Author Topic: Is Hillary Hiding Something  (Read 119759 times)

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #200 on: September 24, 2015, 12:30:41 PM »
So no crime?  Or just no crime that you wish she did?

My examples of Bush/Powell are applicable since they have never been charged with a crime either.

She is being investigated for, among other things, failing to secure classified intel.  That's the same thing that landed General Petreaus in trouble (with a criminal conviction).  Someone is going down over this, whether it's Hillary or one of her minions.  More than likely she will throw someone else under the bus.  But don't fret.  I think she will still probably be elected even if she is indicted. 

Bush was a governor dealing with state issues, not classified national security issues.  Powell did not run classified intel off his home computer.  Neither did Bush.  That's why neither one of them were charged with failing to secure classified intel.  So no, your examples make no sense. 


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #201 on: September 24, 2015, 12:47:23 PM »
In other words, there is no crime that you can point to.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #202 on: September 24, 2015, 12:58:55 PM »

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #203 on: September 24, 2015, 02:52:12 PM »
O Rly?  How old were you in 1992?

IN high school, I had college prep "international relations" class which required us to read the newspaper each day.  Most 11th graders don't know who boutros boutros ghali is, but I did. 

I know how old you were.   "Old enough to vote Clinton".

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #204 on: September 24, 2015, 04:40:50 PM »

IN high school, I had college prep "international relations" class which required us to read the newspaper each day.  Most 11th graders don't know who boutros boutros ghali is, but I did. 

I know how old you were.   "Old enough to vote Clinton".

Good grief.  Do you ever tell the truth?  Reminds me of the time you lied about voting for George Bush Sr.  It's really not that difficult to make a point without embellishing or outright lying.  Try it. 

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #205 on: September 24, 2015, 04:48:20 PM »
Speaking of dishonesty . . . .

Fox News Poll: Voters think Clinton is lying about emails
By  Dana Blanton
Published September 23, 2015

Majorities of American voters think Hillary Clinton is lying about how her emails were handled while she was secretary of state -- and are concerned scandals would disrupt a Clinton administration if she were to become president.

That’s according to the latest Fox News national poll.

The poll finds 58 percent of voters think Clinton is lying about her emails.  That includes nearly a third of Democrats (31 percent), almost two-thirds of independents (64 percent) and most Republicans (82 percent).  Overall, 32 percent of voters say Clinton isn’t lying.

Polling was conducted before the recent reports that the FBI has recovered work-related emails from Clinton’s private server that she said had been deleted.


In addition, more than 6 voters in 10 are worried scandals would be a problem for a Clinton administration if she were elected: 40 percent are “very” concerned and another 22 percent are “somewhat” concerned.

Among Democrats, 19 percent are “very” concerned and 28 percent are “somewhat” concerned about Clinton scandals if she wins.

Meanwhile, support for Clinton in the race for her party’s presidential nomination hit a new low of 44 percent this week among Democratic primary voters, down from 61 percent support in June.

The Fox News poll is based on landline and cell phone interviews with 1,013 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from September 20-22, 2015. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points for all registered voters, and five percentage points among Democratic primary voters.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #206 on: September 24, 2015, 04:58:02 PM »
FBI confident Clinton emails being recovered: source
By  Catherine Herridge,  Pamela Browne
Published September 24, 2015

An intelligence source close to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s server told Fox News that the FBI maintains “the highest degree of confidence” emails are being recovered, adding that “shadows and ghosts” were on the server after messages were deleted.

“Shadows and ghosts remain even after a computer has been scrubbed. There are increasing levels of difficulty in retrieving information, however I am amazed at the level of our computer forensic people when they have the actual hardware,”said the intelligence source, who was not authorized to speak on the record.

Bloomberg News was first to report that emails had been recovered, although the precise number was not publicly known.

The source added the FBI was also seeking to recover malicious code or any other evidence the server had been breached by a foreign government, or foreign government-backed entity.

Speaking to the Des Moines Register editorial board Tuesday, Clinton publicly stated for the first time that her server had not been compromised by a foreign entity, and that her private IT company assured her this was the case.

“There is no evidence that mine ever was,”Clinton told the editorial board. Asked if the assessment was done by the State Department, Clinton said, “No, the technical people who ran it. Who managed it...that was a private company (in Denver).”

In the past, there were multiple reports of the server being off line, or providing slow service.

The intelligence source said, "I would be greatly concerned that the repeated technical problem with the computer were results of someone, (including the possibility of a foreign country), forcing unauthorized access to the server. From what I was told, this is sometimes a symptom of a system that has been compromised."

Separately, a former high ranking State Department official with knowledge of the case said he was “impressed with the progress” made by the FBI, describing it as a “tedious investigation” that must be “flawless” in its findings.

“There is no way (the) secretary of state can function without access to classified information and the question remains where was her SCIF (secure site for classified information).”

SCIF are routinely built into homes of senior government executives.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #207 on: September 25, 2015, 01:00:25 PM »
Drip, drip, drip.  Something new every day.  Credibility tanking.  Biden's entry into the race is getting closer. 

