Author Topic: Is Hillary Hiding Something  (Read 119837 times)


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #175 on: September 15, 2015, 01:26:12 PM »
State Dept. concedes ‘gaps’ in Clinton emails; contradiction could result in perjury charge
By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
Monday, September 14, 2015

The emails former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton turned back over to the government last year contained “gaps,” according to internal department messages evaluating her production.

Mrs. Clinton took office on Jan. 21, 2009, but the first message she turned back over to the department was dated March 18, and the earliest-dated message she herself sent was on April 13, or nearly three months into her time in office, according to a message obtained through an open records request by Judicial Watch, which released it Monday.

Mrs. Clinton has said she continued using a previous account she’d used during her time as a senator for business at the beginning of her time as secretary, but the differing dates between the first email received and the first sent raise still more questions.

The revelation of the gap comes even as the legal situation grows more complicated.

Two Senate committee chairmen pushed Monday to try to find out just how deeply the Justice Department’s investigation into the Clinton email server has gone, as the two senators tried to figure out ways of getting Bryan Pagliano, the tech staffer who helped set up her email server at her home in New York, to spill what he knows.

In a letter to Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson asked the government to say whether it would object to a “proffer” session between the senators and Mr. Pagliano, where he could detail, off the record, what he knows without having to worry about it being used against him in a prosecution.

Meanwhile, the State Department met with more resistance from the myriad groups who have sued to pry loose emails from Mrs. Clinton and her top aides, and who told a federal court Monday they don’t want to see the proceedings centralized in a single judge.

“State should have anticipated many years ago that it would experience an increase in [Freedom of Information Act] requests for records about Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, and planned accordingly. Yet apparently nothing was done at any time in the last six years to prepare for this highly foreseeable expense, and state now relies on its own failure to prepare as justification to delay complying with its obligations under FOIA,” Jason Leopold, a journalist whose case has prompted the ongoing release of Mrs. Clinton’s emails, said in a court filing made by his lawyer.

Mrs. Clinton declined to use the State Department’s regular email system during her time in office, instead setting up a server at her home and using an account on that server. Many of her top aides also used personal accounts or accounts on the server Mrs. Clinton kept.

Mrs. Clinton says she didn’t break any laws, though the State Department and at least one federal judge have said she violated policy. And the use of accounts has shielded much of the information from subpoenas, congressional inquiries and open records requests — until now.

The State Department would like to shield them a little longer, having asked the federal district court to consolidate more than 30 search lawsuits that have been filed.

Several judges have already indicated they’ll object to that, however, and have turned down delay requests in the meantime. The judges are also pushing the State Department to be more forthcoming in how many emails it is sitting on from Mrs. Clinton’s aides.

The revelation of a possible email gap in Mrs. Clinton’s own records came out of the State Department’s response to one of the open records cases.

According to Eric F. Stein, a State Department official who wrote the evaluation of Mrs. Clinton’s messages, there were “gaps” of several weeks at the beginning and end of her records.

For example, the last message she turned over was dated on her last day in office, Feb. 1, 2013, and it came from Cheryl Mills, one of her top aides. But the last message Mrs. Clinton herself sent and turned over was dated Dec. 30, 2012, a month before she left office.

Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign didn’t respond to a request for comment about the email gap, but the State Department, in a statement, said Mr. Stein’s evaluation was later proved wrong and the department found emails from Mrs. Clinton’s last days in office, so there is no gap then.

“We are not aware of any gaps in the Clinton email set, with the exception of the first few months of her tenure when Sec. Clinton used a different email account that she advised she no longer has access to,” the department said. “There is no ‘gap’ in Secretary Clinton’s sent messages from … December 2012 through the end of January 2013. Upon review, the department has many messages sent by Secretary Clinton during that period, including messages that appear to have been produced directly from her ‘sent’ mailbox. Future document releases will include emails from this time period.”

Judicial Watch, a conservative public interest law firm that has filed 20 separate open records lawsuits demanding release of emails from Mrs. Clinton or her aides, said the gaps could contradict Mrs. Clinton’s assertion, under penalty of perjury, when she said she returned all work-related emails that were on the server she kept at her New York home.

“The Obama administration and Hillary Clinton have taken their cover-up of the email scandal too far,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “I suspect that federal courts will want more information, under oath, about the issues raised in these incredible documents.”

The emails obtained by Judicial Watch give more details about the documents Mrs. Clinton turned over — 55,000 printed pages, divided into 12 boxes.

