Author Topic: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -  (Read 4414 times)


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Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« on: March 02, 2019, 08:11:12 PM »
People have asked for these a little over the years, and I have some saved in my files, so I'm going to C/P them in this thread in no order -

MM2K December 1996 -

"The plan was to joyously hoist Linda Kinney into the air with my bare hands and shout, “I’ve been accepted to Cornell!” And after, while I was driving her home, she’d turn to me and say, “Dan, I never realized how strong you were. Let’s pull off the road and get into the back seat and make out.

Most of that didn’t happen. I was 17 at the time. Linda Kinney was a cheerleader-goddess, beautiful, and a member of the drama club. I did shout that line, as I was playing the son to Linda—who was playing the mom—in one of the school plays. But I never got Linda off the ground (nor parallel to the ground). I tried, though. I even trained for it. Every night before bed, I’d set up two stepladders about four feet apart, and I balanced a shortened closet pole across the ladders at about armpit height. I hung a bucket of water off each end of the pole. I’d walk up to the apparatus, jam the pole into the space between my thumbs and first fingers, and heave the pole and the two buckets over my head. I got wet numerous times when the buckets slipped off.

The night before the show, I pretty much knew I was doomed, unless Linda weighed only 65 lbs. I had to settle for a very smutty hug instead, and I can still remember the look of shock on Linda’s face after I had slipped my tongue in her mouth, and she had to sputter, “Congratulations...son!” I’m telling you all this because the closet pole and water buckets were my introduction to bodybuilding. It must have been about sex, of course. I still lift weights. And my 25-year class reunion happens this summer. And I’m sure Linda will be there. I wonder if she has a daughter...

Buttmunch was on the phone again.

“Buttsie, I had the weirdest dream last night. It must have happened because I watched Aladdin on cable. There were two genies, and I could make only one wish. One was the muscle genie, and he promised me a big, muscular body. The other one was the weenie genie, and he promised me a bigger dick. And then I woke up. What do you think?”

“I think you’re a homo, Dan. And you’re a sly bastard. I heard you say ‘bigger,’ not big. By the way, I need a box of spikes.”

“I gave you the number for Jeffers Vet Supply already.”

“But they don’t have insulin syringes.”

“The last time you did insulin, you turned into a fat shit.”

“Just gimme a bag of ten, then.”




“Get outta here.”

“Tell me, or you’re not gettin’ squat.”

“Gotta promise not to tell anybody.”

“Who would I tell?”

“Mensa-bitch for one.” (This is Buttsie’s nickname for Jessica, my assistant.)

“Promise. I swear.” “Okay. I need the pins for my...erection injection.”

“Like as in: ‘I got my pecker in my left hand, and now I’m about to jab this needle into it’ erection injection? Why can’t you get it up? How much testosterone are you doing a week?”

“It’s keeping it up after the first hour or so. She-beast is wicked horny lately.” (This is Buttsie’s hirsute girlfriend.)

“Why so horny?”

“Remember when you told me about Gyno-man’s formula?”

“The testosterone and petrolatum ointment? That’s supposed to be for women who have undersized genitalia. You giving that to She-beast?”

“I made it up for myself, hoping I’d get some, ah, growth. But she’s been using it.”

“What happened to the Checque Drops? You told me that you were rubbing that stuff on your johnson.”

“That stuff burns, Dan. It’s in propylene glycol, and when it hits a raw spot, it really, really burns.”

“More than sticking a needle in your dick?”

“It’s only a little prick.”

“How little is it?”

“That was low, Dan. I’m only gonna say that I’m in the 80% range. Can we talk about something else?”

“No. I like making you feel uncomfortable. What’s the big deal? Women always tell what their breast size is. I seem to remember that the range for 80% is between 5.5 and 7 inches. I wouldn’t be happy with seven. Why don’t you go to the real weenie genie and make it bigger?”

“Those pumps don’t work.”

“You got $5,000?”

“You know I’ve got almost that much ’cause I’m saving up for calves.”

“And if you get calf implants, how much bigger will they get, two inches?”


“The weenie genie can add two inches to your dick.”

“Do I have to hang a weight off it and do exercises? That doesn’t work either.”

“Buttsie, it’s called surgical penile enlargement. Almost half of your shaft length is inside your body. The weenie genie puts a little cut above your penis and repositions the suspensory ligament, and more of the shaft drops out. You get an instant two inches.”

“Doesn’t it weaken it? She-beast is kinda rough. I mean, what if she slaps it hard...?”

“It’s not gonna break off.”

“You’re making this up.”

“Got a pen?” “Yeah.” “ They have pictures, but you gotta apply for a password. They even have some circumference increasers. You know, more girth.”

 “How do they do that?”

“They take fat off other parts of your body and put it under the skin.”

“What happens to all the veins and striations?”

 “They’re history. You’ll turn into a fat prick for real. For $3,000 more, you can get scrotal enlargement, but it’s temporary. So whatta ya think?”

“My scrotum is fine, thank you. Wasn’t there a dead Greek guy who had a boat with barstools covered with whale scrotum skin? I’ll have to ask She-beast about the surgery. Where is the doc?”

“Beverly Hills.” “Figures. Is he the only dick doc? Maybe there’s a cheaper one.”

“There might be. I have no idea where to look. Try Inches magazine.”

“You sure you aren’t a homo? Am I gonna get those spikes or not?”

“Buttsie, I got a few, but they’re not twenty-nine gauge. They’re bigger, twenty-seven gauge. You might have to tap it in with a hammer. It’ll leave a big hole, and a lot of blood will spurt out.”

“Arrrgghhhh!!! What am I gonna do? I’ve used the same two so many times that they just about squeak going in. I gotta tell ya, I’m addicted to this stuff.”

“Maybe we should call the penis surgery an addadicktomy. What’s in this stuff, and where did you get it? I know there are prostaglandins and where did you get it? I know there are prostaglandins in it, along with one or two other drugs.”

"I bought a couple of bottles from the Tent Pole Twins at Gold's in Venice. It's their secret formula."

“I bought a couple bottles off the Tentpole Twins at Gold’s in Venice. It’s their secret formula.”

"Remember, Buttsie, I never go there anymore; who or what are the Tentpole Twins?”

“You’ve never heard of them? They’re not really twins. They both dress the same—in baggies, with no underwear. And they both have these big boners ALL THE TIME. I mean, I’ve been there for over two hours between the workout and the cardio, and these guys were still there, and they still had boners. It’s hilarious, especially when they flat bench and spot each other. The women just don’t know what to do. And when they head for the water fountain, everybody clears out. They actually upstage Mister Rubberdick. So, did you do it?"

“What, get a cockchop? Nope.”

“Why not?”

“Upper 10%.”

“Sly bastard. I’d still go for it if I were you.”


  • Getbig V
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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2019, 08:27:49 PM »
Part II

“Ask a few women what they like. Ask about muscles, too. I think a lot of men would save a lot of time and money in the gym if they simply asked some women what they find attractive. Of course, that’s assuming you’re doing it for women. As I do. Some guys want big muscles to instill intimidation, hoping all those muscles, veins, and striations will broadcast the message: ‘Don’t fuck with me; I’ll kick your ass.’ Me, I never wanted to do that. But I still feel bad that I never got Linda Kinney off the ground. So I listen to women. They’ll tell you that there is such a thing as too big— regarding muscles and penises. Women get off on Men’s Health.”

"It's Men's Penis"


"That's what "She-beast" calls Men's Health. They have this little saying above the title - Tons of Useful Stuff.’ She says it should say, ‘Tons of Stuff...for your penis.’ She’s got this theory. She thinks that whenever Men’s Health uses the words ‘strength,’ ‘muscle,’ or a body part, you can substitute the word penis. She thinks it’s a subliminal thing.”

“Okay, Buttsie, I’ve got some old issues on my magazine rack. Let’s try it out: ‘Show your Penis. Penises that Mean Business. Five-Minute Penis Builders. Killer Penis. Bulging Penis. Powerful Penis.’ Holy shit! I think we’ve figured out their formula. Maybe I should write all my ad copy using this formula.”

“Gyno-man’s Goop doesn’t seem to be working as well as the Checque Drops.”

“It wasn’t my idea. All I said was that I used to inject Checque Drops years ago, and my dick got slightly bigger, but I also got gyno really bad. Anyway, ever since I mentioned that you were rubbing it in, guys started writing to me begging me to tell them how to get it. But Buttsie, get this: I found something that works even better."

“Tell me NOW!”

“Can’t. Too dangerous.”

“It’s DNP, you bastard.”

“No comment.”

“Did you see that Flex magazine really slammed you over that? They didn’t call it DNP, though—called it Hexalon.”

 “Buttsie, let me tell you a story. Back in the mid-eighties, Jeff Feliciano started putting DNP, dissolved in propylene glycol, in 30-cc bottles and selling it for $300 a bottle. He wouldn’t say what was in it, wouldn’t say what the side effects were. He called the stuff Hexalon. Now today, Feliciano is one of the chief writers/researchers for Flex. It seems hypocritical to me that Flex is slamming me for discussing it when their expert on the subject used to sell it. And I must tell you, telling a hardcore bodybuilder that DNP reverses androgen receptor down regulation is inviting disaster. Now, I have no idea if that’s true. I’ve never seen a reference on it, but Medline only goes back to 1966.”

“So why does it make your dick bigger?”

“I’ve got bad news and good news. The bad news is that while using DNP, your libido is shot, gone, bye-bye. The good news is, after you stop using DNP, your libido comes back, and your dick looks like it’s fluffed up all the time. Maybe Feliciano is right, and you’re getting more androgen receptors in some areas. I dunno.”