‘Call off your f- -king dogs!’ Hillary rages to Obama
By David K. Li and Chris Perez
September 23, 2015

An enraged Hillary Rodham Clinton blew up at President Obama, demanding he “call off your f–king dogs” looking into her emails during a tense Oval Office meeting, according to a new book.

The book, “Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary,” says the former first lady was furious at what she believed were damaging leaks by Obama aides that led to investigations of her use of a private email server as secretary of state. So she went right to the top to settle the matter.

Clinton requested a meeting with Obama, against the advice of hubby Bill Clinton, believing “she was being persecuted for minor, meaningless violations,” author Edward Klein writes.

Clinton initially took a friendly approach during the meeting and Obama reacted as if he didn’t know what she was talking about, the book claims.

“He was almost being deliberately dense,” a Clinton source said. “It really angered her.”

Clinton lost her temper and called the president by his first name in an emotionally driven break with White House decorum, according to the book.

“What I want for you to do is call off your f–king dogs, Barack!” Clinton allegedly barked at Obama, according to Klein’s account, which cited sources close to Clinton and Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.

The president was so stunned by Clinton’s disrespectful demands, he needed a moment to compose himself, the book claims.

Obama then responded, “There is nothing I can do for you one way or another. Things have been set in motion, and I can’t and won’t interfere. Your problems are, frankly, of your own making. If you had been honest . . .”

Klein reports Clinton interrupted, “There are always haters out there to get the Clintons.”

The Democratic 2016 front-runner is said to have later regretted her tirade against the president — not for the disrespect she showed, but for the weakness she displayed.

The Post obtained an excerpt of the book, which is being released Monday.

Nick Merrill, Clinton’s spokesman, called Klein’s account “bulls–t.”

“Another book? Someone should do a book about Ed,” said Merrill. “They could call it ‘Bulls–t: The Problem with Anything Ed Klein Writes.’

“The only true thing about him is his consistent and utter lack of a relationship with the facts,” Merrill said. “He has more hair than credibility, and the man is bald. So we’re not going to get down in the gutter with him and his outrageous fabrications.”

In another section of the book, Klein says Clinton faces “mounting health issues” — and is secretly worried she’s too sick to run for president, according to an excerpt posted by Radar Online.

The 67-year-old former first lady and New York senator has been “frequently plagued” by “blinding headaches,” according to Klein.

“For the first time since I’ve known her, she’s showing self-doubt about her strength and vitality,” a friend of Clinton’s allegedly told Klein, who has written about the Obamas and Kennedys in the past.

The presidential candidate has also been battling insomnia that has “worried her, because it sapped her energy just when she needed it most for the campaign,” Klein writes.

In late 2012, Clinton suffered from a life-threatening blood clot on her brain that left her “constantly worried” she would develop another one, according to Klein.

But Clinton insists she’s in good health and last summer released a medical evaluation from her personal physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack of Mount Kisco in Westchester County, attesting to her fitness to serve as president.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #208 on: September 26, 2015, 01:27:49 PM »
Great group of democrat party candidates...the pathological liar Hillary, the guy (Biden) who quit the race the last time he ran for President because he's a bigger plagiarist than Carlos Mencia and Bernie!!....the man who isn't even a democrat.  I guess I'd pick Bernie...he's a socialist fool, but at least he's honest.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #209 on: September 26, 2015, 03:23:45 PM »
Great group of democrat party candidates...the pathological liar Hillary, the guy (Biden) who quit the race the last time he ran for President because he's a bigger plagiarist than Carlos Mencia and Bernie!!....the man who isn't even a democrat.  I guess I'd pick Bernie...he's a socialist fool, but at least he's honest.

I guess the republican candidates are all peaches and cream huh? ::)

I've learned that with guys like you, a reasoned defense is a waste of time..better to just say one line and move on


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #210 on: September 26, 2015, 03:31:29 PM »
That's it...that's your absolute best defense?

Compared to the dems...the GOP field is the reincarnation of the Algonquin Roundtable


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #211 on: September 27, 2015, 02:15:29 PM »
That's it...that's your absolute best defense?

Compared to the dems...the GOP field is the reincarnation of the Algonquin Roundtable

I agree.  Their ideals and stances hasn't budged from the 1930s either.   Great comparison.  You out did yourself with this one.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #212 on: September 29, 2015, 12:56:59 PM »
Judge Napolitano: Hillary's Troubles Just Keep Cascading Down Upon Her
Sep 28, 2015 
As seen on The Kelly File 
There are new questions if Hillary Clinton committed perjury when she said in a sworn statement that she turned over all of the official correspondence from her secret email server, deleting only personal emails.

The State Department said Friday that it recently obtained a series of emails that Clinton did not turn over.

The messages were exchanged with retired Gen. David Petraeus when he headed the military's U.S. Central Command. They began before Clinton entered office as secretary of state and continued into her first days at the State Department.

