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Hugh G. Reqshun

  • Getbig II
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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #175 on: March 14, 2006, 12:42:43 PM »
Ladies, ladies...Enough fussing!

No one has answered MY question about Ernie Taylor's triceps.  Are they oil or implants?

Oil! Every BBer on the British Circuit knows this as fact, but Ernie still claims it's just his genetics!!!

Really Ernie! You think we're all that retarded? Who you trying to fool?

hardest core

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #176 on: March 14, 2006, 01:06:37 PM »
He is obviously mentally ill.


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #177 on: March 14, 2006, 01:18:39 PM »
I saw Valentino in the mall one day and I nearly threw up.

If you see him again, throw up on him, for me. Thanks!


  • Getbig V
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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #178 on: March 14, 2006, 01:23:53 PM »
Apollo - I do not need to use a spellchecker ,but I would urge you to try it sometime.

 You have no idea the amount of dumbing down I have to do to converse with you on a level you can understand :)

 If you had ever bothered to read my posts in any detail,instead of rushing to type your responses, you would understand that the issue I have with you is your ridiculous claim that Plastic surgeons have willingly performed operations to create those arms. It is nothing even remotely connected to performing an implant insertion in the female breast,which is largely comprised of fatty tissue and avoids the nerves,tendons,arteries etc.. of the arm.

 The fact is that these guys do inject liquid silicone - it is a cocktail of synthol,silicone and other agents. If you had listened,you would have understood this. This is well known,men have died doing this - injecting it into their dicks and arms. No plastic surgeon would touch an area so threatening to their career and create walking time bomb freaks,ready to drop dead.

 Everything these guys do,they do to themselves..they do not pay a plastic surgeon to do this to them,they use a combination of liquid silicone and synthol, in different quantities,fact!. Go to any MD,Bodybuilding board and you will find this out.

 You know this is right,just accept it instead of making an idiot of yourself. This is the last time I will explain it to you.If you choose to be ignorant that is your choice but please be aware : you will never be taken seriously again and eventually people will ignore you for being a fool trying to get attention.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #179 on: March 14, 2006, 02:19:49 PM »

reports that bodybuilders are using two new drugs to build muscle mass locally through site injection. The drugs Artecoll and Silikon 1000 come from the world of dermatology, but bodybuilders are using them for site enhancement to great effect. Both drugs are new and neither have been approved by the FDA. Dermatologists are using them as replacements for collagen injections. Injected subcutaneously, they smooth wrinkles and give the appearance of smoother skin. But unlike collagen which lasts only three months or so, both Artecoll and Silikon are permanent. In the reports that I have received, bodybuilders are using these drugs to build phenomenal biceps, calves, and to shore up other lagging body parts by injecting these substances deep into the belly of the muscle itself where it can make the muscle dramatically bigger.

Bodybuilders are using these drugs in the same way that they used the old site injection oils in the past. In case you're not familiar with using site injection oil to build muscle, here's a quick history...

Chris Clark was the inventor of the original site injection oil, that he marketed under the name Synthol -- it also went by the names Synthrol 877 and Synthrol 873. Clark was a steroid dealer who became obsessed with the idea of developing a product that could make muscle bigger by expanding it locally with oil. One version of his original Synthol contained anabolic steroids, but others just contained Clark's mixture of oils.

Reports have it that during the development of Synthol, Clark injected himself repeatedly with a variety of different oils that he had tried to sterilize in his kitchen. Legend has it that he injected so much oil that he almost died on several occasions from pulmonary embolisms. And he almost lost one of his legs below the knee due to a horrible infection. But, did this stop Chris Clark? Absolutely not!

All the pros and top amateurs began using Synthol and other site enhancement oils. The lucky ones had avoided abscesses. Some had good results whereas others looked like they had small balloons of oil sitting on top of their muscles. Those that had better results usually had gone deeper into the muscle tissue using longer 1.5 inch needles. Going deep into the muscle fiber, they had lifted and spread the muscle from underneath instead of forming a swimming pool of oil on top of the muscle tissue.

