Author Topic: Hillary Clinton: Incompetence, Corruption, Sleeze, Lies, Deceit, Theft Thread  (Read 46288 times)

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Pentagon: Hillary Should Be Arrested For Leaking Top Secret Nuclear Intelligence ^ | October 20, 2016 |
Posted on 10/20/2016, 4:57:18 AM by M. Thatcher

Hillary Clinton divulged Top Secret nuclear security intelligence to tens of millions of worldwide television audience viewers Wednesday night during the third presidential debate, according to high-ranking Department of Defense personnel.

Clinton, responding to opponent Donald Trump and a question posed by debate moderator Chris Wallace, boasted specific and “damaging” details about the United States’ nuclear response time to retaliate during a nuclear attack. Clinton said:

“But here’s the deal. The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There’s about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.” –Hillary Clinton, National TV Appearance

“Secretary Clinton proved tonight she is unfit to be commander-in-chief,” a top-ranking DOD intelligence source said. “What she did compromises our national security. She is cavalier and reckless and in my opinion should be detained and questioned so we can unravel why she did what she did.”

According to Pentagon sources, the information Clinton disseminated publicly is Top Secret intelligence governed under the U.S. Special Access Program (SAP) which dictates safeguards and protocols for accessing and discussing highly classified and Top Secret intelligence. The specific details of the country’s nuclear response time discussed by Clinton, sources said, are only known by a handful of individuals outside top military brass, including the following “need-to-know” (NTK) officials:

President Vice President Secretary of State Secretary of Defense Secretary of Homeland Security Attorney General Director of National Intelligence CIA Director Deputy Secretary of State Deputy Secretary of Defense Special personnel designated solely by the President in writing

Sources said late Wednesday Clinton likely violated two different types of Dept. of Defense SAP protocols. Since nuclear response is part of the sensitive national plan for nuclear war operations, all of its schematics are covered under both “Intelligence SAPs” and “Operation and Support SAPs,” sources said. Both contain Top Secret information.

“Targeting options by ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missiles), air or sea, launch order, launch procedures and response are some of the most secretly guarded tenets of national security and nuclear war policy,” a Pentagon source said. “It’s truly incredible that (nuclear) response time as part of an ERO (Emergency Response Option) is now out there in the public domain to our adversaries.”

U.S. Defense sources said according to developed U.S. counterintelligence, military officials in China, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Iran and even actors like ISIS had no previous definitive intelligence to determine the U.S.’s nuclear response time, especially during an ERO, prior to Clinton’s admission Wednesday night. Sources reluctantly acknowledged her calculations were accurate.

“Any time frame calculated would have merely been an educated hypothesis, absent leaked documents and there have been no such breaches,” the DOD source said.

Clinton has come under fire time and time again for mishandling national security secrets via email, telephone and secure facsimile during and after her tenure as secretary of state. Her mishandling of classified and top secret intelligence sparked a year-long investigation by the FBI and various Congressional committees which continue to examine Clinton’s lackluster security controls with and attitude toward protecting some of the nation’s most sensitive data which she stored on an unprotected home server in the basement of her Chappaqua, New York home during her post at Foggy Bottom.

Clinton, just this week, unleashed a series of campaign ads painting Trump as a loose cannon who should never be in control of nuclear secrets and weapons. Clinton trumpeted the seemingly ill-timed ads Wednesday night at the debate prior to her rant divulging nuclear secrets herself.

Hillary Divulges Nuclear Intelligence


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Good to know we have a 4 minute window.

I'm sure those Ruskies are busting their nuts and now have a 3 minute window.

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The latest WikiLeaks dump shows ABSOLUTE PROOF of the Clinton's Pay-to-Play scam.

The email from Robby Mook to Huma Abedin and John Podesta could not be clearer evidence of a felony.

The second email shows that HILLARY clearly knew about it.

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FBI Data Dump Shows Clinton Is Criminal and Clueless (Hillary = dishonest or dumb)
The ^ | 09/02/16 | John Schindler (security expert & ~NSA analyst)
Posted on 10/22/2016, 10:24:59 AM by Beautiful_Gracious_Skies

FBI Data Dump Shows Clinton Is Criminal and Clueless Hillary is either dishonest or dumb—there is no third choice

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Today, on the Friday afternoon before the long Labor Day weekend, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released documents on its investigation of Hillary Clinton and her mishandling of email while she was secretary of state. The Friday afternoon data dump is a venerable Washington cliché, a shady way to bury a story that the bureaucracy doesn’t want covered in depth, but even by Beltway standards this was a shocker.

Nobody expected much from the FBI here, given the Bureau’s recent punting on its formal inquiry into Hillary’s dubious activities with her “unclassified” email of bathroom server infamy. I’ve been covering the EmailGate story for over a year, from the beginning, and I too didn’t expect the FBI to reveal much about what Hillary did that was unwise and perhaps criminal.

