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Soul Crusher

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #700 on: September 22, 2016, 04:06:34 AM »


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #701 on: September 22, 2016, 06:02:24 AM »
Trump within the Margin of Error in New fucking Jersey.


 :o :o


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #702 on: September 22, 2016, 06:22:13 AM »
Clinton only up +6 in Illinois... That's ridiculous.


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #703 on: September 23, 2016, 05:38:04 PM »
Poll: Candidates Disliked, Viewed as Dishonest
Friday, 23 Sep 2016

Americans have negative views of both Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. He comes off as a little worse.

In a new Associated Press-GfK poll, she's viewed as more qualified, civil and compassionate than Trump, but voters are somewhat more likely to view her as corrupt.

But even on her biggest weaknesses, Trump fails to do much better in polling. Both candidates are widely viewed as dishonest.

Things to know about Americans' views of the presidential candidates:


Both Trump and Clinton are widely disliked by majorities of registered voters, but negative feelings about Trump outpace those for Clinton, 61 percent to 56 percent.

More also say their unfavorable opinion of Trump is a strong one than say the same of Clinton, 50 percent to 44 percent.

Twenty-six percent of Republican registered voters have an unfavorable opinion of their party's nominee, while 21 percent of Democratic voters have an unfavorable opinion of theirs.

Only 27 percent of Americans say Clinton is at least somewhat honest, while 53 percent say she's not honest at all. Trump performs marginally better on that measure, with 32 percent saying he's very or somewhat honest and 49 percent not at all honest.

Nearly half of voters — 49 percent — say Clinton is at least somewhat corrupt, while 43 percent say the same of Trump.


Despite voters' negative feelings for both candidates, there are relative bright spots for the former secretary of state, who is seen as more qualified, civil and compassionate than Trump.

Fifty-three percent call Clinton at least somewhat qualified, while just 30 percent say Trump is.

Just 42 percent say Clinton is at least somewhat compassionate, but Trump fares worse, at 25 percent. About half call each nominee at least somewhat decisive.

Fifty percent of voters call Clinton at least somewhat civil. Just 24 percent say the same of Trump, and even among his own supporters 42 percent say that word describes him only slightly or not at all well. Half of voters say Trump is at least somewhat racist, while only a third say that word doesn't apply to him at all.


Americans still don't know much about Libertarian Gary Johnson or Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Six in 10 registered voters say they don't know enough about Johnson to form an opinion, while 7 in 10 say the same about Stein. For both, that's an improvement in name recognition since July.

Voters who do have an opinion on Johnson are split, with 17 percent giving him a favorable rating and 21 percent an unfavorable one. Views of Stein are more negative than positive, 19 percent to 9 percent.

Both the Democratic and Republican vice presidential nominees are also largely unknown. Twenty-nine percent of registered voters have a favorable and 27 percent have an unfavorable opinion of Trump's running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, with 44 percent saying they don't know enough about him to say. More than half of voters — 52 percent — say they don't know enough about Clinton's running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, while 27 percent have a favorable opinion and 20 percent an unfavorable one.


Both candidates inspire mostly negative emotions, but American voters are particularly anxious about the Republican.

Only 29 percent of registered voters would be excited and 24 percent would be proud if Trump is elected president, while nearly half (46 percent) would be angry. Perhaps most crucially, 56 percent of voters say they would be afraid.

Clinton elicits somewhat less negative emotions but also relatively little enthusiasm. Only 30 percent say they'd be excited if she's elected and 32 percent that they'd be proud. And large minorities say they'd be angry (38 percent) or afraid (44 percent).

Three-quarters of voters say opposition to the other candidate is a major reason for supporting his or her foe.

The AP-GfK Poll of 1,694 adults, including 1,476 registered voters, was conducted online Sept. 15-19, using a sample drawn from GfK's probability-based KnowledgePanel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 2.5 percentage points, and for registered voters is plus or minus 2.7 percentage points.