One March 23, 2015, a letter to Mrs. Clinton’s personal lawyer, David E. Kendall, detailed the department’s early thoughts about the documents.

The State Department asked that any of the emails still in electronic format be preserved, warned that some of the documents could be deemed classified and said Mrs. Clinton would need permission before releasing any of the documents.

It is partly because of these types of elaborate investigations with legislators arguing or even discussing all the nuisances involved, that government costs so much and does so little of what people elected them to do, like pass or fail legislation and bills. It is also a case of the media influencing how government spends/wastes  it's time.

Once again, there is talk of a government shutdown because legislator's are not able to come to agreement on the budget, in this case a temporary one....again!

A band of conservatives say they won't back legislation financing government agencies unless the bill blocks federal payments to Planned Parenthood. A partial shutdown will occur Oct. 1 unless lawmakers provide money to keep government functioning.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #176 on: September 15, 2015, 01:32:41 PM »
It is partly because of these types of elaborate investigations with legislators arguing or even discussing all the nuisances involved, that government costs so much and does so little of what people elected them to do, like pass or fail legislation and bills. It is also a case of the media influencing how government spends/wastes  it's time.

Once again, there is talk of a government shutdown because legislator's are not able to come to agreement on the budget, in this case a temporary one....again!

This one is a little different, because it impacts Hillary's judgment when it comes to dealing with national security issues and her integrity.  Definitely worth pursuing.  

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #177 on: September 22, 2015, 07:21:24 PM »
FBI Said to Recover Personal E-Mails From Hillary Clinton Server

Image: FBI Said to Recover Personal E-Mails From Hillary Clinton Server
Tuesday, 22 Sep 2015

The FBI has recovered personal and work- related e-mails from the private computer server used by Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s success at salvaging personal e-mails that Clinton said had been deleted raises the possibility that the Democratic presidential candidate’s correspondence eventually could become public. The disclosure of such e-mails would likely fan the controversy over Clinton’s use of a private e-mail system for official business.

The FBI is investigating how and why classified information ended up on Clinton’s server. The probe probably will take at least several more months, according to the person, who described the matter on condition of anonymity because the investigation is continuing and deals with sensitive information.

A review by Clinton and her aides determined that about half of the 60,000 e-mails she exchanged during her four-year tenure as secretary of state were of a personal nature, the presidential candidate has said.

Those e-mails, she said, mostly dealt with planning for Chelsea’s wedding, yoga routines and condolence messages.

Clinton said the personal e-mails were deleted from the server and her staff turned over paper copies of the remaining work-related e-mails in December to the State Department for processing and archiving. The FBI obtained Clinton’s server from the Colorado-based company managing it.

Recover E-Mails

Outside computer specialists have said the FBI has the technical capability to recover deleted e-mails. The exact number of personal e-mails recovered by the FBI could not be learned.

Once the e-mails have been extracted, a group of agents has been separating personal correspondence and passing along work- related messages to agents leading the investigation, the person said.

Since the existence of the e-mail system became public in March, Clinton has seen her standing in polls slide, particularly in regards to questions about her trustworthiness. She also has been heavily criticized by congressional Republicans who have raised questions over whether the private server jeopardized the security of sensitive data.

Internal government watchdogs have determined that classified information ended up on the system. Their findings sparked the FBI inquiry.

Clinton’s attorney, David Kendall, did not respond to phone calls or e-mails seeking comment. Nick Merrill, a spokesman, said, “We’ve cooperated to date and will continue to do so, including answering any questions about this that anyone including the public may have.”

Iowa Caucuses

The bureau’s probe is expected to last at least several more months, according to the person. That timeline would push any final determination closer to the Democratic presidential primary calendar, which kicks off Feb. 1 with the Iowa caucuses.

A bureau spokeswoman, Carol Cratty, declined to discuss any aspect of the investigation. Emily Pierce, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department, also declined to comment.

Clinton is not accused of any wrongdoing. She has said she is confident that material in her e-mails wasn’t marked as classified when it was sent and received through her server. For anyone who mishandled such information, prosecutors must prove that they knowingly did so to charge them with a crime.

The former secretary of state has said she decided to use a private e-mail address -- -- to conduct all of her electronic correspondence as a matter of convenience, to avoid the need to carry two devices, one personal and one professional. She served from 2009 through 2013 as the nation’s top diplomat.

