Author Topic: Trump paid is own companies $1mil last month- Plan to bankrupt the RNC?  (Read 1337 times)

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  • Getbig V
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Trump's campaign had 1.3 million in the bank when June began.   Part of that is because he spent over $1mil on his own companies last month.   And he refused - as he promised to do - to convert the $45 mil he's given himself as loans, into donations.   He can still legally collect all $45 million from his future donations - OR EVEN FROM THE RNC!!!!!!!!

Imagine if the party does give him 10 million, and he gives it back to HIMSELF and leaves the race!!  LOL!  I know such a thought is crazy, but it's 2016, and everything has been crazy this year.   imagine if Trump builds up a massive campaign chest, and pays himself back FIRST.   It's odd he hasn't converted those loans into donations, as he promised to do.

IF he is a dem troll, this would be the ULTIMATE in "screw-you", wouldn't it?   Empty their coffers of congressional cash, THEN repay himself.

Soul Crusher

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Trump's campaign had 1.3 million in the bank when June began.   Part of that is because he spent over $1mil on his own companies last month.   And he refused - as he promised to do - to convert the $45 mil he's given himself as loans, into donations.   He can still legally collect all $45 million from his future donations - OR EVEN FROM THE RNC!!!!!!!!

Imagine if the party does give him 10 million, and he gives it back to HIMSELF and leaves the race!!  LOL!  I know such a thought is crazy, but it's 2016, and everything has been crazy this year.   imagine if Trump builds up a massive campaign chest, and pays himself back FIRST.   It's odd he hasn't converted those loans into donations, as he promised to do.

IF he is a dem troll, this would be the ULTIMATE in "screw-you", wouldn't it?   Empty their coffers of congressional cash, THEN repay himself.

Trump needs to drop out of the race and go F himself.  He is a train wreck and a liar. 

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Trump needs to drop out of the race and go F himself.  He is a train wreck and a liar. 

Imagine if he makes a "deal" with the RNC, and they give him 10 or 20 million that was intended for congressional races.

Then he has a big fundraising effort, picks up 30 million in donations in the next few months.

THEN he quietly repays himself that $45 million he's lent himself.   PWNS the RNC in dozens of races.

SC, why do you think so many people are in denial of the Trump Mole angle?

Soul Crusher

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Donald J. Trump regularly boasts that he is self-funding his presidential bid, but new campaign finance filings show that he is also shifting plenty of money back to himself in the process.

According to documents submitted to the Federal Election Commission, Mr. Trump, whose campaign has just $1.3 million cash on hand, paid at least $1.1 million to his businesses and family members in May for expenses associated with events and travel costs.

The presumptive Republican nominee is required by law to account for his spending this way to prevent his companies from making illegal corporate donations to his campaign. In 2015, about $2.7 million was paid to at least seven companies Mr. Trump owns or to people who work for his real estate and branding empire, repaying them for services provided to his campaign.

In May, the biggest ticket item was Mr. Trump’s use of the Mar-a-Lago Club, his Florida resort, which was paid $423,000. The campaign paid $350,000 to TAG Air for his private airplanes, $125,000 to Trump Restaurants, and more than $170,000 to Trump Tower, the Manhattan skyscraper that houses the campaign’s headquarters.

Mr. Trump’s family also profited from the campaign last month, with his son Eric’s Virginia wine business taking in about $1,300.

And Mr. Trump, who has said he will not take a salary if he is elected president, paid himself $3,085 in May.

Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee and Mr. Trump’s main rival this fall, took to Twitter on Tuesday to jab him over the expenditures. “What is Trump spending his meager campaign resources on?” she asked. “Why, himself, of course.”

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In May, the biggest ticket item was Mr. Trump’s use of the Mar-a-Lago Club, his Florida resort, which was paid $423,000. The campaign paid $350,000 to TAG Air for his private airplanes, $125,000 to Trump Restaurants, and more than $170,000 to Trump Tower, the Manhattan skyscraper that houses the campaign’s headquarters.

Mr. Trump’s family also profited from the campaign last month, with his son Eric’s Virginia wine business taking in about $1,300.

And Mr. Trump, who has said he will not take a salary if he is elected president, paid himself $3,085 in May.

This is friggin' baffling.   

There is NO WAY he's really this stupid, self-involved, or blind to common sense.  Paying HIMSELF three grand?   

SC, If this was any employee at ANY company, wouldn't you feel he was TRYING to get himself fired?   

Soul Crusher

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This is friggin' baffling.   

There is NO WAY he's really this stupid, self-involved, or blind to common sense.  Paying HIMSELF three grand?   

SC, If this was any employee at ANY company, wouldn't you feel he was TRYING to get himself fired?   

Remember that episode of the Sopranos where they had that fake stock Limbisticxs or some shit and got all the idiots to buy it?

This is no different.   


  • Getbig V
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Remember that episode of the Sopranos where they had that fake stock Limbisticxs or some shit and got all the idiots to buy it?

This is no different.   

Trump is actually using his white house run as a huge tax write off and money maker for himself...amazing!!!!!

