Author Topic: Anyone here vape  (Read 10390 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #100 on: May 27, 2018, 05:22:40 PM »
Who knows what else is put in what pills? You mean the fucking pills that are tested by the FDA?

Apparently you're a little uneducated when it comes to pharmacogy and the production of drugs in general. Not just the stuff youre interested in, weed.

Potheads seem to ignore the fact things like "wax" is no different from opium extracted from Papaver somniferum ("opium poppy" pods), and also ignore things like edibles, candy, and those little thc mints.

I would trust an oxycodone, Roxicodone, Vicodin, Dilaudid, or whatever the fuck else painkiller to contain exactly what is on the label compared to any of those little mints or THC Edibles you buy in a pot shop today or a year ago. Especially if you're getting your prescriptions filled at a large chain Pharmacy such as CVS or Walgreens. Even if you're getting your prescriptions for Oxycontin or whatever filled at some little mom-and-pop corner Pharmacy, the odds of getting a pill that contains bootleg Black Market counterfeit Fentanyl are extremely low
Wax is A butane or co2 extracted form of canmabis..often containing hash which is simply condensed cannabis Plant trichomes..has absolutely NOTHING in common with know NOTHING of what you speak....Cannabis is a plant...there is no "bootleg" because its not man Oxycontin and other heroin know you're getting "legit" poison at cvs...with exact amount of addictive poison on the label so you're happy? .Seriously ignorant....


  • Getbig II
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #101 on: May 27, 2018, 06:13:44 PM »
Yes, but the majority of todays pot smokers are young, unmotivated, sit around their parents house all day doing fuck all losers. There is a big difference between those who have smoked weed, those who smoke weed, and those that smoke it every day. You get those that just do not, those that smoke it once in a blue moon, and then those that smoke themselves into a perpetual boulder pit on a daily basis. Every stoner I have ever met was a total loser. And every single one of them knew that their lives would be much more fruitful without it. But they did not and do not stop.

But thats not what you originally said, hence his reply. You made a big sweeping statement that weed is for losers. End of story..

People are losers, regardless of weed or anything. How you use and the extent you use it to determines who you are, not the substance.

The most productive years of my life involved smoking weed on a daily basis. I would be up at 5am to train 2 hours, work 8am-7pm 6 days a week running a the biggest car dealership in the state, then home and after dinner smoke a couple joints 8pm-11pm. Then like clockwork I'd be up at 5am the next morning, while the friends i shared the joint with would sleep in until 8am and come go work their basic factory job at 8.30am. Is it the weed, or the character of the human being?


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #102 on: May 27, 2018, 06:21:33 PM »
peeps who run shit on this earth.. often times have 2 things close by – an ounce of high grade pot, and an israeli passport  ;D


  • Getbig II
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #103 on: May 27, 2018, 06:55:07 PM »
peeps who run shit on this earth.. often times have 2 things close by – an ounce of high grade pot, and an israeli passport  ;D

haha you legendddddd  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #104 on: May 27, 2018, 07:12:07 PM »
Wax is A butane or co2 extracted form of canmabis..often containing hash which is simply condensed cannabis Plant trichomes..has absolutely NOTHING in common with know NOTHING of what you speak....Cannabis is a plant...there is no "bootleg" because its not man Oxycontin and other heroin know you're getting "legit" poison at cvs...with exact amount of addictive poison on the label so you're happy? .Seriously ignorant....

Omg you're a fucking idiot.

In COMMON with opium? How stupid are you potheads? You fucking clowns cry about weed being "natural" when compared to opiates, well, your little fucking extracts arnt fucking natural are they? You can't smoke a poppy pod but you can extract the gummy opium inside, can't you? At least opiates don't make users dumb as fucking rocks like you potheads. You people are like inbred bull terrier with OCD. Get fixated on one thing and ignore everything else. Too dumb to realize how dumb you've become.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #105 on: May 27, 2018, 09:04:02 PM »
Omg you're a fucking idiot.

