Author Topic: back shot taken for my boy esf  (Read 16386 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2018, 07:48:00 PM »
Here ya go, not bad me thinks

Not bad, reminds me of Mentzer.


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2018, 08:02:34 PM »
Well, it looks like as you said you don't train back aside from some wide grip pull-downs.

(as you probably noticed by now, when I talk to Mr. DJ, I don't "troll him" [or anyone else for that matter.. I'm an adult. I don't 'troll'] or talk shit about him like most do so this critique isn't with ill-will)

There's a minimal amount of what appears to be latissimus dorsi development, but aside from that there's not a whole lot of development anywhere else. The traps and rhomboids in particular are lacking a great deal. So starting out I would likely advise to focus on those areas because they would have the greatest immediate visual impact on the physique.

Secondly almost all of equal importance is the lack of development of the teres minor muscle group. Most people on The View a back that is well-developed they mistake the teres minor muscle group for lats imposes such as the standing relaxed from the back obviously, and back double biceps poses. Most people think pull-downs to the front, especially wide grip, emphasize lat development, however the prime-movers in that movement are the teres muscles.

To focus on latissimus dorsi development, the elbows need to be in front of the body and pulling the elbows down towards the waist. For example; movements such as reverse grip pull-downs with elbows in front of the body pulling down towards the waist. It's a misconception that rows are a "lat" movement. The prime movers in rows are actually the rhomboids, which squeeze the scapula back together. The lats are involved, especially when the elbows/upper arms are kept close to the torso, but prime movers are still rhomboids.

You can emphasize the rhomboids even further, you 10 fleur de lis elbows out more so the upper arm is more perpendicular to the Torso.

My recommendation;

Add one Training Day that focuses entirely on back movements. And have a day off completely the next day to give the back muscles an entire day's worth of nutrients all to itself. (I also follow/advise this schedule to clients for leg-days. I want the all available nutrients to go towards repairing damaged fibers the following day).

Workout  8 to 10 rep range 8 to 10 rep range begins with focusing on movements with the elbows in front of the body.   --

Such as close-grip pull-downs with a reverse-grip. One or two warm up sets, followed by two or three working sets In the 8 to 10 rep range. Ideally with a straight bar... Can possibly use a v-handle, but rather you use the str8.

Follow that with seated cable rows either with a v-handle, or again a str8 bar with a reverse-grip. This one you can use a little bit wider grip medium width , about the width of your shoulders or maybe half a hand with narrower. Should only need one warm-up set on these just to get the feel, followed by two or three working sets also in the 8 to 10 rep range.

*I also prefer using a one-armed lever-machine vertical row. Hammer Strength makes a great one. There are plenty of images of Dorian using one. I'm not sure exactly what it's called, but the handles are verticle. There are also some machines that have a selected weight stack instead of being plate loaded. I prefer to have the seat height as high as it goes, & gripping the very top of the handle. Use 1 arm at a time, getting a full stretch and finishing the contraction while twisting the torso back slightly (maybe a 15° twist back and pulling the shoulder 'down' about 2")

*!!* -- I should remind you that during all back movements it is imperative that you keep your back arched and chest up. Failure to maintain an arch in your back will result in the movements becoming a bicep and brach movement. Think of your arms as "hooks" that are only there 2 latch onto the weight and allow the back muscles to pull -- *!!*

After that, you can move on to movements to focus on the actual upper back muscles truly create a visually impressive back (*the muscles that most people mistake for "lats")... the teres minor muscle group specifically.

Pull-downs to the front with an overhand grip, about medium with. Personally in my experience, a medium grip produces better results then a wide grip. Should only need one warm-up set to get the feel of the movement don't need a high rep set 8 or 10 reps should be sufficient, followed by two, maybe three working sets of 8 or 10 reps.