They largely pertained to personnel matters and don't appear to deal with highly classified material, officials said, but their existence challenges Clinton's claim that she has handed over the entirety of her work emails.

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on "The Kelly File" that Clinton's troubles just keep cascading down upon her.

"Her most recent troubles show that when she certified under oath, 'under penalty of perjury,' to a federal judge that she had surrendered all her emails to the State Department, in fact she had not," Judge Napolitano said.

He said this compounds her problems of using a private server, seizing and destroying government property, and failure to secure government secrets.

Judge Napolitano said he believes the FBI will recommend to the Justice Department that Clinton be indicted, but what happens from there has as much to do with politics as it does law.

Watch more above.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #213 on: September 30, 2015, 04:21:01 PM »
Dozens of Clinton emails in latest release contain classified info
Published September 30, 2015

DEVELOPING Dozens of emails in the State Department's latest release of Hillary Clinton emails contain information now deemed classified by the department.

The release includes nearly 3,900 new emails. Of them, more than 200 have a "B1" marking, which means they contain classified information - though some may be duplicates.

As part of Wednesday's release, officials upgraded the classification level of portions of 215 emails, State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters.

Almost all of the emails were "confidential," the lowest level of classification, while three emails were declared "secret," a mid-tier level for information that could still cause serious damage to national security if made public.

"The information we upgraded today was not marked classified at the time the emails were sent," Kirby said Wednesday. "It has been subsequently upgraded."

The emails deal with a range of topics, including one concerning the "Israeli view" of Palestinian initiatives at the United Nations.

Another topic in the released emails focused on the State Department's outdated technology and security threats from using home computers.

Anne-Marie Slaughter, director of State's Office of Policy Planning, lamented in an email conversation that included Clinton on the antiquated nature of the agency's IT infrastructure, writing "NO ONE uses a State-issued laptop and even high officials routinely end up using their home email accounts to be able to get their work done quickly and effectively.”

Former State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills replied, "“[A]s someone who attempted to be hacked (yes I was one), I am not sure we want to telegraph how much folks do or don't do off state mail b/c it may encourage others who are out there.”

Clinton was on the message chain at all times.

The release on Wednesday is the latest in the agency's rolling production of emails chronicling Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

All of the messages were written by Clinton or sent by others to the private email account she used as America's top diplomat, which continues to follow her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Clinton had insisted that all of her work emails were being reviewed by the State Department, but Pentagon officials recently discovered a new chain of messages between Clinton and then-Gen. David Petraeus dating to her first days in office that she did not send to the State Department.

Thirty-seven percent of Clinton's 30,000 work-related emails are now public. The State Department plans to release them all by January.

Fox News' James Rosen and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #214 on: October 01, 2015, 11:05:33 AM »
How Russian hackers tried to break into Hillary Clinton's email system
Five times, Russia-linked hackers tried to trick Hillary Clinton into infecting her computer systems while she was secretary of state. The phishing attempts highlight the risk of Clinton's unsecure email setup.
By Bradley Klapper, Jack Gillum, and Stephen Braun
Associated Press
OCTOBER 1, 2015   

WASHINGTON — Russia-linked hackers tried at least five times to trick Hillary Rodham Clinton into infecting her computer systems while she was secretary of state, newly released emails show. It is unclear whether she was fooled into clicking any attachments to expose her account.

Clinton received the virus-riddled emails, disguised as speeding tickets from New York, over four hours early on the morning of Aug. 3, 2011. The emails instructed recipients to print the attached tickets — and opening them would have allowed hackers to take over control of a victim's computer.

Security researchers who analyzed the malicious software in September 2011 said that infected computers would transmit information from victims to at least three server computers overseas, including one in Russia. That doesn't necessarily mean Russian intelligence or citizens were responsible.

Nick Merrill, a spokesman for Clinton's Democratic presidential campaign, said: "We have no evidence to suggest she replied to this email or that she opened the attachment. As we have said before, there is no evidence that the system was ever breached. All these emails show is that, like millions of other Americans, she received spam."

Practically every Internet user is inundated with spam or virus-riddled messages daily. But these messages show hackers had Clinton's email address, which was not public, and sent her a fake traffic ticket from New York state, where she lives. Most commercial antivirus software at the time would have detected the software and blocked it.

The phishing attempts highlight the risk of Clinton's unsecure email being pried open by foreign intelligence agencies, even if others also received the virus concealed as a speeding ticket from Chatham, New York. The email misspelled the name of the city, came from a supposed New York City government account and contained a "" file that would have been a red flag.

Clinton has faced increasing questions over whether her unusual email setup amounted to a proper form of secrecy protection and records retention. The emails themselves — many redacted heavily before public release — have provided no shocking disclosures thus far and Clinton has insisted the server was secure.

During Clinton's tenure, the State Department and other U.S. government agencies faced their own series of hacking attacks. U.S. counterterrorism officials have linked them to China and Russia. But the government has a large staff of information technology experts, whereas Clinton has yet to provide any information on who maintained her server and how well it was secured.

