Author Topic: Is Hillary Hiding Something  (Read 119902 times)


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Is Hillary Hiding Something
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:47:24 AM »
A rare day indeed when I cut and paste an article from Eugene Robinson...Obama apologist and useful idiot in chief of his media fan club. This all begs the question....who's aiding this story. I think Obama is enjoying this...they hate her. She has gotten zero cover from the admin.

WASHINGTON -- The Hillary Clinton email controversy is a reminder of one inescapable fact: She comes with baggage. Not the kind that fits in the overhead bin, either. I'm talking steamer trunks.
How could anyone serve four years as secretary of state with no official email account, instead conducting business from a private address with its own domain and server? The answer is: Deliberately.

The only reason for Clinton to go through the trouble of setting up this system -- rather than just call the State Department's version of the IT help desk -- would be to ensure that nobody got to rummage freely through her communications, personal or official. She must have wanted to be able to decide which emails would become part of the historical record and which wouldn't.
With Clinton widely expected to run for president, the email flap projects the sense that she considers herself both embattled and entitled. In the end, I'm not convinced that voters will necessarily care how Clinton's electronic communications were routed. But they may well ask themselves whether they're ready for the dynasty and the drama.
Clinton has known at least since August that her exclusive use of a private email account had the makings of a potential scandal, were it to come to light. She says she has turned over 55,000 pages of emails to the State Department to be archived. But she is asking everyone to take her word that all the rest of her email correspondence -- and we have no idea how voluminous it might be -- is personal and therefore off-limits.
House Republicans on the Benghazi select committee appear set to spend months chasing their tails. The State Department has given about 300 of Clinton's emails to the committee, and the panel's chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said Sunday that "there are gaps of months and months and months." He mentioned a day in 2011 when Clinton, on a trip to Libya, was photographed using her BlackBerry. Yet, Gowdy said, "We have no emails from that day. In fact, we have no emails from that trip."
If this whole thing becomes just another flare-up in the GOP's Benghazi obsession, Clinton should be relieved. The name Benghazi may be great for fundraising and rallying the Republican faithful, but the tragedy itself has been investigated with a magnifying glass and a fine-toothed comb. There is no there there.
Clinton should be happy having Gowdy and his committee go back over this well-plowed ground -- rather than, say, conduct a broader examination of U.S. policy in Libya, where an intervention described as "leading from behind," with inconsistent follow-up, has left chaos and a new branch of the Islamic State.
From Clinton's point of view, Benghazi fever would certainly be preferable to a careful examination of those emails for any light they might shed on the fundraising practices of the Clinton Foundation. The huge nonprofit -- now officially called the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation -- announced it would not accept new donations from foreign governments while Clinton was secretary of state but began taking them again when she stepped down.
Did any such donors receive special access or treatment while Clinton was in office? I'm betting that no evidence of any such thing will be found -- at least not in the 55,000 pages that have been turned over.
As for the rest of her email correspondence, we may never know what's in there. Much of it, I'm sure, is legitimately private and none of our business. Some may fit into a public-private gray area. Some may be about the foundation. All of it, however, is firmly in Clinton's possession -- the email server reportedly sits in one of her homes -- and therefore she has the advantage in any fight over disclosure.
When Clinton became secretary of state in 2009, she was still recovering from a bruising and unexpected defeat in the Democratic primaries the year before. The prospect of another presidential run must have seemed distant and uninviting, perhaps like spending two years pounding oneself on the head with a hammer. Yet something -- some impulse -- compelled her to lock down her email communications so they would always remain in her control.
Long after Republicans punch themselves out over Benghazi, after questions about Clinton Foundation funding are either answered or deemed unanswerable, after Clinton either cruises to the nomination or fools everyone by not running, the mystery will remain: Why does she act as if she has something to hide, even when she doesn't?


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2015, 08:51:39 AM »
Shes a politician so as always my default answer to question of this kind is yes.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2015, 09:32:54 AM »
one thing I know about Hillary is the repubs are scared shitless of her :D


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2015, 09:39:34 AM »
one thing I know about Hillary is the repubs are scared shitless of her :D

If I didn't know better I would think you are trying to ignore another serious Democrat scandal and turn the conversation over to Republicans again.

