Author Topic: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.  (Read 215639 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #551 on: August 27, 2021, 05:24:32 AM »
Our Fate is in a President's Bloodied Hands ^ | August 27, 2021 | Mark Davis
Posted on 8/27/2021, 7:27:21 AM by Kaslin

We are so screwed.

On inauguration day, I knew a rough ride lay ahead, a path filled with the worst ideas of the left. After a half-year of Joe Biden, the Obama presidency seemed more innocuous, and the Clinton years look positively Churchillian.

Insane spending, disastrous climate extremism, heavy contributions to our cultural rot—I expected those. And I expected horrid foreign policy guidance from a team of egghead academics wholly unappreciative of the toughness needed to position America in a dangerous world.

But this Afghan disaster is something I rarely experience: a surprise.

The exit decision was not a surprise. Donald Trump had blazed the trail for an Afghan withdrawal, and a continuation was to be expected from a president from the party that has never been wholly serious about meeting the threat of global jihadist terror. But I’m not aware of anyone who said, “Tell you what I think he’s going to do; he’s going to post an arbitrary deadline, pull out the troops, and leave the country to collapse with Americans still stranded.”

But that’s what happened. And as the sun rose across America Wednesday, the urgency to get people to the Kabul airport was suddenly interrupted by the urgency to keep them away. In what may prove to be the only moment of clarity achieved by the administration since our bugout, intelligence reports revealed imminent danger from a terrorist attack. And hours later, it happened.

Thirteen American servicemembers dead, along with more than sixty Afghans in a planned sequence of bombings designed to inflict as much punishment as possible onto desperate people seeking to flee Afghanistan, and onto the forces who were there to help them.

By what twisted logic did Joe Biden agree to a plan that involved a military exit before Americans and countless supportive Afghans were safely out? Who told him this would be a good idea? Did anyone think this through? Operational planning can be complex, and often opaque to civilian analysis; but this plan screamed of danger to the most casual of observers, and to Americans across a broad political spectrum.

As the days ticked toward an entirely unachievable August 31 deadline, Democrats could be found expressing skepticism if not outright criticism. A sense of dread descended over the whole sorry circumstance, and now we will see flag-draped caskets escorted down a cargo plane ramp at Dover Air Force Base in Joe Biden’s Delaware.

This is fitting, because this is Joe Biden’s fault.

Sadly, from insignificant initiatives up to the most sweeping agenda items, one can wonder how much influence Biden actually wields. His cognitive decline is famously recognizable, leading to speculation as to who really makes day-to-day judgment calls, large and small.

No matter the answer, even a depleted president bears responsibility for what happens under his watch. This is Biden’s massacre. If he had kept even a token residual force at a functional Bagram Airfield 40 miles north of Kabul, this would not have happened.

No one could have guaranteed a smooth, casualty-free operation, but the stunning stupidity of Biden’s exit strategy was a gift to every terrorist faction in that pitiable country. So who was it? ISIS-K, the newly minted regional subset of the Islamic State? Or was it a rogue Taliban ring eager to discredit an already bumbling America?

The perps must have shivered to their sandals as a marginally alert Biden spoke to the nation hours after the attack. “We will hunt you down and make you pay,” he wheezed, after expressing empathy to the nation’s newest grieving families by linking their pain to his own with a few lines about his son Beau’s death in 2015.

But cancer killed Biden’s son. These American heroes were killed by his ineptitude.

I have no idea what price, if any, will be paid by the monsters who took advantage of Biden’s clumsy eagerness to say he ended twenty years of war in the region. But our national pain is ratcheted even higher by the sheer needlessness of this tragedy. If there is a price to be paid, it is in our own nation, and it should be paid by everyone who hatched and executed this ruinous plan.

Politicians and voters of both parties were ready to wind down our involvement in Afghanistan. But just as U.S. troops are a constant stabilizing statement from Germany to South Korea, a unit at Bagram would have still enabled us to say the era of a hot, shooting war was over.

But that wasn’t enough. The Biden team was hell-bent to notch some gesture for the sake of the moment, sacrificing the most basic levels of wisdom in the process.

