Author Topic: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?  (Read 11507 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #75 on: November 30, 2015, 04:28:02 PM »
I'm not updating anything moron. I'm reinstating original understanding. 
It was changed to appease you pink booties. You're getting upset because it's being changed back.
It's part of the reason Rome took for themselves and changed it to fit their empire.

Christians are in for a rude awakening when things don't go as they think. lol...

The rudest awakening Christians will get is when they die and there is nothing. Remember before you were born? No? Exactly. Soon as you die that is all there is. Same for Hitler, Pol Pot, Mother Theresa, you and I.

The Ugly

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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #76 on: November 30, 2015, 04:31:26 PM »
The rudest awakening Christians will get is when they die and there is nothing. Remember before you were born? No? Exactly. Soon as you die that is all there is. Same for Hitler, Pol Pot, Mother Theresa, you and I.

No awakenings for anyone, dead is done. No life after death, just death after life.

Merry Christmas!

The Ugly

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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #77 on: November 30, 2015, 04:44:14 PM »
Private organizations can do whatever they want (as you know). If people don't like it, don't furnish their business. Its a companies right to remove a snowflake, just like its your right not to buy their coffee.

Not to mention that Starbucks CONTINUED to sell Christmas Items in their store! lol

Cool, because I'm gonna allow smoking in the bar I open. Also, no fags, minorities (maybe Mexians), or ugly chicks, but I'll have one of those "We reserve the right" signs for them.

Gonna be great, stop by.


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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #78 on: November 30, 2015, 04:51:44 PM »
No, I'm a true grinch.  It's a 100 degrees.  Never feels like Christmas to me.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #79 on: November 30, 2015, 04:55:40 PM »
No awakenings for anyone, dead is done. No life after death, just death after life.

Merry Christmas!

More reason to be a good person now and leave a legacy rather than be a judgmental prick and hope you will be rewarded after you die.


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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #80 on: November 30, 2015, 05:15:41 PM »
Cool, because I'm gonna allow smoking in the bar I open. Also, no fags, minorities (maybe Mexians), or ugly chicks, but I'll have one of those "We reserve the right" signs for them.

Gonna be great, stop by.

Dumb post of the year.



  • Getbig IV
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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #81 on: November 30, 2015, 06:04:26 PM »
Jesus wasn't born on December 25th, almost all biblical scholars agree on that.  The bible was never meant to be taken literally, or read as a history book.  Only religious fanatics do so, and this is where the problem lies.

The Ugly

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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #82 on: November 30, 2015, 08:08:17 PM »
Dumb post of the year.


Wow, butthurt strong with ignorer.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #83 on: November 30, 2015, 08:16:07 PM »
Jesus wasn't born on December 25th, almost all biblical scholars agree on that.  The bible was never meant to be taken literally, or read as a history book.  Only religious fanatics do so, and this is where the problem lies.

Religious people also seem to get bent out of a shape when a snowflake is removed from their coffee cup, even though the bible never mentions anything about snowflakes.  :-\ :-\

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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #84 on: November 30, 2015, 11:10:24 PM »
Not a huge fan of decorating right after Thanksgiving, but the lady of the house insisted and I obliged with the first round of lights. I'll throw up some more in the next several weeks.  8)


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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #85 on: November 30, 2015, 11:55:37 PM »
Cue 10 pages of religious / metaphysical debate....
haha have any stock picks for me?

Man of Steel

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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #86 on: December 01, 2015, 06:06:48 AM »
Why did you link to me what i already know? We have a temple here in Newgrange set up so the inner chamber lights up on December 21st when sun rises.... and it predates pyramids by 1000 years.

I think some theologians believe Jesus was born in February, like me  ;D, but this is all an aside. I would say even if I were religious Christmas is tainted for me. I don't have my son Christmas morning because of the great legal system we have for seperated fathers and i do not like the whole bullshit of one emotion or event being given a date. See your family at Thanksgiving and be romantic on Valentine's day and buy a present at Christmas. Fuck that.

I bought my gf a present a couple months ago cos she was speaking  about how much she wanted it blah blah and i had had a good week money wise so why not. I lied and said i was getting milk and got it. Meant much more than if i had hoarded it til Christmas or her birthday (annoyingly close to Christmas) when my work/income normally takes a dive.

In case you wanted to discuss is all.

Man of Steel

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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #87 on: December 01, 2015, 07:41:26 AM »
Are you out of your non-cotton pickin' mind?