Back to seated cable rows. This time we're going to move the elbows more out to the side at about 45 degrees or higher in relation to the Torso. Using a straight bar also going to go with the wider grip, wider than shoulder width. We're also going to pull the bar up towards the sternum or nipples. Shouldn't need a warm-up set with these, we're also going to go with a little bit higher rep range because amount of weight is going to be a little bit lower. Going to do two sets of about 12 to 15 reps.
  *Also note; you will likely not be able to pull the bar all the way to the chest because of the angle of the movement. It's fine if the bar stops for 5 or so inches in front of your chest at full contraction. Following those two sets we're going to go with and even wider grip, same rep range 12 to 15 for one set.

Going to finish off the back portion of the workout with straight arm pull-downs with the high cable. 3 sets of 15-20.

Finnish up with barbell power-shrugs in a power-rack. Go as heavy as you can. Pulling the bar off the pins so it's almost like an 8" rest-pause deadlift. 4-5sets of 12-15 reps, setting the bar graph down on the pens after each rep taking a breath and resetting your grip with each rep.

You can also finish off traps after that if you like with a set maybe two of dumbbell shrugs a little bit lighter, while bending your torso forward a little bit not quite to 70 degrees, and shrugging up. This will involve the rhomboids a little bit more.

*can't seem to get pics of anatomy chart of back muscles to post???


  • Getbig V
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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2018, 12:17:54 AM »
Damn esf bro, that's alot of info and thanks for the respect for not insulting me appreciate it dude 😎

I could never take a day completely off, just ain't gonna happen, and close grip pulldown are ok coz they involve the bis quite alot and as i said before i will do shrug work for a bit but if my traps start to overdevelop there are out

Funny thing is i will train back today with another female I've been working with at the gym and she works hard so i will push her, but i will probably just go half assed on my my back training

We worked arms on Monday and i pushed them very well and she made a few comments about how big and strong they are 😜

Btw tomorrow dbol is out and mast is in, so i will be on deca and mast, will it drop my estro too low? I know some estro is needed for muscle gaining


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2018, 12:21:24 AM »
Also how will.the switch from dbol to mast change my look?


  • Getbig V
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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2018, 12:24:45 AM »
Damn esf bro, that's alot of info and thanks for the respect for not insulting me appreciate it dude 😎

a born narcissist who can't help but inject self praise into every conversation becomes a slobbering puppy when eric throws him a bone?

Hmm something not quite adding up here, can't out my finger on it....



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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2018, 12:41:47 AM »
Also how will.the switch from dbol to mast change my look?

You'll drop water. That's about it. Maybe half more boners during the day.


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2018, 12:42:11 AM »
I'm talking about using the belt for weighted chins and pullups. That girl is smoking, thats a lucky Getbigger right there!

Me, you and chgaye all need to take that sexy ass slut and bend her over the sofa and pound the living shit out of dat ass

Have a little contest to see who could pound her the hardest and with the most stamina just a pound pound pound

I know i have the biggest cock out of us 3, but for sure but both you dudes are pretty fit so it would be wise for me to put ib some boxing conditioning training as it gets me FIT AS FUCK

Also we could let sucksfags have a turn on her ass as it would be a sight to see some toady fat asain nail her hard😆


  • Getbig V
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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2018, 12:42:33 AM »
a born narcissist who can't help but inject self praise into every conversation becomes a slobbering puppy when eric throws him a bone?

Hmm something not quite adding up here, can't out my finger on it....


I paypal'd him $1.75 to say tha k u


  • Getbig V
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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2018, 12:46:15 AM »
a born narcissist who can't help but inject self praise into every conversation becomes a slobbering puppy when eric throws him a bone?

Hmm something not quite adding up here, can't out my finger on it....


So you don't like being treated with respect? And you like being insulted?

Did you have to stay in the mental hospital for your anorexia?


  • Getbig V
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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2018, 01:14:26 AM »
So you don't like being treated with respect? And you like being insulted?

Try this experiment: give Eric a compliment, see how he reacts.


