Author Topic: Aromasin/arimidex  (Read 4619 times)


  • Getbig III
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« on: August 09, 2018, 06:43:36 AM »
Currently running 1g test e split 500mg monday and thursday. First 8 weeks used no AI because I did not see the need to. My skin stayed clear up to when I dosed my first half tablet of Aromasin 12.5mg because I started experiencing painful nips. Added 100mg anadrol on Monday. I have some pharma nolva and would prefer using that over the aromasin to reduce the inflammation and control/prevent gyno from coming back. I feel like the estrogen has had some positive and very anabolic effects during my bulking phase. My skin remained clear, high libido, good pumps, full muscles, etc. Only thing holding me back is the IGF decrease you get from the Nolvadex. Does it have such profound impact on muscle building? And would you opt for Arimidex instead? I feel like aromasin has always been causing me trouble skin and libido wise rather than just “controlling” my estrogen. I know it has positive effects on reducing SHBG and increasing free test. And by stopping the conversion of test to estrogen, more DHT is being produced as well. Also I feel that aromasin can easily nuke my estrogen. And low estrogen is worse for me than high. Maybe Raloxifene would be better? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks


  • Getbig III
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Re: Aromasin/arimidex
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2018, 07:54:45 AM »
I guess we're all different. It's estro that always causes acne for me. The moment I take an AI almost all the acne goes away.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Aromasin/arimidex
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2018, 08:49:41 AM »
Which AI do you take?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Aromasin/arimidex
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2018, 10:34:03 AM »
Oh man, this is a complicated topic.
Aromasin (exemestane) is very strong. I would say first start with 6mg/d if you can split the dosage. The usual 25mg pharma tablet will decimate the estrogen.
Second, going by the 'feel' is not unusual but if you can do blood-work to see where your estrogen is that would be better. You want to have it for its positive effect on glucose uptake, AR receptor increase, neurotransmitter, IGF production and immunity but you don't need a lot. Just what is recommended by existing medical standards for an average male.

Third, you are introducing 100mg of oxymatholone, a very powerful oral compound that has been suggested to bind directly to the estrogen receptor and cause estrogenic side-effects.

I would personally go in on that much test very lean (8% bf) since most aromatization happens in the adipose tissue. Then I would get stabilized on a g of test a week, meaning running it for a long time to see how much exemestane I would need to control excess estrogen. I would do periodical blood-work to make sure estrogen is stable. After all this, introduction of oxymetholone is not a bad idea where Nolvadex (tamoxifen) is there to control the oxymatholone estrogen binding amount. Again, 10mg/d is a starting dose I would prefer if there were any sides experienced with the oral. From my experience 50mg of oxy requires 10mg of tamoxifen daily to get that pumped without spillage look. Obviously at 100mg I'd try 20mg. Too much tamox and you will not achieve the 'look'.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Aromasin/arimidex
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2018, 11:31:47 PM »
Wow very detailed and interesting explanation. Thank you so much for that. I’m currently experiencing bad gyno symptoms. Painful nips. Taking 40mg tamox pharma along 25 aromasin ED. It’s been 4 days and it still hurts. I am thinking maybe my aromasin is bunk. It’s an old batch i kept over the years from a local source. I am thinking of ordering aromasin from the same lab of the steroids I’m using right now. Usually 1 pill and my estrogen crashes. I didn’t use AI over the 8 weeks i was running a gram of test. I had no issues.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Aromasin/arimidex
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2018, 11:43:28 PM »
Wow very detailed and interesting explanation. Thank you so much for that. I’m currently experiencing bad gyno symptoms. Painful nips. Taking 40mg tamox pharma along 25 aromasin ED. It’s been 4 days and it still hurts. I am thinking maybe my aromasin is bunk. It’s an old batch i kept over the years from a local source. I am thinking of ordering aromasin from the same lab of the steroids I’m using right now. Usually 1 pill and my estrogen crashes. I didn’t use AI over the 8 weeks i was running a gram of test. I had no issues.

Try to buy pharma, or i not possible, generic AIs from India. Don't buy the stuff from any of the peptide companies, not reliable. And it's not the total amount of estro that causes gyno, it's the testosterone to estrogen ratio that's responsible. If the ratio goes out of whack you get gyno. you were probably fine for 8 weeks until the estro built up past the point that it threw the ratio out of whack


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Aromasin/arimidex
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2018, 09:32:08 AM »
Try to buy pharma, or i not possible, generic AIs from India. Don't buy the stuff from any of the peptide companies, not reliable. And it's not the total amount of estro that causes gyno, it's the testosterone to estrogen ratio that's responsible. If the ratio goes out of whack you get gyno. you were probably fine for 8 weeks until the estro built up past the point that it threw the ratio out of whack

That's right.
That's why my opinion is that it's much better to monitor your test and estrogen levels, before, during and after the cycle. Then you can slowly introduce ancillaries and watch how they affect you.
Now that you probably have tons of e2 floating around because of the high test cycle, Aromasin will not do much. It only prevents further conversion. You are taking Nolva which is good because it will prevent further estrogen binding but it you want to get rid of the pain immediately there is only one option and that is Letrozole.
It works well, you can find the common dosage for bb's, I can't remember at the moment. A few days of this will decimate estrogen and the pain will disappear, continue with Nolva for several more weeks and then slowly start decreasing until you reach 10mg/d. Of course, then do a blood test and see where you stand. You might feel like shit and be very emotional during this phase just remember it is a phase only.

Then, the next cycle you can plan properly, with pharm ancillaries only and frequent blood tests. This way, I gurantee you will not have any issues and will sail into the recovery phase post-cycle easily.

Also, regarding recovery, I cannot recommend mesterolone highly enough. You will feel good on it, it does not bind strongly to AR so it will not impact recovery and it does not aromatize so it will not affect e2 levels. Plus, your dick will be working properly...


  • Getbig III
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Re: Aromasin/arimidex
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2018, 10:47:56 AM »
What i was thinking is to keep nolva at 40 until the pain goes away, drop it down to 20 and keep it as is until the end of my cycle. As for aromasin, i drop the dosage down as well once the pain is gone. I felt better when my estrogen was higher. Also, when I start using ai’s, my skin starts breaking out. So I would prefer using minimal ai. What dose of aromasin would you recommend after the gyno subsides? I was using proviron 50/day all 8weeks, when i stopped it, that’s when the pain started i think.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Aromasin/arimidex
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2018, 01:09:25 PM »
I would recommend to start with 6mg/d at first with Aromasin. You can continue with Proviron indefinitely, even during the recovery. It binds so weakly to your AR that it will not hurt the post-cycle therapy.
If 6mg is not controlling the estrogen, up it to 12mg/d.