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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3900 on: March 06, 2024, 08:08:09 PM »
“He’s far beyond cogent.  In fact, I think he’s better than he’s ever been, uh, intellectually, analytically. … This version of Biden - intellectually, analytically - is the best Biden ever.” 

 :) :D ;D

He could barely speak without saying something lethally stupid 15 years ago.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3901 on: March 06, 2024, 08:38:37 PM »
Joe is America's own Bagdad Bob.  ;D

Love that guy.  lol  ;D

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3902 on: March 07, 2024, 05:21:34 AM »
Is A New Biden Scandal About To Erupt?
Issues & Insights ^ | 7 Mar, 2024 | I & I Editorial Board
Posted on 3/7/2024, 8:11:39 AM by MtnClimber

The Joe Biden presidency has had its share of missteps, maybe more than any other administration before it. But the latest scandalous behavior is not an error in the eyes of this White House. In pursuit of cultural and political engineering that only the Democrats would ever consider, the administration has flown 320,000 illegal immigrants into the country directly from foreign airports.

According to the ​​Center for Immigration Studies, “U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has approved secretive flights that last year alone ferried hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens from foreign airports into some 43 American ones over the past year, all pre-approved on a cell phone app.”

This was not disclosed at a news conference or at the daily White House press briefing but learned through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that pried the information from an administration that clearly wanted to hide it.

It’s anyone’s guess as to where these aliens have landed. The CBP has withheld the names of the airports that “received 320,000 inadmissible aliens from January through December 2023.” It is also refusing to reveal which foreign airports the immigrants departed from.

Worse, the “passengers” are apparently unvetted, which suggests “it is highly probable the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11,” says Elon Musk.

The aliens who use the cell phone app, called CBP One, and enter the country illegally – yet with the eager assistance of the federal government – are, in essence, paroled for two years. During that time, they are provided with a “legal status during which adults are eligible for work authorization,” says the Center.

Is this even legal? And does it somehow improve the common good of the American people? Or do the benefits accrue only to the political party that holds the White House and has been for years doing whatever it takes to consolidate absolute, unchallengeable and permanent political power?

This White House has shown that it’s comfortable with violating the law to buy votes for the Democratic Party. The Supreme Court told Biden that he could not forgive student loan debt as if he were a king. Yet he did it anyway, then bragged about it. It was not an act of mercy but a cynical effort to shore up a voting bloc for his party.

Biden’s immigration flights are carved from the same tainted fruit – and they have added value in that the Democrats are in the business of wrecking Western culture and know that unchecked immigration will achieve that task for them.

The secret alien flights are scandalous and should be treated by the media as an offense that is as appalling as Watergate, if not worse. An independent press would be digging deep, but most of the “journalists” in this country today are in truth Democratic operatives. Hunter Biden could shoot a guest at the White House Independence Day celebration and the party wouldn’t lose a single supporter among today’s media.

Congress should act, as well. Unless there is a defensible reason for the program – and the administration’s explanation is weak – the White House should be held to account, which would include hearings to expose to voters just how corrupt this president and his party are.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3903 on: March 07, 2024, 09:58:48 AM »
Wow!!! Good for that woman who got in Bidens' face and told him to rot in hell!   F yeas!

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3904 on: March 07, 2024, 10:39:48 AM »
Nolte: Joe Biden Disapproval Hits Near-Record High Before State of the Union Address
Breitbart ^ | 03/07/2024 | JOHN NOLTE
Posted on 3/7/2024, 12:22:47 PM

Joe Biden, the first sitting president suggested to be incompetent to stand trial, will give his State of the Union address Thursday night with a near-record high disappoval rating.

According to the RealClearPolitics average poll of polls, His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s job disapproval rating sits at a devastating 57.3 percent—a 2.4-point jump since February 20 and a nearly six-point increase from a year ago.

Hunter’s Dad’s job approval rating currently sits at an anemic 39.1 percent, so he is 18.2 points underwater.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3905 on: March 07, 2024, 10:46:42 AM »


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3906 on: March 07, 2024, 12:50:49 PM »
Nolte: Joe Biden Disapproval Hits Near-Record High Before State of the Union Address
Breitbart ^ | 03/07/2024 | JOHN NOLTE
Posted on 3/7/2024, 12:22:47 PM

Joe Biden, the first sitting president suggested to be incompetent to stand trial, will give his State of the Union address Thursday night with a near-record high disappoval rating.