With the new drugs Artecoll and Silikon 1000, bodybuilders are hoping to achieve better site specific results and at the same time avoid the sterility issues that came with the bathtub-made site enhancement oils. Here's some information about Artecoll and Silikon 1000.

Artecoll, believe it or not, is actually an injectable implant. Typically it is used for skin augmentation, but bodybuilders are experimenting with it for site enhancement through intramuscular injection. It should be noted that it is not approved for either type of use.

Artecoll is composed of tiny beads called polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) which are suspended in a collagen solution. The manufacturer added lidocaine for the relief of post treatment soreness. The sterility of this product and the lidocaine are already a big improvement over the older oils that often made bodybuilders so sore that they could not train for a week after an injection.

The PMMA beads are 32-40 µm in size which is about 4 to 5 times the size of a red blood cell. PMMA has been used since the early 1930's in such common procedures as dental work, eye lenses, bone repair, orthopedics and in pacemakers. These beads are well tolerated by human tissue (no rejection).

Artecoll utilizes the body's natural ability to encapsulate foreign bodies by the formation of connective tissue surrounding the PMMA beads. The process of encapsulation of the beads by the body's own connective tissue (collagen) is complete in about 3 months. Absorption and dislocation of the beads is prevented by the encapsulation of each individual bead with connective tissue. Localized growth reportedly takes place over several months as the body forms its own connective tissue around the beads.

Normally a topical anesthetic such as lidocaine or prilocaine is put on the area to be treated one hour prior to the procedure. When used dermatologically, a series of tiny injections are made under the skin's surface -- bodybuilders are reportedly going deeper and with larger injections. Artecoll has an excellent safety record with less than 0.1% incidence of side effects (mainly allergy and inflammation).

The results are considered permanent; there is no need to continually retreat as with some other procedures. The implant will remain for the rest of the person's life. Possible side effects include swelling, redness, slight bruising and moderate pain after injection. Slight itching at the implantation site is a rather common symptom. These symptoms normally subside in a few days. Since the use of this drug is so new, some doctors speculate that the beads could potentially migrate and form clumps that would have to be removed -- although at present this is just speculation.

Just as controversial as Artecoll, Silikon 1000 is a medical-grade liquid silicone that bodybuilders have begun to experiment with for site enhancement.

The injection of liquid silicone into breast tissue was used in the 1950s and 1960s as a breast augmentation procedure. Owing to side effects such as the formation of hard masses in the breast (silicone granulomas) and possible other side effects, the technique was abandoned. And in 1992, concerns about leaks from the silicone in breast implants resulted in a ban on all cosmetic uses of the substance.

Having been banned for a decade, liquid silicone injection is making a quiet comeback. Some dermatologists are now once again offering the new medical grade silicone, Silikon 1000, as a wrinkle smoother to patients wanting to avoid a face lift. And some bodybuilders are also experimenting with it for site enhancement.

Silikon 1000 is a silicone preparation that was approved in 1997 to treat detached retinas. Using it for wrinkles or site enhancement is off label use by physicians.

What makes Silikon 1000 of such interest to dermatologists and bodybuilders alike is also what causes such concern; namely, liquid silicone is permanent. Silicone makes an attractive filler because of its longevity -- once injected, it cannot be removed. Silikon 1000 has recently been approved for testing on facial wrinkles, depressions, and AIDS related facial wasting.

For some, the problems that plagued silicone in the past can be attributed to improper technique or using an adulterated or impure formulation. Even today, in the transgender community, there are still deaths reported not infrequently from "silicone parties" where non-medical grade silicone is injected to enhance the buttocks and breasts. And there are a lot of side effects that you can get from it if it is used incorrectly. Adulterated forms can give you granulomas, which are bumps in the skin. And if silicone is used in too great a volume it can result in migration.

That said, bodybuilders have always and are still experimenting with silicone. (Rumor has it that Arnold used it in his calves decades ago. With the advent of a safer silicone, Silikon 1000, or a stack of Silikon 1000 and Artecol together, we are entering an age of injectable bodybuilding never before seen.