To be fair, a good amount of today’s release has been redacted. The original documents were classified at the Secret/Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals level, and to make it Unclassified about a third of the text has been cut out.

But what’s there is awful enough for Team Clinton. Although the FBI’s press release is terse, the documents themselves indelibly portray the Democratic presidential nominee as dishonest, entitled, and thoroughly incompetent.

Considering that Hillary has been accused of mishandling classified information on an almost industrial scale, what shines through is that Clinton is utterly clueless about classification matters, betraying an ignorance that is shocking when encountered in a former top official of our government—and one who wants to be our next commander-in-chief.

Our Federal classification system isn’t particularly complicated, the basics can be explained in a quarter-hour, and there are courses of instruction that exist precisely to explain how to identify classified information and properly handle it. In fact, they’re mandatory. Since Hillary blew off those courses, even though they are required for government workers at all levels, it’s not surprising that she has no idea what she’s talking about.

There are three basic classification levels (with a bunch of handling caveats that can be added): Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. These are abbreviated in classified documents as C, S, and TS, respectively (for a quick primer on how this works in the real world, read this).

Since Hillary had been accused of mishandling a lot of classified information, in her July 2 interview with the FBI, agents understandably asked her about this, only to discover that America’s former top diplomat doesn’t have the smallest clue how classification works.

If Hillary actually is as dumb as she appears in these FBI documents, she is nowhere near smart enough to be our commander-in-chief.

When asked, “Clinton could not give an example of how classification of a document was determined,” the FBI recorded. Hillary could not explain what the (C)—for Confidential—classification marking at the beginning of a paragraph was. She thought it perhaps had something to do with alphabetical order.

This tragicomedy continued with the FBI pressing Hillary on specific examples of classified information that wound up in her “Unclassified” emails. She explained her position concisely. As the FBI noted, “Clinton stated that she did not pay attention to the ‘level’ of classified information.”

We can safely assume that the FBI agents present gasped at that one, since classification is all about the level. Simply put, compromising Confidential information will get you a letter of reprimand, while compromising Top Secret information can easily get you a trip to the Federal penitentiary. Not to mention that brave Americans have died to protect Top Secret information.

The Clinton follies continued, with Hillary’s lawerly position clear: “Clinton did not recall receiving any emails she thought should not be on an unclassified system,” the FBI recorded. She even stood her ground when asked about emails regarding drone strikes—a subject that the CIA and the Pentagon consider to be highly classified. Indeed, it’s Top Secret and part of a super-sensitive Special Access Program or SAP.

Not to Hillary. Such SAP information wound up in her “Unclassified” emails but Clinton would have none of it. As the FBI noted, “Clinton stated deliberation over a future drone strike did not give her cause for concern regarding classification.” This would be stunning news to the thousands of American military and intelligence personnel who have to treat such Top Secret SAP information according to the strict rules and regulations that apply to anybody not named Clinton.

Here Hillary has confirmed what many have long suspected—that there’s one set of laws for Clintons and Friends, and a very different set for the rest of us. Classes on how to handle classified materials—much less actually following those rules on pain of arrest and prosecution—are for Little People, not for Clintons and their charmed retinue.

The FBI inquiry descended into farce. The Bureau’s investigation determined that hundreds of the emails containing classified information had been sent by Hillary while she was out of the United States—including in Russia. Since these were sent on Clinton’s ubiquitous Blackberry, all of those should now be assumed to be in the hands of foreign intelligence agencies—particularly the security service of whatever country Hillary was in when she clicked “open” or “send.”

The FBI could not find evidence of cyber-tampering with Hillary’s Blackberry, but that’s irrelevant here. As someone who used to do these things for a living when I worked for NSA, let me state that it’s easy for any marginally competent intelligence service to intercept unencrypted (or lightly encrypted) messages sent to or from a Blackberry. No “hacking” is required. Such routine intercepts would leave few, if any, traces for the FBI to find.

Not that Hillary and her staff took even the most rudimentary security precautions. They emailed each other everywhere, all the time, even in high-threat countries like Russia and China. Anybody who doesn’t understand that Moscow and Beijing—and probably many others—have those emails (and worse, may have used them to crack into other, even more sensitive U.S. Government systems) is uninformed about 21st century espionage.

In perhaps the most laughable of the FBI’s revelations, we learned that Hillary had a bad habit of losing her personal electronic devices. As many as thirteen of them went missing—including ones that possibly had classified emails on them. In a couple cases, Clinton staffers disposed of old devices by smashing them with a hammer. Which does nothing to render whatever classified information may have been on them unreadable to any competent spy service.

There are strict rules about how to destroy classified information systems that are no longer needed. Of course, Hillary followed those rules no more than she did any of the dozens if not hundreds of other security regulations she ignored altogether when she was secretary of state.

