Author Topic: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible  (Read 13638 times)

monster triceps

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2006, 08:57:22 AM »
Roid rage is bullshit. It's an excuse for assholes to act like even BIGGER ASSHOLES!

Right on the spot.
young niggah greedy


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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2006, 09:05:50 AM »
Roid rage effects may *not* be reversible in the case of Monster Triceps, I stand corrected. ::)

tom joad

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2006, 09:07:40 AM »
Roid rage is bullshit. It's an excuse for assholes to act like even BIGGER ASSHOLES!

yeah!  it gave those asshole hamsters an excuse to chase and bite their brethren for days!

monster triceps

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2006, 09:08:42 AM »
Pumpster got really mad at me once I called him out on copying someones article & exposing him as a 17-year old punk, hahahaha, oh boy, hahahaha.
Monster idiocy.
young niggah greedy


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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2006, 09:10:13 AM »
Has it ever occurred to you that I don't have to attribute on this board, you idiot?

monster triceps

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2006, 09:11:22 AM »
I bet pumpster is the type of guy who sucks off the old men at the gym to get access to some "throbbing" "hot" studies, hahahahah, oh boy, hahaha what a fag.
young niggah greedy


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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2006, 09:13:51 AM »
This guy has a lot of ideas, something happen in childhood?

monster triceps

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2006, 09:16:51 AM »
Why don't you educate us about childhood, seeing as you are going through it yourself?
Is it hard for you? Mom fuck strangers a lot?
young niggah greedy


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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2006, 09:18:45 AM »
hahahaha, oh brother, pumpster is the type of guy who applies for a secretary job and when the "boss" asks him if he takes dictation he says, "only the big ones", hahahaha, what a penis puffer.
Jaejonna rows 125!!

monster triceps

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2006, 09:20:15 AM »
Ahhahahah, oh brother, I bet pumpster's the type of dude who sucks off bums just to have memories of the "good old days" when he gets old, hahahah, what a freakshow.
young niggah greedy

Johnny Apollo

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #35 on: March 14, 2006, 04:32:53 PM »
So tiring to have to listen to this self righteous nonsense.  You cannot refute all of the counter arguments. 

You obviously don't know a lot of imbeciles.  Making drugs legal is as good a thing as going on TV and telling the world that drugs are safe.  People really are that stupid.

1.I can refute ALL of the counter arguments. Yes I can.

2.Yes Drugs can ruin people's lives. The whole idea of decriminalization is "Harm reduction" the same princible behind giving condoms out for free or providing needles to drug users for free. More harm is caused by drugs being outlawed than by them being regulated and produced legally and sold.

Different culture, I personally wouldn't endorse marijuana in the US or australia (where I am).  That is, if I were attempting to curb use..

"Different culture" is itself a copout. In reality most European countries have the same "Culture" as America does given the Internet and T.V....Europeans are extremly americanized.

Secondly curbing marijuana use shouldn't even be a govt priority considering it's much less problematic than Alcohol is.

Incorrect.  I said there were victims on both sides.  Remember, I am not debating any side, just pointing out that I recognise why there is a hesitancy to change things from how they are.  That has nothing to do with "the war on drugs" - a subject I know little about except to say that it seems to be a somewhat losing battle.

Hence the princible of "Harm reduction". Anyone who knows anything about the war on Drugs knows that it doens't accomplish what it was set out to do...Prevent people from using drugs. The fact is..People WILL do drugs regardless of their legality. Making them illegal meerly creates more problems as i've mentioned before. "Harm reduction" is the princible of acceptance, That people WILL do these drugs and that trying to stop them is futile. Trying to educate them on the best choices and giving them the tools needed to safely do these things is the best approach.
Like Giving out Condoms. People claim Giving out condoms makes people want to have sex..BULLSHIT! I've never wanted sex from seeing a condom. ::)
People who want sex will have sex REGARDLESS of having a condom or not. However providing condoms for free to people will lower birth rates and lower rates of STD's.
Preaching "Don't have sex" doesn't do shit...And hundreds of studies agree with me.

