Author Topic: AP - Obama lied about Iran Nuke Deal - secret text  (Read 1185 times)

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AP - Obama lied about Iran Nuke Deal - secret text
« on: July 18, 2016, 01:35:29 PM »

VIENNA (AP) -- Key restrictions on Iran's nuclear program imposed under an internationally negotiated deal will start to ease years before the 15-year accord expires, advancing Tehran's ability to build a bomb even before the end the pact, according to a document obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

The document is the only text linked to last year's deal between Iran and six foreign powers that hasn't been made public, although U.S. officials say members of Congress have been able to see it. It was given to the AP by a diplomat whose work has focused on Iran's nuclear program for more than a decade, and its authenticity was confirmed by another diplomat who possesses the same document.

The diplomat who shared the document with the AP described it as an add-on agreement to the nuclear deal. But while formally separate from that accord, he said that it was in effect an integral part of the deal and had been approved both by Iran and the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany, the six powers that negotiated the deal with Tehran.

Details published earlier outline most restraints on Iran's nuclear program meant to reduce the threat that Tehran will turn nuclear activities it says are peaceful to making weapons.

But while some of the constraints extend for 15 years, documents in the public domain are short on details of what happens with Iran's most proliferation-prone nuclear activity - its uranium enrichment - beyond the first 10 years of the agreement.

The document obtained by the AP fills in the gap. It says that as of January 2027 - 11 years after the deal was implemented - Iran can start replacing its mainstay centrifuges with thousands of advanced machines.

Centrifuges churn out uranium to levels that can range from use as reactor fuel and for medical and research purposes to much higher levels for the core of a nuclear warhead. From year 11 to 13, says the document, Iran can install centrifuges up to five times as efficient as the 5,060 machines it is now restricted to using.

Those new models will number less than those being used now, ranging between 2,500 and 3,500, depending on their efficiency, according to the document. But because they are more effective, they will allow Iran to enrich at more than twice the rate it is doing now.

The U.S. says the Iran nuclear agreement is tailored to ensure that Iran would need at least 12 months to "break out" and make enough weapons grade uranium for at least one weapon.

But based on a comparison of outputs between the old and newer machines, if the enrichment rate doubles, that breakout time would be reduced to six months, or even less if the efficiency is more than double, a possibility the document allows for.

The document also allows Iran to greatly expand its work with centrifuges that are even more advanced, including large-scale testing in preparation for the deal's expiry 15 years after its implementation on Jan. 18.

A U.S. official noted, however, that the limit on the amount of enriched uranium Iran will be allowed to store will remain at 300 kilograms (660 pounds) for the full 15 years, significantly below the amount needed for a bomb. As well, it will remain restricted to a level used for reactor fuel that is well below weapons grade. Like the diplomats, the official demanded anonymity in exchange for discussing the document.

"We have ensured that Iran's breakout time comes down gradually after year 10 in large part because of restrictions on its uranium stockpile until year 15," the official said. "As for breakout times after the initial 10 years of the deal, the breakout time does not go off a cliff nor do we believe that it would be immediately cut in half, to six months."

Still the easing of restrictions on the number and kind of centrifuges means that once the deal expires, Tehran will be positioned to quickly make enough highly enriched uranium to bring up its stockpile to a level that would allow it to make a bomb in half a year, should it choose to do so.

The document doesn't say what happens with enrichment past year 13. That indicates a possible end to all restrictions on the number and kind of centrifuges even while constraints on other, less-proliferation prone nuclear activities remain until year 15.

Iran insists it is not interested in nuclear weapons, and the pact is being closely monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The IAEA says Tehran has essentially kept to its commitments since the agreement was implemented, a little more than six months after Iran and the six powers finalized it on July 14, 2015.

Marking the agreement's anniversary Thursday, President Barack Obama said it has succeeded in rolling back Iran's nuclear program, "avoiding further conflict and making us safer." But opposition from U.S. Republicans could increase with the revelation that Iran's potential breakout time would be more than halved over the last few years of the pact.

Also opposed is Israel, which in the past has threatened to strike Iran if it deems that Tehran is close to making a nuclear weapon. Alluding to that possibility, David Albright, whose Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security is a U.S. government go-to resource on Iran's nuclear program, said the plan outlined in the document "will create a great deal of instability and possibly even lead to war, if regional tensions have not subsided."

The deal provides Iran with sanctions relief in exchange for its nuclear constraints. But before going into recess, U.S. Congress last week approved a bill to impose new sanctions for Tehran's continuing development and testing of ballistic missiles, a program the White House says is meant to carry atomic warheads even if it is not part of the nuclear agreement.

