Author Topic: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?  (Read 24918 times)

i love to wrestle

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How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« on: September 16, 2015, 12:16:43 AM »
After months and months of preparation and having not placed must break a guys heart. I always feel horrible when I see the losers leave the stage not to flex anymore for the particular show.


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2015, 04:01:32 AM »
After months and months of preparation and having not placed must break a guys heart. I always feel horrible when I see the losers leave the stage not to flex anymore for the particular show.

I can't tell if you're joking or not but i would always usually have another show coming up soon when i was competing so i accepted that i wasn't gonna win every show i was competing in so it didn't matter to me...I was just happy to be on stage with some of the people that i was....The food helps ;) lots of times on stage i would just be thinking of food...This is what prep does to you sometimes...It's not really till the week after or so when you're in a more "healthy-state" that you can really reflect accurately on the loss/win i found...


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2015, 10:30:28 PM »
Just like anyone else having a bad time..


  • Getbig V
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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2015, 03:18:56 AM »
After months and months of preparation and having not placed must break a guys heart. I always feel horrible when I see the losers leave the stage not to flex anymore for the particular show.

You can always give him head gimmick!


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2015, 09:36:36 AM »
After months and months of preparation and having not placed must break a guys heart. I always feel horrible when I see the losers leave the stage not to flex anymore for the particular show.

Just a bump in the road, a family member would get disheartened but would get a cheeseburger in him and he'd be talking about how he was gonna come back next year even better.

Went on to take national overall and has placed in the top mix at the international level multiple years in multiple classes.

Still trains and competes, money is no object, when you love it you love it.


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2015, 09:38:07 AM »
Just a bump in the road, a family member would get disheartened but would get a cheeseburger in him and he'd be talking about how he was gonna come back next year even better.

Went on to take national overall and has placed in the top mix at the international level multiple years in multiple classes.

Still trains and competes, money is no object, when you love it you love it.

And by that i mean, winner's are the ones that don't need consolidation.


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2015, 01:28:02 AM »
Are you genovas friend?
Mr. AZ 2003

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2015, 01:32:17 AM »
I can't tell if you're joking or not but i would always usually have another show coming up soon when i was competing so i accepted that i wasn't gonna win every show i was competing in so it didn't matter to me...I was just happy to be on stage with some of the people that i was....The food helps ;) lots of times on stage i would just be thinking of food...This is what prep does to you sometimes...It's not really till the week after or so when you're in a more "healthy-state" that you can really reflect accurately on the loss/win i found...
like a friend pf mine, he  had really suffered on his diet and didnt come to the finals i asked him how he felt but he said he didnr give a shit cause the only thing on his mind was  all the crap food tvat was waiting for him on mcdonalds lål

Derrick Rigg

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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2017, 02:42:46 PM »
Tell them the truth about their condition in the contest. Don't be ugly about it.

The guy will either have a fire lite under him to improve. Or they will get depressed and not put in the work to get where they need to be.

That happened to me at 232. Pro bodybuilder hold me I was too small. Started powerlifting and then went back to bodybuilding. Now, I stay in 265-295 contest/offseason.

Simple Simon

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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2017, 02:32:55 AM »
Tell them the truth about their condition in the contest. Don't be ugly about it.

The guy will either have a fire lite under him to improve. Or they will get depressed and not put in the work to get where they need to be.

That happened to me at 232. Pro bodybuilder hold me I was too small. Started powerlifting and then went back to bodybuilding. Now, I stay in 265-295 contest/offseason.

can you please stay in the G&O with your gimmick shot, this isnt the place for your nonsense...
mr 8inch not biceps/....


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2020, 04:36:00 PM »
This is one of those times when the less said the better.


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2020, 03:43:59 AM »
No one is a loser who gets a plastic participation trophy.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2020, 09:17:44 AM »
If you are a competitor who just defeated the other guy do what Chuck Norris used to do after having defeated an opponent.  He would shake his hand and say " thanks for the match and you had some points there the judge/referee didn't even see and if they did you would have won.  Good luck on your future and I look forward to competing against you again."

They called it killing them with kindness.  There were actually competitors who said they hesitated throwing punches during their matches with Norris because they liked him so much.


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2020, 03:37:48 AM »
Jason Jew-Nova came in 3rd Bro, its all "politik" bro. 3rd out of 3 bro, its sick, its piss.