I don't know, is not being able to sleep a physical withdrawal.  Ever seen a man pace in a room backwards and forwards for hours because he doesn't have any weed?  Every stood infront of someone who is babbling incoherent nonsense because he smoked weed an hour ago - so much so that he cannot respond to direct questions.. just keeps asking you whether "you want to die for this"?  Who really cares about defining addiction.  Suffice to say some people perceive they need to smoke weed continuously.  End of discussion.  Proving addiction means nothing..

1.Insomnia isn't a physical withdrawl symptom just a mental one.


3.No. I know numeorus people who have smoked marijuana and are 100% coherent. The only time I see people acting incoherent is after a few drinks of alcohol.

4.If Marijuana is addictive then by the same definition so is the Internet,So are video games,So is exercise,So is eating healthy...Should we ban them all too? Let's go ahead and ban everything people enjoy because they tend to do it more often because they ENJOY doing it..That'll work! ::)

That is purposely naive, if anything in alcohols case it should be illegal rather than a catalyst for legalisation of other substances (via the faulty logic that if it is legal other drugs should be).  I'm sure you know that just as well as I do.  Somehow I think it shits on your case though doesn't it ::)

This goes back to civil liberties. Alcohol is legal because people have the right to put whatever substance into their bodies. Marijuana is illegal because people don't have such a right. See the hypocrisy?

Here is something pretty funny....Here are what specific substances need to be to be considered a "Schedule 1 substance"(Like Marijuana is)

(A) The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
(B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
(C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

Oh wow...Alcohol fits ALL of those definitions now doesn't it? Marijuana doesn't fit any of them but maybe (A) and even that is a stretch.

Here is something funnier....There's another...(D)

(D) The drug is not alcohol (ethanol) due to the failure of prohibition.

 :o WoW! They make it so Alcohol can't even be scheduled due to failure of prohibition EVEN IF it fits all of those definitions needed to schedule a substance.

So this is proof it has NOTHING to do with saftey but everything to do with politics.

People have been thrown into Prison for LIFE simply for selling marijuana.

Actually I wasn't, I was pointing out that when a drug is considered safe by virtue of legality society (or more to the point, the imbeciles) abuse this and thus we have a problem.

This makes no sense to me.

You say you can refute every side of the argument but you appear incredibly narrow minded.  You only really care about your civil liberties and your right to consume.  I'm not saying that either side has a irrefutable case.  What I was saying is that there are clear examples on both sides of where injustices will occur(ie, the fact that your actions are restricted to protect perhaps less responsible people).

In American law you can't punish someone for a crime they "Might" do. That would be in violation of the constitution. Punishing someone for consuming a substance because they "Might" commit another crime by consuming it doesn't make any sense at all.

The argument that "We punish drug users because they might commit violent crimes in the future." is a dead one and inconsistent with the way our entire country works. IF you condone punishing people for using a substance that "might" cause them to "possibly" commit some type of unknown crime in the unknown future..What's stopping you from punishing children with anger issues? Throwing 8 year olds away for good because they have mental problems that can't be fixed and they "might" commit some crime in the future.

I'm far from narrow minded...I have heard all of the argument for and against drug criminilization and the fact is it makes no sense to criminalize the drugs.

You seem to lack the experience of ever knowing just how weak people really are and you've failed to convince me that legalising drugs is irrefutably necessary.  If anything my main concern, the example of alcohol and its misuse in society you absolutely fail to explain, rather attempting like oh so many of the self serving drug law reformists to use its failures to indicate validity based upon the fact that it is a menace yet still legal.

Actually many of my family members are drug addicts or have been. I have seen first hand how ineffective the current statues regarding drugs are. People are thrown into jail...Nonviolent people thrown into jail simply for possessing a substance that makes them feel better. They spend years in Prison and then come out hardened criminals from being forced to socalize with them for so long.