The only thing I'm scared shitless of is electing another lying, incompetent, commie bullshitter as POTUS.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2015, 09:41:32 AM »
one thing I know about Hillary is the repubs are scared shitless of her :D

Why do you suppose that is? if she's this bad now (actually all of her entire political career) can you imagine if she should become president. Holy crap.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2015, 09:42:28 AM »
If I didn't know better I would think you are trying to ignore another serious Democrat scandal and turn the conversation over to Republicans again.

The only thing I'm scared shitless of is electing another lying, incompetent, commie bullshitter as POTUS.

really whats all the scandals your talking about,lets leave the fake ones off the list


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2015, 09:45:34 AM »
Why do you suppose that is? if she's this bad now (actually all of her entire political career) can you imagine if she should become president. Holy crap.

lets try something new how about the repubs run somebody competent that will give her a run for her money

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2015, 09:52:54 AM »
really whats all the scandals your talking about,lets leave the fake ones off the list

The Hillary Clinton Scandals
By Thomas Swan
There's more to Hillary than publicized scandals.
There's more to Hillary than publicized scandals.
Source: Public Domain via Wiki Commons
The scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton are the surface tremors of a far greater disturbance. To many, Hillary embodies a stern but kind, hard-working, wronged wife and mother. To others she is a consummately corrupt politician who has used her image and connections to reach the very top of American politics. Hillary’s underlying character must be understood if we are to gauge the veracity of the scandals and allegations that haunt her.

To that end, this article will explore the findings of Wikileaks, her voting record, her presidential campaign ads, the sordid history of donations to her election campaigns, her connections to the health insurance industry and Zionism, the Benghazi scandal, and her secretive email practices. As a European observer who has more in common with the Democrats, it is hoped that this largely condemnatory article will be an objective investigation of the real Hillary Clinton.

The Hillary Wikileaks Scandal

In November 2010 Wikileaks revealed that the US State Department had recently issued a confidential cable ordering US diplomats to spy on UN officials. The order to gather fingerprints, iris scans, DNA, credit card details and computer passwords was far beyond previous spying efforts, and contravened the human rights of UN officials.

As the Secretary of State at the time, Hillary Clinton denied having issued the order, despite her name being present at the bottom of the cable. A spokesperson for the State Department claimed it is standard procedure to affix the name of the Secretary of State to cables from Washington. While this may be true, it is bewildering how Hillary could not be privy to information sent out under her name, especially a cable ordering diplomats to break international law. It is difficult to believe she was out of the loop. In many other countries she would have been forced to resign to remove any doubt about her corruption. In America she was allowed to continue in office, which was no surprise considering the power she holds.

Hillary on Iraq

As a public figure, there are a wealth of videos detailing controversial statements made by Hillary Clinton. Here is a clip of her lying to the Senate about the Iraq War. It has been shown that Saddam Hussein had no links to Al Qaeda; rather that he was hostile to Al Qaeda activity in his country. It has also been shown that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction. Hillary could once again claim ignorance by saying she genuinely believed Saddam was a threat, but with over 50,000 combatants and 100,000 civilians dead, can her reckless warmongering be forgiven? If you look at false evidence with a goal of proving it true, can you really claim you were convinced by it?

Hillary on Iran

Hillary further aligned herself with the foreign policy of the previous Bush administration with her comments about Iran. With no proof of Iran wanting a nuclear weapon, Hillary has consistently implied the opposite by stating that Iran should not be allowed to possess one. Iranian enrichment activities have not exceeded the limits granted by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty for the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

In 2007, Hillary voted to label the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a “terrorist organisation”, and to use the military to enforce US policy against Iran. This blatant attempt to open the door to war saw her receive extensive criticism from fellow Democrats. In late 2007 when it was revealed that Iran had halted its nuclear weapons research in 2003, Hillary’s comments about “stopping Iran getting a nuclear weapon” were further called into question. Nevertheless, in 2008, Hillary threatened Iran with nuclear obliteration should they ever launch a nuclear attack against Israel, prompting complaints about her conduct at the UN.

Hillary has threatened military action against Iran on numerous occasions, and in 2012 she engaged in further sabre rattling by claiming the time for peaceful resolution will come to an end. Hillary’s comments about Iran often specifically refer to the security and safety of Israel, fuelling speculation about which government she really reports to.