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2018, 03:17:52 AM »
just came across this post on another gear forum


The're so many people out there that run deca and test, test even higher then the deca and still get issues with libido. I'm under the impression that the famous "deca dick" is caused by progestrogen, and I always thought that progestrogen was mainly brought on by a fluctuation in estrogen and/or by having estrogen in the high range. If estrogen being out of whack is the cause of progesterone with deca, then it would appear to me that running a high test dosage with deca would actually increase that chance of getting erectile issues rather then decrease them... but if deca is like annavar(which to some level I believe it is) and just happens to lower libido then that's why the masterone is in the cycle. one compound lowers your libido but is counteracted by another compound increasing libido. one really highly androgenic compound and one really highly anabolic compound... it seems like an awesome synergy to me... The mast would make the user hard as a rock and very vascular while the deca would add on mass and cushion the joints, and the test would be kept at TRT dosage throughout for the health of the human body. something to point out is look at all the old school BB's who ran deca only cycles and never got gyno, because deca gyno is another thing brought on by progestogen sides which could in theory (loose theory) be avoided by substituting test for a non- aromatising compound. I really don's see what magical think testyosterone does in the body and make it a MUST to run with deca. I know testosterone is important for human functions, but what does it scientifically do to increase libido with deca that eq, primo or masterone cannot? i beleive the test is just run higher to counter act libido... and if that is true then another compounded should be able to be substituted and as a bonus not screw up your estrogen levels nagging on progestorgen. on a side not i chose masterone because it doesn't really affect BP.


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2018, 03:22:33 AM »
Dj why are you standing sideways on......Turn around a bit more so we can see your back?


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #37 on: January 11, 2018, 03:26:19 AM »
Dj why are you standing sideways on......Turn around a bit more so we can see your back?

had to twist sideways to get my full back into the pic brosef


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #38 on: January 11, 2018, 03:40:29 AM »
Well Eric's definitely given you some really good workable ideas,  you might also consider some heavy-ish 5 rep set hang cleans. These would go a long way towards thickening things up back there, they work very quickly and visible results seem almost immediate at first and you can progress these long term. You'll even  feel these in your quads too if done heavy enough.

Not training the back and legs is beneath you my brotha, you know better.....

The good news is the lightning quick gains awaiting you when you DO begin to hit them. Front Squats will blow up the legs and likely attract some female interest in the gym I would wager, as it's a rarely seen movement that really sets one apart as "serious" IMHO.

I think we all go through a period when we distort our perception of a certain muscle group, for me it was arms and delts as I bought into the "compounds are all you need " horseshit of the 90's, when I DID begin to isolate them they blew up (relatively speaking) with newb like gains. Good luck.


  • Getbig V
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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #39 on: January 11, 2018, 04:04:01 AM »
^^^ thanks dude

I did power cleans during my boxing stint in order to improve my punching power

And speaking of low rep sets ie. 3-5 I could see doing them in order to get stronger without getting bigger, I don't want to add much more muscle weight to my back honestly

I will put some size of the traps but if they get out of proportion I will cease and desist

Still want just a bit more muscle on my arms and a bit more on pecs


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #40 on: January 11, 2018, 04:04:43 AM »
Well Eric's definitely given you some really good workable ideas,  you might also consider some heavy-ish 5 rep set hang cleans. These would go a long way towards thickening things up back there, they work very quickly and visible results seem almost immediate at first and you can progress these long term. You'll even  feel these in your quads too if done heavy enough.

Not training the back and legs is beneath you my brotha, you know better.....

The good news is the lightning quick gains awaiting you when you DO begin to hit them. Front Squats will blow up the legs and likely attract some female interest in the gym I would wager, as it's a rarely seen movement that really sets one apart as "serious" IMHO.

I think we all go through a period when we distort our perception of a certain muscle group, for me it was arms and delts as I bought into the "compounds are all you need " horseshit of the 90's, when I DID begin to isolate them they blew up (relatively speaking) with newb like gains. Good luck.

I left out the complicated stuff.

I neglected to mention the female interest part.  Girls like a good v-taper and lats they can use as handles. And since you mentioned the front squats, I'd be remiss if I didn't also mention things like good mornings or rounded back hyperextensions (focusing on your ass. Not lower back ), and hip thrusts. Girls like to squeeze our asses as much as we like to squeeze theirs. If there's a guy reading this who actually has a girlfriend or has some Voodoo curse/Witcgcraft & put some sort of Magic on some girl and trick them into marrying them... Whuchever.. and that girl doesn't bite or squeeze your ass throughout the day, then she's likely looking at other guys asses and wishing she could do that very same thing to theirs.