In effect...The current "war on drugs" Creates many more times as much crime as it gets rid of. Actually..It hardly gets rid of ANY crime ignoring the crime it creates itself by making drug use a crime. ::)

What a load of tripe. 

Why not be a progressive individual and admit that on both sides there are significant issues.   

Why be a hypocrite and claim you know everything? 

I do admit there are issues on both sides. Drugs can cause problems. I'm not debating that. However I AM debating that the current "War on drugs" is 100% ineffective and pointless. That I know absolutely and I can argue against absolutely.

I never condoned legalizing all drugs. Different drugs would be treated differently. Marijuana would be treated differently than Cocaine. Steroids differently than LSD. Ect..ect. However when it comes down to it...People SHOULD have the personal choice to take the drugs they want and not have to go through the black market to get them which only causes more problems than there was to begin with.


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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2006, 06:19:54 PM »
I am a level headed guy but on the roids i have remarkedly higher aggression great for workouts not so good for social occassions, as a bouncer i was in an altercation with 4 patrons i exploded it was a bloodbath if it was not for my fucking partner not talking up some chick he eventually came out and had to subdue me, by this time the cops arrived and i was ready to give them a party i was lucky my partner was a huge guy who could subdue me.
Anyway of the roids i am a quiet unassuming guy with no anger.To cut a long story short you do not have to be an asshole before taking them to feel the rage.
I lost my job brought up on criminal charges being the victim of being spat in the face it was self defence on some charges others my lawyer argued steroid rage,A conviction and probation .Lost my job.Lost my girlfriend then an altercation in the gym i was banned this all happening in an 18 month period.
Any one saying steroid rage does not exsist is niave.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2006, 06:43:06 PM »
I am a level headed guy but on the roids i have remarkedly higher aggression great for workouts not so good for social occassions, as a bouncer i was in an altercation with 4 patrons i exploded it was a bloodbath if it was not for my fucking partner not talking up some chick he eventually came out and had to subdue me, by this time the cops arrived and i was ready to give them a party i was lucky my partner was a huge guy who could subdue me.
Anyway of the roids i am a quiet unassuming guy with no anger.To cut a long story short you do not have to be an asshole before taking them to feel the rage.
I lost my job brought up on criminal charges being the victim of being spat in the face it was self defence on some charges others my lawyer argued steroid rage,A conviction and probation .Lost my job.Lost my girlfriend then an altercation in the gym i was banned this all happening in an 18 month period.
Any one saying steroid rage does not exsist is niave.

Sounds like alot of bullshit to me...

4 vs you and it "Exploded into a blood bath". Bahaha

Oh brother.... ::)

If I could of been put in that courtroom I would of made sure you got alot harsher sentence by proving Steroids had absolutely nothing to do with your inability to control yourself by showing scientific studies prove Steroids don't cause any increased aggression.

Apparantly you got a slap on the wrist by looking for a skapegoat and you were using Steroids so it must of been them! ::)

Anyone saying Roid rage doesn't exist is naive? Bullshit..Anyone who beleives anything YOU SAY is naive!


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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #38 on: March 14, 2006, 07:28:26 PM »
Sounds like alot of bullshit to me...

4 vs you and it "Exploded into a blood bath". Bahaha

Oh brother.... ::)

If I could of been put in that courtroom I would of made sure you got alot harsher sentence by proving Steroids had absolutely nothing to do with your inability to control yourself by showing scientific studies prove Steroids don't cause any increased aggression.

