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Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Iranian scientist gives info to US on Iran nuke program, Hillary discusses him in emails, Iran hangs him for treason

UPDATE: Hillary’s culpability in this is disputed. This report says U.S. officials were discussing Amiri’s cooperation openly in 2010.


Must be nice to be above the law and never have to suffer any consequences for your actions — and indeed, to be on the verge of being rewarded with the Presidency of the United States after years of treasonable carelessness (at best).


“Cotton: Clinton discussed executed Iranian scientist on email,” by Jacqueline Klimas, Washington Examiner, August 7, 2016:

Hillary Clinton recklessly discussed, in emails hosted on her private server, an Iranian nuclear scientist who was executed by Iran for treason, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said Sunday.

“I’m not going to comment on what he may or may not have done for the United States government, but in the emails that were on Hillary Clinton’s private server, there were conversations among her senior advisors about this gentleman,” he said on “Face the Nation.” Cotton was speaking about Shahram Amiri, who gave information to the U.S. about Iran’s nuclear program….

Iran confirmed on Sunday that Amiri had been hanged for treason. He was convicted of spying charges in a death sentence case that was upheld on appeal, according to the Associated Press.

“This person who had access to the country’s secret and classified information had been linked to our hostile and No. 1 enemy, America, the Great Satan” a spokesman for the Iranian judiciary said. “He provided the enemy with vital and secret information of the country.”

His body was returned to his mother with rope marks around the neck.

Amiri disappeared while on a religious pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in 2009, but he then resurfaced a year later in the U.S., where he visited the Iranian interest section of the Pakistani embassy and demanded to be sent home to Iran. While Amiri told reporters that he was held against his will by both the Saudis and the Americans, U.S. officials said he was receiving millions of dollars for information he provided about Iran’s nuclear program.

The scientist shows up in Clinton’s emails back in 2010, just nine days before he returned to Iran.

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Iran executes nuclear scientist reputed to have spied for U.S.
The strange case of Shahram Amiri launched during Hillary Clinton's tenure at State.
By NAHAL TOOSI 08/07/16 07:53 AM EDT Updated 08/07/16 11:44 AM EDT
In this photo taken on July 15, 2010, Shahram Amiri, an Iranian nuclear scientist attends a news briefing while holding his son, Amir Hossein, as he arrives at the Imam Khomeini airport just outside Tehran after returning from the United States
In this photo taken July 15, 2010, Shahram Amiri attends a news briefing while holding his son, Amir Hossein, as he arrives at the Imam Khomeini airport just outside Tehran after returning from the U.S. | AP Photo
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The Iranian government has executed a nuclear scientist who was believed to have cooperated with U.S. intelligence but who returned to Iran after claiming he had been abducted and tortured by the CIA.

The tale of Shahram Amiri was one of the stranger sagas to emerge from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, testing her diplomatic skills in highly sensitive circumstances. His death comes just over a year after Iran and the U.S. struck a deal aimed at reining in Iran's nuclear program, an agreement Clinton was instrumental in launching.

State-controlled Iranian media on Sunday confirmed Amiri's execution, quoting an Iranian judiciary spokesman as saying that Amiri "provided the enemy with vital information of the country." His family told the BBC his body had rope marks, indicating he had been hanged, apparently in the past week.

Amiri went missing in Saudi Arabia in May or June 2009 while on religious pilgrimage to Mecca. In the following months, Iranian officials accused the U.S. of abducting him. The State Department claimed for months that it "had no information" on Amiri.

The Iranian resurfaced publicly on June 7, 2010, in a pair of Internet videos. In one, he claimed he'd been kidnapped by the CIA during his pilgrimage and was being held in Tucson, Arizona, where he had been subject to torture and psychological pressure. In the other, he claimed he was in the U.S. to further his education and was free and safe.

Amiri appeared in a third video, posted June 29, 2010, in which he said he'd escaped U.S. custody and had reached Virginia. Two weeks later, Amiri walked into the Pakistani Embassy in Washington, D.C., which houses an Iranian interests section, and said he wanted to return to Iran.

Clinton confirmed at that point, during a news conference, that Amiri had been present in the U.S., saying he arrived “of his own free will and he is free to go. These are decisions that are his alone to make.”


inRead invented by Teads

When he did land in his native country on July 15, 2010, he was given a hero’s welcome, and Iranian officials cast him as a double agent, claiming he had infiltrated U.S. intelligence and that Iran had the upper hand in an intelligence war. But soon after returning home, Amiri was taken into custody, presumably imprisoned because of his dalliance with the U.S.

The CIA and the State Department declined to comment for this story, and the White House said it had no immediate comment. But the U.S. was clearly embarrassed over the drama as it played out six years ago, not to mention unhappy about the public window it offered into the high-stakes spy battles between Washington and Tehran over the latter's nuclear program.

American officials at the time quickly went about trying to debunk Amiri's allegations, scoffing at claims that they had kidnapped and held Amiri against his will. (It was never quite clear how Amiri managed to record the videos, still available on YouTube, if he was being held a prisoner of the U.S.)

The U.S. officials told American news organizations that Amiri had provided intelligence on Iran’s nuclear program for years from inside Iran, and that although he was not a major player in the country's nuclear apparatus, his information still proved useful. They said he had been paid some $5 million for the information he provided.

In this July 15, 2010 photo, Shahram Amiri, an Iranian nuclear scientist speaks with journalists at the Imam Khomeini airport, just outside Tehran, Iran, after returning to his homeland from the United States.
Shahram Amiri claimed to have been kidnapped by the CIA. | AP Photo
As Amiri made his way across the U.S. to the Pakistani Embassy, Clinton's advisers fretted over how to react.

