Author Topic: First real blast.  (Read 4752 times)


  • Getbig II
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First real blast.
« on: May 22, 2015, 07:22:02 PM »
Hey fellas, about to start my "first real blast" been on some test for roughly 10 weeks. Decided it's time to add some more compounds. Goals for this blast will be to gain lean muscle and keep body fat more or less where it's at. Body fat is around 14% now. I'm 6'0 23 years old and 215lb. I was thinking 2ccs of deca and test e. Or maybe just 2-3 ccs of deca and some dbols added to provide an androgen if I decide not to use test.

Lately haven't been keeping an eye on diet and macros, just eating ... But that will be changing. Will be keeping an estimate on macros. Will be following something like 100f/350c/250p

Training 5-6x a week. Legs, delts & triceps 2x a week-- everything else just once.
What do you all think would be best? Any advice is greatly appreciated.


  • Getbig V
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2015, 08:03:34 PM »
14% is way too high. You're not gonna gain well being so "heavy" also deca will probably bloat you up big time in your current state. You say you don't wanna lean out but the diet you posted looks like a cutting approach or recomp type diet.

before your blast, you should cruise a bit. Do rest before taking on a big blast.

I would include test in any cycle although some (few) prefer not to. Before doing very specific stuff like that, I really think you should try the "try and true" stuff that is a sure shot win.

No sure what to tell you. I'm guessing you want to add a second compound to your cycle, you could do 6 weeks of npp then 6 weeks of wintrol with your test if your blast was 12 weeks, not sure as you did no mention the length.

Anyway, best of luck but your current stats could have been attained natural, hate to say it , but it's very true.



  • Getbig II
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2015, 08:29:07 PM »
14% is way too high. You're not gonna gain well being so "heavy" also deca will probably bloat you up big time in your current state. You say you don't wanna lean out but the diet you posted looks like a cutting approach or recomp type diet.

before your blast, you should cruise a bit. Do rest before taking on a big blast.

I would include test in any cycle although some (few) prefer not to. Before doing very specific stuff like that, I really think you should try the "try and true" stuff that is a sure shot win.

No sure what to tell you. I'm guessing you want to add a second compound to your cycle, you could do 6 weeks of npp then 6 weeks of wintrol with your test if your blast was 12 weeks, not sure as you did no mention the

Anyway, best of luck but your current stats could have been attained natural, hate to say it , but it's very true.

That's what some say. That your body fat levels should be single digits. I think it makes no sense... AAS will still build muscle, correct? I'm no physique competitor, so won't be touching Masteron or drugs to make you dry... Where a low BF will be important..

I wouldn't mind gaining 20lbs and 5-6 lbs would be fat.. I'll just take care of that after the cycle.

Does deca really cause that much bloat? It aromatises 1/5 less x of testosterone.

I did gain my physique naturally. Been on some test 10 weeks. Haven't really noticed much gains tho. I think the test might be under dosed.. Don't feel anything .. No boost in well being or sex drive for that matter..

Will be using a different lab, a buddy of mine likes it and has used.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2015, 09:20:31 PM »
I would recommend you keep the test low, add anadrol over dbols , for one anadrol is highly androgenic to anabolic ratio , dbol is not!!!!!!!! Dbol will bloat you up especially at your BF% , also add low dose tren ace around 300-500 mg for as long as you can comfortably,  I ran 500mg weekly for 5 months straight at one time with low dose test and only had sleep issues. Run a low dose letro also to keep water weight down, 1.25mg every 3 days. Keep IN mind that the more fat cells you have the more estrogen receptors you have to bind to. Another option is run 50mg proviron and 50mg turinabol per day for the sole purpose that those 2 bind to the shgb receptor , meaning they bind up the estrogen receptors and don't allow aromitse crap to bind and allow more free flowing g test in your system. Proviron is androgenic turinabol anabolic. Turinabol is what dbol was supposed to be but even better


  • Getbig II
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2015, 10:59:44 PM »
I would recommend you keep the test low, add anadrol over dbols , for one anadrol is highly androgenic to anabolic ratio , dbol is not!!!!!!!! Dbol will bloat you up especially at your BF% , also add low dose tren ace around 300-500 mg for as long as you can comfortably,  I ran 500mg weekly for 5 months straight at one time with low dose test and only had sleep issues. Run a low dose letro also to keep water weight down, 1.25mg every 3 days. Keep IN mind that the more fat cells you have the more estrogen receptors you have to bind to. Another option is run 50mg proviron and 50mg turinabol per day for the sole purpose that those 2 bind to the shgb receptor , meaning they bind up the estrogen receptors and don't allow aromitse crap to bind and allow more free flowing g test in your system. Proviron is androgenic turinabol anabolic. Turinabol is what dbol was supposed to be but even better