Respondents were first selected randomly using telephone or mail survey methods and later interviewed online. People selected for KnowledgePanel who didn't have access to the internet were provided access for free.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #704 on: September 23, 2016, 05:41:16 PM »
HUFFPOLLSTER: Hillary Clinton Leads Nationally, Struggles In Some Battleground States
The race is effectively tied in North Carolina and Ohio.
Staff Reporter and Polling Director, The Huffington Post
Natalie Jackson    
Senior Polling Editor, The Huffington Post

Several new polls suggest a recovery for Hillary Clinton, while others offer better news for Donald Trump. Most Americans are concerned about Donald Trump’s rhetoric. And white working class voters feel left behind. This is HuffPollster for Thursday, September 22, 2016.

NATIONAL POLL HAS GOOD NEWS FOR CLINTON  - The first NBC/Wall Street Journal poll of likely voters, released Wednesday evening, shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by 6 points, 43 percent to 37 percent, in a 4-way matchup, and by 7 points, 48 percent to 41 percent, in a head-to-head ― among the best results for Clinton reported in September. The poll finds Clinton and Trump’s supporters about equally enthusiastic about voting, although Clinton supporters are more likely to say their vote is “for” her, rather than against Trump. HuffPost Pollster’s model gives Clinton about a 4-point edge over Trump in a two-way matchup, and a 3-point edge with third party candidates included. [NBC, national chart]


-New Hampshire - A Monmouth University released Wednesday also delivered good news for Clinton, giving her a 9-point lead over Trump in the Granite State, 47 percent to 38 percent. Democrats fared less well in the survey’s Senate matchup, which gave Republican incumbent Kelly Ayotte a 2-point edge over Maggie Hassan. Pollster’s model puts Clinton up by 6, and shows Ayotte and Hassan nearly tied. [Monmouth, NH presidential chart, NH Senate chart]

-Wisconsin - The latest Marquette Law School poll finds Clinton with just a 2-point edge over Trump, 44 percent to 42 percent ― little changed from the end of August, but down from a double-digit lead immediately after the conventions. Democrat Russ Feingold continues to enjoy a comfortable margin over incumbent senator Ron Johnson, whom he leads by 6 points. Pollster’s model gives Clinton a lead of nearly 6 points, with Feingold up 8.  [Marquette, WI presidential chart, WI Senate chart]

-North Carolina - There’s less positive news for Clinton in North Carolina, where a Fox News poll from Wednesday night shows Trump ahead 45 percent to 40 percent. A Thursday morning New York Times Upshot/Siena College poll shows her faring better ― tying with Trump at 41 percent ― and finds Republicans struggling with white, college-educated voters in the state. HuffPost Pollster’s model also currently shows Clinton and Trump to be effectively tied.   [Fox, NYT, NC presidential chart]

-Nevada - The second of three battleground polls from Fox gives Trump a 3-point advantage, 43 percent to 40 percent, over Clinton. The Republican, who lagged in the state for most of the summer, has narrowly won all four of the most recent surveys there. HuffPost Pollster’s average puts both candidates at around 42 percent.   [Fox, NV presidential chart]

-Ohio - The third survey from Fox also found Trump leading in Ohio, with a 5-point lead, 42 percent to 37 percent. While several polls this month have shown Clinton in the lead, the majority ― including recent surveys from Bloomberg, Suffolk and CNN ― also showed Trump ahead. HuffPost Pollster’s average finds the race again tied at about 42 percent. [Fox, OH presidential chart]

A BIG MAJORITY OF VOTERS ARE CONCERNED ABOUT TRUMP’S RHETORIC - Mark Murray: “A combined 69 percent of American voters say they have concerns about Donald Trump’s comments and language on women, immigrants and Muslims, including more than half who have “major” concerns, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. That’s compared with a combined 64 percent of voters who say they have concerns about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state. Asked which problem concerns them the most about Trump, 33 percent say it’s not having the right temperament to be commander-in-chief; 27 percent say it’s his controversial comments about women, immigrants and Muslims; and 13 percent say it’s his praise for Vladimir Putin.” [NBC]

