Author Topic: Has life gotten better over the last decades? Do you agree with this article?  (Read 2829 times)

el numero uno

  • Getbig V
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As you guys know, I'm not american, but I feel what this lady wrote can be said for almost any country in the world.

I'm 30, and when I was a kid, my family rented an apartment without it's own bathroom, it was a collective bathroom for 5-6 families. What a mess! It was disgusting, but it was what my parents could pay. We had an old 14" screen TV and of course, no cable, just one channel. My dad had a motorbike once but he had to sell it since he couldn't afford it.

Both of my parents had a college degree by the time I was born, our country was just that poor.

When crisis hit in the late 90's, my parents went months without getting paid, and I found out what starving felt like. Vegetables suddenly tasted so good.

Oh, and the stories my dad has told me... He had it much worse: starving was the norm, 2-3 of his siblings dead because of no vaccination, his dad almost died because he couldn't get antibiotics, walking to school everyday 2 hours in the breezing cold with no shoes.

Life is so, so much better now, for all of us. And I don't mean just my family, I mean everyone (GDP per capita PPP has increased 40% the last 25 years in this country).

I see a lot of people complaining about how the poor are poorer by the day... I just don't see it. Our standards are different, we normalize luxuries. A huge ass smart TV? "Not a big deal, eveyone has one, that doesn't make me rich" ::) houses are beautiful, food is cheap (it's the first time in history where obesity is a bigger problem than famines).

Ok, enough about me, please read this link. :)


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  • Getbig V
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  • What Dire Mishap Has Befallen Thee
Damn bro,you had it rough.

People got soft IMO.


  • Getbig V
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  • YouTube FitnessByMatt
el numero uno - which inferior non-White shit-hole do you reside in?

Most are shit-holes. I try to educate my fellow Caucasians that importing third world people will bring third world civilization to us, but they don't listen.

And yes, here in Canada, we are becoming worse off as we continue to import third world trash.

el numero uno

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 9405
  • Clean your room, bucko.
Damn bro,you had it rough.

People got soft IMO.

Hey Wes, thank you. But to be honest, I never felt like I got a bad deal lol. I mean, poverty was the norm. A lot of people had it worse.

el numero uno

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 9405
  • Clean your room, bucko.
el numero uno - which inferior non-White shit-hole do you reside in?

Most are shit-holes. I try to educate my fellow Caucasians that importing third world people will bring third world civilization to us, but they don't listen.

And yes, here in Canada, we are becoming worse off as we continue to import third world trash.

Do you even social skills bro?


  • Getbig V
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I can only speak about my experience in the United States.  Right now, I think life is simultaneously way better and way worse than is was in the 1950s.  Many reasons why.

In the United States we had a very good run after WWII.  But......we got soft and we have bullshitted ourselves into thinking that bad decisions will never again have harsh consequences.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 12327
Think it varies depending on country.
In the short time I’ve been old enough to take note of such things I’d say here in England things were great from about the late 90s till the recession in the 2000s, I remember when I could get 3 large chickens quartered for £5 from the butchers, nowadays your lucky to get one decent sized chicken for that yet wages haven’t went up much of at all. Early 2000s Could still buy a house for 20-30 grand on the estate I grew up now they 80-90. Could go on the piss all night down the local front street for £20 and the bars were packed now it costs £80 and half the bars are shut.


  • Getbig V
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  • Hold Fast
Think it varies depending on country.
In the short time I’ve been old enough to take note of such things I’d say here in England things were great from about the late 90s till the recession in the 2000s, I remember when I could get 3 large chickens quartered for £5 from the butchers, nowadays your lucky to get one decent sized chicken for that yet wages haven’t went up much of at all. Early 2000s Could still buy a house for 20-30 grand on the estate I grew up now they 80-90. Could go on the piss all night down the local front street for £20 and the bars were packed now it costs £80 and half the bars are shut.

London in the late 90s was still expensive. To me anyway. I shudder to think what it costs now. Was taping and jointing on daywork for 80. We had a bedsit in fucking Harlesden. Was easy enough to burn 100 pounds+ on a big night. My workmates were a bad influence tho. Chelsea supporters out of Dartford. Wild bastards.

Spent a Christmas in Newcastle while I was there. They lived like kings on fuck all compared to the suckers in London.


  • Getbig V
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Do you even social skills bro?

No.  Matt am autism bro



  • Getbig V
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As you guys know, I'm not american, but I feel what this lady wrote can be said for almost any country in the world.

