Author Topic: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.  (Read 14796 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2018, 05:39:59 PM »
Do you remember my post where I brought us racial differences in IQ and stated that just as different races have different skin colour and hair form, that IQ is just another trait of many?  So why can't it be different amongst different races?

I then brought up Black superiority in sprinting.  What happened next was hilarious - Getbig's resident Hebrew posters were all silent on Black superiority in sprinting.  :D

They knew if they conceded my point that Blacks produced more top sprinters per-capita, that they would have to submit to the possibility that Whites produce more top intellects per-capita.

They still remained silent - LOL!!!

In a way, I consider that a win of sorts.  ;D

ROFL @ even Hebrew Getbiggers denying obvious Black advantages in certain sports, just to avoid them topic of race and IQ. Ha.

PS - more White kids DO get shot by the police.  The Jewish media just doesn't cover those stories.

Kangz, Matt.

Pyramids and shit.

They stole our techmology.  8)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2018, 05:52:12 PM »
Matt C for POTUS!

Marty Champions

  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2018, 06:03:49 PM »
fucking scumbag.always hated that piece of shit.could a white comedian say the opposite?nope.
haha fuk u racist

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #28 on: February 19, 2018, 06:08:13 PM »
I ask you... Who are the real racists in this country?  Who are the people speaking the real evil and the real hatred in the USA?

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

He is a comedian. ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #29 on: February 19, 2018, 06:09:03 PM »
Do you remember my post where I brought us racial differences in IQ and stated that just as different races have different skin colour and hair form, that IQ is just another trait of many?  So why can't it be different amongst different races?

I then brought up Black superiority in sprinting.  What happened next was hilarious - Getbig's resident Hebrew posters were all silent on Black superiority in sprinting.  :D

They knew if they conceded my point that Blacks produced more top sprinters per-capita, that they would have to submit to the possibility that Whites produce more top intellects per-capita.

They still remained silent - LOL!!!

In a way, I consider that a win of sorts.  ;D

ROFL @ even Hebrew Getbiggers denying obvious Black advantages in certain sports, just to avoid them topic of race and IQ. Ha.

PS - more White kids DO get shot by the police.  The Jewish media just doesn't cover those stories.

I remember.  Mostly crickets chirping.  Silence.

Much like when I asked for the best examples of "black history" to celebrate for black history month.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2018, 06:23:47 PM »

He is a comedian. ::)

Was it ok when Michael Richards went off on a heckler and called him a ni66er half a dozen times?  He's a comedian too.

I'm my opinion no.  I give comedians a lot of room to push boundaries.  It's rare that ever say somebody went too far, but at a certain point you have to call things what they are.  Thinly veiled hatred.

Change it around and have a white guy tell that joke about black kids.  Would the "He's a comedian" excuse work?  No.  He'd be lynched in the media and he'd become a pariah.  Unemployable.  Cancer.  Literally Hitler.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2018, 06:37:25 PM »
Was it ok when Michael Richards went off on a heckler and called him a ni66er half a dozen times?  He's a comedian too.

I'm my opinion no.  I give comedians a lot of room to push boundaries.  It's rare that ever say somebody went too far, but at a certain point you have to call things what they are.  Thinly veiled hatred.

Change it around and have a white guy tell that joke about black kids.  Would the "He's a comedian" excuse work?  No.  He'd be lynched in the media and he'd become a pariah.  Unemployable.  Cancer.  Literally Hitler.

I understand what you are saying.. In Michaels case his buttons were pushed, he deviated from his act and his hatred came out. In Rocks case, and I agree with others this was one of his least funny bits, his commentary is things aren't equal. IF they were equal this would be happening... now we can argue about whether blacks are treated the same as whites by all police in every situation or if there is a tendency to treat them differently at times, but his commentary  was clearly that things aren't equal, not that he wants to see more white kids killed. 

werewolf operative

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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2018, 06:39:44 PM »
Was it ok when Michael Richards went off on a heckler and called him a ni66er half a dozen times?  He's a comedian too.