Thank you for your response shrek! Very informative..
Tried to get Winstrol from my source, main purpose being cause of the shbg binding, but he only carries water based injectable, don't feel like dealing with that now. I'll try and see if he has any t Bol or proviron
How would this sound ... 1 cc test e. 3-4 ccs tren. 50 mg of anadrol daily. Would it make sense to add something for shbg with that low of a test? Can i get by with out using prami or caber? (I'll research  any alternatives)

In terms of diet, i would love to recomp with that cycle. Keep calories at maintaince or slightly above?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2015, 12:03:02 AM »

Thank you for your response shrek! Very informative..
Tried to get Winstrol from my source, main purpose being cause of the shbg binding, but he only carries water based injectable, don't feel like dealing with that now. I'll try and see if he has any t Bol or proviron
How would this sound ... 1 cc test e. 3-4 ccs tren. 50 mg of anadrol daily. Would it make sense to add something for shbg with that low of a test? Can i get by with out using prami or caber? (I'll research  any alternatives)

In terms of diet, i would love to recomp with that cycle. Keep calories at maintaince or slightly above?

Recomping is near impossible
IMO- start cutting down. You only need test for this
When shredded just add in some more drugs and carb up, increase training volume etc and you'll get great growth


  • Getbig III
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2015, 07:37:34 AM »
juice works better when you're really lean. Cut down to 8% or less on test only, even if you lose some muscle, doesn't matter. Then blast hard and you will blow the fuck up. Also, change your lab. On my first cycle on 500mg test e/week I gained 20 pounds in 7 weeks. If it's legit test you'll definitely know it is by at least week 5.


  • Getbig V
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2015, 09:43:25 AM »
Recomping is near impossible
IMO- start cutting down. You only need test for this
When shredded just add in some more drugs and carb up, increase training volume etc and you'll get great growth

Best advice so far.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2015, 09:21:05 AM »
Best advice so far.
sure , run test only for the next 3 months,  then PM me when you actually want to have results and a real transformation


  • Getbig V
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2015, 09:22:56 AM »
sure , run test only for the next 3 months,  then PM me when you actually want to have results and a real transformation

Ok, let's have him hop on all the best drugs right away. AFter all, he'a newbie so HE NEEDS all that gear right?



  • Getbig IV
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2015, 09:28:42 AM »
Ok, let's have him hop on all the best drugs right away. AFter all, he'a newbie so HE NEEDS all that gear right?

I ran Karachi organon sust ampule at 750mg stacked with British dispensary drol 100mg ed , wit alpha pharma NPP on my first real blast. He's been using test 10 weeks already , drop the mg of test and add some tissue builders , or androgens with a clean ass diet. If your gonna shut your system down then get the best results you can out of it.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2015, 09:31:40 AM »
Bro 90 % of your post are gossip,  look head back to topics about " what do you think this guy is running"  and leave the advice to the guys that might actually be feeding g those guys in question what they are running in order to achieve those results.


  • Getbig V
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2015, 09:39:23 AM »
He does not need more than 2 products for his given goal. Adding more than one procuct at a time will result in you not knowing what did what.

This is a marathon man, not a race....


  • Getbig IV
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2015, 09:43:37 AM »
He does not need more than 2 products for his given goal. Adding more than one procuct at a time will result in you not knowing what did what.

This is a marathon man, not a race....
see but if you know what your taking , why you Taking it , when to time it , how long to stay on each one , when to bridge them, then there's no issue with eating  multiple orals


  • Getbig V
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2015, 09:46:04 AM »
see but if you know what your taking , why you Taking it , when to time it , how long to stay on each one , when to bridge them, then there's no issue with eating  multiple orals

Yes, very good reply, but the OP is NEW to this and is why your reply is not helping him. YOu are answering based on what works for you...



  • Getbig IV
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2015, 09:50:07 AM »
Yes, very good reply, but the OP is NEW to this and is why your reply is not helping him. YOu are answering based on what works for you...

no I'm answering based on what works for many many many people I've designed cycles for , competitors and non, men of all ages and some women. there's tons of pharmacology research out there, let's just say I've had Dr bring in their interns to listen on my AAS explanations when I get blood work done


  • Getbig IV
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2015, 09:54:50 AM »
I'm doNE with this pissing contest....... fella PM me when your ready, I'm not busy at the moment taking time off to rest so I can help you understand the AAS stuff , don't waste time because your receptors are fresh and the first cycles have the potential to make the most of it


  • Getbig V
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2015, 09:57:50 AM »
no I'm answering based on what works for many many many people I've designed cycles for , competitors and non, men of all ages and some women. there's tons of pharmacology research out there, let's just say I've had Dr bring in their interns to listen on my AAS explanations when I get blood work done

LOL! I see, so just because you need a lot of shit, therefore so does he.
GreAT LOGIC and way to assume stuff.