The result is a crushingly dark day for our nation, for our military and for our stature around the world. Please, someone tell me again how Biden’s election signaled the return of “grownups,” and how thrilled we should be that the world’s elites are relieved to be free of mean old Donald Trump.

Say what you will about Trump; we would have been counting dead terrorists by now.

Biden may make good on his halting tough-guy threat toward our attackers. If so, good. But vengeance for this horror will not erase the memory of whose tragic mistakes made it possible.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #552 on: August 27, 2021, 05:33:45 AM »
Biden Tried to Send Pallets of Cash to the Taliban as Kabul Fell
Frontpagemag ^ | 08/27/2021 | Daniel Greenfield
Posted on 8/27/2021, 7:59:53

On August 14, Secretary of State Blinken spoke with Afghanistan’s former president and promised that the Biden administration would provide a bulk shipment of dollars.

The next day Kabul fell.

On that same call, Afghanistan’s former leader had agreed to surrender power to the Taliban.

The Biden administration had effectively agreed to provide a massive infusion of cash to the Taliban. But the final deal fell through, the Afghan government fled, and the Taliban took Kabul.

The bulk shipment of dollars never did arrive.

Biden’s diplomats scrambled to evacuate from Kabul. Ajmal Ahmady, the governor of DAB, Afghanistan's central bank, already had a ticket and headed to the airport. He managed to get on a military plane.

Since then he's tweeted that he was warned that the Taliban had come looking for him.

The Taliban were hoping to get their hands on Afghanistan’s money, but much of it is in the United States. The most tangible part of Afghanistan’s assets, $1.3 billion in gold, is sitting in downtown Manhattan, a little bit south of Ground Zero, in the vaults of the Federal Reserve.

If there were any justice, that money would be used to compensate the police officers, firefighters, and workers who died on that day or later on from ailments related to 9/11.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #553 on: August 27, 2021, 05:39:49 AM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #554 on: August 27, 2021, 05:46:50 AM »
Resign ^ | August 27, 2021 | Kurt Schlichter
Posted on 8/27/2021, 7:15:16 AM by Kaslin

Rip those stars off your pathetic nostalgia costumes and resign. Quit. Tell that crusty Pinocchio in the White House and the faculty lounge Geppettos tugging his strings that you will have no more to do with his human centipede of failure in Kabul.

It’s not hard – your stars are right there, generals, right on the shoulders of those new uniforms you decided to adopt with the express purpose of evoking World War II and the memory of victory over a modern, peer-competitor military. Maybe, you thought, wearing winner’s gear would ease the pain of getting creamed by a bunch of Seventh Century throwbacks.

Yeah, we know your boss is a senile old fool with delusions of competence. His failure will be addressed at the ballot box. But your failure, generals and admirals, is something only you can address, at least until President DeSantis comes and separates the wheat from the chaff in the Pentagon.

Yeah, we know, you have to follow the orders of the civilian authorities – though not if it’s Trump, since he was not part of the in-crowd you aspired to join as adjunct military members. Your passive-aggressive mutiny against the guy the American people elected set back civil-military relations 250 years. You took the one institution most Americans still trusted and turned it into a roiling cauldron of hot garbage. And don’t try to hide behind “You gotta support the troops.” We do. But you suck, and we know you suck, and you know you suck.

If you didn’t suck, you’d have quit. When President Durwood told you to ditch Bagram Air Base, you joint chiefs should have got together, realized this was going to get a bunch of the guys that America entrusted to you killed, and decided to resign. You can’t disobey, but you can take a stand.

Well, you did take a kind of stand. You just stood there. As one sergeant major told me today, the newest second lieutenant would identify this op as a disaster in the making. Now, far be it from me to contradict an E9, but I expect he would agree that even the greenest Girl Scout recruit would ask, “What the unholy hell are you idiots thinking, pulling the military out and giving up our secure airbase before you’ve completed your noncombatant evacuation operation?”

You could have quit. You could have salvaged some shred of honor after your years of total failure, but making a stand would come at the expense of your careers.

