Author Topic: Hillary Clinton: Incompetence, Corruption, Sleeze, Lies, Deceit, Theft Thread  (Read 46788 times)

Soul Crusher

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Last week, WikiLeaks dropped a 2011 memo by top Bill Clinton aide Doug Band that lays bare Team Clinton’s sordid financial dealings when Hillary Clinton was secretary of State.

Band describes how the Clinton Foundation served as a conduit for what he called “Bill Clinton Inc.” — the former president’s for-profit arm. Other documents show State Department involvement.

The result is an unsavory mix of charity work, profiteering, and pay-to-play politics that potentially reaches the highest levels of US foreign policy and screams for IRS and Department of Justice reviews.


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Breaking News: Hillary, Democrats, and Networks blame the cop for investigating the alleged criminal.


Soul Crusher

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Clinton Foundation Scandal: A Justice Department Cover-Up Exposed?
« on: Today at 07:20:16 AM »
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Corruption: Lost in the hurricane of news about the FBI's renewed investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email is a bombshell of possibly greater importance — an apparent attempt by Obama's Justice Department to quash an FBI probe into the troubled Clinton Foundation.

Back in August, the Daily Caller reported that the FBI and several U.S. attorneys offices were conducting a joint investigation of the foundation for financial crimes and influence peddling.

It was a major story that, naturally, other news outlets ignored, until this weekend. In an extensive report on battles within the FBI and Justice Department over how to handle various investigations involving people in Clinton's orbit, the Wall Street Journal revealed deep in the story how senior officials at Justice tried to thwart the FBI from looking too closely at the Clinton Foundation.

"Early this year, four FBI field offices — New York, Los Angeles, Washington and Little Rock, Ark. — were collecting information about the Clinton Foundation to see if there was evidence of financial crimes or influence-peddling," the Journal reported.

But when these investigators presented their findings to the Justice Department in February 2016, Justice refused to grant them the authority to use more aggressive investigative techniques, such as issuing subpoenas or conducting formal interviews.

Then, on Aug. 12 — the day after the Daily Caller piece ran — a "very pissed off" senior Justice Department official called Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe after learning that FBI agents were nevertheless still pursuing the Clinton Foundation case.

The Journal quotes FBI agents who said they were then told to "stand down" from the probe.

The report also notes that U.S. attorneys refused to let FBI investigators look at devices turned over in the Clinton email scandal to see if they contained evidence of wrongdoing at the foundation. Justice had conveniently agreed to immunity and limited-use deals with Clinton's lawyers.

It's not as if FBI investigators were out in left field in suspecting that the Clinton Foundation was a corrupt organization. Peter Schweizer, in his 2015 book "Clinton Cash," had detailed numerous cases in which decisions made by the State Department while Hillary was in charge just happened to coincide with donations to the charity.

Hacked emails released by WikiLeaks have since made it clear that, despite Clinton's promise to avoid conflicts of interest between her work at State and the foundation, her top aides continued to have close dealings with the foundation, and that donors often received special treatment at State.

A memo leaked last week showed how Bill Clinton repeatedly scored lucrative business deals with businesses after they agreed to be Clinton Foundation donors. And evidence continues to emerge that the foundation's "charity" work was less beneficial than claimed.

Now it appears that Justice has successfully sidelined a critical investigation into the corrupt Clinton Foundation purely for political reasons. If so, then the Justice Department itself is guilty of obstructing justice.

This is the very definition of a "rigged system."


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Clinton Foundation Scandal: A Justice Department Cover-Up Exposed?
« on: Today at 07:20:16 AM »
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Corruption: Lost in the hurricane of news about the FBI's renewed investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email is a bombshell of possibly greater importance — an apparent attempt by Obama's Justice Department to quash an FBI probe into the troubled Clinton Foundation.

Back in August, the Daily Caller reported that the FBI and several U.S. attorneys offices were conducting a joint investigation of the foundation for financial crimes and influence peddling.

It was a major story that, naturally, other news outlets ignored, until this weekend. In an extensive report on battles within the FBI and Justice Department over how to handle various investigations involving people in Clinton's orbit, the Wall Street Journal revealed deep in the story how senior officials at Justice tried to thwart the FBI from looking too closely at the Clinton Foundation.

"Early this year, four FBI field offices — New York, Los Angeles, Washington and Little Rock, Ark. — were collecting information about the Clinton Foundation to see if there was evidence of financial crimes or influence-peddling," the Journal reported.

But when these investigators presented their findings to the Justice Department in February 2016, Justice refused to grant them the authority to use more aggressive investigative techniques, such as issuing subpoenas or conducting formal interviews.