In an email published among the trove of messages originally on Clinton's private server, top Clinton adviser Jake Sullivan (who now has a top role in her presidential campaign) expressed concern about how Amiri’s story would play in the media.

“The gentleman you have talked to [top State Department official] Bill Burns about has apparently gone to his country's interests section because he is unhappy with how much time it has taken to facilitate his departure,” Sullivan wrote. “This could lead to problematic news stories in the next 24 hours. Will keep you posted."

Another email, written by energy envoy Richard Morningstar and sent days earlier, portrayed Amiri as having psychological problems.

"Per the subject we discussed, we have a diplomatic, 'psychological' issue, not a legal issue," Morningstar wrote. "Our friend has to be given a way out. We should recognize his concerns and frame it in terms of a misunderstanding with no malevolent intent and that we will make sure there is no recurrence. Our person won't be able to do anything anyway. If he has to leave, so be it."

At the time, there were some reports that Amiri, who was born in 1977, was worried about what would happen to his family, especially his young son, whom he had left behind in Iran and who clearly were under the pressure of watchful Iranian authorities.

Pence takes shot at CIA, defends Trump
When he arrived back in Iran, he held his son, then age 7, in his arms as he faced a bank of microphones. He alleged that U.S. and Saudi officials were complicit in his kidnapping, that Israeli agents were involved in interrogating him, and that he'd been offered $50 million to be resettled in Europe.

Amiri's case was one of several dramatic U.S.-Iran developments in 2010. That same year, President Barack Obama signed into law a new set of sanctions on the Islamic Republic, penalties that are believed to have helped push Iran toward the bargaining table a few years later.

Clinton left the Obama administration before the nuclear talks with Iran began in full force in 2013. But during her final year as secretary of state, she greenlighted secret bilateral talks with the Iranians — sending Sullivan as an envoy — that eventually led to the ultimate deal.

The nuclear deal, reached July 14, 2015, has led Iran to dismantle large parts of its nuclear program, which Tehran has always insisted was meant for peaceful purposes. The U.S. and other nations involved in the agreement have in turn cut back on their sanctions.

Suspicions remain strong on both sides, however. Iranian leaders have complained they are not getting sanctions relief fast enough, leading some in the West to worry that Tehran will back out of the deal.

Kaine defends Iran payment, Clinton emails
Earlier this month, Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei used Twitter to accuse the U.S. of violating the deal, saying it proved Iran "cannot negotiate in any issue with U.S. as a reliable party." He added: "Americans want to take everything & give nothing. Talks with US on regional issues is a lethal poison & they cannot be trusted in any issue."

In the days afterward, another flash point emerged when The Wall Street Journal reported details of how the U.S. shipped $400 million in cash to Iran in mid-January, around the same time Iran released five Americans in its custody.

U.S. officials insist the payment was the first installment of a completely separate $1.7 billion settlement the Obama administration reached with Iran over a decades-old financial dispute, and they point out that that agreement was publicly announced at the time of the prisoner release.

But the Journal's description of the cash transfer — in pallets of foreign currency — revived Republican allegations that the so-called separate financial settlement was really a ransom payment for Americans unjustly held by a rogue regime. GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump is among those who have attacked Clinton over the $400 million transfer.

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New emails show Huma scheming for Hillary
By Daniel Halper August 9, 2016 | 1:32pm
Modal Trigger New emails show Huma scheming for Hillary
Huma Abedin, then deputy chief of staff and aide to then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during a meeting with leaders for the Open Government Partnership in New York. Photo: AP
Another 296 pages of Hillary Clinton’s emails were released Tuesday — exposing key Clinton aides doing favors for billionaires and, on one occasion, leaving the then-secretary of state’s daily schedule in an unlocked hotel room.

The documents were released by Judicial Watch, which is suing to recover Clinton’s emails under Freedom of Information Act laws.

In an April 2009 email to Clinton’s State Department aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, President Clinton’s former body man, Doug Band, the founder of corporate consultant Teneo, urgently asked them to set up a meeting with an ambassador for a major donor to the Clinton Foundation.

 Clinton practically handed her email password to the Russians
Clinton practically handed her email password to the Russians
“We need Gilbert Chagoury to speak to the substance person re lebanon. As you know, he’s key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon.”

“Its jeff feltman,” Abedin wrote back, referring to Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman, America’s former top diplomat to Lebanon. “I’m sure he knows him[.] Ill talk to jeff.”

Less than 20 minutes later, Band replied, “Better if you call him. Now preferrable. This is very important.”

Chagoury is a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire and a Clinton Foundation donor, giving somewhere between $1 million and $5 million.

The construction magnate has financial interests around the world and was convicted in Switzerland in 2000 for money laundering. He paid $66 million in a plea deal.

The emails also show Clinton’s closest aide, Abedin, left her boss’s daily schedule in an unlocked hotel room in Trinidad and Tobago, where the secretary of state was attending a conference.

“Hi Huma,” aide Melissa Lan wrote in an email to Abedin. “Would it be possible to get one of the Secretary’s day book binders back for tomorrow’s product?”

Abedin replied, “Yes its [sic] on the bed in my room. U can take it. My door is open. I’m in lobby. Thx.”

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in a statement: “No wonder Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin hid emails from the American people, the courts and Congress. … They show the Clinton Foundation, Clinton donors, and operatives worked with Hillary Clinton in potential violation of the law.”


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By Julian Hattem - 08/10/16 06:00 AM EDT

None of the work-related Hillary Clinton emails discovered by the FBI after being deleted from her private server have been released, raising questions about whether any will be seen in public before Election Day.

The FBI says it found “several thousand” work-related emails deleted by Clinton, but the State Department has not committed to a schedule for their release, and it will be up to a federal judge to determine when they could be made public.