According to the RealClearPolitics average poll of polls, His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s job disapproval rating sits at a devastating 57.3 percent—a 2.4-point jump since February 20 and a nearly six-point increase from a year ago.

Hunter’s Dad’s job approval rating currently sits at an anemic 39.1 percent, so he is 18.2 points underwater.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Security is checking everyone for tomatoes and other rotten fruit that may be thrown his way.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3907 on: March 08, 2024, 05:30:30 AM »
Smokin’ Joe’s Grate Of The Union: Was That Fire – Or Gaslight?
Issues & Insights ^ | 8 Mar, 2024 | Bob Maistros
Posted on 3/8/2024, 8:04:39 AM

One thing’s for sure: Smokin’ Joe Biden came out punching Thursday night in his campaign rally – oops, State of the Union address.

That is, when Biden finally got to the House chamber after dissing assembled members of Congress and a national audience by leaving the White House right when he was to enter the Capitol. Then rudely breached protocol by tromping all over the speaker’s time-honored, bipartisanship-building privilege of introducing the chief executive.

But those acts of contempt were nothing compared to 68 minutes of diatribe, disputation, deception, and most important, divisiveness then unleashed by America’s counterfeit commander-in-chief.

Let’s cut to the chase on the Delawarean octogenarian’s first assignment from yesterday’s preview: deal with the age issue.

And give credit where credit is due: Biden’s closing remarks masterfully flipped this vulnerability, insisting that the issue “isn’t how old we are, it’s how old our ideas are.” Then contrasting “the oldest of ideas” – the “hate, anger, revenge (and) retribution” attributed to his presidential opponent – with his own “vision for the future of what America can and should be.”


Yet: the White House clearly believed that an even better way to jettison that baggage was to burst out of his corner before the bell had even sounded – and let loose a shouted, shock-and-awe, bitter and blatantly political fusillade of blows against his opposition.

But the effect of the sudden assault of verbiage and volume inappropriate to the occasion was instead decidedly disturbing, deeply disconcerting – and downright grating on ears and soul.

Yes, Biden lit a fire. But only to ignite an hour-plus of “gaslighting” that should have insulted the intelligence of everyone watching in the hallowed halls and nationwide.

Thereby earning flunking grades on the incumbent’s second and third tests: 1. take responsibility for the real economic woes besetting voters and 2. “soften the rhetoric,” including “suggest(ing) common ground for cooperation.”

Just how did Biden, per one definition of the theatrically inspired term, engage in “an insidious form of manipulation” in which victims “are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true?”

Let us count just some of the ways (given limited space):

1. Opening with a jeremiad on the raging dispute over devoting hundreds of billions of dollars to the defense of Ukraine’s border while opening our own – as an entrée into outrageously comparing his political opponents’ alleged “assault on democracy” to Vladimir Putin’s cruel, unlawful aggression.

2. Mis-portraying Donald Trump’s claimed NATO-funding negotiating bluster to European leaders – to let Russia’s leader “do whatever the hell he wants” – as a genuine invitation to the Kremlin. (Versus the actual issuance of just such an invitation.)

3. Slandering January 6 protesters as “insurrectionists” posing “the gravest threat to our democracy since the Civil War,” while maintaining that “(his) predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth of January 6th.” You mean like false claims that multiple police officers died that day and the administration’s refusal to come clean on the presence and possible instigating roles of informants?

4. Jumping directly into the cultural minefields of abortion and IVF – using stony-faced Supreme Court justices as political props (in true Obama fashion) and divisively playing the “sex card” by plugging girl power.

5. Gratuitously attacking Trump, who famously overreacted to COVID, for an alleged “failure to care” while ridiculously describing his multiple unconstitutional mandates as “turning setback into comeback.”

6. Comically characterizing the roaring-back economy he inherited as “on-the-brink,” claiming credit for inflation falling from 9% to 3% when it was 1.4% for Trump’s last full year, and bragging about 15 million new jobs that largely replaced positions lost during the pandemic.