Although it is certainly not recommended that site injection be tried given the experimental nature of these drugs

Well if this "synthol" is a so called muscle builder then it needs to be used in the medical field for post-polio victims, para-pelagic, nerve damaged victims, ect...

you are confusing "building new muscle" to " the body reacting and healing itself from a foreign chemical, ect, which causes bumps, swelling, ect...

Artecoll utilizes the body's natural ability to encapsulate foreign bodies by the formation of connective tissue surrounding the PMMA beads. The process of encapsulation of the beads by the body's own connective tissue (collagen) is complete in about 3 months. Absorption and dislocation of the beads is prevented by the encapsulation of each individual bead with connective tissue. Localized growth reportedly takes place over several months as the body forms its own connective tissue around the beads.

Thats not building new muscle fibers like you claimed..

I have once again supplied my side of the arguement but you have still yet to supply us with proof of your claims....bro... ::)

I know several people who have used Synthol in the past. It's injected into the heads of the muscles to cause oil to enter the muscle and then after a few weeks it naturally dissipates. Once it dissipates there is a room left over where the synthol used to be,REAL muscle can be grown there. The temporary hollow area is a highly anabolic environment which causes the muscle to naturally "fill out" and fill the area that the oil used to be. New muscle fibers form to fill the area within a few weeks and then you have actuall real muscle replacing it.

This guy has IMPLANTS. There is NO WAY this can be caused by simple synthol injections. I won't repeat myself again...OIL DISSIPATES. Any sort of liquid injected into the muscles or which forms in the muscles dissipates. Anyone who's ever injected testosterone into therself knows that it dissipates.

Giving 110%

Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #180 on: March 14, 2006, 03:55:20 PM »
Apollo - I do not need to use a spellchecker ,but I would urge you to try it sometime.

 You have no idea the amount of dumbing down I have to do to converse with you on a level you can understand :)

Oh my the Irony...

If you had ever bothered to read my posts in any detail,instead of rushing to type your responses, you would understand that the issue I have with you is your ridiculous claim that Plastic surgeons have willingly performed operations to create those arms. It is nothing even remotely connected to performing an implant insertion in the female breast,which is largely comprised of fatty tissue and avoids the nerves,tendons,arteries etc.. of the arm.

 The fact is that these guys do inject liquid silicone - it is a cocktail of synthol,silicone and other agents. If you had listened,you would have understood this. This is well known,men have died doing this - injecting it into their dicks and arms. No plastic surgeon would touch an area so threatening to their career and create walking time bomb freaks,ready to drop dead.

1.Paid enough a doctor would do ANYTHING. Many doctors do things "under the table" so to say if they are paid enough.

2.I have already elaborated that it could possibly be silicone or other injectable agents.(Aside from Synthol). I stated probably in the 2nd page that It could possibly be from injective massive amounts of silicone into the muscles.

Everything these guys do,they do to themselves..they do not pay a plastic surgeon to do this to them,they use a combination of liquid silicone and synthol, in different quantities,fact!. Go to any MD,Bodybuilding board and you will find this out.

 You know this is right,just accept it instead of making an idiot of yourself. This is the last time I will explain it to you.If you choose to be ignorant that is your choice but please be aware : you will never be taken seriously again and eventually people will ignore you for being a fool trying to get attention.

1.I've already proven that Plastic Surgeons would do ANYTHING to someone given enough $$$.

Want another example?

2.Actually the whole Implant concept came from working professionals in the Synthol field on

To answer the question, you can use it in any muscle group, but you have to change the way you use it.

Pecs need 3 rows of 3 shots per day per pec to cover the entire pec area, because the pecs are a 'flat' muscle as such the entire muscle has to be 'lifted' evenly.

Same with quads,etc. It is used succesfully in almost every muscle group.

If you do Syntherol PROPERLY, the size will become permanent as real muscle growth is facilitated and it looks natural. Problems are when people abuse it.