“I want some.”

“Not from me. And I’m not gonna give you the formula either. Knowing you, you’ll blow yourself up.”

“At least hook me up with some insulin pins.”

“Get outta here.”

“Dan, I got that picture.”

“What picture?”

“THE picture. You know, the secret Marla/Debbie picture.”

“Buttsie, you’re my hero. How’d you get it?”

“I have my sources. BD. Twenty gauge. Ultrafine. A whole box.” '


It arrived the next day by 8:30, not 10:30. Whoa, there it goes. Gotta go. The flag’s unfurled, so to speak.

“You telling me that you’ve been killing time on the phone waiting for your...?”

Ouch! Being yanked. Bye

Grape Ape

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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2019, 08:49:08 PM »


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2019, 08:55:53 PM »
MM2K July 1996 -

Editor - Dan Duchaine gets a lot of letters—more letters than Vanna White’s flipped over in all the years of Wheel of Fortune. Most of them are from normal people with intelligent questions. However, a good portion of the rest are, well, a little weird. They range from the mildly eccentric all the way to bat-shit crazy psychotic. Every once in a while, when Dan’s feeling a little blue or a little bored, he nostalgically flips through his dead letter files for a good laugh. The following are some of his recent and semi-recent favorites:

Fred E. Martin writes:

I’m looking for Anavar because it’s very powerful. I did it once. Taking it as it was prescribed didn’t do anything for me, so I took one or two more tabs than were prescribed. I took them at three in the morning and was in for a surprise later in the morning.

First, if I remember the order of occurrence, my urine turned a dark brown, then my testicles began to produce testosterone so fast that they were actually moving up and down right before my eyes. I guess one would fill up and slowly drop down while the other would leak its contents and slowly rise; they were reciprocating and could be seen moving.

Soon after, my testicles began to hurt. I found that by moving around and posing, the pain stopped. Well, I went back to my doctor and asked for a refill. He prescribed another steroid. I guess it was a steroid. It was another pill, but it wasn’t powerful like Anavar. It was called Thorazine. It must have been a catabolic.

The catabolic made me have hot spots in my muscles, and I figured God was doing that, so I entered a bodybuilding contest, figuring God would eventually make my muscles grow. But I kept on the Thorazine for only a little while and found it great for a short time, but then it slowly cuts back the body’s ability to regenerate, similar to the way chlorinated water does, only a little more I think. That pill contains around 1/500 of a drop of pure acid. I think that the catabolic slowly builds up after the acid is burned off and acts like a food preservative and restricts the metabolic rate. So I’m looking for Anavar. If your company sells Anavar, I’ll pay you fifty dollars for it.

Dan Responses -

I usually don’t respond to steroid letters, but since this was an unusually long one (I cut out the really weird stuff), I made an exception.

Dear Fred: Since I’m in prison, I can’t get to my stockpile of Anavar, so I can’t help you there. But don’t short sell Thorazine. [Editor’s note: Thorazine is a powerful anti-psychotic.] Everybody on it has absolutely no complaints whatsoever. You might consider going back to your doctor and asking him if he could prescribe a higher dosage. The most potent form is, of course, the injectable version. If a bigger oral dosage still isn’t working, you may have to go to that.


Editor - Not every letter arrives through the mail. Some people fax:









(A bodybuilder with a bad temper and image problem.)

Dan's responses-

Usually, I respond to well-known people out of simple courtesy, but since both this guy and I are ex-felons and on supervised release, I’d be violating my parole if I faxed him back. (Ex-felons aren’t allowed to directly communicate.) However, I did notice that he threatened me physically in the fax, and since it’s a felony to threaten someone over a telephone line, it was my duty to forward his fax to his probation officer. They’ll decide if they want to either prosecute him or simply determine that he violated his supervised release and place him in a more suitable environment.


Editor: Some women write in for advice since they remember he used to coach a lot of fbbs (female bodybuilders) - 

Dear Guru, I want to become a professional bodybuilder. I wasn’t all that smart in school, but my bra size has made the honor roll. Ever since I started doing Anadrol, Primobolan Depot, Deca-Durabolin, testosterone cypionate, and clenbuterol, my bra size has gone from a “C” to an “A” or more like a “AA.” Will I need a boob transplant when I turn pro? I’ve enclosed a photo.

Dan's Reponse -

"I always write back to women. In this case, I wrote: First off, it’s not a boob “transplant.” Where would you find a donor? Look, your pro career may be years away, and a great breast augmentation is at least $5,000 if you want it done right. A cheap one would probably place your boobs low and out to the sides. So, don’t worry for a while, but you could do something about that mustache RIGHT NOW. Wax that thang, and I mean hot wax, not mustache wax."


Editor -Are there particular questions that irritate Dan? Testosterone questions. You would think that after over 60 years of having testosterone available to doctors, and with all the books, research, and articles on the hormone, every single question would have already been answered. Let me generate a typical letter which isn’t too far off from a real one. I’ll just combine them all:

"Is testosterone good, and if so, which is the best one, and what are the side effects, and how much do I take how often for how long, and what should I do when I get off and lose all my muscles, nut size, and hair? Oh, by the way: how do I eat and train, and which supplements should I take, and is growth hormone really, really good, or what and how about that IGF-1 stuff?"

Editor again -

Usually the writer includes three to five cursive pages of life history. You think I’m lying? Here are a couple of letters from yesterday’s mail:

"Guru: Two months ago, I had taken Malagex stacked with Sustanon 250, and in six weeks, I made a solid gain of ten pounds. However, for my next cycle, I’d like to try something different. Can you suggest a steroid cycle or steroids that will give me the crazy gains I’m looking for?"

"Guru: I live in Massachusetts where it’s very hard to get a hold of real and different types of steroids. The steroids I can get are Sustanon 250 and depotestosterone. It would be great if you could inform me of the best stack and dosages for gaining the most size off this cycle."

Dan's Response -

"For the last time, testosterone is the most anabolic of all steroids. It imparts all the bad side effects including testicular shrinkage, hair loss, acne, and mood changes. All testosterones work the same. Using more will give you greater gains. When you get off, you’ll lose part of your gains, and your strength will go down. There is no magic stack or pyramid. And, no, your doctor will probably not write you a script until you’re already decrepit."


  • Getbig V
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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2019, 09:21:49 PM »
For those of us that were the right age - missed the 80s but still trained for mass - that mag was a real eye opener.

The original MM2K mag was the shit. Post bronze statue cover it got worse and worse.


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2019, 09:34:24 PM »
MM2k May 1997 -

Strange, But True -

We call them the “5C” questions. Laura, my business manager, sorts through my mail and first makes five piles. It goes like this:
1) How do I get big?
2)How do I get lean?
3) How do I get steroids?
4) Is this steroid real?
5)None of the above.

Pile 5 has three subsections: A) answer this, B) can’t answer this, and C) do you really want to know? The last subcategory is the subject of this issue’s “Rant”: the 5C’s. It’s tricky, giving the correct response, kind of like trying to tell a kid if there’s really a Santa Claus. It’s not up to me to crush somebody’s illusion (or is it “delusion”?).

Besides, since I’m the guy who writes about all the twisted, perverted, and sick stuff in our subculture, who else could answer this kind of stuff? Who else deserves it? [Editor - Keep in mind as you venture into the bizarre world of the Guru’s mail that these are real letters! Some of them are paraphrased; some have been edited for grammar, but they are legit.]


Guru -

I’m sure you know what a gorilla looks like. A friend of mine got some kind of gorilla hormone, perscribed (sic) from a “specialist.” As he started taking this stuff, he went crazy! He has all the symptoms, mood swings, and the bad stuff. Well, anyway, he continued taking it. By taking the stuff, his bench went up at least 100 lbs.

The man could easily do 450 lbs.  For reps. This drug was turning him into a ’roid-rage monster. No more than two days later I saw him again, but this time he looked deformed. His head was all swollen. The man was starting to look like an F-in’ gorilla. My question is, have you ever heard of a case like this before? If so, do you know what the steroid is called and where it comes from?

Anyway, advise people to watch out for this stuff because it could turn you into a gorilla. Any idea what kind of dosages this guy might have taken and what other steroids he might have been using with it?"


“Gorillabolin” is a steroid derived from the pituitaries of gorillas. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it before. It’s very popular. If you take too much,you will indeed experience a swelled, misshapen head, excessive hairiness, and a fondness for the old Planet of the Apes movies. You may also begin to walk with a hunched-over posture, begin searching for ticks in the scalps and body hair of other bodybuilders, and spend many hours swinging from a tire suspended from a tree. In other words, you will begin to look and act like some top-level amateur and pro bodybuilders.  


Guru -

I don’t know if you knew I was a transsexual, but I am. Really. I’ve been doing 5 mg of estrogen, 200 mg of spironolactone, and 10 mg of Provera a day for about 6 months now. Yes, as strange as it sounds, I do have the federal prison giving it to me. Anyway, I can’t get rid of all this damn muscle in my arms (biceps) and particularly in my forearms. Do you know of anything I can use to advance the breakdown of muscle? Other than the muscle being there, I’m coming along quite well with my feminization—getting nice breast development, ass and hips, shapely legs, smooth skin, and all that. I’m also growing new hair on my head where I had once been practically bald. That damn estrogen sure makes you gain weight, though. I’m at 372 lbs now and want to get down to about 123-126.

I read they have this stuff advertised called “Ultimate Hair Away”—a Canadian product that after spraying it on any facial or body hair daily for 50 weeks is supposed to permanently get rid of the hair. Does it really work? I read that you got some hair transplants. Can they transplant hair from other parts of the body, like your back?