7. Saying he “cut the federal deficit by over one trillion dollars” following a fiscal year in which it doubled – then insisting that future reductions would come from waging familiar class warfare against corporations and billionaires while walling off entitlements and proposing a raft of unaffordable programs such as universal preschool.

8. Trying to convince a quietly desperate public struggling to make ends meet that the solution was intrusive, unworkable efforts to counter “shrinkflation” and “junk fees,” as well as price controls that never control inflation but instead sap innovation.

9. Touting his toughness against a Chinese adversary that paid his son and brother millions for apparent influence-peddling, and whom he allowed to float a spy balloon coast-to-coast and insult American diplomats face-to-face. While averring it had “never occurred to (his) predecessor” to stand up to a Middle Kingdom against which he slapped tariffs and pursued controls on sensitive technology transfers.

10. Spewing forth extraordinary racial demagoguery about alleged “voter suppression” and “election subversion” when more than 8 in 10 Americans support voter ID and mail-in ballots have obliterated electoral integrity.

11. Devoting just 139 words to Hamas’s subhuman atrocities and cowardice, then 322 to:

- Israel’s “responsibility” to reduce casualties among civilians used as human shields.

- Insistence on a ceasefire and increased humanitarian aid that will refresh and rearm its enemies.

- And imbecilic assertions that a two-state solution will ensure the Jewish nation’s security when the opposite is the case, and deliver peace with Arab nations when the historic, Trump-midwifed Abraham Accords were accomplished by side-stepping the Palestinians altogether. 12. And in a world-record act of chutzpah, blaming border chaos on GOP rejection of a bill that would wave even more migrants through – and implying that refusal caused the brutal murder of a Georgia college student by an illegal repeat offender his policies allowed into the U.S.

But hey! the legacy media will slobber all over his scrappiness. And gaslighting? Like negative campaigning, it often actually works – for a time.

The challenge is that reality ultimately intrudes: Smokin’ Joe is still too old, woke, tied to failed economic, energy, and foreign policies; and out-of-touch with the real-life concerns even of his own constituencies.

Whether even that makes a difference in November in the face of continued lawfare and election-rigging efforts remains to be seen.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3908 on: March 08, 2024, 05:35:25 AM »
Joe Biden 'is a mad, mentally disabled individual set on dragging humanity to hell' and 'persistently trying to start WW3', says Russia's Medvedev
Daily Mail ^ | 3/08/24 | David Averre, Reuters
Posted on 3/8/2024, 7:54:38 AM by Libloather

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev today described Joe Biden as 'mad and mentally disabled' in a venomous tirade directed at the US President following his State of the Union address yesterday.

Biden opened his address with a reference to a 1941 speech to Congress by 32nd US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who declared the union faced an unprecedented turning point in history.

Biden also accused Republican rival Donald Trump of kowtowing to Russia and, just over two weeks after calling Vladimir Putin a 'crazy SOB', said he had a message for the Russian President on Ukraine: 'We will not walk away.'

His remarks enraged the increasingly combative Medvedev, who accused Biden of trying to start World War Three and chastised him for comparing himself to Roosevelt.

'Even though Roosevelt was an infirm man in a wheelchair, he raised America from the Depression; Biden, on the other hand, is a mad, mentally disabled individual who set his mind on dragging humanity to hell,' the Putin ally, who is now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, wrote on X.

'Roosevelt together with allies including the USSR, was fighting for peace; yet, Biden is actively and persistently trying to start WWIII.

'Roosevelt was fighting against fascists, but Biden is fighting for them. He is the United States' disgrace!' Medvedev concluded.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3909 on: March 08, 2024, 05:50:38 AM »
‘Divisive:’ Biden substitutes fiery campaign speech attacking Trump, justices for State of the Union
Just The News ^ | March 8, 2024 12:19am | By Nicholas Ballasy
Posted on 3/8/2024, 8:48:49 AM by Red Badger

Biden attacked his "predecessor" on abortion, immigration, Russia, gun control and COVID during his State of the Union address and even criticized the Supreme Court justices who were sitting in the chamber


President Biden substituted a fiery campaign speech attacking his 2024 opponent Donald Trump for the State of the Union address on Thursday evening, drawing derision and eye-rolls from Republicans in Congress.