Saddest of all in this sordid saga is that Hillary had no excuse for any of it. It’s ok not to be a whiz at the nuances of classification. Cabinet secretaries are busy people. When you’re the secretary of state, you’ve got seasoned security personnel on call, 24/7, anywhere in the world, to answer questions and resolve security dilemmas like how to handle classified materials. Calling them apparently would have been too much trouble for Hillary and her inner circle.

It beggars belief that Hillary Clinton is really as clueless as she came across in her interview with the FBI. I’ve given classified briefings to cabinet officials. None of them were ever this out of it. Perhaps, accompanied by her lawyers, the Democratic nominee decided to play dumb to dodge possible prosecution. If that’s the case, Hillary repeatedly flat-out lied to the FBI—which, yet again, is something normal Americans go to prison for doing.

If Hillary actually is as dumb as she appears in these FBI documents—utterly clueless about basic classification matters even after years of Federal service at the highest levels—she is nowhere near smart enough to be our commander-in-chief.

In my time with NSA I worked in counterintelligence and I investigated people who mishandled classified information. It was rarely a pretty story and it seldom ended well. Let me state with 100 percent confidence, having now seen at least some of what the FBI discovered about Hillary and her emails, that anybody not named Clinton who did these things would be facing severe criminal charges and potentially years in prison. Democrats need to seriously ask themselves if this is the kind of person they want to represent them on November 8.

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O’Keefe Posts Warning: Part III Is Coming Monday – Hillary and Donna Brazile Implicated ^ | Oct 22nd, 2016
Posted on 10/22/2016, 10:29:13 AM by Helicondelta

James O’Keefe posted a warning to Hillary and the Democrats on Friday. Project Veritas will release part III of their investigation on the illegal actions by the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton Campaign. Part III will be released on Monday.

Hillary Clinton and DNC chair Donna Brazile will be implicated.

"Anything happens to me, there’s a deadman’s switch on Part III, which will be released Monday. @HillaryClinton and @donnabrazile implicated."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife

The political organization of Virginia Gov.  Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and  Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email use.

Campaign finance records show Mr. McAuliffe’s political-action committee donated $467,500 to the 2015 state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, who is married to Andrew McCabe, now the deputy director of the FBI.

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Clinton ally gave $500K to wife of FBI agent on email probe
NY Post ^ | October 24, 2016 | Daniel Halper
Posted on 10/24/2016, 11:07:17 AM by bobsunshine

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system, according to a report.

The political action committee of McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist, gave $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of the wife of Andrew McCabe, who is now deputy director of the FBI, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The report states Jill McCabe received an additional $207,788 from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is heavily influenced by McAuliffe.

The money directed by McAuliffe began flowing two months after the FBI investigation into Clinton began in July 2015. Around that time, the candidate’s husband was promoted from running the Washington field office for the FBI to the No. 3 position at the bureau.

Within a year, McCabe was promoted to deputy director, the second-highest position in the bureau.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife

The political organization of Virginia Gov.  Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and  Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email use.

Campaign finance records show Mr. McAuliffe’s political-action committee donated $467,500 to the 2015 state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, who is married to Andrew McCabe, now the deputy director of the FBI.

An "extremely careless" bribe donation? So long for integrity..

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Hanna Trudo
10/20/2016 01:44 PM EDT
Clinton confidant complained Bill had undisclosed conflicts of interest at Foundation
Longtime Clinton confidant Doug Band suggested Bill Clinton had ongoing conflicts of interest while serving as a board member on the Clinton Global Initiative, and Band said the former president did not sign the organization’s policy on it.

In an email chain from 2011, Band, who founded the consulting firm Teneo, questioned why Bill Clinton was not required to sign CGI’s conflict of interest policy, despite being paid and receiving high value gifts from three sponsors.

“I signed a conflict of interest policy as a board member of cgi,” Band wrote on Nov. 17, 2011, before describing his own disclosures. “On it, I wrote that my wife designs bags for cgi, and loses money doing so plus donating her time And that teneo represents 4 cgi sponsors, 3 of which teneo brought to cgi.”

He then expressed concerns that Bill Clinton himself was not required to sign the same document.

“Oddly, wjc does not have to sign such a document even though he is personally paid by 3 cgi sponsors, gets many expensive gifts from them, some that are at home etc,” he wrote.

The assertion came from the latest trove of hacked documents stolen from the email account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, and released by WikiLeaks on Thursday.

“I could add 500 different examples of things like this,” Band wrote in the same email exchange.

Other hacked documents suggest Band was frustrated that Bill Clinton wasn’t getting the same kind of scrutiny that Band’s consulting company was, in a discussion about a memo on “infrastructure” circulated among top Clinton allies including Cheryl Mills and Podesta, according to the email chain.