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio told Fox News Channel on Wednesday, "The exposure of sensitive information to foreign intelligence agencies by communicating in an insecure manner is incompetent, it is malpractice, it's inexcusable."

The emails released Wednesday also show a Clinton confidant urging her boss and others in June 2011 not to "telegraph" how often senior officials at the State Department relied on their private email accounts to do government business because it could inspire hackers to steal information. The discussion never mentioned Clinton's own usage of a private email account and server.

The exchange begins with policy chief Anne-Marie Slaughter lamenting that the State Department's technology is "so antiquated that NO ONE uses a State-issued laptop and even high officials routinely end up using their home email accounts to be able to get their work done quickly and effectively." She said more funds were needed and that an opinion piece might make the point to legislators.

Clinton said the idea "makes good sense," but her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, disagreed: "As someone who attempted to be hacked (yes I was one), I am not sure we want to telegraph how much folks do or don't do off state mail b/c it may encourage others who are out there."

The hacking attempts were included in the 6,300 pages the State Department released, covering a period when U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden and the Arab Spring rocked American diplomacy.

New York State police warned as early as July 2011 about emails containing warnings of traffic tickets that actually contained computer viruses.

Clinton received five copies between 1:44 am and 5:26 am on Aug. 3, 2011. They appeared to come from "New York State -- Department of Motor Vehicles," warning that a car registered to Clinton was caught speeding "over 55 zone" on July 5. Clinton had no public events in Washington that day, following the July 4 holiday. The email instructed the recipient to "print out the enclosed ticker and send it to town court, Chatam Hall, PO Box 117."

The former first lady and New York senator had maintained that nothing was classified in her correspondence, but the intelligence community has identified messages containing "top secret" information. Clinton had insisted that all of her work emails were being reviewed by the State Department, but Pentagon officials recently discovered a new chain of messages between Clinton and then-Gen. David Petraeus dating to her first days in office that she did not send to the State Department.

As part of Wednesday's release, officials upgraded the classification level of portions of 215 emails, State Department spokesman John Kirby said. Almost all were "confidential," the lowest level of classification. Three emails were declared "secret," a mid-tier level for information that could still cause serious damage to national security, if made public.

"The information we upgraded today was not marked classified at the time the emails were sent," Kirby stressed.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #215 on: October 06, 2015, 09:55:12 AM »
Ed Klein: Hillary Adviser Warning Her to 'Lawyer Up'

Image: Ed Klein: Hillary Adviser Warning Her to 'Lawyer Up'
By Cathy Burke
Monday, 05 Oct 2015

Email scandal-plagued Hillary Clinton is reportedly getting some ominous advice from a longtime and trusted legal adviser: Lawyer-up. Edward Klein, author of "Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary," writes on his website.

The unnamed confidante suggests Clinton hire a criminal defense lawyer in case she's indicted for mishandling classified documents on her private email server, and for allegedly lying under oath.

"This e-mail thing is spiraling out of control," the Clinton adviser tells Klein. "To paraphrase John Dean of Watergate fame, it’s a cancer on her candidacy. Frankly, I am used to my advice on legal matters being taken very seriously and acted upon by the Clintons."

"I’ve told them repeatedly that this FBI e-mail investigation could go in a very dangerous direction very quickly," he adds, according to Klein. "But Hillary is still acting as though it’s a political smear job by right-wing zealots."

The adviser tells Klein that Justice Department prosecutors expect the FBI probe on the case to wrap up as soon as the end of this year. "Hillary needs to secure the services of an expert legal counsel—preferably a big-league defense attorney from the Republican side of the aisle," the adviser tells Klein. "She needs someone to find out whether the FBI and Justice Department are likely to conclude that she’s violated federal laws governing national security."

He also notes joking about the issue hasn't helped her case. "By joking about her email problem and treating it like a PR issue, she’s only hurting herself, maybe mortally, with the prosecutors," Klein quotes the adviser saying. "Insulting career FBI and Justice Department investigators is a very bad and ill-advised strategy. You don’t want to be blindsided. And if you ignore it, pretend it is a partisan ploy, and act scornfully, it will blindside you."

"There is going to be blood in the water," the adviser warns. "The investigators are looking for weak links to get to the bottom of what went on with Hillary’s national security emails. And I’m afraid they will find it.”

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #216 on: October 07, 2015, 09:54:58 AM »
FBI probe of Hillary Clinton emails expands to second tech company
By Ed Henry
Published October 07, 2015

The FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email has now expanded to include obtaining data from a second tech company, which is fully cooperating with the FBI probe that has threatened Clinton’s bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Fox News has learned.

A source familiar with the investigation told Fox that the FBI contacted Connecticut-based Datto, Inc. in September and asked them to preserve all data they had which may be connected to Clinton. Datto was hired to help back up data in May 2013 by Platte River Networks, the Colorado-based tech company that managed Clinton’s server and has already been cooperating with the FBI investigation.