“As we have just received this material from the FBI we are still assessing what our process will look like,” State spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said in a statement to The Hill on Tuesday.
Multiple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and lawsuits have been filed to recover the emails. Litigants include conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch and Vice News journalist Jason Leopold.

The FBI recovered an unspecific number of the 30,000 deleted emails during the course of its yearlong investigation into Clinton’s email setup, which ultimately failed to yield a produce an indictment against Clinton.

Clinton handed over   a similarly sized batch of 30,000 emails to the State Department for safekeeping in late 2014.

FBI Director James Comey said last month that among those recovered emails were “several thousand” work-related messages, and three that contained classified information. Comey cautioned at the time that the FBI did not uncover evidence that Clinton intentionally tried thwart transparency laws, and instead suggested it was extreme sloppinesss on the part of the former secretary of State and her aides.

Last Friday, the FBI sent the final batch of emails that it had recovered to the State Department, which is responsible for going through them to redact any information that is classified or otherwise exempt from public disclosure.

“Just as we appropriately processed the material turned over to the Department by former Secretary Clinton, we will appropriately and with due diligence process any additional material we receive from the FBI to identify work-related agency records and make them available to the public consistent with our legal obligations,” Trudeau said.

The ongoing delay complicates the odds that Clinton’s deleted emails are made public before the election in November.

“It's hard to say,” Steven Aftergood, who directs the Federation of American Scientists’ project on government secrecy, said in an email.

“I'm not sure where the line will ultimately be drawn.”

A delay until after the election could lead to allegations of a cover-up. GOP nominee Donald Trump also already warned that the election might be “rigged” against him, and he would likely use an email holdup as evidence.

“All things being equal, they should be released by the election,” predicted Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch and a longtime Clinton antagonist. “But if the State Department once again plays campaign defense counsel for Mrs. Clinton, who knows?

“I just can’t imagine that untoward delays will be tolerated.”

A release in the weeks ahead of Nov. 8 might also be damaging for Clinton, however, by reigniting the public furor over a politically potent issue that the Democratic nominee’s presidential campaign has desperately been trying to put behind it.

Ultimately, most of the responsibility for deciding when the emails are released falls to a few federal judges in Washington, who are overseeing FOIA cases concerning Clinton’s emails. The judges are expected to order schedules for production in coming weeks.

“The decision is not entirely up to the State Department,” said Aftergood.

While judges have previously prodded the department not to dawdle with releases of Clinton’s emails, the State Department has routinely complained that FOIA lawsuits have overwhelmed its resources, and has quoted review times that can seem comical. In June, the department claimed that it would need 75 years to process emails for top aides to Clinton in response to a lawsuit from the Republican National Committee.

The first opportunity for a judge to weigh in on the deleted emails is Aug. 22, when Judge James Boasberg is scheduled to oversee a hearing as part of a Judicial Watch case.

In a filing as part of a separate FOIA case, Obama administration lawyers this week indicated that all other decisions about processing the deleted Clinton emails should be delayed until after that hearing.

t would be in the best interests of judicial economy for a processing schedule to be entered in that case, given that any federal records in the retrieved materials are likely to be State Department records, and given that the State Department is a party to the Judicial Watch case,” government lawyers claimed.

That would leave just two and a half months to release the thousands of emails by Nov. 8.

Additionally, some of the cases concerning the deleted emails differ in minor ways, meaning that a ruling in the Judicial Watch suit might not apply to all emails being sought in other cases. Those discrepancies could further drag out the time necessary to review the emails and make them public.

“Should the State Department prevail in that argument or otherwise obtain delays beyond Election Day in Plaintiff’s and in other similar cases, it would leave Plaintiff and the public without information guaranteed to them under the FOIA,” Leopold, the journalist, argued in a Monday evening court filing.

It’s unclear whether or not the deleted emails will be released through the State Department’s website, as the 30,000 Clinton messages that she handed to the department in 2014 were, or directly to litigants such as Leopold. Pursuant to a court order, which would seem not to apply to the deleted messages, the previously disclosed emails were released on a monthly basis over the course of the last year, generating a stream of negative headlines for Clinton and her campaign.

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Newly released e-mails from a top aide to Hillary Clinton show evidence of contacts between Clinton’s State Department and donors to her family foundation and political campaigns.

The e-mails released Tuesday by the conservative group Judicial Watch included a 2009 exchange in which Doug Band, a senior staff member at the Clinton Foundation, told a top Clinton aide at the State Department that it was “important to take care of” an individual, whose name was redacted.
Huma Abedin, the State Department aide, replied that “personnel has been sending him options.”

The evident effort at job placement may add to criticism that the State Department was too close to the foundation during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, despite her pledge not to take actions benefiting her family’s charitable organization. The Republican Party has said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, sought to help contributors to the foundation in a “pay-for-play” scheme.

In 2011, Band became co-founder of Teneo Holdings, a consulting firm with international clients. Abedin at times held overlapping jobs with the State Department, Teneo and the Clinton Foundation, an arrangement that Judicial Watch has questioned through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

For a QuickTake explaining the Clinton e-mail dispute, click here.

In another 2009 exchange released Tuesday, Band asked Abedin and Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff, to put Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire Gilbert Chagoury in touch with a State Department "substance person" on Lebanon. The Chagoury Group co-founder has given between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to a list of donors posted online.

Asked about the e-mails from Band, State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said in a statement that “it’s not unusual for candidates to be recommended to the department through a variety of avenues” and that department officials “are regularly in touch with a range of outside individuals and organizations.”