“As you both have seen by my memo, you now understand the facts of teneo,” he began on November 13. “How then do we go through an exercise like this and wjc doesn't as he is far more conflicted every single day in what he does? Why not apply the structure you set up for him to this situation?”

Band went on to flag five potential conflicts of interest that top staff in Clinton world may have had, including CGI’s CEO Bob Harrison and the vice chairman of the Clinton Health Access Initiative Ira Magaziner, as well as Chelsea Clinton.
“Ira runs chai and has been doing outside consulting all these years Bob harrison has a ton of goldman stock and makes decisions on goldmans engagement/role in cgi Valerie uses office space of a donor in Chicago Bruce was paid by his law firm for years and may still be,” he started.

“People sit on boards, for profit ones and not for profit ones. I am sure there are many others we don't know about,” he wrote. “Cvc [an abbreviated name for Chelsea Clinton used in staff emails] uses office space to run a business…I just don't think any of this is right.”

Band said he wasn’t sure how to best characterize Teneo’s involvement “raising millions for the foundation,” but suggested one possibility: “Perhaps an ethics officer like state has, which can be yet another staff person I get to raise the money to pay.....” he wrote.

“Teneo is the only one of any of those that are additive to the foundation,” he went on, in an apparent reference to the previous concerns he flagged. “Everyone takes, everyone, except we are the ones who do everything back to him.”

Mills, a longtime Clinton ally, in her reply, suggested a different structural framework and wrote that the many concerns Band raised would be caught by their "audit."

“Many of issues you flag will get captured by corporate audit and receive common policy application as against all entities/individuals with multiple lines,” she wrote.

It appears that Mills was referencing an audit conducted by Simpon Thacher, a New York law fir, intended to review “potential conflicts of interest.” According to other hacked materials previously released by WikiLeaks, the review found that “many interviewees were unaware” of the existing conflict of interest and outside employment policies.

In the latest batch of emails, Podesta suggested removing Marc Lasry, a hedge fund billionaire and Clinton adviser, from the document the staff was discussing.

“If I were you I'd take Lasry out of this. You'll get into a deep debate about who's right and who's not with CC [Chelsea Clinton] on this. The list is really strong without it, so why get into that,” Podesta wrote.

POLITICO reported earlier about the infighting between Chelsea Clinton and top aides over how to best manage possible conflicts involving Teneo, which provided services for Foundation donors prior to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, and the family’s charitable work. Other hacked emails indicate that Band was quick to dismiss Chelsea Clinton as entitled.

“She is acting like a spoiled brat kid who has nothing else to do but create issues to justify what she's doing because she, as she has said, hasn't found her way and has a lack of focus in her life,” Band wrote to Podesta.

Responding to Podesta’s earlier suggestion to remove Lasry from the document, Band said, “i removed he lasry section all together,” before flagging other possible concerns, this time with Bill Clinton’s speeches to finical firms like UBS and suggesting that advisers “could care less” if he actually delivers the speeches he signs off on.

“… as for ubs, for ex, wjc did a speech for vernon last week for 50k,” he wrote. “…the ubs deal i made was 6 speeches for 150…3 in 2011 which he has done and 3 in 2012 which he can do regardless, he signs off on them all and we could care a less if he does them or not.”

The next month, in December, Chelsea Clinton emailed aides that people she met with in London had “serious concerns” about Teneo’s use of Bill Clinton’s name to help set up client meetings, other stolen emails released by WikiLeaks indicate.

“I will raise all of this and more with my father this evening," she wrote.

Doug Band did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Ken Vogel and Josh Gerstein contributed to this report.

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Clinton ally funneled money to wife of FBI agent who oversaw emails
Washington Examiner ^ | 10/23/2016 | JEREMY LOTT
Posted on 10/25/2016, 8:39:30 AM by pgkdan

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an important ally of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, funneled nearly $700,000 in donations and support to the campaign of the spouse of an FBI official who then oversaw Clinton's email investigation.

The Virginia governor's office was full of denials about the connection on Sunday.

"Any insinuation that his support" for state Senate candidate Dr. Jill McCabe, wife of FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, "was tied to anything other than his desire to elect candidates who would help pass his agenda is ridiculous," a spokesman for the governor told the Wall Street Journal.

McAuliffe's PAC donated $475,000 to Jill McCabe's campaign in 2015 and the Virginia Democratic Party, which is heavily influenced by the governor, donated an additional $207,788 worth of support to her unsuccessful bid for office.The FBI insists that Andrew McCabe "played no role" in his wife's campaign. Months later he was promoted from associate deputy director to deputy director which gave him an "oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton's emails."

The McCabes together did have one meeting with McAuliffe in March of last year, in which the governor and other state Democrats urged Jill McCabe to run for office.