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2020, 06:38:20 PM »
Maybe tell them to direct their energy into a career and to give up the drugs. Keep training hard but don't make it their sole desire in life. Tell them to put their priorities in order as  Vince Lombardi put it. Your first priority is God, the second is your family and lastly is the Green Bay Packers. If you have your priorities in order you will win. Meaning put your effort into God, your family and your career. Last is posing oiled up in a thong in front of admiring men while you pose to music juiced to the gills.

    Don't get me wrong. I have been lifting and training for over 45 years. In my 60's I look good I vainly type but no one would ever confuse me with a competing bodybuilder. The sport of bodybuilding is based on drug use. Take away the drugs and the sport would cease to exit. No one is flying to Las Vegas to see a true drugless bodybuilding championship. If bodybuilding competitions are your passion then train hard before or after work. Compete in natural contests knowing many are using testosterone injections that they use in doses no doctor would prescribe for hormone replacement.  Push it to the max but don't throw your life away pretending it's more important than what it is. Priorities.


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2020, 06:49:53 PM »
I'd tell them to up the anabolics.
Add GH.
Add peptides.
Add sarms.
Add diuretics.

Finally, and this is just the finishing touch, I'd tell them to routinely suck off the most muscular man in whatever gym he trains at. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2020, 08:00:07 PM »
I'd tell them to up the anabolics.
Add GH.
Add peptides.
Add sarms.
Add diuretics.

Finally, and this is just the finishing touch, I'd tell them to routinely suck off the most muscular man in whatever gym he trains at.

Anabolic steroids
Androgen steroids like testosterone
Growth hormone
anti estrogens
site oil injections
cattle hormones like tren that causes lung cancer and a limp dick.

After taking all of this  to get a third place $100 trophy when you paid $200 dollar entry fee. All for the admiration of the clueless who think you actually looked that jacked without the assist. 


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2020, 03:23:10 PM »
Anabolic steroids
Androgen steroids like testosterone
Growth hormone
anti estrogens
site oil injections
cattle hormones like tren that causes lung cancer and a limp dick.

After taking all of this  to get a third place $100 trophy when you paid $200 dollar entry fee. All for the admiration of the clueless who think you actually looked that jacked without the assist.

The list is longer than that.  ;)

Most bodybuilders i know do it for personal achievement.  The trophy means little to them.  Sure there are egotistical people who do it for attention, but all sports have that.

To be fair, i used to race my Corvette in amateur racing leagues all over the country.  I'd spend $10-15k a year easily just to have a chance to race for $1500 and a set of racing slicks at the final race of the year.  We all put our money, health and lifestyle on the line to do what makes us happy, no matter how shallow it is.  It used to scare my GF and parents to death when i'd race; it's driving on the razors edge 100% of the time.  600hp car that weighed 2900 pounds.  Sure i have a cage and fire suppression system, but that doesn't always work.  Lots of people get trapped in burning cars every year.

I competed in Power lifting for 11 years, have a few dozen plastic trophies.  At the time it felt fantastic, but today it's just meh.

That's just the nature of humans.  I could have died in a fiery car crash many times, but it never crossed my mind.  Going through high speed off camber turns at 120+ MPH with a concrete barrier only 30 feet offset.  Seen many bad wrecks, but lucky for me i only spun out a few times and tagged a rubber tire wall in the rain.

Look at all these kids that train their entire life to try and become a pro athlete; baseball, football, basketball.  Their parents spend tens of thousands of dollars a year.  Are they doing it for their child's chance at becoming wealthy or personal achievement?  My best friend spends 20k a YEAR on batting/fielding lessons for his teenage boy.  He's a great player, but i doubt he will go pro.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2023, 01:58:00 AM »
Lol at them.


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Re: How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2023, 09:53:44 AM »
I can't tell if you're joking or not but i would always usually have another show coming up soon when i was competing so i accepted that i wasn't gonna win every show i was competing in so it didn't matter to me...I was just happy to be on stage with some of the people that i was....The food helps ;) lots of times on stage i would just be thinking of food...This is what prep does to you sometimes...It's not really till the week after or so when you're in a more "healthy-state" that you can really reflect accurately on the loss/win i found...

If this is real - the answer is simple.  If a particular competitor wants it bad enough, then be better.  Go back in the cellar, forget about social media and pics and vids and being comfortable and getting a pump and start doing some serious work.  Be strict and diligent with the diet and put in the time.  Work your abs and your calves and your forearms as hard as you work the other muscles.  Practice your mandatories until you can do them on demand and hold for 30 seconds without flinching.  Get sleep.  Work on stretching and flexibility and injury prevention.  Return to basics every 5 to 6 wéeks for a workout cycle or two.  Get a chip on your shoulder the size of the rock of Gibraltor.  That is what "be better" means.