THE BIGGEST FACTOR IN CANDIDATE SUPPORT IS DISLIKE OF OTHER CANDIDATE - Carroll Doherty, Jocelyn Kiley and Bridget Johnson: “Voters who support Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump offer a variety of reasons why they do so, ranging from the candidates’ issue positions to their personal backgrounds. But a major factor for both groups, beyond their candidate’s attributes, is who they are not: Asked in an open-ended format, 33% of Trump supporters and about as many Clinton supporters (32%) frame their vote at least partially in opposition to the other candidate, often using harsh language. Among Clinton supporters, only her experience, at 32%, is mentioned as frequently as opposition to Trump. For Trump supporters, opposition to Clinton is among the most frequently cited factors for supporting their candidate, with nearly as many citing his status as a political outsider (27%) or his policy stances (26%).... Many voters have unqualified praise for their preferred candidate…. Yet sizable shares in both camps focus at least partly – or in many cases exclusively – on the flaws or shortcomings of the opposing candidate. Several voters, including a 41-year-old woman who is supporting Clinton, describe their choice as ‘the lesser of two evils.’ A 49-year-old man who backs Trump says: ‘As bad as he is, I think Hillary is worse for our country.’” [Pew]

For many voters, opposition to the other candidate is a main factor in their vote

WORKING CLASS WHITES SEE AN ECONOMY LEAVING THEM BEHIND - Jennifer Agiesta: “The biggest story of the 2016 election is undoubtedly the rise of Donald Trump, and behind the Republican nominee is a group in its last throes as the biggest force in politics: The white working class. A new survey from CNN and the Kaiser Family Foundation delves deeply into this pivotal group... Contrary to many assumptions about this group, the poll finds working class whites generally happy with their lives, and mostly satisfied with their personal financial situation. Just 18% say they are angry about the way things are going in their own lives, and 44% think America’s best days lie ahead…. But the white working class harbors deep concerns about the country’s economy, the amount the government is doing to help the working class and their own ability to influence politics. A majority, 53%, say they are very dissatisfied with the country’s economic situation and 84% say their views are not well represented by the government in Washington... About 6 in 10 white working class people say it’s gotten harder for people like them to get ahead financially and two-thirds say it’s harder to find good jobs. Many are concerned about what the next generation will face: 50% say they expect their children to have a lower standard of living than they currently have.” [CNN]


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #705 on: September 23, 2016, 06:42:53 PM »
nothing 6 coin flips can't fix...

Have no fear...

Hildog 2016 as POTUS is near!!

Soul Crusher

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #706 on: September 26, 2016, 05:45:41 AM »
Bloomberg News Poll: Trump 43 Clinton 41 ^ | 26 Sep 2016
Posted on 9/26/2016, 7:43:24 AM by Helicondelta

The latest Bloomberg News national poll shows that Donald Trump two points ahead of Hillary Clinton.

Trump earns 43 percent support to Clinton’s 41 percent. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson earns 8 percent while Green Party candidate Jill Stein got 4 percent.

Trump leads Clinton on voter’s impressions of his health. Sixty one percent say that Trump has excellent or good while only 36 percent said the same about Clinton.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #707 on: September 26, 2016, 06:30:09 AM »
tonight, Trump loses this election.

Tonight, only 1 of 2 things can happen.

hilary comes out doing handstands, medicated and laughing off conspiracies about her health.  She's vibrant, cracking jokes, and the media narrative tomorrow is "HIlary creams Donald".  Trump, for his part, talks about his junk size, bill's affairs, and has unrealistic answers on many military things.   The narrative is "this is when Hilary turned it around".  Remember, trump hasn't done anything he didn't have in July - only hilary has LOSt support since then.


Hilary sucks.  She's sick and weak and is exposed.  And then Trump has to run against biden.  And SC, I think you would agree - biden eats trump's mothertrucking lunch.  Biden smashes him.  Hilary is an old lady with disease who collapses on 911 and can't walk steps without diaper duty... but she's STILL tied with trump.  A freshly rested Biden is quick as shit mentally - he will pummel the donald. 

i'm still betting she does what she does with the benghazi trial - come out vibrant and medicated - but who knows.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #708 on: September 26, 2016, 06:31:51 AM »
tonight, Trump loses this election.

Tonight, only 1 of 2 things can happen.

hilary comes out doing handstands, medicated and laughing off conspiracies about her health.  She's vibrant, cracking jokes, and the media narrative tomorrow is "HIlary creams Donald".  Trump, for his part, talks about his junk size, bill's affairs, and has unrealistic answers on many military things.   The narrative is "this is when Hilary turned it around".  Remember, trump hasn't done anything he didn't have in July - only hilary has LOSt support since then.