Yes, sometimes I am LOL.

You christians refuse to open your Bibles and read what's in them are going to have many issues.

Many Christians don’t read their bibles this is true.  I don’t happen to be one of those Christians.

You eat pork and other unclean foods

Yes I do.  And I answered you on this awhile back:

Here we have the notion of clean and unclean foods in relation to the new covenant.  

The early Israelites were called by God to be holy or “set apart” from the pagan nations around them and they adhered to law and practices that made that distinction more evident.   Folks often say, “why is it a sin to eat lobster?”   It’s not that the lobster is bad or unclean in and of itself, but the Israelites were set apart and did not blur the lines in all aspects of their lives.   They ate fish because fish were animals meant only for water and  did not have mixed physical characteristics like shellfish/lobsters do.  Lobsters can survive in and out of water and have a mix of features designed for land and water so they were temporarily deemed “unclean” for purposes of maintaining the idea of distinction while the nation of Israel developed.  Man then began to include other cultural concepts that indicated distinctiveness such as cultural practices for hair and head coverings, but as Paul mentions in these passages of scripture we are to “judge for ourselves” the appropriateness of these customs.  

It was Christ that told the Pharisees:

Mark 7:15
15 There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.

 Of course there are some that will say the passage focuses on eating food with unwashed hands versus eating food with the customary washed hands.   Further Christ was condemning Pharisetical traditions that they tended to place above God’s law.  In my opinion, he addressed both the concept of placing “customs and traditions” ahead of his law (as Paul noted in his passage about headship) while at the same time indicating that eating an animal of mixed characteristics does not defile a person or then break a law….it’s sin that defiles man.  Ultimately Christ came to fulfill the law and become the curse for the law so that man can be made righteous.

Still we can further consider Peter's vision in Acts in which God deemed animals clean for eating:

Acts 10:9-16
9 On the next day, as they were on their way and approaching the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour to pray. 10 But he became hungry and was desiring to eat; but while they were making preparations, he fell into a trance; 11 and he *saw the sky opened up, and an object like a great sheet coming down, lowered by four corners to the ground, 12 and there were in it all kinds of four-footed animals and crawling creatures of the earth and birds of the air. 13 A voice came to him, “Get up, Peter, kill and eat!” 14 But Peter said, “By no means, Lord, for I have never eaten anything [g]unholy and unclean.” 15 Again a voice came to him a second time, “What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.” 16 This happened three times, and immediately the object was taken up into the sky.

You made Christ white

No, I actually don’t hold to the soft, effeminate, beautiful, blue-eyed (or light-eyed), white-skinned, long-flowing and light-brown haired Jesus as depicted by European artists (ex: Italian Renaissance painters).

Jesus Christ most likely had a combination of darkish brown or ruddy (reddish) colored skin with a typical beard and moustache for men in that region in that period.  He was most likely rougher in appearance given his profession and did not have gorgeous flowing, straight hair.  Long hair was considered abomination in that culture....a mixing of male and female characteristics that defy the headship of God as established in scripture.

Further, as scripture states, Christ’s appearance would not have made him standout.  He was a common man in that region…..not a beautiful man that would’ve drawn attention.

You changed his name

God has many names.  “I AM” being one of the most predominant.

God is referred to as Yah, Yeshua, Yahsua and other such renderings.  We also see the tetragrammaton "YHWH" for Jehovah or Yahweh.  In the greek NT the word Jesus (can't write the greek) begins with an “I” and the name Jesus was transliterated from the English pronouncement of that greek.

I have prayed to my Lord and Savior and referred to him as Jesus and Yeshua.  I know the Hebrew Israelities often say his name is “Yah, the Most High”.

Again, God has many names in scripture.

You changed the color of the Hebrews

Actually, you changed the color of the Hebrews to “all black”.   I already acknowledge that the Hebrews were not white.  They were brown, black and reddish people primarily.

We have plenty of Egyptian artifacts depicting these folks as black, brown, reddish, lighter brown, etc.

You celebrate pagan Holidays

Actually pagans celebrate pagan holidays, but we discussed that already above, but here it is again:

The only problem with your argument is that no one in the church worships Christmas trees or Nimrod.  The tree is not an's merely simple decor.