The cooperation of a second tech company raises new questions about whether the FBI is now obtaining any of the emails that Clinton says she and her attorneys deemed to be personal and deleted, as Republican critics have demanded to know if any of those emails were really work-related emails that should have been turned over to the State Department along with other federal records.

Datto's cooperation also raises more questions about whether anyone at the company, where employees do not have security clearances, had access to classified information that was in Clinton’s server. The source familiar with the investigation said that like all major tech companies on the front lines, Datto has faced cyberattacks, another subject of great interest to the FBI in its probe of Clinton’s server.

The FBI investigation gathered new steam this past Friday when officials at Datto received written consent from both Platte River and Clinton’s camp to turn over relevant data to the FBI, a process that is now underway as Clinton struggles in the polls just days before the first Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas.

However, the source familiar with the investigation stressed it’s not clear whether Datto has in its possession all of Clinton’s personal and officials created while she was Secretary of State -- or new emails or other data created after she left office.

The confusion comes from the fact that Datto was hired by Platte River and not the Clinton team, so the company had no idea it was backing up data for Clinton until August of this year when company officials read news reports about Platte River having the high-profile contract.

Once Datto officials realized this summer that they had been backing up some of Clinton’s data which was now the subject of an FBI probe, one company official recalled, “there was a collective lump in our throats” and they sought to cooperate fully.

Datto’s involvement was first revealed by Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who is investigating the security of Clinton’s server, and sent a letter to the company this week seeking more information.

Aides to Johnson have privately expressed interest in emails among Platte River officials about whether there was a record of a “directive to cut the backup” of Clinton’s data.

In August, Johnson wrote, an employee at Platte River voiced suspicions over searching for an email from Clinton Executive Service Corp. directing such a reduction in data being stored in October or November 2014 and then again around February, advising Platte River to save only emails sent during the most recent 30 days.

“Starting to think this whole thing really is covering up some shaddy [sic] s---,” the Platte River employee wrote.

When employees at Platte River discovered that Clinton’s private sever was syncing with an offsite Datto server, one Platte River employee wrote in an email, “this is a problem.”

Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon fired back at Johnson's efforts on Wednesday, saying in a statement that the senator is "ripping a page from the House Benghazi Committee's playbook and mounting his own, taxpayer-funded sham of an investigation with the sole purpose of attacking Hillary Clinton politically." He said the Justice Department is "fully aware of Datto's role" in providing services to Platte.

A Clinton aide also said the Clintons did not negotiate the arrangement with the back-up services company, and the campaign supports the company turning over any equipment to the Justice Department.

The source familiar with the investigation stressed there was no conversation between employees of Datto and Platte River about covering up any data. Though the source noted that this summer Platte River employees were “surprised” to learn that the Clinton data was being backed up in an offsite cloud, which wasa more extensive backup than Platte River officials had anticipated. As a result, officials at Datto took steps in August to make sure the Clinton data was being preserved because they did not want to run into a legal problem.

Michael Fass, general counsel at Datto, would only comment on the company’s general decision to cooperate with the FBI probe.

“With the consent of our client and their end user, and consistent with our policies regarding data privacy, Datto is working with the FBI to provide data with its investigation,” Fass told Fox in an emailed statement that referenced Platte River as well as Clinton.

Fass added in the emailed statement late Tuesday, “Also, we received a letter from the Senate Homeland Security Committee and Government Affairs Committee just last night and we are in the process of responding to it. Datto is a data protection and business continuity company that provides backup data storage to thousands of Managed Service Providers, including Platte River Networks. Datto has no role in monitoring the content or source of data storied by MSP clients such as Platte River.”

Fox News' Jake Gibson contributed to this report.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #217 on: October 07, 2015, 09:59:33 AM »
Employees at company working with Clinton email server expressed concerns
By Laura Koran and Evan Perez, CNN
Wed October 7, 2015

Washington (CNN)Employees at the company that maintained Hillary Clinton's private email server expressed concern among themselves about the way the former secretary of state's team directed them to manage data backups after the FBI started looking into the arrangements, according to emails obtained by a senator.

In a letter obtained by CNN, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, asks Datto, Inc, the makers of Clinton's server back-up system, for information on how her emails were preserved and protected. The FBI has also sought information from the company, according to sources.

Johnson indicates that a "Clinton family company," Clinton Executive Service Corp., paid for the back-up services, operated through a device called the Datto SIRIS S2000, and that the purchase was made by Platte River Networks when the server was moved from her private residence to a New Jersey-based data center in 2013.

In the letter, Johnson quotes from emails sent by and to employees at Platte River Networks, which indicate there was discussion about how the duration of data backups could be reduced, apparently at the direction of the Clinton Executive Service Corp.

Clinton on emails: 'It is a drip-drip-drip'

Then this past August, a Platte River Networks employee wrote to a coworker that he was, "Starting to think this whole thing really is covering up some shaddy (sic) s**t."