Biden attacked Trump without mentioning his name — referring to him as his "predecessor" — on abortion, immigration, Russia, gun control and COVID-19 during his third State of the Union and also criticized the Supreme Court justices who were sitting in the chamber.

The president's repeated criticism of Trump throughout his Capitol Hill address drew eye rolling and head shaking from House Speaker Mike Johnson, who was seated behind Biden and next to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Biden looked in the direction of the Supreme Court justices and criticized their ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, which effectively ended the constitutional right to abortion.

"Women are not without electoral power, excuse me, electoral or political power, you're about to realize just how much you brought about," he said.

The critique was reminiscent of former President Obama attacking the justices during his 2010 State of the Union speech for their Citizens United ruling, which upheld that corporate funding of independent political broadcasts in elections cannot be limited under the First Amendment.

Biden argued that Trump is "the reason" Roe v. Wade was overturned.

"And he brags about it," he said.

Biden also attacked Trump over his response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"My predecessor failed the most basic presidential duty that he owes to the American people, the duty to care. I think that's unforgivable," he said.

Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minn., the House majority whip, described the speech as "one of the most divisive State of the Union addresses in history."

Former GOP presidential candidate and Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said the speech sounded like an angry tirade.

"What a bizarre ranting and angry tirade from POTUS at SOTU! Is this his idea of unifying America?" he said on social media. "His peeps gave him the wrong meds and he is screaming like an old man 'Get off my lawn!'"

Rep. Larry Bucshon, R-Ind., said Biden's address was the 14th State of the Union he has attended.

"I have never seen a more partisan campaign speech disguised as a SOTU. It was a speech full of falsehoods, half truths, liberal policy wish lists and revisions of history," he said.

CNN's John King said Biden's address was the 36th State of the Union he's watched.

"Never heard one so political. Never heard one that is such a campaign speech," he said.

Former Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., said Biden delivered a "divisive angry campaign speech."

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, described the speech as a "campaign rally."

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.V., said the State of the Union is a "great opportunity for a president to deliver a forward thinking and unifying message about the spirit and promise of America."

"Tonight, President Biden delivered a divisive and partisan campaign speech," Capito said. "The American people can see through this and are looking for leaders who are ready to solve problems."

Rep. Max Miller, R-Ohio, said in a post on X he decided to leave the speech early.

"President Biden mentioned President Trump more times than he talked about inflation, the border, or energy prices. This speech wasn’t about the issues Americans are facing. It was a nakedly political campaign speech by a failing president & that’s why I left," he wrote on his X account. Democratic lawmakers praised Biden's speech.

"President Biden laid out a bold vision to the American people that shows Democrats are working for a safe, stable, strong America – one that prioritizes the needs of working families and leaves no one behind," said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3910 on: March 08, 2024, 06:24:19 AM »
It wasn’t a state of the union address. It was a stump speech. It’s what he’s been doing his entire life. Running for reelection.


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3911 on: March 08, 2024, 09:03:35 AM »
It wasn’t a state of the union address. It was a stump speech. It’s what he’s been doing his entire life. Running for reelection.

This. It was a campaign speech and he took advantage of the fact it was the SOTU because he knew it would probably be his only speech that more than 50 people would watch; highly partisan, divisive, belligerent, with chants and cheap back and forth with the crowd.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3912 on: March 08, 2024, 10:05:09 AM »
This. It was a campaign speech and he took advantage of the fact it was the SOTU because he knew it would probably be his only speech that more than 50 people would watch; highly partisan, divisive, belligerent, with chants and cheap back and forth with the crowd.

It was a speech for white liberal suburban women  - thats it. 

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3913 on: March 08, 2024, 10:53:51 AM »
The contempt Biden has for black people is appalling
Flopping Aces ^ | 03-07-24 | DrJohn
Posted on 3/8/2024, 1:19:10 PM by Starman417

You can't help but notice that Joe Biden has suddenly discovered black people. With the election looming Biden had dinner with a black family and has used them as a foil for his reelection bid.

They are merely tools for Biden and it's been noticed:

DEVELOPING: Joe Biden invited this young Black man to the White House to spend some time with him and Jill Biden so they can show him how Democrats pander to his race every four years.