Yet it would have worked. A bunch of generals saying “No more?” That would have forced the politicians to do a rethink. But you just saluted, same as the guys who enabled Vietnam – something Army schools used to tell us (before they hired faculties full of pronoun people) we officers needed to do if the time came.

You chose not to.

Maybe you dug the pomp and circumstance – it’s good to be the general. Or maybe you imagined that you – the guys who have not won a war in two decades – were the only ones competent and capable enough to polish this strategic turd into a tactical diamond.

But it’s hard to believe you’re that delusional. It’s hard to believe that even the same band of Ibram X. Kendi fanboys who couldn’t decide whether our greatest strategic threat is the weather or Americans who voted for Donald Trump could imagine that only they stood between President Asterisk and total defeat.

You know what the Sergeant Major of the Army tweeted today, just before about a dozen of our troops were blown apart in exactly the way anyone not rocking in his chair, gulping mush, and staring at his stories on the tee-vee saw coming?

“Diversity is a number - do you have people that don’t look or think like you in the room? Inclusion is listening and valuing those people. #WomensEqualityDay reminds us we’re smarter and more lethal when we come together as an inclusive, cohesive team. Our values demand it.”

This gooey pablum would be funny if a dozen families weren’t getting a knock on the door tonight. But they are, and this frivolous idiocy is not funny. You need to resign too, Sergeant Major. Just go away.

Maybe General Milley did get something right. A soldier of recognized bravery earlier in his career, and (according to one soldier who served under him) a good battalion commander as a light colonel, he has demonstrated the Peter Principle in spades. He is the worst Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in history, a disaster in every way, but he has accomplished one thing besides adding to America’s “L” column. He has united the country. Remember his ridiculous screed about “white rage?” Well, today – because of his failure – he has managed to unite Americans of all colors and shades in their rage at a failed military establishment whose lack of seriousness and gross incompetence has not only humiliated our country but gotten our troops killed. He has created a rainbow of rage.


Salvage some dignity. Though, if I had a say, the whole lot of you would be court martialed for your negligence. You’d happily nuke from orbit a specialist who dropped his NVGs on a patrol, but you just lost another war and you’re probably headed to a board seat at Raytheon. The British Royal Navy used to shoot admirals for failure to encourage the others. I note that when this innovative personnel incentive program was in effect, Britannia ruled the waves.

Today, what does America rule? The Chinese are laughing at us. The Taiwanese have got to be rethinking their position. Iran is cackling. Our allies are furious. Way to go.

This happened on your watch. You didn’t give the order, but you chose to go along and get along. Now a dozen of the men we entrusted to you are getting along to Dover, and we can only pray more don’t follow.

You won’t do it, because if you were the kind of men who would do it you would not have to be told to do it. But you should do it. It might save a little shred of your dignity. Rip those stars off your shoulders and throw them down on the Resolute desk.


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #555 on: August 27, 2021, 06:00:46 AM »


We literally created a new army w the Taliban there.   The details of this article are unbelievable, but true sadly. 

Soul Crusher

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #556 on: August 27, 2021, 06:16:58 AM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #557 on: August 27, 2021, 07:03:28 AM »

Dos Equis

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #558 on: August 27, 2021, 08:20:37 AM »

Biden’s dog Major bit Secret Service members 8 days in row, emails show
By Steven Nelson
August 26, 2021

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #559 on: August 27, 2021, 09:33:59 AM »

Biden’s dog Major bit Secret Service members 8 days in row, emails show
By Steven Nelson
August 26, 2021

They should have move all these scumbags out of there. 

