Author Topic: I wish to achieve Sick kunt status... will the godfathers on here help me?  (Read 4000 times)


  • Getbig I
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Hi Guys,
So this was one of the boards that seems to pop up a lot in terms of recommendations and I intend to become a regular poster. I started using AAS as of last year (2015). Did about 3 months of research prior, reading around different forums (GH15 before i got banned as i was using a friend's account, elitefitness, steroidology, etc)) and i thought i knew enough to reach the physique i wanted... truth is, i didn't and i'm back here again to learn. I want to learn from you guys and i'm hoping i can get some serious advice. There are so many threads on here that it's hard to find what i want.

I don't intend to compete, so not looking for IFBB pro cycle recommendations. I do however, wish to attain a fitness physique similar to Jon Skywalker and maintain that for as long as i can.

My current stats are:
Age - 26 years of age
Height - 5ft 10
Weight - 87.5kg (i'm British, i don't work in lbs, sorry) - 193 pounds if you must know.
5 years lifting experience (4 years natty, 1 year enhanced) - I'm not counting the previous 3 years before that as those were trial and errors.

I'm currently bulking (6 weeks in and put on 15 pounds of mass) as i've recently recovered from multiple surgeries so lost a significant portion of muscle mass. I was close to achieving what i wanted but still lack that 3D delt look. I've shredded 3 times in total and am able to obtain the six pack look, so dieting isn't a major issue however i still lack that 3d delt and traps look. Finally, i've completed 2 cycles in total (1 cutting and 1 bulking) and this is my 3rd one.

What i wish to know is (please):
1 -  In order to reach the physique of someone like Jon Skywalker, What sort of cycles would i need to be on (for both bulking and particularly cutting)? Bear in mind, i am susceptible to gyno so an AI on cycle is needed and i am unable to tolerate test prop... my legs got swollen up to a the size of watermelons and couldn't walk for 4-5 days each time i pinned Test Prop. My previous cutting cycle was 500mg Test E (pwk), 400mg Tren A (pwk), 50mg anavar (ed).

2 - After cutting to the body percentage i want, i always seemed to fail to maintain or reverse diet properly and i lose my quite a bit of definition around my abs within weeks. What sort of macro %'s would you recommend i use to maintain the lean look? high protein low carbs for life? lol

Again, i know that if i keep looking through the hundreds of threads, i'll probably find my answer but so far i haven't and i'm genuinely asking for your advice guys. Hope you can help.

pending Sick Kunt from London

I've now attached 2 photos from my 1st cutting cycle and 1st bulking cycle. Please excuse the skin tone differences. They were taken on snapchat and there was a filter on.


  • Getbig V
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What was galenikos recommendation as far as body fat levels before jumping on a cycle?

I think he was always a proponent of bros getting down into single digits correct?


  • Getbig V
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  • the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever
In order to reach the physique of someone like Jon Skywalker

you'd need to be an ecto at 6'4 with decent shape/insertions…. run a low dose of whatever…. and eat cheeseburgers.



  • Getbig IV
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  • getbigbrah
13% bodyfat is fat
if youre 6 weeks into a bulk and at 13% bodyfat already then you started way too fat, thats why you lose your abs that quickly.
cut to 8%.
then raise calories to maintenance, run tren and throw in some other shit here and there
the lean and popping 3D look needs tren, anything else is dispensable (run a small amount of test to feel good, mast helps with dryness)

if you cant hold conditioning after your cut then a) youre still too fat or b) your diet is shit.
if you cut on 2000 kcals then obviously dont jump to 4000 kcals in a day. that has nothing to do with carbs either.
you wont ever get a popping look to the muscle with low carbs unless youre still huge when youre dry and depleted (only genetic freaks are).


  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 7
My apologies guys, it's my 4th cycle now. And I did cut down to single digits but then went on holiday for 3 weeks and gained quite a bit of BF. When I came back, I still had a bit of definition so thought maybe I could get away with bulking. Plus I had lost a lot of mass from the surgeries so I was even more tempted. True, I probably should have cut first again to single digits before starting the bulk.

2ndly, c'mon zillotch, there's no need for that. I've come on here asking for help because you guys have the knowledge and I'm genuinely asking for help. I don't think my diet is shit, in terms of cutting. I'm able to achieve the lean look. Just find it difficult to maintain when I try to reverse back to maintenance.