Now, this is for the morons, before they start spewing uneducated garbage:

1. Syntherol is NOT an implant. Muscle growth is facilitated if used properly, as properly means using it with the purpose of stretching the fascia of a muscle, then creating an ideal anabolic environment, so the 'space' left by the oil as it dissipates, it's replaced with muscle tissue.

2. the muscle is not 'fake' is used properly. See point 1. Also, because of that powerlifters use it too.

3. it is not any more dangerous to inject than any other injectible oil. It will not kill you any more than testosterone cypionate will!

4. the size will look real, the muscle will have more vascularity and striations IF used properly!

5. Don't be the ultimate cretin and use Valentino as an example as he has implants. It is impossible to look like that with SEOs! It jsut shows your stupidity and lack of education on the subject to use him as an example.

Any uneducated person on the subject is welcome to bring any moronic arguments forward that they wish, so I can crush them with experience, logic and medical evidence.

I am on a rant, because this subject brings out a lot of stupidity forward, from people that have NO CLUE about the subject. This has already been shown in this thread.

If you are not educated on the subject, do a search for my SEO article to educate yourself. It is all over the net.

The poster of this is Possibly a Professional Bodybuilder, I'm not sure. The mods over on Steroidology refer to him as a "Professional" and he has an "IFBB PRO" tag in his sig.

Posted by "Big A" on 10-02-2005

Owner of...
www.professionalmuscle.c om
www.discussworldissues.c om

Site Enhancing Oils, or 'synthol' as commonly known, are possibly the most controversial subject in bodybuilding. That is because there is a huge amount of miseducation and ignorance on the subject.
I first published the article below on the internet in early 2000, and since then it has been reproduced on countless websites and I have become as a the world most authorotive person on the subject, even consulting in the latest book on the subject written by the 'inventor' of the original SEO, Chris Clark.

In 1996 Chris Clark invented the first SEO (Site Enhancing Oil) and named it 'Synthol'. A quick phone call from brystol-Meyers, who hold the trademark rights on the 'Synthol' name, forced Chris Clark to change the name of his product to PumpNPose. However, the name of synthol was stuck with the bodybuilders.

The most popular now are Synthol/PumpnPose, Syntherol, EsikClean, Nuclear Nutrition Site Oil, Cosmostan and Liquid Muscle.

Synthol/PumpnPose is the original product. As such, it charges a lot of money and it's the most expensive variant as it relies on it's name to sell it - the cheapest found is $149.95. There must be a lot of fakes out there since the inventor of it, Chris Clark, charges a wholesale price of over $100 per bottle (and that's for large quantity), so there's no way that some outfits can retail it for $100. The only official distributor for PnP is

Syntherol is my favourite simply because is the only one that I know of that is made by a real pharmaceutical company, so guaranteed sterile, plus it hurts less and the results seem to be better - don't take my word for it, ask around! It's the same formula as Synthol/PumpnPose, with added silica, which is a safe way to make the gains more 'permanent'. It's very refined, so it flows freely through a 28gauge needle, unlike the others which need as much as 21gauge needles to go through properly!
It's also the number 1 best selling Site Oil in the world, so they must be doing something right! And Synthetek (the maker of Syntherol) is the only company to offer a double money back guarantee and they never had any complaints from any customer from anywhere in the world! By far my choice, plus, it's cheap - $129.95.

EsikClean - same formula as Synthol, but it has colagen added. That makes it a very bad choice to use in my opinion. When you use site oils, the biggest problem is the formation of scar tissue. You don't want any scar tissue build up when you use site oils. Scar tissue is colagen buildup due to the trauma caused to the muscle by sticking a needle in there. As such, I would not help the build up of scar tissue in the muscle by injecting colagen. So, that's a bad choice. $100 per bottle Plus these are the people that counterfited Chris Clark's PnP and Synthetek's Syntherol, so one wonders how 'genuine' they are. Their associated websites are,,,, I strongly recommend that people stay away from them!

