Author Topic: First time experience training with humalog  (Read 3208 times)


  • Getbig II
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First time experience training with humalog
« on: April 25, 2016, 05:58:55 AM »
Yesterday I trained legs, and for the first time I used humalog with intra-workout carbs.
I've read a ton about the subject before trying it out for myself. On promuscle there was a thread from 2015 telling people to drink 10g carbs for 1iu of slin. I've read here on getbig a long time ago that that was a myth. I've gone up to 6iu of humalog without any food whatsoever and went mildly hypo and sweat a bit, but nothing serious.
Anyway, I shot 10iu of humalog, prepared an intraworkout shake consisting of 20g BCAAs and 30g carbs (I used gadorade powder). Just in case, I brought another shake consisting of just 50g carbs.
I did feel like I was starting to go a little hypo by my 3rd exercise, but I took a few sips of my intra drink, and felt fine. All in all, I only took in 30g carbs for 10iu of insulin and got an amazing workout in! The pump was very good and lasted well after my workout was done. Another thing I noticed is that I couldn't really go as heavy as before on squats, but when I lowered the weight and just did reps, my legs got a crippling pump. I guess moral of the story is, on slin train for volume.
Anyone else with experience please chyme in, I'd love to hear what I could do better or if someone has different thoughts on intraworkout insulin. If Jizmo can give his 2 cents, that would be great, too!


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2016, 06:35:57 AM »
Jizmo recommends to use as little carbs as possible and more fat so your body can use that fat as energy so you can build more muscle... thats what he told me


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2016, 06:39:11 AM »
Jizmo recommends to use as little carbs as possible and more fat so your body can use that fat as energy so you can build more muscle... thats what he told me

Ah perfect! Then I should be on the right track!
I plan on using 10iu on leg and back days.
But I also have a question regarding lagging body parts. My arms are by far my weakest body part and aside from syntholing them, I'd like to try everything under the sun. Training-wise I've tried high frequency, low frequency, high weights, low weights/high reps, etc... and the progress is painfully slow if at all. Would it be a good idea to use insulin on arm day to shuttle nutrients there and hope for growth? Or is it too small of a body part to take full advantage of intraworkout slin?


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2016, 06:42:57 AM »
Ah perfect! Then I should be on the right track!
I plan on using 10iu on leg and back days.
But I also have a question regarding lagging body parts. My arms are by far my weakest body part and aside from syntholing them, I'd like to try everything under the sun. Training-wise I've tried high frequency, low frequency, high weights, low weights/high reps, etc... and the progress is painfully slow if at all. Would it be a good idea to use insulin on arm day to shuttle nutrients there and hope for growth? Or is it too small of a body part to take full advantage of intraworkout slin?

I would take 20 iu slin and eat half banana, then i would inject 200mg tren right after, so you will utilize every single gram og it... make 200gr fats, 40gr carbs shake and drink it at least 3 times over the 3 hours slin is active... that is what u want to do

Dude im trolling, dont take me seriously... you gonna die or get obese :')


  • Getbig II
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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2016, 06:50:11 AM »
I would take 20 iu slin and eat half banana, then i would inject 200mg tren right after, so you will utilize every single gram og it... make 200gr fats, 40gr carbs shake and drink it at least 3 times over the 3 hours slin is active... that is what u want to do

Dude im trolling, dont take me seriously... you gonna die or get obese :')

LMAO at first I was like "huh, 20iu is a bit much for a beginner" then I saw 200gr fats and knew you were trolling  ;D


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2016, 11:09:24 AM »
Jizmo recommends to use as little carbs as possible and more fat so your body can use that fat as energy so you can build more muscle... thats what he told me
:D dont put my name in if youre shitposting and trolling here, people wont understand and think im retarded LOL

@ OP
going low carbs with slin is against the point of it, unless youre using it for muscle protection while cutting. ive got no experience with that, but i would use slin strictly for bulking and get a shitton if carbs in. i use around 250g carbs intra workout (spaced over 90 minutes) for 15-20iu humalog...


  • Getbig III
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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2016, 11:35:33 AM »
:D dont put my name in if youre shitposting and trolling here, people wont understand and think im retarded LOL

@ OP
going low carbs with slin is against the point of it, unless youre using it for muscle protection while cutting. ive got no experience with that, but i would use slin strictly for bulking and get a shitton if carbs in. i use around 250g carbs intra workout (spaced over 90 minutes) for 15-20iu humalog...

Never used slin myself before and don't intend to (but that's what I said for tren and look where I am now :D), but would you say that real muscle tissue is built by slin use? or is it just intramuscular glycogen/fat(?) storage?