E-Mails Posted

As the result of public information lawsuits, the State Department has posted almost 8,000 of those work-related e-mails on its website. The State Department has determined that dozens of the e-mails contained classified information.

Many of the work-related e-mails contain schedules, press clippings, staffing updates, speech notes, and requests to aides for tech support. Some e-mails are simply requests to speak with people over secure phone lines.

In 2013, the Clintons turned the private server over to a Colorado-based technology company to manage. The firm, Platte River Networks, installed the device in a New Jersey data center and managed and maintained it.

Andy Boian, a spokesman for the Platte River, said the FBI last month asked the company to hand over the server. Platte River asked the Clintons what it should do, and within 24 hours a representative for the Clintons told the company to provide the device to agents, Boian said.

There has been some question as to whether Clinton deleted her messages or took the more thorough and technical step of “wiping” the server. Boian said Tuesday that Platte River had “no knowledge of it being wiped.”

Clinton’s use of a private e-mail system is being examined by congressional committees that have the power to subpoena the FBI to obtain the messages. The e-mails also may be sought under public-information laws.

The FBI isn’t likely to hand over any such messages until its investigation has been completed. Even then, public records laws provide exceptions protecting personal information.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #178 on: September 23, 2015, 08:05:43 AM »
This one is a little different, because it impacts Hillary's judgment when it comes to dealing with national security issues and her integrity.  Definitely worth pursuing.  

Agreed...but if they find her not guilty and say she hasn't done anything wrong you won't accept the findings anyway


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #179 on: September 23, 2015, 09:16:24 AM »
So this email scandal is on life support now that the FBI refuses to help the GOP with it's witch hunt.

What do these idiots have next to try to smear her with?


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #180 on: September 23, 2015, 01:09:23 PM »
So this email scandal is on life support now that the FBI refuses to help the GOP with it's witch hunt.

What do these idiots have next to try to smear her with?

Funny how there is not a word about reducing spending on matters like this.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #181 on: September 23, 2015, 01:27:38 PM »
Funny how there is not a word about reducing spending on matters like this.

Or all the useless time wasting (how many times now) symbolic votes to repel Obamacare.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #182 on: September 23, 2015, 01:27:58 PM »
Agreed...but if they find her not guilty and say she hasn't done anything wrong you won't accept the findings anyway

I think someone is getting prosecuted, whether it's her or whomever she throws under the bus, but it's pretty obvious she ran classified intel off her personal computer.  We've already had one guy take the Fifth.  

Regardless, you'll be voting for her.  Heck she's probably still the most likely next president even if she gets indicted.   :-\


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #183 on: September 23, 2015, 02:33:06 PM »
I think someone is getting prosecuted, whether it's her or whomever she throws under the bus, but it's pretty obvious she ran classified intel off her personal computer.  We've already had one guy take the Fifth.  

Regardless, you'll be voting for her.  Heck she's probably still the most likely next president even if she gets indicted.   :-\

If I vote for her, you'll be voting for Trump simultaneously :D

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #184 on: September 23, 2015, 02:48:09 PM »
If I vote for her, you'll be voting for Trump simultaneously :D

I sure hope not.  lol  I have said before that I'd seriously consider sitting out if it's Clinton v. Bush in 2016.  I'm serious. 

Trump is not going to be the nominee. 


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #185 on: September 23, 2015, 03:46:04 PM »
I think someone is getting prosecuted, whether it's her or whomever she throws under the bus, but it's pretty obvious she ran classified intel off her personal computer.  We've already had one guy take the Fifth.  

Regardless, you'll be voting for her.  Heck she's probably still the most likely next president even if she gets indicted.   :-\

So will her trial be before or after they finish with Bush and Powell's trial for the same thing?  I seem to forget when that is scheduled.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #186 on: September 23, 2015, 04:00:28 PM »
So will her trial be before or after they finish with Bush and Powell's trial for the same thing?  I seem to forget when that is scheduled.

Good one :D

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #187 on: September 23, 2015, 05:16:17 PM »
So will her trial be before or after they finish with Bush and Powell's trial for the same thing?  I seem to forget when that is scheduled.

Obama will be in divorce court first.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #188 on: September 23, 2015, 06:10:39 PM »
Obama will be in divorce court first.

  ;D..ain't it funny how ex-presidents NEVER divorce????

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #189 on: September 23, 2015, 06:39:30 PM »
  ;D..ain't it funny how ex-presidents NEVER divorce????

why would they?  way better (from a PR, marketing, profit sense) to just live separate lives like the Clintons.