I'm my opinion no.  I give comedians a lot of room to push boundaries.  It's rare that ever say somebody went too far, but at a certain point you have to call things what they are.  Thinly veiled hatred.

Change it around and have a white guy tell that joke about black kids.  Would the "He's a comedian" excuse work?  No.  He'd be lynched in the media and he'd become a pariah.  Unemployable.  Cancer.  Literally Hitler.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2018, 07:19:43 PM »
I understand what you are saying.. In Michaels case his buttons were pushed, he deviated from his act and his hatred came out. In Rocks case, and I agree with others this was one of his least funny bits, his commentary is things aren't equal. IF they were equal this would be happening... now we can argue about whether blacks are treated the same as whites by all police in every situation or if there is a tendency to treat them differently at times, but his commentary  was clearly that things aren't equal, not that he wants to see more white kids killed. 

I can see you didn't have a glance at this yet.

What Chris Rock said was very clear.  He wants to see more white kids shot and their mothers crying on tv.  He doesn't want equality, he wants revenge.  Revenge for an injustice that is based on a lie.  Fuck him.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2018, 07:34:38 PM »
I can see you didn't have a glance at this yet.

What Chris Rock said was very clear.  He wants to see more white kids shot and their mothers crying on tv.  He doesn't want equality, he wants revenge.  Revenge for an injustice that is based on a lie.  Fuck him.

Yeah you are right. Chris Rock wants white kids shot. My bad I totally misunderstood what he was saying


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2018, 07:51:41 PM »

In New York City, blacks stopped by the police were about 17 percent more likely to experience use of force, according to stop-and-frisk records kept between 2003 and 2013. (In the later year, a judge ruled that the tactic as employed then was unconstitutional.)

What a joke. Liberals always love to use that statistic as evidence for racism but they never put it into any context:

The race/ethnicity of known Shooting suspects is most frequently Black (70.7%). Hispanic suspects accounted for an additional (26.9%) of all suspects. White suspects (1.9%) and Asian/Pacific Islander suspects (0.6%) accounted for the remaining portion of known Shooting suspects.

The race/ethnicity of known Felonious Assault suspects is most frequently Black (53.2%) or Hispanic (32.7%). White suspects account for (8.6%) of all Felonious Assault suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for (5.2%) of the known Felonious Assault suspects

Here you go again with your stupid "stats". Are you a Matt C gimmick?

Dave D

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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2018, 07:53:51 PM »
Do you remember my post where I brought us racial differences in IQ and stated that just as different races have different skin colour and hair form, that IQ is just another trait of many?  So why can't it be different amongst different races?

I then brought up Black superiority in sprinting.  What happened next was hilarious - Getbig's resident Hebrew posters were all silent on Black superiority in sprinting.  :D

They knew if they conceded my point that Blacks produced more top sprinters per-capita, that they would have to submit to the possibility that Whites produce more top intellects per-capita.

They still remained silent - LOL!!!

In a way, I consider that a win of sorts.  ;D

ROFL @ even Hebrew Getbiggers denying obvious Black advantages in certain sports, just to avoid them topic of race and IQ. Ha.

 - more White kids DO get shot by the police.  The Jewish media just doesn't cover those stories.

That's a good point

These links discuss this point.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2018, 07:59:41 PM »
Shlomo, explain why a population in the single digits is responsible for half the violent crime in this country.

Notice AgnosticCuck has answered a bunch of posts but conveniently ignored this one  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2018, 08:02:23 PM »
These same old threads are getting lame. Ron and the mods need to clean house but they won't because they share the same views.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2018, 08:03:41 PM »
Oh fuck off, more unarmed whites are shot by police than blacks. It's always joomers like you living in the suburbs or gated communities speaking of inequality and the plight of young black men. The fact of the matter is you have more chance being struck by lightning than being shot by a cop. Everybody wants to talk about gun violence but you fucking liberal fag*ots don't give a shit that the overwelming majority of it is commited by young black males against other young black males on a daily fucking basis. You expose yourselves for the racists you truly are because the only time you give a shit is when it's white kids getting killed.