Dan Responds -

"Six-foot two, ug-ly do, weighs three-hundred seventy-two, has anybody seen my gal?   Listen, the hormones I can understand. But about that photograph you sent: how do you get Victoria’s Secret lingerie in federal prison?"


Guru -

"Please don’t print this question. I work out in this gonzo powerlifting gym where the owner believes great lifters should squat until they puke. He’s got pails next to each squat rack. My problem is I can’t throw up from squatting. No matter what. My training partners have tried to help me. Even a cattle prod doesn’t work. Everybody thinks I’m a pussy. Can you tell me what that stuff is that they give to babies when they swallow poison? I think it’s called “ip” something or other. Maybe I could put it in my water bottle. I’ll show them."

Dan Responds -

"Have you tried drinking recycled Anavar? Keep reading; you’ll see what I mean."


Guru -

"I read on the Internet that 95% of all the Anavar you take gets peed out unchanged. If this is so, is there a simple way of getting the Anavar out of the urine? If not, how harmful is it to drink urine? And would it make any difference if the urine is from another person and not your own?"

Dan -

"I’m delighted you’ve discovered the subtle pleasures of drinking urine. I enjoy its delicate bouquet, as do many of my female friends. I often serve it with cheese and crackers, and for special occasions, like the holidays, I enjoy asparagus-flavored urine. Why, before the recent Super Bowl, I served barbecue-style urine, where I sat on the grill before pissing into a carafe. Oh, did I mention that most of the Nolvadex a person takes is eliminated unchanged in the feces?"


Guru -

"Is there a limit of steroid ampoules I can swallow at one time and not have them break inside of me? On a dare, I swallowed an ampoule of Mexican Primobolan Depot to prove to my training partners I could. I just dipped it in salad oil, and it slid down real easy (sic). Anyway, a few days later, there it was, sticking out of one of my bowel movements. It occurred to me that I could smuggle my Mexican steroids this way. Have  you heard of anybody else doing this? One more thing: I have been mashing up fresh bread into the shape of a 10cc vial and practicing swallowing this size because you said the Brovel Testosterona 200 is a great steroid buy. But would my stomach acid eat away the rubber stopper?"

Dan -

"I’m not sure, but let me offer some advice: whatever you do, don’t tell your friends which “South of the Border” the steroids came from."


Guru -

"As you already know, the IFBB is testing for diuretics. We spoke once before about this, and you suggested two things: either magnesium citrate or a saline enema. At the Ms. O, I tried the magnesium citrate. The citrate didn’t do much, and after the saline, I stayed nauseous all during the prejudging. So for the International, it looks like I should try the saline enema again. You never gave me the specifics. I have no idea about the amounts of water, the water temperature, or the amount of salt needed. Could you tell me how to do this procedure?"

Dan -

"Is this for the contest? Or for the weekend? Anyhow, to save time, I recommend “shooting” the entire contents of your saltwater aquarium up your ass. Just be careful to remove any coral, spiny sea urchins, or poisonous jellyfish first. A 40or 50-gallon tank should do the job nicely."


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2019, 09:44:44 PM »

Your loss.  I personally can't wait to read these tomorrow at some point.  Thanks again BB for posting, and running with the suggestion for this thread! 8)

Duchaine was a boss, and never failed to deliver some laughs.

For those of us that were the right age - missed the 80s but still trained for mass - that mag was a real eye opener.

The original MM2K mag was the shit. Post bronze statue cover it got worse and worse.

The newsletters that followed his book, and that eventually became MM were even more hardcore.

Someone got a hold of the first issue in my gym, and it was sitting in my boss' office.  I asked him if he had read it, and if the stuff in there was true to what he knew during his time competing.  He told me to shut his office door (no homo), and then proceeded to tell me that Phillips was his former juice dealing partner, and he knew him very well.  He told me how he called the number for the mag, and asked to speak to Bill.  

Now at this point in my life, I had just decided to use; and Phillips and his book and newsletters were my whole written education on the subject combined with the older guys that were open with me about it and gave me some guidance....Bill was like a mythical figure to me, and I couldn't believe my boss knew him. (I was just a kid, cut me some slack)

I asked him if he ended up talking to him, and he said his secretary was all snotty, and asked who was asking to which he replied "just tell him ______ _______ is on the phone" (he was/is kinda an asshole)  As it was told to me, a minute later Bill picked up the line transfer, and said  "_____ man, what the fuck's going on dude?!"  .....and then my boss just left the story sit there.  ??? Confused, I asked, "so what did you guys talk about?  How did he go from dealing drugs with you to writing practically the bible on steroids, and now to be a magazine publisher?"  He said, "I don't know "myt1", I just said "same old fucking Bill.....I see you didn't change at all", and I hung up"

Shitty, but kinda funny story. :-\


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2019, 09:57:42 PM »
MM2k Jan 1997

The Hairs and The Hair-Nots -

John Romano and I were into our weekly hair-lossdenial pity party on the phone. John, who’s still my best friend even though he makes a living by dumping on Bill (my boss), is always the optimistic one: “I wouldn’t call it bald; er, ah, it’s more like thinning… but just minorly in a few key areas.“

“Like on the top of our heads. John, I’m so depressed. I had to wear a do-rag this summer on my bike rides. It’s so humiliating. And it’s not even like I just did it to conceal my dome; I had to—otherwise I’d get skin cancer. Maybe I should switch to motorcycles. At least then I’d have to wear a helmet. “There’s no justice in the world. Shawn Ray shaved his head. He was so all-American, and now he looks like his evil twin with that goatee and those Ray Bans. Go figure: those who have hair—Flex, Dillett, Coleman—shave it all off. It looks damn strange up on stage—they all have oil on their bodies, but their heads are dry. It kind of looks like they’re wearing condoms on their heads.

“Now Shawn had to do a baldie. Of course, I notice these things, John. I’m painfully hair aware. For example, I always notice when Boyer gets a new rug. I watched Strydom when his front hair started going… when it went… when he tried a transplant… and then the rejection. Then he went to a weaved hairpiece, which was a great piece, by the way. I noticed when the Barbarian Brothers went from glued-in hair extensions to full-blown wigs. We used to find clumps of hair by the power rack when the squat bar yanked the extensions out. They used to joke that it was those damn steroids. And I always critique Laura Creavalle’s new mops. But I’ve been watching Shawn compete since he was a teenager. He always had his signature flattop. But last Olympia—that was the beginning of the end for his flattie. I saw some pix in the magazines with Shawn bent over, the top of his head to the audience, and the skin showed through. He might say Vince Taylor is too old, but at least Vince still has all his own hair.”

“Naw, he was all right at the Arnold, Guru.”

“That was a weave, John. They make up this itsy-bitsy rug and, strand-bystrand, hand tie it to hairs around the bald spot. There’s only one problem— Shawn’s a car nut; he has a couple of convertibles. When you’re drivin’ one of those, if you’ve got a weave tied on, it feels like it’s being yanked out at 100 miles an hour in the wind. In the old days, they used to use double-sided toupee tape. Back in the early ’80’s, I was working in this auto boutique in Beverly Hills, and some Ferrari owner came in asking if anybody had found a toupee. He had lost his, but he didn’t notice it was gone until after he left the store on the previous Saturday, after he hit 7,000 RPM. It must have been expensive because he left a photocopy with a description and a $1,000 reward. We pointed out that if he really lost it in the Ferrari, his auto insurance should cover it. He said it wasn’t the money but the sentimental value. We were all trying hard to keep a straight face. When he left, one of the salesmen said, ‘Was it really lost, or was it KIDNAPPED?’”

“There must be a better way.”

“Well, you can glue that sucker on, but you have to shave all the hair in the area. Remember Ray McNeil? He wore a piece. Sally, his wife, blew his face off with a shotgun. When the police examined the body, they found no mouth, no tongue, but the wig didn’t budge. Sally used to glue it on. That’d make a good ad for the glue! Twelve-gauge tough!”

“I’m not that bald… yet. Anyway, I’ve been using that Rogaine stuff along with Nizoral shampoo. I can see a difference.”

“I wanna buy your mirror; it must be magic. So, did you throw out your hat collection?”

“Will you quit calling it a collection? I just happen to like hats.”

“Like Elton John did until he got a $20,000 wig? I dunno, John. I use the Nizoral, and I don’t have any more hair now than before I started using it, but nothing new is falling out. You know the old saying: there’s only one thing that stops falling hair—the floor.

I hate hats. It’s like wearing a big sign saying ‘Bald Guy Underneath.’ Like Ron Howard. He can do all the Cocoon’s and Apollo 13’s he wants, but he’s always gonna be chrome-dome Opie in a dumb hat. When I was a little kid, my parents would always make me wear a crewcut. It was very uncool considering that the Beatles and the Monkees had just hit. So I used to wear a hat to cover the crewcut. I was so insecure. It also didn’t help that I was a fat little shit with knee socks and sandals. I wanted to look like I was grown-up, so I’d wear this straw hat with miniature beer cans and cigarette packs glued on it. And then I started watching this TV show called the Girl from U.N.C.L.E. with Stefanie Powers—a pre-hag Stefanie. Anyway her sidekick, Noel Harrison, Rex’s son, used to wear this cool English riding hat. And Stefanie liked it, so since I had this monster crush on her, I got one and started wearing that.

One day I was sitting on a bench at the community swimming pool, and the town bully set my hat on fire while it was on my head and called me Douche Hat Head. I never wore a hat again after that.”

“Dan, why don’t you try the Rogaine?”