  • Getbig II
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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2016, 11:56:35 AM »
:D dont put my name in if youre shitposting and trolling here, people wont understand and think im retarded LOL

@ OP
going low carbs with slin is against the point of it, unless youre using it for muscle protection while cutting. ive got no experience with that, but i would use slin strictly for bulking and get a shitton if carbs in. i use around 250g carbs intra workout (spaced over 90 minutes) for 15-20iu humalog...

I am on a cut, I actually plan on competing in June. I want to play around with slin intraworkout to see what it does. I'm not planning on becoming a pro or even moving to the national level. I compete infrequently just to get my ass into shape lol. Otherwise I just won't make myself diet.
Anyway, I'll keep going with my plan of using it on leg and back day (and maybe arm day in hopes for a bit of growth) and see how that works out.


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2016, 02:48:24 PM »
Never used slin myself before and don't intend to (but that's what I said for tren and look where I am now :D), but would you say that real muscle tissue is built by slin use? or is it just intramuscular glycogen/fat(?) storage?
it helps with everything.
imo the main benefit is the anti catabolic action, which results in increased net anabolism (obviously).
if you eliminate the danger of breaking down muscle tissue during the most crucial time (=during workouts) youll increase your overall muscle growth.

the carb shuttling / glycogen retaining effect on the other hand is a huge and immediate visual one, but does not help with actual muscle gains directly (maybe very slightly through increased blood flow and increased volumization of the muscle)

insulin DOES build muscle tissue too though. it allegedly shuttles amino acids to muscle tissue, but ive never seen any straight scientific evidence for that to be honest.
there are some effects on muscle protein synthesis, but the jury is still out whether exogenous insulin / high doses of insulin do that better than endogenous... at least im not sure if it does.

insulin DOES dose dependently increase IGF levels though and binds to IGF receptors / increases IGF receptor expression in muscle tissue, so theres no doubt there are some direct effects on muscle growth too.

basically there are too many different pathways to tell which is the most valuable effect, but i have no doubt that insulin is one of the most powerful tools for BBing (if used correctly. insulin takes MUCH more expertise than AAS to be used efficiently. every meathead can pop a couple dbols and gain 20 lbs. but you need a brain to make insulin use worthwhile :))


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2016, 04:26:04 AM »
:D dont put my name in if youre shitposting and trolling here, people wont understand and think im retarded LOL

lol  8)


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2016, 06:00:14 AM »
Tried running insilin for a while and stopped. I want to enjoy my workouts and when I took insulin all I thought about was, am I going hypo? Am intaking in too.many carbs and getting fat? Everytime I got winded, or got dizzy or  shakey of started sweating I got worried I was going hypo.

I don't need that . lol

Now when I feel any of the above I know it's because I'm training my ass off and nothing else.

Peace of mind is a wonderful thing.


  • Getbig II
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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2016, 06:18:03 AM »
Tried running insilin for a while and stopped. I want to enjoy my workouts and when I took insulin all I thought about was, am I going hypo? Am intaking in too.many carbs and getting fat? Everytime I got winded, or got dizzy or  shakey of started sweating I got worried I was going hypo.

I don't need that . lol

Now when I feel any of the above I know it's because I'm training my ass off and nothing else.

Peace of mind is a wonderful thing.

Wow you overthink things a lot... I felt a bit hypo on my 2nd set of squats, sipped some of my intraworkout and was right back at it. I wasn't at all worried the whole time. I knew I brought enough carbs with me to cover 10iu, so at any time I could just slam 50g carbs and be fine.
I'm gonna do back on thurs with 10iu again and see how that goes. But for leg day, I actually loved it! My legs also seemed to recover a lot quicker than when I wasn't using insulin. I usually have DOMS for a couple days after leg day, but its day 2 and I feel like I'm ready for another leg workout!


  • Getbig V
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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2016, 07:20:18 AM »
Wow you overthink things a lot... I felt a bit hypo on my 2nd set of squats, sipped some of my intraworkout and was right back at it. I wasn't at all worried the whole time. I knew I brought enough carbs with me to cover 10iu, so at any time I could just slam 50g carbs and be fine.
I'm gonna do back on thurs with 10iu again and see how that goes. But for leg day, I actually loved it! My legs also seemed to recover a lot quicker than when I wasn't using insulin. I usually have DOMS for a couple days after leg day, but its day 2 and I feel like I'm ready for another leg workout!

