Author Topic: insulin for strength  (Read 7634 times)


  • Getbig II
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insulin for strength
« on: June 15, 2015, 10:59:26 PM »
what kind of strength gains can be attributed to insulin?


  • Getbig V
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2015, 11:04:01 PM »
my lifts stay pretty much the same. Better pumps for sure, you look bigger, fuller on slin, some weight gain as well, but not really huge strength gains. My sweet spot is 30 units per day in 2 shots.


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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2015, 11:11:17 PM »
strength comes with weight... always. slin helps with that ;)
except for the strongest androgens (and stims) nothing makes you gain strength instantly


  • Getbig II
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2015, 11:16:52 PM »
yea that sounds about right, but i keep reading on forums and 50% of people are saying an increase of 5-15% in strength over a short period of time. (2-3 weeks) and most with less than you are using. the first part that really throws the whole % increase is the strength out the window is the level of strength the athlete is but i figure it was worth talking to a few guys with some experience.

so it wouldnt be something you would add into a cycle for strength?

up coming cycle is
test e 1500
deca 600-800
drol, dbol injectable and oral
tne leading into competitions
gh pharm grade 6iu per day


  • Getbig V
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2015, 11:20:09 PM »
yea that sounds about right, but i keep reading on forums and 50% of people are saying an increase of 5-15% in strength over a short period of time. (2-3 weeks) and most with less than you are using. the first part that really throws the whole % increase is the strength out the window is the level of strength the athlete is but i figure it was worth talking to a few guys with some experience.

so it wouldnt be something you would add into a cycle for strength?

up coming cycle is
test e 1500
deca 600-800
drol, dbol injectable and oral
tne leading into competitions
gh pharm grade 6iu per day

No idea if it's popular for your use. We do have a resident fat boy here who likes to post vids of his fat ass benching 500lbs but he also weights like 500lbs so not so impressive really....


  • Getbig II
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2015, 11:29:06 PM »
lol yea im a pretty big boy but im not 500 lmao
6'8" 350lb 20-22% also bench over 500

yea im not worried about gaining fat bc i know how to diet and eat clean but for the risk and pain in the ass i would want some decent size/strength.


  • Getbig V
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2015, 11:48:19 PM »
lol yea im a pretty big boy but im not 500 lmao
6'8" 350lb 20-22% also bench over 500

yea im not worried about gaining fat bc i know how to diet and eat clean but for the risk and pain in the ass i would want some decent size/strength.

Since you eat so much, very small chances you will go hypo. That's the good thing. Pretty sure a guy your size and all will need more than the average Joe, but I'd start low anyway.
The better "absoption" of amino acids and carbs can better your recover and for that alone, I think it can help you.

But I've never assited anyone in powerlifting/strength training for this, so not sure I can say what is best for you.

If you can stomach say 100gr of simple carbs intra training (will assume you get calories post training and you don't wait to long) then a simple pre workout shot of humalog would be a good place to start. I think that's hard to get in the US no script but not humalin R.

If you could time your pre workout meal 2 hrs pre workout (humalin R peaks right then) and drink your intra training drink with carbs (amino powder would not hurt) then humalin R could work here. It's gonna stay active a good 4 hrs later from the peak so take in another good 2 meals during that time to take advantage of better nutrient absorption.

I would start with either of the 2 choices here, but that's what I'd tell a bb'er so so have that checked to make sure it's ideal for your goals.

K, nice post made, back to being me...


  • Getbig II
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2015, 11:57:30 PM »
If I decide to give it a go I would def start low and I would want to get humalog so that it clears quicker and that would be easier with my work schedule considering I work 12 hours a day. I will put some thought in to it, appreciate your info


  • Getbig III
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2015, 08:21:40 AM »
If I decide to give it a go I would def start low and I would want to get humalog so that it clears quicker and that would be easier with my work schedule considering I work 12 hours a day. I will put some thought in to it, appreciate your info

I used some 300iu of slin once when I got a pen for free. What I learned:

1. Start low to test your sensitivity. Chances are your insulin sensitivity isn't the best due to weight, but there's other factors. Generally it's said 10g/iu put you on the safe side, but I'd start with 100g carbs/5iu (with a rapid acting insulin that is)
2. Always keep a can of coke (or similar around). One time I worked out early afternoon, got home, shot my 10iu, ate some 150g of carbs 15 min later + another 60-70g an hour later, then drove to a concert. When I got there after a 1 hour drive I was shaking, broke out in cold sweats, nauseated (only noticed all of this when I got out of the car, was feeling fine during the drive)... in other words: hypo. Even if you feel 100% sure, always have something on hand.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2015, 08:25:41 AM »
I used some 300iu of slin once when I got a pen for free. What I learned:

1. Start low to test your sensitivity. Chances are your insulin sensitivity isn't the best due to weight, but there's other factors. Generally it's said 10g/iu put you on the safe side, but I'd start with 100g carbs/5iu (with a rapid acting insulin that is)
2. Always keep a can of coke (or similar around). One time I worked out early afternoon, got home, shot my 10iu, ate some 150g of carbs 15 min later + another 60-70g an hour later, then drove to a concert. When I got there after a 1 hour drive I was shaking, broke out in cold sweats, nauseated (only noticed all of this when I got out of the car, was feeling fine during the drive)... in other words: hypo. Even if you feel 100% sure, always have something on hand.


you have to spread the carbs over the WHOLE duration the slin is active
= rapid slin starts to hit after 30mins, then for about 90mins.
for me starting to consume carbs about 30-40mins after injection and then continuously for the next 70-80min works perfectly

you gotta spread the carbs.
you can easily get away with 7-8g/iu most likely if you spread them out perfectly

eating 150g carbs right after shooting slin doesnt do shit, especially if its fast carbs...
look up blood sugar curves in response to fast carbs... dextrose for example barely even elevates you blood sugar for 30mins.
if you inject slin and immediately drink a dextrose shake your blood sugar will already be back AT BASELINE BEFORE the insulin even really starts to work.
plus it might get even worse because of reactive hypoglycemia
thats why you gotta spread it out.

thats what i learned, im still slin newbie though too. slin takes a lot of experimenting.


  • Getbig II
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2015, 02:25:13 PM »
how is the recovery after workouts with slin?


  • Getbig V
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2015, 04:11:32 PM »

you have to spread the carbs over the WHOLE duration the slin is active
= rapid slin starts to hit after 30mins, then for about 90mins.
for me starting to consume carbs about 30-40mins after injection and then continuously for the next 70-80min works perfectly

you gotta spread the carbs.
you can easily get away with 7-8g/iu most likely if you spread them out perfectly

eating 150g carbs right after shooting slin doesnt do shit, especially if its fast carbs...
look up blood sugar curves in response to fast carbs... dextrose for example barely even elevates you blood sugar for 30mins.
if you inject slin and immediately drink a dextrose shake your blood sugar will already be back AT BASELINE BEFORE the insulin even really starts to work.
plus it might get even worse because of reactive hypoglycemia
thats why you gotta spread it out.

thats what i learned, im still slin newbie though too. slin takes a lot of experimenting.

I tried to wait a bit past say 15 min of my humalog shot to take in carbs and that was a terrible idea, lol! How can you go so long without carbs? Your meal must have been closer to your shot.

I take my slin shot pre workout and it's 3 hours past my first meal. I find it hits faster when you have less food. I tried it twice just to see and I sweated out my gym clothes. Anyone who knows what it's like to sweat your ass off and how it makes you stink (or is it just me?) knows what I'm talking about.

To anyone starting this, gonna say to be very careful as I really would not wait so long to take in carbs.... I had to rush to my locker and eat 50 grams of candy on top of the 50 grams of carbs I had already drank. Finished my training with another 50 grams of gatorade to have my post shake. Was fine, but that could have been avoided had I done what i knew already worked...


  • Getbig IV
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2015, 11:24:49 PM »
I tried to wait a bit past say 15 min of my humalog shot to take in carbs and that was a terrible idea, lol! How can you go so long without carbs? Your meal must have been closer to your shot.

I take my slin shot pre workout and it's 3 hours past my first meal. I find it hits faster when you have less food. I tried it twice just to see and I sweated out my gym clothes. Anyone who knows what it's like to sweat your ass off and how it makes you stink (or is it just me?) knows what I'm talking about.

To anyone starting this, gonna say to be very careful as I really would not wait so long to take in carbs.... I had to rush to my locker and eat 50 grams of candy on top of the 50 grams of carbs I had already drank. Finished my training with another 50 grams of gatorade to have my post shake. Was fine, but that could have been avoided had I done what i knew already worked...

well, it was not a meal... whey shake in skim milk and candy.
candy INSTANTLY raises your blood sugar... within 2 minutes it goes up
it was always enough for me to have that 20-30mins after the shot
with a whole food meal it takes slightly longer, but humalog only really hits after 30mins+ so that shouldnt be an issue either...

nowadays i drink my whey shake at the same time i inject slin (but its just 50g whey in half a litre skim milk, so ~25g carbs)
then 30mins later i hit the gym and start snacking on candy :>


  • Getbig IV
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2015, 05:17:12 AM »
What I like to do is make cream of rice (it's essentially micronized rice that you mix with water) for all the carbs you want, 80-100 probably, then mix in a tablespoon of nut butter for 10g of fats or so

Mix it all up, take shot then start drinking. No need to guzzle all at once
The fats will slow the release of the carbs, there is no GI distress also because it's powdered rice so all the blood is in the muscles, not in the stomach/gut

If eating 10g of fat with a slin shot fucks up your body composition then you have other issues so lets not even talk about that


  • Getbig V
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2015, 07:58:45 PM »
well, it was not a meal... whey shake in skim milk and candy.
candy INSTANTLY raises your blood sugar... within 2 minutes it goes up
it was always enough for me to have that 20-30mins after the shot
with a whole food meal it takes slightly longer, but humalog only really hits after 30mins+ so that shouldnt be an issue either...

nowadays i drink my whey shake at the same time i inject slin (but its just 50g whey in half a litre skim milk, so ~25g carbs)
then 30mins later i hit the gym and start snacking on candy :>

I missed the part of you drinking the shake right after your shot, now it makes sense. But I stick with gatorade as I like to add 20gr bcaa inside it...