Asherah poles are also referenced in scripture in Jeremiah and are idols of wood harvested from the trees in the forest for purposes of worship of the false God Asher/ has nothing to do with Christmas trees.  Your interpretation is a false hermaneutic and eisegeitcal interpretation of the text.   These scriptures were written hundreds of years before Christ, Christians, Christmas, etc....nothing to do with Christmas whatsoever.  Neither does Christmas relate to the winter solstace, the birth of Horus, Osiris or any mystery God of the mediterranean or Egypt.  

It no longer holds any pagan influence except for those that persist in forcing it's origins upon it.....which were changed for Christ's eliminate the idolatry.  

Pagan traditions have been subverted by the church and Dec 25th used to celebrate the birth of our God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  This is the ultimate slap in the face for those who oppose Jesus Christ.  

You know what other symbol of pain, suffering and death has been forever changed for Jesus Christ's glory?  The cross of crucifixion.  And it's origins also had nothing to do with Christ, Christianity or the church.

As I noted in my previous reply, we don't know the exact date of Christ's birth.  Some say the Spring and some the Fall.   Regardless, live for him daily and join the time of worship on the 25th.  

If you prefer to continue to align the 25th with an antiquated pagan celebration and ideology then so be it....that's your choice.  The rest of Christ's body of believers will lift him up and worship him....that's the point friend.  

Further, we started this discussion on Monday.  Monday is derived from the pagan "Moon-day" and both you, me and church recognize Monday (that is derived from pagan traditions) yet the church, Christ and scripture remains undefiled.  The pagan tradition no longer has any influence or authority over the topic.....praise God!!

You think you're going to heaven when the bible says the Kingdom is coming here (Thy Kingdom come)

Actually, we’re going to exist on God’s new earth that he will create and establish.  He will destroy the current earth and heavens.  God’s new earth will be a new “heaven”.  Currently God dwells in his heaven which transcends our physical universe.   Our eternity won’t be an existence in his current heaven.

You say the law is done away with when SIN is transgression of the law

Actually, I abide by what scripture says and have addressed this before briefly.

Sin is as an offense against God.  God is just, the law is God and the law is just.  We break his law defiantly and offend him (or sin).  

Believers in Christ are saved by grace through faith in Christ and thereby deemed righteous and justified before the throne of God.  We are saved from God’s wrath and are sanctified by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and subject to his will for our lives.  We forgo of our individual will and align ourselves with his will.   That process of sanctification does not remove our sinful tendencies, but it’s also not a license to sin.  As believers in Christ we adopt a repentant heart and completely turn away from our sin as best we are able.   It’s the Holy Spirit that guides our future walk with our Savior in Christ and helps us to live as the salt and light for the world.  Though we may stumble we are assured that we cannot be snatched from his hand.   A relationship with Christ is about a lifelong journey in which we do all we can to emulate him though we will not escape the trappings of sin until he returns to claim his church.  There is only one that ever existed in the person of Jesus Christ who was without sin.

The OT sacrificial and ceremonial laws have been done away with and a new convenant established.  The moral law is still in effect.  Paul’s letters affirm a clear reinstitution of all the 10 commandments….the Sabbath withstanding….discussed this previously as well:

Yes, the Sabbath is actually Saturday (the last day of the week where God rested).  Christ himself kept the Sabbath.  If it is good enough for Christ why isn’t it good enough for the church?  

It was the church of Rome that changed the weekly day of worship and fellowship from Saturday to Sunday and Reformed churches maintained this change.   Now, I can’t speak to the full history of the change (I’m sure it’s a google away), but I do know a change was made and I’ve seen no scripture that indicates that Sunday is the new Sabbath.  All I know is that Christ said that he is the Lord of the Sabbath and that we are to serve him.  The Sabbath is not an example of man-made, religious custom up for interpretation….it was a divine law to be kept for the Jews.  Christians worship on Sundays because Christ rose from the grave on Sunday.....hence the term "Resurrection Sunday".  Pagans may have worshipped a sun god and therefore "Sunday" was the pagan day of worship, but the Christian church didn't align with the pagans but again helped subvert pagan worship with the weekly celebration of Christ's Sunday resurrection.  

My church actually holds formal sevices on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturday and Sundays…..many churches are doing the same and I believe things are moving in the right direction.  Reformed churches do not hold to the Sabbath as this OT commandment was not renewed in NT scripture.