Yes I overthink things that can turn shitty very quickly. Watch that video where Ronnie discusses insulin and going hypo on a plane. Think he was over thinking when he was shitting his pants alone and feeling like crap? Lol

Easy for some stranger on the boards to advise taking this or that when they don't have to live with any of the consequences of your  decisions. I bet you someone is going to say 10iu does fuck all and can't even make you go hypo at all so bump it up.

I'll be a pussy and play it safe. No problem. Not telling you not to do it. I'm just think its not worth the hassle.for the average lifter.

Hope things work out for you.


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2016, 09:19:13 AM »
its not like insulin is unpredictable.
it works the same, every time.
get enough carbs during the active time and theres zero reason to worry
if your timing is fucked then you go hypo during workous. it took me a good 50 injects and experimenting with carb timing to get the timing down perfectly for my needs.

of course you could just simply flood your body with massive amounts of carbs right before injecting your slin and for the 2 hours following if you want to play it safe, but the amount of carbs should SOMEHOW be in line with the amount of insulin you use... i know i can go up to 250g carbs or so pre/intra with 15-20iu without getting fat. then ill have another 150-200g or so post workout (but thats 3h after the shot). but i consume around 2/3 of my daily carbs right around the workout and always have done it that way, insulin or not.


  • Getbig II
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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2016, 09:31:03 AM »
Yes I overthink things that can turn shitty very quickly. Watch that video where Ronnie discusses insulin and going hypo on a plane. Think he was over thinking when he was shitting his pants alone and feeling like crap? Lol

Easy for some stranger on the boards to advise taking this or that when they don't have to live with any of the consequences of your  decisions. I bet you someone is going to say 10iu does fuck all and can't even make you go hypo at all so bump it up.

I'll be a pussy and play it safe. No problem. Not telling you not to do it. I'm just think its not worth the hassle.for the average lifter.

Hope things work out for you.

What the hell was Ronnie doing taking slin before a flight? lol. That's such an unpredictable situation, no one should be doing that unless they have glucose tabs in their pockets. But why take slin at all unless you're in a controlled environment? For an IFBB pro who should know how to use this stuff that was a very stupid move on his end. When I take slin I'm in a controlled environment. I have my intraworkout drink mixed and ready to go, and a backup carb drink just in case.
Don't be an idiot, use common sense, and there's nothing to worry about. I'm not saying you should/need to take slin, not at all. I'm just sharing my experience with it, and as scared as I was to use it for the first time, I found the whole experience very pleasant and nothing like what you hear about from "pros" about all the dangers. But then, I'm also not pinning 30iu at a time like some guys.


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2016, 09:39:01 AM »
What the hell was Ronnie doing taking slin before a flight? lol. That's such an unpredictable situation, no one should be doing that unless they have glucose tabs in their pockets. But why take slin at all unless you're in a controlled environment? For an IFBB pro who should know how to use this stuff that was a very stupid move on his end. When I take slin I'm in a controlled environment. I have my intraworkout drink mixed and ready to go, and a backup carb drink just in case.
Don't be an idiot, use common sense, and there's nothing to worry about. I'm not saying you should/need to take slin, not at all. I'm just sharing my experience with it, and as scared as I was to use it for the first time, I found the whole experience very pleasant and nothing like what you hear about from "pros" about all the dangers. But then, I'm also not pinning 30iu at a time like some guys.

I would be very interested what your opinion of it is when you've decided its been enough. Please let us know.

As far as Ronnie's situation is concerned he probably listened to his guru who told him exactly.what you've read on the boards. Just have this and do this and you'll be fine. Hard to fuck this up. Lol


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2016, 10:16:24 AM »
for the thousands of lurkers viewing these boards.

1. It is idiotic to use insulin on a cut. You would think it shuttles nutrients to the muscles. Yes it does,but it also tells the body to store any excess carbs as fat and to stop burning fat as fuel instantly.  All the "gurus" online would tell you not to do it unless you are a 280 lb monster who is already pre-diabetic due to your exogenous insulin administration.

2. following from  the above, you should be very concerned about becoming insulin resistant and/or getting to the point where your body does not secrete enough insulin or secrete any insulin . Thats what happens when you introduce hormones to your system. Your body will respond to this foreign influx by shutting down its own production. Obviously everybody will react differently.

3. neruoglycopenia and coma.

truthfully insulin can be used relatively safely in a caloric surplus but IMO the negatives far outweigh the positives with this drug. It can and will take your body to the next level as far as growth, but there can be a significant cost.. you can deny it all you want but its there. The guts you see from the abdominal fat deposits that wont go away even when contest lean should worry you.