The Clinton Foundation doesn't earn all those hundreds of millions from shady overseas investors if its only one Clinton. 
Jeb Bush cannot pretend to be hispanic on govt forms repeatedly, without his Hispanic wife.
Trump would be unable to be upstaged on Super Tuesday by his supermodel wife.

Spouses are required. 

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #190 on: September 23, 2015, 07:09:27 PM »
So will her trial be before or after they finish with Bush and Powell's trial for the same thing?  I seem to forget when that is scheduled.

The FBI is investigating Hillary for running classified intel off her home computer.  Neither Bush nor Powell did that.  That may partly explain why you keep "forgetting." 

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #191 on: September 23, 2015, 08:51:17 PM »
The FBI is investigating Hillary for running classified intel off her home computer.  Neither Bush nor Powell did that.  That may partly explain why you keep "forgetting." 

which law did hilary break?  Specifically, not some vague catch phrase.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #192 on: September 24, 2015, 07:16:38 AM »
which law did hilary break?  Specifically, not some vague catch phrase.

I think it first comes down to was Hillary allowed to use a ptrivate far the answer has been YES it was allowed (although I don't know why this would be allowed)

the second thing is once having said server, are you allowed to send classified info over through the server?....if not? how are you SUPPOSED to send classified info????through a government approved server?..through an embassy?....thats where it gets tricky

it just COULD BE in this day and age it wasn't thought out and there was no EXPLICIT RULE stating that you could not send classified infor through your personal server since I would assume that your supposedly secure government blackberry would be encrypted and free from hacking...

if that is the case then they have NOTHING...but again...I don't know and don't know what the rules are


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #193 on: September 24, 2015, 07:34:40 AM »
The FBI is investigating Hillary for running classified intel off her home computer.  Neither Bush nor Powell did that.  That may partly explain why you keep "forgetting." 

Wasn't the intel classified after she ran it and not before?  If so, then where is the crime?  That may partly explain why you keep "selectively" forgetting this part.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #194 on: September 24, 2015, 09:41:16 AM »
Wasn't the intel classified after she ran it and not before?  If so, then where is the crime?  That may partly explain why you keep "selectively" forgetting this part.

No.  She claims it was "marked" classified after she sent and/or received it.  Although that was her second or third story.  That's the Hillary talking point.  Anyone with half a brain who has regular access to classified intel knows it when they see it, whether it is "marked" or not.  There are also allegations that her people stripped classified indicators on the documents.  Plus the guy running her server has taken the Fifth.   

In any event, the FBI is not investigating Hillary for using her personal email server to conduct government business, so your Bush/Powell examples are inapplicable.   

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #195 on: September 24, 2015, 10:13:42 AM »
No.  She claims it was "marked" classified after she sent and/or received it.  Although that was her second or third story.  That's the Hillary talking point.  Anyone with half a brain who has regular access to classified intel knows it when they see it, whether it is "marked" or not.  There are also allegations that her people stripped classified indicators on the documents.  Plus the guy running her server has taken the Fifth.   

In any event, the FBI is not investigating Hillary for using her personal email server to conduct government business, so your Bush/Powell examples are inapplicable.   

look, i've said since 1992 that both clintons are lying shady libs.  no love for her.

but you haven't listed which law was broken. 


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #196 on: September 24, 2015, 11:04:20 AM »
No.  She claims it was "marked" classified after she sent and/or received it.  Although that was her second or third story.  That's the Hillary talking point.  Anyone with half a brain who has regular access to classified intel knows it when they see it, whether it is "marked" or not.  There are also allegations that her people stripped classified indicators on the documents.  Plus the guy running her server has taken the Fifth.   

In any event, the FBI is not investigating Hillary for using her personal email server to conduct government business, so your Bush/Powell examples are inapplicable.   

So no crime?  Or just no crime that you wish she did?

My examples of Bush/Powell are applicable since they have never been charged with a crime either.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #197 on: September 24, 2015, 11:10:06 AM »
So no crime?  Or just no crime that you wish she did?

pretty much. 


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #198 on: September 24, 2015, 11:48:30 AM »
pretty much. 

No shit.  How scared of a candidate do you have to be where you wake up every day (since 1992) and try to smear them unsuccessfully over and over?

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #199 on: September 24, 2015, 12:26:58 PM »
look, i've said since 1992 that both clintons are lying shady libs.  no love for her.

but you haven't listed which law was broken. 

O Rly?  How old were you in 1992?