Reading bloodwork does not equate you being genius as you claim....


  • Getbig II
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2015, 01:03:33 PM »
Thanks for your replies and concerns guys.. But to stay on test for God knows how much longer to get to single digits makes no sense to me. Just like shrek said, I'm looking for a body transformation! Arnt we all?!

I've decided to not "bulk" yet and burn bodyfat instead. Hopefully build some lean tissue on the way.
Will be using 1 cc of test E, 3 ccs of tren ace in the very beginning and see from there. Will have tbol on hand... Will probably save that when it's time to add muscle


  • Getbig IV
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2015, 01:23:46 PM »
That's what some say. That your body fat levels should be single digits. I think it makes no sense... AAS will still build muscle, correct? I'm no physique competitor, so won't be touching Masteron or drugs to make you dry... Where a low BF will be important..

I wouldn't mind gaining 20lbs and 5-6 lbs would be fat.. I'll just take care of that after the cycle.

Does deca really cause that much bloat? It aromatises 1/5 less x of testosterone.

I did gain my physique naturally. Been on some test 10 weeks. Haven't really noticed much gains tho. I think the test might be under dosed.. Don't feel anything .. No boost in well being or sex drive for that matter..

Will be using a different lab, a buddy of mine likes it and has used.

The starting at higher BF percentage negative effects are quite simple home boy.. If you're at 14% bf and running high doses you will aromatize more and you will have more issues with your blood pressure almost certainly will increase with DHT's and on your first blast as well when your body is not adjusted to these doses... also at 14% if you're using winny and masteron how the hell are you going to see the hardening effect if you have muffin tops?? If you're going to be eating in a surplus with deca + test and your deca is higher than your test expect to have a dick that DOES NOT work and to look like an estrogen whale if your diet is not dialed in.. You need to know the ratios needed and what to run to control your prolactin and test most certainly bunk if no results after 10 weeks


  • Getbig II
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2015, 09:48:29 PM »

The starting at higher BF percentage negative effects are quite simple home boy.. If you're at 14% bf and running high doses you will aromatize more and you will have more issues with your blood pressure almost certainly will increase with DHT's and on your first blast as well when your body is not adjusted to these doses... also at 14% if you're using winny and masteron how the hell are you going to see the hardening effect if you have muffin tops?? If you're going to be eating in a surplus with deca + test and your deca is higher than your test expect to have a dick that DOES NOT work and to look like an estrogen whale if your diet is not dialed in.. You need to know the ratios needed and what to run to control your prolactin and test most certainly bunk if no results after 10 weeks

Aware of everything u said ,,, you do like the assume though

Using test for the moment with some Tren ace..small where near a high dose ... Different lab from my previous one .. No Masteron or dht drugs for that matter . Although, thanks  for the input homeboy ...  ;)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2015, 12:17:03 AM »
imo cut down on a smaller dose of test
Then take test + tren in a dose you can stay on for 6 months without issues and start to bulk, 0.5kg/1lb weight gain a week


  • Getbig II
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2015, 03:40:08 AM »
Hey fellas, about to start my "first real blast" been on some test for roughly 10 weeks. Decided it's time to add some more compounds. Goals for this blast will be to gain lean muscle and keep body fat more or less where it's at. Body fat is around 14% now. I'm 6'0 23 years old and 215lb. I was thinking 2ccs of deca and test e. Or maybe just 2-3 ccs of deca and some dbols added to provide an androgen if I decide not to use test.

Lately haven't been keeping an eye on diet and macros, just eating ... But that will be changing. Will be keeping an estimate on macros. Will be following something like 100f/350c/250p

Training 5-6x a week. Legs, delts & triceps 2x a week-- everything else just once.
What do you all think would be best? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

See.what you basically need is loads of DECA 3-4 ml every week with an equal ml of tren E 200mg

If I was you which would have been decades
I would run something like 800mg of tren E , 4ml,,,with 1000mg DECA 250mg/ml
200mg test prop
That would bring you to 2g
This should be run for as ling as you can
You would bulk up while losing bf no matter what you do...ofcousre not go full retard on
Eat like a retard...not total retard lol keeping the macros in mind

You don't anything less than 2g a blast and yes it is completely OK if you have a couple of cycles under your belt to run this


  • Getbig V
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2015, 08:50:08 AM »
Not sure what the OP has done yet, but been almost a month since this thread has come up. Seems to me, gains should have been had by now no matter what route taken if really serious.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: First real blast.
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2015, 12:43:06 PM »
Not sure what the OP has done yet, but been almost a month since this thread has come up. Seems to me, gains should have been had by now no matter what route taken if really serious.