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Trump is actually using his white house run as a huge tax write off and money maker for himself...amazing!!!!!

imagine how republicans will shit, if Trump decides to pay himself back a nice chunk of that $45 mil loan. 

They decide he's the man, they give him $20 mil in RNC funds, and he writes himself a check for 19 million.   LOL, they'd lose their shit. 

For this reason, and many other, I think they change rules and let delegates bounce his RINO ass.

Straw Man

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Imagine if he makes a "deal" with the RNC, and they give him 10 or 20 million that was intended for congressional races.

Then he has a big fundraising effort, picks up 30 million in donations in the next few months.

THEN he quietly repays himself that $45 million he's lent himself.   PWNS the RNC in dozens of races.

SC, why do you think so many people are in denial of the Trump Mole angle?

Trump's campaign had 1.3 million in the bank when June began.   Part of that is because he spent over $1mil on his own companies last month.   And he refused - as he promised to do - to convert the $45 mil he's given himself as loans, into donations.   He can still legally collect all $45 million from his future donations - OR EVEN FROM THE RNC!!!!!!!!

Imagine if the party does give him 10 million, and he gives it back to HIMSELF and leaves the race!!  LOL!  I know such a thought is crazy, but it's 2016, and everything has been crazy this year.   imagine if Trump builds up a massive campaign chest, and pays himself back FIRST.   It's odd he hasn't converted those loans into donations, as he promised to do.

IF he is a dem troll, this would be the ULTIMATE in "screw-you", wouldn't it?   Empty their coffers of congressional cash, THEN repay himself.

Lots of imagination here

You sound like the guy on the Ancient Aliens show when faced with something he can't understan says something to the effect ..."you have to wonder if ET didn't do it"

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Lots of imagination here

You sound like the guy on the Ancient Aliens show when faced with something he can't understan says something to the effect ..."you have to wonder if ET didn't do it"

I was the same guy who said Trump would get the delegates because the nascar base loved his anger and hate so much.  I predicted it when most everyone else said he had no chance.

I also said he'd wreck the big GOP names, shit all over republicans past, paint the whole GOP as racist, alienate women, attack bernie in a non-proportionate way, and mostly attack hilary for being a victim of spousal infidelity, which only helps her. 

Now he's running an inept campaign.  Doing what it takes to ensure a hilary win.


  • Getbig V
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Trump needs to drop out of the race and go F himself.  He is a train wreck and a liar. 

You are being quite truthful.

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You are being quite truthful.


Do you feel trump is trolling, a mole, a plant, and/or just plain Trying to lose?   Underachieving intentionally?

Straw Man

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Do you feel trump is trolling, a mole, a plant, and/or just plain Trying to lose?   Underachieving intentionally?

or none of the above?

BTW - why don't you admit that most of your beliefs about trump are just trolling

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or none of the above?

BTW - why don't you admit that most of your beliefs about trump are just trolling

Oh yeah, of course some of it is.  Some of it is just having a laugh.   DUde, it all comes down to this....

Trump was MONSTER effective against a very good GOP class.   He flew thru them, he mastered the debate, he played the news like a fiddle.

Suddenly, he's up against hilary, with all the resources, consultants, info available... and he's actually doing WORSE.  The GOP & RNC got in line and gave him endorsements en masse... and he didn't respond by improving things - he got way worse, way fast. 

Maybe Trump is just completely inept, stupid, clueless, and trying his hardest and doing this bad, with the worst $ differential in presidential history.  Or maybe he's doing it on purpose. 

It could be either.  It's way fun to think we may be witnessing insane trolling history on a global scale.  And if I had to pick, I'd say that is the case.


  • Getbig V
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Do you feel trump is trolling, a mole, a plant, and/or just plain Trying to lose?   Underachieving intentionally?

Honestly, I don't know.

What I will say is that I do feel that someone who is supposedly "so smart" and so good at "making deals" seems to be doing every possible thing wrong during this campaign to win on a "national" level.

I will say say this much. If he is not a troll, a mole, a plant, trying to lose, or intentionally underachieving, then he is without a doubt a complete charlatan and most certainly not the intelligent person he pretends to be.

While he certainly got where he got due to the small group of people who like "his style", I personally don't believe that he can win the office of the President of the United States by doing and saying the things he has been.

Nor should he.

That's just my opinion and perhaps I'm wrong on many levels, but I feel as a nation, many more people find him disgusting than like him... Outside of getbig of course... Getbiggers love the Trump.

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What I will say is that I do feel that someone who is supposedly "so smart" and so good at "making deals" seems to be doing every possible thing wrong during this campaign to win on a "national" level.

See, I keep thinking.. he ran massive hotels, golf course, ad campaigns, TV shows, etc.... all at the same time.  Dude was a MASTER delegater of tasks... amazing at getting huge things done.  He didn't have to do everything - he got the best people and pushed them.

I can't understand why he'd purposely limit his team to 70 employees nationally.   He looks at the competition, she has TEN TIMES the delegates, almost 800... and he doesn't hire more?

Not only that, but he's stepped out of his businesses - all he has to do is give a few speeches a week, and run his campaign... he isn't managing a bunch of things, he's just on this one thing now...and he can't do it, at all?