That post had stupid all up in it


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2018, 08:04:27 PM »
Here you go again with your stupid "stats". Are you a Matt C gimmick?

They aren't his stats, they are a black Harvard professor's stats.  Do you refute them?  Are they incorrect?

Dave D

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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2018, 08:07:57 PM »
Was it ok when Michael Richards went off on a heckler and called him a ni66er half a dozen times?  He's a comedian too.

I'm my opinion no.  I give comedians a lot of room to push boundaries.  It's rare that ever say somebody went too far, but at a certain point you have to call things what they are.  Thinly veiled hatred.

Change it around and have a white guy tell that joke about black kids. 
Would the "He's a comedian" excuse work?  No.  He'd be lynched in the media and he'd become a pariah.  Unemployable.  Cancer.  Literally Hitler.

LOL although it was funny when Richards lost it bro you're comparing apples to oranges.

Rock did a set, with a worked routine. Richards responded to a heckler with the first thought that came to his head. The "n word"  was/is considered offensive when used by non blacks in the manner Richards used it, Rock said he wants to see white kids shot as well, not just black kids.

The bold part is probably true but I'm sure some white comedian will have a joke about this and we will find out for sure. The controversy will be worth the media publicity for someone.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2018, 08:09:42 PM »
Notice AgnosticCuck has answered a bunch of posts but conveniently ignored this one  ;D

There is a common conservative narrative that indicates the disproportionate incarceration of black people is not the result of systemic racism, but rather of shortcomings within the black community.
It is also common to hear the supposedly neutral statement that “black people commit more crimes than white people.” This “fact” is used to justify a belief that black people have a natural criminal propensity, or that a “culture of violence” is to blame for problems faced by black people in America.
Black people make up roughly 13% of the United States population, and white people make up 64%. Black people make up 40% of the prison population, and white people 39%. Therefore, even though there are roughly five times as many white people as black people in this country, blacks and whites are incarcerated in equal numbers. But the fact that black people are incarcerated five times as frequently as white people does not mean black people commit five times as many crimes. Here’s why:
(1) If a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed.
Black people, more often than white people, live in dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. (The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.)

(2) When black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often than white people arrested for the same crime.
An arrest and charge does not always lead to a conviction. A charge may be dismissed or a defendant may be declared not guilty at trial. Whether or not an arrestee is convicted is often determined by whether or not a defendant can afford a reputable attorney. The interaction of poverty and trial outcomes could help explain why, for example, while black defendants represent about 35% of drug arrests, 46% of those convicted of drug crimes are black. (This discrepancy could also be due to racial bias on the part of judges and jurors.)
(3) When black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.
When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge often has discretion in determining whether the defendant will be incarcerated or given a less severe punishment such as probation, community service, or fines. One study found that in a particular region blacks were incarcerated for convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time. The same study also used an empirical approach to determine that race, not confounded with any other factor, was a key determinant in judges’ decisions to incarcerate.
Racial disparities at every stage of the criminal justice process build upon one another. So, if 1,000 white people and 200 black people (a ratio of 5:1 to reflect the U.S. population) commit the same crime, here is what the eventual prison population could look like:
100 white people and 74 black people might be arrested.
It is impossible to determine what percentage of crimes committed result in arrests because there can be no data on un-observed crimes. As noted above, however, it has been found that while black and white Americans smoke marijuana at similar rates, blacks are arrested 3.7 times as frequently for marijuana possession. These numbers were picked to reflect the 3.7:1 ratio of black to white arrests for marijuana possession. 100 is 10% of 1,000 and 74 is 37% of 200, so these numbers would represent an arrest disparity equivalent to that noted in the example above.
50 white people and 48 black people might be convicted.
If black people account for 35% of drug arrests and 46% of convictions, this indicates a conviction rate that is approximately 1.3 times higher than it should be based on the black arrest rate. So, if 50% of white arrestees were convicted we would expect to see 65% (.5 x 1.3) of black arrestees convicted: 50 is 50% of 100 and 48 is about 65% of 74. (50% was picked at random; the important factor here is the comparative proportion.)
19 white people and 24 black people might be sentenced to prison.
Using the example felony incarceration rates cited above, we might expect to see 38% of the 50 convicted white defendants (19) and 51% of the 48 convicted black defendants (24) incarcerated for their crimes. In this scenario, 12% of black people who commit a crime and less than 2% of white people who commit the same crime might eventually go to prison.
This example demonstrates that there are systemic differences in how blacks and whites are treated by the law. These differences, which are compounded in each successive phase of the criminal justice process, increase the percentage of black people incarcerated for committing a particular crime.
This example is NOT meant to be a conclusive analysis explaining the incarceration gap. The statistics presented above and applied to the illustrative example come from different contexts and refer to different crimes. Racial disparities in the application of criminal justice are not the only source of differential incarceration rates. Poverty, geography, and lacking educational and career opportunities all likely play a role. These factors exacerbate the effects of systemic racism and feed the cycle of incarceration, joblessness, and poverty that plagues some segments of the black population.
Regardless of the exact factors behind the incarceration gap, it is not some neutral, statistical fact that black people commit more crime. The gap is the result of numerous interacting factors, not the least of which is racism. Explanations of the incarceration gap as a result of black criminal propensity or insular cultural deficiencies are critically flawed, and by definition racist.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2018, 08:10:34 PM »
LOL although it was funny when Richards lost it bro you're comparing apples to oranges.