Now, I would also add that as followers of Christ we’re basically commanded to keep every day holy.  As Christ said, we should "hunger and thirst for righteousness".  A day of fellowship and worship is a time to come together and worship our Lord and Savior and fellowship with one another as a body of believers in Christ.   This commands naturally extends to the entirety of the week in that we are to extend fellowship with one another, worship the Lord our God, be that “salt and light” for the world and keep faithful and righteousness regardless of the day or hour.  

You acknowledge the Edomites as the chosen vs. actual people

Actually, I acknowledge the Israelites as the chosen people as stated in scripture.  God hated Esau; although Esau was not white.

The Israelites were not a clan of European-looking white folks.  They were dark-skinned men, women and children.....dark brown, light brown, tan, ruddish (reddy) and black.

Gentiles have been grafted into God’s plan of salvation due to his loving, enduring grace and mercy.

So many groups claim to be “the chosen people”….the BHI are just one of many and all are deadest they’re right.

You believe in a rapture that's not in the bible

I addressed this before with you as well and that is not my position:

The word “rapture” is not mentioned in scripture much like the word “trinity” is not mentioned.  Yet the demonstration of both is present in scripture.  Now, I am not a pre-tribulation rapture adherent.  I belief all followers of Christ will be subject to the great tribulation if they are alive at that time.  We will be joined with our Lord and "caught up with him in the clouds" upon his return after that period of tribulation is past.  There will be no sudden "vanishing of believers" or pre-tribulation rapture.  I've read the "Left Behind" series of books, but only because I sometimes enjoy fiction.

This is just for starters...You all, white AND black christians have a day of reckoning coming soon and you're going to be running to us (Hebrews that are conscious) for help.  Your heart is in the right place but you are lost and confused. There will be a time assuming you're still alive ("Lord willing") that you'll come to an understanding. Shalom

Remember this post...

I’m sorry Wiggs but your words don’t threaten me in the least and unfortunately you’re not my brother in Christ.  You’ve adopted a reimagining of scripture based upon racial hatred and self-serving idolatry.   I remember your “I’ll take on any priest or pastor” comments…..such hubris.  Believers boast in Christ not in themselves.  They also don’t curse people or threaten people or seek people destroyed.  Believers in Christ present his gospel message of grace and wrath.  They present the truth to win souls for his kingdom and his glory.

Thing is, I typically recognize when the Holy Spirit is in someone or not.   The fruits of that individual bear that undeniable indwelling and change of character.  Unfortunately what I see from you often does not align with Christ and that worries me…..I don’t recognize the Holy Spirit in you.    What I do see is that the BHI devote worship to whom they claim to be….the focus is you and not Christ.  That’s no teaching of Jesus Christ….that’s demonic in origin.

To be clear, I’m not at all worried about the theology of the BHI.  The Holy Spirit that is within me helps provide guidance and indicates when a doctrine is unsound or anti-Christ.   I’m not an expert on all things theology (it would arrogant of me to boast as such), but I know when I’m confronted with something that is not of Christ that the Spirit often shakes me and red flags arise within me.  This doctrine you support is all red flags in my spirit.  

Give your heart to Christ today.  I beg you to set aside the foolishness of men and surrender, humbly before God.   I believe you to be a good man with a heart desirous of truth and worship of God.  It pains me greatly to see good, kind-hearted people fall prey to these sorts of things.    Unfortunately there will be more and more of it.   I hate that it has come to do this, but I support Jesus Christ and spread his gospel and I don’t tremble at the words of men because of he who lives within me.

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #88 on: December 01, 2015, 07:49:21 AM »
Dude, how come those bottom quotes have your name on them instead of his? Those are his words.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #89 on: December 01, 2015, 08:14:26 AM »
i feel so sad for the soccer dads whos bitchy wife makes them go put lights up. Fuck that shit. Im inside smoking weed getting rdy for the gym after banging some bitch while youre wife is masterbating to me and you hang lights up.


I masterbate to their wives masterbating to you.


Man of Steel

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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #90 on: December 02, 2015, 08:25:16 AM »
Not a huge fan of decorating right after Thanksgiving, but the lady of the house insisted and I obliged with the first round of lights. I'll throw up some more in the next several weeks.  8)

Hey, when the lady insists it's best you make it happen!   ;)

Man of Steel

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Re: Now that Thanksgiving is past has anyone decorated for Christmas?
« Reply #91 on: December 03, 2015, 11:41:44 AM »
Dude, how come those bottom quotes have your name on them instead of his? Those are his words.

I copied and paste the wrong quotes around his text is all...I'll fix it.....thanks for the catch.