The Clinton campaign sought in an e-mail to clarify the nature of the contacts.
“Neither of these emails involve the Secretary or relate to the Foundation’s work. They are communications between her aides and the President’s personal aide, and indeed the recommendation was for one of the Secretary’s former staffers who was not employed by the Foundation,” Clinton national spokesman Josh Schwerin said. Band long served as a personal aide to former President Bill Clinton.

A lawyer for Abedin declined to comment.

The Republican National Committee had a different take.

“That the Clinton Foundation was calling in favors barely 3 months into Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department is deeply troubling and it is yet another reminder of the conflicts of interest and unethical wheeling and dealing she’d bring to the White House," RNC spokesman Michael Short said in an e-mail.

Judicial Watch released 296 e-mails Tuesday, most sent to or from Abedin but not necessarily Clinton, whose use of a private e-mail system has caused an uproar. The cache did include 44 previously unreleased exchanges sent or received by Clinton. The newly released e-mails included a mix of State Department and personal e-mails.
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Judicial Watch said it has now found 171 messages that weren’t included in the 30,000 e-mails Clinton turned over to the State Department. FBI Director James Comey has said that his agency found “several thousand” work-related e-mails that weren’t turned over by Clinton’s lawyers. Clinton has told the State Department she believes she submitted all work-related e-mails she had in her possession, the department’s Trudeau said in a statement.

‘Potential Violation’

The latest group of messages "show the Clinton Foundation, Clinton donors, and operatives worked with Hillary Clinton in potential violation of the law," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement from the group, which also said the interactions "seem in violation of the ethics agreements that Hillary Clinton agreed to in order to be appointed and confirmed as Secretary of State."

Previously disclosed Clinton e-mails showed the secretary interacting with donors to her campaign and foundation, particularly if they seemed to have expertise on some matter of international relations or diplomacy. Clinton and her team also hired political associates for State Department jobs, and the e-mails showed her considering others, common practices in the department and diplomatic posts.

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EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Aide Cheryl Mills OK’d Oil Deal That Put $500K In Bill’s Pocket
DailyCaller.Com ^ | 9 August 2016 | Richard Pollock
Posted on 8/9/2016, 11:03:40 PM by amorphous

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly defended an embattled banker during an official visit to Bangladesh while Clinton Foundation officials tried to steer money from an Abu Dhabi oil company into the banker’s coffers.

A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation traced the convoluted payment by TAQA — formally known as the the Abu Dhabi National Energy Company — to Muhammad Yunus’ Grameen Bank. Yunus is a long-time friend and Clinton Foundation donor.

The oil company deal eventually put as much as $500,000 into President Bill Clinton’s pockets via a speaking fee he got in Scotland.

The complicated set of international transactions is contained in a cryptic May 7, 2012, email chain between Cheryl Mills, then Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, ...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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by BREITBART NEWS26 Apr 2015

Perhaps the most surprising thing about the forthcoming book rocking Washington right now is the number of stunning facts liberal media outlets have already confirmed and verified are accurate.

Here, then, are 11 facts that mainstream media say are true, verified, and facts from the upcoming blockbuster, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.

CONFIRMED: Hillary’s Foundation Hid a $2.35 Million Foreign Donation from the Head of the Russian Govt’s Uranium Company that Had Business Before Hillary Clinton’s State Dept.—a Clear Violation of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Obama Administration

The New York Times has confirmed that Hillary Clinton violated the Memorandum of Understanding she signed with the Obama administration promising to disclose all foreign donations during her tenure as Sec. of State.

As Clinton Cash reveals, Ian Telfer, the foreign head of the Russian-owned uranium company, Uranium One, which Hillary Clinton approved to acquire U.S. uranium, made four individual hidden donations to the Clinton Foundation totaling $2.35 million, none of which appear in Clinton Foundation disclosures.

CONFIRMED: Bill Clinton Bagged $500,000 for a Speech in Moscow Paid for by a Kremlin-linked Bank

The New Yorker confirms that, as Clinton Cash claims, Bill Clinton made $500,000 for a Moscow speech that was paid for by “a Russian investment bank that had ties to the Kremlin” at the time of the Uranium One deal.

“Why was Bill Clinton taking any money from a bank linked to the Kremlin while his wife was Secretary of State?” asks the liberal publication.

CONFIRMED: Hillary’s Brother Sits on the Board of a Mining Company that Scored an Extremely Rare “Gold Exploitation Permit” in Haiti as Hillary and Bill Clinton Disbursed Billions of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars in Haiti

The Washington Post confirms the accuracy of Clinton Cash’s revelation that Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, serves on the board of a mining company that scored a coveted and lucrative “gold exploitation permit” in Haiti as then-Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton were doling out billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars in the wake of the Haiti earthquake.

According to the Post, Rodham’s mining company “won one of the first two gold-mining permits the Haitian government had issued in more than 50 years,” just as Clinton Cashreveals.

CONFIRMED: Hillary’s Foundation Hid a Foreign Donation of 2 Million Shares of Stock by a Mining Executive with Business Before Hillary’s State Dept.—a Clear Violation of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Obama Administration

The Wall Street Journal confirms the book’s revelation that another foreign donation, one by Canadian mining executive Stephen Dattels, made a hidden donation of two million shares in Polo Resources that the Clinton Foundation chose not to disclose in violation of the Memorandum of Understanding the Clintons signed with the Obama administration.

“About two months later, the U.S. ambassador to Bangladesh pushed the energy adviser to that nation’s prime minister to allow ‘open pit mining,’ including in Phulbari Mines, where Polo Resources has a stake,” reports the Journal.

CONFIRMED: Hillary’s Approval of the Russian Takeover of Uranium One Transferred 20% of All U.S. Uranium to the Russian Govt.