It also approved a measure that calls for prohibiting the Obama administration from buying more of Iran's heavy water, a key component in certain nuclear reactors.

The White House has said removing the country's surplus heavy water denies Tehran access to a material that may be stored for potential nuclear weapons production. But critics note that the purchase was made only after Iran exceeded heavy water limits proscribed by the nuclear deal and assert it rewarded Tehran for violating the agreement.


Associated Press writer Matthew Lee contributed from Washington.

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Re: AP - Obama lied about Iran Nuke Deal - secret text
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2018, 11:16:32 AM »
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting at the Prime Minister's office in Jerusalem February 11, 2018.   Israel's Netanyahu makes announcement on Iran 
23 Mins Ago | 03:32
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday revealed a cache of files he claims were obtained from Iran and prove the country ran a secret program to build nuclear weapons.

Netanyahu's office billed the televised statement as a "significant development" regarding the Iran nuclear deal, but it largely rehashed what the world long ago accepted: That Iran sought to develop nuclear weapons.

That acknowledgement marshaled international support for a U.S. campaign to impose a tough series of sanctions against Iran. The impact of those sanctions brought Iran to the negotiating table and ultimately led to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

Netanyahu's remarks come less than two weeks before U.S. President Donald Trump must decide whether to continue suspending sanctions against Iran under that deal, or restore the penalties on one of the world's biggest oil producers.

Iranian leaders have long said their nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes. But Netanyahu on Monday unveiled tens of thousands of pages of documents, which he said were copied from a "highly secret location" in Iran.

Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a news conference at the Ministry of Defence in Tel Aviv, Israel, April 30, 2018.
Amir Cohen | Reuters
Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a news conference at the Ministry of Defence in Tel Aviv, Israel, April 30, 2018.
Those files detail Project Amad, which Netanyahu described as "a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons." He said the files provided "new and conclusive proof of the secret nuclear weapons program that Iran has been hiding for years from the international community in its secret atomic archive."

Helima Croft, global head of commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets, said Netanyahu's statement appeared timed to make sure Trump does not extend the waivers on May 12.

The televised announcement followed a meeting this past weekend between Netanyahu and newly sworn-in Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a prominent Iran hawk.

"We've shared this material with the United States and the United States can vouch for its authenticity," Netanyahu said on Monday.

The Obama administration negotiated the Iran nuclear deal in 2015 along with China, France, Germany, Russia and the U.K. The accord lifted a series of sanctions against Iran in exchange for Tehran accepting limits on its nuclear program and allowing international investigators access to its facilities.

The International Atomic Energy Agency and the signatories to the agreement have repeatedly confirmed that Iran is complying with the deal as it is written.

But the Trump administration, Israel and foreign policy hawks have long argued that the accord itself is flawed. Last year, the White House announced a major policy shift aimed at working with U.S. lawmakers and European partners to toughen the nuclear deal.

In January, Trump waived sanctions against Iran, but said he would not suspend them when the next deadline arrived on May 12 unless the United States and Europe had agreed on a path forward.

The European partners are open to opening new talks with Iran, but want to preserve the existing deal. Russia and China also continue to back the accord.

French President Emmanuel Macron is working with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to salvage the deal, following Macron's meeting with Trump last week. At the end of his visit to Washington, Macron said he believes Trump will leave the nuclear deal for "domestic reasons."


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Re: AP - Obama lied about Iran Nuke Deal - secret text
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2018, 12:49:08 PM »
Atrocious "deal"/lies from Obama.


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Re: AP - Obama lied about Iran Nuke Deal - secret text
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2018, 01:06:24 PM »
The Gay Muslim was the most corrupted POTUS  POS ever

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Re: AP - Obama lied about Iran Nuke Deal - secret text
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2018, 05:42:29 AM »
36 reasons why I would not be surprised if Obama wanted Iran to destroy Israel [Iran deal flashback]
wordpress ^ | July 17, 2015 | Dan from Squirrel Hill
Posted on 5/1/2018, 6:57:42 AM by grundle

Here are 36 reasons why I would not be surprised if Obama wanted Iran to destroy Israel
I have a crazy conspiracy, for which I have no proof, and for which I could be completely wrong: Obama’s #1, long term, biggest goal as President, which supersedes anything else, is that he wants to help Iran get enough uranium to build enough nuclear bombs to destroy Israel.

Here are 36 reasons why I would not be surprised if it turned out that Obama really did want Iran to use nuclear bombs to destroy Israel:

1) When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, Obama allowed Russians who had donated to her foundation to buy American uranium.