Apparantly you got a slap on the wrist by looking for a skapegoat and you were using Steroids so it must of been them! ::)

Anyone saying Roid rage doesn't exist is naive? Bullshit..Anyone who beleives anything YOU SAY is naive!
I take it you have never taken high amounts of anabolics,I was spat in the face and my anger overcompensated into a slug fest everything would have been fine if my partner was not in the club leaving me stranded, I was 270 and pissed use your imagination.
I have seen guys on huge amounts of test ticking time bombs i call them grenades ,not so long ago one of these meathead raped and killed a girl and pleaded steroid rage and there was literature and medical findings that found he was indeed under steroid rage he got a reduced sentence.
Studies you say do not increase steroid rage i bet do not involve human clinical trials or chimps our closet non human speceis instead you use guienee pigs what a fucking joke.
You had been a perfect witness because you have absouloutly no idea what your talking about.
Why do not try take a couple of grams of Test wash them down with some A bombs and go out in a social setting and see if you become irratable and increased agression.
Off the roids i am a very quiet shy guy when i drink i change into a happy sociable confident guy.I also had a friend who was on was being tail gated by 3 guys in a truck he gave them the finger and pulled into the parking lot the truck followed my freind got out and the truck took of in fear,He told me that he knew exactly what he was going to do to each guy and had to sit in his car for half an hour to calm down.You my friend has not been around the scene very long and you are very niave.
There are countless cases of Teens going off in society in violent rages and convictions that follow.
Anyone that claims steroid rage have a legitamate defence you should work for the prosecutor and show them your guinee pig experiments.
On study evaluations included medical, behaivoral, and drug use assesments while high incidence of mood disorders and substance abuse was foundYour quote and this does not take into account much higher doses that bodybuilders take.


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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #39 on: March 14, 2006, 08:45:37 PM »
One thing I notice about the USA: is every atheist a liberal and every Christian a conservative?   ???

It seems like some beliefs are just part of the package of a greater belief system (or lack thereof).  Not to bring religion in this thread, but I'm just curious about it.

Anyway, I don't claim to know that legalizing all drugs will be a great system, but I do know the current system is absolutely useless and complete shit.  Just look around you for all the evidence of that.

In any case, I couldn't give a fuck about the law when it comes to drugs.  I'll put whatever I damn well please in my body.


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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #40 on: March 14, 2006, 09:52:57 PM »
1.I can refute ALL of the counter arguments. Yes I can.

2.Yes Drugs can ruin people's lives. The whole idea of decriminalization is "Harm reduction" the same princible behind giving condoms out for free or providing needles to drug users for free. More harm is caused by drugs being outlawed than by them being regulated and produced legally and sold.

"Different culture" is itself a copout. In reality most European countries have the same "Culture" as America does given the Internet and T.V....Europeans are extremly americanized.

Secondly curbing marijuana use shouldn't even be a govt priority considering it's much less problematic than Alcohol is.

Hence the princible of "Harm reduction". Anyone who knows anything about the war on Drugs knows that it doens't accomplish what it was set out to do...Prevent people from using drugs. The fact is..People WILL do drugs regardless of their legality. Making them illegal meerly creates more problems as i've mentioned before. "Harm reduction" is the princible of acceptance, That people WILL do these drugs and that trying to stop them is futile. Trying to educate them on the best choices and giving them the tools needed to safely do these things is the best approach.
Like Giving out Condoms. People claim Giving out condoms makes people want to have sex..BULLSHIT! I've never wanted sex from seeing a condom. ::)
People who want sex will have sex REGARDLESS of having a condom or not. However providing condoms for free to people will lower birth rates and lower rates of STD's.
Preaching "Don't have sex" doesn't do shit...And hundreds of studies agree with me.


1.Insomnia isn't a physical withdrawl symptom just a mental one.


3.No. I know numeorus people who have smoked marijuana and are 100% coherent. The only time I see people acting incoherent is after a few drinks of alcohol.

4.If Marijuana is addictive then by the same definition so is the Internet,So are video games,So is exercise,So is eating healthy...Should we ban them all too? Let's go ahead and ban everything people enjoy because they tend to do it more often because they ENJOY doing it..That'll work! ::)


This goes back to civil liberties. Alcohol is legal because people have the right to put whatever substance into their bodies. Marijuana is illegal because people don't have such a right. See the hypocrisy?

