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  • Getbig V
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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #150 on: March 12, 2006, 06:34:42 AM »
Some of that oil dissipates.  The rest just stays because it clogs up the veins.  Imagine what that junk does to your body circulating in your system.  You can see the injection sites on his arms.  They have to use large gauge needles because the oil is so thick.  Can you say ouch!


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #151 on: March 12, 2006, 08:46:21 AM »
....jesus, this is a retarded thread on a retarded topic.

But what's the most retarded thing I've read?

That "synthol leaves a hole behind after it's dissipated and that hole can now be 'filled' with new muscle tissue"....and the only backup for anybody trying to dispute it being..."do your research".

Well. dumb it doesn't even warrant a response.  Since I didn't make the retarded statement that Synthol indirectly causes MUSCLE GROWTH, I don't have to back up jack shit.  Let's let the fool (who knows who he is) 'stun' us with this 'research' that PROVES his obviously ridiculous theory.

...utterly ridiculous. 


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #152 on: March 12, 2006, 11:34:45 AM »

It's funny how everyone tries to post up their supposed credentails and history but none of them know what the f**k they are talking about.

Then please educate us as to the exact mechanism by which synthol creates an anabolic environment or contributes to muscle growth.

That's a pretty simple question for an expert such as yourself.

Special Ed

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #153 on: March 12, 2006, 09:31:48 PM »
I saw Valentino in the mall one day and I nearly threw up. The last time I saw something that purple was when I tied a rubber band around my cock and balls.

Special "Asexual Reproducer" Ed


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #154 on: March 12, 2006, 09:41:54 PM »
Thanx for the visual.  :D


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #155 on: March 12, 2006, 11:56:04 PM »
I love the matching tattoos.


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #156 on: March 13, 2006, 02:42:40 PM »
hey apollo i put some sythnol in my pit bull to make it more muscular but not it just looks like Valentino,,,how soon before the anabolic action takes place and i have a bigger badass dog??????

Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #157 on: March 13, 2006, 04:25:55 PM »
Well sir...if you have been lifting for TEN YEARS ,and lifting steady.....and can only do a few curls with a 60 pound dumbell...then  either you were pitifully weak when you started,or you have obviously not been doing something right..whether it be diet or intensity of workouts or just bad form...or all of the above.So given that scenario...why would anyone think that you would know what you were talking about in regards to weight training and/ or muscle?..

It's obvious to me you don't spend any time lifting weights. No one saying things as stupid and absurd as you could possibly of ever lifted weights in their life.

Claiming people who have never even lifted weights in their life are as strong as you're claiming is absurd.

Here are some averages for the Adult American male...

Average Height-5'9 1/2

Average Weight-175lbs

Age when the average guy is in the best shape of his life: 23
Percentage of men who consider themselves "physically fit": 69
Percentage who actually are: 13
Time it takes the average guy to run a mile: 8 minutes, 34 seconds
Amount he can bench-press: 135 pounds
Number of situps he can do: 36
Pushups: 27
Pullups: 1
Percentage of men who would never skip another workout if... ...they could build twice the muscle with half the effort: 40
...women began wearing see-through spandex: 16
Size of the average guy's biceps: 13 inches
Size of his chest: 40 inches
Size of his waist: 34 inches
The part of a man's body that's the biggest turn-on for the average woman: His butt
The part the average guy spends the most time trying to develop: His chest
Time period when the typical gym is least crowded: 10 am to 11:30am
Percentage of men who don't belong in a gym: 88
Exercise equipment the average guy is most likely to own: Dumbbells
Number of men who have used their stationary bike in the past week: 1 in 3
Number who haven't hopped on the thing in at least 3 months: 1 in 6
Percentage of men who use their fitness equipment as... ...a place to hang their clothes: 45
...a doorstop: 13
...a weapon: 8
Amount of muscle the average sedentary guy loses each year: 1 pound
Fat he gains each year: 1.1 pounds
Resting heart rate of a fit man: 52 beats per minute (BPM)
Resting heart rate of a man who's out of shape: 72 BPM
Time it takes a fit man to log 8,000,000 heartbeats: 30 years
Time it takes an out-of-shape man: 19 years
Amount the average 40-year-old man would save each year in medical costs if he exercised regularly: $949 Average cost of a 1-year gym membership: $648
His net profit: $301
Number of men who would rather work out than have sex: 1 in 7
Percentage of men (and women) who think that gyms are pickup joints: 14

AVERAGE MAN (spectrum) :
height = 5'8 - 5'10

weight = 160 - 180 lbs.
bench press (max) = 135 - 185 lbs.
deadlift (max) = 185 - 235 lbs.
squat (max) = 185 - 235 lbs.
bicep curl (max double) = 60 - 100 lbs.
bicep curl (max single) = 30 - 50 lbs.