"The smartest thing the devil did was convince us that he didn't exist"

Trump wants us to think he's inept, but 5 decades shows (even though he's had some failures) that the man knows how to organize massive companies.   A 700-person campaign, when you have so much support, he cannot even do?  Oh, and he DECLINED the RNC's help with fundraising, and refused to call the donor list and stack up the money.

Ben Carson also did this - declining easy fundraising, not building any national infrastructure, and I predicted in October that he was tanking it - and I was completely right.  A 6-month book tour right when you take the lead in the polls, while building ZERO support in the upcoming states?   I knew what he was doing, and getbiggers said I was crazy for saying Carson was tanking it.   But he did.   And I think Trump is too.

Straw Man

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Honestly, I don't know.

What I will say is that I do feel that someone who is supposedly "so smart" and so good at "making deals" seems to be doing every possible thing wrong during this campaign to win on a "national" level.

I will say say this much. If he is not a troll, a mole, a plant, trying to lose, or intentionally underachieving, then he is without a doubt a complete charlatan and most certainly not the intelligent person he pretends to be.

While he certainly got where he got due to the small group of people who like "his style", I personally don't believe that he can win the office of the President of the United States by doing and saying the things he has been.

Nor should he.

That's just my opinion and perhaps I'm wrong on many levels, but I feel as a nation, many more people find him disgusting than like him... Outside of getbig of course... Getbiggers love the Trump.

I don't think anyone here doubts he's a charlatan or con man (in the sense that he does not have the skills to do the job) but the guy is a world class narcissist who has been emboldened by his success when everyone told him from day 1 that he was doing everything wrong.  

This is the guy that bragged that each time he said something crazy and the pundits and people in his own party criticized him that his poll numbers went up.  This is the guy who said " I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"

This guy thinks everything he has done and everything he will do is always the right thing

Nothing confusing or mysterious going on here


  • Getbig V
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See, I keep thinking.. he ran massive hotels, golf course, ad campaigns, TV shows, etc.... all at the same time.  Dude was a MASTER delegater of tasks... amazing at getting huge things done.  He didn't have to do everything - he got the best people and pushed them.

I can't understand why he'd purposely limit his team to 70 employees nationally.   He looks at the competition, she has TEN TIMES the delegates, almost 800... and he doesn't hire more?

Not only that, but he's stepped out of his businesses - all he has to do is give a few speeches a week, and run his campaign... he isn't managing a bunch of things, he's just on this one thing now...and he can't do it, at all?

"The smartest thing the devil did was convince us that he didn't exist"

Trump wants us to think he's inept, but 5 decades shows (even though he's had some failures) that the man knows how to organize massive companies.   A 700-person campaign, when you have so much support, he cannot even do?  Oh, and he DECLINED the RNC's help with fundraising, and refused to call the donor list and stack up the money.

Ben Carson also did this - declining easy fundraising, not building any national infrastructure, and I predicted in October that he was tanking it - and I was completely right.  A 6-month book tour right when you take the lead in the polls, while building ZERO support in the upcoming states?   I knew what he was doing, and getbiggers said I was crazy for saying Carson was tanking it.   But he did.   And I think Trump is too.
I can't say you're right or wrong, but I can agree that he's certainly not doing things you think most high level managers do.

Most high level managers delegate as much responsibility as possible. He's not doing so.

I don't think anyone here doubts he's a charlatan or con man (in the sense that he does not have the skills to do the job) but the guy is a world class narcissist who has been emboldened by his success when everyone told him from day 1 that he was doing everything wrong.  

This is the guy that bragged that each time he said something crazy and the pundits and people in his own party criticized him that his poll numbers went up.  This is the guy who said " I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"

This guy thinks everything he has done and everything he will do is always the right thing

Nothing confusing or mysterious going on here

Perhaps. I'm just shocked that with him declining in the polls that he is unwilling to see where he is falling.

Could be be SO narcissistic that even in the face of reality, he just ignores it?

Straw Man

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I can't say you're right or wrong, but I can agree that he's certainly not doing things you think most high level managers do.

Most high level managers delegate as much responsibility as possible. He's not doing so.

Perhaps. I'm just shocked that with him declining in the polls that he is unwilling to see where he is falling.

Could be be SO narcissistic that even in the face of reality, he just ignores it?

Most definitely

He's a world class narcissist and he fully believes he can do anything

I think you're forgetting that he's said he has a very good brain and has said alot of things and is mostly consulting with himself

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Perhaps. I'm just shocked that with him declining in the polls that he is unwilling to see where he is falling.

Could be be SO narcissistic that even in the face of reality, he just ignores it?

I don't think he is that narcissistic... I think he's an egomaniac, but I think most are, at that level of politics.

I think trump is VERY shrewd, and he KNOWS what people want.  He's artfully manipulated the media for years.

I think Trump knows *EXACTLY* what to say to win over hilary supporters and swing voters- and he's not saying it.  These attacks bout her man cheating on her.  WTF is that?  That only helps her. 

I think he's going easy on her.  he is STILL calling bernie names, weeks after bernie was out of it completely.  Today he's attacking her on religion?  Really?  Weakest possible attack there.