Here is something pretty funny....Here are what specific substances need to be to be considered a "Schedule 1 substance"(Like Marijuana is)

Oh wow...Alcohol fits ALL of those definitions now doesn't it? Marijuana doesn't fit any of them but maybe (A) and even that is a stretch.

Here is something funnier....There's another...(D)

 :o WoW! They make it so Alcohol can't even be scheduled due to failure of prohibition EVEN IF it fits all of those definitions needed to schedule a substance.

So this is proof it has NOTHING to do with saftey but everything to do with politics.

People have been thrown into Prison for LIFE simply for selling marijuana.

This makes no sense to me.

In American law you can't punish someone for a crime they "Might" do. That would be in violation of the constitution. Punishing someone for consuming a substance because they "Might" commit another crime by consuming it doesn't make any sense at all.

The argument that "We punish drug users because they might commit violent crimes in the future." is a dead one and inconsistent with the way our entire country works. IF you condone punishing people for using a substance that "might" cause them to "possibly" commit some type of unknown crime in the unknown future..What's stopping you from punishing children with anger issues? Throwing 8 year olds away for good because they have mental problems that can't be fixed and they "might" commit some crime in the future.

I'm far from narrow minded...I have heard all of the argument for and against drug criminilization and the fact is it makes no sense to criminalize the drugs.

Actually many of my family members are drug addicts or have been. I have seen first hand how ineffective the current statues regarding drugs are. People are thrown into jail...Nonviolent people thrown into jail simply for possessing a substance that makes them feel better. They spend years in Prison and then come out hardened criminals from being forced to socalize with them for so long.

In effect...The current "war on drugs" Creates many more times as much crime as it gets rid of. Actually..It hardly gets rid of ANY crime ignoring the crime it creates itself by making drug use a crime. ::)

I do admit there are issues on both sides. Drugs can cause problems. I'm not debating that. However I AM debating that the current "War on drugs" is 100% ineffective and pointless. That I know absolutely and I can argue against absolutely.

I never condoned legalizing all drugs. Different drugs would be treated differently. Marijuana would be treated differently than Cocaine. Steroids differently than LSD. Ect..ect. However when it comes down to it...People SHOULD have the personal choice to take the drugs they want and not have to go through the black market to get them which only causes more problems than there was to begin with.
Despite your Bashing, Marijuana is not a soft drug being linked to Paranoid Schizophrenia and Schizophrenia and other mental illnesses this is usually from prologed use and the Netherlands are looking for a loophole to stop its legality.Despite Steroid rage i agree with what most you have written.


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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #41 on: March 14, 2006, 10:41:22 PM »
I'm not going to answer everything you said, only that which I consider contentious as these quotes are getting huge.

"Different culture" is itself a copout. In reality most European countries have the same "Culture" as America does given the Internet and T.V....Europeans are extremly americanized.

I find that incredibly strange, have you even been to europe? There is a huge cultural difference.  There is very little american influence in britain and europe.  America is a novelty but the culture in europe is far different.

I don't think I really need to describe just how much worse the US is than european countries.  Just look at how fat, stupid and murderous people are in america by population and you'll see why I point out that offering them the olive branch of "choice" is not a cut and dry decision.  I mean sure, there are a lot of good people too.  But who is afraid of someone who can think for themselves?  Its the stupid people that are the scary ones.  Its just a shame that so many stupid people go out in a blaze of glory taking innocents with them.

Hence the princible of "Harm reduction". Anyone who knows anything about the war on Drugs knows that it doens't accomplish what it was set out to do...Prevent people from using drugs. The fact is..People WILL do drugs regardless of their legality. Making them illegal meerly creates more problems as i've mentioned before. "Harm reduction" is the princible of acceptance, That people WILL do these drugs and that trying to stop them is futile. Trying to educate them on the best choices and giving them the tools needed to safely do these things is the best approach.