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #560 on: August 27, 2021, 10:08:04 AM »[0]=AT0WC4ELSTZZwiJ-zJrvHkVztc5XTOL263oe8EECBClyeWIEd8Zi9aoH51DvlOhGmPRqqtFgtAF3Nv4uRSkroCoRts-rrELryUt_89z6cLK2K755ayAxLyiYl9CcTF6rQ1U2HAipajFLKiBuGpy8I65eGZ4cPFGJDH6uwmQPlHwIm5oxfNffxHFm

Disastrous inflation number.   >:(

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #561 on: August 27, 2021, 10:11:49 AM »

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #563 on: August 27, 2021, 10:28:55 AM »
German shepherds are bred to be watch dogs. Major was just doing his job💪

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #566 on: August 27, 2021, 11:59:16 AM »


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #567 on: August 27, 2021, 07:47:29 PM »

love how the channels have to turn off comments whenever they have videos of the most popular president ever..LOL

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #569 on: August 30, 2021, 05:33:04 AM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #570 on: August 30, 2021, 07:35:25 AM »
American University of Afghanistan Students Told ‘There Is No Evacuation’ and That Their Names Were Given to the Taliban
Mediaite ^ | Aug 29th, 2021 | Katherine Huggins
Posted on 8/30/2021, 4:20:51 AM

Hundreds of students and alumni of the American University of Afghanistan were told “there will be no more rescue flights” on Sunday, prompting many to go into hiding.

Students were further alarmed upon learning that the U.S. military had given a list of their names and passport information to Taliban officials guarding the airport in Kabul, according to a report from the New York Times.

“They told us: we have given your names to the Taliban,” a 24-year-old sophomore studying business administration told the Times. “We are all terrified, there is no evacuation, there is no getting out.”

About 600 students and alumni had gathered at a safehouse on Sunday to gather before attempting to flee the country. However, upon arriving at the airport, they were turned away due to evacuation flights ending as the U.S. focuses on removing its personnel ahead of the Aug. 31 deadline.

“I regret to inform you that the high command at HKIA in the airport has announced there will be no more rescue flights,” an email shared with the Times from the university administration read.

The university was founded in 2006 and has since expanded to have a student body of about 1,700 full and part-time students from all 34 provinces of Afghanistan.

The university has been a target of the Taliban for several years. In August 2016, the Taliban launched an attack on the campus, killing 15 people, seven of whom were students. Earlier that month, an American and Australian professor working at the university were kidnapped and remained in captivity until 2019 when they were released in exchange for three Taliban prisoners.

According to the Times, on Aug. 15 —when the Taliban took over Kabul — the group posted a photo of them standing at the entrance of a university building, saying they were “where America trained infidel ‘wolves’ to corrupt the minds of Muslims.”

Ian Bickford, the president of the university, who fled Afghanistan two weeks ago, said the deadly attack at Kabul’s airport had complicated the campus evacuation efforts.

Bickford added that students will be able to finish their degrees remotely.

The students and alumni told the Times that they had “struggled emotionally” in recent days “as their status changed from college students to fugitives overnight.”

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #571 on: August 30, 2021, 08:27:21 AM »
Own Your Failure Biden Voters ^ | August 30, 2021 | Kurt Schlichter
Posted on 8/30/2021, 6:26:18

I will admit my own relatively minor failure: I voted for invertebrate-con Mitt Romney in 2012 and have spent the last nine years regretting it, but now I look at the saps who checked the box for that crusty old pervert who’s busy flushing our country down the crapper and I feel really bad for them. Well, at least for those Biden voters who weren’t dead when they cast their ballots.

They thought that mean tweets and dating Playboy models was so outrageously awful that they needed to exchange him for a half-wit plagiarist with busy hands and a slothful mind. He was no prize before he put the “d” in “dementia.” Prior to allegedly being elected president, this dork was, as Democrat Robert Gates famously put it, “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." The same genius who thought capping Bin Ladin was a bad idea also thought ditching Bagram was a good one. Well, at least he’s consistent.

Look around, at the $5 gas and the hobos pooping in our parks, at the constantly shifting vaccine/mask goalposts and the cat ladies/public school teachers determined to inject Ibram X. Kendian race hustling into your kids’ cerebellums. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.

You did that, non-dead Biden voters.


This is your failure.

Own it.

Electing Joe Biden was an essentially unserious act by essentially unserious people applying essentially unserious criteria. And these entirely predictable consequences flowed from that failure on the part of people who refused to demand a real candidate instead of this exceptionally dumb ventriloquist dummy. None of the Democrats were prizes, but this guy can’t find his left slipper on his own, much less lead our country.