I'm 30, and when I was a kid, my family rented an apartment without it's own bathroom, it was a collective bathroom for 5-6 families. What a mess! It was disgusting, but it was what my parents could pay. We had an old 14" screen TV and of course, no cable, just one channel. My dad had a motorbike once but he had to sell it since he couldn't afford it.

Both of my parents had a college degree by the time I was born, our country was just that poor.

When crisis hit in the late 90's, my parents went months without getting paid, and I found out what starving felt like. Vegetables suddenly tasted so good.

Oh, and the stories my dad has told me... starving was the norm, 2-3 siblings dead because of no vaccination, his dad almost died because he couldn't get antibiotics, walking to school everyday 2 hours in the breezing cold with no shoes.

Life is so, so much better now, for all of us. And I don't mean just my family, I mean everyone (GDP per capita PPP has increased 40% the last 25 years in this country).

I see a lot of people complaining about how the poor are poorer by the day... I just don't see it. Our standards are different, we normalize luxuries. A huge ass smart TV? "Not a big deal, eveyone has one, that doesn't make me rich" ::) houses are beautiful, food is cheap (it's the first time in history where obesity is a bigger problem than famines).

Ok, enough about me, please read this link. :)

Haha maybe in America (not that i think so due to the rise of all leftist liberal snowflakes), but Sweden was MUCH better in the 60, 70s and 80s compared to now.

Only thing advancing/progressing is technology, but that is mainly to keep the citizens in check/controlling them.


  • Getbig V
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el numero uno,

I am glad you do not have to struggle so much anymore for your basic needs.  That's great.

Life is better in the sense of having more stuff.

Once basic needs are met, more stuff doesn't make you any happier.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 19379
Here in Portugal, life is much better than in the 90's mostly due to a big jump in industry/exportation and european funds for development. Better roads, schools, hospitals, infants daycare, elderly care...
In a personnal level, eversince we changed our currency from the Escudo to Euros my finances just went downhill. Everything double it's price overnight, in 2002, gas prices rapidly incremented also.
Today i live in a increasingly corrupt country, where polititians and their families and friends have a larger than life lifestyle, whereas the rest of the people are in survival mode, by western standarts. Laws are made to protect this schemes and the ignorant masses just do not care.
On a positive side, we don't have extreme poverty, people living in the streets, have low crime rates, low violent crime, and a mono-cultural society, as in mostly catholic or catholic raised.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 1577
A poor American lives better than the King of England did in the middle ages....
And dumbass liberals STILL hate their country.
Liberals should be beaten and deported to Haiti...

Thin Lizzy

  • Getbig V
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  • It’s all a fraud
A poor American lives better than the King of England did in the middle ages....
And dumbass liberals STILL hate their country.
Liberals should be beaten and deported to Haiti...

I’ll take it a step further. A poor American today has access to goods and services that weren’t available to the so-called elites just a few years ago. Dindus from the hood are walking around with iPhones and wireless ear buds.

In an effort to minimalize the successes of capitalism, leftists literally have to take everything for granted.

That said, life does seem less fun than when I was growing up. People today are more sensitive and are offended by everything.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 17877
  • Getbig!
America is the only country on earth that has "poor" fat people. Let that sink in.  What has made the quality of life gone down in America has nothing to do with money. It has to do with the rise of radical liberalism. It's a disease on this country. Society has no true moral compass. People don't go to church today like they did in the 40's, 50's and even most of the 60's.  House holds were run by fathers and mother's stayed home with their children.  Now we have an entire generation being raised by institutions called day care.  Now people want government to provide free stuff when more government is never the answer. Nothing is government funded. It's all tax payer funded and almost half of the voters don't pay income taxes so they want universal income, free college, free reparations, free student debt forgiveness, and access to the GI bill when they didn't serve. That's what Yang, Booker, Warren and Sanders promises if you vote them in office so they have access to America's money. Every member of Congress and every President except Trump has increased their wealth beyond comprehension. The Clintons are still sitting on and using that 1.9 billion dollars foundation money gained from Russia, Arabs and Wall Street. President book deals and cable deals sure look like money laundering. Really, 30 million plus to write a book that doesn't sell 30 million copies?  Now with access to the internet every millenial sitting in their mother's basement looking at their college degree publishes on line their thoughts on how America should be run when they can't run their own life.  