In COMMON with opium? How stupid are you potheads? You fucking clowns cry about weed being "natural" when compared to opiates, well, your little fucking extracts arnt fucking natural are they? You can't smoke a poppy pod but you can extract the gummy opium inside, can't you? At least opiates don't make users dumb as fucking rocks like you potheads. You people are like inbred bull terrier with OCD. Get fixated on one thing and ignore everything else. Too dumb to realize how dumb you've become.

brother be realistic, opium is much more damaging to humans than cannabis is. The amounts you speak of when calling people 'potheads' imagine someone consumed that much opium as a pothead smoked weed, you would be more debilitated and socially fucked than someone smoking excessive marijuana.

They are both bad at high and abusive quantities but you can smoke a joint or two a night and still function. hell you can wake and bake, write yourself off aaaallllll day and still wake up and get to work, a little hazey until 10am albeit but its diff ballgame to other drugs, cmon


  • Getbig V
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #106 on: May 27, 2018, 09:56:17 PM »
this thread is turning into another tardathon, lol


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #107 on: May 27, 2018, 10:13:20 PM »
brother be realistic, opium is much more damaging to humans than cannabis is. The amounts you speak of when calling people 'potheads' imagine someone consumed that much opium as a pothead smoked weed, you would be more debilitated and socially fucked than someone smoking excessive marijuana.

They are both bad at high and abusive quantities but you can smoke a joint or two a night and still function. hell you can wake and bake, write yourself off aaaallllll day and still wake up and get to work, a little hazey until 10am albeit but its diff ballgame to other drugs, cmon

I assume you're speaking from experience? Opiates are far from debilitating and do not "fuck you up" the way people who never used them say they are. Cannabis is also a disassociative, disassociating you from reality. I dunno what's more "debilitating". Ketamine is also a disassociative, as is PCP. Ketamine is what's given to soldiers who are victims of gunshot wounds or IED attacks in the battlefield en route to surgery with half their leg or arms missing. Disassociating their brain from the reality that  they are missing  a leg  and  will likely die very soon Again, I dunno what's more debilitating. Turning my brain off from reality, or blocking pain receptors and feeling the comfort of endorphins.

I think its funny how weed smokers talk about weed as being a miracle cure-all for everything from anxiety anorexia AIDS and cancer that comes straight out of the dirt and how everything else is synthetic and man made in a laboratory.

Heroin is morphine. Opium contains morphine the same way cannabis contains THC (& cbd and all the other cannabinoids). The little tic-tacs or oils at the weedshops arnt just crushed up cannabis. They contain extracted THC or CBD or whatever. Far from "natural from the earth", the same way morphine or codeine is extracted from opium. I don't know if potheads aren't aware, or if they just ignore those facts.


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #108 on: May 27, 2018, 10:31:06 PM »
Cannabis is also a disassociative, disassociating you from reality. Ketamine is also a disassociative, as is PCP.

lmfao... is that what happens when u smoke? if u get ketimine like effects, definitely lay off weed. for many, tho.. cannabis is a miracle - non addictive, enormously beneficial - no withdrawal, no separation from reality.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #109 on: May 27, 2018, 10:33:37 PM »
I assume you're speaking from experience? Opiates are far from debilitating and do not "fuck you up" the way people who never used them say they are. Cannabis is also a disassociative, disassociating you from reality. I dunno what's more "debilitating". Ketamine is also a disassociative, as is PCP. Ketamine is what's given to soldiers who are victims of gunshot wounds or IED attacks in the battlefield en route to surgery with half their leg or arms missing. Again, I dunno what's more debilitating. Turning my brain off from reality, or blocking pain receptors and feeling the comfort of endorphins.

I think its funny how weed smokers talk about weed as being a miracle cure-all for everything from anxiety anorexia AIDS and cancer that comes straight out of the dirt and how everything else is synthetic and man made in a laboratory.