“My friend Will does all that stuff: he uses the saw palmetto extract—squirts the capsules right on his head. He uses the Proscar tabs, shampoos with Nizoral mixed with polysorbate 80, Folligen, and that hundred-dollar-a-month prescription goop from that guy in Texas. He even uses that African monkey lice fungus.”

“Monkeys don’t go bald.”

“Whatever, John. Even with all this stuff, the guy still looks like Star Wars’ Yoda on a bad hair day. Now my other friend Rob, who takes about a zillion blood pressure medications because of his kidney failure, has to use the minoxidil pills, which is what Rogaine is made from, and he got some major hair regrowth on his head. That’s the good news. The bad news is that now he’s got major hair on his back and shoulders. And we both know that as much as most women don’t like bald guys, they like guys with hairy backs even less. And if a bald guy has a hairy back, he better glue a thousand dollar bill on his zipper; otherwise, he’s never gonna get laid.”

“Very true. Even my wife Shelley never talks about my hair or lack thereof, but she insists that I get my back waxed. Ya know, all the surveys say that women don’t really care if men are bald. What’s the deal there?”

“John, they only survey the same women who say money and dick size don’t matter: namely, old, fat, ugly women. Maybe these women are bald. I dunno. I’ve been watching those Rogaine commercials on TV. This guy tells his girl he’s losing the hair on the back of his head; in the next scene, the guy says he can see a difference from using Rogaine. Yeah, right. I see the girlfriend snickering. It looks to me like the guy’s just as bald as before, but now he just combs it better. That’s what I do, which is, for me, an F-in’ art form: hide the bald spots with my lucky comb and set it with my special hair spray. I especially like it when I get my hair dyed brown every month ’cause it dyes the skin under the hair brown for a day, so I don’t have so much white skin shining through. Maybe I should shave it off once and have my whole head tattooed brown and then grow the hair back in.”

“What about the Popeil hair in a can?”

“I’ve seen that stuff, John. They should call it fungus in a can. It looks like brown cotton candy. Now, that would be cool—edible hair.”

“I wonder if that Hair Away stuff works. That waxing stuff sucks and hurts.”

“How convenient: a product that you have to use every day for three to four months to see a difference. So who’s gonna put it on your hairy back? Will Shelley rub it in every day for 120 days? I like to call it Scam Away. Do you think that if Scam Away really worked, some monster cosmetic company wouldn’t sell it? Scam Away must be a division of MuscleTech. Let me guess: next month MuscleMag’s gonna tell us that somebody’s counterfeiting Hair Away.”

“Why don’t you do a baldie, Dan?”

“Yul Brynner I ain’t. I’d end up looking like Uncle Fester or Beldar’s evil Conehead twin. But I’ve had it. I’m getting some hair transplants next month.”

“How old is she, Dan?”

“It’s not about women nor sex.”

“She must be barely 20.”

“I’m doing this for me… 19 actually.”

“Monos or slits?”

“You asking about my sex life now?”

“Don’t play stupid, Dan. We both read ‘alt.baldspot.whiners’ on the Internet. I know about flaps and reductions and all that stuff. Some guy had so many scalp reductions that his dick ended up on his chin.”

“Your point being? Hardly any woman would complain…”

“And I’m in the same boat—not ‘if’ but ‘when.’ If Arnold can do it…”

“How do you know Arnold got transplants?"

“Well, I know, but if I told you, I’d have to kill you; men dressed in all black will show up…”

“Anyway, John… I’ve got this doc in L.A. who’s doing the transplants, and he rips off a seven inch by three-quarter strip of hair out of the back of my head. Then he starts cutting the strip into smaller pieces. The front hairline gets the single hairs, the single plugs. They don’t call them plugs anymore; they’re ‘monografts.’ Behind the line of monografts, he starts cutting little slits and inserts multiple hairs. You can’t do all monografts cuz you’ll never get the density. After four or so hours, it’s done, and then all the hairs fall out for a while. Hopefully, they grow back, probably when the check clears.”

“You don’t really need it right now.”

“John, face it: we’re both losing it. Wait any longer, and we’ll look like Lonnie Teper and have to start doing lame Elvis impressions. It isn’t the steroids because we both haven’t used them for years. The fact of the matter is that I could be castrated and I’d still lose hair. It’s an immune response: my body thinks my hair follicles are foreign objects, and it’s trying to reject them. I swear some mornings I think I can see little hairs catapulting off my head and hitting the mirror.

But the worst is when the damn hairs migrate. Like when I wake up and the hairs are telling me, ‘Oh, I like it so much better here in your nostrils and in your ears.’ And it pisses me off! Everything else, I have control of: I can stay in shape, go on a diet, stay out of the sun, etc. We’re in the damn health business, John, so we have to look healthy. If I were 300 lbs and a freak of nature, like Nasser, I wouldn’t give a shit. I’d feel that the sacrifice was worth it. Aw, that’s a damn lie; I’d much rather have hair than muscle. So the doc says I have four good donor areas: two in the back and one strip on each side. But, John, you’re luckier: you have a fifth donor area—your back.”

“So what’s this costing you?”

“It’s reasonable, John. This doc is charging about $3,500, which is about one-third of what all the big hair franchises are charging for the same procedure. The real bite is the operating room fee of $1,800, but I have an angle on that. My girlfriend is getting bigger boob implants at the same time, so we’re gonna share the operating room.”

“Watch out, you could wake up and find a big titty on your head.”

“Or some damn hairy fun bags. Don’t laugh, but that happened already.”

“Get OUT!”

“For real. Some short Japanese dude had his heart set on being a Sumo wrestler, but he was too short. So he got some doctor to implant a saline breast implant bag under his scalp and then started pumping saline into it a little at a time to gain height under his hair.”

“So did he make it?”

“Yeah, but he’s not too happy. He says it doesn’t feel natural, so he’s gonna replace it.”

“With what?”

“Silicone, of course, and he wants it bigger this time.” 

“Dan, you’re funny, but you’re still going bald.”

“Thanks, John, for reminding me…”


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2019, 10:17:15 PM »
MM2k May 1996 -

Size isn't everything, or is it? -

They used to call him Mister Rubberdick because he used to wear a rubber dick in the gym. Okay, maybe it wasn’t rubber, but it was some miracle polymer. All I know is that the thing wasn’t real. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

I took Jessica, my book assistant, to her first bodybuilding contest.

“Where do they hide their equipment?” she asked.

“Uh, they pump up offstage in a little room,” I answered.

“No, their penes.”

“What’s a penes?”

“It’s the plural of penis. You pay me to proofread what you write, so I need to know these things. Where are they? We just saw the teenage class, and all those boys had big bulges. So where do the men hide them?”

“I’m not gonna ask why you needed to use the word ‘penes.’ And they don’t hide the equipment. Most steroid users have small b...gonads. But they grow back. Eventually.”

“That still doesn’t explain why most of the men up there have no... penises. That’s the other plural. Is there a big tub of cold water out back that they all dunk themselves in?”

“Well, now that you mention it, they all look kinda underhung compared to the teenagers. Maybe the boys have more five-alpha reductase in their dicks during adolescence. I think it’s the DHT that controls how big the penis is in the flaccid state. There was this underground designer steroid that supposedly made your limp dick hang bigger. I used some of it, and it worked. It was the same size when it got hard, though, but it definitely fluffed it up during off-vertical. Buttsie rubs that vet steroid Checque Drops onto his dick every day, and he swears it’s grown two inches, which would make it five inches, but that’s probably stretching it a bit.”

“Did your balls shrink when you were on steroids?”

“Yeah, but they grew back in prison. I’ve been off steroids for over six years now.”

“Did you miss them?”

“I do miss being strong like I was...”

“No, no, no, not the steroids. Your balls. Did it bother you that you were a eunuch? I mean, didn’t any of your girlfriends complain when they used to grab for something that wasn’t there?”

“Can we change the subject?”

“Face it. You were in denial. Hey, the women are on. Is it my imagination, or do some of them have penes, too?”

“Jess, you know that steroid use in women causes clitori enlargement.”

“Clitorides is the plural. You usually use an ‘i’ when a word ends with ‘us,’ platypus/platypi, but this is an exception. And you use a soft ‘a’ if it ends in an ‘um.’ For example, all the men up there have shrunken scrota. Didn’t you learn anything in English class?”

“If I was perfect, then you’d be out of a job correcting my stuff.”

“‘Were’ perfect. How big does a clitoris get?”

“It was so big that...”


“Biggest I’ve seen is about half the length of my little finger.”

“Lemme see your finger. You have really long fingers. Is it true that a man’s fingers are an indication of how big his penis is?”

“Ah...yes, absolutely.” (Hey, never knock free advertising.)

“Will you show me yours sometime?”

“I’ll make a deal with you: you shave your legs, then I’ll whip it out.” (Jessica absolutely refuses to shave her legs.)

“Screw off.”

“Jess, you’re not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition.” “


“Did you read John’s piece in Muscular Development about women and steroids?”

“Yeah, what a jerk.”

“Why’s that?”

“The first time I met John, I went to his house to pick up his manuscript to edit. He’s got his Hot Skins shortyshorts on. He’s got that meat and no potatoes look: looks like he has a decent-sized penis but no balls. He’s got acne on his back; his hair is totally gone. Who wears a hat in his own house? John’s a good-looking guy, but he was Mr. Puffy-Face that day—I’m not stupid. So when he starts telling the world how women shouldn’t use male hormones and that a large clitoris is gross, how would he feel if his girlfriend kicked him out of bed and said, ‘That ’roid look is gross’?”

“You know, Jessica, the ironic thing is that I heard he likes Deca Durabolin and HCG. Both of which are not male hormones. Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) is made in the placenta during pregnancy. And HCG is from pregnant women’s urine.