For the elite, Trump was a threat to their gravy train and an utterly intolerable insult to their puffed-up self-image. Trump saw the scam clearly because he was of them – he hung out with the elite all his life, and he took pleasure at their pathetic groveling for dollars. But while he sometimes gave them money, he did not give them respect, because he knew they deserve none and he was incapable of pretending that they did. They had to destroy him, and his entire presidency was consumed with demonstrably false pseudo-controversies from the fake Russia nonsense to the fake Ukraine nonsense to the fake insurrection nonsense.

So, the elite were never going to support their nemesis. It was in neither their economic nor aesthetic interest. And, as our ruling caste is defined by its utter refusal to accept any accountability for its myriad fumbles, it will never admit it and conduct the kind of personal inventory that electing this catastrophe of an administration requires.

But the regular people who voted against him – that’s a different story, because they voted against their interests. The economy was humming, and even after the elite’s Chi Com comrades inflicted the pangolin pandemic on us, we were coming back. We were energy independent. The border was getting secure. Taxes got cut. Soleimani was a cinder and ISIS was a skid mark. We had no new wars, and the one in Afghanistan was set to end without a live production of Miss Saigon II: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Airbases.

But then there were those mean tweets, those awful mean tweets. And all the racism and sexism and homophobia and more racism and … well, there wasn’t any of that but there still had to be some because, well, you know, reasons. So, a bunch of people voted for “normality,” which really meant the absence of a perpetual media-fueled ruling class tantrum at the uppity upstart backed by all those red-hatted flag/gun/Jesus people from West Dakota and South Virginia and that other state with all the corn.

You got normality, alright. The normality of 1979 under Jimmy Carter, except worse. At least he had Billy to provide comic relief.

It’s time to accept responsibility for what you’ve done. Your failure was voting for Biden, and you need to own it. In this way, the pain of recognizing that you sucked and that you helped make a small contribution to the decline of your country into the gelatinous blob it has become in just seven months under Grandpa Badfinger may dissuade you from failing again in the future.

Don’t front and try to throw down the “No Ragrats” card. Accept that by voting for Biden, you were yet another color in his rainbow of failure. Once you do, you can grow.

And people are choosing to grow. The change is coming. Here’s a perfect story – it totally supports my narrative so you should be suspicious but it’s all true and you can take it how you wish. It’s about the recall, which is the first real test of Democratic strength this cycle. The kid I grew up with when I lived in Ohio, before I was kicked out and exiled to California, moved out here too a while ago. He’s a hippie, by which I mean hippie, right down to the hippie music and hippie lifestyle. He’s literally the anti-Kurt. We’re still pals, of course, because we aren’t idiots who hate old friends for disagreeing. Anyway, he texted me about which Republican to vote for, because he’s voting “Yes” on the recall. He’s never voted “R” before.

You can believe it or not, but it’s true. The California recall is going to be the first test of whether people who voted for Failboy are going to rethink it. Poor Gavin Newsom – which is a contradiction in terms – is the lab rat for this experiment. And when Governor Larry Elder gets sworn in, as polls say he may, we’ll know that people have begun to repent of their failure.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #572 on: August 30, 2021, 09:56:34 AM »

Dos Equis

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #573 on: August 30, 2021, 11:15:42 AM »
Hayward: 7 Major Biden Disasters in 7 Months
28 Aug 2021

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #574 on: August 31, 2021, 06:57:34 AM »
WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Caught On Hot Mic Instructing Handlers Not To Let Biden Take Questions — “No, We Don’t Want Him To Talk”
enVolve ^
Posted on 8/31/2021, 8:12:06 AM by A.M. Smith

President Joe Biden has repeatedly implied that his handlers set the rules and determine when and where he’s allowed to take questions from the press, leading observers to ponder who is actually calling the shots behind the scenes.

Now it appears that we may have an answer to that question.

A newly resurfaced video seems to reveal who is actually calling the shots as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is caught on a hot mic ordering aides not to allow President Biden to take questions.

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