I'm out at the moment but I'll post some pics of my bulk and cut when I'm back home so you'll know that I do have knowledge in terms of dieting.

And jizmo, thank you for the tips bro, much appreciated.

local hero

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  • Getbig V
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Excuse the skin tone differences. It was taken on snapchat and has a filter. First pic is 1st cycle cutting and 2nd pic is 1st cycle bulking. I think in the bulk i was around 12% maybe? i'm a little higher in my current state so i presume i'm at 13%. I could be wrong so feel free to clarify that for me

Look a bit tighter than 13% to me.... The holy grail is gh,test, tren everything else is trivial, if you can affrd gh run it at 4iu at least, will make your gear work so much better and leave you looking bigger and leaner, you can get decent ug gh despite what many claim otherwise on here


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 40
GH is gh, the problem with the generics is that they'll give you 2iu vials and call rm 10iu, how you gonna know? Then they'll keep the shit in a warm closet somewhere effectively killing all the gh that might it might not have been in there. Only way to really know is to go to China and find the mfers, failing that, bloods


  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 7
Never really thought of using GH. The guy I get my AAS from sells it at £160-£200 for 100iu.... That's quite expensive :( I've got a few holidays planned so if I can get away with just using the cheaper AAS, id rather use that. But if the only alternative is GH, then I could give it a try.


  • Getbig V
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  • the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever
This is a genetic game; you cant emulate another's genetics – ever.

You will never look like 'Jon Skywalker'... no matter what you take.

Absurd thread.


  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 7
I don't want to look exactly like Jon Skywalker and i understand very well that everyone's genetics are different and i won't look exactly like him. That's not my point. I was looking for advice on the types of cycles i could utilise in order to attain a similar look. Zillotch, if you don't want to help me, that's fine but there's really no need for internet bashing. It seems like you just enjoy mocking people. Just ignore my thread then, i'm sure there's more than enough threads for you to comment on.


  • Getbig V
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  • the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever
I was looking for advice on the types of cycles i could utilise in order to attain a similar look

Again, a guy like 'Jon Skywalker' could run:

a low dose of whatever…. and eat cheeseburgers.

and look the way he does.

What you need is a reality check.

Good luck.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 583
Lol sick kunt status..... sorry man but those words will never fail to make me laugh. You do have a good physique though and I think you can attain a great look with the advice jizmo gave you.


  • Getbig IV
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  • getbigbrah
now that i saw the pics...
you need to actually have good abs to be able to see them
work your abs, serratus, transverse abdominis hard and heavy (look up exercises on exrx if you lack variety)

your abs look underdeveloped, and youre not very muscular overall, which means if your bodyfat is a little too high youll simply look skinnyfat and your main advantages (shape, taper, definition) go to shit..
doesnt mean youre not looking good, definite physique potential in the first pic.
your bulk pic looks like you only ever trained chest and traps though. increasing bodyfat levels doesnt do you any good look-wise. stay below 10%...

just run a decent amount of test/tren or whatever, stay below 10%.. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY GIVE IT TIME.


  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 7
Hey jizmo :)
Thank you for the tips, I shall definitely incorporate more abs training into my workout routine. And thank you for the exrx link for variety. Will deffo check them out. I did train abs once a week, but like my calves, they don't seem to develop well. And with regards to the chest and traps being over dominant, when I first started training, they were all I did initially. So even though now I train each body part once a week, the chest and traps seem to respond more.

I still have another bottle of dbol so will probably go through that from next week and then start my cut with test e, tren a & possibly anavar. Ill probably post my next cut here. Thanks again for the tips bro 👍


  • Getbig I
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And mad-scientist lol, the whole Zyzz quotes are just for jokes :) and thanks bro, still got a long way to go.


  • Getbig III
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I'm sorry but zyzz was never a sick kunt if you were thinking about that :-\


  • Getbig IV
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yeah that god dam test prop I got a bottle of geneeza cut mix just for shits and giggles . I missed two workouts do to that insane pip in the shoulder.  I honestly do not know how people run that.


  • Getbig I
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Disco, it really is horrible. I was walking funny for days! And I even had to go to A&E and get antibiotics prescribed to help with the haematoma that formed after as well. I don't understand the science behind why test prop can cause that type of reaction yet test e, works a charm.