Personally, I’ve never had a problem with a large clitoris on a lover. Maybe I got used to it. There are benefits... it’s easier to find—easier to give them an orgasm. And I think John has overblown the gynecological problems. The way he makes it out, he almost recommends a scuba suit and a snorkel for some sex acts. I never felt like I was drowning. I mean, aesthetically, I’d rather deal with something smaller, but I’m not gonna be jumping out of bed, running away from it. And frankly, not every female bodybuilder gets a big one, even when using steroids. Sometimes just the opposite. I’ve been with a tiny-little female bodybuilder who never took a steroid in her life and only weighed 115 pounds, hardly any muscle on her, and she had the biggest clitoris I’ve ever seen. Face it, the whole big clit thing is more a male cultural problem.

If John doesn’t like the size of a woman’s genitalia, he should find another sex partner more to his liking. Because there are plenty of men, myself included, who don’t have a problem with it. We don’t live in Africa, where one society allows cutting the thing off and stitching the vagina shut. Besides, much of the enlargement goes away after steroid use. And the girls could use Proscar and avoid the problem. I knew only one girl who had a physical problem being large. It was so sensitive that regular intercourse was painful She had to dry hump my thigh when I flexed it to get off. I used to get this wicked cramp flexing my leg so hard, so I’d have her change legs. I told you about her, the carrot girl.”

“Contract, not flex. The same girl who got a carrot stuck up her ass?”

“The same. It could’ve been worse. It could’ve been an eggplant. “BaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaa!.”

“What’s so funny?”

“See that little guy over there in the lycra. Wait, wait, he’s about to turn around...”

“Holy shit. That’s a big schlong! It almost reaches his kneecap! It’s just too big.”

“I thought women liked big d... penes.”

“There’s nothing on me that that would fit into. The thing is so big, I’d have to throw it over my shoulder and burp it like a baby.”

“Make believe it’s a harmonica. But get this: it isn’t real. It’s a rubber dick. The guy used to go to Gold’s in Venice. He used to change into his Spandex tights in the bathroom, not in the locker room. Then he’d walk around the gym with this plastic pecker on. On one hand, I didn’t want to stare, but on the other, it was unavoidable. He walked around like it was on a leash. You wanna get up close? The damn thing has veins on it. I swear.”

“How did you find out it was fake?”

“His car alarm went off, and the front desk announced the license plate number over the PA. So Mister Rubberdick ran from the back of the gym to the front door. I was standing at the front desk, and Mister Rubberdick started fishing for his car keys that are hung on the key rack at the front desk. And from all the running, his extension had detached itself from his own penis, and it had traveled down to the back of his leg.”

“Look at the posedown. The teenage guy really is the only guy up there with anything in his trunks. Do these bodybuilders really think women care about big arms?”

“Did you see the thing in USA Today about the kid who got sold to the crack house? His mom owed the crack dealer $1,000, so she sold her son to the crack dealer. The kid lived at the crack house and had to sell drugs, and get this: he had to perform sex on women in the house. The kid’s only 11. The crack dealer told the kid that if he didn’t perform sex on the girls, he would withhold food. Eventually, the police rescued him.”

“Is the kid all right?”

“Shit yes, the kid had gained ten pounds.”

Coach is Back!

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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2019, 10:26:11 PM »
He’s dead, right ::)


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2019, 10:32:46 PM »
MM2k Apr 1996

Do Ya Think I'm Sexy -

I was standing with Ericca Kern, her daughter, and her husband, Brad, during intermission at this rinky-dink local contest (the Steel Rose in San Diego). I’d “met” Brad on the Internet during the “Is Anna-Marie Crooks just Bo Jackson with tits?” fitness newsgroup thread, and we’d been chatting back and forth via e-mail ever since.

Now I was chatting with Brad in person, and we were agreeing that there should be some kind of judging markdown if the boob job resulted in each boob being bigger than the competitor’s head. Brad and I share similar views on the current state of women’s bodybuilding. I’d like to see more bodies like Ericca Kern’s in the pro ranks, but to get to the pros, Ericca would have to destroy most of the assets the majority of men find appealing.

Back to my story. I’m handling this pretty well. Ericca Kern is quite stunning, especially in person and up close. She has perfect skin and hair (which are the first to go with the bigger women), and she’s tall enough, so you don’t have to look down at her. I’m making a conscious effort not to stare at her, which would be a very uncool thing to do with Brad around. So far, so good. But then Bill Dobbins (the Flex nudie photographer) walks up. This is a big surprise to me, as the rumors were that Bill has some kind of cancer and was on his deathbed. To tell you the truth, in spite of his typical tacky leather jacket (one of many, I might add), Bill is looking damn good. He’s lost lots of weight, which was needed, and he’s sporting a nice haircut. Uh-oh, sez I, because even though I like Bill a lot (and I’m one of the few), I did kinda slam him about “uglifying” some of his nudie subjects. Lucky for me, Bill doesn’t read the magazines (MM2Kin particular).
It also helps that Bill made Ericca look very, very good in Flex a few months back.

Bill starts asking me what I thought of his book. Near dead or not, I couldn’t give a shit about hurting Bill’s feelings, so I let him know I’m not too keen on his color work, but I generally like his black and white work better, as he uses some kind of soft-focus, subdued lighting that makes the women look less alarming. “Funny that you mention that,” retorts Bill as he opens up this big loose-leaf binder. He’s about to do another nudie (female) bodybuilding book with all black and white pix. “Here are the ones I did with Ericca.”

Okay, they were great photos, but, if I were Ken Marcus, I’d say, “Bill, get your own damn rocks!” The locale was distinctly familiar, as Ken had done the same setups with Diana Dennis and Jackie Paisley on the rocks in Yosemite. As nice as the stuff was, I was in a very uncool situation. There I was, standing next to Ericca, her daughter (who is at most eight years old), and the hubby. Obviously, whatever my feelings were, I wasn’t gonna blurt them out around the family. I wasn’t about to say that Ericca looks softer and rounder than the rocks around her, which I couldn’t say about Diana and Jackie, who both looked harder than granite. So, I was at a loss for words, and I started asking if Ericca was embarrassed, blah, blah, blah, and then changed the subject. Thankfully, the intermission was finally over.

I then had to sit through one of those boring-and-puerile Diana Dennis posing routines. This one was with some kind of web thingy, this amazing posing suit (it strapped everything in enough so she didn’t need head protection while she was flailing around), two guys, and some fake blood. I was hoping for some kind of surprise (the web gig is at least five years old), like maybe a whip and a dildo (call me Mr. Twisted), but I guess she’s too classy for that. Maybe in 10 more years, when she turns 44 (she’s been 43 for at least 5 years now). But where was I? Ah, those nudie bodybuilders...

One of my monthly guilty pleasures is checking out the “Power and Sizzle” in Flex magazine. I must have a real compulsion to see female bodybuilders naked because it’s the first thing I turn to in each issue. Usually it’s a big disappointment, though, with very little sizzle but lots of fizzle each month. Even though the editors try to promote the section as “sexy,” hardly anything floats my boat each month. It certainly wasn’t popular jack-off material in prison.

I’m assuming the powers-that-be at Weider have laid down some ground rules about things like nipples and muff shots. However, nakedness doesn’t automatically mean “sexy.” Most of the naked female bodybuilders I’ve looked at over the last two years aren’t really committed to being sexy. Most of them don’t look into the camera. They look off to the side with mock shyness, never having the blatant honesty that Marla Duncan, although not naked, can generate with just one pouty expression.

These nudie layouts are masquerading as art, not arousal. It seems odd that the fitness “babes” have yet to do much nudity. It can’t be because they’re shy, as a good number of them were “dancers” at one point in their lives. And most fitness girls can thrust their hips into a sexy pose as fast as a private snaps to attention when a four-star general walks by. The muscle magazines want some kind of tepid sexuality, but not too much. At times, a very schizoid vision is presented. For example, I have the November Flex in front of me, with Ericca Kern in most of her glory. It’s an odd combination of jewelry, lingerie, and sexy stilettos, all against an antiseptic, totally white background. But put the same model in a bedroom setting, and suddenly, you’d have smut. This time, Bill Dobbins did a very nice blend of art and sexiness. However, I have no problem with smut either.

Unfortunately, most of the other layouts didn’t work. As Bill has said, he has to work with the model available. And he’s used up most of the “A” (or is it the double D?) list. And some of these pictorials probably shouldn’t have been done. A great female competitor doesn’t necessarily make a great nude subject. Sometimes, since I know what Bill Dobbins likes (and dislikes), some of the shots are hilarious. One subject was so appallingly unappealing that he arranged her face and hair so she looked like a female Cousin It from the Addams family.

Are we eventually going to see some other magazine do a “Muscle & Beaver” section? What’s the old expression? “It’s not if, but when.” Here’s another one: “Be careful what you wish for...” Years ago, before tanning beds, when I had to lay on the beach to get my contest tan, my favorite mental activity was looking at the bikini girls and wondering what was underneath. Okay, it was a piggy thing to do, but what beach bum hasn’t scooped out a depression in the sand for natural bodily expansion? Eventually, I had to act on these urges, so I went to nude beaches. I mean, what could be better? The shocker was I found all those naked bodies remarkably unsexy (but, naked Carly Simon is a babe). Beyond the fact that you don’t see many perfect bodies on a nude beach (just the opposite), all the mystique is gone.