"I just think if we have it in writing that they told us to cut the backups, and that we can go public with our statement saying we have backups since day one, then we were told to trim to 30days (sic), it would make us look a WHOLE LOT better," the unnamed employee continued.

The email was sent shortly after news emerged that the FBI was looking into the security of the server, and several months after it was revealed that Clinton exclusively used the private account to conduct State Department business.

The employee indicates in the email that Clinton's team asked them to change the back-up duration between October and February, presumably of 2014/2015, though that isn't explicitly stated in the portion of the email included in Johnson's letter.

Clinton's email controversy explained

In a statement Wednesday morning, the Clinton campaign accused Johnson of "ripping a page from the House Benghazi Committee's playbook and mounting his own, taxpayer-funded sham of an investigation with the sole purpose of attacking Hillary Clinton politically."

"The Justice Department's independent review is led by nonpolitical, career professionals, and Ron Johnson has no business interfering with it for his own partisan ends," campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said in the statement.

The committee did not share any of the emails with CNN, but excerpts and descriptions from them are printed in Johnson's letter.

Emails sent between Datto and Platte River Networks during that time indicate there was confusion about where the backed-up data would be stored, and for a while it was backed-up to an off-site Datto server, apparently against the wishes of Clinton staff.

When Platte River Networks became aware of the off-site syncing issue, they contacted Datto and discussed how they could retrieve that data for storage on-site, according to Johnson's letter.

"Despite these communications, it is unclear whether or not this course of action was followed," Johnson said. "Additionally,questions still remain as to whether Datto actually transferred the data from its off-site datacenter to the on-site server, what data was backed up and whether Datto wiped the data after it was transferred."

Johnson wrote to Datto seeking more information about their dealings with Platte River Networks and Clinton Executive Service Corp.

Johnson also asked the company to say whether Datto is authorized to store classified information, and whether any employees at the company have security clearances that would allow them to view classified information.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #218 on: October 08, 2015, 10:04:02 AM »
Clinton subject to hack attempts from China, Korea, Germany
Ken Dilanian, Jack Gillum and Stephen Braun, Associated Press

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015, during a campaign stop at the Westfair Amphitheater in Council Bluffs, Iowa. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton's private email server, which stored some 55,000 pages of emails from her time as secretary of state, was the subject of attempted cyberattacks originating in China, South Korea and Germany after she left office in early 2013, according to a congressional document obtained by The Associated Press.

While the attempts were apparently blocked by a "threat monitoring" product that Clinton's employees connected to her network in October 2013, there was a period of more than three months from June to October 2013 when that protection had not been installed, according to a letter from Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. That means her server was possibly vulnerable to cyberattacks during that time.

Johnson's letter to Victor Nappe, CEO of SECNAP, the company that provided the threat monitoring product, seeks a host of documents relating to the company's work on Clinton's server and the nature of the cyber intrusions detected. Johnson's committee is investigating Clinton's email arrangement.

Clinton has not said what, if any, firewall or threat protection was used on her email server before June 2013, including the time she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 and the server was kept in her home in the New York City suburbs.

A February 2014 email from SECNAP reported that malicious software based in China "was found running an attack against" Clinton's server. In total, Senate investigators have found records describing three such attempts linked to China, one based in Germany and one originating in South Korea. The attacks occurred in 2013 and 2014. The letter describes four attacks, but investigators have since found records about a fifth attempt, said officials who were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

It was not immediately clear whether the attempted intrusions into Clinton's server were serious espionage threats or the sort of nuisance attacks that hit computer servers the world over. But the new revelations underscore the extent to which any private email server is a target, raising further questions about Clinton's decision to undertake sensitive government business over private email stored on a homemade system.

Any hackers who got access to her server in 2013 or 2014 could have stolen a trove of sensitive email traffic involving the foreign relations of the United States. Thousands of Clinton emails made public under the Freedom of Information Act have been heavily redacted for national security and other reasons.

Clinton "essentially circumvented millions of dollars' worth of cybersecurity investment that the federal government puts within the State Department," said Justin Harvey, chief security officer of Fidelis Cybersecurity.

"She wouldn't have had the infrastructure to detect or respond to cyber attacks from a nation-state," he said. "Those attacks are incredibly sophisticated, and very hard to detect and contain. And if you have a private server, it's very likely that you would be compromised."

A spokesman for the Clinton campaign did not answer detailed questions from The Associated Press about the cyber intrusions. Instead, spokesman Brian Fallon attacked Johnson by linking him to the House Benghazi committee inquiry, which the campaign dismissed in a recent media ad as politically motivated.

"Ron Johnson is ripping a page from the House Benghazi Committee's playbook and mounting his own, taxpayer-funded sham of an investigation with the sole purpose of attacking Hillary Clinton politically," campaign spokesman Fallon said by email. "The Justice Department is already conducting a review concerning the security of her server equipment, and Ron Johnson has no business interfering with it for his own partisan ends."