The average man with the average amount of exercise an average american gets who is the average height and average weight can benchpress 135-185lbs for 1 Rep Max.
The average amount he can curl on a barbell is 60-100lbs.(Below what you stated)
The average amount he can curl on a dumbell is 30-50lbs.(Below what you stated)

An Adult male at his physical peak who spends the average amount of time exercising who is 5'10" and 180lbs(Upper levels of average) can only curl a 100lb barbell 1 time.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #158 on: March 13, 2006, 04:31:10 PM »
You really aren't in a position to laugh at anyone for appearing stupid.

I never laughed at anyone for "appearing stupid". I laughed at him for BEING stupid.

You don't even have the basic reading comprehension to grasp that and you're insulting me? WoW.

Maybe I do "Appear" stupid to people of miniscule intelligence such as yours. After all even the greatest had their critiques. Beethoven, Einstein, Franklin, Edison.


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #159 on: March 13, 2006, 04:56:40 PM »
You can't use averages to isolate whether there are people stronger than you without lifting weights.  I wouldn't find many, if any australians who could lift more without training but these islander guys who live here too (samoans and what not) are often huge and above average strength by default.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #160 on: March 13, 2006, 05:02:09 PM »
You can't use averages to isolate whether there are people stronger than you without lifting weights.  I wouldn't find many, if any australians who could lift more without training but these islander guys who live here too (samoans and what not) are often huge and above average strength by default.

That made absolutely no sense.

The "Average" is done by country. The weights and heights I posted are the "Average" for adult males living in America who enguage in the average amount of exercise.

I never used averages to say people aren't stronger than me without lifting weights. I used the averages to show averages. People were claiming that MOST people who don't even work out can curl 100lbs easly. I refuted that showing that most people who DO workout can only do it for 1 rep max.


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #161 on: March 13, 2006, 05:10:09 PM »
I see that you are an Internet attention whore such thing as  bad publicity long as you get a bunch of people talking to you over the net  it compensates for your empty,dull life.

 You've been shown up to be an absolute fool on this thread. Every single person has lampooned your claim that a certified MD opened up that guy's arm and put in giant,potentially life threatening,shapeless implants.

 I've explained to you,even in simple,child's terms how these people,with serious mental problems, inject oil at such a rate that even if the body absorbs some it it makes no difference to the overall amount going into the site - like a fisherman bailing out a sinking boat.

 Instead of acting humble you carry on with your pathetic,unintelligent witterings ..obviously relishing the fact that you are getting some attention for once in your sorry life..this proves one of two things : you either believe that these are implants willingly placed there by Doctors,or,you know what you're saying is bullshit but love the fact you're getting lots of reaction. Either way,you are a fucking asshole :)


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #162 on: March 13, 2006, 05:14:07 PM »


Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #163 on: March 13, 2006, 05:17:00 PM »
I see that you are an Internet attention whore such thing as  bad publicity long as you get a bunch of people talking to you over the net  it compensates for your empty,dull life.

When you can't argue against my argument anymore you resort to baseless personal insults? Nice.

You've been shown up to be an absolute fool on this thread. Every single person has lampooned your claim that a certified MD opened up that guy's arm and put in giant,potentially life threatening,shapeless implants.

Making up History I see? No one has shown they aren't implants. Implants are the most logical explanation. Oil dissipates,I've already proven that.

I've explained to you,even in simple,child's terms how these people,with serious mental problems, inject oil at such a rate that even if the body absorbs some it it makes no difference to the overall amount going into the site - like a fisherman bailing out a sinking boat.

If it were oil it wouldn't sit in a giant peak like it does. Oil would spread to other parts of the body,Yet there isn't any in his forearms. Why? 30lbs of oil would surely sink to his forearms but it hasn't.

It's obviously an implant.