The New York Times confirms, “The sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.”

The Times also verifies the book’s reporting that Hillary’s uranium transfer to Russia represented, at the time, a projected 50% of all U.S. uranium output.

CONFIRMED: Bill Clinton was Paid by a For-Profit Education Company Laureate While the Company Benefitted from an Increase in Funding from Hillary’s State Dept.

Bloomberg has confirmed that, as reported in Clinton Cash, Bill Clinton was paid by “Laureate International Universities, part of Laureate Education, Inc,” a position he abruptly resigned from on Friday.

Bloomberg’s examination confirms that “in 2009, the year before Bill Clinton joined Laureate, the nonprofit received 11 grants worth $9 million from the State Department or the affiliated USAID. In 2010, the group received 14 grants worth $15.1 million. In 2011, 13 grants added up to $14.6 million. The following year, those numbers jumped: IYF received 21 grants worth $25.5 million, including a direct grant from the State Department.”

The company nor the Clintons will release the exact amounts Bill received for working for the controversial for-profit education company.

CONFIRMED: The Clinton Foundation has Been Forced to Refile at Least 5 Years of Annual Tax Returns and May Audit Other Clinton Foundation Returns

Reuters has confirmed that “Hillary Clinton’s family’s charities are refiling at least five annual tax returns” as “the foundation and its list of donors have been under intense scrutiny.”

CONFIRMED: At Least $26 Million of the Clintons’ Wealth Comes from Speaking Fees by Companies and Organizations that are Also Major Clinton Foundation Donors

The Washington Post has confirmed in an article based on Clinton Cash that, according to the Post’s independent analysis, “Bill Clinton was paid more than $100 million for speeches between 2001 and 2013, according to federal financial disclosure forms filed by Hillary Clinton during her years as a senator and as secretary of state.”

Of that, reports the Post, “Bill Clinton was paid at least $26 million in speaking fees by companies and organizations that are also major donors to the foundation he created after leaving the White House, according to a Washington Post analysis of public records and foundation date.”

CONFIRMED: Clinton Cash author, Peter Schweizer, is Currently Conducting a Deep Dive Investigative Report on Republican Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush’s Financial Dealings

CBS News has confirmed that author Peter Schweizer is working on a similar investigation into GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush’s financial records and relationships.

“The wide-ranging examination will appraise the possible 2016 contender’s involvement in Florida real estate deals, an airport deal that involved state funds while Bush was Florida’s chief executive, and Chinese investments in Bush’s private equity funds,” reports CBS News.

CONFIRMED: Bill Clinton Delivered Numerous Speeches Paid for By Individuals and Corporations with Pending Business Before Hillary’s State Dept.

ABC News has confirmed Clinton Cash’s reporting that myriad businesses and individuals paid Bill Clinton to deliver speeches even as their companies had business on Sec. of State Hillary Clinton’s desk.

“Records supported the premise that former President Clinton accepted speaking fees from numerous companies and individuals with interests pending before the State Department,” reported ABC News.

ABC News noted it found “an instance where paid and unpaid speaking appearances were conflated,” but that Clinton Cash’s essential “premise” is “supported by records” ABC News independently analyzed.

CONFIRMED: Bill Clinton Lied about Hosting a Meeting with Frank Giustra and Kazakh Nuclear Officials at Clinton’s Home in Chappaqua, New York

New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Jo Becker confirmed in a one-hour Fox News television special on Clinton Cash that Bill Clinton lied when questioned about whether Clinton, Giustra, and executives from the Kazakh-owned nuclear company Kazatomprom ever met in Clintons’ home.

“When I first contacted both the Clinton Foundation—Mr. Clinton’s spokesman—and Mr. Giustra, they denied any such meeting ever took place,” said Becker.

“And then when we told them, ‘Well we already talked to the head of Kazatomprom, who not only told us all about the meeting, but actually has a picture of him and Bill at the home in Chappaqua, and that he proudly displayed it on his office wall.’ They then acknowledged that yes, the meeting had taken place.”

The Hillary Clinton campaign continues to struggle in its efforts to spin and distract from the growing pile of Clinton Cash facts mainstream media outlets have already confirmed and verified are correct.

As Politico concludes, “Hillary’s Clinton Cash dismissal is dead in the water.”


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Proof that Huma used Hillary's email account.

She testified to the FBI that she did not have access to any of the e-mail accounts.
Blatant lie.

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Emails reveal Hillary’s shocking pay-for-play scheme
NY Post ^ | August 9, 2016 | Daniel Halper and Bob Fredericks
Posted on 8/10/2016, 9:58:49 AM by george76

Hillary Clinton put the State Department up for sale, with top aides pulling strings and doing favors for fat-cat donors to the Clinton Foundation — including a shady billionaire, according to smoking-gun emails released Tuesday.

The stunning revelations include how wealthy contributors seeking influence or prestigious government gigs could fork over piles of cash to get access to Clinton’s inner circle, including top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.


Chagoury is a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire who gave the Clinton Foundation between $1 million and $5 million. In 2009, he also pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative.

The construction magnate, a close pal of Bill Clinton’s, has financial interests around the world. He was convicted in Switzerland in 2000 of money laundering and paid a $66 million fine in a plea deal.

Abedin’s quick response to Band paid dividends down the road.

In June 2011, Band formed the Teneo consulting firm, with Bill Clinton as the paid honorary chairman. And in 2012, Abedin won permission to work as a $15,000-a-month consultant for Teneo in a special arrangement that allowed her to remain on the State Department payroll.

The disclosures came in a batch of 296 pages of State Department documents released by Judicial Watch, a watchdog group that has been fighting in court to recover Clinton’s emails through the Freedom of Information Act.