  • Getbig IV
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2015, 02:06:15 AM »
I missed the part of you drinking the shake right after your shot, now it makes sense. But I stick with gatorade as I like to add 20gr bcaa inside it...
thats what i do nowadays

when i started out i consumed my shake 30mins post shot
and that was on empty stomach too (>3 hours no meal)
i could feel going slightly hypo at the 30min mark, but it was like chugging a pre workout, always gave some kind of boost. fight or flight response, adrenaline i guess.
 its quite nice if you know how to control it actually


  • Getbig IV
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2015, 08:26:14 PM »
yeah going hypo releases shit loads of adrenaline
that's why you sweat and get the shakes


  • Getbig IV
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2015, 09:36:44 PM »
what kind of strength gains can be attributed to insulin?

Strength will come from insulin but is the least effective in terms of Lb for lb as the weight gain is too drastic and the fact that insulin is the most anabolic thing in the human body can also be deceiving for that reason..Say for example you train on 1000mg test 600mg EQ for 2 months and you gain 12 lbs, strength on bench goes up 30 lbs.. Insulin will gain 30 lbs...Weight on bench will go up 12...Something to that ration.. Lb for lb is not good for strength gains..But good for strength gains overall..If you do not understand that concept, that is too bad

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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2015, 06:52:41 AM »
I tried to wait a bit past say 15 min of my humalog shot to take in carbs and that was a terrible idea, lol! How can you go so long without carbs? Your meal must have been closer to your shot.

I take my slin shot pre workout and it's 3 hours past my first meal. I find it hits faster when you have less food. I tried it twice just to see and I sweated out my gym clothes. Anyone who knows what it's like to sweat your ass off and how it makes you stink (or is it just me?) knows what I'm talking about.

To anyone starting this, gonna say to be very careful as I really would not wait so long to take in carbs.... I had to rush to my locker and eat 50 grams of candy on top of the 50 grams of carbs I had already drank. Finished my training with another 50 grams of gatorade to have my post shake. Was fine, but that could have been avoided had I done what i knew already worked...
you are an idiot and whomever advised you is also an idiot


  • Getbig V
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2015, 08:10:38 AM »
you are an idiot and whomever advised you is also an idiot

Says the scrawny idiot of all idiots.


  • Getbig III
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2015, 01:33:48 AM »
Does insulin use eventually ruin physiques (palumboism etc.)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2015, 03:50:59 AM »
Does insulin use eventually ruin physiques (palumboism etc.)

Yes...Used in 300 units a day in conjunction with GH it can be a huge problem over a period of time..Doesn't really set in for a bit though..This is why we see bodybuilders suddenly gain so much size and then they PEAK and this is not just professional bodybuilder, this is youtube celebrities, local guys we know etc. There is a difference between temporary distention and permanent distention..Most bodybuilders will be abl to time when they have least distention with the size benefit by maybe shooting up insulin back stage before a show and they're done posing by the time they start to bloat..


  • Getbig II
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2015, 10:16:15 PM »
Is the distended gut look from insulin alone permanent? I like running hummulin r 2x a day 15ius each shot so 30ius a day... For 7 days a week... I'll only not take it if I want to eat crap the entire day. Let's say you start getting a gut and stop the insulin, run some tren start doing cardio clean up the diet a bit, will the gut be permanent??


  • Getbig V
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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2015, 10:19:08 PM »
Is the distended gut look from insulin alone permanent? I like running hummulin r 2x a day 15ius each shot so 30ius a day... For 7 days a week... I'll only not take it if I want to eat crap the entire day. Let's say you start getting a gut and stop the insulin, run some tren start doing cardio clean up the diet a bit, will the gut be permanent??

No the gut won't be permanent. I think people just get worried a bit as they're eating more food on slin so it's normal you can have more bloat and distention.

15 units twice a day of R is good though. Most eat enough cals while on mass to run that much and not even have to change a thing. They will just gain size... YOu could always run some clen while using the slin to avoid fat gains.

If anything is left to lose, a short run of tren for 3-6 weeks should clear that up.


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Re: insulin for strength
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2015, 01:03:39 AM »
the gut is from insulin resistance caused by high dose GH and being on slin 24/7 (=long acting slin thats active day and night)
its the exact same gut diabetics have.
long acting slin is complete shit and causes nearly instant insulin resistance. look it up, there are studies on that...