After that meeting, Andrew McCabe reportedly sought ethics advice from the FBI and followed it. He not only refrained from campaigning on his wife's behalf but recused himself from public corruption cases in Virginia, currently including an investigation into possible foreign influence peddling by McAuliffe himself.

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What a scam the whole foundation is

 I saw that this morning.

There was also a guy from yesterday's Veritas video who practically said that his SuperPAC and the Clinton Campaign did coordinate, so what...

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October 25, 2016, 1:35 am

Thanks to WikiLeaks, we know the Democrats’ nominee and likely future president is the most corrupt in history.
Very little introduction is necessary here; the headline and sub-headline say it all. And in the interest of brevity, because we’ve a lot of ground to cover just in recounting a small sample of the ugly revelations continuously pouring out of WikiLeaks’ document dumps against the Clinton machine and the Democratic Party, we’ll just get right to it.

Because thanks to WikiLeaks and others who are doing the job the Democrats’ propaganda apparatchiks wearing the hats of the mainstream media refuse to do, we know what we’re getting in the event Hillary Clinton is our next president.

We know that the Clinton campaign and the Democrat National Committee control what’s written and said about the presidential campaign. So much so that Politico’s Glenn Thrush, who, recognizing how thoroughly he was whoring himself out to a corrupt political establishment when he allowed John Podesta to edit — or “approve” — an article he’d written about the campaign, self-identified as a “hack.” Thrush shouldn’t feel so guilty (are you kidding? Of course he should, and then he should leave the profession in shame!), as he’s hardly alone. Podesta’s emails are a treasure trove of collaboration between the Clinton machine and willing media stooges.

For example, there was the high-level “off-the-record” cocktail party the Clinton campaign threw for 38 influential reporters from 16 of the usual-suspect media outlets for the purpose of “framing the race” on April 10 of last year. Thrush and his Politico colleague Mike Allen said they’d attend, as did CNN’s Gloria Borger, Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin, and ABC’s Jonathan Karl and George Stephanopoulos, among others; NBC’s Chuck Todd and CNN’s Jake Tapper had the dignity to say no.

Or there was the discussion within the campaign around gaining earned media putting Clinton’s announcement of her candidacy in the right light back in January — something that proved difficult to do even with maximum cooperation. The discussion centered around Politico’s Maggie Haberman, who Clinton staffer Nick Merrill described as a good candidate to “place a friendly story” with. “We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed,” Merrill said.

Our readers already know about the debate question current DNC chair Donna Brazile got from CNN in advance — a revelation that Brazile, when later asked about it by Megyn Kelly of Fox News, certifiably beclowned herself. Brazile then claimed the emails in question were doctored, which like virtually everything else she says is a provable lie.

You likely already know about CNBC’s John Harwood and his embarrassingly subservient relationship with Podesta, including his bragging about mistreating Republicans at the primary debate his network hosted, but that’s not all. There was also the time when CNBC panelist Glenn Hutchins, an old Clinton apparatchik from the early 1990s, coordinated with Podesta on questions to ask Donald Trump when the latter appeared for an interview.

There are lots — LOTS — of other examples. The Clinton campaign’s coordination with the mainstream media in this cycle has been effectively total. One could be excused for suspecting that coordination is a key reason why it’s Trump, rather than another Republican who would have been more likely to win, carrying the Republican standard in the first place.

Your Democrat friends might tell you this isn’t an example of corruption but rather the body politic’s attempts to cleanse itself in the face of an existential threat from an unhinged Donald Trump. Your answer might be to bring up Hillary Clinton’s speeches to Wall Street, for which she was paid millions of dollars — and the things she said in those speeches. Like her contention that she must have both a private and a public position on many issues to keep the rubes in the Democratic Party in line, or that she thinks environmentalists are essentially shut-ins and losers, or that she’s more or less a stooge of Goldman Sachs.

Or her foreign policy ideas, which look an awful lot like a recipe for endless, pointless war. She discusses a Syrian no-fly zone, which looks a lot like a formula for a war with Russia, despite recognizing it will kill lots of civilians and necessitate ground troops. Then there was her threat, in a 2013 speech, to “ring China with missile defense.”

Does that sound like a responsible candidate, lefties?

Of course, there is the Clinton Foundation — which WikiLeaks’ release of the Podesta emails shows is an absolute septic tank of corruption and ethical malaise. The Foundation’s own staffers said in an internal review that it was an ineffective and largely useless organization; that was covered up in a memo to Clinton machine bigwigs Podesta, Cheryl Mills, Chelsea Clinton, and Bruce Lindsey in 2012. Later, in 2015, Clinton Global Initiative honcho Doug Band took to howling to Podesta about the plethora of conflicts of interests Bill Clinton was engaged in while others in the Clinton machine were supposedly barred from having them. Band cut ties with the Clintons after referring to Chelsea Clinton as a “spoiled brat kid who has nothing else to do but create issues to justify what she’s doing because she, as she has said, hasn’t found her way and has a lack of focus in her life.”