Just not worth it if you are not trying to break a growth plateau and/or become a mass monster.

and I respect your opinions Jizmo cus you obviously know your shit, But you must admit that there is no drug that acts the same way in everybody all the time. Small variables can cause significant damage depending on what is in your system at the time that may affect how the drug is metabolized.


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2016, 11:12:51 AM »
for the thousands of lurkers viewing these boards.

1. It is idiotic to use insulin on a cut. You would think it shuttles nutrients to the muscles. Yes it does,but it also tells the body to store any excess carbs as fat and to stop burning fat as fuel instantly.  All the "gurus" online would tell you not to do it unless you are a 280 lb monster who is already pre-diabetic due to your exogenous insulin administration.

2. following from  the above, you should be very concerned about becoming insulin resistant and/or getting to the point where your body does not secrete enough insulin or secrete any insulin . Thats what happens when you introduce hormones to your system. Your body will respond to this foreign influx by shutting down its own production. Obviously everybody will react differently.

3. neruoglycopenia and coma.

truthfully insulin can be used relatively safely in a caloric surplus but IMO the negatives far outweigh the positives with this drug. It can and will take your body to the next level as far as growth, but there can be a significant cost.. you can deny it all you want but its there. The guts you see from the abdominal fat deposits that wont go away even when contest lean should worry you.

Just not worth it if you are not trying to break a growth plateau and/or become a mass monster.

and I respect your opinions Jizmo cus you obviously know your shit, But you must admit that there is no drug that acts the same way in everybody all the time. Small variables can cause significant damage depending on what is in your system at the time that may affect how the drug is metabolized.

You make.some great points.

What was wrong with pre insulin physiques? They looked great. If you're just a regular gym rat its not necessary.

I do understand why people try it though. We get so caught up on these.boards and the guys we see everyday on them are retarded huge. It warps.our sense of physical self. Makes us feel we need more when in reality that's not the case.

The older I get the less of this stuff I want to use and health above everything plays a huge factor.

Qwert II

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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2016, 11:22:19 AM »
There's insulin use & then there's INSULIN use.

If used in small dosages & sparingly, it will just speed up the muscle building process & be quite safe. ie: 5-10iu before your post workout meal.

Now, do people do this? I've seen 10-20iu with 6 meals a day & even higher.

At this dosage & frequency, expect a whole lotta sides. You'll get bigger faster, but so will your gut, visceral fat accumulation etc.

Most people shouldn't bother with it IMO.


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Re: First time experience training with humalog
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2016, 01:39:22 PM »
good post in general f450, i agree with most of what youre saying, but i have to disagree on some of the points too.

some people will call me out or disagree with what follows but its all based on my personal extensive research on that topic (i consider insulin sensitivity one of the - if not THE most important thing regarding body composition/bodybuilding in general and i spend a lot of time reading into that specifically).

1. insulin does not work via a negative feedback loop. you cant shut down your bodys own insulin production via exogenous insulin use. well, you can, for the time its active. but not long term.
you can become resistant to insulin if you ABuse it or use long acting insulin (that actually makes you insulin resistant within DAYS). doesnt happen with rapid insulin use, especially not pre workout imo.

2. visceral fat accumulation CAN be caused by insulin ABuse. agree on that, but abuse means extremely high doses multiple times a day, often combined with a basal (long acting) insulin aswell.
theres hard scientific evidence that long acting insulin makes you insulin resistant (=essentially diabetic) within days of use. just like GH (see point 3.)
a bodybuilder should NEVER touch anything else but rapid insulin. i would also strongly advice only using it at the muscle crucial time of the day (=pre workout).

3. whats much worse than insulin abuse is GH abuse.
GH makes you insulin resistant, just like exogenous basal insulin. high doses of GH are MUCH more worse insulin though.
GH is responsible for high fasting blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.
continuously high blood sugar is the culprit for EVERYTHING you describe, its usually NOT caused by insulin abuse (and certainly not from 20-30 units a day).
GH abuse is what causes palumboism, nerve damage, the guts on todays pros, the diabetic look.
GH abuse is much worse than insulin abuse in that regard.

i can only speak for myself here, but after 14 weeks of continuous insulin use (15 to 20iu pre workout, 5 times a week) my fasting blood sugar was still in the 70s or low 80s every single morning.
it didnt budge AT ALL.
thats zero sign of insulin resistance/insensitivity. people claim you can only use insulin for 6 weeks and then HAVE to cycle off. thats just bullshit.
maybe im just genetically lucky in that regard, but id worry MUCH more about using high doses of GH than high doses of insulin when it comes to insulin sensitivity / resistance.