Nuclear Nutrition Oil - is a very good product, which works quite well. It's exactly as Syntherol, plus the addition of a small amount of prohormones. I am not a big fan of prohormones due to the reason that they will give you more side effects than benefits. Also, because of the prohormones, you cannot import it into countries like Canada or Australia, where prohormones are illegal. Still a good product - $149.95

Cosmostan is another one that I recomend that people don't use. It has two anabolic steroids added to it. Because the SEO oil is a very long chain fatty acid, it will wrap itself around the steroid oil, as such not allow the steroid oil to be dissipated timely and for the body to assimilate the steroid. Also, both steroids contained in it are esterified, as such, they would have absolutely zero effect on localised growth as all esterified steroids have to travel to the liver first. Also, because of the steroids contained in it, it is illegal in most places in the world and women cannot use it. On top of all this, it also contains collagen, which as previously mentioned is an extremely bad idea as collagen primary causes scar tissue, exactly what should be avoided during SEO use. I am not sure of the price (never been interested in this product). Available from

Liquid Muscle - same as PumpnPose, but at $199.95 per bottle. However, I can't find too much about it and about who makes it, as it seems as a small outfit and as such I have trouble trusting it 100%, especially when I am supposed to inject their stuff into MY body. They do advertise all over the bodybuilding magazines in the back sections, but that doesn't mean much.

There's a ton of other brands, but the above are the most well known. The other brands available, I personally would not trust since they come from very small outfits, so you don't know whether they are sterile, properly manufactured or most likely just mixed together in somebody's 'bathtub'.

Site oils can be used for two purposes - to increase the size of a muscle or to shape a muscle.

To increase size, lets use the biceps for example. You need to inject in EVERY head of the muscle, while rotating the shots daily within that head. This is the only way to ensure that the added size keeps to your natural look/shape of the muscle. The quickest way to get a muscle up to maximum size is to do the following regimen: 1ml for 10 days in each head of the muscle. 2ml for 10 days. 3ml for 10 days. If you do both, the biceps and triceps simultaneously, you can add up to 3" on your arms in those 30 days.
Now, this is VERY IMPORTANT!!!: you HAVE to massage the area that you just injected SEVERELLY! You have to make sure that there's no lump forming. The muscle should always be soft. You should NEVER have a lump. It is also a good idea, to inject just before going to the gym, so as soon as you get to the gym, you should do a couple light weight, high reps sets for that muscle, to get the blood moving. This again will minimise lump formation. You have to keep in mind, that as soon as lumps form because you did not massage, scar tissue will form as well. You want to avoid scar tissue at all costs. Also, to minimise scar tissue build up, use VERY small needles, like 25g or 26g, inch or 1inch long (depending on the injection site) and inject VERY slowly. If you find that you cannot keep with the lump build up, but you are due for another shot, wait until, by massaging, the lump goes away (it should not be more than a couple of days) and then resume from where you left off.

If you have all the size you wish and just want to shape the muscle, as adding a peak on the biceps, then inject the spot, in the peak of the muscle, with 1ml every day or every second day until you obtain the peak that you desire.

What I recommend to people that are just starting out using these oils is to use 1ml per head of muscle per day, or every second day, for a week or so and see how they react to it. That way they can judge how many ml they can use per muscle head and how often.

Where to inject - BICEPS - inner and outer head. You can feel the `split' in between the two heads of the biceps when you feel with your other hand. Inject on each side of that. If you want to increase the length/thickness of the bicep, inject more in the inner head (closer to your body). If you want to increase the peak, inject more in the outer head.

TRICEPS - You don't need to inject in the outer/horseshoe head, unless it is really lacking behind. You inject in the middle and rear heads of the triceps. Generally, at the back of your arm, the upper portion is the rear head and the lower portion is the middle head, as the two heads overlap each other somewhat.

DELTOIDS - just inject straight into whatever head is lacking in size.

CALVES - Natural calves, no matter how big the are, have a `flat' look to the muscle. So you want to keep that look, you don't want to have your calves looking round like someone stuck an air hose in there. So, you inject in multiple shots, on the outside edges of the muscle. That will make the calf go outwards, while keeping the flat, natural look.