Then, on Aug. 12 — the day after the Daily Caller piece ran — a "very pissed off" senior Justice Department official called Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe after learning that FBI agents were nevertheless still pursuing the Clinton Foundation case.

The Journal quotes FBI agents who said they were then told to "stand down" from the probe.

The report also notes that U.S. attorneys refused to let FBI investigators look at devices turned over in the Clinton email scandal to see if they contained evidence of wrongdoing at the foundation. Justice had conveniently agreed to immunity and limited-use deals with Clinton's lawyers.

It's not as if FBI investigators were out in left field in suspecting that the Clinton Foundation was a corrupt organization. Peter Schweizer, in his 2015 book "Clinton Cash," had detailed numerous cases in which decisions made by the State Department while Hillary was in charge just happened to coincide with donations to the charity.

Hacked emails released by WikiLeaks have since made it clear that, despite Clinton's promise to avoid conflicts of interest between her work at State and the foundation, her top aides continued to have close dealings with the foundation, and that donors often received special treatment at State.

A memo leaked last week showed how Bill Clinton repeatedly scored lucrative business deals with businesses after they agreed to be Clinton Foundation donors. And evidence continues to emerge that the foundation's "charity" work was less beneficial than claimed.

Now it appears that Justice has successfully sidelined a critical investigation into the corrupt Clinton Foundation purely for political reasons. If so, then the Justice Department itself is guilty of obstructing justice.

This is the very definition of a "rigged system."

Obama is part of the crime family. He is one of the scumbags in the swamp. Basically, the democrats have compromised this whole election and have attempted to hand the coronation to hillary.

Yesterday it was donna Brazile who cheated and gave the debate questions to Hillary. why is she still chair of the DNC?  Today Obama killed the grand jury for Comey. no wonder he did not pursue Hillary criminally. Obama shut it down! This really is a constitutional crisis.

Drain the Swamp!

Soul Crusher

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And they say Welfare Queens don't exist:


Soul Crusher

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BREAKING: DOJ Denied FBI’s Grand Jury Request Into Clinton Foundation
DC Whispers ^ | 10/31/2016 | DC Whispers
Posted on 11/1/2016, 10:01:34 AM by GilGil

Whoa. According to CNN contributor Hugh Hewitt, (no friend of Donald Trump) the Obama Justice Department denied the FBI’s request for a grand jury pertaining to an investigation into the Clinton Foundation:

Might this be why Barack Obama was playing so nice with FBI Director James Comey today, declaring Comey wasn’t doing anything wrong in updating Congress on new evidence pertaining to the ongoing Clinton investigation despite other Democrats crying foul at that update coming so close to Election Day?

Certainly the Obama White House would have had input into the DOJ’s decision to shut down the FBI’s grand jury request, thus adding yet another significant layer of government collusion into what is already a sordid, (even by Clinton standards) mess of backroom political dealing.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Soul Crusher

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The Clintons — At the End of All Things
National Review ^ | November 1, 2016 | Victor Davis Hanson
Posted on 11/1/2016, 10:48:56 AM by COUNTrecount

Epic greed, power, and pride : Where’s the bottom?

With Bill and Hillary, there’s no telling. What was the Clinton telos? The end point, the aim of all their lying, cheating, criminality, dishonor, and degradation? Given the latest Weiner scandals coming on top of the latest WikiLeaks scandals, we wonder, what did the Clintons really wish to end up as — and why?

Are they Goethe’s Faust or tortured souls crushed by the weight of their money bags in Dante’s Fourth Circle of Hell?

For a few criminals, remorse comes with old age; but for the Clintons, near-70 was to be the capstone, the last chance to trump all their prior shenanigans. They were artists of amorality, and the election of 2016 was to be their magnum opus.

The FBI reopened investigation, WikiLeaks Podesta trove, revelations about the Foundation, the e-mail–server scandal, DNC disclosures, and theoff-the-cuff campaign remarks of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and one then ponders what was the point of the Clinton shakedowns, the loss of reputation, the crude lawbreaking, as they neared their seventh decade.

To paraphrase Barack Obama, in his progressive sermonizing on making enough money, did the two ever think they had enough money, enough honors, enough power already?

The Hillary/Bill fortune — generated by pay-for-play influence peddling on the proposition that Bill would return to the White House under Hillary’s aegis and reward friends while punishing enemies — hit a reported $150 million some time ago, a fortune built not on farming, mining, insurance, finance, high-tech, or manufacturing, but on skimming off money.