Speaking of conflicts of interest, how about the Moroccan affair? Here was a classic example of the kind of pay-to-play corruption no first-world country could ever tolerate in its president. In case you haven’t heard about this, the corrupt king of that country pledged some $12 million to the Clinton Global Initiative on condition that Hillary would appear at a conference he was to host in May of 2015. But seeing as though the actual payment would come from OCP, a phosphate mining company accused of human rights violations, politically it was a hot potato for her to lend legitimacy to the Moroccans. And in an email WikiLeaks uncovered, the Clinton machine’s various cogs knew it.

Said Abedin in a November 2014 email to Podesta and Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, “No matter what happens, she will be in Morocco hosting CGI [Clinton Global Initiative] on May 5-7, 2015. Her presence was a condition for the Moroccans to proceed so there is no going back on this.” In a later e-mail two months later, Abedin said “Just to give you some context, the condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation. If hrc was not part of it, meeting was a non-starter.”

That sweaty $12 million would only come if Hillary got off that plane and gave the Moroccans her imprimatur.

“CGI also wasn’t pushing for a meeting in Morocco and it wasn’t their first choice. This was HRC’s idea, our office approached the Moroccans and they 100 percent believe they are doing this at her request. The King has personally committed approx $12 million both for the [foundation’s] endowment and to support the meeting,” Abedin continued.

“It will break a lot of china to back out now when we had so many opportunities to do it in the past few months. She created this mess and she knows it.”

According to Vox, there’s a perfectly valid explanation for this. You’ll have to read it — if you do, you’ll know what happened to Baghdad Bob.

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Clinton State Department IT Official John Bentel Takes Fifth Amendment During Judicial Watch Deposition

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that another witness in the Clinton email matter asserted his Fifth Amendment rights during a Judicial Watch deposition today.   The deposition of John Bentel, the State Department’s former Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat (“S/ES-IRM”), was ordered by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.  S/ES-IRM is the office that handles information technology for the Office of the Secretary.  Mr. Bentel answered over 90 questions with “On advice from my legal counsel, I decline to answer the question and I invoke my Fifth Amendment rights.”

Mr. Bentel, on advice of Obama Justice Department and personal counsel, refused to answer any questions about whether Hillary Clinton was paying his legal fees, offered him employment, or other financial incentives.  There were three government attorneys and two personal attorneys present for the deposition.

On August 19, 2016, Judge Sullivan granted Judicial Watch’s request to depose Bentel, citing significant discrepancies in Bentel previous statements on the Clinton email system:

The Court is persuaded that Mr. Bentel should be deposed because the record in this case appears to contradict his sworn testimony before the [House Select] Benghazi Committee. . . . Specifically, Mr. Bentel testified that he was not aware that Secretary Clinton’s email account was housed on a private server until media reports in 2015. . . . However, several emails indicate Mr. Bentel knew about the private server as early as 2009.

In ordering Bentel’s deposition, Judge Sullivan also cited a May, 2016 Inspector General’s report that found:

Mr. Bentel told employees in his office that Secretary Clinton’s email arrangement had been approved by the State Department’s legal staff and also instructed his subordinates not to discuss the Secretary’s email again:

In one meeting, one staff member raised concerns that information sent and received on Secretary Clinton’s account could contain Federal records that needed to be preserved in order to satisfy Federal recordkeeping requirements. According to the staff member, the Director stated that the Secretary’s personal system had been reviewed and approved by Department legal staff and that the matter was not to be discussed any further. . . . According to the other S/ES-IRM staff member who raised concerns about the server, the Director stated that the mission of S/ES-IRM is to support the Secretary and instructed the staff never to speak of the Secretary’s personal email system again.

Judicial Watch deposed seven former Clinton top aides and current State Department officials, including top Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin.  Judicial Watch also deposed IT official Brian Pagliano, who asserted his Fifth Amendment right not to testify during the Judicial Watch deposition. And Clinton last week answered Judicial Watch’s question under oath regarding her non-government email system.

The depositions come in connection with a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that seeks records about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, deputy chief of staff to former Secretary Clinton (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363 )).

“The fact that yet another State Department official took the Fifth highlights the disturbing implication that criminal acts took place related to the Clinton email and our Freedom of Information Act requests,” stated Judicial Watch Tom Fitton.

The full case history of the Abedin employment lawsuit is accessible on the Judicial Watch website.


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Report: 97% Of Donations From Department of Justice Employees Went To Hillary Clinton
YoungConservatives ^ | 27 Oct 16 | Andrew Mark Miller
Posted on 10/26/2016, 12:37:50 PM by xzins

Think the government has your back?


But they sure do have Hillary’s.