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The FBI Always Gets Its Man (or Woman) and May Still Get Hillary ^ | August 10, 2016 | Ed Klein
Posted on 8/10/2016, 9:07:17 AM by Kaslin

A month has passed since FBI Director James Comey ripped into Hillary Clinton for the “extremely careless” way she handled classified emails while she was secretary of state, but stopped short of recommending that criminal charges be brought against her.

However, that doesn’t mean Hillary is out of the FBI woods.

According to a source close to Comey, Hillary is still the target of an active FBI criminal investigation, but this time around, the media aren’t paying much attention.

With little public fanfare, Comey’s agents have been looking into Hillary’s relationship with foreign businessmen and governments who donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and are suspected of having received favors from the secretary of state in return.

Such pay-to-play behavior falls under the category of “public corruption,” and Comey’s agents are trying to determine whether Hillary conducted a series of secret meetings with foreigner donors separate from her duties as secretary of state.

Several people interviewed by the FBI have confirmed that Hillary did just that on numerous occasions while she was at the State Department.

“There are a sizable number of agents on this case,” said the source. “I don’t know exactly how many. It’s fewer than were assigned to the email case, but it’s still dozens of agents. By any measure, it’s a major investigation.

“Comey is taking every precaution against leaks while the investigation is ongoing. He’s ordered all the agents on the case to sign nondisclosure agreements and submit to random lie detector tests.

“While this public-corruption investigation is going on, the FBI is also looking into new information that, as a result of Hillary’s carelessness, hostile states like Iran hacked into her email system and compromised U.S. intelligence sources and personnel.

“Hillary shouldn’t imagine that she’s free and clear. Comey may have pulled his punches the last time around because he didn’t think his case was winnable in a court of law, but it’s possible that new evidence could shock the country and make Hillary a very vulnerable presidential candidate.”

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Stress Over Family Finances Propelled Hillary Clinton Into Corporate World (NYT alert)
New York Times ^ | August 10, 2016 | AMY CHOZICK
Posted on 8/10/2016, 10:46:16 AM by reaganaut1

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Losing the governor’s race here in 1980 so shattered a young Bill Clinton that he couldn’t face his supporters, so he sent his wife around to thank campaign workers instead. He later gathered with close friends for dinner but quietly sulked, playing the country song “I Don’t Know Whether to Kill Myself or Go Bowling” on the jukebox.

But his wife had a more pressing concern: money. The ousted governor needed a job, the family needed a place to live, and moving out of the governor’s mansion meant losing the help they had as they raised their 9-month-old daughter, Chelsea.

The morning after the election, Hillary Clinton worked the phones from the mansion, calling wealthy friends and asking for help.


Mr. Blair, the Clintons’ close friend, had made several million dollars in the commodities market, and urged Mrs. Clinton to begin trading, too. With an initial investment of just $1,000, she made nearly $100,000 trading cattle futures in a 10-month period, which helped pay for the down payment on the Midland Street home. But the move later haunted her when the investment became the subject of scrutiny in the early years of the Clinton presidency.


Even though she reaped big rewards on the commodities market, the experience was unnerving. Shortly after Chelsea was born, Mrs. Clinton told her broker she wanted out. “I couldn’t take the stress,” she said at a campaign stop in June.

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Just awesome. 

Unfortunately the fake exploitation of Trump supposedly throwing a baby out of a rally was much worse than this.

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DOJ Blocked Clinton Foundation Probe - Drudge ^ | 8/10/2016 | Daniella Diaz
Posted on 8/10/2016, 2:33:08 PM by Beave Meister

Washington (CNN)Newly released emails from Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state raise questions about the nature of the department's relationship with the Clinton Foundation.

Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, released 296 pages of emails from the Democratic presidential nominee, including 44 that Judicial Watch says were not previously handed over to the State Department by Clinton. The emails, many of which are heavily redacted, raise questions about the Clinton Foundation's influence on the State Department and its relations during her tenure.

In one instance, top Clinton Foundation official Doug Band lobbied Clinton aides for a job for someone else in the State Department. In the email, Band tells Hillary Clinton's former aides at the department -- Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin -- that it is "important to take care of (redacted)." Band is reassured by Abedin that "Personnel has been sending him options."

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  • Getbig V
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Unfortunately the fake exploitation of Trump supposedly throwing a baby out of a rally was much worse than this.

And why do you believe it is fake? The video of him saying this seems pretty real.


  • Getbig III
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And why do you believe it is fake? The video of him saying this seems pretty real.

Can you provide a link to the video of him throwing her out?  I also saw her interview, in which she said she wasn't offended at all


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Can you provide a link to the video of him throwing her out?  I also saw her interview, in which she said she wasn't offended at all

Around 1:35


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Around 1:35

Yeah...I asked for  video of him having her thrown out, not 1 of him asking her to leave on her own will, in a fashion that she initiated in the first place

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Around 1:35

Fake.   The woman shahid she was never asked to leave.

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Hillary played favorites with huge number of Clinton Foundation donors
By Daniel Halper and Bob Fredericks August 11, 2016 | 2:27am
Modal Trigger Hillary played favorites with huge number of Clinton Foundation donors
Hillary Clinton Photo: AP

The shady Lebanese-Nigerian businessman who got Hillary Clinton’s State Department to arrange a high-level meeting was only one of a dizzying number of big ­donors to the Clinton Foundation to score government favors.

The list includes high rollers whose relationships with the Clintons made them even richer; countries with dubious human-rights records; and companies looking to grease the skids to get an edge on the competition.

Frank Giustra, a billionaire mining magnate from Vancouver, pledged $100 million to the foundation in 2005 — and then reaped a fortune from the relationship.


