Author Topic: Ask a gay Getbigger anything - within reason  (Read 271706 times)

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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1325 on: September 08, 2017, 09:24:08 PM »
quite obviously

society allowing their propaganda is fucking pathetic and indicative of a deeper cultural sickness.

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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1326 on: September 08, 2017, 09:24:58 PM »

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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1327 on: September 08, 2017, 09:31:46 PM »


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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1328 on: September 08, 2017, 09:36:12 PM »

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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1329 on: September 08, 2017, 10:00:25 PM »
Rangerfag are you starting to see how fake and artificial your gay agenda tinted reality really is?

Nobody likes gays, nobody accepts them, regular people merely tolerate them because it's what society has conditioned them to do but it's a completely false construction.

And now that you morons have pushed the gay agenda too far there's backlash from regular folk like us

It'll get much worse in the coming years. Just you watch :)


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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1330 on: September 08, 2017, 10:09:28 PM »
Rangerfag are you starting to see how fake and artificial your gay agenda tinted reality really is?

Nobody likes gays, nobody accepts them, regular people merely tolerate them because it's what society has conditioned them to do but it's a completely false construction.

And now that you morons have pushed the gay agenda too far there's backlash from regular folk like us

It'll get much worse in the coming years. Just you watch :)

You make many excellent points


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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1331 on: September 08, 2017, 10:18:54 PM »
Ah...Label anything you disagree with as a phobia.  How Libtardian.   Libtardian suits such an agenda.  When pray tell, will you speak on behalf of pedophiles, zoophiliacs, cuckolds, and anything else that you are too morally weak to oppose?  

I suspect you will do so as your own sordid preferences are slowly revealed through acclimation via Libtardian dogma.  Doubtless the term "consenting" will be expanded by the "trans-set" and will engulf any and all debauchery and those that rail against it will be labeled "phobicytes".  

So go fuck yourself and your Libtardian ethos. You're one of the swine of Orwell's "Animal Farm" that feeeeel they're more equal than anyone else.  More deserving.  More entitled.  So many factions of sexuality (and more) claim to have been born the way they behave.  Science is working on that and mark these words because once the "gay" gene is isolated, once the "murder, pedo, bestiality or whatever disgusting thing such as you crave gene" is isolated, once anything that detracts from the betterment of mankind is discovered and isolated there will be abortions galore and then the Libtardians will gnash their meatflaps against the abortion of what they once referred to as a "chicken embryo".  If there is a  libtard gene, then it will be found and eradicated.  

Pandora's Box hasn't been shut yet.   Not until hope springs forth.  Remember, abortion is legal and there's not a damn dirty apish thing you or any other Libtardian can do about people choosing not to allow something undesirable to come to term.  Libtardians are zombies.  Mindless, worthless and without honor.  Feeding off the lives of others in the faux name of "equality and fairness" while all the while just being hateful and jealous.  What a bunch of cuntlettes.  You want to force your beliefs on everyone.  If you were a Christian, you would be vilified by Libtardians such as yourself.

As it stands, you can go fuck yourself.  Just tell everyone you were born to fuck yourself and it'll all be fine.  If you want to be gay, fine.  Be gay.  I know a few homosexuals that I call friend and they don't play the slut in public because it's wrong to behave in such a manner. Just don't do it in front of the world.  I don't want heterosexuals screwing in the streets either.  Of course Libtardians would say it's freedom of sexpression to publicly rut.  FTN.

Homophobia is defined as hatred, prejudice and overall negative views against LGB people. Vilifying people under the base of sexual orentation is homophobic. Don't think people are not capable of reading between the lines when someone says "anything is labeled as homophobia" and phrases of the like.

Your insults are just a childish reaction as well as an inability to debate rationally. Do not think too high of yourself. You are dust just like anybody else and you share the world with the rest of the dust.

Meanwhile, keep enjoying the homoerotically-charged spectacle we call bodybuilding.  ;D


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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1332 on: September 08, 2017, 10:38:51 PM »
That last hyperbolic judgment aside, how is it prejudiced? The point of life is to reproduce life. Since gays historically only contribute to their own survival and leave nothing of lasting value to the community, it's entirely accurate. The definition of hedonism is living for one's own personal gratification. Random sex as a lifelong preference rather than meaningful, emotion-based relationships fits the bill. So does the preponderence of drug and alcohol abuse in that community vs. the general population of the same age.

Who's fighting against it? The liberal media, a handful of social pressure groups, GLAD, and some misguided white kids from the suburbs. In other words, the polar opposites of the American people. By the way, every "minority" racial group in the country is dead-against equal rights or recognition for gays, so I guess that's where homosexuals and blacks/asians/hispanics/indians part ways on the common track of liberal insanity.

Yep. This video's a good example of how coming out ruins a family forever.

Larry Kramer would disagree with that statement. Ever read his book about the gay lifestyle in the late 1970s? It's called Faġgots, and it made him a pariah in the gay world for a decade because it told the truth about how they lived.