Hillary and Zionism

Hillary’s unusual antagonism towards Iran combined with her loyalty to Israel suggest a Zionist influence. Zionism is a political position commonly held by Jews, which seeks to ensure the continued existence of a Jewish-only national state. This discriminatory position is typically held by supporters of Israel, and is especially prevalent in American politics. Israeli Zionists tend to defend Israel’s borders with disproportionate force, and are not beyond claiming extra territory in violation of UN resolutions. Evidence of Zionist influence over Hillary Clinton is circumstantial, but extensive. The linked video provides some of this evidence.

In 2008, Jewish representatives of the three major presidential candidates held a debate. Hillary Clinton’s representative, Ann Lewis, who is also a former White House official, stood up in all seriousness to say: ”The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel. It is not up to us to pick and choose from among the political parties of Israel”. Frankly, comments like this are shocking, but they’re being made as if it’s the norm. If Hillary's representative thinks this is the role of American politicians, what does this say about the real Hillary Clinton?

In 2010, Hillary Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea, married into the Jewish-Zionist Mezvinsky family. Her husband Marc Mezvinsky is an investment banker for Goldman Sachs and is the son of former corrupt politician Edward Mezvinsky, who spent five years in federal prison for fraud. One must wonder how the happy couple met.

Millions can't afford health insurance.
Millions can't afford health insurance.
Source: Picasa Web Albums
Hillary Health Care

Once the champion of socialized health-care, in 2006 Hillary became the second most highly paid recipient of campaign donations from health insurance companies, drug manufacturers and hospitals. These donations have coincided with a moderation of her previous socialist position. She now wants universal health care, but only as mandatory coverage provided by the health insurance industry; a position that will undoubtedly be very profitable for companies in this sector.

Hillary's Presidential Campaign Ads

During her 2008 campaign to become the Democrat presidential nominee, Hillary used fear tactics in a desperate move to entice the populace to vote for her. One of her ads included pictures of Osama Bin Laden, Hurricane Katrina, soldiers marching, and other fear-provoking imagery. Another ad preyed on concern for the safety of our children. These despicable ads are designed to scare people into voting for her, and they amplify aforementioned concerns about her moral integrity. Hillary’s questionable character came to the surface again in 2012 with her reaction to the death of Muammer Gaddafi. Her statement makes light of his death and can only be described as gleefully heartless. The three videos may be viewed in this article (right).

Other Hillary Clinton Scandals

Beyond this discussion are the scandals that have affected her political career. Indeed, Hillary Clinton is the only First Lady to become a focus of criminal investigation. One of these scandals is Clinton's 2008 hiring of Sandy Berger as an advisor. Berger had been convicted in 2005 for the theft of secret documents from the National Archives.

Then there are the allegations that Hillary falsified statements to the Federal Election Commission about a large donation to her 2000 Senate campaign. Peter Paul made a donation that was significantly larger than the amount claimed in her statement, meaning that a large sum of money may have gone illegally into her campaign coffers. This criminal misconduct carries a possible five year prison term. Despite the campaign being fined for misreporting the cost of the fundraiser that was organised with the money Peter Paul donated, repeated law-suits against Clinton have been rejected in the courts.

In 2009 it was found that Hillary Clinton intervened on behalf of companies who later donated money to her husband's foundation. Not surprisingly, some of these companies are involved in the pharmaceutical industry. These findings raise serious ethical concerns, and when considered alongside the aforementioned analysis of her character, one would have expected a proper investigation instead of the stern lecture she received from a panel of fellow politicians. Indeed, one has to wonder how many corruption scandals it will take before the pieces are put together.

Hillary Denies Seeing Warning

Hillary Evades Questions

Hillary Benghazi Scandal

In 2013 Hillary Clinton found herself embroiled in yet another scandal. This time it was her use of propaganda to mislead the public about the circumstances of the Benghazi terrorist attack on the American embassy in Libya. Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans died in the tragedy.

Hillary was initially quizzed about warnings from the ambassador and the CIA about potential hostility. These warnings were produced less than a month before the attacks, and were sent to Hillary's office. Incredibly, she denied any knowledge of the warnings (video). Furthermore, the warnings were not reported after the incident, which appeared to be an attempt to withhold information that could damage Hillary's reputation, and that of the Obama administration.