Giustra had dinner in 2010 with Bill and Hillary Clinton right before the Clintons met with the president of Colombia.

Modal Trigger
Frank Giustra pledged $100 million to the
Clinton Foundation.Photo: AP

Shortly afterward, a company Giustra partially owned acquired the lucrative rights to conduct logging operations in an ecologically sensitive area along the ­Colombian coast.

Giustra and Bill Clinton also jetted off to Kazakhstan in 2005 to meet with President Nursultan Nazarbayev, and Giustra’s mining company later signed a deal giving him stakes in three state-run uranium mines in the country.

The mines were acquired by the Russian atomic-energy agency, Rosatom, in a deal that got State Department approval on Hillary’s watch.

Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire who owns Africa’s largest construction company, donated millions to the foundation and in 2009 pledged
$1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative, an offshoot.

That same year, longtime Bill Clinton aide Doug Band sent an e-mail to top Hillary aides at the State Department, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, asking them to set up a meeting with “a substance person on Lebanon,” according to e-mails made public Tuesday.

It wasn’t long before Chagoury had an appointment with Jeffrey Feltman, the former US ambassador to Lebanon.

Modal Trigger
Gilbert ChagouryPhoto: AP
A rep for Clinton claimed Wednesday that Chagoury simply wanted to talk about the upcoming Lebanese election.

But Chagoury was also a key financial backer of pro-Hezbollah politician Michel Aoun, who was running for parliament on the Hezbollah-aligned bloc,
according to multiple press accounts.

A close friend of Bill Clinton, Chagoury struck a plea deal on money-laundering charges in Switzerland in 2000 and was fined $66 million.

The e-mails between State ­Department aides and foundation staffers were hardly unique — the department estimated the number at more than 12,000.

The Clinton Foundation also has accepted millions from foreign countries — some with deplorable human-rights records — that needed approval from State for roughly $165 billion worth of weapons deals.

In one case, State approved a huge increase in arms shipments to Algeria, even though the department’s own 2011 human-rights report blasted the country for “arbitrary killing,” “widespread corruption” and a “lack of judicial independence.”

The Algerian government that same year donated $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

A year later, State approved a 70 percent jump in military exports to the country, including “chemical agents, biological agents and associated equipment.”

Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Norway and the Dominican Republic all donated to the foundation.

Major corporations also made sure their names appeared on the Clinton Foundation donor list.

Walmart donated between ­$1 million and $5 million, and when Hillary Clinton went to ­India in 2012, she pressed a local minister to open the lucrative Indian market up to foreign companies, including Walmart.

Poll: Opinion of Hillary Clinton | InsideGov
Monsanto, which also gave between $1 million and $5 million, lobbied the State Department in 2009 to help it reach new markets. Clinton, then secretary of state, wrote a memo in 2009, available via WikiLeaks, pushing Monsanto’s agenda.

One early example of the Clintons’ apparent pay-to-play culture came in 2004, when Robert Congel, an upstate developer, gave $100,000 to the foundation just one month after Clinton successfully fought as a US senator for legislation that let him use tax-free bonds to build Destiny USA, a massive shopping mall on the shore of Onondaga Lake in Syracuse.

In 2005, Clinton added an earmark to a highway bill for $5 million for Congel’s project.

Reps for Clinton have said there was no connection between the donation and her support of the project, and noted that other lawmakers, both Democrats and Republicans, had also backed the mall.

Corning, an upstate corporation that makes materials used in fiber optics, gave $150,000 to the Clinton Foundation in 2010.

A company spokesman said at the time that, as secretary of state, Clinton helped Corning make valuable contacts.

“If we needed to know who to deal with somewhere around the world, she could help with names,” the spokesman said, ­according to a Bloomberg News report last October.

The FBI asked the Justice Department earlier this year to open an investigation into the foundation, but the public-integrity unit declined, according to CNN.

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Compromised: Justice Dept. Refused FBI Probe of Clinton Foundation
Frontpagemagazine ^ | August 11, 2016 | Matthew Vadum
Posted on 8/11/2016, 8:13:26 AM by SJackson

"See no evil" ought to be the motto of the Obama administration.

August 11, 2016
Matthew Vadum

The highly politicized Department of Justice swatted down pesky FBI requests to investigate the Clinton Foundation earlier this year, CNN reported yesterday.

CNN buried the lede, as it frequently does on news stories that make Democrats look bad. The online version bears the innocuous-sounding headline, “Newly released Clinton emails shed light on relationship between State Dept. and Clinton Foundation.”

It is not until the 25th paragraph that the article states that an unidentified law enforcement official gave CNN a heads-up earlier this year. As the probe of Clinton’s private email servers was ramping up “several FBI field offices approached the Justice Department asking to open a case regarding the relationship between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation.”

At that time, the article continues, the Justice Department “declined because it had looked into allegations surrounding the Clinton Foundation around a year earlier and found there wasn't sufficient evidence to open a case.”

Not even enough evidence to look into the foundation’s affairs?

Not more than a year after the publication of Peter Schweizer’s blockbuster book, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, opened the floodgates for investigative reporters to dig into the matter.

As I’ve written before, various lawyers have told me there is already a strong legal case against Mrs. Clinton. The fact that she destroyed email evidence -- evidence subject to a congressional subpoena, no less -- is already evidence in itself that she obstructed justice through spoliation of evidence. Spoliation means you can take as evidence the fact that evidence has been destroyed. Courts are entitled to draw spoliation inferences and convict an accused person on that basis alone.

The only reason FBI Director James Comey didn’t recommend she be prosecuted is because, well, he lacks a spine and he’s corrupt. He said there was no evidence of Clinton’s “efforts to obstruct justice,” a requirement that does not actually appear in the Espionage Act.