Iran and Russia are strategic allies, and much of Iran’s military weapons were manufactured in Russia, so there is strong reason to think that the Russians who bought this American uranium might sell it to Iran.

Charity Navigator, the United States’ most influential charity watchdog, said that legitimate charities spend at least 75% of their donations on their mission. However, according to Clinton’s foundation’s tax forms for the years 2009 through 2012, of the more than $500 million that was donated to the foundation, only 15%, or $75 million, was spent on programmatic grants. More than $25 million was used for travel expenses. Almost $110 million was spent on employee salaries and benefits. $290 million, almost 60 percent, was reported as “other expenses.” Because of this, Charity Navigator put Clinton’s foundation on its “watch list.” In addition, Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, said: “It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons.”

If these Russians were truly interested in helping the causes of AIDS, famine, clean water, global warming, etc., there are plenty of other charities that they could have given to, which would have spent 75% of the money on these causes, instead of 15%. The only reason these Russians donated to Clinton’s foundation was because they wanted permission to buy American uranium, which they may end up selling to Iran.

2) The countries of Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, and Algeria all donated money to Clinton’s Foundation when Clinton was Secretary of State, at a time when these countries were attempting to conduct business with the U.S. government.

Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution states:

No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.

In addition, the State Department had the following rules when Clinton was Secretary of State:

Executive branch employees are subject to restrictions on the gifts that they may accept from sources outside the Government. Unless an exception applies, executive branch employees may not accept gifts that are given because of their official positions or that come from certain interested sources (“prohibited sources”).

A prohibited source is a person (or an organization made up of such persons) who: is seeking official action by, is doing business or seeking to do business with, or is regulated by the employee’s agency, or has interests that may be substantially affected by performance or nonperformance of the employee’s official duties.

Donations that foreign governments had given to Clinton’s foundation were used to pay for first class flights for Clinton, even though she was not an employee of the foundation when those flights took place. This is a clear and obvious violation of the Constitution’s prohibition against federal officials accepting money or gifts from foreign governments.

3) In 2011, the Obama administration criticized Algeria’s government for imposing “restrictions on freedom of assembly and association,” tolerating “arbitrary killing,” “widespread corruption,” and a “lack of judicial independence.”

However, in 2012, after the Algerian government donated $500,000 to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s foundation, the Obama administration authorized the Algerian government to buy “toxicological agents, including chemical agents, biological agents and associated equipment” from the U.S.

4) Boko Haram is a Nigerian terrorist organization. Gilbert Chagoury is a Nigerian businessman and diplomat. After Chagoury donated between $1 million and $5 million to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s foundation, Clinton’s State Department avoided putting Boko Haram on its terrorist watch list. After Clinton resigned and John Kerry became the new Secretary of State more than two years later, Kerry put Boko Haram on the State Department’s terrorist watch list.

5) In 2013, a passenger who wanted to fly from New York to London on Kuwait Airways was illegally rejected by the airline for being an Israeli Jew. The passenger filed a discrimination complaint with the Obama administration. The Obama administration dismissed the complaint, claiming that the airline was subject to Kuwaiti law, and not U.S. law, even though the flight originated in the U.S.

6) In July 2014, the Obama administration banned U.S. flights to Israel, based on the Obama administration’s false claim that Hamas rockets were being fired at the Israeli airport. Once this lie was exposed, the flight ban was lifted.

7) In February 2015, the Obama administration declassified and published a top secret document from 1987 which confirmed the existence of Israel’s nuclear weapons program. However, the Obama administration did not declassify or publish other parts of the document, which pertained to Italy, France, West Germany, and other NATO countries. Prior to this, Israel had never officially confirmed or denied that it had a nuclear weapons program, and the U.S. had remained silent on the matter as a gesture of good will toward Israel.

8) In May 2015, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the IRS and the Justice Department had illegally discriminated against a U.S. charity because of its pro-Israel views.

9) After Nidal Malik Hasan shouted “Allahu Akbar!” and murdered 13 people on U.S. soil, instead of referring to it as “Islamic terrorism,” Obama said that it was “workplace violence.”

10) Mohamed Elibiary is a member of the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council. In October 2013, a Twitter user asked him:

“show me just ONE example of an Islamic country where non Muslims are treated with equality.”

Elibiary responded by Tweeting:

“America and yes I do consider the United States of America an Islamic country with an Islamically compliant constitution. Move On!”

11) Although the Fort Hood shooter, the shoe bomber, and underwear bomber, and 100% of the 9-11 terrorists were all radical Muslims, the Obama administration enacted a ban on associating terrorism with radical Islam during training exercises of anti-terrrorism agents.