Instead of acting humble you carry on with your pathetic,unintelligent witterings ..obviously relishing the fact that you are getting some attention for once in your sorry life..this proves one of two things : you either believe that these are implants willingly placed there by Doctors,or,you know what you're saying is bullshit but love the fact you're getting lots of reaction. Either way,you are a fucking asshole :)

TrueGrit...You obviously haven't even read this entire thread have you? You're so unintelligent you start arguing something you don't have a clue about when you haven't even read the whole thread?

I have already posted that picture of that women with 30lb breasts demonstrating 1.It looks EXACTLY like valentino's biceps.
2.Doctors ARE willing to do just about anything if paid enough.

So stop making yourself look like the pitiful fool you are and don't post in this thread again. Or...You can continue to post and I will continue to make you look like the ignorant fool you are. Either way...I win.


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #164 on: March 13, 2006, 05:17:59 PM »
Claiming people who have never even lifted weights in their life are as strong as you're claiming is absurd.

Thats your quote.

And thus my comment referring to the fact that following that statement with averages proves very little makes perfect sense.

Besides, if it made no sense, why were you able to respond to it?  Surely that would have been the end of the post.  Upon elaboration you seem to have fully understood what I said yet you seem unclear as to why I said it.  That should be quite obvious now.

At this point in time I'm not interested in wasting my day getting out my dick to debate anything with you, I'm just pointing out that you make a comment dispelling what would be known as exceptional cases and then you follow it with irrevelant information regarding averages.  You can try to posture as much as you want, I'm just responding to what you said and what you said was incongruent. 


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #165 on: March 13, 2006, 05:36:38 PM »

But the problem is you have no argument at all. You just say 'they are implants' 'synthol dissipates after three weeks'. That is not an argument,that's akin to a four year old claiming the moon is made of blue cheese. I've explained to you why,scientifically,it makes no difference.

 I happen to know I'm right,I don't care if you want to dwell in ignorance,or pretend to be ignorant.

 And as for telling me where to post,I will post where I want..I certainly wouldn't let some jobless loser tell me what I can say on Getbig :)

 Have fun being the forum clown,have you noticed that everyone is laughing you perchance?  You're doing it very well :) :)


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #166 on: March 13, 2006, 06:21:59 PM »

One of its first users was a German strongman who billed himself as having "the world's largest arms" at 27 inches.

Manfred Hoeberl

Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #167 on: March 13, 2006, 06:32:41 PM »
Thats your quote.

And thus my comment referring to the fact that following that statement with averages proves very little makes perfect sense.

Besides, if it made no sense, why were you able to respond to it?  Surely that would have been the end of the post.  Upon elaboration you seem to have fully understood what I said yet you seem unclear as to why I said it.  That should be quite obvious now.

At this point in time I'm not interested in wasting my day getting out my dick to debate anything with you, I'm just pointing out that you make a comment dispelling what would be known as exceptional cases and then you follow it with irrevelant information regarding averages.  You can try to posture as much as you want, I'm just responding to what you said and what you said was incongruent. 

I can respond to something even if it doesn't make sense mind you...Simply by reiterating what I said before since you apparantly didn't understand it.

Secondly, The posting of averages was in response to the claim that "Most people could curl over 100lbs easly" Not that "Some exceptional people can curl 100lbs who haven't lifted before".

Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #168 on: March 13, 2006, 06:34:40 PM »

But the problem is you have no argument at all. You just say 'they are implants' 'synthol dissipates after three weeks'. That is not an argument,that's akin to a four year old claiming the moon is made of blue cheese. I've explained to you why,scientifically,it makes no difference.

 I happen to know I'm right,I don't care if you want to dwell in ignorance,or pretend to be ignorant.

 And as for telling me where to post,I will post where I want..I certainly wouldn't let some jobless loser tell me what I can say on Getbig :)

 Have fun being the forum clown,have you noticed that everyone is laughing you perchance?  You're doing it very well :) :)

You haven't explained why "Scientifically it makes no sense" However I have.

If it were oil it wouldn't sit in a giant peak like it does. Oil would spread to other parts of the body,Yet there isn't any in his forearms. Why? 30lbs of oil would surely sink to his forearms but it hasn't.

I guess you choose to continue to make a fool of yourself and amuse me....

I've got a good idea...Why don't you prove you're a little child even more and throw some more baseless insults at me without ever making a single argument?

That will sure show me! ::)


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #169 on: March 13, 2006, 06:51:29 PM »
what they are doing to their arms is disgusting.