Evidence of corruption at the Clinton Foundation is everywhere, yet CNN and much of the mainstream media are still doing everything they can to ignore, misrepresent, or downplay the questionable things Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton did through the foundation.

The congenitally corrupt Clintons created their private email system to frustrate Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) requesters, shield Hillary's correspondence from congressional oversight, and steer money to their corrupt foundation, which, amazingly enough, still enjoys tax-exempt status.

These illegal, insecure private email servers Clinton used while at the State Department are at the heart of the scandal over her mishandling of an Islamic terrorist attack in militant-infested Benghazi, Libya on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 that left four Americans, including U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens, dead. Even now, four years after the assault, the Obama administration has failed to provide an autopsy report about Stevens who was initially reported to have been ritualistically sodomized before being murdered by Muslim terrorists.

Every few days Judicial Watch has been releasing emails obtained under FoIA that may ultimately lead to evidence of political interference at the highest levels that provided cover for the anticipatory presidential bribe processing vehicle known as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

“No wonder Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin hid emails from the American people, the courts and Congress,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “They show the Clinton Foundation, Clinton donors, and operatives worked with Hillary Clinton in potential violation of the law.”

On Tuesday the watchdog group published emails sent to Abedin, Clinton’s longtime aide with generational ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, seeking favors. Abedin now vice-chairs Clinton’s presidential campaign. She also worked at the State Department with Clinton and with her at the Clinton Foundation.

“The new documents reveal that in April 2009 controversial Clinton Foundation official Doug Band pushed for a job for an associate,” according to a Judicial Watch summary. “In the email Band tells Hillary Clinton’s former aides at the State Department Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin that it is “important to take care of [Redacted]. Band is reassured by Abedin that “Personnel has been sending him options.” Band was co-founder of Teneo Strategy with Bill Clinton and a top official of the Clinton Foundation, including its Clinton Global Initiative.”

Emails also show Abedin left then-Secretary Clinton’s daily schedule, presumably a  sensitive document, on a bed in an unlocked hotel room. 

“An email on April 18, 2009, during a conference in Trinidad and Tobago, from aide Melissa J. Lan to Huma Abedin asks for the Secretary’s “day book binders.” Abedin replies: “Yes. It’s on the bed in my room. U can take it. My door is open. I’m in the lobby. Thx.” Moreover, the emails show the annoyance of another Clinton aide that the schedule was sent to an authorized State Department email address and not to an unsecured account.”

Other emails show Clinton campaign adviser and pollster Mark Penn provided Clinton advice on NATO and piracy. Clinton fundraiser Lana Moresky asked Clinton to have the State Department hire someone. Clinton asked Abedin to follow up and “help” the applicant and asked Abedin to “let me know” about the job.

Meanwhile, the Left is trying to take the focus off the Clinton Foundation.

A high-profile watchdog group controlled by Hillary Clinton ally David Brock is demanding the IRS investigate Donald Trump’s personal foundation for allegedly aiding his presidential campaign.

The call by CREW, or Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, has to be the most obvious political hit job of this election cycle.

CREW is a member of what some in the conservative think tank community call the “Brocktopus,” that is, the network of groups the disgraced former journalist runs, which spends oodles of money defending all things Clinton. An admitted serial liar, Brock’s empire of sleaze also includes “conservative misinformation” watchdog Media Matters for America, pro-Hillary disaster-control spin site Correct the Record, and American Bridge 21st Century, a super PAC that promotes Hillary and attacks her critics.

CREW executive director Noah Bookbinder asked the IRS to investigate the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a tiny nonprofit founded by Trump decades ago to give away profits from his book, The Art of the Deal.

How the foundation, which ranked 4,347th in the FoundationSearch “Top Foundations by Assets for the state of New York” list would help the Trump campaign isn’t clear. “The Trump Foundation has no full-time staff, and gave away just $591,000 in 2014 — the last year for which records are available,” the Washington Post reports.

It’s possible the Trump Foundation has been helping the Trump campaign but the philanthropy is so anemic it is difficult to imagine it doing much to help its benefactor’s political career. Even if the IRS takes up this piddling little case not much is likely to come of it. It’s a political stunt by CREW, a nakedly partisan group under the boot of one of Hillary’s biggest backers.

It’s the wheeling and dealing Clinton Foundation with its involvement in billion-dollar transactions, its ties to shady figures, and the debt it owes to the unsavory governments of countries around the world that needs to be properly and thoroughly examined.


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Fake.   The woman shahid she was never asked to leave.

Do the words not match his lips? If the video is a fake they would not. If the whole thing is a fake, than Trump has a doppelganger who acts in fake videos in front of a live audience.

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CNN ^ | 10:27 AM ET, Sun August 14, 2016 | By Jake Tapper and Tal Kopan, CNN
Posted on August 14, 2016 at 4:54:04 PM EDT by drewh

Washington (CNN)Members of Congress will soon receive notes from Hillary Clinton's interview with the FBI over her private email server and they could be sent as early as Monday, according to sources.

The FBI does not have a complete transcript of the interview, FBI Director James Comey told Congress in long testimony earlier this summer. She was not under oath, he added. But members of Congress will have access to notes taken during the interview. Several Republican lawmakers have requested the information after Comey's testimony.

Politico first reported that the Obama administration was debating how to release the documents, over concern that the records are politically sensitive. Clinton spoke with the FBI for more than three hours during the bureau's investigation of her use of her private email server as secretary of state. Ultimately, Comey strongly chastised her use of the server and said she and her staff likely put sensitive information at risk. But he said there was no precedent for recommending criminal charges and the Justice Department agreed there was no criminal case to pursue.

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