It's not "some" people. It's the overwhelming majority, which is why anti-gay marriage acts like Proposition 8 passed into law with a majority even in a hyper-liberal state like California. It took a few misguided liberal Supreme Court justices to bend over to the will of a misfit minority and forcefeed 'equality' to everyone and anyone under the sun. Most Americans are dead-against gays in the military as well.

Like I said before, we are not living in a world where the human race is going to go extinct; the world is going towards overpopulation; not he other way round.
We seem have differing views regarding the value of human life as you seem to suggest heterosexuality grants a special right to walk on this Earth and others are not worth the same right.

The wicked association of homosexuality with hedonism that some people attempt to make is simply that, wicked; nothing factual. People can and do contribute to their societies and sexual orientation has no role in it.
Nothing of lasting value? Can you provide evidence? From little deeds such as helping the poor to even medicine. Can you really state no LGB people contribute directly or indirectly even to your own well-being in different areas such as science?

If you had an LGB child, would you kill him/her since you would not see value in his/her life or would you fight for him to live the happiest life possible and help him/her achieve his/her dreams?

The video is a good example of how religion can ruin poeple's lives and destroy family bonding.  Not the first time people have even been killed in the name of god by their own parents/relatives.
Have you ever cared about watching families where they don't discriminate against their LGB children or homoparental families?

I'm not sure about a "majority". And what the majority thinks it is not always good or moral.

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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1333 on: September 08, 2017, 11:08:19 PM »
Alfurin is one of those hapless idiots who thinks "kindness" is the highest virtue of mankind.

No. Truth, Beauty, and Objectivity are.

Of which he has none.

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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1334 on: September 08, 2017, 11:37:35 PM »
You make many excellent points

Thanks brah.  Not that hard to do when you've got Truth with a capital T on your side

Even easier when you engage with someone who's most cutting comeback is, "you don't like gay agenda gays so therefore you're secretly gay."

It's Frankfurt School Critical Theory logic 101  ::)


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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1335 on: September 09, 2017, 12:21:54 AM »
Outside of my current boyfriend--this is the hottest man in Vegas..and he's a friend.
Professional dance instructor

Coy and crazy hot.


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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1336 on: September 09, 2017, 01:27:19 AM »
It must be very painful for the homophobes to see the changes in the past 10 years, so their anger and frustration is perhaps understandable, considering their view is on the decline.

Even the Far Right in Europe largely support LGBT rights.

As was mentioned before a large percentage of Le Pen's 'Front National' party in France are homosexuals or of the LGBT community. Up to one third if I recall. Most don't care about marriage rights and all that either or gay pride parades, they just want to be left alone like everyone else.

They are definitely not liberals, leftist or socialist.


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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1337 on: September 09, 2017, 01:36:54 AM »
Most don't care about marriage rights and all that either or gay pride parades, they just want to be left alone like everyone else.

those gays are fine

they are not who this thread is about

we're talking about idiot gay-agenda gays like rangerfag and their straight brethren like you


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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1338 on: September 09, 2017, 04:33:40 AM »
those Queers are fine

they are not who this thread is about

we're talking about idiot gay-agenda gays like rangerfag and their straight brethren like you

Exactly Right.

Bunch Foghorn Loudmouths - with their Stupid agenda

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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1339 on: September 09, 2017, 06:42:24 AM »

you seem mad your bullshit push of utterly false "pride" is backfiring?

(false because a sexual preference, especially a lewd and perverted one, is not in any way an accomplishment and therefore absolutely nothing to be proud of)


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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1340 on: September 09, 2017, 09:16:34 AM »
Like I said before, we are not living in a world where the human race is going to go extinct; the world is going towards overpopulation; not he other way round.
We seem have differing views regarding the value of human life as you seem to suggest heterosexuality grants a special right to walk on this Earth and others are not worth the same right.

The wicked association of homosexuality with hedonism that some people attempt to make is simply that, wicked; nothing factual. People can and do contribute to their societies and sexual orientation has no role in it.
Nothing of lasting value? Can you provide evidence? From little deeds such as helping the poor to even medicine. Can you really state no LGB people contribute directly or indirectly even to your own well-being in different areas such as science?

If you had an LGB child, would you kill him/her since you would not see value in his/her life or would you fight for him to live the happiest life possible and help him/her achieve his/her dreams?

The video is a good example of how religion can ruin poeple's lives and destroy family bonding.  Not the first time people have even been killed in the name of god by their own parents/relatives.
Have you ever cared about watching families where they don't discriminate against their LGB children or homoparental families?

I'm not sure about a "majority". And what the majority thinks it is not always good or moral.

Can you condense that to 2 lines for people who don't give a fuck about your life
thanks mate


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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1341 on: September 09, 2017, 09:18:02 AM »
you seem mad your bullshit push of utterly false "pride" is backfiring?

(false because a sexual preference, especially a lewd and perverted one, is not in any way an accomplishment and therefore absolutely nothing to be proud of)

Posting a hotlinked photo of a t-shirt not even gay guys wear in public is one way to admit you're trying to stir the shit even when the pot's empty.

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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1342 on: September 09, 2017, 09:19:46 AM »
Homophobia is defined as hatred, prejudice and overall negative views against LGB people. Vilifying people under the base of sexual orentation is homophobic. Don't think people are not capable of reading between the lines when someone says "anything is labeled as homophobia" and phrases of the like.