Heroin is morphine. Opium contains morphine the same way cannabis contains THC (& cbd and all the other cannabinoids). The little tic-tacs or oils at the weedshops arnt just crushed up cannabis. They contain extracted THC or CBD or whatever. Far from "natural from the earth", the same way morphine or codeine is extracted from opium. I don't know if potheads aren't aware, or if they just ignore those facts.

I never said anything about weed curing anything, dunno what the relevance of that comment was really.. and i also have no idea what the little tic-tac things youre referring to are, whats this all about? Im talking about smoking a joint.

youre saying weed is a disassociative, and because you know if it is a disassociative its a very weak one, so you compare it to the likes of ketamine which is a much much stronger disassociative. You give the solider a joint in that same scenario you just said and his mind will go into overdrive and he will freak completely the fuck out! Completely different drug!!! Borderline stupid that you compared them in thay way,.

Furthermore, without getting more ridiculous than already, if you have ever seen anyone shoot up heroin, do a fat line of ketamine, or smoke a joint, the difference in their behaviour, cognitive function and just overall what you see is totally different, and whatever the state youre in, the further it is from normal, the worse it is for you over prolonged and extended use. Just go figure. I dont know why the hate for weed and pot smokers..weird. or even the ridiculousness of what youre saying, that heroin is not as bad as weed? come on, but i bet now youre gonna scream black and blue that its not what you said....but youre implying it..same shit


  • Getbig V
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #110 on: May 27, 2018, 10:35:44 PM »
I never said anything about weed curing anything

it sure as shit cures a hangover


  • Getbig II
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #111 on: May 27, 2018, 10:58:15 PM »
it sure as shit cures a hangover

ahha spot on!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #112 on: May 28, 2018, 08:04:14 AM »
Omg you're a fucking idiot.

In COMMON with opium? How stupid are you potheads? You fucking clowns cry about weed being "natural" when compared to opiates, well, your little fucking extracts arnt fucking natural are they? You can't smoke a poppy pod but you can extract the gummy opium inside, can't you? At least opiates don't make users dumb as fucking rocks like you potheads. You people are like inbred bull terrier with OCD. Get fixated on one thing and ignore everything else. Too dumb to realize how dumb you've become.
There are ZERO deaths from has no lethal dose because its a plant while people are dying left and right from opiods and you're literally arguing that the plant is as bad or even worse than these poison pain medications

You're embarrassing yourself with this argument..."Opiods don't make people dumb?" Seen anyone on oxycodone lately?

You should really think about what you're saying...Don't embarrass yourself anymore arguing opiods are better than cannabis


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #113 on: May 28, 2018, 06:27:43 PM »
There are ZERO deaths from has no lethal dose because its a plant while people are dying left and right from opiods and you're literally arguing that the plant is as bad or even worse than these poison pain medications

You're embarrassing yourself with this argument..."Opiods don't make people dumb?" Seen anyone on oxycodone lately?

You should really think about what you're saying...Don't embarrass yourself anymore arguing opiods are better than cannabis

And how many deaths are from ketamine (also a disassociative)? would need to inject more than an entire bottle of ketamine IV to kill yourself. And you would likely be unable to continue squeezing the plUnger on a 10ml syringe after the first 2cc.

Like I said, potheads tend to completely ignore the fact marijuana is a disassociative. It disassociate your brain from reality. I don't know about you, but I like reality.

And "seen anybody on oxycodone lately?" Yea, I've seen plenty. I, actually have experience with EVERYTHING I speak of. Potheads like to talk about opiates being a poison and how they f*** people up and like you said  "debilitate" the users. They tells me you are talking out of your ass when it comes to anything other than cannabis, because opiates do nothing of the sort.

Cannabis "works" as a painkiller the same way ketamine does. It disassociate your brain from reality. You think it's safe to drive a car with your brain disassociated from reality?