Indeed, but just how effective do you think harm reduction can be carried out?  To me even if this were on the cards there would have be huge amounts of money piped into studies to determine this and even then there would be no true idea just how it might turn out.  You can test something theoretically till the cows come home but you can never be sure.  I can give you examples if you like..

No. I know numeorus people who have smoked marijuana and are 100% coherent. The only time I see people acting incoherent is after a few drinks of alcohol.

So do I, but I also know people who have been not so lucky

If Marijuana is addictive then by the same definition so is the Internet,So are video games,So is exercise,So is eating healthy...Should we ban them all too? Let's go ahead and ban everything people enjoy because they tend to do it more often because they ENJOY doing it..That'll work! ::)

Don't over simplify.  I could quite easily outline the differences on why the internet is a poor analogy against marijuana.  But as I said, I wasn't really interested in debating marijuana that heavily.  It is a fairly harmless drug.  The war on drugs is hardly centred on marijuana.
This goes back to civil liberties. Alcohol is legal because people have the right to put whatever substance into their bodies. Marijuana is illegal because people don't have such a right. See the hypocrisy?

Of course I see the hypocracy!  My point exactly!  I just don't see it as a viable pro legalisation argument, if anything I believe alcohol should be made illegal.

Alcohol is a fantastic example of what happens when a dangerous substance is given state endorsement by being legal.  (and it is dangerous to society, like I said, its a menace).  You might think that such a gesture (something being legal) isn't sanctioning its use but to many of the more simple minded people it is.  They are the problem.

So this is proof it has NOTHING to do with saftey but everything to do with politics.

Couldn't agree more, I have never liked alcohol and I don't drink by choice because I don't agree that it should be socially enforced to do so (and it virtually is, the trouble I have being a non drinker is immense) or that it should be legal at the expense of other drugs.  Don't really know whether legalisation of other drugs will make this better or worse, I just think it is far from obvious and a dangerous decision to make.  Not to mention one that no politicians in majority have the guts to make.

People have been thrown into Prison for LIFE simply for selling marijuana.

What do you want me to say?  Yes thats really stupid.  But face facts, they knew it was wrong and they did it.  You don't get sent to jail for life for smoking a bud (in civilised countries).  You get sent to jail for trying to profit from it and treat it like a commodity rather than a substance you respect and use for your own private enjoyment. 

I'm far from narrow minded...I have heard all of the argument for and against drug criminilization and the fact is it makes no sense to criminalize the drugs.

It makes sense, just its not abundantly clear.  Like I said, on the whole the public is ignorant.  You legalise a drug and its state endorsed (maybe not straight away but sooner or later it will have its effect).  Once the stigma is gone irresponsiblity is bound to occur.  There are just really too many idiots walking this planet.

I never condoned legalizing all drugs. Different drugs would be treated differently. Marijuana would be treated differently than Cocaine. Steroids differently than LSD. Ect..ect. However when it comes down to it...People SHOULD have the personal choice to take the drugs they want and not have to go through the black market to get them which only causes more problems than there was to begin with.

People should do have the right to choose.  First we would have to rid the world of idiots to be safe from the ones who make poor choices.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #42 on: March 15, 2006, 12:10:27 PM »
I take it you have never taken high amounts of anabolics,I was spat in the face and my anger overcompensated into a slug fest everything would have been fine if my partner was not in the club leaving me stranded, I was 270 and pissed use your imagination.

I would of probably done the same thing you did WITHOUT steroids. So would you of. You can't blame the steroids for your anger.

I have seen guys on huge amounts of test ticking time bombs i call them grenades ,not so long ago one of these meathead raped and killed a girl and pleaded steroid rage and there was literature and medical findings that found he was indeed under steroid rage he got a reduced sentence.


2.Even if it's true...The medical literature is flawed as i've pointed out earlier. Actuall studies conclude "roid rage" doesn't exist. There is medical literature saying creatine causes cancer,But as we all know that's more B.S.

