think it should be legal. I know its a difficult thing for people who go through it but to me it's just an embryo. I don't view it as murder or anything. However if one is having abortions I think it's a good indicator of other problems in their lives. Also most anti abortion folks are like that because their religion tells them so.

It's actually a baby.  

I'm sure there are plenty of people who are pro life because of their faith, but there are also a lot who are pro life outside of religion and/or religious views.  Polls typically show at least half or more of the country is pro life.  

That said, I've always said I don't really see a political solution for abortion.  Very difficult issue.  

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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2015, 09:45:24 AM »
Corporate tax is interesting. Since corporations pass whatever taxes imposed on them on to the consumer, we consumers end up paying it anyway in the costs of goods.

That is absolute truth. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2015, 10:10:26 AM »
That is absolute truth. 

This is what I have heard also. I guess it's true for the most part. Maybe it would be a good idea to provide more tax breaks the more jobs your company creates.


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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2015, 10:18:40 AM »
This is what I have heard also. I guess it's true for the most part. Maybe it would be a good idea to provide more tax breaks the more jobs your company creates.

I've always thought this was a good idea.  Write off employee salaries and benefits entirely

Dos Equis

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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2015, 10:21:55 AM »
This is what I have heard also. I guess it's true for the most part. Maybe it would be a good idea to provide more tax breaks the more jobs your company creates.

I've worked in and with businesses for a long time and that is exactly what businesses do (pass increased costs of doing business along to consumers). 

Tax incentives are usually a good idea, but there is a segment of society (including the president) that believes increasing taxes and imposing additional mandates are a better idea.  They are wrong. 


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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2015, 10:28:54 AM »
I've worked in and with businesses for a long time and that is exactly what businesses do (pass increased costs of doing business along to consumers). 

Tax incentives are usually a good idea, but there is a segment of society (including the president) that believes increasing taxes and imposing additional mandates are a better idea.  They are wrong. 

It's like shooting your foot to spite your face.  We have to do everything possible to incentivize businesses staying in the United States.  Current policy is driving them away.

Dos Equis

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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2015, 10:33:30 AM »
It's like shooting your foot to spite your face.  We have to do everything possible to incentivize businesses staying in the United States.  Current policy is driving them away.

Exactly.  And small businesses are the backbone of our economy.    


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2015, 11:25:53 AM »
I've always thought this was a good idea.  Write off employee salaries and benefits entirely

All businesses already do that. You only have to pay taxes on net profits.

I'm saying cut taxes on profits if the employer employs a lot of people.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2015, 06:40:33 PM »
It's like shooting your foot to spite your face.  We have to do everything possible to incentivize businesses staying in the United States.  Current policy is driving them away.

How about buying products made in the U.S.?  It's a bit of a challenge to find them and they often cost more, but it sure would boost our economy.


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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2015, 06:42:25 PM »
Exactly.  And small businesses are the backbone of our economy.    

Small businesses aren't generally the ones which are manufacturing outside the U.S.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2015, 06:44:55 PM »
All businesses already do that. You only have to pay taxes on net profits.

I'm saying cut taxes on profits if the employer employs a lot of people.

Here in Oregon, Nike employs a lot of folks. Nike gets a lot of tax breaks because their business stimulates the Oregon economy.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2015, 07:36:19 PM »
Here in Oregon, Nike employs a lot of folks. Nike gets a lot of tax breaks because their business stimulates the Oregon economy.

As they should. Employers will move their facctories to where they get tax breaks.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting more conservative as I get older
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2015, 07:38:14 PM »
How about buying products made in the U.S.?  It's a bit of a challenge to find them and they often cost more, but it sure would boost our economy.

I have a friend who is heavily into buying American made products. He will go to great lengths and often pay more for American made. I think finding clothes is toughest for him, I think he orders from some American made catalog. A little of that behavior is rubbing off on me too.