Hilary sucks.  She's sick and weak and is exposed.  And then Trump has to run against biden.  And SC, I think you would agree - biden eats trump's mothertrucking lunch.  Biden smashes him.  Hilary is an old lady with disease who collapses on 911 and can't walk steps without diaper duty... but she's STILL tied with trump.  A freshly rested Biden is quick as shit mentally - he will pummel the donald. 

i'm still betting she does what she does with the benghazi trial - come out vibrant and medicated - but who knows.

you are so begging for Hillary to do well - just admit it

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #709 on: September 26, 2016, 06:33:35 AM »
you are so begging for Hillary to do well - just admit it

lol dude, after ten years on getbig... you think I root for anything BUT chaos and craziness?   I've been louder than anyone about her health woes.  Coach shows up in the last month as he diescovers it - i've been posting about it for a year.

i want to see her exposed as sick - because i think her being sick/unconscious thru presidency is horrible for america.   I want to see a strong dem and a strong repub run, and I want america to win as they choose the better option.  Neither will get my vote of course.


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #710 on: September 26, 2016, 06:38:31 AM »
Will Hilldawg be wearing her Dragonball Z scouter glasses for this debate? I wouldn't see a necessary reason for her to wear glasses to a debate other than to prevent a seizure.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #711 on: September 26, 2016, 06:45:24 AM »
Will Hilldawg be wearing her Dragonball Z scouter glasses for this debate? I wouldn't see a necessary reason for her to wear glasses to a debate other than to prevent a seizure.

at this point, the whole world just wants to see her fall down.  Even the dems.  they're gonna have to load her up on an assload of drugs to stay standing - and that means her answers may be loopy or loud or out of it.  She'll probably have her earpiece in, with Doc Choc telling her to relax. 

But when 100 mil americans - and up to a billion watching globally - are all rooting for you to collapse so we can see Biden vs Trump, meds can only go so far.  The entire format of the debate is DESIGNED to make hilary collapse.  No bathroom breaks?  I mean, 90 minutes is a long ass tie when you're sipping water to speak nonstop.  After 90 minutes of singing, I always gotta pee, cause I drank a whole bottled water to keep voice right.   I cannot imagine how much they'll BOTH have to pee after this debate. 

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #712 on: September 26, 2016, 07:53:51 AM »
Hillary Clinton  4 - 7
Donald Trump  13 - 8
Joe Biden  25 - 1
Bernie Sanders  33 - 1
Paul Ryan  50 - 1
Tim Kaine  100 - 1
Gary Johnson  100 - 1
John Kasich  250 - 1
Jill Stein  500 - 1

Bernie fell from 20 - 1

Soul Crusher

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #713 on: September 26, 2016, 08:03:20 AM »
Trumps' best hedge are his enemies - the Libfags, the ghetto dwellers looking for free shit, the andreisacunt vote, the academic idiot vote, the young dopers, etc. 

Trump couldnt ask for a better coalition to run against than this crop of worthless losers. 

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #715 on: September 26, 2016, 08:56:13 AM »
FiveThirtyEight: Trump would win if election were held today
By Neetzan Zimmerman
September 26, 2016

Donald Trump would beat Hillary Clinton if votes for president were cast today, according to the election results predictor designed by top pollster Nate Silver.

FiveThirtyEight’s “now-cast” model is giving Trump a nearly 10-point edge over Clinton in response to the question, “Who would win the presidency today?”
Silver previously gave the Republican presidential nominee a sizable advantage over his Democratic rival in late July, following the Republican National Convention.

Today’s prediction comes just hours before the crucial first presidential debate.

Clinton, the Democratic nominee, still holds the lead in FiveThirtyEight’s two other predictive models: polls-plus forecast and polls-only forecast.

There is a new policy in 2016 that qualifies homeowners who live in specific zip codes to be eligible for $1,000's of dollars in Government funding to install solar Read More
In both models she leads by a narrow margin of 3.6 percentage points.