Recently, documents have emerged to prove that Hillary's aide, Victoria Nuland, ordered the removal of all mentions of terrorism, al-Qaeda, and CIA warnings from government reports about the attack. Instead, the State Department pushed the story that it was a spontaneous assault resulting from protests about an anti-Muslim book. It is inconceivable to think that Hillary did not know about the actions of Victoria Nuland. This brings her testimony to Congress into question (video), and should result in her prosecution.

However, as with the aforementioned scandals, you can expect Hillary to remain in her position of power after the dust has settled. While others would be forced to abandon their political ambitions, she is simply too powerful for this to happen.

Hillary used a private account to hide emails from the American people.
Hillary used a private account to hide emails from the American people.
Source: Public Domain via Wiki Commons
Hiding Emails From Scrutiny

It appears there's no end to scandals involving Hillary Clinton. In 2015, it's been revealed that she used a private email account to conduct State Department business. To avoid abuse and corruption, the Federal Records Act requires that all State Department officials use their government-assigned email address to correspond with colleagues and contacts. This allows records to be kept that can be used in any subsequent investigations.

Though the Federal Records Act was amended for electronic communications in 2014, the original 1950 Act may still cover her transgression. Furthermore, the 2014 amendment merely codified a preexisting ban on the use of private email addresses for government business, unless such emails are forwarded to a government-assigned account within 20 days.

We can only speculate about why Hillary breached this rule, but one reason would be to hide information that is pertinent to her role in the Benghazi scandal. Another reason would be to hide information relevant to her hiring of private consultants for global corporations into the State Department. Investigators have now been furnished with many of her private emails. Unfortunately, she's probably had ample time to delete any that incriminate her.


Hillary Clinton is a powerful American politician who would probably have never reached that position without the contacts she established during her time as First Lady. One has to ask how many deals were made to get her into power, and how many scandals it will take before that power is taken away.

The list of Hillary Clinton scandals is becoming extensive, and her 2008 presidential campaign ads reflected this absence of moral integrity. The U-turns evident in Hillary’s health care policy coincide with an increase in donations from the health insurance industry. Evidence of her championing the business interests of pharmaceutical companies in return for donations rouses further suspicion. Her affiliation with prominent Zionists, and her loyal support of Zionist policy suggests further corruption. The Benghazi scandal and her secretive email practices will surely not be the last entries on a long list of questionable behavior.

The real Hillary Clinton may be found by joining the dots. In doing so, we discover a politician whose character lacks any semblance of principled integrity; a heartless liar and propagandist who appears to be as corrupt as they come.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2015, 10:31:43 AM »
By Philip Bump March 10 at 1:00 PM    

The Center for Effective Government (formerly OMB Watch) just published its 2015 report on government agencies' Freedom of Information Act compliance. (That's the law that allows anyone to petition for communication and research on particular topics, and is meant to ensure transparency in government.)

In the report, which looks at data from 2013, no agency fares worse than the State Department, whose leadership changed hands from Hillary Clinton to John Kerry that year. But the State Department also came in dead last on transparency in the CEG report looking at 2012 — the last year of a Clinton tenure that we now know included the use of a private e-mail system that apparently prevented her official communication from being accessible.

Here are the scores by agency for 2012 and 2013. Down at the bottom: State.


As a raw number, that doesn't tell you much. The CEG breaks out the scores into three categories: processing requests (which provides the bulk of the score), rules around disclosures and the quality of the agency's Web site. State does fairly well in the last category, remarkably badly in the second one and terribly in the first.

"The State Department deserves special attention for its very low score," the report covering 2012 points out. "In addition to performing poorly on measures of timeliness, it did not do well on withholding (only 25 percent of requests fully granted)." In the most recent report, looking at the year Clinton left, the critique is nearly as strong. "The Department of State score (37 percent) was particularly dismal," it reads at one point. On processing requests, the "State Department was a serious outlier," it says. "While 65 percent of its requests were simple, only eight percent were processed within the required 20 days. The State Department had the second-largest request backlog and the third-lowest rate of fully-granted requests."