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #170 on: March 13, 2006, 07:08:30 PM »
The fact is,no-one agrees with you on anything at all. Your spelling and grammar also indicates a low level of education.

  You have proved Oil dissipates? Well,even that is hotly debated by experts (and we are talking real experts,not kids called Apollo on the internet) . However,let's accept it does. In fact, even if it dissipates after three weeks and not the 2-5 years more conservative estimates put it at, what you neglect to address is the fact that these guys do not do a few,minor cycles of oil for aesthetic purposes. They inject large amounts of oils (because it is not just Synthol) on a daily basis with no regard for safety and/or aesthetics. Even if some of the oil disperses enough of it remains to keep accumulating at a growing rate. Imagine that you are in a boat (the muscle) and it springs a leak and water keeps flooding in (the oils) imagine now that you grab a bucket and start bailing water out (the oil dispersing) even if you bail out a  lot of water the rate at which the water is filling the boat is still too great for you to prevent it sinking (the muscle becoming more and more overloaded with oil).

 Now,see if you can answer this in an intelligent and grown up manner and I can at least give you credit for just being very,very misguided and unable to listen to others -believe me,this is better than how you are currently being perceived.


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #171 on: March 13, 2006, 07:24:15 PM »

I can respond to something even if it doesn't make sense mind you...Simply by reiterating what I said before since you apparantly didn't understand it.

Secondly, The posting of averages was in response to the claim that "Most people could curl over 100lbs easly" Not that "Some exceptional people can curl 100lbs who haven't lifted before".

Oh I'm clear on what you meant but I'm wasn't for one second going to let you throw out what you said initially in that post with no evidence following was I :) 

Something related, I think you'll find if you debate with the general public here you will find the ego boost that you appear to be looking for (and I know this because I have done the same here) but in the end you will realise you cannot change the way people think as easily as you might have hoped if you rely on infering that everybody who disagrees with you are stupid or make no sense.  I know people are throwing insults at you but as the one relying on the facts/science you don't atall need to respond.

I mean do you honestly feel threatened by spelling and grammar comments? :)

Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #172 on: March 13, 2006, 07:47:37 PM »
The fact is,no-one agrees with you on anything at all. Your spelling and grammar also indicates a low level of education.

1.Fallacy. Appeal to populairty.

2.My use spelling and grammar are just fine for a message board of this type...Not that your spelling or grammar is anywhere near perfect..But You apparantly started using spellcheckers the last few posts just to pull out the old "Well i'm right because you don't use perfect grammar on a bodybuilding board" LMAO

You're a joke!

You have proved Oil dissipates? Well,even that is hotly debated by experts (and we are talking real experts,not kids called Apollo on the internet) . However,let's accept it does. In fact, even if it dissipates after three weeks and not the 2-5 years more conservative estimates put it at, what you neglect to address is the fact that these guys do not do a few,minor cycles of oil for aesthetic purposes. They inject large amounts of oils (because it is not just Synthol) on a daily basis with no regard for safety and/or aesthetics.

No "Experts" debate this. The only article that has been posted was by a non-expert.

Even if some of the oil disperses enough of it remains to keep accumulating at a growing rate. Imagine that you are in a boat (the muscle) and it springs a leak and water keeps flooding in (the oils) imagine now that you grab a bucket and start bailing water out (the oil dispersing) even if you bail out a  lot of water the rate at which the water is filling the boat is still too great for you to prevent it sinking (the muscle becoming more and more overloaded with oil).

You're contradicting yourself here. First you say assume it all dissipates and then you say it doesn't all dissipate inorder to prove your point. Who's the uneducated one again? ::)

Now,see if you can answer this in an intelligent and grown up manner and I can at least give you credit for just being very,very misguided and unable to listen to others -believe me,this is better than how you are currently being perceived.

I've already addressed ALL of your questions. You on the other hand haven't addressed ANY of mine.

1.Why doesn't the 30lbs of oil sink down to his forearms opposed to forming a giant peak on his bicep?

2.Why is it that women with massive silicone implants have the SAME appearance as guys like valentino?


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #173 on: March 13, 2006, 08:33:29 PM »

cool link, thanks for postin apollo.


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #174 on: March 13, 2006, 10:26:49 PM »
Hmm.. well I guess if you want the truth you might try emailing guy grundy to answer some of these questions or milos as both have had experience with synthol and know whether it is plausable.  Particularly this oil going into the forearms qualm.