The FBI is investigating whether national security was compromised by Clinton's email arrangement.

In June 2013, after Clinton had left office, the server was moved from her Chappaqua, New York, home to a data center in northern New Jersey, where it was maintained by a Denver technology company, Platte River Networks, records show.

In June 2013, Johnson's letter says, Platte River hired SECNAP Network Security Corp. to use a product called CloudJacket SMB, which is designed to block network access by "even the most determined hackers," according to company literature. But the product was not up and running until October, according to Johnson's letter, raising questions about how vulnerable Clinton's server was during the interim.

SECNAP is not a well-known computer security provider. The company's website and promotional literature describe CloudJacket as a monitoring system designed to counter unauthorized intrusions and monitor threats around the clock. Corporate documents show SECNAP has been in existence since at least 2002, selling computer spam filter and firewall products.

A SECNAP representative declined to comment, citing company policy.

The AP reported last month that Russia-linked hackers sent Clinton emails in 2011 — when she was still secretary of state — loaded with malware that could have exposed her computer if she opened the attachments. It is not known if she did.

The attacks Johnson mentions in his letter are different, according to government officials familiar with them. They were probing Clinton's server directly, not through email.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #219 on: October 08, 2015, 10:05:38 AM »
This is just making stuff up now.

Every computer connected to the Internet is "Subject to hack attempts".

I suppose people who don't realize how the internet works may act like this is a big deal, but it's not.

Every internet connected device is "Subject to hack attempts".

Oh brother.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #220 on: October 08, 2015, 10:06:58 AM »
This is just making stuff up now.
Every computer connected to the Internet is "Subject to hack attempts".
I suppose people who don't realize how the internet works may act like this is a big deal, but it's not.
Every internet connected device is "Subject to hack attempts".
Oh brother.

But but but this doesn't fit the emotionally-drive narrative from Hannity and friends, saying China was using up her toilet paper while reading US nuclear secrets, all while sipping tea that Hilary personally made for them.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #221 on: October 08, 2015, 03:52:49 PM »
Gowdy says new emails show Clinton confidant naming CIA source, pushing Libya interests
Published October 08, 2015
Longtime Hillary Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal allegedly sent her an email with the name of a CIA source, further casting doubt on her claim she never sent or received classified information on her private email address, according to the Republican chairman of the committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., provided this and other details Thursday, as part of a batch of new Clinton emails he says will shed light on Blumenthal’s complex role as unofficial political adviser to then-Secretary of State Clinton.

“It is curious Secretary Clinton took so much of her advice from someone who had never been to Libya, professed no independent knowledge of the country and who the White House blocked her from hiring,” Gowdy said in a statement Thursday.

He detailed the emails in a letter to the panel’s ranking Democrat, Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings. He said he plans to release the emails on Oct. 12, but previewed them extensively in his letter.

At one point, Blumenthal apparently suggested President Obama back military intervention in Libya in 2011 to help boost his poll numbers; in another spate of emails, according to Gowdy, he appeared to be promoting a company run by an associate that provides training for Libya rebels. In others, he appeared to be mocking Obama and his White House advisers.

In yet another email, Gowdy claims Blumenthal wrote to Clinton citing the name of a “human source” for the CIA. "Armed with that information," Gowdy writes, "Senator Clinton forwarded the email to a colleague -- debunking her claim that she never sent any classified information from her private email address."

One-third of the emails, according to Gowdy, are to/from Blumenthal, who was not a government employee at the time but appeared to send Clinton a steady stream of emails full of foreign policy advice before and after the U.S. intervention in Libya.

Gowdy’s email release comes at a sensitive time for the Republican-led committee. The panel has taken a drubbing in the press lately, after Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., suggested in an interview with Fox News that the panel could be linked to Hillary Clinton’s dropping poll numbers, fueling Democratic claims the committee is political in nature. He later explained he “never meant to imply” that was the case.

Cummings’ office hit back on the latest salvo on Thursday, calling it “a defensive and desperate attempt to save face,” that only proves Gowdy is more focused on embarrassing Clinton than investigating the 2012 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.

Cumming said Democrats have been asking Gowdy for weeks to release the full load of Clinton emails, as well as the entire transcript of Blumenthal’s eight-hour deposition to the committee, “in which he answered hundreds of questions form Republicans about his e-mail.”

Nevertheless, the committee is painting a more colorful picture of Blumenthal’s role as an unofficial adviser at a time when the U.S. was considering its controversial foray into Libya. A year after the government fell with the help of the U.S. and its allies, militants attacked the diplomatic compound and today Libya remains a volatile, failed state.

Gowdy says the new emails suggest Blumenthal is a “political body” who pushed for a more aggressive posture on Libya -- including sustained bombing and training and arming rebels on the ground in 2011 – to boost administration poll numbers.

From one apparent email quoted by Gowdy: 

“Obama should think about the political effect here in the U.S. of defeat of Qathafi’s forces,” Blumenthal apparently wrote of the Libyan dictator, who was eventually killed by opposition forces. “He wants to be re-elected? It would be interesting to see how his prospects would be affected by Qathafi’s continuing presence in Tripoli in November 2012 and the mockery Republicans will rain down on him over his present weakness.”