QUADS - With muscles this large, you need to do multiple daily injections. Where in the biceps you use 1ml per head per day to begin with, on quads you need to start with 1ml per site, 7 sites per quad. That is to avoid the `lumpy' look and keep the quad uniform. Again, to keep the natural look of the thigh, you should inject in the `peak' of the outer quad, injecting along the crest. If the teardrop is lacking, then just inject straight into it, rotating sites daily. I personally don't recommend quad shots, especially teardrop, due to the very high amount of nerves in the area.

PECS - pecs are a very large, 'flat' type of muscle. As such, the injections have to cover the entire area of the muscle, to 'lift' it at the same time, otherwise a lumpy look will result. I recomend three rows of three shots per pec per day.

I strongly recommend that you get some anatomy charts and study the muscles and the nerves that are in the area that you want to inject.

How do Site Oils work? To begin with, they do not stay in the muscle for 3 to 5 years. They get dissipated within months. However, during this time, they have stretched the fascia of that muscle. The fascia is a great constrictive factor in muscle growth. The more stretched the fascia is the more the muscle will grow and the more it will have that `popping' look. Site oils stay in there long enough for the fascia to stretch. As they dissipate, the `space' left by them is replaced with new muscle tissue growth. That is the reason why when x-rays/MRIs where performed on some of the people that have 25"+ arms, there was no oil found in there. The oil dissipated and it was replaced by real muscle.
The principle is the same as the one behind site shots with steroids, but it works at a much a larger degree, because the Site Oils take that much longer to dissipate.
As well, this is the same principle behind fascial stretching. Howver, it is much more efficient with Site Oils. Best example is to imagine a baloon. You can pull on it and stretch it as much as you want, and you will stretch it a bit. But if you fill it with a liquid, you will be able to stretch it to a much larger degree than just pulling on it from the outside. This is the best way to compare the efficiency of fascial stretching versus using Site Oils.

Pain - obviously, any site shot hurts. The pain will minimise the more you inject, until it will not hurt any more. Site Oils hurt, but not as much as site injections with, lets say, Sustanon or Testosterone Propionate. However, as I said, they will hurt less and less the more you use them.

Dangers - Site Oils are safe, if certain precautions are taken, same as when injecting anything else. You always have to aspirate. Always! You DO NOT want the oil to go in a vein. Always massage the area after the shot so scar tissue build up doesn't occur. And most importantly - USE COMMON SENSE! If you have 16" arms, don't think that you will have 23" in 5 weeks! Because if you try that, you will end up with deformed looking muscles and you will be the laughing stock of the world. On a side note, people like Greg Valentino have implants, not SEO's in their muscles. It is physiologically impossible to look like these guys do with SEOs. Hopefully that puts that myth to rest.

Site Oils are there to help you break past a plateau. If your genetics indicate that you are 242 with 5% bf, but you only have 18" arms, then Site Oils will help you bring your arms in proportion.
All that I am saying is that Site Oils are there to aid the work that you do in the gym, not replace it!

Posted by "BIG A"

Here is an attached Image of "BIG A"'s Bicep after "correct synthol use".

Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #181 on: March 14, 2006, 04:03:23 PM »

Well if this "synthol" is a so called muscle builder then it needs to be used in the medical field for post-polio victims, para-pelagic, nerve damaged victims, ect...

you are confusing "building new muscle" to " the body reacting and healing itself from a foreign chemical, ect, which causes bumps, swelling, ect...

Artecoll utilizes the body's natural ability to encapsulate foreign bodies by the formation of connective tissue surrounding the PMMA beads. The process of encapsulation of the beads by the body's own connective tissue (collagen) is complete in about 3 months. Absorption and dislocation of the beads is prevented by the encapsulation of each individual bead with connective tissue. Localized growth reportedly takes place over several months as the body forms its own connective tissue around the beads.

Thats not building new muscle fibers like you claimed..