I get a real kick about the half-hearted disclaimer that Flex runs at the beginning of the T&A section:

“We hope this dispels the myth of female-bodybuilder masculinity and proves what role models they truly are.” This is a polite way of saying female bodybuilders are not guys in drag. Even more basic (translated into a typical male mentality): “See, these gals really are datable!”

I’ve mentioned before that in years past, I coached a number of female bodybuilders. And no surprise here, I slept with some of them. Does that make me an expert on the sexiness issue? I dunno. Before I had slept with any female bodybuilders, I had a real compulsion for them whenever I saw an interesting one in the magazines and at contests. After a run of them, I pretty much lost my appetite for them. The Schmoes mention the tactile feeling of striated muscle, but they conveniently forget some of the unappealing qualities the top female bodybuilders have. Need I say that skin, hair, and genitalia may suffer? Of course, there is always a group of fetishists that actually craves all these undesirable side effects. I’m not one of them. Striations and varicose veins lurking under Victoria’s Secret lingerie are not my idea of turn ons. Granted, this condition is only briefly held during the year, and in their favor, in my (limited) experience, female bodybuilders are damn good in bed—but whatever you do, don’t cum too soon.

I may object to the five o’clock shadow, badly dyed brillo hair (why so much bad hair in the sport?), and alligator suitcase skin, but the general public never sees these finer details. Many men get scared off by size. Of course, there is a matter of scale. It might be a good idea for the “Power and Sizzle” women to start posing with male models in the photographs. Looking at isolated photos, many of these women look enormously large and intimidating, but it’s rare for a female bodybuilder to weigh more than 150 pounds. As scary-looking as Michele Ralabate is in photos, she’s less than five-feet tall, and when you meet her in person, the only big and scary-looking thing on her is her hairstyle. Place her with a six foot male model, and she won’t look terribly out of place.

Most of the muscle magazines use T&A to sell their magazines. And I find it odd that all of them are timid—not getting down and dirty. You have to buy Celebrity Sleuth Magazine to see the real smutty female bodybuilding stuff. What’s the problem here? Obviously, many of the women would have no problem showing more flesh. And the readers (myself included) crave more. What’s the holdup? Are these women afraid the IFBB will ban them? Is it okay to get naked in a Weider magazine, with its so-called ethical (artsyfartsy) nudity? On the other hand, would a Skank-o-rama in Muscle Mag International (which would be an A&A as opposed to T&A) be disallowed? Wouldn’t a sans-swimsuit issue sell better? All this flesh is not art; it’s magazine sales. Perhaps I’m misinformed. Is there now a nipple and muff clause in the nudity rule in the IFBB rule book? I remember sitting next to Ben Weider at one of the Ms. Olympias while Sandy Riddell was on stage cramming her IFBB-approved diaper up the crack of her ass. Ben wasn’t too happy. Obviously, since then, Ben has loosened up.

As much as I bitch about the mostly unappealing women in “Power and Sizzle,” I still look forward to seeing it every month because once in a while I’ll encounter a Suzan Kaminga, who has no fear of the camera and reader. Suzan, if you don’t remember, is the ground breaker who did the nudie cover with Roger Stewart for Muscular Development. Suzan will boldly stare into your face with a “I know what you’re thinking about” look, and it hits me that sexiness has little to do with nudity. A naked personality is the real turn on. But didn’t we always know that? Of course, a killer bod doesn’t hurt...


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2019, 10:45:39 PM »
MM2k Aug 1996

Asses, Perverts, Glutes and Me -

I’ve had writer’s block for the “Rant” this issue. I’m supposed to be pissed off. But just the opposite, which doesn’t mean “pissed on” (although once in that big bathtub, after a lot of champagne, my lover and I...uh-oh, did I say—write—that out loud?). What I mean to say is that other people are pissed off at me.

For example, my P.O.—this is not what you think. P.O. is short for “probation officer.” My P.O. got p.o.’d with me one day when she was at my office reading my articles in this magazine. “So you’re going to use steroids again after probation? Well, since I’m here, fill this up.” It was THE BOTTLE. I have to pee into a bottle once every three months or so, to make sure I’m not using drugs, including steroids. As if! I weigh 170 lbs and have a testosterone level of 370 ng/dl. The bottom of the scale is 300. A loaf of Wonder Bread has more testosterone in it. Years ago, when I was using steroids, I weighed 25 lbs more. The only thing I could win now is Mr. Punyverse. Am I pissed off for being a non-big person? Hey, 30 months of shitty food in prison, polycystic kidney disease, hypertension, cerebral stroke, aphasia, and some toenail fungus that only dies with this $6-a-pill prescription toenail fungus medicine... I’m just happy to be free and alive. Besides, the whole point of getting big was to get more girls. And the more steroids I took, the less my dick worked. So on one hand, I weigh only 170 lbs, but on the other hand, well, you just never mind what’s in the other hand...

At least all I am is physically ill. My mental health is fine. Which reminds me, Mike Mentzer, who used to be a Mr. Universe and definitely not a Mr. Punyverse, is upset with me for me being “not big.” Seems that I somehow pissed on him a while back, and Mike thinks I shouldn’t be believed in the advice department because I’m not big. Years ago, when Mike was not taking his medication regularly and he was very fat, unwashed, and incoherent, there was a rumor that Mike was drinking his own urine. I don’t think he does this now, and he definitely seems adequately bathed. I have no idea what I said that pissed him off. We’re both in the entertainment business. So I have no problem getting potshots aimed at me. It’s part of my job.

Years ago, I used to be an actor for a living, making children laugh. I’m still an actor, because now I act smart and get paid for it. And I still always try to get the laugh. I have no problem being called an idiot savant. In junior high school, I dissected an earthworm. That’s it for medical training. There are a lot of other so-called experts with degrees who are pissed off because I dispense medical advice in a reckless manner. Lucky for me, I’ve been mostly right.

I’ve received a few letters from pissed-off readers saying that sex, perversion, and Buttmunch and his ass fetish have nothing to do with bodybuilding and therefore shouldn’t be in this magazine. I beg to differ. I was in the audience of the recent Ms. Fitness World, and I was thinking about sex a lot. I guess it was okay because Arnold was up there on stage with the winning trophy over his crotch, making us all believe he was covering a boner. His little speech sounded like he was trying out for the lead of Babe II, it was so piggish (but in a “light,” non-malicious way). Usually I feel a little uncomfortable when a man starts making sexist comments, but I shut up damn fast when Arnold handed over the $50,000 cash first prize. The next night, Arnold was on his best behavior with the female bodybuilders. I think Arnold and I have synchronous dicko-meters as I wasn’t thinking about sex even though there was more flesh showing that night. No sexist comments. And $30,000 less for first place.

My boss, Bill, gets pissed when I do ass jokes. I can’t help myself. I love it when all these other magazines do ass articles. Technically, an ass is a muscle, but to keep everyone in line, the magazines call an ass “glutes.” Usually they show all these fitness women in butt-flossers doing stifflegged deadlifts. I call them “stiffdicked, stiff-legged moonies” as I have to keep my reputation of “bodybuilding’s favorite pervert.”

Back to asses: recently the NPC has approved thong bottoms for the evening show as long as there aren’t any TV cameras. How cool!

In the spirit of cooperation, many times lately, I’ve used my skin-fold calipers to measure the skin-fold thickness on girls’ asses. Technically, this area is not on the approved list of pinch sites, but so far, the women haven’t figured this out. At three millimeters or less, I can see the glutes and sometimes some striations, and I have no problem calling them “glutes.” Peggy Schoolcraft and Paula Suzuki have glutes, as do most pro women bodybuilders. Marla Duncan has an ass. For some reason, many women get pissed off over a big ass on a bodybuilder. Years ago, I used to coach Denise Rutkowski. Hmmm, now this was a close call because standing still, she had glutes, but being an ex-stripper, she moved it well up on stage, and it became an ass. The females on the judging panel would always score her down because of it: “Her ass is too big.” The male judges, though, didn’t have a problem: “Maybe too fine, but not too big.”

I don’t like glutes on women (because it reminds me of Rich Gaspari, who was the first guy in bodybuilding to have striated glutes), but I like asses a lot. My old friend Chris Duffy had “glutes,” and his girlfriend at the time would complain that he had too much muscle to pry his butt cheeks apart. But a while ago, I saw Chris’ porn video, and it looked like Chris has learned to...relax.

Back to the Ms. Fitness World show. Some young, very excitable girl was sitting next to me in the audience and was giving a running commentary on the girls, which is probably a sexist comment, calling them “girls,” since I think the new breed of fitness competitors are overall better athletes than any bodybuilder I’ve seen. But every once in a while, the excitable...female would say, “Great ass!” This seemed odd since she had her boyfriend next to her. Now, I know exactly what I would do with a great ass (and if you send a self-addressed, stamped envelope, I’ll send you a copy of Buttmunch’s “Ass FAQ,” but it might be illegal in your city), but I was curious, so I asked this girl next to me what she would do with a great ass, and she told me, “Spank it!” This is not my idea of fun as I consider it abusive to women.

Since I’ve wandered into the subject of abuse, I’ve gotten another muscle writer pissed off at me, this time MuscleMag’s Steve Neece. Steve lives near me with his mommy, and he also trains at the same gym I do. Steve and his mom are really close. I know this because when Steve went to Don Ross’ funeral and attended the postservice buffet, he brought doggie bags (or were they “mommy bags”?) to take food home to her. Steve has this belief that I’m abusive to women because I’ve been disrespecting women’s bodybuilding of late and because I think it’s a dead-end sport.