Clintons are simply grifters whose insider access to government gave them the power to make rich people richer. Long gone was the Scrooge-like need to write off used underwear

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In my humble opinion, this get big politics forum is dominated by pro-Trump and bash Hillary posts.
Nothing wrong with being passionate about a candidate but "group think" is thriving on this forum.

We'll see who wins next Tuesday. ;)


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In my humble opinion, this get big politics forum is dominated by pro-Trump and bash Hillary posts.
Nothing wrong with being passionate about a candidate but "group think" is thriving on this forum.

We'll see who wins next Tuesday. ;)

If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen.

I don't think I've seen you post any substantial reasons to why you support a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Soul Crusher

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In my humble opinion, this get big politics forum is dominated by pro-Trump and bash Hillary posts.
Nothing wrong with being passionate about a candidate but "group think" is thriving on this forum.

We'll see who wins next Tuesday. ;)

STFU and go grab your blankie


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In my humble opinion, this get big politics forum is dominated by pro-Trump and bash Hillary posts.
Nothing wrong with being passionate about a candidate but "group think" is thriving on this forum.

We'll see who wins next Tuesday. ;)
There is nothing good to say about her so what is your point?

You voted for Hillary, lol.


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I don't think I've seen you post any substantial reasons to why you support a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Fair point. BUT, nobody would take me serious on here.
In fact , many reply with insults on my manhood and testes size  ;D

Seriously, do you think any of the hardcore Trump voters would "listen" LOL.
In my experience, very few people actually listen to the other side.

I'm here for entertainment , shits and giggles.

Soul Crusher

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Fair point. BUT, nobody would take me serious on here.
In fact , many reply with insults on my manhood and testes size  ;D

Seriously, do you think any of the hardcore Trump voters would "listen" LOL.
In my experience, very few people actually listen to the other side.

I'm here for entertainment , shits and giggles.

you are right - your manhood is at issue

Soul Crusher

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Endless scandal is a given if Hillary wins the White House
NY Post ^ | November 3, 2016 | Post editorial board
Posted on 11/4/2016, 3:53:48 AM by Mr. Mojo

If Hillary Clinton wins Tuesday, she’ll head into office under the cloud of two major FBI investigations, including one that’s reportedly “likely” to lead to an indictment.

On Wednesday, Fox News’ Bret Baier reported that the bureau’s probe of possible corruption involving the Clinton Foundation — and, presumably, Clinton’s role as secretary of state — is “far more expansive” than had been reported.

Sources with “intimate knowledge” of the probes told Baier the FBI has turned up “a lot of evidence” — and that the probes “will continue to, likely, an indictment.”

If, that is, they’re not quashed by higher-ups at the Justice Department.

The foundation probe, it turns out, has been under way for a year. On Sunday, The Wall Street Journal reported that four FBI field offices have been reviewing possible influence-peddling via the foundation.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Fair point. BUT, nobody would take me serious on here.
In fact , many reply with insults on my manhood and testes size  ;D

Seriously, do you think any of the hardcore Trump voters would "listen" LOL.
In my experience, very few people actually listen to the other side.

I'm here for entertainment , shits and giggles.

Why don't you give it a shot.

Thin Lizzy

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Fair point. BUT, nobody would take me serious on here.
In fact , many reply with insults on my manhood and testes size  ;D

Seriously, do you think any of the hardcore Trump voters would "listen" LOL.
In my experience, very few people actually listen to the other side.

I'm here for entertainment , shits and giggles.

I have listened to the other side. Their case is essentially that Hillary is the more experienced candidate.

While that's true, it's that experience which makes her so detestable as her and her ilk have corrupted government to an almost absurd extent. You'd think this was a parody of a corrupt government but it's real.

This level of corruption might not bother you, but, there are people who actually give a fuck, obviously a few of them are in the FBI.

You say you don't want change, but if Hillary wins and the entire FBI goes rogue, you might get more than you bargained for.


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Can someone explain how this is not pedo-innuendo?  Open the attachments


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 :D :D :D :D

She's still staging lies even after the election is over with! They are actually longtime friends.

Soul Crusher

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 :D :D :D :D

She's still staging lies even after the election is over with! They are actually longtime friends.

Potemkin Village existence

Grape Ape

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In my humble opinion, this get big politics forum is dominated by pro-Trump and bash Hillary posts.
Nothing wrong with being passionate about a candidate but "group think" is thriving on this forum.

We'll see who wins next Tuesday. ;)

eh - l belong to another baseball site that has a political subforum that is completely liberal in groupthink, so it's not uncommon.   Would love it if TA joined that one - he could single handedly destroy it.