Potheads like to flip every argument around, like you're doing here, saying that since I'm not pro-weed, that I must be pro-opiates. I'd much rather have to work with somebody on opiates, or have someone on opiates work for me, than some pothead. Nothing more annoying that being around a.pothead. and a pothead doesn't even realize how other people perceive them. It's like they get some idea in their head and they get stuck on it or what the f*** ever. Like a pothead will think two plus two equals five and you explain to them "No, two plus two equals four", and they'll sit there and giggle and laugh and argue " two plus two equals 5 and anybody who doesn't believe two plus two equals five is stupid", when they don't realize THEY are stupid. They accept and hold onto every little tidbit of information that supports what they want to be true, and disregard every fact that opposes their belief.

Ever see a Joe Rogan podcast? The guy is a dolt, but in his mind, he has everything figured out. That's a pothead. Ever see him talk about training? Or steroids? Or nutrition? He talks about things as if he's educated and he knows what he's talking about, but it's incredibly clear that he read some little tidbit of information about something, and he'll repeat what he read as if he has a PHD on the subject, when in fact he's  incredibly uninformed. Typical pothead


  • Getbig V
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #114 on: May 28, 2018, 06:32:36 PM »
Ketamine is also a disassociative, as is PCP.

lmfao... is that what happens when u smoke? if u get ketimine like effects, definitely lay off weed. for many, tho.. cannabis is a miracle - non addictive, enormously beneficial - no withdrawal, no separation from reality.

See what I mean?.

Where did I write that "marijuana gives me the same effect as ketamine when I smoke"?

Typical argument from someone like you.  It's like people like you walk around looking like the Toxic Avenger and in your mind you're Brad Pitt, and anybody who doesn't agree is a "tard".


  • Getbig V
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #115 on: May 28, 2018, 06:57:04 PM »
See what I mean?

if u mean to demonstrate ur complete lack of mental acuity.. then yup.. coming thru loud and clear, tard lol


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #116 on: May 28, 2018, 06:58:57 PM »
if u mean to demonstrate ur complete lack of mental acuity.. then yup.. coming thru loud and clear, tard lol

See what I mean?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #117 on: May 28, 2018, 07:00:46 PM »
See what I mean?

has your skull ever been in more than 1 piece?


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #118 on: May 28, 2018, 08:34:18 PM »
has your skull ever been in more than 1 piece?

Nope. Trying to make a joke or a threat? You'll fail at both.


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #119 on: May 28, 2018, 08:46:26 PM »
Nope. Trying to make a joke or a threat? You'll fail at both.

I am stating that u appear to b brain damaged 2 me.. malfunctioning.. coo coo 4 coco puffs, if u get my drift – no malice intended, I just think that u r a special dude lol

then again, maybe I'm just stoned... u know how we pot heads b


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #120 on: May 28, 2018, 08:55:56 PM »
I am stating that u appear to b brain damaged 2 me.. malfunctioning.. coo coo 4 coco puffs, if u get my drift – no malice intended, I just think that u r a special dude lol

then again, maybe I'm just stoned... u know how we pot heads b

Because I think potheads are for the most part, stupid and delusional?


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #121 on: May 28, 2018, 09:07:59 PM »
Because I think potheads are for the most part, stupid and delusional?

traumatic brain injury is jumping out at me... mild, or not so mild.


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #122 on: May 28, 2018, 09:12:35 PM »
traumatic brain injury is jumping out at me... mild, or not so mild.

And you got that from what i write here? I don't think so.


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #123 on: May 28, 2018, 09:21:01 PM »
And you got that from what i write here? I don't think so.

honestly... have u had your brain rattled good a time or 2?


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Re: Anyone here vape
« Reply #124 on: May 29, 2018, 12:25:07 AM »
honestly... have u had your brain rattled good a time or 2?

When would this have occurred? Born in 82 and played Sports all through high school until graduation in 2000 which means physicals twice a year. GATE program in eelementary-middle school, AP in h.s. 3.6 gpa. And been on these boards since 97, minus 06-11 while in prison, so when would this have occurred? Genius