You know how the DOJ was involved in a “nonpartisan” investigation of Hillary’s emails?

Well it turns out that 97% of the donations from DOJ employees went to…guess who?

Hillary Clinton.

From The Hill:

Federal government employees are opening their wallets to help Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump on Nov. 8.

Of the roughly $2 million that federal workers from 14 agencies spent on presidential politics by the end of September, about $1.9 million, or 95 percent, went to the Democratic nominee’s campaign, according to an analysis by The Hill.

Employees at all the agencies analyzed, without exception, are sending their campaign contributions overwhelmingly to Clinton over her Republican counterpart. Several agencies, such as the State Department, which Clinton once led, saw more than 99 percent of contributions going to Clinton.

Employees of the Department of Justice, which investigated Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of State, gave Clinton 97 percent of their donations. Trump received $8,756 from DOJ employees compared with $286,797 for Clinton. From IRS employees, Clinton received 94 percent of donations.

Federal government employees overwhelmingly backed Clinton’s presidential campaign no matter which agency The Hill analyzed using Federal Election Commission data covering donors giving more than $200.

Yeah, I’m sure everything was done on the up and up over at the DOJ.

The undeniable reality is that Hillary was never going down for this crime.

And make no mistake, she absolutely committed a crime.

Democrat voters have abandoned any respect for rule of law during this election season and its been troubling to watch.

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Clinton Foundation’s Fundraisers Pressed Donors to Steer Business to Former President
Hacked email memo published by WikiLeaks details lucrative arrangements made for Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in September. ENLARGE
Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in September. PHOTO: ZUMA PRESS
Updated Oct. 26, 2016 8:43 p.m. ET
Two chief fundraisers for the Clinton Foundation pressed corporate donors to steer business opportunities to former President Bill Clinton as well, according to a hacked memo published Wednesday by WikiLeaks.

The November 2011 memo from Douglas Band, at the time a top aide to Mr. Clinton, outlines extensive fundraising efforts that Mr. Band and a partner deployed on behalf of the Clinton Foundation and how that work sometimes translated into large speaking fees and other paid work for Mr. Clinton.

The memo, part of a cache of emails stolen from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, resurfaces an issue that she has had a hard time shaking: questions over the relationship between the Clintons’ charity work and their personal business.

Mr. Band and an associate introduced top corporate executives to the former president, on the golf course and elsewhere, and then asked them to contribute money to the Clinton Foundation or attend the Clinton Global Initiative, an annual foundation event.


Wikileaks Update: What We’ve Learned From the Clinton Campaign Emails So Far
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Mr. Band wrote the memo to lawyers at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP who were reviewing the Clinton Foundation’s activities and links to Mr. Band. The Clintons’ daughter, Chelsea, had sought the review because she worried that Mr. Band was “hustling business” for his consulting firm, Teneo Holdings, at the Clinton Global Initiative, according to a 2011 email by Ms. Clinton.

In the memo, Mr. Band explained how he helped the foundation and former president, and found donors among his own firm’s clients. Mr. Band responded to the review by writing: “We appreciate the unorthodox nature of our roles, and the goal of seeking ways to ensure we are implementing best practices to protect the 501(c)3 status of the Foundation.”

The Clinton campaign has refused to confirm or deny the authenticity of any of the hacked emails and, along with top U.S. intelligence officials, blamed Russia for stealing them from the account of Mrs. Clinton campaign manager John Podesta.

In 2009, according to the memo, Declan Kelly, an Irish-American businessman and ally of the Clintons, introduced a senior UBS Group AG executive, Bob McCann, to Mr. Clinton at a charitable event. “Mr. Kelly subsequently asked Mr. Mccann to support the foundation … [and] also encouraged Mr. Mccann to invite President Clinton to give several paid speeches, which he has done,” according to the 12-page memo. Mr. Clinton earned $1.5 million from those speeches.

UBS said last year that the speeches by Mr. Clinton and the donations were part of a program to respond to the 2008 financial crisis. Former President George W. Bush also spoke to the Swiss bank as part of the program.

In another example, Mr. Band wrote that he and another Clinton aide persuaded a Dubai-based company, Gems Education, to establish a relationship with the foundation. “That relationship has grown into a business relationship for President Clinton and a donor relationship for CGI,” the memo said. Representatives of Gems couldn’t be reached for comment.

Messrs. Band and Kelly launched their consulting firm in 2011. By that November, partners of Teneo had raised more than $8 million for the Clinton Foundation and also arranged for Mr. Clinton to deliver more than $3 million worth of paid speeches, according to the memo.

A spokesman for Mr. Clinton didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. After a falling out with Chelsea Clinton, starting in 2012, Mr. Band no longer works for the former president and isn’t as involved in Clinton Foundation activities as he once had been.