Now here’s a hoot of a story: after his reporting about that “abusive Dan Duchaine,” Steve shows up at the biggest magazine store in San Diego, fishing for leads for gossip, as he knows I’m friends with the owner of the newsstand. So Mikel, the owner, figures he’s gonna yank Steve’s chain and tells Steve that his article backfired, and I am now inundated with sexual offers from tons of women. Completely fabricated, obviously so, because a) I adore all women and most of my closest friends are females, and b) I don’t play the field as I like to be a one-woman man. Now get this: in the next issue, Steve reports the fabricated story verbatim.

How did all this really start? Let me tell you: on a day-to-day basis, I’m probably the least interesting personality in bodybuilding. Years ago, I used to train in a T-shirt with this on it: “Sex is nobody’s business except the three people involved.” But now I sleep in a much smaller bed, so I must have calmed down.

A few months ago, Steve Neece wanted to prove to Shawn Ray (and the world) that female bodybuilders have the ability to make men’s dicks hard and shot a picture of a lineup of fabulous bare fannies. So who’s pissed off now? Not me, I like the idea of being in the middle of an ass sandwich. But ask most women if this were helping women out and they’ll probably say they’re pissed off with Steve.

Where was I? Oh, months ago, I implied that most of the female bodybuilders who wrestle are borderline prostitutes. Why is this? You decide. In a private hotel room, a female bodybuilder in a thong and no top is wrestling a schmoe, and he gets aroused, and his dick gets hard. And he asks, “If I pull my dick out and give you two hundred extra dollars, will you jerk me off?” Most of the time, the female bodybuilder does it and takes the money. I would say that 90% of the time, this is what’s happening in a private wrestling match.

After a seminar I did at Strong and Shapely Gym in New Jersey, an attendee posted a critique of it on the Internet. He was somewhat pissed because of my amoral attitude. Another person e-mailed me and told me I pissed off a lot of the top bodybuilders in the area because I’m so negative about bodybuilding. My real problem is that I’m too damn moral. I see it this way: most of the top bodybuilders have reached their genetic potential. In my mind, the majority of great bodybuilders train and diet hard. It’s rare that a top bodybuilder comes in outright fat, and the difference between first and the other places is usually over about five pounds of water in the lower back and legs. I think they’re all great champions. And to criticize them because of bone structure and muscle bellies which are both genetically set is a cruel thing to do. Since I’m so close to the sport, I happen to know how these men act in private with their fans, friends, lovers, wives, and children. So what do I expect a great bodybuilder to be? One that comes in in great shape, provides for his wife and children, and is not ashamed to show the world that he cares for his family. I see too many male bodybuilders who are selfish, self-centered, bed-hopping sluts. I have no drug morality, but to get respect from me, a bodybuilder has to have  high moral character.

So who else is pissed at me? Supposedly the Weiders are not my fans, but I have no idea why. Joe Weider accepted my first Underground Steroid Handbook ad for free. And Bill Dobbins (former Flex Editor-InChief) showed me how to write for the magazines when he started Flex. So my first big break in the business came from the Weiders. Years ago, I thought most of the Weider supplements sucked, but now, many of them are just as good as anything else out there. And the way Joe hands out contract money to pro bodybuilders makes him seem downright charitable in his old age. I certainly wouldn’t be so generous handing out such money.

Who else? Buttmunch had to change his screen name because of all the sick e-mail (“I’m an ass fetishist, NOT a pervert”). He’s pissed. This article is three weeks late, so Sue, my editor, is probably pissed. She’ll get over it. Maybe the Weiders, too. So, is there anything that makes me pissed? Other than last week when I got part of me caught (you know which part) in my zipper fly, life has been pretty good lately. I got some email from someone telling me he’s pissed because I’m not “Mad Dan” anymore. Meaning, he’s pissed because I’m not pissed. And this article will, I’m sure, make someone...


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2019, 10:53:30 PM »
MM2K October 1996 -

Bombs Away -

I thought that was bad, but last week, I experienced something much, much worse. Maybe THE worst. But I’m getting ahead of myself. First, let me tell you about “bad.” Lars, who was obviously not from this country (with a name like that) or he was lying because he wanted people to think he wasn’t, was one of my training partners. Lars was trying to break the 500-lb barrier in the squat. I know, I know, 500 ain’t much. And Lars looked kind of pathetic with his supersuit, superunderpants, lifting belt that looked at least a yard wide, and his two miles of knee wraps. He had those lifting shoes that look like ice skates with the blades removed (which they were, in Lars’ case). It would’ve been cool if Lars were, like, 100 lbs and 4’8”. But he was my height and just over 200. Nonetheless, he always showed up with my other squat partner, and we all squatted about the same weight, so we didn’t have to break the bar down too much after each set.

But lately, Lars was becoming insufferable. His newest technique for reaching the 500 mark was eating 2 pints of Haagen ice cream each day. It was usually some butternut something or other, whichever one of the flavors had over 1,000 calories in a pint. His powerlifting buddies told him he had to eat his way up to 500 lbs and that ice cream was the most calorie dense food. I had suggested that he should just eat lard, but he told me all the greats ate Haagen Dazs. Nobody ate lard. Besides, he thought Haagen Dazs was imported from his country. Lars was pathetic enough already, so we didn’t tell him the Haagen Dazs name was made up by some guy in Brooklyn.

The problem was that Lars was bigtime lactose intolerant, which means his body couldn’t digest all the milk sugar in the ice cream. So it was shipped downstream to the fart factory in the large, nasty colon. And with two pints a day, the fart factory was working overtime churning out both a quality and quantity product. Maybe Lars watched off-road motorcycle racing and found out that the winning bikes all had big air shocks on them. He rationalized that all that gas trapped in his gut behind his lifting belt would spring him out of the hole.

Of course, the flaw in his logic is that human beings do have a pop-off valve called an asshole, which would kick in on Lars right at the bottom of his squat when he was trying to bounce out of the hole. And he went damn deep in the hole. And like clockwork, every rep had this “Braaaaatttt” sound like ripping cloth, very wet, wet cloth, by the way. Braaaattt. “Was that a fart, Lars, or did you just shit yourself?” Braaaatttt. “Why do I know your girlfriend is not into oral sex with you, Lars?”

I should point out that we only heard the “Braaaattt” sound during warm-ups when the supersuit wasn’t on. The suit was one size too small, and we needed a crowbar to get Lars into it. When he was really strapped in tight, he turned from a tuba into a trumpet: his flatulence was at least three octaves higher. Mariah Carey would be envious. Now here is when it gets weird, and I’ve yet to find an explanation for this. Lars was a “supersonic farter.” This means that his farts were faster than sound. Meaning first, we’d smell this awful, rank smell. And a millisecond later, the “Braaattt” (or, with the suit on, “Breeettt”) hit us.

We didn’t call Lars, Lars. We called him Two-Blue. He got this name because one day we set his supersuit on fire while he was still in it. We had this swift idea from my old college dorm days of trying to ignite Lars’ gas with a Zippo lighter. Unlike a Bic lighter, which doesn’t stay on, a Zippo stays on, and it’s nice and heavy, so it stays upright on the floor. So one day, we set the Zippo on the floor under Lars’ ass. During the first two reps, nothing happened, but at rep number three, we achieved liftoff. We expected a nice, big, blue flame. But we didn't expect two of them. At once. It must of been some interaction between the superunderpants and the supersuit diverting the methane into two distinct jet streams.

Too bad Too Blue didn't have 500 on the bar - he really did explode out of the hole. At the top of the rep, he told us: “I must have pulled a muscle because my ass feels like it’s on FIRE.” Of course, it was. So, we had a problem. Lars was on fire. We’re laughing our asses off. No water bottle. But I did have this jug of nasty goopy stuff made up of water, MCT oil, Crystal Light, baking soda, and protein powder. So I unscrewed the top and splashed it on Lars’ burning ass. It was bad.

The terrible thing about bodybuilding is that everybody has a fart story. Soy-protein fart stories. Milk-protein fart stories. Egg, oh yes, especially egg fart stories. Let me tell you why I know that homeopathy is a real science. Homeopathy is supposed to work like this: you take this substance, and you remove all the active molecules from it, and what you have left is a resonance, like a kind of shadow of the original substance which imparts the same effect. So, homeopathic testosterone is water that has a resonance of testosterone. Now, take an egg white. You take your whole egg, crack it open, remove the yolk. Throw the yoke away. Now what you have left is the egg white, which you eat. But your egg white has a homeopathic egg-yolk resonance still in it. Which is why when you rip off an egg-white fart, you smell the eggy-sulfur stench even though you didn’t eat that yolk. Amazing, ain’t it? Sometimes you can’t quite believe it’s yours. This is something to think about the next time you stand beside a 300lb off-season bodybuilder, and he’s bragging that he eats 10,000 calories a day.

Okay, before I tell you about the worst, I gotta tell you the middle one, which was worse than just bad. This happened about ten years ago, during one summer in Venice when a bunch of amateur bodybuilders were all dieting for their various contests. And for some weird reason, most of the supermarkets were selling this fresh white fish called orange roughy, with seemingly no fat in it (more on this later), very cheap, less than two dollars a pound. Chicken and turkey were both double in price.

My friend Gail ate at least two pounds of orange roughy a day, along with rice and lettuce. She kept trying to tell me that there was something weird about her diet, but for some reason, I wasn’t listening closely, but we (notice the plural) were about to find out how weird.