Kamala Harris recently invited HBCU students to the White House for a party playing Sexyy…—
Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) March 5, 2024

Biden in a Blcak Church

“This right here is why Democrats, like Joe Biden, won’t do anything for Blacks. They know that all they have to do is show up to a black church, eat some fried chicken with Black people, and pull a bottle of hot sauce out of a purse like Hillary…—
Winnie Schola (@WinnieSchola) March 5, 2024

Isaiah Carter:

You know, spooky language about an orange boogeyman used to affect me not too long ago. So much so, I did everything in my power to support Joe Biden. I wanted things to be normal after COVID, so I donated more money to his campaign than I did ANYONE else in my adult life. I even featured in Biden's "America the Beautiful" video, and fully believed we would go back to "normal." And what did we as a nation get from this man? Women got Title VII and Title IX gutted on DAY ONE, so men in dresses (I believe you call them "trans women") could invade women's sports and private spaces. The Biden administration left BILLIONS of dollars in weapons and ammunition behind in Afghanistan in that abominable withdrawal, leaving the country to fall to the Taliban within DAYS. When gas was $5 a gallon a couple years ago, this administration told people to buy expensive, ugly, impractical electric vehicles that are objectively WORSE for the environment than internal combustion cars. This administration lied FAR more about COVID than Trump ever did, and sold the country out to the pharmaceutical corporations so gene "therapy" experiments masquerading as a vaccine could be foisted on the American people. And lest I forget, big cities all over the country are being turned into open-air crime dens while public transportation systems are "transformed" into rolling homeless shelters, where train crews could lose their lives in the course of their duties. Even if I were to take YOUR approach and vote for our interests as a race (because we are a homogeneous political blob, apparently), this invasion of criminal aliens is being facilitated BY the Biden administration. Illegals are being shunted into homeless shelters in Black enclaves in NYC on a DAILY basis now. It's happening in MY neighborhood in Brooklyn. So this notion that Black people need to "get in formation" to keep voting for the same pigs that keep hurting us? That have only gotten LESS subtle about their contempt and racism towards Blacks while putting this dementia patient as the one who will save us from Donald "Mr. Jones" Trump? Sorry babe, I'm not falling for it again. And a LOT of other Black people aren't "Ridin' with Biden" either; they just aren't saying anything because they don't want to get screamed at by people like you and others with the same empty, spooky tropes about "white supremacy" and all that. Stay blessed, Randi. And please tell our mutual friend (if you're who I think you might be) I said hello, would you?
Then he sent Merrick Garland to a black church to further justify his war on the sanctity of the vote.
The truth is both of them are bigots. The other day Biden said

 "Well, I think what's at stake for everyone, and particularly the black voters is that our very democracy is at stake. When I ran in 2020, and the black community was really significant in my winning in the first place, when I ran and 2020 I said, democracy is at stake. And the press said, 'Whoa, wait a minute. That's an exaggeration.' Except the vast majority of people understood what I meant. For example, making it harder to vote. What do you need to vote? An ID card, to be able to go vote.”
Black people, just like everyone else, need a photo ID for a lot of things. I asked Copilot what requires a photo ID:
Photo identification, commonly known as photo ID, is an essential document used to confirm the correct identity of the person it portrays. When examining a photo ID, the goal is to verify that the photograph on the ID corresponds to the individual holding it. Here are some common scenarios where photo IDs are required:

Travel and Passports: When applying for a U.S. passport, you need to provide a photo ID. This applies to individuals over the age of 18 and parents or guardians applying with their children1.
Age Verification: Many places require photo ID as proof of age. For example:
Bars and Clubs: To verify that patrons are of legal drinking age.
Buying Alcohol or Tobacco: When purchasing alcoholic beverages or tobacco products.
Entering Age-Restricted Venues: Such as casinos or adult entertainment establishments.
Financial Transactions:
Opening Bank Accounts: Banks often require photo ID to open an account.
Cash Transactions: Some businesses may ask for photo ID when dealing with large cash amounts.
Employment and Security:
Employee Identification: Companies issue photo IDs to employees for access control, security, and identification within the workplace.
Access Control: Photo IDs are used for entry into secure areas, buildings, or events.
Background Checks: Employers may request photo ID during the hiring process.
Government Services:
Voting: In some countries, photo ID is required to vote.
Social Services: Applying for government benefits or services often requires photo identification.
Education and Institutions:
Student IDs: Educational institutions issue photo IDs to students for library access, exams, and other campus services.
Library Cards: Public libraries may require photo ID for borrowing books.
Healthcare and Medical Services:
Hospital Visits: Photo ID helps verify patient identity during medical appointments.
Prescription Pick-Up: Pharmacies may ask for photo ID when dispensing medications.
But Biden would have you believe that black people are not bright enough to obtain a valid photo ID to vote. That didn't sit well with many black people:

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3914 on: March 08, 2024, 11:12:18 AM »
Dems have been using black folks as tools for as long as you can remember.
remember Joe didnt want his white-trash kids to go to school with them??


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3915 on: March 08, 2024, 11:25:24 AM »
It was a speech for white liberal suburban women  - thats it.

Their vote has ruined the country. They would believe anything emotionally charged.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3916 on: March 08, 2024, 01:30:39 PM »

Their vote has ruined the country. They would believe anything emotionally charged.

I posted something on my FB page just like - not watching this bs training in early am instead.   All the liberal white karens came out of the wood work to get pissed off at me . 

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3917 on: March 09, 2024, 02:52:42 AM »
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Was Biden on Drugs for the State of the Union? White House Official Retweeted Reporter’s Comment, “I Guess There’s No Adderall Shortage at the White House”
Gateway Pundit ^ | 3/8/24 | Kristinn Taylor
Posted on 3/8/2024, 11:29:08 PM by hardspunned

Joe Biden’s fiery delivery of the State of the Union address Thursday night gave rise to speculation the 81-year-old had been given stimulant drugs such as Adderall to prop him up for the night. That speculation was enhanced by a retweet on X Twitter by a senior White House official.

White House Deputy Communications Director Herbie Ziskend retweeted a comment posted during Biden’s speech by New York magazine reporter Olivia Nuzzi, “I guess there’s no adderall shortage at the White House.”

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TOPICS: Front Page News; Politics/Elections

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3918 on: March 11, 2024, 07:07:37 AM »
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Biden Tells Netanyahu They Need to Have a ‘Come to Jesus’ Meeting-Old Joe’s vaunted Catholic piety seems to come out only when he talks about people he hates
Frontpagemagazine ^ | March 11, 2024 | Robert Spencer
Posted on 3/11/2024, 7:32:08 AM by SJackson

After Old Joe Biden’s ranting, rabidly partisan declaration of war against half the country, also known as his State of the Union address, the figurehead Commander-In-Chief huddled with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, and another sycophant, and boasted about the pressure he was putting on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “I told him, Bibi, and don’t repeat this, but you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting.” Calculated disrespect? Galloping dementia? We’ll likely never know, for, as usual, the leftist press corps is too busy propping up Old Joe to look into anything that might cast him in a negative light.

When Biden realized that what he was saying was going out to a watching world, he doubled down: “I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That was good.” Nor was this the first time that Old Joe appeared to be casting his contentious relationship with Netanyahu in religious terms. Last September, when Old Joe Biden finally invited the Israeli prime minister to the White House, after refusing to do so for nearly nine months while his regime did everything it could to undermine him, the two sat down for their first chat of Biden’s alleged presidency. As the leader of the world’s lone Jewish state began speaking, Old Joe bizarrely took the opportunity to make the sign of the cross.

What was Biden trying to do? Why did Biden choose a meeting with Netanyahu to make a sign of his much-ballyhooed, yet utterly empty and cynically displayed Catholic piety? Was it a calculated insult to a Jewish man with whom Biden has been publicly at odds? Was it a deliberate demonstration of contempt for a man Old Joe clearly hates and a nation he has tried in numerous ways to weaken, both before and after the Oct. 7 jihad attacks? Or was it simply yet another sign of the the senescent kleptocrat’s dementia? Or all of the above?

To put into perspective how odd this is, imagine if Trump had told Netanyahu that they had to have a “come to Jesus meeting,” or made the sign of the cross while sitting right next to him. There would have been a new round of “Trump is an antisemite” articles in the establishment media. The far-left propagandists and hatemongers at the ADL would have issued another in their long series of furious denunciations of the Bad Orange Man. The gesture would have been portrayed as a recrudescence of the bad old days of blood libels and false accusations against the Jews that culminated in the Holocaust. When Biden does these things, on the other hand, no one pays any attention.