Teneo spokesman Stephen Meahl said in a statement: “As the memo demonstrates, Teneo worked to encourage clients, where appropriate, to support the Clinton Foundation because of the good work that it does around the world.” He added, “It also clearly shows that Teneo never received any financial benefit or benefit of any kind from doing so.”

When he founded Teneo, Mr. Kelly was serving as the U.S. economic envoy to Northern Ireland, appointed by Mrs. Clinton, who was secretary of state. A public-relations specialist, he also had been a top fundraiser in her bids for the Senate and, in 2008, the White House.

Mr. Kelly had three major clients in 2009, Coca-Cola Co., Dow Chemical Co. and UBS Wealth Management. He asked all three to give money to the Clinton Foundation.

The memo said that Mr. Kelly introduced Mr. Clinton to Muhtar Kent, the chief executive of Coca-Cola, during a meeting at Mr. Clinton’s home in Washington in 2009. Mr. Kelly asked Mr. Kent to give $5 million to the foundation, which he pledged in early 2010, the memo said.

The memo said that Mr. Kelly arranged for Mr. Band to serve on Coke’s International Public Policy Advisory Board. Mr. Band said in the memo that he then used that post to push Coke to sponsor foundation initiatives and to support political candidates whom Mr. Clinton was supporting.

A Coke spokesman said the board didn’t engage in political activities.

Teneo, which markets itself as a one-stop shop for CEOs to get advice on a wide range of issues, including mergers and acquisitions, handling crises and managing public relations, has grown to more than 575 employees. The Wall Street Journal reported last month that Teneo was exploring an initial public offering or sale of the firm as early as 2017.

Mr. Clinton initially served as Teneo’s honorary chairman when the firm opened in 2011, but he stepped down the following year. Of the $3 million he stood to collect, he was ultimately paid $100,000.

In the memo, Mr. Band explains that he frequently negotiated personal income for Mr. Clinton at the same time that he served as a primary fundraiser for the Clinton Foundation. Mr. Band wrote that he and another aide to Mr. Clinton “have in effect served as agents, lawyers, managers and implementers to secure speaking, business and advisory service deals.”

Mr. Band said they had secured “more than $50 million in for-profit activity” for Mr. Clinton but received no fee or cut of it. The two aides also arranged another $66 million of potential future payments from speaking and other engagements for the former president.

Teneo regularly used its access to Mr. Clinton to introduce its clients to the former president. In 2009, Mr. Kelly invited one of his longtime clients, Dow Chemical Chief Executive Andrew Liveris, to play golf with Mr. Clinton and Mr. Band. Afterward, Dow paid $500,000 as a sponsor of the Clinton Global Initiative. Dow also paid another $150,000 to the Foundation to have Mr. Clinton attend a dinner the chemicals company was hosting in Davos.

The memo says Mr. Liveris provided Dow Chemical’s corporate plane to fly Mr. Clinton and his staff from California to North Korea, and back, saving the foundation more than $100,000.

A Dow spokeswoman said that the company’s senior executives have participated in Clinton Global Initiative events because their efforts are aligned with aspects of Dow’s business.

Teneo’s proximity to the Clintons appears to have been mutually beneficial. Mr. Band notes that Gems Education became a Teneo client after the company sought Mr. Clinton’s services as an adviser.

The charitable arm of Gems has given the Clinton Foundation between $1 million and $5 million. The for-profit education company has paid Bill Clinton about $6.2 million since 2010 for consulting work, according to tax returns released by the campaign of Mrs. Clinton.

Write to Anupreeta Das at


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Rumor going around that Hillary had 2 person closed door meeting today with Head of Elections of Broward County (FL).


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EXCLUSIVE: Clinton headlined fundraiser for campaign group which gave $500,000 to wife of FBI...
Daily Mail ^ | 10/27/2016 | Alana Goodman
Posted on 10/27/2016, 2:36:47 PM by GilGil

EXCLUSIVE: Clinton headlined fundraiser for campaign group which gave $500,000 to wife of FBI boss who investigated her emails - and it's closely linked to Hillary's bid for power reveals just how closely linked Clinton is to PAC which gave massive donation to Virginia politician married to FBI deputy director

Common Good VA gave $500,000 to Jill McCabe whose husband Andrew ran probe into Clinton's secret server which ended with no prosecution

PAC is controlled by Terry McAuliffe, Virginia governor and Clinton ultra-loyalist - and Hillary headlined fundraiser just before it gave McCabe cash

On top of that series of Clinton powerhouses have been on payroll of PAC including Robby Mook, her campaign manager

And Clinton family financiers poured cash into its coffers, including Doug Band, who was Bill Clinton's closest aide

McCabe denies conflict of interest but one group said of $500,000 donation: 'It looks like a payoff.' Campaign won't say if Clinton met Jill McCabe at fundraiser

(Excerpt) Read more at ...