The website's electoral map graphic appears to show Clinton winning over 270 electoral votes in all three models, though in its calculation of total electoral votes won by each nominee, Trump receives 275.9 votes to Clinton's 261.9.


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #716 on: September 26, 2016, 10:07:36 AM »
FiveThirtyEight: Trump would win if election were held today
By Neetzan Zimmerman
September 26, 2016

Donald Trump would beat Hillary Clinton if votes for president were cast today, according to the election results predictor designed by top pollster Nate Silver.

FiveThirtyEight’s “now-cast” model is giving Trump a nearly 10-point edge over Clinton in response to the question, “Who would win the presidency today?”
Silver previously gave the Republican presidential nominee a sizable advantage over his Democratic rival in late July, following the Republican National Convention.

Today’s prediction comes just hours before the crucial first presidential debate.

Clinton, the Democratic nominee, still holds the lead in FiveThirtyEight’s two other predictive models: polls-plus forecast and polls-only forecast.

There is a new policy in 2016 that qualifies homeowners who live in specific zip codes to be eligible for $1,000's of dollars in Government funding to install solar Read More
In both models she leads by a narrow margin of 3.6 percentage points.

The website's electoral map graphic appears to show Clinton winning over 270 electoral votes in all three models, though in its calculation of total electoral votes won by each nominee, Trump receives 275.9 votes to Clinton's 261.9.


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #717 on: September 26, 2016, 10:17:39 AM »

Only down -1 in PA to Clinton.

Judging from residence outside of Philly, Trump should be winning. They are saying Trump signs/support everywhere, except Philly.  :D


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #718 on: September 26, 2016, 10:20:32 AM »
Only down -1 in PA to Clinton.

Judging from residence outside of Philly, Trump should be winning. They are saying Trump signs/support everywhere, except Philly.  :D


Those fuckers are always dug in  :( >:(


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #719 on: September 26, 2016, 10:22:34 AM »
Trump winning early voting in Florida.  :o :o :o


Soul Crusher

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #720 on: September 26, 2016, 10:31:09 AM »
I'm voting for Trump not because of Trump - but because I want to see all the scum on the left commit mass suicide.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #721 on: September 26, 2016, 01:15:02 PM »
UPI/CVoter state polls: Donald Trump ahead of Hillary Clinton in Electoral College
UPI ^ | 9/26/16 | Allen Cone
Posted on 9/26/2016, 3:34:15 PM by Ravi

WASHINGTON, Sept. 26 (UPI) -- Donald Trump would earn enough votes to win the presidency in the Electoral College based on UPI/CVoter's state tracking poll released Monday.

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Soul Crusher

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #722 on: September 26, 2016, 01:15:52 PM »
Trump, Clinton Tied in Minnesota with Pennsylvania, North Carolina Tightening
Breitbart ^ | SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 | NEIL W. MCCABE
Posted on 9/26/2016, 3:05:24 PM by Hojczyk

Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell told Breitbart News: “Trump is closing everywhere and states that have not been in play are coming into play, like Minnesota.”

Caddell said those states that had been considered battleground states are not moving as fast, but all are inside the margin of error.

In the battleground states, the Clinton campaign has built the infrastructure and made the investments, so they have the ability to fight there what is becoming a national tide, he said.

“Part of that is because the Clinton campaign, well both campaigns, but particularly the Clinton campaign has spent so much of its money–pouring millions into those states to hold onto a point or two–probably the least efficient cost-benefit I have ever seen,” he said.

“Minnesota is a perfect example,” he added.

“Minnesota has been a close state in past elections, even though the Democrats always seem to win it, it was close in 2000 and 2004,” he said.

All polls were executed using automated phone calls and results were weighted to match a proprietary turnout model.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #723 on: September 27, 2016, 07:45:45 AM »
Hillary Clinton  2 - 5
Donald Trump  2 - 1
Joe Biden  25 - 1
Bernie Sanders  33 - 1
Paul Ryan  50 - 1
Tim Kaine  100 - 1
Gary Johnson  100 - 1
John Kasich  250 - 1
Jill Stein  500 - 1


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #724 on: September 27, 2016, 09:41:03 AM »

Trump is Racist  >:(