Note also that Biden didn’t make the sign of the cross when he met with his friend Mahmoud Abbas, or tell him that they had to have a “come to Jesus meeting.” What’s more, Biden has made the sign of the cross more than once in the context of denouncing his enemies. On Labor Day 2023, according to the Daily Mail, the cynical old liar was speaking in Philadelphia: “As he gave shout-outs to some of the other Democratic politicians in the crowd, an attendee yelled up at him that Biden, 80, would live until 90, prompting the president to do the sign of the cross over his chest.” Biden then proceeded to denounce Trump while touting his own supposed achievements as president.

Nor was that the first time. Back in Sept. 2021, Biden made the sign of the cross at an event for his socialist comrade Gavin Newsom, who was facing a recall election in the California Socialist Republic. Old Joe likened Newsom’s opponent, Larry Elder, to Trump, and then said, “All of you know that last year I got to run against the real Donald Trump.” According to Newsweek, the aged corruptocrat “then made the sign of the cross, a common gesture among Roman Catholics that is sometimes used as a way to ward off evil.”

In a similar vein in March 2023, the Huffington Post claimed that Biden “drew laughs” by bringing up Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga): “Speaking at an event in Virginia Beach, the president asked the audience if they remembered her howls during his State of the Union speech, when she repeatedly interrupted with shouts of ‘liar!’ Biden resisted the temptation to strike back with a barb of his own and made the sign of the cross instead.”

So is Old Joe in the habit of making the sign of the cross when thinking about those whom he hates and wishes to destroy? Is that what is on his mind when he thinks of Netanyahu? It’s noteworthy in this connection that during his State of the Union address, Biden claimed that “more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed.” The source for this wildly inflated number is Hamas. If Old Joe is willing to take the claims of his fellow serial liars in Hamas at face value, is it any wonder that he would let slip a clear indication that the first thing he thinks of when he thinks of Netanyahu is “Jew,” and not in a positive manner? Old Joe is as hateful as he is mendacious, and his misrule as president and systematic destruction of the republic will earn him the lasting opprobrium of history.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3919 on: March 12, 2024, 09:58:58 AM »


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3920 on: March 12, 2024, 02:32:38 PM »

Lying C unts!


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3921 on: March 12, 2024, 02:35:51 PM »

What does the date of Biden's son's passing (June 04, 2015), have to do with his having a few classified documents? Hur's question was out-of-line and dumb. Ask a dumb and irrelevant question, get a dumb answer.


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3922 on: March 12, 2024, 02:39:55 PM »

The BOSS is speaking!

Dos Equis

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3923 on: March 12, 2024, 04:02:42 PM »
What does the date of Biden's son's passing (June 04, 2015), have to do with his having a few classified documents? Hur's question was out-of-line and dumb. Ask a dumb and irrelevant question, get a dumb answer.

The report says Biden could not remember the year his son died.  Biden then made a public comment along the lines of "how dare he ask me about my son."  The transcript confirms that Biden lied about this, because Biden is the one who brought up his son's death.  So no, Hur did not ask a dumb, irrelevant question.


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #3924 on: March 12, 2024, 04:40:56 PM »
What does the date of Biden's son's passing (June 04, 2015), have to do with his having a few classified documents? Hur's question was out-of-line and dumb. Ask a dumb and irrelevant question, get a dumb answer.

The date has nothing to do with Biden's mishandling of classified documents. 

You stated "a few classified documents," but what does "a few" mean?  He stored them in six locations: Penn Center, his garage, his basement den, his third floor den, his main floor office,  the University of Delaware, and the Biden Institute.

Hur didn’t ask the president about his son’s death; Biden brought it up himself during a discussion about how he stored documents at a rental home in Virginia after leaving the vice president’s office in 2017.

And Biden recalled the specific date that Beau died, although he briefly wondered aloud about the year as the conversation toggled between various events.

“What month did Beau die?” Biden mused. “Oh, God, May 30th.”

A White House lawyer interjected by saying, “2015.”

“Was it 2015 he had died?” Biden asked. When someone responded affirmatively, the president added, “It was 2015.”