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 1395
Another part is technology. While technology has fucked society, especially young people that sit on their cell phones all day, it has really made life easier in so many ways. The other day I was taking a little trip and lost my bearing as to where I was. I just put in directions in my gps and boom, had step by step instructions to go exactly where I needed to go. I can remember the days of having to stop in a gas station for directions and some illiterate, greasy fuck would pull out an outdated, oil stained Thomas Guide and "try" to give you directions, usually directing you to some crime infested ghetto. Makes me feel so safe that my elderly Mom if driving late and anything happens can just call 911 on the spot or even get directions. Or email. There was a time if you needed something documented in writing, you would have to either fax or send registered mail, and the person could always just say they didn't get it. I talked with a lawyer one time with a legal issue I had with someone and I said "Well we only conversed through email". The lawyer told me if it's in writing, its in writing. No need to pay for Faxes or registering shit. There's an app where if traveling in a different country, you can just say what you want to say in your language, and it will instantly translate and talk to whoever you are trying to talk to in a different language. God the frustration many have had in different countries without the language.  Technology has fucked a lot of things, but it really has made life better in many ways.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 12327
London in the late 90s was still expensive. To me anyway. I shudder to think what it costs now. Was taping and jointing on daywork for 80. We had a bedsit in fucking Harlesden. Was easy enough to burn 100 pounds+ on a big night. My workmates were a bad influence tho. Chelsea supporters out of Dartford. Wild bastards.

Spent a Christmas in Newcastle while I was there. They lived like kings on fuck all compared to the suckers in London.

I’m just few miles north of Newcastle mate your correct on the cost of living difference is massive I’ve never been to London and never intend to, I only was making £20 a shift in 99 labouring for me dad haha but it was more than enough to live up here pints weren’t much over a quid in the local top club fuck I miss those days we haven’t even got a top Club anymore


  • Getbig V
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Depends on which country you live in.

Where I live, things have been in a slow downward spiral since the mid 90's, the currency losing value every year, everything becoming more expensive, more taxes and increased taxes, increased crime, increased unemployment, more bureaucracy, more corruption, more government looting of billions of dollars.

More complicated laws, more red tape, less freedom, and more proposed communist government policies from ignorant economically illiterate idiots which could bankrupt the country and cause the economy to collapse.

Every year gets worse and worse.

To call communists animals, would be an insult to animals, sub-human would be more appropriate.

Humble Narcissist

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 29725
America is the only country on earth that has "poor" fat people. Let that sink in.  What has made the quality of life gone down in America has nothing to do with money. It has to do with the rise of radical liberalism. It's a disease on this country. Society has no true moral compass. People don't go to church today like they did in the 40's, 50's and even most of the 60's.  House holds were run by fathers and mother's stayed home with their children.  Now we have an entire generation being raised by institutions called day care.  Now people want government to provide free stuff when more government is never the answer. Nothing is government funded. It's all tax payer funded and almost half of the voters don't pay income taxes so they want universal income, free college, free reparations, free student debt forgiveness, and access to the GI bill when they didn't serve. That's what Yang, Booker, Warren and Sanders promises if you vote them in office so they have access to America's money. Every member of Congress and every President except Trump has increased their wealth beyond comprehension. The Clintons are still sitting on and using that 1.9 billion dollars foundation money gained from Russia, Arabs and Wall Street. President book deals and cable deals sure look like money laundering. Really, 30 million plus to write a book that doesn't sell 30 million copies?  Now we access to the internet every millenial sitting in their mother's basement looking at their college degree publishes on line their thoughts on how America should be run when they can't run their own life.  
Great post.


  • Getbig V
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  • Hold Fast
I’m just few miles north of Newcastle mate your correct on the cost of living difference is massive I’ve never been to London and never intend to, I only was making £20 a shift in 99 labouring for me dad haha but it was more than enough to live up here pints weren’t much over a quid in the local top club fuck I miss those days we haven’t even got a top Club anymore

We walked to their local for a night and every girl with us (except mine) had on the shortest skirt you could legally wear. In December! I remember thinking: This is as it should be.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16844
America is the only country on earth that has "poor" fat people. Let that sink in /quote]


Have you ever been in Mexico


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 6698
el numero uno - which inferior non-White shit-hole do you reside in?

Most are shit-holes. I try to educate my fellow Caucasians that importing third world people will bring third world civilization to us, but they don't listen.

And yes, here in Canada, we are becoming worse off as we continue to import third world trash.
white canadians arent real whites


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 45
  • Getbig!
The liberal insanity is overtaking the western world, even US, despite relatively conservative president.  Liberalism is just a re-branded communism, which is still on the March.  Despite technological advances, the moral fabric of western civilization is deteriorating