Rock did a set, with a worked routine. Richards responded to a heckler with the first thought that came to his head. The "n word"  was/is considered offensive when used by non blacks in the manner Richards used it, Rock said he wants to see white kids shot as well, not just black kids.

The bold part is probably true but I'm sure some white comedian will have a joke about this and we will find out for sure. The controversy will be worth the media publicity for someone.

Good post


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2018, 08:12:38 PM »
You called me out and I don't have an answer.  So I copied and pasted some massive wall of crap someone else wrote to save face.

At least you are honest.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2018, 08:14:39 PM »
At least you are honest.

Why should I repeat the answer? Its ok if you don't believe it is true. It is certainly opinion and speculation laced with some data.

werewolf operative

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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2018, 08:16:55 PM »
These same old threads are getting lame. Ron and the mods need to clean house but they won't because they share the same views.

werewolf operative

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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2018, 08:22:30 PM »
There is a common conservative narrative that indicates the disproportionate incarceration of black people is not the result of systemic racism, but rather of shortcomings within the black community.
It is also common to hear the supposedly neutral statement that “black people commit more crimes than white people.” This “fact” is used to justify a belief that black people have a natural criminal propensity, or that a “culture of violence” is to blame for problems faced by black people in America.
Black people make up roughly 13% of the United States population, and white people make up 64%. Black people make up 40% of the prison population, and white people 39%. Therefore, even though there are roughly five times as many white people as black people in this country, blacks and whites are incarcerated in equal numbers. But the fact that black people are incarcerated five times as frequently as white people does not mean black people commit five times as many crimes. Here’s why:
(1) If a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed.
Black people, more often than white people, live in dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. (The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.)