Your insults are just a childish reaction as well as an inability to debate rationally. Do not think too high of yourself. You are dust just like anybody else and you share the world with the rest of the dust.

Meanwhile, keep enjoying the homoerotically-charged spectacle we call bodybuilding.  ;D

If anyone finds my insights somehow "insulting" that is not my problem. I'm here to say what I hold true and my words are far from childish, rather they're honest and often humorous.  I despise "phobia" being used a pathetic Libtardian crutch.  People are not afraid of anything, they are repulsed.  I don't care for gay sex being done around me, be it men or women doing the nasty.  I don't want to see it in public.  I don't want to watch people screw.  I don't want to watch Helga the German Rubber Queen urinate on someone's face because she has pronounced it "performance art" and wants a grant to continue her art for society's sake bullshit.

I'm an atheist but I'm far from offended by a cross.  Conversely I'm disgusted by muslim shit.  Why? They're assholes bent on killing us all in the name of their fucktard pedo founder.  Libtardians will fight to remove a cross but rail against the same treatment of the crescent moon of homohammed.

If you're at a party and suddenly two guys want to buttfuck on a table, are you fine with that?  If it's two fatass lesbians wearing latex and sporting artificial wangs, are you fine with that?  What about a zoophiliac's special dog and pony show?  It's not your home, it's not in a private setting but it is a party on public grounds.  Even if it is at someone's home, are you fine with it and will just sit there doing the Libtardian clap (alternate hands slapping your own forehead) so that you look "sensitive" and are full of "awareness and acceptance"?  Or do you complain and leave,

If you stay, you're probably a fan of crap like the Folsom Street Fair.  Normal, conservative folk have begun to draw a line. Libtardians just snort them.

I must say I got a good laugh at your final comment on the site,.  Thanks for the smile on that one.

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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1343 on: September 09, 2017, 01:03:59 PM »
If anyone finds my insights somehow "insulting" that is not my problem. I'm here to say what I hold true and my words are far from childish, rather they're honest and often humorous.  I despise "phobia" being used a pathetic Libtardian crutch.  People are not afraid of anything, they are repulsed.  I don't care for gay sex being done around me, be it men or women doing the nasty.  I don't want to see it in public.  I don't want to watch people screw.  I don't want to watch Helga the German Rubber Queen urinate on someone's face because she has pronounced it "performance art" and wants a grant to continue her art for society's sake bullshit.

I'm an atheist but I'm far from offended by a cross.  Conversely I'm disgusted by muslim shit.  Why? They're assholes bent on killing us all in the name of their fucktard pedo founder.  Libtardians will fight to remove a cross but rail against the same treatment of the crescent moon of homohammed.

If you're at a party and suddenly two guys want to buttfuck on a table, are you fine with that?  If it's two fatass lesbians wearing latex and sporting artificial wangs, are you fine with that?  What about a zoophiliac's special dog and pony show?  It's not your home, it's not in a private setting but it is a party on public grounds.  Even if it is at someone's home, are you fine with it and will just sit there doing the Libtardian clap (alternate hands slapping your own forehead) so that you look "sensitive" and are full of "awareness and acceptance"?  Or do you complain and leave,

If you stay, you're probably a fan of crap like the Folsom Street Fair.  Normal, conservative folk have begun to draw a line. Libtardians just snort them.

I must say I got a good laugh at your final comment on the site,.  Thanks for the smile on that one.





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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1344 on: September 09, 2017, 01:08:06 PM »
Remember how you defended having sex with 13 year olds?

Go fuck yourself and die, troll.

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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1345 on: September 09, 2017, 01:13:03 PM »

Show me a single post I made where I advocated that an adult have sex with a 13 year old? In fact, I had specifically stated otherwise.

Fact is, I've never had sex with a teenager ever -- even when I was a teenager. Whereas you have had other men's dicks in your ass and in your mouth.

Filthy pig!



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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1346 on: September 09, 2017, 01:16:46 PM »
Outside of my current boyfriend--this is the hottest man in Vegas..and he's a friend.
Professional dance instructor

I don't get why people use lip liner. IMO, he'd be better looking without it.

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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1347 on: September 09, 2017, 01:18:01 PM »
I don't get why people   men use lip liner. IMO, he'd be better looking without it.



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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1348 on: September 09, 2017, 01:22:47 PM »
Tooo much muscle.
How the fuck do you crack that open to hit it?

That's only going to happen if he lets you. A bigger worry is him flexing his glutes during anal intercourse. He break the other fellow's pecker off.  ;D  The reason I posted this photo was too keep this thread somewhat bodybuilding related.


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Re: Ask a gay getbigger anything {within reason)...AMA
« Reply #1349 on: September 09, 2017, 01:28:19 PM »
That's only going to happen if he lets you. A bigger worry is him flexing his glutes during anal intercourse. He break the other fellow's pecker off.  ;D  The reason I posted this photo was too keep this thread somewhat bodybuilding related.

Nah, you did it to make the rest of us look away from what you keep hitting the monitor with your nose to get closer to.