So, it's high-time some guys start to train legs or at the very least have a day when they squat. (Shifted my leg-focus to ass & hamstrings past number of years... Low bar squats, leg press high n wide n su h. But quads help too


  • Getbig IV
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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #41 on: January 11, 2018, 04:23:57 AM »
had to twist sideways to get my full back into the pic brosef

I thought you were standing like this


Holy width batman!  ;D


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2018, 04:28:38 AM »
^^^ ;D

I'm curious to see what deca mast will do

I can always jump the deca higher but mast seems to have a top limit of 500

Most say mast is perfect @300-400

I'll start it @ 300

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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #43 on: January 11, 2018, 04:38:24 AM »
^^^ ;D

I'm curious to see what deca mast will do

I can always jump the deca higher but mast seems to have a top limit of 500

Most say mast is perfect @300-400

I'll start it @ 300

Are you running propionate or enanthate?


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #44 on: January 11, 2018, 05:44:19 AM »
^^^ ;D

I'm curious to see what deca mast will do

I can always jump the deca higher but mast seems to have a top limit of 500

Most say mast is perfect @300-400

I'll start it @ 300

:D but in all fairness you are pretty lean....

300-500 is the sweet spot for masteron.  More and your prostate wont thank you.

I get great results on 50mg eod, looking to try 100mg eod soon with some Galenka Test E


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #45 on: January 11, 2018, 06:17:49 AM »
Are you running propionate or enanthate?

Nope zero test

Hate test with a passion

Others say its need, well.. FUCK OTHERS


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #46 on: January 11, 2018, 06:21:53 AM »
:D but in all fairness you are pretty lean....

300-500 is the sweet spot for masteron.  More and your prostate wont thank you.

I get great results on 50mg eod, looking to try 100mg eod soon with some Galenka Test E

Sorry good to know

I have run deca up to 2 grams but don't think it gave me much more than 600 mg
All gear has an optimal dose i am a firm believer in this, for example max dose of drol is 150 and after that the sides increase much more than the gains /benefits in fact ideal drol dose may be 100 mg

Need vanb to chime on here


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #47 on: January 11, 2018, 06:36:05 AM »
I left out the complicated stuff.

I neglected to mention the female interest part.  Girls like a good v-taper and lats they can use as handles. And since you mentioned the front squats, I'd be remiss if I didn't also mention things like good mornings or rounded back hyperextensions (focusing on your ass. Not lower back ), and hip thrusts. Girls like to squeeze our asses as much as we like to squeeze theirs. If there's a guy reading this who actually has a girlfriend or has some Voodoo curse/Witcgcraft & put some sort of Magic on some girl and trick them into marrying them... Whuchever.. and that girl doesn't bite or squeeze your ass throughout the day, then she's likely looking at other guys asses and wishing she could do that very same thing to theirs.

So, it's high-time some guys start to train legs or at the very least have a day when they squat. (Shifted my leg-focus to ass & hamstrings past number of years... Low bar squats, leg press high n wide n su h. But quads help too

What if you truly don’t give a fuck about what women think or do?then does having a nice ass matter?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #48 on: January 11, 2018, 06:59:43 AM »
Sorry good to know

I have run deca up to 2 grams but don't think it gave me much more than 600 mg
All gear has an optimal dose i am a firm believer in this, for example max dose of drol is 150 and after that the sides increase much more than the gains /benefits in fact ideal drol dose may be 100 mg

Need vanb to chime on here

Gear doses are to a point dependant on your LBM.  2g is too much for me, let alone you.

Its all about the sweet spot, theres a window of effectiveness that maxes out with side effects, selecting the right point in this range is key.


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Re: back shot taken for my boy esf
« Reply #49 on: January 11, 2018, 07:08:07 AM »
What ever happened to chins,rows, deadlifts you don't need all that pseudo science pulldown bullshit. It been proven time and time again you can even do with out the deadlifts but why