Studies you say do not increase steroid rage i bet do not involve human clinical trials or chimps our closet non human speceis instead you use guienee pigs what a fucking joke.

You haven't even read the studies I posted have you? OR read my posts.



You had been a perfect witness because you have absouloutly no idea what your talking about.
Why do not try take a couple of grams of Test wash them down with some A bombs and go out in a social setting and see if you become irratable and increased agression.
Off the roids i am a very quiet shy guy when i drink i change into a happy sociable confident guy.I also had a friend who was on was being tail gated by 3 guys in a truck he gave them the finger and pulled into the parking lot the truck followed my freind got out and the truck took of in fear,He told me that he knew exactly what he was going to do to each guy and had to sit in his car for half an hour to calm down.You my friend has not been around the scene very long and you are very niave.

Anecdotes prove NOTHING. Claiming you or your friends experiences don't prove a single thing. Posting actuall studies that I can refute is a step in the right direction but you haven't done that.

Want thousands of anecdotes? Go over to and read some posts from people who use HIGH amounts of steroids. Hardly any claim to experience roid rage.

Look at Pro Bodybuilders. The rate of Violent crimes among pro bodybuilders is LOWER than among the normal population. Explain that. ALL of them are using high amounts of steroids,Why aren't they all "roid raging" and commiting crimes at a high rate?


There are countless cases of Teens going off in society in violent rages and convictions that follow.
Anyone that claims steroid rage have a legitamate defence you should work for the prosecutor and show them your guinee pig experiments.
On study evaluations included medical, behaivoral, and drug use assesments while high incidence of mood disorders and substance abuse was foundYour quote and this does not take into account much higher doses that bodybuilders take.

1.There are countless cases of teens going off into society in violent rages WITHOUT ANABOLIC STEROIDS. MORE so than those with steroids. In relaity there are only a few cases of teens commiting crimes where steroids were blamed.

2.I didn't use guinnie pig experiments. The people claiming Roid rage existed did. You never even read my posts.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #43 on: March 15, 2006, 12:14:31 PM »
One thing I notice about the USA: is every atheist a liberal and every Christian a conservative?   ???

It seems like some beliefs are just part of the package of a greater belief system (or lack thereof).  Not to bring religion in this thread, but I'm just curious about it.

Anyway, I don't claim to know that legalizing all drugs will be a great system, but I do know the current system is absolutely useless and complete shit.  Just look around you for all the evidence of that.

In any case, I couldn't give a fuck about the law when it comes to drugs.  I'll put whatever I damn well please in my body.

Generally atheists are more intelligent than the normal people. Also Generally liberals are more intelligent than conservatives. So obviously the two will go together.
Conservatives think in "herd instinct" meaning they don't rationaly think but only do what they are told by their leaders. Liberals think outside of the Box. Liberals are responsible for ALL of the liberties we hold dear in America and the rest of the world. Liberals are responsible for freeing the slaves,De-segregation,Voting rights for women,Scientific progress..Christian conservatives tend to try to block scientific thought,Does the church jailing people who said the world went around the sun or these crazy "Anti evolution" trails prove that?

"Conservative thought" is based on no change. Based on doing what our parents did and any stray from that is bad..Even if it's good. ::)

Johnny Apollo

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #44 on: March 15, 2006, 12:16:41 PM »
Despite your Bashing, Marijuana is not a soft drug being linked to Paranoid Schizophrenia and Schizophrenia and other mental illnesses this is usually from prologed use and the Netherlands are looking for a loophole to stop its legality.Despite Steroid rage i agree with what most you have written.

Marijuana is absolutely a soft drug. "Hard drugs" have a high potential for abuse,Highly addictive,Deadly..ect.

1.Does not have high potential for abuse.
2.Not highly addictive if addictive at all.
3.Has never killed anyone in medical history.