Near the back door at Gold’s in Venice was THE mirror. Every gym has one. The mirror that had the tiniest bit of flattering distortion, and the natural light hit the spot just so, so all the precontest bodybuilders would show off in front of it. And of course, all the gym members would gather around behind the posing bodybuilder, looking in the mirror, too. So one day, Gail was there at the mirror. Gail was a lousy bodybuilder—narrow shoulders, wide hips, never-could-get-cut legs. But she had outstanding abs. Killer abs. The perfect six-pack. You could place a quarter in her abs, and she could hold it there above her navel in that vertical cut. Gail would always throw one ab pose in at the end of a workout, which always ended with ab work, to show off and impress all the newbies in the gym. Right hand behind her head, left hand hiking her T-shirt up to below her tits. Gym shorts rolled below the navel. Left leg out, off to the side. Crunched down hard. The classic ab shot.

If, when she crunched the ab shot, all you heard was the fart sound, I would’ve never remembered it. If it were only that fishy smell when she broke wind, I wouldn’t have remembered it. No, it was worse. A small crowd was gathered around, and she crunched the ab shot. As farts go, it wasn’t terribly loud. And as fart smells go, it wasn’t terribly rank, but usually only my two cats could generate that kind of fishy fart. No, what made this fart memorable was the totally unexpected small stream of undigested orange roughy fish oil dripping down the back of her right leg from under her pant leg. I came to the rescue. Some bystander yelled, “Yo, your steroid shot is leaking.” If only... “Gail, take my sweatshirt.” “I’m not cold,” she said. And I whispered into her ear: “Gail, you just blew a wet fart down the back of your leg. Wipe it up, tie the sweatshirt around your waist, and walk away. I’ll stand behind you.” And we did. As we walked away, she said, “I told you something was weird. At least I wasn’t in bed this time.” Gail stayed away from the mirror for a while. And switched to chicken.

My bodybuilder friend Eric got shot a few weeks ago in the stomach. We’re talking about a bullet, not a syringe. The whole bit: ambulance, hospital, numerous surgeries. For the next few months, he has to wear a colostomy bag. What this is, if you don’t know, is when they make a detour away from your butthole, and all your crap dumps into a plastic bag, which in Eric’s case is hanging right in the center of his stomach. Every so often, he has to empty the bag, kind of like what they do with RV’s at a campsite. Can it get any worst than this? Oh, yes. Because, ever since he got shot, everything he eats gives him...gas. Except peanut brittle, which he is, by now, sick of. How he figured out that peanut brittle is gas neutral, I have no idea. Now remember, the gas can’t get out the usual back door. So it builds up in the bag. Which, remember, is right in front of his stomach. So as the hours go by, Eric looks like he’s getting pregnant. So he has to aspirate the bag. Deflate the bag. Or else. Can it get any worst than this? Again, oh, yes.

The beauty of a regular fart is that it escapes low and out the back. So by the time it reaches a nose, it has dissipated. Not so when 500 cc’s of trapped gas (the typical fart is only 50 cc’s in volume) is stored less than 2 feet from a nose, which is where Eric’s was. Eric’s options were limited. He could have worn a snorkel. But on that fatal day (I’m getting ahead of myself again), Eric remembered the match trick. Yes, you know it well—someone passes an unusually ripe one, someone lights a match, and somehow (I’m not quite sure of the physics involved) between the flame and the sulfur of the match, like magic, the bad smell is gone. This was Eric’s plan when he was sitting in his friend’s white-wall, white carpet, white-sofa living room. Need I go on? For some of you, yes, which is why I told you about Lars, as it was a premonition of the dreadful things to come. Luckily, I was not there when the shit grenade went off. But I have seen TV-newsreel footage of the Hindenburg, the hydrogen blimp that torched itself decades ago. Two-Blue had generated two large flames with only about one-fifth the explosive power of 500 cc’s of trapped methane gas.

Eric lit the match. He aspirated the bag. I’d like to describe the condition of the living room (which if it weren’t so stinky could have been called “splatter art”), but I don’t want to gross you all out. Lucky for me, I was in the adjoining hall at the time, so I didn’t get hit. Eric shouts, “Am I on fire?” “No,” says I, “but you are covered with caca.” It happened a week ago. And his eyebrows and eyelashes are beginning to grow back. So the next time you hear the term “killer fart,” you’ll know there is such a thing. I thought it couldn’t have been worse, but Eric had this to say: “Thank God I wasn’t eating peanut brittle. Otherwise there would’ve been...shrapnel; I could have put my own eye out.”


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2019, 12:39:25 AM »
Jan 1996. This is just a snippet I kept because I thought it was darn funny writing, of a class you don't usually see in muscle magazines. That opening caused a huge fight between the two on MFW, which included a multi page battle over what candy bar was actually eaten. Fred contended that it was actually a Snickers.

"Dr. Squat didn't look good. He didn't look like he was the doctor of anything, much less an actual physical exercise. The "doctor", otherwise known as Fredrick Hatfield, had just been named the editor of Men's Fitness, the new Weider fitness magazine, but his normal bodyweight of 170lbs had puffed up to about 250lbs, and not a very pretty or health 250lbs at that. Apparently he was preparing for his assault on the squat record and trying to break the half ton mark (in amount lifted, not actual bodyweight).

Regardless of admirable goal, the phrase morbidly obese came to mind, especially when Fred wheezed up the short flight of stairs like a steam locomotive that had seen better days.

As he leaned back, and let unopposed gravity guide him into his chair, his great mass accelerated at the speed of a falling object - 32 feet per second, per second. The chair groaned, shook, and ultimately withstood the impact as Dr. Squat collided with it. I marveled at the impressive engineering that must have gone into that chair. It was probably built to withstand  earthquakes or something. Another phrase popped into my head: Heart Attack.

Fred had invited me to discuss business. He wanted me to do a voluminous ergogenic research article (2 weeks of work for $200 bucks), but before we started to talk brass tacks, he had to eat. He pulled out some Three Musketeers - yes, candy bars! Inadvertently, I blurted out "What the fuck?".

Calories are calories responded Dr. Squat.

That was the scene that replayed itself in my mind as I recently received an ad for Fred Hatfield's Bodycraft Software. I didn't expect the software to help me lose 8.8lbs of fat in 35 days, but since I'm a computer software kind of guy, I shelled out the $79.99 anyway. Besides, if I didn't get 50% leaner and 75% stronger, I could always send the darn thing back within 30 days and get my money back. Here's the pitch:
if you have a computer this software will program your weekly meals and workouts according to your wants and desires. Need to get big? Click your mouse here. Need to lose weight? Just click here. I was hoping there would be a "I want to get laid" icon, but I guess 250lb Three Musketeers eaters don't think about stuff like that."  

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2019, 03:21:06 AM »
Loved MM2K with Dan and the other writers.  Really hardcore stuff at the time.

BTW: Fred Hatfield was right about calories.

Mr Anabolic

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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2019, 06:18:51 AM »
Dan wrote some interesting and funny stuff.  I used to keep all those old mags, but threw them all away few years back.  

Reading that stuff reminds me of where I was in my life back in 1996.  The internet was just getting started.  I was training 5-6 days a week, eating 5-6x a day, playing guitar in bands and nailing as many girls as possible.  My libido was basically running my life... very bad.  

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2019, 11:39:04 AM »
Dan wrote some interesting and funny stuff.  I used to keep all those old mags, but threw them all away few years back.  

Reading that stuff reminds me of where I was in my life back in 1996.  The internet was just getting started.  I was training 5-6 days a week, eating 5-6x a day, playing guitar in bands and nailing as many girls as possible.  My libido was basically running my life... very bad.  
That sounds pretty good to me.


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2019, 11:48:27 AM »
Dan wrote some interesting and funny stuff.  I used to keep all those old mags, but threw them all away few years back.  

Reading that stuff reminds me of where I was in my life back in 1996.  The internet was just getting started.  I was training 5-6 days a week, eating 5-6x a day, playing guitar in bands and nailing as many girls as possible.  My libido was basically running my life... very bad.  

Some of the best memories of your life though I bet ;)


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2019, 12:13:18 PM »

Palumbo added this a few days ago. About 1/2 through with this, it's pretty good so far. Thought some might enjoy it.


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2019, 03:06:30 PM »

Palumbo added this a few days ago. About 1/2 through with this, it's pretty good so far. Thought some might enjoy it.

def worth a listen - he was a pioneer.  i have his book body Opus -

he seemed to love Nolvadex for long term cutting use/staying trim. take 10mg a day...

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2019, 04:16:22 AM »
def worth a listen - he was a pioneer.  i have his book body Opus -

he seemed to love Nolvadex for long term cutting use/staying trim. take 10mg a day...
What did you think of Body Opus?  I never read it but was curious if it was any good.


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2019, 10:05:18 AM »
What did you think of Body Opus?  I never read it but was curious if it was any good.
Bodyopus was awesome. CKD. Got into ketosis all week then had a big training session and a carb up on wekeends. Then back to ketosis. Kept body guessing. Cited a bunch of research about carb sensitivity and how the carb up would not lead to fat. But had the drugs too.  Great book. Same with underground Steroid Handbook 2. Early 80s and better steroid info than ANY youtube guru today.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2019, 12:32:30 PM »
Bodyopus was awesome. CKD. Got into ketosis all week then had a big training session and a carb up on wekeends. Then back to ketosis. Kept body guessing. Cited a bunch of research about carb sensitivity and how the carb up would not lead to fat. But had the drugs too.  Great book. Same with underground Steroid Handbook 2. Early 80s and better steroid info than ANY youtube guru today.

Had the Underground Steroid Handbook, great book.  Years later in the 2000's sold it on Ebay for a couple hundred bucks.


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Re: Duchaine's Rants From MM2K -
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2019, 12:44:19 PM »

I used to talk to Dan a lot in the early 90's. Bouncing ideas and also arguing. Dan was a smart guy...very cool. Not an asshole. RIP my friend.

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!