12) In January 2014, Commander-in-Chief Obama began allowing U.S. soldiers to wear Islamic beards, turbans, and hijabs as part of their military uniform.

13) In June 2014, Commander-in-Chief Obama banned Bibles but forced U.S. soldiers to adhere to Ramadan rules.

14) In September 2014, Obama falsely said the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant “is not Islamic.”

15) When Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, was 53 years old, he raped a girl who was either nine or ten years old at the time.

However, in September 2012, Obama said:

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

16) In 2009, Obama said:

“My job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives.”

However, there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution which says that that is part of the President’s job.

17) In January 2015, an Islamic terrorist named Ahmedy Coulibaly murdered four Jews at Hyper Cacher, a kosher supermarket in France.

The Jerusalem Post reported:

Coulibaly called a French TV station from the kosher supermarket and said he was an al-Qaida terrorist and that he chose the kosher supermarket because he wanted to kill Jews.

However, Obama said these murders were “random.”

18) In July 2010, Charles Bolden, the administrator of NASA, said that Obama had told him that the primary purpose of NASA was “to reach out to the Muslim world.”

Although I can’t prove that Obama actually said this, I can’t think of any reason why Bolden would lie about it. Given Obama’s behavior in so many other instances, I am inclined to think that Bolden was probably telling the truth.

19) In September 2012, the Obama administration phoned YouTube to complain about an anti-Muslim video.

Ben Wizner of the ACLU said that of this:

“It does make us nervous when the government throws its weight behind any requests for censorship.”

Eva Galperin of the Electronic Frontier Foundation said of this:

“I am actually kind of distressed by this… Even though there are all these great quotes from inside the White House saying they support free speech….by calling YouTube from the White House, they were sending a message no matter how much they say we don’t want them to take it down, when the White House calls and asks you to review it, it sends a message and has a certain chilling effect.”

20) In June 2013, Rasmussen conducted a poll to find out what people considered to be the “nation’s top terror threat.”

Reporting on the results of the poll, Rasmussen wrote:

“Among those who Strongly Approve of the president, more fear the Tea Party than radical Muslims.”

21) In May 2013, the Obama administration sued Star Transport, Inc., a trucking company based in Morton, Illinois, because it fired Muslim truck drivers who had refused to drive trucks that were carrying alcoholic beverages.

22) The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization. In April 2012, the Obama administration allowed members of the Muslim Brotherhood to skip TSA screening.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration gave a very invasive patdown to a three-year-old boy in a wheelchair, which caused the boy to tremble in fear. The Obama administration gave an aggressive patdown to a seven-year-old girl with cerebral palsy. The Obama administration said that a four-year-old girl was a “high security threat.” The Obama administration placed an 18-month-old girl on its no fly list. The Obama administration gave a patdown to Henry Kissinger. The Obama administration forced a 95-year-old cancer patient to remove her adult diaper and fly without it. The Obama administration ripped open the urostomy bag of a 61-year-old bladder cancer survivor, and forced him to fly covered in his own urine. The Obama administration harassed a sick 3-year-old boy, and caused him to miss his flight.

23) Sheikh Mohammad Rateb al-Nabulsi is a Muslim preacher from Syria who has called for homosexuals to be executed. In March 2014, Obama gave him a visa so he could spread his message to mosques in 17 U.S. cities.

24) In June 2009, Obama said:

“If you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”

However, at the time Obama made his statement, there were 57 countries that had more Muslims than the U.S.

25) In June 2009, Obama said there were

“nearly 7 million American Muslims in our country”

However, in June 2009, PolitiFact wrote:

We are using numbers from the CIA Online World Factbook, a highly regarded government source for global statistics. It’s updated twice a month, and we’re relying on the latest version. By the World Factbook’s count, Muslims in the United States make up about 0.6 percent of the population. That’s around 1.8 million.

26) The Obama administration used taxpayers’ money to refurbish Muslim mosques in other countries.

27) Obama misquoted the Quran to give the false impression that it did not support murder.

28) In June 2011, Obama asked a Jewish singing group to remove its video from the internet.

29) In November 2014, after Palestinian terrorists murdered four Jews at a synagogue in Jerusalem, Obama said, “too many Palestinians have died.”

30) In 2010, Obama supported releasing Abdel Baset al-Megrahi from prison. Known as the “Lockerbie bomber,” Megrahi had been convicted of murdering 270 people.

31) A terrorist bomber named Rasmieh Yousef Odeh was convicted of murdering two Hebrew University students by putting a bomb in a box of candy on a grocery store shelf in Israel. Afterward, the Obama administration hired her as an Obamacare “navigator.”