According to Gowdy, Blumenthal was a bit snarky when talking about the Obama administration, at one point reportedly writing that “[Obama] and his political cronies in the WH and Chicago are, to say the least, unenthusiastic about regime change in Libya or anywhere else in the ME. Why is that? Hmmm.”

Blumenthal also allegedly mocked “National Security Adviser Tom Donilon’s babbling rhetoric about ‘narratives’” on a phone briefing with reporters. 

Gowdy says most of Blumenthal’s shared intel on Libya came from his associates, former high-ranking CIA operative Tyler Drumheller, and Cody Shearer.

Gowdy argues the new emails also show Blumenthal had a monetary interest in seeing the U.S. intervention in Libya go forward, noting that Blumenthal and Drumheller have acknowledged their stake in Osprey Global Solutions, a private security company. But the emails tell more of the story, Gowdy says, pointing to excepts that appear to reference a deal between Osprey and the National Transition Council (TNR) in Libya.

At one point, according to a portion in the letter, Blumenthal wrote that, “Tyler, Cody and I acted as honest brokers, putting this arrangement together through a series of connections, linking the Libyans to Osprey and keeping it moving.” The arrangement, as described, was to help train and organize the opposition forces.

For her part, Clinton appeared interested in her short responses to Blumenthal, according Gowdy, often forwarding the memos to top aide Jake Sullivan and asking him to read and respond to her later. In reaction to Blumenthal’s alarms about poll numbers and Obama’s ‘present weakness’ over Libya, Clinton apparently told Sullivan: “This is quite troubling … I agree about the need to keep the attack tempo up.”

After Blumenthal was brought for a private interview with the committee in June, his lawyer James M. Cole wrote a letter to Gowdy, criticizing Republicans’ decision to leak only portions of his testimony and emails to the press.

“Leaks like these are distorting the truth by mischaracterizing facts and circumstances,” Cole wrote. “They are creating an incomplete and unfair narrative about the deposition, Mr. Blumenthal’s knowledge about Libya, and the tragedy that occurred in Benghazi.”

Cole could not be reached for comment on the letter Thursday.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #222 on: October 08, 2015, 04:40:19 PM »
Gowdy just wants to slow-leak this shit for a year.

Indict her ass already, if that's what you want to do.   Don't go politicizing everything like the disgraced rep. mccarthy would do.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #223 on: October 08, 2015, 04:41:33 PM »
Ed Klein: Hillary Adviser Warning Her to 'Lawyer Up'

Email scandal-plagued Hillary Clinton is reportedly getting some ominous advice from a longtime and trusted legal adviser: Lawyer-up. Edward Klein, author of "Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary," writes on his website.
The unnamed confidante suggests Clinton hire a criminal defense lawyer in case she's indicted for mishandling classified documents on her private email server, and for allegedly lying under oath.
The adviser tells Klein that Justice Department prosecutors expect the FBI probe on the case to wrap up as soon as the end of this year.
"There is going to be blood in the water," the adviser warns.

Seems Klein is at it again:

*Klein has also come under fire for his use of anonymous quotes, purported to be from the subjects of his books, which he claims he received from anonymous insiders. The credibility of such quotes has been questioned by writers such as Joe Conason, Salon's Simon Malloy and conservative commentators Rush Limbaugh and Peggy Noonan. "Some of the quotes strike me as odd, in the sense that I don't know people who speak this way," Limbaugh said of Klein's work, describing the sources as "grade school chatter."

Politico criticized Klein's book about Clinton for "serious factual errors, truncated and distorted quotes and overall themes that don't gibe with any other serious accounts of Clinton's life.

* The above are excerpts from the WKI page on Ed Klein

No wonder the advisor is unnamed. Can you believe a trusted Clinton advisor would break confidentiality in a public forum, speaking to someone as shady as Ed Klein? Would you take advice from such a person?

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #224 on: October 08, 2015, 04:56:06 PM »
Seems Klein is at it again:

*Klein has also come under fire for his use of anonymous quotes, purported to be from the subjects of his books, which he claims he received from anonymous insiders. The credibility of such quotes has been questioned by writers such as Joe Conason, Salon's Simon Malloy and conservative commentators Rush Limbaugh and Peggy Noonan. "Some of the quotes strike me as odd, in the sense that I don't know people who speak this way," Limbaugh said of Klein's work, describing the sources as "grade school chatter."

Politico criticized Klein's book about Clinton for "serious factual errors, truncated and distorted quotes and overall themes that don't gibe with any other serious accounts of Clinton's life.

* The above are excerpts from the WKI page on Ed Klein

No wonder the advisor is unnamed. Can you believe a trusted Clinton advisor would break confidentiality in a public forum, speaking to someone as shady as Ed Klein? Would you take advice from such a person?