(2) When black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often than white people arrested for the same crime.
An arrest and charge does not always lead to a conviction. A charge may be dismissed or a defendant may be declared not guilty at trial. Whether or not an arrestee is convicted is often determined by whether or not a defendant can afford a reputable attorney. The interaction of poverty and trial outcomes could help explain why, for example, while black defendants represent about 35% of drug arrests, 46% of those convicted of drug crimes are black. (This discrepancy could also be due to racial bias on the part of judges and jurors.)
(3) When black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.
When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge often has discretion in determining whether the defendant will be incarcerated or given a less severe punishment such as probation, community service, or fines. One study found that in a particular region blacks were incarcerated for convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time. The same study also used an empirical approach to determine that race, not confounded with any other factor, was a key determinant in judges’ decisions to incarcerate.
Racial disparities at every stage of the criminal justice process build upon one another. So, if 1,000 white people and 200 black people (a ratio of 5:1 to reflect the U.S. population) commit the same crime, here is what the eventual prison population could look like:
100 white people and 74 black people might be arrested.
It is impossible to determine what percentage of crimes committed result in arrests because there can be no data on un-observed crimes. As noted above, however, it has been found that while black and white Americans smoke marijuana at similar rates, blacks are arrested 3.7 times as frequently for marijuana possession. These numbers were picked to reflect the 3.7:1 ratio of black to white arrests for marijuana possession. 100 is 10% of 1,000 and 74 is 37% of 200, so these numbers would represent an arrest disparity equivalent to that noted in the example above.
50 white people and 48 black people might be convicted.
If black people account for 35% of drug arrests and 46% of convictions, this indicates a conviction rate that is approximately 1.3 times higher than it should be based on the black arrest rate. So, if 50% of white arrestees were convicted we would expect to see 65% (.5 x 1.3) of black arrestees convicted: 50 is 50% of 100 and 48 is about 65% of 74. (50% was picked at random; the important factor here is the comparative proportion.)
19 white people and 24 black people might be sentenced to prison.
Using the example felony incarceration rates cited above, we might expect to see 38% of the 50 convicted white defendants (19) and 51% of the 48 convicted black defendants (24) incarcerated for their crimes. In this scenario, 12% of black people who commit a crime and less than 2% of white people who commit the same crime might eventually go to prison.
This example demonstrates that there are systemic differences in how blacks and whites are treated by the law. These differences, which are compounded in each successive phase of the criminal justice process, increase the percentage of black people incarcerated for committing a particular crime.
This example is NOT meant to be a conclusive analysis explaining the incarceration gap. The statistics presented above and applied to the illustrative example come from different contexts and refer to different crimes. Racial disparities in the application of criminal justice are not the only source of differential incarceration rates. Poverty, geography, and lacking educational and career opportunities all likely play a role. These factors exacerbate the effects of systemic racism and feed the cycle of incarceration, joblessness, and poverty that plagues some segments of the black population.
Regardless of the exact factors behind the incarceration gap, it is not some neutral, statistical fact that black people commit more crime. The gap is the result of numerous interacting factors, not the least of which is racism. Explanations of the incarceration gap as a result of black criminal propensity or insular cultural deficiencies are critically flawed, and by definition racist.

Provide source for laughs saul.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #48 on: February 19, 2018, 08:24:52 PM »
LOL although it was funny when Richards lost it bro you're comparing apples to oranges.

Rock did a set, with a worked routine. Richards responded to a heckler with the first thought that came to his head. The "n word"  was/is considered offensive when used by non blacks in the manner Richards used it, Rock said he wants to see white kids shot as well, not just black kids.

So it's ok to say some hateful racist shit as long as it's in your set and you planned to say it ahead of time?  Spontaneous racism is bad though.  Nonsense.

Never mind the fact that his premise is wrong.  He's telling people that black kids are out there getting shot in dramatically higher numbers than white.  That simply isn't true.

What he doesn't want to talk about is the fact that when black males get shot, they are overwhelmingly shot by other black men.  

When is the truth going to have it's day?  I'm tired of dishonest slacktivists like Chris Rock.........and their apologists.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Chris Rock wants to see more white kids shot.
« Reply #49 on: February 19, 2018, 08:36:46 PM »
So it's ok to say some hateful racist shit as long as it's in your set and you planned to say it ahead of time?  Spontaneous racism is bad though.  Nonsense.

Never mind the fact that his premise is wrong.  He's telling people that black kids are out there getting shot in dramatically higher numbers than white.  That simply isn't true.

What he doesn't want to talk about is the fact that when black males get shot, they are overwhelmingly shot by other black men.  

When is the truth going to have it's day?  I'm tired of dishonest slacktivists like Chris Rock.........and their apologists.

What is sad is that someone.. thinks Chris Rocks observation in a monologue about saying things are not really equal because white kids aren't being killed at the same rate as white kids, and I think in this instance it was by police if I'm not mistaken, and Michaels irate response to hecklers using the n word is the same... seems so odd to me unless someone is looking for a boogie man where none exists