32) Federal law requires the President to notify Congress 30 days before releasing terrorists. However, in May 2014, Obama released five “high risk” Taliban terrorists without giving advance notification.

At 3:25 in this video from June 2014, Marie Harf, the deputy spokesperson for Obama’s State Department, refers to these Taliban terrorists as “gentlemen.”

33) The Obama administration helped Hamas obtain the construction materials that it used to dig its terror tunnels, which it used to attack Israel.

34) This next one, by itself, should have been enough to have prevented Obama from being elected President. The fact that it did not stop him from being elected makes me worry very much about the moral values of the voters in this country. It’s not Obama that I’m scared of – it’s the electorate that put him into office.

In 1969, a guy named Bill Ayers co-founded a terrorist organization called Weather Underground.

In 1969, Ayers set off a bomb in Chicago at a statue that was dedicated to the city’s police. At the time of the explosion, no one was close enough to the statue to be killed. However, the explosion was so powerful that it broke almost 100 windows.

On March 6, 1970, three members of Weather Underground, including Diana Oughton (Ayers’s girlfriend) and Terry Robbins (Ayers’s close friend), were killed when they accidentally, prematurely set off a bomb which they were in the process of building, in their townhouse in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City. The explosion was so powerful that it destroyed the entire four-story townhouse.

In 1970, Ayers bombed the headquarters of the New York City Police Department.

In 1971, Ayers bombed the United States Capitol building.

In 1972, Ayers bombed the Pentagon.

Although charges were filed against Ayers for these bombings, the charges were later dropped because law enforcement agents had conducted wiretaps and property searches without warrants.

In 1995, when Obama was running for state senator in Illinois, Obama held a fundraiser in the living room of Bill Ayers’s home.

35) Before Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State, she had promised that she would publish all donors to her foundation. However, after she got the job, Obama allowed her to break that promise.

In addition, before Clinton became Secretary of State, she had also promised that she would let the State Department review all new or increased donations to her foundation by foreign governments. Obama allowed her to break that promise too.

Furthermore, for three consecutive years – 2010, 2011, and 2012 – Obama allowed Clinton to lie to the IRS by falsely saying that her foundation had not received any donations from foreign governments. In reality, during those three years, her foundation had actually been given tens of millions of dollars by foreign governments.

In May 2015, the reason for all of these lies and secrecy became clear, when it was reported that 16 of the countries that had donated to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s foundation ended up getting a 143% increase in arms sales from the U.S. government, compared to the amount of sales that had occurred during the same time frame during the Bush administration.

36) In July 2015, Obama signed a nuclear “inspection” deal with Iran. ABC News wrote the following about this:

UN inspectors can demand access to nuclear facilities on Iran military sites, but they aren’t immediate or even guaranteed. Any inspections at those sites would need to be approved by a joint commission composed of one member from each of the negotiating parties. The process for approving those inspections could take as many as 24 days, which critics will claim is enough time for Iran to cover up any non-compliance.

In other words, the deal allows for “inspections” that aren’t real inspections.

This “inspection” deal gives Iran as much as 24 days advance notice before inspections. The only reason for this that I can think of is to give Iran enough time to move the stuff they don’t want the “inspectors” to see. If anyone here has a different reason, please let me know in the comments section.

In addition, Iran must agree to any “inspection” before it can take place. Therefore, even after the 24 days of advance notice, the “inspection” might not happen at all. The only reason for this that I can think of is to prevent the “inspectors” from seeing the stuff that Iran does not want them to see. If anyone here has a different reason, please let me know in the comments section.

To anyone reading this who thinks that I am wrong in suggestingg that Obama wants Iran to blow up Israel, then please suggest, in the comments section, an alternative reason for why Obama signed a deal for these bogus, falsely named “inspections.” Why did Obama give Iran 24 days to hide their stuff before the “inspections” take place? And even after that 24 day period, why did Obama give Iran the ability to prevent the “inspections” from ever happening? If you think I am wrong in my claim that Obama wants Iran to destroy Israel, then please provide an alternative reason for why Obama is allowing Iran to completely avoid these “inspections.”


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Re: AP - Obama lied about Iran Nuke Deal - secret text
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2018, 05:48:12 AM »
I've stated it on here 100 times before, "if Obama is opening his mouth he's lying"

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Re: AP - Obama lied about Iran Nuke Deal - secret text
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2018, 06:00:05 AM »
I've stated it on here 100 times before, "if Obama is opening his mouth he's lying"

007 - Bond and Straw Woman believe Obama was telling the truth.