The CEG also notes that the State Department has "some of the most outdated regulations in the scorecard." Only four agencies, not including State, had updated regulations since amendments to FOIA were passed in 2007.

Over the course of our reporting on Clinton's e-mails, we've noted that her private e-mail system would have introduced another level of difficulty for anyone filing a FOIA request to the agency. The extent to which her private e-mails were accessible to State FOIA officers — if at all — is unknown.

Coming from the agency with the worst rating on information accessibility two years in a row, it's perhaps understandable why that didn't raise any eyebrows.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2015, 10:53:28 AM »
If I didn't know better I would think you are trying to ignore another serious Democrat scandal and turn the conversation over to Republicans again.

The only thing I'm scared shitless of is electing another lying, incompetent, commie bullshitter as POTUS.

........response of the month...hookers and blow for this guy!

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2015, 12:02:34 PM »
This really is an abuse of her authority.  It is a blatant disregard of the rules.  But unfortunately the rules don't apply to her and others like her.  I doubt she is held accountable.  She'll probably still be the Democrat nominee and could still very well be our next president. 

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2015, 12:59:37 PM »
braaahaha repubs are in meltdown mode


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2015, 01:03:13 PM »
A person uses a private email for public business only if they want the contents of the email to be off the record.  I'm not saying that's what Hilary did because I dont know all of what were in the emails.  But there's really no other reason to do that.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2015, 01:22:55 PM »
braaahaha repubs are in meltdown mode

Dude stop being a lapdog.  This was wrong and you know it. 


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2015, 01:23:17 PM »
braaahaha repubs are in meltdown mode

Her email is public record...regardless of what she thinks. You want 750K speaking fee's and a cush life  thats part of the deal. Her email also has to be wasnt.  But this is just the first course...all that foreign money to her "foundation"....thats the meat baby!

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2015, 01:24:09 PM »
A person uses a private email for public business only if they want the contents of the email to be off the record.  I'm not saying that's what Hilary did because I dont know all of what were in the emails.  But there's really no other reason to do that.

Agree.  An obvious attempt to avoid public records/disclosure requirements.  And there is absolutely no way she didn't know what was required of her.  


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2015, 01:25:48 PM »
I don't know why the repubs waste so much time on useless shit ,come on get your act together


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2015, 01:26:30 PM »
As with our computers......I'm sure during the boot screen there is a legal and security diclaimer telling all DOS employee's about computer email conduct every morning when they switch their shit on.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2015, 01:28:10 PM »
I don't know why the repubs waste so much time on useless shit ,come on get your act together

If Hil came in and raped your dog and shot your family you'd ask us to move on....because defending lib lies and activities is ingrained in your soul.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2015, 01:29:14 PM »
again all legal you can keep crying about it but it's not going to change :D

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2015, 01:30:04 PM »
I don't know why the repubs waste so much time on useless shit ,come on get your act together

Hillary could shoot your wife in the head in front of you and you would defend it 


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2015, 01:34:07 PM »
See it's not can say its legal...much like libs ignore facts but its not. Her emails are public record. She did not use the proper email servers and further deleted her emails....yeah you can't do that.

I didn't want to carry two phones, one for my personal emails and one for my government emails, so like I violated the law and stuff. No big deal. So she's claiming she just didn't want to carry an extra 4 ounce phone which, by the way, would not even be carried by her, if she didn't want to; The Queen has stafflings attending to her constantly. She could have made Marie Harf carry it.

2. She claims that "the vast majority" of her emails went to government employees, so they would have been "immediately" saved on government servers. She does not discuss the emails to people who are not government employees -- such as donors to the Clinton Global Initiative.

She doesn't mention her top aides also being on her private system.

 She skips over the part where the law says all emails must be preserved on the government's servers.

3. She says "I chose not to keep personal, private emails." In other words, she already got rid of her "personal" emails.

So if you can prove any email was deleted -- well, I guess she considered that "personal."

4. "I took the unprecedented step of asking that the State Department make all of my work-related emails" available to the public.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2015, 01:36:10 PM »
again all legal you can keep crying about it but it's not going to change :D

It may be legal but is it ethical?


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2015, 01:37:49 PM »
this is why you run shitty candidates and then cry about the msm when you lose,come on get out of the stupid pattern