I have once again supplied my side of the arguement but you have still yet to supply us with proof of your claims....bro... ::)


Wrong!!That article didn't say Synthol causes those things it said Artecoll and Silikon 1000 do. They clearly stated the difference between the two. You didn't even read the article did you?

Synthol(Unlike Artecoll or silikon 1000) dissipates gradually over a few weeks,Meaning collagen doesn't need to encapsulate anything when there is nothing there.

Try reading a source before posting....This is the 2nd time someone has made that mistake in this thread. Posting something that doesn't prove what they are saying and confusing what it says.


  • Getbig V
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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #182 on: March 14, 2006, 04:04:57 PM »
That was an interesting read


  • Getbig V
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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #183 on: March 14, 2006, 05:18:49 PM »
Nothing that you've ever said has refuted the fact that these guys do the injections themselves. You seem to to think posting other people's thoughts,that aren't even relevant to the point here - instead of your own- somehow compensates for your inability to analyse,logically,a really rather specific point.

 You claim that surgeons perform these implants when it is far more obvious and rational to assume that,as a lot of bodybuilders do and have done,they experiment with injections on themselves and use their own combination of oils. Again,you ignore what is convenient to you - plastic surgeons will do all sorts of things if you sign a disclaimer (they even make you like a lion if you want) but these are relatively safe procedures  and whilst visually not pleasant to most of us they are not potentially lethal and harmful to the human body.

Even if you find 1 surgeon in a million prepared to do it you will find a thousand mentally unstable people willing to take a syringe full of Silicone,synthol et al and inject it into their arm.
The fact is you claimed these were implants,everybody knows that is patently not true,they are combination of silicone,synthol and other oils injected regularly over time. No one is agreeing with you because you're're also extremely unintelligent and I will say goodbye - just please be aware that everyone knows you're wrong and you can rip off articles from people but until you can utilise your own cognitive faculties and think for yourself you will keep looking an idiot.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #184 on: March 14, 2006, 05:29:35 PM »
Nothing that you've ever said has refuted the fact that these guys do the injections themselves. You seem to to think posting other people's thoughts,that aren't even relevant to the point here - instead of your own- somehow compensates for your inability to analyse,logically,a really rather specific point.

(Notice he completly evades my entire post and calls it all "Irrelevant" even though it ist a detailed explanation of how synthol works and why it can't be resposible for guys like valentino.)

You claim that surgeons perform these implants when it is far more obvious and rational to assume that,as a lot of bodybuilders do and have done,they experiment with injections on themselves and use their own combination of oils. Again,you ignore what is convenient to you - plastic surgeons will do all sorts of things if you sign a disclaimer (they even make you like a lion if you want) but these are relatively safe procedures  and whilst visually not pleasant to most of us they are not potentially lethal and harmful to the human body.

You haven't proven that such an implant would be unsafe if done correctly.

Even if you find 1 surgeon in a million prepared to do it you will find a thousand mentally unstable people willing to take a syringe full of Silicone,synthol et al and inject it into their arm..

Maybe so. I never denied it was Silicone.

The fact is you claimed these were implants,everybody knows that is patently not true,they are combination of silicone,synthol and other oils injected regularly over time. No one is agreeing with you because you're're also extremely unintelligent and I will say goodbye - just please be aware that everyone knows you're wrong and you can rip off articles from people but until you can utilise your own cognitive faculties and think for yourself you will keep looking an idiot.

(Notice now he's running away once I have refuted him over and over!)

The fact is "TrueGrit", You're a complete fool. I try to stay away from personal insults but you make it difficult when that's apparantly all you have..Insults. You call me unintelligent when I have proven my argument beyond a reasonable doubt? You proclaim those are synthol injections even though i've demonstrated that can't possibly be true. I have explained how multiple implants are a likely explanation yet you still deny it all.
You still create strawmen even when I have explained that it COULD be silicone injections.