The suppositions of marijuana causing paranoia are flawed. Post medical studies showing this and i'll refute them and show how they are flawed.

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #45 on: March 15, 2006, 12:27:07 PM »
Marijuana kills your braincells. That's it.
young niggah greedy

Johnny Apollo

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #46 on: March 15, 2006, 12:29:40 PM »

I find that incredibly strange, have you even been to europe? There is a huge cultural difference.  There is very little american influence in britain and europe.  America is a novelty but the culture in europe is far different.

I don't think I really need to describe just how much worse the US is than european countries.  Just look at how fat, stupid and murderous people are in america by population and you'll see why I point out that offering them the olive branch of "choice" is not a cut and dry decision.  I mean sure, there are a lot of good people too.  But who is afraid of someone who can think for themselves?  Its the stupid people that are the scary ones.  Its just a shame that so many stupid people go out in a blaze of glory taking innocents with them.

I lived in Germany for 8 years. I know how Americanized europe is.

Indeed, but just how effective do you think harm reduction can be carried out?  To me even if this were on the cards there would have be huge amounts of money piped into studies to determine this and even then there would be no true idea just how it might turn out.  You can test something theoretically till the cows come home but you can never be sure.  I can give you examples if you like..

Logically it would work. There isn't a reason why it would not.

Here is an example...

People have unsafe sex.

Attempts to stop sex have failed.

Why attempt to stop it anymore?

Why not just accept that people will do it and try to stop unsafe sex rather than sex.

Give out free condoms.

Educate people on STD's.


This is the logical solution.

Of course I see the hypocracy!  My point exactly!  I just don't see it as a viable pro legalisation argument, if anything I believe alcohol should be made illegal.

That's as stupid as thinking marijuana should stay illegal. Don't you remember Prohibition? It was an absolute failure. That's why alcohol was then decriminalized after prohibition BECAUSE it was a failure.

Prohibiting alcohol doesn't work...

Prohibiting Marijuana doesn't work..

Prohibiting steroids doesn't work..


What do you want me to say?  Yes thats really stupid.  But face facts, they knew it was wrong and they did it.  You don't get sent to jail for life for smoking a bud (in civilised countries).  You get sent to jail for trying to profit from it and treat it like a commodity rather than a substance you respect and use for your own private enjoyment.

People would not be able to use drugs if it weren't for the people who sold them firstly..

Secondly...Saying that "they knew it was illegal and they still did it so they deserve the punishment" is a fallacy. It's like saying "The people helping the underground railroad knew it was illegal but still did it,So they deserved to be hung!".

Absurd reasoning....

It makes sense, just its not abundantly clear.  Like I said, on the whole the public is ignorant.  You legalise a drug and its state endorsed (maybe not straight away but sooner or later it will have its effect).  Once the stigma is gone irresponsiblity is bound to occur.  There are just really too many idiots walking this planet.

People already use drugs. Lot of people. Assuming more would use if it were legalized is baseless. If someone wants to use,They or not. That's as simple as it is.

Since they WILL use regardless,Why not just regulate it to make sure it's safer and stop creating a black market around it that causes violent crime and even more problems?

People should do have the right to choose.  First we would have to rid the world of idiots to be safe from the ones who make poor choices.

I should not have to worry about what some person will do if he uses drugs. It's Un-American to punish everyone just because a select few are stupid. It's also Un-American to punish people based on what they "might do" as i've already explained.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #47 on: March 15, 2006, 12:32:24 PM »
Marijuana kills your braincells. That's it.


Marijuana like drugs actually causes braincells to GROW!

High Times for Brain Growth: Marijuana-like drug multiplies neurons

monster triceps

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #48 on: March 15, 2006, 12:37:10 PM »
No, it makes your braincells dead.
young niggah greedy

Johnny Apollo

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Re: roid rage may be lasting, but reversible
« Reply #49 on: March 15, 2006, 12:40:39 PM »
No, it makes your braincells dead.
