catching up 2 workouts to report,,going with the girls overnight indoor water park down south jersey 'coco key'for the night..
delts /bi/forearms
side /fr/rear raise trisets x3 15/20/20 lb dbells,,usually 25 lbs getting strenght back slowly
...these went well
fr presses x4..started light ,,rom to a certain point then it gets a bit pained ,,worked up to 105 ,what are ya going to do
premade curl bar upright rows ,,pain free here/50 60/70/
side cable raises x3..light here
premade curl bar 60/70/80/80..some pain 'front delt gets stretched on these'
seated curl pain ,,125/140/155
db curls 30/35/35
reverse wrist curls bar behind back
rope rolls weighted
sat leg day,,,,1 hr took
leg press 5 plates side /6/7/7/felt great on these..legs are back to full strenght .12/12/10/10
v squat 3/4/5/ plates side 10/10/8
walking lunges gym floor with 45 lnb kettles
extensions 195/205/225 sets 12
single leg standing leg curls 80/90/100
sldl ,,used 25's plates instead 45's for stretch..145/195/245..
seated calf raise 3 plates/3.5/4/4/4,,,,reps/15/12/10/8/8/playing with heavier weight lower reps for calves at times ..