Funnier even...You still continue to respond with the same B.S. time after time even after you have said you would not be posting in this thread anymore. ::)


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #185 on: March 14, 2006, 05:35:47 PM »
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #186 on: March 14, 2006, 06:28:21 PM »
lmao ive been reading this thread for last three days and i can say is Johnny Apollo u r one stupid idiot man . u havent proved shit. u keep sayin it was a doctor who put implants in the guys arms like that u r fuckin stupid of course truegrit is right and they inject that shit themself. i know i have buddies who are serious bodybuilders which u aint.noone agree with u becuz ur an idiot man.  wake up and smell the coffee u retard. also y r u backtrakkin u said it was implants then u say it might be silicon injections and then you call the guy that told u stupid. u r a funny guy think u need this smiley  :-X  ;D

Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #187 on: March 14, 2006, 06:36:14 PM »
lmao ive been reading this thread for last three days and i can say is Johnny Apollo u r one stupid idiot man . u havent proved shit. u keep sayin it was a doctor who put implants in the guys arms like that u r fuckin stupid of course truegrit is right and they inject that shit themself. i know i have buddies who are serious bodybuilders which u aint.noone agree with u becuz ur an idiot man.  wake up and smell the coffee u retard. also y r u backtrakkin u said it was implants then u say it might be silicon injections and then you call the guy that told u stupid. u r a funny guy think u need this smiley  :-X  ;D


....That's about all I can say.


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #188 on: March 14, 2006, 06:39:05 PM »
sorry bro but u dont no when to quit. u keep saying different shit thenbacktrakkin and calling everyone else stupid

Johnny Apollo

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #189 on: March 14, 2006, 06:52:32 PM »
sorry bro but u dont no when to quit. u keep saying different shit thenbacktrakkin and calling everyone else stupid


Oliver Klaushof

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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #190 on: March 15, 2006, 05:34:31 PM »
You can cleary see the injection sites on the man's biceps. So JA is proven to be wrong.
"Shut the F up and train"


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #191 on: March 15, 2006, 05:48:52 PM »

You can't debate me so you copout with "Aww why do I bother" and other B.S.

Either refute my point or...


Breast implants are done outside of the muscle in the fatty area of the breast. This is common knowledge. If you don't know that,You're a fool.

"you're a fool"

Also, that work on the green guy was not done by a plastic surgeon, it was done, without the use of anesthetic, by body morph/ tatoo artists.  So much for "proof"


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #192 on: March 15, 2006, 05:52:11 PM »
You can cleary see the injection sites on the man's biceps. So JA is proven to be wrong.



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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #193 on: March 15, 2006, 07:10:03 PM »
The expression on the guy behind him: priceless..

Girlfriend looks thrilled.


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #194 on: March 15, 2006, 09:08:35 PM »
real fucking sad


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #195 on: March 16, 2006, 03:35:55 AM »
The average man with the average amount of exercise an average american gets who is the average height and average weight can benchpress 135-185lbs for 1 Rep Max.
The average amount he can curl on a barbell is 60-100lbs.(Below what you stated)
The average amount he can curl on a dumbell is 30-50lbs.(Below what you stated)

An Adult male at his physical peak who spends the average amount of time exercising who is 5'10" and 180lbs(Upper levels of average) can only curl a 100lb barbell 1 time.

I never stated any of those things about how much an average man can lift....I just said that if you have been lifting for 10 years and can barely curl a 60 lb dumbell then you have been doing something wrong...I HAVE NO CLUE what the average man who does not lift weights can curl,and I don't care


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #196 on: March 16, 2006, 03:40:28 AM »
Valentino's arms actually look hard and muscular compared to most of these goons. Credit to him for actually have some shape to his big fat stupid looking arms.


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #197 on: March 16, 2006, 05:10:45 AM »
As I've said, Valentino's starting to look "normal", he's old-school synthol.. ::)


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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #198 on: March 16, 2006, 12:23:36 PM »
The expression on the guy behind him: priceless..

Girlfriend looks thrilled.

Girlfriend look like a mugged up alcoholic. Boyfriend look like alcoholic wife beater. Do you math  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: You thought Valentino had big arms...
« Reply #199 on: March 16, 2006, 01:13:44 PM »
this guy is a god I tell ya.....a god